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S13 E10: The Next Level


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1 hour ago, Opine said:

There are two types of public appearances - chatter (like the nursing home) and more formal interviews.  For the more formal interviews, I think they do need some training.  They need some guidance on the DCC public position.  However, I think the real problem with Amber and Taylor was BRENDA.  She is so unprofessional!  She tries to be "hard hitting" - she's not.  The topics were both perfect; I have no problem with that.  She just asked them in a convoluted way.  Yes, that will happen sometimes even though most news people are more professional than Brenda.  Kelli should have taken that in to account before judging Amber.  Amber just wasn't that bad.  I still can't stand up for how Taylor responded, but she might have done a little better if Brenda had been professional.  (However, I do think Taylor's approach in the follow up with Kelli was so wonderful and really made Victoria's lack of addressing things stand out!)

How was Brenda unprofessional to Taylor? I'm honestly curious, not being combative. She asked, "the MeToo Movement is a big deal right now. Do you thats something that the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders should take on? Taylor then stuttered and said, "uhh, me too????" and Brenda asked, "are you familiar with the Me Too Movement?" That honestly seemed like a completely standard question that any reporter would ask. I thought Brenda was unprofessional with Kat a few years ago and on other occasions, but I didn't get it here. I'm usually one who tries to find a way to give the girls the benefit of the doubt, but I just don't see a way to that with Taylor. Had she struggled with answering whether or not the DCCs should take on the MeToo movement, then I would give her some leeway, but no reporter (or random person who she talks to) is going to explain the MeToo movement to her, and then ask her a question about it. That just something she has to know.  

  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, Jess14 said:

How was Brenda unprofessional to Taylor? I'm honestly curious, not being combative. She asked, "the MeToo Movement is a big deal right now. Do you thats something that the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders should take on? Taylor then stuttered and said, "uhh, me too????" and Brenda asked, "are you familiar with the Me Too Movement?" That honestly seemed like a completely standard question that any reporter would ask. I thought Brenda was unprofessional with Kat a few years ago and on other occasions, but I didn't get it here. I'm usually one who tries to find a way to give the girls the benefit of the doubt, but I just don't see a way to that with Taylor. Had she struggled with answering whether or not the DCCs should take on the MeToo movement, then I would give her some leeway, but no reporter (or random person who she talks to) is going to explain the MeToo movement to her, and then ask her a question about it. That just something she has to know.  

i don't think she was combative at all, either. nor was she unprofessional - if you can't join together that she wasked about injuries and then flag football, can't combine a little logic that the two are connected, then you need work and I think that's what they were looking for. it was an assessment of how well the girls coped, how well spoken they were, how much training each would need and a good indicator of how well they could think on their feet.  not every question they're ever asked will come with a stock prepared answer and Kelli needs to see how well they can compose one of their own. Taylor was the fail there, not Brenda. she asked her questions literally no differently to how they'd be asked questions out in the field.  these girls are exected to come to auditions with knowledge of not only football but the world around them. that they're near the end of TC and Taylor T couldn't answer that was shameful. it was something she as a woman should know, but also as an ambassador for the squad as its huge news.  someone, at an event or whatever, will no doubt ask it, esp given how the girls are presented as little more than sex objects. whether its a reporter or just someone of the public, I've no doubt a girl will be asked and Taylor would have fallen on her ass

  • Love 4

Victoria is being used as camera fodder. They are dragging out cutting her to keep viewers. They do this to at least one candidate every season. It's especially painful for a young woman when she is repeatedly criticized for her weight or other aspects of her appearance on camera. I thought she looked a bit slimmer in her mid-section on the latest episode.

Paraphrasing: "I'm uncomfortable being placed in this situation." I wonder if she and her mother have figured this out, and Victoria is being defiant, knowing that she will probably be cut anyway. Maybe she's already decided that she won't try out again and she's burning her bridges.

Loved Judy's emerald green blouse. She always looks effortlessly chic.

The "big" triangle looked great.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 7
20 minutes ago, CaseyRe said:

it was something she as a woman should know, but also as an ambassador for the squad as its huge news.  someone, at an event or whatever, will no doubt ask it, esp given how the girls are presented as little more than sex objects. whether its a reporter or just someone of the public, I've no doubt a girl will be asked and Taylor would have fallen on her ass

Right. That's why I feel like her interview was so much more damning than the some of the other dumb responses that we've seen. It was a question that she is very likely to get asked as a DCC. The DCCs present themselves as role models for girls while wearing next to nothing and basically dancing on the sidelines for male fans. OF COURSE, someone may ask them about the MeToo Movement, which is broader than just sexual assault and harassment, especially given all of the lawsuits involving NFL cheerleaders, including the DCCs. Its unacceptable to not to know it. Lots of the interview questions, like  "what does this acronym stand for?" or "name someone in the cabinet," or "what is a linebacker" etc, are things that they should know, but are unlikely to directly come up in conversation, unless they're doing trivia. But when it comes to current events that are in the mainstream, people will just assume that they know about it and ask a question about how it relates to them or what they think about it. Like, even if someone doesn't give a damn about the Supreme Court (though everyone should), you probably know who Brett Kavanaugh is and may get asked, "do you think he should be confirmed/". Even my friends who don't closely follow the news, are aware. The MeToo movement is like that x10. 

With that said, I do feel bad for Taylor. I'm sure she's mortified watching this on tv. Hopefully, she does her homework and comes back better.

Edited by Jess14
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8 hours ago, Misscarlett said:

I liked how Taylor came in and brought the interview subject up herself during the first office visit and thought that showed potential.  She was obviously (very) rattled when they brought her in, yet still much more articulate than Victoria.  Not sure how old Taylor is, but she seems very young and maybe sheltered.  They should have paired her with one of the more articulate veterans, she seemed eager to learn. It's a joke how she was cut and not Victoria! 

I agree.  She didn't try to hide the fact she bombed the interview. Also didn't come in with a lame joke like VK.

  • Love 13
10 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

I agree.  She didn't try to hide the fact she bombed the interview. Also didn't come in with a lame joke like VK.

i really liked that too. she knew she'd done badly, she'd composed a response, she was ready to talk about it, rather than tap dancing and avoiding and 'i don't like the situation' trying to get people to stop talking about it, just straight up, 'ok, this is what i did wrong'.  showed some maturity and character

  • Love 16
15 hours ago, CaseyRe said:

She might think she's doing her a favour, but in reality she's just enabling her and leading her down the garden path. it's actually borderline cruel, to let her go on thinking her behaviour is okay, that her immaturity is okay, that her over-familiarity with her bosses is okay. that she has a shot of the team this year. the girl needs a sharp, short, shock of consequences to her actions. which she might have gotten a taste of in the ep when Kelli said she was okay iwth cutting her, but not nearly enough. there needed to be actual consequences to blowing off jinelle and her bosses orders.  there needed to be real threats, real warnings. there needed to be some sort of dressing down for her treatment of Jinelle and medical professionals. there needed to be reference to her utterly cringe-worthy behaviour in the office...keeping her at this point is just stringing her along and letting her continue to think she has 'it' in spades and deserves a spot.  she doesnt'.  nobody does.  they have to earn it and she hasn't remotely and won't until she actually grows up and takes responsibility for herself and her behaviour

AGREED! Very well said! 

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On ‎10‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 7:56 AM, rose711 said:

I think Kelli finally got through a bit to Victoria. Victoria’s treatment of Jinelle is not something Kelli would have tolerated from any other rookie. I think Kelli has been surprised that Victoria is continually acts as immature as she does, but at least Kelli seems to see it.

Kelli telling Victoria that she’s ready to cut her may have gotten Victorias attention. But to me, 4 times in the office should have been more than enough. Has anyone had that many and not been cut? The only girl I can think of is that Taylor that was called in repeatedly. 

I cannot watch the previous seasons anymore...Dang Comcast not being with CMT. Anyhoo,...wasn't Morgan in the office quite a bit, begging for one more chance etc? She had to have hit at least four.

Agree, Kelli finally became Boss and Victoria got a little closer to being "employee." Kelli did not "clip" VK for that not so cute, "y'all just cant get enough of me..." comment. Granted, maybe VK was just nervous and that was her approach, but if she had been treated as others from the start, I would have hoped she would have not been so familial in her office visits. Judy also had a little smile on her face after that comment...I was hoping for Judy to look a bit horrified. Nope.

I wonder if VK would have been so callous as to blow of Janelle. had VK been treated as just another TCC not DCC Royalty. I can ONLY imagine Tina and Victoria talking about Janelle having the audacity to send a text to send VK to the MD! I feel like Tina is very much behind a lot of VK behavior and presumption of having a uniform regardless of weight, media deficits etc. You just know VK and Tina would talk for hours after each practice. Probably had their own board with all of the DCC/TCC pics and were working strategy plays no different than Football handbook of plays. 

  • Love 4

I wasn't a huge fan of Taylor T, so she would have been an easy cut for me after the media day disaster. I am really surprised that even after Kelli realized Victoria had blown Jinelle off, she STILL kept her for another week. Is there something outstanding about Victoria that we just aren't seeing in the edit? Why are they giving her chance after chance? I don't want to hear "because she's a legacy," because Dayton was a legacy and Kelli couldn't have cared less about giving her the "respect" of more time.

I am also curious as to how Amber made show group. IMO, she's not DCC beautiful, her dancing doesn't grab my attention, and she blew the mock interviews with Brenda. She wouldn't even be in my top 36 for the team, much less in consideration for show group, but I guess they're seeing something that isn't coming across in the edit.

  • Love 6

I want to feel bad for Taylor T, but just cannot. I have an iPhone, and although I didn't sign up for it, the biggest breaking news stories appear on my phone without prompt. With everything going on in our world today, there's no way that we wouldn't know about metoo. Surely she follows celebrities on instagram. One of the reasons that metoo was so big was that so so many celebrities were getting involved and sharing stories and support. Also, I don't like her response during the analysis, that she knew what it was but didn't know the name. how do you know what the metoo movement is, but you don't know the name? I don't understand that at all. It think she was trying to cover up for it, but that made it even worse, so I agree with Kelli when she said that she was still speechless. 

I can't with Victoria. It's easy to blame certain things on editing, but we are seeing it because it happened, and even the little that we are seeing is just ridiculous. Jinelle possesses a maturity that I admire. She was absolutely right that if you didn't want the help, communicate. Did she not think that it would get back to Kelli? I didn't want to believe the rumors that she was promised a spot on the team, but everything we have seen has proven just that. There is no way that any other TCC would be allowed to gain 11 pounds, disregard the help that they were told to take, and behave in this way, and still be allowed to continue in training camp. If I were a veteran or even another TCC I would be disappointed. 

Also I think that media training, simulation, whatever it is called is fair. The cowboys are one of the most popular and visible teams. One huge scandal and everyone will be scrambling to talk to anyone, cheerleaders included. Not knowing the answers to specific questions is one thing, but one must have the intellect to hear a question, take a breather, and then come up with a stock response that will satisfy the reporter and cause minimal harm. Then just no further comment. 

Edited by LaurelleJ
  • Love 6
15 hours ago, seasick said:

I too was shocked that TT did not know about #metoo but...  and correct me if  I'm wrong--- wasn't there a veteran named Heather that couldn't answer one question during panel interviews this year (including what does FBI stand for) and yet she made it back??    I've seen the most ignorant and vapid candidates make it into TC.  Yet they beat the hell out of the "50 yards" girl.   They're  pretty inconsistent and hypocritical.

Sane thing with kicks.  The young NJ "beee- YOU--ti-ful "  girl didn't kick above her waist in try-out;s but-- no matter-

And I can't help thinking about the vet who came to panel interviews wearing a dress with some cut-out's at the waist and was ripped apart  and dumped--yet the calendar and the little "fashion show"  in Mexico that year was approaching soft porn.  Don't get me wrong I like the calendars but they need to make up their mind about being demure young women one min and sex-pots the next when it works for them.  

Wasn't the calendar shot at Bimini at the beach?  Most of the featured/ covers had no back drop or looked like the ones with the fake drops they did at the studio.  The girls looked good but the shots looked like catalog shots.  Disappointed overall.  

That was not Heather, that was Jessika. 

Yes, but as we saw in the footage, they fought bad weather nearly every day of the trip. 

39 minutes ago, blairwaldorf said:

I wasn't a huge fan of Taylor T, so she would have been an easy cut for me after the media day disaster. I am really surprised that even after Kelli realized Victoria had blown Jinelle off, she STILL kept her for another week. Is there something outstanding about Victoria that we just aren't seeing in the edit? Why are they giving her chance after chance? I don't want to hear "because she's a legacy," because Dayton was a legacy and Kelli couldn't have cared less about giving her the "respect" of more time.

I am also curious as to how Amber made show group. IMO, she's not DCC beautiful, her dancing doesn't grab my attention, and she blew the mock interviews with Brenda. She wouldn't even be in my top 36 for the team, much less in consideration for show group, but I guess they're seeing something that isn't coming across in the edit.

Show group was picked before media training day. Amber bombing played no part in being placed on show group. 

As for Vicky, Kelli and Tina are BFFs. In my official, no official opinion, Victoria to Kelli is like Cassie to Judy. Samantha Finglass is never going to be a DCC, Victoria is her substitute daughter and thus, the favoritism has been notched up times ten. 

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putting on the controversial hat here for a second -

re: " ... she as a woman should know ... "

Is the consensus that as a women one is to know every major woman's issue that is going on, enough to state a clear and concise opinion? Which kinda implies that the men shouldn't or don't have to know.

I would admit as I get older that are are few women's health issues, that I don't know in great detail about, but know have to shift focus on to study. And being older (ie out of child bearing ), I know I can't recite chapter and verse about issues that younger women know. 

Edited by sATL
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On 10/4/2018 at 10:21 PM, sATL said:

"72" was a good guess on Roger Stuabauch's age... He is 76. I don't think the person who said his name was referring to his jersey -as they probably passed an image or two of him just getting to the room where they had the meeting.

FYI - Here are the jersey nbrs breakdown:

A jersey-numbering system was initially launched by the National Football League on April 5, 1973. The system assigned certain ranges of numbers to each player position from which a player could choose. Here are the original numbers from 1973. They've changed a little, but not much. 

  • 1 - 19: Quarterbacks, punters, and kickers
  • 20 - 49: Running backs and defensive backs 
  • 50 - 59: Centers (or 60-79 if this range is taken) 
  • 60 - 79: Defensive linemen and offensive linemen
  • 80 - 89: Receivers and tight ends (or 40-49 if this range is taken)
  • 90 - 99: Defensive linemen and linebackers

I really don't know how these girls can feign interest. Fake it till you make it, ya'll.

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4 minutes ago, sATL said:

putting on the controversial hat here for a second -

Is the consensus that as a women one is to know every major woman's issue that is going on, enough to state a clear and concise opinion? Which kinda implies that the men shouldn't or don't have to know.

I would admit as I get older that are are few women's health issues, that I don't know in great detail about, but know have to shift focus on to study. And being older (ie out of child bearing ), I know I can't recite chapter and verse about issues that younger women know. 

My 88 year old bridge partner knows what metoo is. that a girl of TT's age is ridiciulous, not simply because she's a woman, but also because its huge news and has been for years, (and I don't believe for a second that it in any way implies that the men shouldn't or don't have to know but the DCC has no male cheerleaders to ask. I expect men to know about it too, because it does pertain to them as well). esp on platforms like instagram and twitter, where she purports to get her news.  wWere I Director, seeing a girl not know soemthing that actually pertains to her own gender especially, then why expect her to know anything else about anything else that she might be asked about? it demonstrates an appalling lack of any preparation at all, not just for the initial interview, but they knew they had the MT that day, knew they were going to be asked questions and it demonstrated she'd done zero research or homework at all, even so much as to just google 'top news stories' or the like. that's just unacceptable in a job interview situation.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Victoria is being used as camera fodder. They are dragging out cutting her to keep viewers. They do this to at least one candidate every season. It's especially painful for a young woman when she is repeatedly criticized for her weight or other aspects of her appearance on camera. I thought she looked a bit slimmer in her mid-section on the latest episode.

Paraphrasing: "I'm uncomfortable being placed in this situation." I wonder if she and her mother have figured this out, and Victoria is being defiant, knowing that she will probably be cut anyway. Maybe she's already decided that she won't try out again and she's burning her bridges.

Loved Judy's emerald green blouse. She always looks effortlessly chic.

The "big" triangle looked great.

I thought about Victoria as camera fodder except that almost every scene with her and Kelli makes Kelli look ineffective as a leader of the DCC. You may be right. 

Im going to look back at other seasons where a girl was used just for camera time. I’m trying to think of good examples.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, tinabee1967 said:

Yes. When I saw her do that, I was this guy:



I do as well. The whole problem with this season AND this episode is Kelli and Judy are sllllloooowww about making what we perceive are obvious decisions. Even Muhlissuh remarked there were still so many TCC's.

Judy was doing her "Kelli got woke" dance.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, sATL said:

putting on the controversial hat here for a second -

re: " ... she as a woman should know ... "

Is the consensus that as a women one is to know every major woman's issue that is going on, enough to state a clear and concise opinion? Which kinda implies that the men shouldn't or don't have to know.

I would admit as I get older that are are few women's health issues, that I don't know in great detail about, but know have to shift focus on to study. And being older (ie out of child bearing ), I know I can't recite chapter and verse about issues that younger women know. 

Yes. That's all.

No wait, there's more. YES, as a woman, she should know about one of the biggest women's issues right now i.e. the prevalence of sexual assault, and the fear of speaking out about it finally being addressed. Yes, as a DCC who is required with her job description to keep up with major current events, she should know what #metoo is, especially when this was filmed this summer, when the Cosby and Weinstein cases were in full media, and now that Kavanaugh is being confirmed. Also, yes, as a woman choosing to work in entertainment, in a costume where she's more likely to be harassed, she should know about #metoo. 

To me, this does not imply that men should not or don't have to know, but that speaking out against sexual assault absolutely 100% is an issue that affects women more, because we are almost always the victims. So while men should know, it's still more of a priority for women, sort of how when men were drafted for war, it was a priority for them because they were the ones shipped overseas, but women should be aware of current events as well. 

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, cfinboston said:

The editing this season is terrible. The scene with Kristin where she's offered another chance was nonsensical. You never see her asking for another chance yet Kelli gives her one.

The Victoria scene was also incomprehensible. It actually made Janelle look like a whiney jerk. The Taylor sequence also seemingly went that she was a great dancer, then sucked at media training and then was suddenly a bad dancer.

The editing is horrible in my opinion also. The whole scene with Kristin in the office was weird. One minute Kelli is sarcastic and snippy  telling Kristin she is done and the next Kelli is nice giving her a chance. A big chunk was missing from that conversation. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, rose711 said:

By the way, I checked the #metoo on Instagram and there are 1.4  million posts with it. 

I was just going to say. #metoo has been PLASTERED all over the media, from the Megyn Kelly show to the 11 o'clock news and beyond. 

I watched this episode again a bit ago. Taylor is a very cute girl. I hope she is way more media savvy next year and makes it back. :) 

41 minutes ago, tvrox said:

Savannah's calendar pic was amazing. However, did anyone else think that it was strange that one of the calendar options was a desk calendar, like the type you would have at work? Do people really have work calendars of women practically naked? Ugh.

Oh, my ex boyfriend would probably buy one of those. Ok for a home office but not in a professional environment.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, sATL said:

putting on the controversial hat here for a second -

re: " ... she as a woman should know ... "

Is the consensus that as a women one is to know every major woman's issue that is going on, enough to state a clear and concise opinion? Which kinda implies that the men shouldn't or don't have to know.

I would admit as I get older that are are few women's health issues, that I don't know in great detail about, but know have to shift focus on to study. And being older (ie out of child bearing ), I know I can't recite chapter and verse about issues that younger women know. 

Honestly, I would also consider any man who says he isn't familiar with the MeToo movement to be an idiot, who is woefully out of touch with whats going on in the country/world. I'm just being blunt - it is that prevalent in the culture right now and has been at least for the last year and a half.  I don't think men or women have to know about every issue, including health issues, but when it comes to the major ones, especially those that are major news stories, I don't think its too much to ask for someone to be familiar.

  • Love 5

DCC is a part of pop culture and you could make an argument that #metoo is too, albeit a very serious part of pop culture. I guarantee Taylor has friends who have been sexually assaulted. It is so common it's pathetic. She should have known. And the flag football thing and missing that it's really about concussions was a huge miss, but I'm guessing the girls were nervous. I've been following the concussion-gate coverup saga with the NFL for years. However, I'm a doctor and that kind of thing interests me. But a movie came out about it and I just don't know how any of the girls could have missed it. 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Jess14 said:

How was Brenda unprofessional to Taylor? I'm honestly curious, not being combative. She asked, "the MeToo Movement is a big deal right now. Do you thats something that the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders should take on? Taylor then stuttered and said, "uhh, me too????" and Brenda asked, "are you familiar with the Me Too Movement?" That honestly seemed like a completely standard question that any reporter would ask. I thought Brenda was unprofessional with Kat a few years ago and on other occasions, but I didn't get it here. I'm usually one who tries to find a way to give the girls the benefit of the doubt, but I just don't see a way to that with Taylor. Had she struggled with answering whether or not the DCCs should take on the MeToo movement, then I would give her some leeway, but no reporter (or random person who she talks to) is going to explain the MeToo movement to her, and then ask her a question about it. That just something she has to know.  

No problem!  Candidly, I have been in bed with pneumonia for a week, and my thoughts didn't translate well into words.

Brenda - I just don't like her after some of her previous stunts.  So when she basically said up front that she was going to trick them, I read it as very unprofessional.  I thought her circuitous questioning of Amber was also unprofessional.  I didn't think she did anything wrong with Taylor.

Amber - Again, the way the question was phrased was just weird.  I've watched three times now.  Amber just didn't know where Brenda was going, and I didn't either!  I also was extremely let down with what I thought was Kelli's ridiculous overreaction.

Taylor - Yeah, I do believe the right question to ask was not the one Brenda first asked.  However, Taylor totally tanked it.  I agree.  I did have mad respect for her follow up with Kelli and the fact that she took responsibility and didn't act like a spoiled brat little mama's girl.

Kelli - Really??????  We have to help Victoria find her words.???  But let's CRUCIFY the other two?  Come on, girl.  I don't know what is up with you this season, but the flip between "awww Vicki fell" and her complete stone face evil approach with Maddie, Taylor and Amber.  That's just wrong.

  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, Opine said:

No problem!  Candidly, I have been in bed with pneumonia for a week, and my thoughts didn't translate well into words.

Brenda - I just don't like her after some of her previous stunts.  So when she basically said up front that she was going to trick them, I read it as very unprofessional.  I thought her circuitous questioning of Amber was also unprofessional.  I didn't think she did anything wrong with Taylor.

Amber - Again, the way the question was phrased was just weird.  I've watched three times now.  Amber just didn't know where Brenda was going, and I didn't either!  I also was extremely let down with what I thought was Kelli's ridiculous overreaction.

Taylor - Yeah, I do believe the right question to ask was not the one Brenda first asked.  However, Taylor totally tanked it.  I agree.  I did have mad respect for her follow up with Kelli and the fact that she took responsibility and didn't act like a spoiled brat little mama's girl.

Kelli - Really??????  We have to help Victoria find her words.???  But let's CRUCIFY the other two?  Come on, girl.  I don't know what is up with you this season, but the flip between "awww Vicki fell" and her complete stone face evil approach with Maddie, Taylor and Amber.  That's just wrong.

Have you seen the bonus clip on CMT.com where Taylor J uses the word "absolutely" three times and Kelli goes from Zero to Annoyed in under three seconds?  It's not everyone else's fault she isn't dealing with what she should be, but she sure is acting like it is.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Opine said:

No problem!  Candidly, I have been in bed with pneumonia for a week, and my thoughts didn't translate well into words.

Brenda - I just don't like her after some of her previous stunts.  So when she basically said up front that she was going to trick them, I read it as very unprofessional.  I thought her circuitous questioning of Amber was also unprofessional.  I didn't think she did anything wrong with Taylor.

Taylor - Yeah, I do believe the right question to ask was not the one Brenda first asked.  However, Taylor totally tanked it.  I agree.  I did have mad respect for her follow up with Kelli and the fact that she took responsibility and didn't act like a spoiled brat little mama's girl.

Kelli - Really??????  We have to help Victoria find her words.???  But let's CRUCIFY the other two?  Come on, girl.  I don't know what is up with you this season, but the flip between "awww Vicki fell" and her complete stone face evil approach with Maddie, Taylor and Amber.  That's just wrong.

Oof!! I hope you are continuing to feel better! :(

Here is my conspiracy theory, allegedly *thank you Rich Lux!* ?

Brenda orchestrated this whole thing purely for her own entertainment. She is good at her job....she would do well as an investigative reporter, since they are pretty ruthless. At any rate, Brenda brought out the worst in everyone she spoke with in a vicious attempt to see them crack. How odd that out of the small group three of the ladies had issues with being interviewed, namely Amber, Taylor and Icky. She wanted to see the body count pile up. I have a feeling she watched that whole episode laughing at the TV while slogging down some chablis. The expressions on Brenda's face say it all.



Edited by tinabee1967
  • Love 6
31 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Have you seen the bonus clip on CMT.com where Taylor J uses the word "absolutely" three times and Kelli goes from Zero to Annoyed in under three seconds?  It's not everyone else's fault she isn't dealing with what she should be, but she sure is acting like it is.

Like last year when Gina said definitely a lot.

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, Gigi88 said:

I found Ambers response annoying maybe even over the metoo girl . How do you not know what flag football is ? Oh and I’m sorry this is petty and all but I can not stop staring at that deep set forehead wrinkle on Amber ?‍♀️ 

I never heard of it until Brenda asked the question. And I thought I knew what was going on. Nope.

  • Love 3

Why do people keep saying Amber didn't know what flag football is? She knew what flag football is. I don't know how this thing that she didn't got started. all she says is that she'd not heard speculation about making the team  flag football, not that she didn't know what flag football is

Just now, PBSLover said:

Ha. I know she did. I was saying I didn’t know what flag football was.

the op of that has repeatedly stated amber didn't know what flag football was. that's just nonsense.

1. Not knowing MeToo is about as dumb as not knowing what MAGA means or what a wall means, in that context. (?? Caila)

2. Not knowing MeToo is about as dumb as going out in blackface for Halloween. (?? Whitney I)

3. Victoria ignoring Jinelle is not just disrespectful to Jinelle but also disrespectful to Kelli. Kelli is the one who assigned Jinelle to help mentor Victoria. Regardless of whether Jinelle has had weight issues or not or how much knowledge she had to offer, it was Kelli’s idea. 

4. Kelli still never said the word “cut” to victoria. She said “you could go home” and danced around the idea but went out of her way to NOT use that word. 

  • Love 7
13 minutes ago, Stee said:

1. Not knowing MeToo is about as dumb as not knowing what MAGA means or what a wall means, in that context. (?? Caila)

2. Not knowing MeToo is about as dumb as going out in blackface for Halloween. (?? Whitney I)

3. Victoria ignoring Jinelle is not just disrespectful to Jinelle but also disrespectful to Kelli. Kelli is the one who assigned Jinelle to help mentor Victoria. Regardless of whether Jinelle has had weight issues or not or how much knowledge she had to offer, it was Kelli’s idea. 

4. Kelli still never said the word “cut” to victoria. She said “you could go home” and danced around the idea but went out of her way to NOT use that word. 

Regarding #3, as a former asst manager who got thrown under the bus by my former manager, who also threw himself under the bus to keep a toxic employee happy, you set a bad example by doing this.  Cause, uh hello, it is on camera.  I'm sure the present squad and alumni are watching these episodes and thinking WTF?!   Furthermore, it makes Jinelle probably feel like crap, and rumor had it she didn't want to do it.

  • Love 3

Imagine using Instagram as your only news source. Poor TT.


Why is Victoria still a candidate? Been watching DCC for many seasons, so the inconsistencies and favouritism shown in keeping her in training camp is astounding. The selection process has lost much credibility by keeping her and she should have left before they cut Dayton. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Stee said:

1. Not knowing MeToo is about as dumb as not knowing what MAGA means or what a wall means, in that context. (?? Caila)

2. Not knowing MeToo is about as dumb as going out in blackface for Halloween. (?? Whitney I)

3. Victoria ignoring Jinelle is not just disrespectful to Jinelle but also disrespectful to Kelli. Kelli is the one who assigned Jinelle to help mentor Victoria. Regardless of whether Jinelle has had weight issues or not or how much knowledge she had to offer, it was Kelli’s idea. 

4. Kelli still never said the word “cut” to victoria. She said “you could go home” and danced around the idea but went out of her way to NOT use that word. 

Exactly! Kelli is working harder to keep VK on the team than VK is!!! Thankfully, I live on the East coast and I am not that social media savy, so once the show is over I don't see the cheerleaders again until next season. Kelli is going to put that train wreck on the team, and the whole "world class" is over!!!! She will cheapen the class of the team.

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On 10/5/2018 at 2:52 AM, PBSLover said:

Kelli’s question of 72, on football day, was kind of dumb. Was anyone really going to answer that question correctly? 

I think she was going for first time they won the superbowl, and then "good answer but no! It's 72 days since calendar shoot." No one guessed that and it would have been embarrassing that not 1 vet thought of it so she just said " no one is going to guess"  she went for the fake out, instead she fumbled!  

10 hours ago, Clarke said:

Imagine using Instagram as your only news source. Poor TT.

Definitely not defending Taylor T because that was one of the dumbest answers ever, but you could still use Instagram and get news if you followed the NewYorkTimes, NPR, the WashingtonPost, heck even Buzzfeed news and get plenty of information about the #MeToo movement, the Brett Cavanaugh hearing, even football injury controversies.  

If you’re only following your friends’ posts about about Pumpkin Spiced Lattes then of course you are going to be oblivious to current events. 

Equally if you watch tv but never turn it to the news and only watch The Bachelor, you’ll never have any clue what’s going on In the real world. 

She’s an idiot. Im sorry but the MeToo Movement is as prevalent as Donald Trump. And if you don’t know who that guy is, then I don’t even think you should come back the following year or any year after to try out again. 

Edited by Stee
  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, Stee said:

Definitely not defending Taylor T because that was one of the dumbest answers ever, but you could still use Instagram and get news if you followed the NewYorkTimes, NPR, the WashingtonPost, heck even Buzzfeed news and get plenty of information about the #MeToo movement, the Brett Cavanaugh hearing, even football injury controversies.  

If you’re only following your friends and swing posts about about Pumpkin Spiced Lattes then ofcourse you are going to be oblivious to current events. 

Equally if you watch tv but never turn it to the news and only watch The Bachelor, you’ll never have any clue what’s going on In the real world. 

She’s an idiot. Im sorry but the MeToo Movement is as prevalent as Donald Trump. And if you don’t know who that guy is, then I don’t even think you should come back the following year or any year after to try out again. 

The first time I viewed this episode, I was in a blind rage that Taylor did not know about #metoo. The second time around, I was a little perturbed but quickly came to the conclusion that young Millenials (NOT all) are not in touch with news and current events. If you watch DCCMTT older episodes of the interview process, I would say half of those girls had shit interviews. It is a sad testament to that generation.

Edited by tinabee1967
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Stee said:

Definitely not defending Taylor T because that was one of the dumbest answers ever, but you could still use Instagram and get news if you followed the NewYorkTimes, NPR, the WashingtonPost, heck even Buzzfeed news and get plenty of information about the #MeToo movement, the Brett Cavanaugh hearing, even football injury controversies.  

If you’re only following your friends and swing posts about about Pumpkin Spiced Lattes then ofcourse you are going to be oblivious to current events. 

Equally if you watch tv but never turn it to the news and only watch The Bachelor, you’ll never have any clue what’s going on In the real world. 

She’s an idiot. Im sorry but the MeToo Movement is as prevalent as Donald Trump. And if you don’t know who that guy is, then I don’t even think you should come back the following year or any year after to try out again. 

not to buy into the blonde bimbo stereotype, but if you look at TT, you don't see a girl that follows NPR, WP, or any form of news organisation

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, UnicornKicks said:

Yes. That's all.

No wait, there's more. YES, as a woman, she should know about one of the biggest women's issues right now i.e. the prevalence of sexual assault, and the fear of speaking out about it finally being addressed. Yes, as a DCC who is required with her job description to keep up with major current events, she should know what #metoo is, especially when this was filmed this summer, when the Cosby and Weinstein cases were in full media, and now that Kavanaugh is being confirmed. Also, yes, as a woman choosing to work in entertainment, in a costume where she's more likely to be harassed, she should know about #metoo. 

To me, this does not imply that men should not or don't have to know, but that speaking out against sexual assault absolutely 100% is an issue that affects women more, because we are almost always the victims. So while men should know, it's still more of a priority for women, sort of how when men were drafted for war, it was a priority for them because they were the ones shipped overseas, but women should be aware of current events as well. 

1 in 3 women, 1 in 6 men. 

We can not forget the 1 in 6 men. 

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