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Season 6 Discussion

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I had a problem with Jay's racist attitude towards white people, especially his assumption that white people always think black people are "bad."

I didn't see a single instance of a person eyeing him suspiciously or looking disdainfully at him in the supermarket.   From what I could tell, nobody cared.   I didn't get the sense Ashley saw it either.   She seemed to simply take his word for it that all the white folk were giving him the side-eye.  

Then Jay's complaining about "white people" to the guys in the barbershop.

Get your head out of youtube, Jay.   

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I just can’t imagine having my son’s first heard English words be me calling his mother an asshole. I guess I missed Steven’s backstory, but honestly, I could give a shit. He is way too immature to be a father. His needs come dead last in that room. First, baby needs to be taken care of. Fed. Second, Olga needs to be taken care of. Helped with putting on her clothing, gathering her things, tracking down a wheelchair to roll her out. But no, it’s all about what Steven wants. There is no way this is going to work. Olga should stay with her parents and raise the child in Russia. Do not even step foot in his apartment. 


Kalani is supposed to be 30, but she acts as mature as the 20 year olds. Why is she screaming in the car? Pull over and handle things calmly. 


Eric is weird. He gets this far away look when people are questioning him about his finances and I wonder what he’s thinking. What is his deal? How is he not living better in low cost of living Wyoming?? 


All of these people are horrible. Why can’t we have some decent, smart, legitimate couples? These train wrecks are a lot less entertaining when there’s children involved. Just incredibly depressing.

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1 hour ago, Tallulahbaby said:

Steven was a vile ass. I could see him grabbing the baby out of Olga's hands. I like him last week. Not no more!


He was like a Before and After.    Mr. Nice Guy right up until the baby is born, then No More Mr. Nice Guy.   This is going to get ugly fast.

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2 hours ago, endure said:

No I can’t imagine Eric fighting Isis, it is so strange how he stares off into space.  He appears to be lazy and unmotivated, and probably is looking at his living space.  It amazes me how he made no preparations for Leida and her sons arrival.

His answer to every question appears to be “I’m working on it.” 

I couldn’t believe how Steven first cut Olga’s breastfeeding session short and ordered her to “Get dressed NOW!” then five minutes later he scolded her because he thought the baby was hungry. 

I’m absolutely terrified of snakes so now I’m relieved my husband didn’t involve one when he proposed, like putting the ring on it. 

Edited by magemaud
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Ahhhh, Asuelu  brother in law looks cool! Finally, some man energy for Asuelu.


That house is another BnB and the parents are on-call from TLC to come stir things up if things get boring.


Slut people= Sex workers.


Kalani...you better be on birth control!  Especially, since you are still unsure if Asuelu CAN BE Oliver’s father.  

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Has Ricky’s wonky eyed Cousin Carlos changed his name (Anthony?) and become a barber in Mechanicsburg? Edited to add: He's even giving out the same relationship advice! 

Olga’s C-section was more graphic than Dr. Now’s gastric bypass surgeries. When they first put up that announcement about showing a medical procedure, I thought I had tuned in to the wrong show. 

Edited by magemaud
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7 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I watched this show, then changed the channel to watch the second half of the Jonestown massacre documentary. 

Someone on this show is going to have a bad demise. I can just feel it in my bones.

None of these people should get married. Go home, before you are unable to.

Being on this show is probably the worst thing that ever happened to Asuelu in his life.

And I agree with everyone that Kalani’s behaviour driving is way more alarming than Asuelu’s misguided-but-well-intentioned car seat thing (just based on what I saw in the trailer since I skipped—I went to watch “Fantastic Beasts 2” at the cinema instead, and now I have a MAJOR crush on Newt’s brother, he’s totally my type OMG). ??‍♀️??

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2 hours ago, gingerella said:

As a white person, I will never dismiss another person's racial experience, and I think to do so is what leads us to a place where people aren't allowed to have their feelings, and others dismiss situations because it's not their perception. I personally saw a lot of the blurred out people looking in their direction and looking at them walking around in that marketplace so yes, I saw people looking at them. If one is used to being in a majority, then suddenly finds themselves to be the only person of their race in a huge area, that can feel very uncomfortable. I have been the only white person for miles around in some African countries I've worked in, and walking around a crowded market with people staring at me because I'm a different color is not a fun experience, it's very uncomfortable to be looked at as different, or 'not from around here', as it were. It would be lovely if color didn't matter but it does, and to be black in a predominately white locale in America right now? I personally think Jay's crazy, no visa is worth that, IMO, YMMV.


You make a good point, however Jay and Ashley both went into this anticipating racial animus, so it does not surprise me that they interpreted any glances as disapproving.   I can't say for sure what was behind the blurred faces but no one seems to have harassed them or made them feel unwelcome.   Maybe people were staring because they were being followed by a film crew.    When Jay asked, "why do all white people think black people are bad," Ashley could have responded, "all white people don't think black people are bad," which is the truth.   Instead, Jay's characterization of all whites as racists went unchallenged, and I think that's unfair.

Angela walked through the heart of Nigeria, the only white woman for miles around it seemed.   She drew lots of stares.   I can't stand the woman, but I don't recall her attributing ill intent to the people looking at her. 

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4 hours ago, gingerella said:

As a white person, I will never dismiss another person's racial experience, and I think to do so is what leads us to a place where people aren't allowed to have their feelings, and others dismiss situations because it's not their perception. I personally saw a lot of the blurred out people looking in their direction and looking at them walking around in that marketplace so yes, I saw people looking at them. If one is used to being in a majority, then suddenly finds themselves to be the only person of their race in a huge area, that can feel very uncomfortable. I have been the only white person for miles around in some African countries I've worked in, and walking around a crowded market with people staring at me because I'm a different color is not a fun experience, it's very uncomfortable to be looked at as different, or 'not from around here', as it were. It would be lovely if color didn't matter but it does, and to be black in a predominately white locale in America right now? I personally think Jay's crazy, no visa is worth that, IMO, YMMV.

Leida is a stupid shithead. She whinges on to her family then defends crusty, gross Eric, who by the way, looks like he hasn't showered in DAYS. He was a greasy, dirty looking mess of a sad sack. I can only hope that the family insists on taking Alessandro back to JKT with them, until/unless Eric and Leida can show they have a proprer place to put it in.

The others I dont give a shit about. Jonnernanda, who cares? She's pretty, smart, but crazy jealous and needs to grow up. They will not last. The Rainman and Miss Amazonia? Boring manufactured drama and I do NOT - repeat, Do NOT EVER need to see Mother Coltee in her bedclothes. Ever! American Psycho and Little Orphan Olga? She needs to turn him into the Russian authorities ASAP and have his ass shipped back to the USA, persona non grata in Russia. He clearly has issues and she doesn't need that shit. And Mr. Pussy Playa and Barbie Americana need to call this quits already, he's not ready to be married FFS.

I saw people looking too, but the most logical explanation is that they were wondering why there was a camera crew following a couple grocery shopping.  

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Man, first episode I posted in separate threads how much I hated Larissa and how much I loved Kalani. A few episodes in and my entire perspective changed. I actually feel bad for Larissa and cannot stand Kalani.

Highlight of the show for me was Larissa doing that impression of Coltee behind the wheel of a small car, “Hi, I’m Colt!” I burst out laughing.

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6 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Colt and Larissa are such a damn mess.  She's a harpy who wants all the things with no thought process of how to pay for them, and he's an asshole who can't be bothered to respect that she is afraid of heights and other basic human things.  Their proposal was one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever seen, and I've watched every damn season of this godforsaken show.  "Wanna get married?"  I've also informed my husband that I'm calling my wedding set my "ring-ies" from here onwards. 

I'm not sure (yet) Larissa is a harpy, but Dolt sure is an asshole.  I used to kinda like him...thought he was undiagnosed or misunderstood or something.  Really, all we've seen her ask for immediately is a couch and a car with A/C....and she hasn't gotten either!   It is reasonable to expect that a person working in IT can afford both.  He just does not seem to care a whit about her feelings.  And whenever we've seen her upset he NEVER tries to see her point of view, only tells her to be calm and is dismissive.   That is going to become very frustrating for her.  So far, I am team Larissa.  

6 hours ago, queenjen said:

Same shirt as last week, and for his interviews. He thinks he's hiding his moobs, instead he looks more egglike than ever. I wonder if Debster is slipping  him oestrogen?

in this shirt, it's more "eggplant" like.  LOL.

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9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

What is Leida running from in Malaysia? Eric is her way out? There are better prospects than him. What does she see in him? There seems to be little love or even affection. He cannot support her in the lifestyle that she has become accustomed to, he has little to offer her, his home is a semi-dump, there is no room for her, her son, his adult daughter shares the apartment. If her family is that wealthy, they could easily set her up in LA, or Seattle, or Miami, Chicago, New York, anywhere. Although if she wishes to live in a dump, that is her choice.

I think she is desperate to stay here. No way she would willingly choose that dump of an apartment and that lump of an older man if there was not some compelling reason to leave Indonesia. I used to dislike her - now I just feel sorry for her. She started out all spoiled princess and now she is defeatedly saying, "I will make it work somehow." I'm sure it is not out of love for Eric. As others have said, there does not seem to be a real relationship between them.

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people who are saying the Asuelo may be slow...I think you do have a case.  He seems to process information slowly.  He speaks slowly.  Even his gait seems plodding.  It will be interesting to see if he becomes more confident and sharper the more exposure he has to our culture.  Or, is she intentionally trying to drive him away because she knows.  Hmmm...

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5 minutes ago, mom2two said:

Am I the only one who noticed that Colt put the ring on Larissa's right hand?

last night somebody researched it and said in Brazil (?) that is where they put it.  Later she had moved it to the left.  

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6 hours ago, millennium said:

I had a problem with Jay's racist attitude towards white people, especially his assumption that white people always think black people are "bad."

I didn't see a single instance of a person eyeing him suspiciously or looking disdainfully at him in the supermarket.   From what I could tell, nobody cared.   I didn't get the sense Ashley saw it either.   She seemed to simply take his word for it that all the white folk were giving him the side-eye.  

Then Jay's complaining about "white people" to the guys in the barbershop.

Get your head out of youtube, Jay.   

Why’s he so hot to get to the US if he thinks he’s going to be shot on sight by the police? There are plenty of other countries he could have picked, and we know he isn’t with Ashley because he loves her. 

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11 minutes ago, mom2two said:

Am I the only one who noticed that Colt put the ring on Larissa's right hand?

In Latin America, we wear engagement ring on right hand.  


When I got married I realized this and had to double check with the lady at the jewelry who lucky for me was also from Latin America. She said. Yea, we do.  We wear on right hand and can also wear on left.  So, whatever finger you want! 


For me, sometimes it is about fashion and comfort.  I tend to move my rings around both hands depending on how I am styling myself that day. 

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10 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

I'm starting to get a sense that Colt is a real SOB with a baby face.

I agree about the SOB part but not the baby face. Ugly face with bad teeth, yes. Baby face, hell no. 

I was team Asuelu until he said he wants 5 kids and is ready for another one now. Neither one of them have jobs! He's sweet and naive and all that but I'm beginning to think he is a bit mentally handicapped. His thoughts and actions are that of a 10 year old.

Holy sh*t Steven! Calm down, son. His temper is rearing it's ugly head. Run, Olga, run. She is so young and beautiful. What a terrible mess she is in. 

I find all of the living conditions and the desperation of these people this season to be very depressing. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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37 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

You were the only white person for miles around.  Jay is NOT the only black person in Mechanicsburg and the larger Harrisburg area.  FAR FROM IT.  Nor are they the only interracial couple.  They were being looked at because of the camera crew/person. 

Jay is only 20 and the foreigner who has never been to America so he is  learning this from his ADULT........Ashley.

Sounds like this might be her first inter-racial relationship.  Basically, it is  the blind leading the blind. 


Ashley needs to cut the crap and stop trying to be the white savior.  

Is this really going to be their storyline?  


It needs to be more about culture shock such as Jamaican culture Vs American culture.


Not just black/white and everyone in town is racist but Awesome Ashley!  


That is the same as Asuelu and Kalani Family.  They are the First World Americans and Asuelu is the Pacific Caveman! 

It is abuse in the form of power play. 


Why doesn’t Ashley take him to the more diverse areas?  Oh, let’s see! 


Ashley doesn’t want any competition from the black/diverse girls. Jay found the Barbershop, so black people live near them.


For how long Jay puts up with this situation and realizes he doesn’t have to be stuck in a relationship full of drama where people make him feel different.


Caribbean culture is vibrant, beautiful, diverse and life is too short to let it die in White Shore!

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7 hours ago, queenjen said:
8 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

Looks like Colt really dressed up for the proposal.

 Does he have on a pair of Mother's old jeans?


Same shirt as last week, and for his interviews. He thinks he's hiding his moobs, instead he looks more egglike than ever. I wonder if Debster is slipping  him oestrogen?

...or eggplant-like!

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11 hours ago, Drogo said:

Alien Resurrection, Alvin & the Chipmunks, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Phantom of the Opera, Terminator Salvation, Short Circuit... 

Eric has the DVD collection of a serial killer. 

Anyone who has the crappy movie of Terminator Salvation is a possible serial killer. lol!

9 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Both him and Leida ain't shit. My hate for them runs deep and wide.

THIS!  If i could i would like it 100 times.

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What exactly is Tasha mooching??  She pays half the rent and bills in that crap apartment with a blow up sofa! 


That blow up CHAIR probably came from Tasha’s childhood room when she moved in with Daddy.  Fuckin’ SAD it is now in the living room! 


I think it was highly inappropriate how Family Leida bombarded into Tasha’s bedroom.


Leida is fresh AF with her Tasha is an adult and can figure out a new living arrangement  attitude......all in 24 hours. 

I hope Tasha knocks some sense into her.  Tasha IS blood.  Aless is NOT! Leida and Aless are NOT legal tenants.


Tasha has every legal right to stay in that apartment until lease is finished. 


If Leida doesn’t like it then she better take Daddy’s money and get herself an apartment with her Poor American. Get her son his own bedroom.  Because that one, belongs to Tasha.


Leida has been taking her Daddy’s money her entire life.  So, this is the only time she will say no, and much rather kick out  her step-daughter to be out on the streets???


I don’t care what Eric has promised Leida on SKYPE.  Men lie and she is no spring chicken. Everything Leida does to Eric.....I am gonna eat up with a silver spoon.  He is a POS!  In two years when green card arrives and adoption papers signed.....Leida is gonna call Daddy for that rent+deposit check! 


Tasha and Mama Coltee would make excellent roomies.  They can split living expenses, live thrifty, eat stew  and Debbie can keep getting her Smother on! 

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3 hours ago, millennium said:

You make a good point, however Jay and Ashley both went into this anticipating racial animus, so it does not surprise me that they interpreted any glances as disapproving.   I can't say for sure what was behind the blurred faces but no one seems to have harassed them or made them feel unwelcome.   Maybe people were staring because they were being followed by a film crew.    When Jay asked, "why do all white people think black people are bad," Ashley could have responded, "all white people don't think black people are bad," which is the truth.   Instead, Jay's characterization of all whites as racists went unchallenged, and I think that's unfair.

Angela walked through the heart of Nigeria, the only white woman for miles around it seemed.   She drew lots of stares.   I can't stand the woman, but I don't recall her attributing ill intent to the people looking at her. 

That’s exactly what went through my head when he perceived them as staring because of his color. Any couple walking around with a camera crew is going to get some staring. As you said, Angela (IMO) got A LOT more attention from the locals. At no point did she feel like they were racist, or at least vocalize that. Yes, I’m sure they weren’t used to seeing blonde behemoths, so that was part of it. But she also was followed by a camera crew, most people will want to take a second look. 

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Larissa:  I am terrified of being high upee.

Colt:  Then just look at me instead.

Larissa stares out window.

ETA:  We've eaten dinner at the top of the Stratosphere a couple of times . . . yeah, we're tourists.  We've had bungee jumpers go flying by the window while we were eating.  That would have REALLY freaked out Larissa.  

And I think Asuelu is doing the exact right thing by giving Kalani the silent treatment.  She lives for the drama.  If he's not feeding that need, she's more likely to quiet down.  Notice that after he did start talking to her again, her attitude was much less dramatic.

Edited by AZChristian
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I'm in Canada and we must wear seatbelts across the shoulder not under the armpit like all the drivers here.  Otherwise we'd be fined.

Steven is the equivalent of a petulant 3 year old toddler demanding his own way.  I hope the camera crew stick around them while in Russia, because Olga and her baby could be in danger if things don't go his way.

 Asuelo seems kind of dimwitted. Not only taking a baby out of a car seat at high speeds but hiking the young infant with a wobbly head up on his shoulders.  Surely he was around children in his homeland.  Seems like they have a lots of babies there, he should have more common sense surely.

Poor Debbie.  I don't think it was staged either.  A camera crew bursting into her room while she's deep in sleep.  I wouldn't have been so nice about it.

The messy homes.  Yikes!!  And there is no way that guy without lips (can't remember name) is 40. No way.  Why doesn't he move to Indonesia with the wealthy parents? He doesn't seem to have feelings for his own family and probably won't miss them.  His woman with the lipstick must be dead keen to get to into the US if she's willing to put up with his mess of a life.

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11 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

I'm starting to get a sense that Colt is a real SOB with a baby face. What's the problem Larissa? The view is great here. What's wrong with a car with no AC? Here let me take you to see a nice car that you really want and then say no. He jabs and digs all while smiling and in an even tone. Super passive aggressive 

When he finally takes her someplace nice, it's a restaurant that will inspire terror in her. And when we think it can't get any worse, Colt has decided to propose to her there!

Ted Bundy is wishing he had thought of it.

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I missed the live chat last night, but a few thoughts on this episode before I read the all the wonderful snark here:

Kalani is a super bitch. I was glad that Asuleu had a backbone and refused to talk to her. She does talk to him like a child. He does not know a lot of things. This is not a relationship that is built with an equal foundation. She will continually treat him like a child and belittle him knowing that if he stands up to her in too much of a way, she’ll cry to daddy and then Mr. Tough Guy will step in. What a sad situation for Asuelu. Slut people! I love him.

I am just completely disinterested in Eric and Leida at this point. First she freaks out about the disgusting living conditions and tells him that she wants to go back. Then her sister and family chime in and Leida goes on about maybe her family won’t “allow” her to stay here. Then all of a sudden she grows a backbone and says she’s staying with him. It’s all such bullshit. He’s an unwashed looking slug with zero emotion or care in the world. I cannot see anything remotely appealing to him. He’s not the only person in America looking for love abroad. Leida could have found someone else. Someone who doesn’t think it’s fine to live in swill.

I got a very scary vibe from Steven when he said, “I’m telling you right now, you’re not gonna be an asshole to me.” Combined with the looks he was giving her and telling the camera “I don’t like being told what to do,” I got the feeling that he might smack her. He has a lot anger and the stresses of a newborn will only add to that. 

I hate the way Jonathan says Fernanda. I also think their story is useless. She’s a jealous teenager who will freak out whenever she feels as though someone is looking at Jonathan or he’s looking at someone else. Their days of clubbing without fisticuffs are over. And Fernanda was sober. I hate him and think he’s an absolute tool and love Fernanda, but she is not ready for this. She needs to be young and carefree and having fun in clubs with her friends. 

What to say about Colt and Larissa. I am just not buying their story. He skeeves me out. What I want to know is where that car dealer is because a 2017 vehicle that looked pretty nice was only $9k? It looked like a Fiat SUV. Those are not expensive cards but $9k?

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Just now, Awfarmington said:

When Jay asked, "why do all white people think black people are bad," Ashley could have responded, "all white people don't think black people are bad," which is the truth.   Instead, Jay's characterization of all whites as racists went unchallenged, and I think that's unfair.

Jay also said "Not all white people are the same, some are good and some are bad" and he's in love with Ashley, so it's safe to assume he doesn't believe all white people are racist.  That lunchtime conversation could have been the result of sloppy editing changing the tone of the conversation.

Also, anyone who squees in delight at the sight of pickles can stay in the U.S. as far as I'm concerned. 

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27 minutes ago, Dance4Life said:

What exactly is Tasha mooching??  She pays half the rent and bills in that crap apartment with a blow up sofa! 


That blow up CHAIR probably came from Tasha’s childhood room when she moved in with Daddy.  Fuckin’ SAD it is now in the living room! 


I think it was highly inappropriate how Family Leida bombarded into Tasha’s bedroom.


Leida is fresh AF with her Tasha is an adult and can figure out a new living arrangement  attitude......all in 24 hours. 

I hope Tasha knocks some sense into her.  Tasha IS blood.  Aless is NOT! Leida and Aless are NOT legal tenants.


Tasha has every legal right to stay in that apartment until lease is finished. 


If Leida doesn’t like it then she better take Daddy’s money and get herself an apartment with her Poor American. Get her son his own bedroom.  Because that one, belongs to Tasha.


Leida has been taking her Daddy’s money her entire life.  So, this is the only time she will say no, and much rather kick out  her step-daughter to be out on the streets???


I don’t care what Eric has promised Leida on SKYPE.  Men lie and she is no spring chicken. Everything Leida does to Eric.....I am gonna eat up with a silver spoon.  He is a POS!  In two years when green card arrives and adoption papers signed.....Leida is gonna call Daddy for that rent+deposit check! 


Tasha and Mama Coltee would make excellent roomies.  They can split living expenses, live thrifty, eat stew  and Debbie can keep getting her Smother on! 

Leida's dad was struggling to problem solve on the assumption that Eric was "working on it" even though the good doctor knew better.  Father and son play a quiet game of chess and try not to think about what a horrible situation this is for Alessandro.

Sure, pay for the first two month's rent in a nicer place, and Eric still won't be able to make ends meet without Tasha paying her half!

Either Tasha's name is also on the lease, or she is subletting from Eric. Either way, legally, he can't kick her out without 30 days notice.

And, yes, Eric lied through his teeth to get Leida over here. He knew he was luring her into a crappy, ugly place, and he didn't care. Some men lie. When he says that he "feels like sh%t" what he really means is that he is looking forward to later in the evening when everybody goes away so that he can drink. He's learned to use the phrase "I feel like sh%t about it" because that particular string of words seems to get people off his back the quickest.  As far as he's concerned her family can go pack sand. What Leida doesn't seem to realize is that she can go pack sand, too, as long as she gets into that twin bed with him every night. I was just kidding about the bedbugs but seriously, if we learned that there were some, would we be surprised?

"There's no spikes coming out of the walls." Glad you've got standards, Eric!

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22 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

True, but all you have to do is read the news.  I mean how many white cops have murdered unarmed black people?  How many white people have called the police because black people were...I don’t know, just living life?  And that’s just this year.

Maybe Jay has a point

The police incidents are a deadly serious problem, but police are not representative of the general population.   Police have power the rest of us do not, and having it, they are also prone to abusing it.   That is far outside the experience of everyday citizens.    I don't think it's accurate to draw conclusions about white people based on the behavior of rogue policemen.   If Jay's only frame of reference is youtube, I can understand why he may feel that way, but it doesn't mean it's a fair or realistic view.   It's like drawing conclusions about this or that group based on the Comments sections of internet news articles.   

As for reports of white people calling the police because black people were just going about their business ...  I live in a place where the police are frequently called to investigate all kinds of people for ridiculous reasons (we have a police log in the newspaper), and I'm sure it happens in every zip code across the land, but those stories don't get picked up by the national news because they're not as sensational.   

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BTW, why does Fernanda keep insisting on how much she left behind to come live with Jonathan ? She is seriously getting the best deal. A good looking older guy to take care of her completely financially, a nice house, a car, .... she doesn't seem appreciative of that at all. 

Edited by Lily247
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Just now, Lily247 said:

BTW, why does Fernanda keep insisting on how much she left behind to come live with Jonathan ? She is seriously getting the best deal. A good looking older guy to take care of her completely financially, a nice house, a car, .... she doesn't seem appreciative of that at all. 

She is also the best catch (smart, fit, beautiful, affectionate, well-spoken), and Jonathan doesn't seem to be very appreciative of that. 

She might have a bit of an anger issue, but I don't know that we would have seen it had he not been doing dumb shit like not having a bed ready for them to sleep in, leaving exes' underwear for her to find and touching blondes' hips in clubs.  If all she wants is to be taken care of by a decent looking older man, there are plenty out there who would throw in a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T at no extra charge.   

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