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S13.E21: Live Show Finals (Tuesday's Show)

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  • Finale! Only two episodes left!! Are you all as excited as I am to finally see this season put out of its misery find out who's gonna win!?
  • Did Tyra just come from an 80's-themed costume party?
  • "Biggest prize in. the. world." ...Is it really, though?
  • Climb every mountaiiiiin.... ??
  • I feel like I should know the song BKJ is playing but I can't place it...anyone?
  • Shush, Howie. 
  • [Insert clip of Freddie Prinze, Jr. in She's All That: "Your eyes are really...beautiful."]
  • No more trailer nasty. Pretty please?
  • "If you get knocked down you have to get right back up again"...there was a Chumbawamba clue on Jeopardy tonight, too...weird.
  • Opera in a boxing ring? I might watch that.
  • Thank for telling us that last bit was English, Tyra.
  • "You have been unstoppable" ...because Simon won't let him goooooo!
  • Can't disagree with Simon on the jacket, though.
  • Love Howie's dismissal. "You gotta vote. Thank you."
  • No, don't sing it. Please don't sing it. Dammit, he's singing it.
  • No more Trailer Park skits after tonight, right?
  • (Did anyone else's screen freeze or is it just me?)
  • First the pink zebras, now the purple leopards? Is there any technicolor wildlife left?
  • Tyra's face after Heidi said "big fat German sausage" ?
  • Mel thought it was a family show? Has she seen some of the outfits she's worn on this show?
  • Yes, yes, Glennis Grace's son is adorable. And she's doing all this for him. It's very sweet.
  • Bored.
  • I want Zurcaroh to win.
  • I didn't hear a word Howie just said. I am okay with that.
  • Samuel's daughter's a cutie.
  • "When I cuss you out, it's from the heart."
  • I wouldn't object if Samuel won, though. 
  • Do we have to be reminded that so-and-so is such-and-such's golden buzzer every. effing. time? The GB is irrelevant at this point.
  • Courtney's finger-pointing thing is irritating me for some reason.
  • Shut up, Howie.
  • I've been playing a CD with that song Shin Lim was playing on it at night for the past couple weeks. :)
  • Is this short pants-no socks trend over yet?
  • I love it when they tell multiple people "you could win this!"
  • Nobody will actually be getting that million dollars "tomorrow." (Or ever, really, what with those pesky taxes and all.)
  • Thank you for not roller skating.
  • Was that their son sleeping in the audience?
  • We get it. Michael Ketterer is an angel on earth. But how's his singing?
  • I will not give it up for Michael Ketterer and you can't make me.
  • Oh, geez, he's even got a ray of light from the heavens shining down on him. 
  • It's the finals. "I could hear your nerves... But I think you can win!" Please.
  • Oh, stop crying.
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Did Tyra say the results by mistake??>

Tyra looks like she's channeling Janet Jackson, Control Era with the hair and makeup.

Watching the opening montage - thank you AGT for reminding us how lackluster this season has been. And for reminding us of such acts such as Troy the Creepy Contortionist and others that could have gone on to the lives but didn't in favour of acts such as Human Fountain and Dumbo Yump! Grrr.

I know that he's not going to win, but Brian King Joseph got the Death Spot. Damn! I liked his performance. How he begins so subtle with the playing and the facial expressions, and how it builds with his playing and his expressions (because you can see the passion of his playing on his face). Again, I do feel that the background music or such is louder than his playing or just as loud when Brian should be the one that is showcased. The crew needs to get that together. Too late I guess since it is  the finals...

As much as I enjoy Brian, I do wonder how he would do if he were to perform for an actual concert. A three minute performance versus an hour or a two hour performance is a huge difference. I wonder how he'd handle that. I'm sure there would be breaks and intermissions. I'm not trying to sell him short or insinuate that he can't, I'm just curious with the way he talks about his pain.

Daniel Emmet - yeah, he's had nine lives as far as his run is concerned. I still believe that all of that drama with his audition was contrived. I wonder if Simon is going to slip him a record contract for being a good sport. The package with him in the boxing ring (reference to him stating that his journey has been a fight) was a little corny. This is his best performance.

Vicki Barbolak - So did she just win an Oscar? That speech in her package gives seems like shades of Halle Berry to me. I wonder if she threw off that robe to be funny or bold. Okay, her performance: I find her likable as a person, but still not funny. Maybe I'm just not getting it, or maybe I have no funny bone. They couldn't leave "Trailer Nasty" along could they? I guess that's Vicki's Trademark. I guess she saved her "dirtiest" humour for the finale.

Mel B. stating that AGT is a family show. I hope she remembers that the next time she decides to wear her lingerie underneath a sheer sheath she calls a dress. That was probably harsh. Best wishes to her though.

Yes Heidi, we know that you're enjoying your super young hot German sausage. Sorry, ya'll. Moving forward....

Glennis Grace - She did well. About mid-way I felt the music and the "background singers" were a tad overpowering. Again, the crew needs to get it together. I'm sure that they will once "Screaming" Courtney Hadwin and "Saint" Michael Ketterer takes the stage. The "million dollar question" is which one of them will get the "Pimp Spot." Tyra with the "Single Mom's" and "Stay at Hom Moms." I thought Glennis had a partner. At least that's what Wikipedia states. Also, she has a career in The Netherlands. I'm sure it's not a 24/7 or a 9-5 type career, but I don't think it accounts for staying at home either.

Obviously the Pimp Spot will not go to Zurcaroh. They have the mid-spot. We'll see if the producers make it obvious with who they want to win this. I was a little worried when their routine began because I wasn't feeling much energy, but it picked up. Zurcaroh always delivers in my opinion. I'd pay to see them in Vegas anytime. I doubt that they'll win, but I'm voting for them anyway. I hope they at least make top five.

Samuel J. Comroe - Again, I chuckled here and there. But comedy-wise, I'll take him over Vicki. Both seem likeable though.

So Courtney Hadwin doesn't get the "Pimp Spot." She's had it twice. I guess the producers do not want to be too obvious when it comes to her. I've said it many times, she has a lot of potential. She just needs to learn a bit of control with her voice. Her screams make me a tad uncomfortable. With some lessons, she'll be great.

Shim Lim - I've always enjoyed him. I was not sure about him starting out with piano (which he was good at) and him speaking, but as I watched I see that he's tying in his life's journey beginning with piano and then switching solely to magic. The man has a lot of charisma, and I like watching him. Yeah, the latter was shallow. I wasn't sure about the floating cards though. That's just me. But kudos to him for bringing on something a little different.

Duo Transcend - I'm glad that they left the roller skates at home. It was a good performance, but I was still looking for that Wow Factor. I was amazed that she could carry her husband like she did. Maybe I'm asking for too much with acts such as these.

Michael Ketterer - It's official: Michael Ketterer is the Second Coming. He's perfect. *Eye-roll* That's how AGT edits him. He's a good guy, but the was he gets pimped out is off-putting. And he gets the "Pimp Spot."

On his performance...I actually agree with Mel. Hold on, I need a minute....

I felt that it was shaky. There were times when I thought that he did good, and there were times that he thought he was off. But I remember this performance a lot more  than I remember all of his previous ones. But he wasn't consistent.

Ay querido, Simon's crying again. We went from him boasting (with how he's facing the audience) to him crying. "You were nervous, but that's what makes you human." What the hell Simon. Didn't you berate a few singers the previous week or in previous episodes for being nervous. But for Michael, he's "just human" and it's okay? I just can't...

How many contestants will these judges tell "You could win this!" and/or "I hope you win this."

At first, I thought Courtney had this, but with the placing and editing it may be between her and Michael. We'll see tomorrow.

Sorry if I'm a bit rude and snarky tonight, folks. If I were on Facebook, I'd probably get eaten alive with some of my comments. lol

@ams1001 I believe we're near the same wavelength, Babe! :-)

Edited by giaNtsandYankees
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All I can say is that it is really sad if I know the punch line to comedienne's story before she says it! Anyone could see "home schooled" coming a mile away! And did she really have to strip down to her bathing suit...that was really too, too much....but maybe the funniest part of her act. I actually watched everyone's act tonight with the exception of Courtney's. I cannot watch her....she is not enjoyable to me so I fast forward! Don't know who is going to win, and don't much care. I'm still trying to vote for the cats!

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9 minutes ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

If I were on Facebook, I'd probably get eaten alive with some of my comments. lol

[Channeling facebook:]

Well, then DON'T WATCH!

That's just you're** opinion (therefore your're wrong).

She's just a kid, don't be mean and crush her dreams!


**that was not on purpose, but since I'm channeling facebook, I'm leaving it, because some predictable percentage of comments will have the wrong spelling of a simple word.

1 minute ago, ChitChat said:

I got this image from Mad Max.  It was the shoulder pads!


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22 minutes ago, giaNtsandYankees said:

I find her likable as a person, but still not funny. Maybe I'm just not getting it, or maybe I have no funny bone. They couldn't leave "Trailer Nasty" along could they?

I may be remembering it wrong, but I could've sworn that her first, and possibly second performance didn't include the words "trailer nasty," and I thought she was funny.  Then when I did hear "trailer nasty," the humor went stale.  Help me if I'm remembering it incorrectly.  I thought she had potential, but something went awry (IMO) with her performances.  I've enjoyed most of Samuel's performances.  Seems like some of his earlier ones were stronger too.

I've enjoyed watching Shin Lim.  Someone on the forums mentioned that even though they know how he does what he does, his talent alone in pulling it off was worth watching.  In this case I don't want to know the secrets, but want to be like Mel and believe for a moment that it's really magic, even though I know full well it's not.  He's really good at what he does, and he sounded damn good playing the piano! 

14 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

That's just you're** opinion (therefore your're wrong).

YOUR so right!! lol.  That's got to be one of the most misspelled and spoken words around (you're vs. your!)

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4 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I may be remembering it wrong, but I could've sworn that her first, and possibly second performance didn't include the words "trailer nasty," and I thought she was funny.  Then when I did hear "trailer nasty," the humor went stale.  Help me if I'm remembering it incorrectly.  I thought she had potential, but something went awry (IMO) with her performances.  I've enjoyed most of Samuel's performances.  Seems like some of his earlier ones were stronger too.

I've enjoyed watching Shin Lim.  Someone on the forums mentioned that even though they know how he does what he does, his talent alone in pulling it off was worth watching.  In this case I don't want to know the secrets, but want to be like Mel and believe for a moment that it's really magic, even though I know full well it's not.  He's really good at what he does, and he sounded damn good playing the piano! 

YOUR so right!! lol.  That's got to be one of the most misspelled and spoken words around (you're vs. your!)

Yeah, I don't think it was in her first performance, at least.

Re: Shin Lim, that might have been me. I like knowing how they do it, and still being amazed when they do it so well I can't see it. (I only watched 1 and a half "revealed" videos, though.) One of my favorite Penn & Teller videos is the one where they do one of their bits with a clear plexiglass setup so you can see the whole thing.

There's a commenter on a blog I read who pretty consistently uses "their" instead of "there" and I've just recently learned that English is apparently not his first language so I'm trying to overlook it, but still, it bugs. 

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I don't understand Shin Lim. At this point, I would believe that he really has magical powers and just works as a magician as a cover. Also, his piano playing was beautiful. I loved the whole concept and structure of the routine.

I've come to conclude that I don't get Zurcaroh and that's okay. I admire the acrobatic tricks, but the dance elements seem so cruise ship entertainment in a bad way. (And what was up with the message of love and harmony with a boy dressed like a British colonialist? That felt very uncomfortable! I'm all about messages of unity, love, and harmony in this present moment, but maybe not with references to an actual historical moment that was pretty much the opposite of all that!)

Duo Transcend are so amazing, and what they do is so high level... but they really do reuse a lot of the same sequences of tricks. They had moments of showing us some of the different shapes partner trapeze can create but then they went back to their standards. I also didn't get why they ended the routine with her dropping him. I was so excited when I thought she was going to base for a bit.

I am unmotivated to watch anyone else.

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How many past runners-up would crush almost every one of the Finalists tonight?  

Shin was ridic.  He is clearly the class of the season.  I did not like his placement in this ep, but he has advanced from it before.  Whatever happens in the voting, I am all but certain he will get the most out of his appearances.  I do think the singers will largely cancel each other out in the voting, giving Shin the win.

I could not get past the whirling dervish "guitarists" for Courtney.  Where was the percussionist?   All of it was tracked (pre-recorded and played back).  Was she?   How many songs could she perform in a given show before she would be too tired to continue?  Five?  Six?  

Simon sure earned his money this year.  I've never seen him contort his jidging to fit a needed narrative as much as he did this season.  The coup de grace was trying to conjure tears at the end for his singer who had just blown it.  Oh well.  He's laughing all the way to the bank with the proceeds from this craptastic season and the promise of others to come.

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I see Michael got the Darci/Grace lets watch a video of people talking about us on youtube and cry over it segment. Courtney got the reaction thing last week. They are the only two to get it this season I think.

They really pushed Michael HARD this episode. Gave him the pimp spot, the reaction video, and he was basically called the second coming of god.

I didn't like the performance that song is a duet and what makes it work is how the beat of the song consistently changes from higher to lower. Its not a song thats meant to be slow and boring.

I'm sure most if not all of you have heard it but here it is:



I had to listen to this to repair my ears from hearing that terribleness of Michael's rendition.

Samuel I thought was alot better than he was the rest of the show, but probably too little too late there and being a save act doesn't help his chances. 

Really liked BKJ, but going on first is never a good thing. 

Shin I think the trick was good, but if I have one complaint he just doesn't have the showmanship other magicians I have seen have. I see he tried talking tonight, but I think that kind of took away his mysteriousness and the reason I like magicians like Mat Franco better is they switch it up and don't use cards all the time.

Courtney was greatly improved from last week. I'm 99% sure she has this won.

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2 minutes ago, Mockingbird said:

So you don’t need a ton of talent to win America’s Got Talent as long as you’re a really good person? 

If Michael wins thats the lesson I guess. I noticed the mass media went from only covering Courtney to it being split between the two. I noticed Entertainment Tonight and People.com have articles about both of them, but ignores the other 8 acts. Michael's chances just went way up I think.

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6 minutes ago, Mockingbird said:

So you don’t need a ton of talent to win America’s Got Talent as long as you’re a really good person? 

That is the message for the night.

I'd settle for Shin, Sam or Brian. Even Duo or Zuc (I can actually see those two being good in Vegas). All of the singers were boring and Vicky---I like her, it's like a train wreck you can't look away from, but I don't think she should win. 

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I think Vicki is terrible, but I have to wonder if she is a dark horse she got through every time on votes and I see she is leading in youtube views now. That would honestly be the worst result if she shocked the world.

Here are the guests for tomorrow:


Placido Domingo

Lindsey Stirling

Bebe Rexha

David Space

Matt Iseman

Akbar Gbajabiamila

So who do we think will be paired up with who?

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It does save some time if you can fast forward through the show until the first set of commercials end. It was a blur, but it all looked like a rehash.  One could fast forward a whole 13 minutes if there is no interest in viewing Brian King Joseph's pre-package. 

Brian King Joseph - You can see that he gets a lot of joy from playing.  Howie said what I was thinking. He got the first spot on the show. He should have gone last. 

Daniel Emmet - I still think he has a nice voice.  It's not my taste in music. I wouldn't buy his records, but nice voice none the less.  

Vicki Barbolak - She's been doing stand up for 20 years and this is what we get?  I hope she has a day job that she should not quit. 

Glennis Grace - Possibly the best singer in the competition this year. Unfortunately for her, she is not a teenage girl with weird spasms.  Also, I think she needed to sing a different song. This one was pretty run of the mill bland. I think she did the best she could with it. 

Zurcaroh - The choreography was amazing. The whole routine was pretty spectacular. They looked like a professional dance troop. They are going to give the other acts a run for their money.

Samuel J. Comroe - He was better than Vicki... but not by much. 

Courtney Hadwin - An upper middle performance spot for Howie's golden buzzer child? Did she lose favor?  I didn't think they would put her last again, but I figured on closer to the end.  I don't understand a word she's singing.  For lack of better description, it looked like she was in a high school talent show. I think her original  schtick was the I'm shy bit but then she suddenly comes out of it and performs these routines. Now that gimmick has played itself out.  Courtney would have never made it to the finals without Howie's golden buzzer.  She pretty much has nothing now.

Shin Lim - In the beginning I wondered how anyone could do a show out of close-up magic.  Shin did it.  In the little time he had, he created a stage show from close-up magic. It was like magic. The guy does astounding card tricks. 

Duo Transcend - The poor TV direction of this act really took me out of it.  I don't think they upped their game at all either.  It was technically good, but it didn't really hold my interest. 

Michael Ketterer - I don't think that his singing voice is all that great. AGT seems to be pushing the emotions of the voting audience by making him look so saintly.  Then he made sure everyone knew he dedicated his song to God. 


I don't believe that Courtney will win this. She could, but only if her youtube following is big enough.  She doesn't deserve to win on talent.  Every other act that showed up tonight - whether you liked them or not - came out looking like professionals. She was the only one who looked like an amateur.  

I thought this was going to be a terrible final, but a few of these acts were brilliant.  I only pick Michael to win - due to the emotional factor and getting the pimp spot, but there were much better acts on tonight. Shin Lim and Zurcaroh really brought it tonight. 

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Does anyone know the music Zurcaroh used? Shazam couldn't identify it.

Vicki's dresses get shorter each episode. Too bad her act doesn't as well. Pretty meh for most of the acts. Shin Lim was amazing. I want to nail Courtney's feet to floor so she stops with the spastic 'dancing'.

What the heck are Matt and Akbar doing on the finale? Unless they're going to stand on the side and do play by play for the whole night. Hoping to see the kitties one more time.

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* Tyra's oh-so pretty in her pirate-shirt dress.

* Need to say this to get it out of the way: Shaddup, Mel.

* Brian King Joseph:  Well, he's very entertaining, and has been one of my favorites. The only [very small] beef I have is that he plays a digital violin, not an actual wood analog violin. Chance of being the winner? Yes... 75%

* Daniel Emmet: I've never liked him, and never will. Chance of being the winner? No

* Vicki Barbolak: Ya, never liked her either, right? Chance of being the winner? No

* Glennis Grace: Her dress made my retinas detach. Chance of being the winner? No

* Zurcaroh: Highly interesting performances all along, but dance/gymnastic groups just won't win. Chance of being the winner? No

* Samuel J. Comroe: I've always loved this adorable man and his eye-tick, and he's made me laugh. BUT-- a comedian has never won. Chance of being the winner? Yes... 70%

* Courtney Hadwin: I've really liked this feisty little Brit, but her act is getting tiring, to me. Chance of being the winner? Yes... 70%

* Shin Lim: I STILL do not think the man is sexy or a sexy act, as the show is portraying him. I would know, since I'm a gay man with carpal tunnel. Chance of being the winner? Yes... 95%

* Duo Transcend: Ugh... Shirtless piece of bacon, hanging from trapeze, swinging chick around... same effing thing every week! Chance of being the winner? No

* Michael Ketterer: Mr. Crybaby was may favorite to win all along, BUT his bad song choice tonight dashed those hopes. Chance of being the winner? Yes... 85%


So... what do we have here??

1st place = Shin Lim
2nd place = Michael Ketterer
3rd place = Brian King Joseph

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Tyra is hot. That is all. Also, Heidi's outfit looked like that straw that you use to pad out Easter baskets. I don't think there's much to say outside of the performances, since the results shows are usually where all the excess garbage takes place. I'm not really in the joking mood, so my post is probably going to suck.


Brian King Joseph - It was a good performance, although sticking him at the beginning of the show was lame, even though it was obvious that they were saving the last spot for our savior incarnate. Heidi calling him Brian Joseph: King was either her way of spoiling tomorrow's results or proof that she hasn't been paying attention all season. I don't remember her or Mel doing that annoying screaming that was shown in the intro, so that was nice.

Daniel Emmet - Like a fungal infection, this guy keeps returning no matter what. I had no idea what song he was doing until the last sentence, which made me even more bored.

Vicki Barbolak - Dare I say this was her worst performance ever? I know the makeup department really cakes it on, but she looked 80 years old in that vignette. The material was so incredibly weak, I just stared at the floor. Howie was giggling at nothing as usual, since because he's a comedian, it's implied he has no comedic standards at all.

Glennis Grace - What a fine woman. The performance was boring, since it's more damn singing, but it's always ""tolerable"" when the singer is good looking.

Zurcaroh - I was barely paying attention. The choreographer or whoever that guy is cries in every pre-performance segment, it's getting to be annoying. A lot of these kinds of acts seem to be touted as being good because there's so much going on, much like dance routines where the only appeal is "Oh wow, 20 people are doing it at the same time". I'd offer a more in depth analysis, but that would require paying attention.

Samuel J. Comroe - Not sure if I've mentioned it before, but I've always found those graphics with the contestant's name on them to be so embarrassing. "Samuel" "J" "Comroe" written on 3 adjacent skyscrapers - what is the purpose of it? It always looks so ridiculous. I didn't laugh at any of his jokes, but compared to Vicki, he actually made jokes and had a real routine.

Courtney Hadwin - Going back to the cringeworthy graphics, etc., she had "C" and "H" pieces of steel on fire on the stage, which made me squirm with embarrassment. I know I had a good joke about her voice, but the AGT traumatic dissociation my brain does every episode has made me forget it.

Shin Lim - Not much to say when with every magic act, you just become accustomed to getting a good performance every time. Tyra saying "the 9 of heartttsss" in that voice made me squeal in glee.

Duo Transcend - The guy in this pair looks like the stereotypical bully whose head appears to be made of titanium. These acts are so boring, so I paid little attention.

Michael Ketterer - No surprise that the video package showed how wonderful he is; not a thing to do with his actual performance. How much was that kid from Voices of Hope paid to praise him? The song choice was boring, since that is one of what seems like the only few songs you are allowed to perform on a singing show (another one being This Is A Man's World or whatever it's called).

The show was really boring and the Z-list performers for tomorrow's show make it look even harder to sit through than today's. I know I'm going to be bitching up a storm when the show is over, though.

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All that build-up for Michael Ketterer and then... all I could think of was Peggy Lee singing, "Is That All There Is?" 

He really blew it last night. Which doesn't mean he won't win. But that was not good, and I've liked him (a teensy bit) before.

I'd be fine with Shin Lim, Zurcaroh, or Brian King Joseph winning. Or even Glennis Grace. But it will probably be either Ketterer or Hadwin, and I will be supremely disappointed in America's vote, once again.  (Also, neither of those acts will have any staying power. But I know, I know, AGT is really all about the TV show. It's the most meta of meta-doms). 

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Our long national nightmare is about to come to an end and what has been a fairly average season so far has been topped off with one of the best finals in recent memory so my thoughts will be mostly positive.

10. Michael Ketterer - I feel like the show is one step away from building a giant statue of Michael in the middle of the stage and just having acts like Zurcaroh dance in circles around it while holding hands. I liked this more than his last 2 performances, but while the emotion has always been there with Michael, I still see the voice struggling to keep up. And his "I see you when you sleep" staring he does directly at the camera doesn't help. Take the story away and I just don't think he matches up to most of the other acts that have gotten this far, but the show has done everything to get him to the top 5 and that's very likely where he will end up. Prediction: 4th place

9. Daniel Emmet. Poor poor Daniel, even Bocellifying Ed Sheeran couldn't get him more than a mild shrug and a "Oh, you are also here?" from Howie. Never before has an acts biggest weakness been that they are just TOO perfect. A bold choice of a song though. Almost as bold as that jacket. Oh god that jacket. The less said about that, the better. Prediction: Bottom 5 

8. Vicki Barbolak. When in doubt, STRIP! I could have lived a perfectly fine and happy live without seeing Vicki in a bikini, but this show just keeps on giving when you least want it. I know Vicki gets a ton of hate online, but I kind of liked the riskier material she tried to go for this time because I'm 5 years old and the word "pecker" makes me giggle inside. Her character works really well on the stage, it just needs some actual...y'know..jokes behind it. I think her overall delivery HAS gotten better, but the material is stuck in the exact same old pit. Heh, pecker. Prediction: Bottom 5

7. Glennis Grace. The world's first undiscovered multiple award winning, professional singer with a history of sold out concerts did it again! She sang and notes came out and the audience went all "woo". She's been consistently good, but I don't think she ever really had that one special moment on the show like Emily West. She should also think twice about bringing her kid to that theater. He might see his mom as the greatest person alive right now, but one look at Mr "World's Greatest Dad" Ketterer and he's putting himself up for adoption. Prediction: Bottom 5

6: Duo Transcend. What they do continues to be an impressive feat, but without any surprise skates or ventriloquist dummies to throw our way, it's kind of like watching a weird family friendly spin-off of Fifty Shades of Grey that you have already seen many times before. Sorry, let me put that into Simon speak: NEEDS MORE FIRE. Prediction: Bottom 5

5. Courtney Hadwin. She ALMOST made me think she would be doing a ballad, but then everything was back to normal. Outside of her explosive audition and the initial "OH GOD DID I TAKE THE WRONG PILLS AGAIN?" reaction to the whole thing, Courtney hasn't really evolved on the show in any way. Even the "I'M GOING TO PISS MY PANTS ANY SECOND NOW" and "OW, MY BACK HURTS" dance moves are the same old things we have seen each week. She has been consistently entertaining and memorable on a show frequently dominated by the most mind-bogglingly dull singers, but ultimately there hasn't really been another wow moment since the first one. She is also so divisive that I'm now pretty much convinced that she WON'T be the winner. I wont be shocked if he does, but now I just see her being a surprise runner up and someone else ultimately taking the victory. Prediction: 2nd place.

4. Samuel J. Comroe. Well, he didn't strip so I'm grateful for that. Preacher started off great and got worse as the weeks went on, Samuel started off okay and has been getting stronger and stronger each time. THAT's the way to do it if you want to win this show. Not that he will, but he put in a good effort and out of everyone I'm predicting into the bottom 5, he has the biggest chance to shock and actually make it to the upper half. Prediction: Bottom 5.

3. Shin Lim. Shin is really at his best as a silent, mysterious, sexy sleight of hand wizard with epic music in the background and him ready to transfer into a shampoo commercial at moment's notice. Get him talking and he sounds a bit like a high school student forced to do a PowerPoint presentation on lawnmowers. He's a hard act to follow for ANY magician who wants to come on this show in the future, but as the big fan favorite this year, he's pretty much destined to end third. Prediction: 3rd place

2. Brian King Joseph. "Hey uh, so we have this guy that plays the violin. Should we make sure that's the main thing people hear and properly balance the audio levels?" "Hahaha what a story, Mark. CRANK THE BACKING TRACK UP AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, BOYS!". The King has done it again. I'm not sure if this was leaps and bounds above his last performance, but it was certainly as good. Yet, I still don't see him as a winner. The fact he got the opening death spot doesn't help and I just don't see people as hyped up about him as some other acts. So unfortunately, I fear he will end up far lower than he should. Prediction: 5th place.

1. Zurcaroh. That sequence where the boy walks up to the girl to see if she wants to play...and she just immediately bursts into tears and hides pretty much sums up my childhood. The rest of this was fantastic, just sublime. A fantastic mix of their last performances, yet somehow they made it all feel fresh with the music and the costumes. A group like this has never won the show. Am I crazy enough to predict that one will this year? Prediction: Yes, yes I am. Why the heck not, ZURCAROH WILL WIN!


So that's our final then. Certainly looking forward to the results, as I'm VERY hesitant about my predictions and see a lot of different, very likely outcomes, though I'm fairly certain about the Top 5 line-up. If there is to be a shock there, MAYBE it will be Samuel and either Michael or Brian doing worse than expected. 

Also tuning in to see an aging rock band known for outrageous stage stunts and blood walk up on stage with a 14 year old girl while Duo Transcend spins somewhere where the camera won't catch them and a few members from Zurcaroh get to do cartwheels during the pyros. Fantastic. Though I have to admit, them actually getting Lindsey Stirling is a nice change of pace, as she has no doubt been on all our minds when we first saw BKJ. TOWARDS THE FINISH LINE THEN, BRAVELY!

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I would totally be happy with any of these three winning: Brian King Joseph, Zurcaroh, and my fave, Shin Lim (and he's totally sexy, I'm a straight woman, I would know).

I could live with Glennis Grace, Duo Transcend, or Samuel J. Comroe winning.

Would hate if they won with the fire of a thousand burning nuns (TWoP): Courtney Hadwin or Michael Kettering

No Chance in Hell so I don't even have to address the possibility: Vicki Barbolak and Daniel Emmett

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I was looking though the AGT trend on Twitter. Most of the comments were about Michael, Zucaroh, Grace and a couple others. There was barely a post mentioning Courtney. I don't think she's going to win this. She had no buzz after last night - that I could see. 

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26 minutes ago, Commando Cody said:

I was looking though the AGT trend on Twitter. Most of the comments were about Michael, Zucaroh, Grace and a couple others. There was barely a post mentioning Courtney. I don't think she's going to win this. She had no buzz after last night - that I could see. 




Michael had some articles too:




They didn't cover any of the other contestants for whatever reason.

To me at least I feel like they tried to pass the baton around more (maybe they heard the online complaints?). I noticed Howie mentioned Glennises career on air, they didn't put Courtney last, she didn't get promoted as much in the next on thing, and Howie while super excited toned down on the YOU ARE THE 10000%%% winner stuff. They used the winner comments for at least 7 of the acts and I noticed BKJ is the video that shows up first on the youtube channel and as you said there wasnt as many posts on the twitter. 

Edited by anthonyd46
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I really wish they gave us some kind of results screen at the end of each round so we could gauge whats going on. Obviously if someone was in the Dunkin save or judges choice we know they are behind at least 3 other acts maybe 5 acts even if they finished 6th, but I'm curious how far the top 3 in each semi final round were apart from each. Theres a lot of information on the internet such as youtube views, facebook views, vegas odds etc, but all of these things seem to be hit or miss in telling who wins advances etc. Like last week Aaron crow had the most youtube views and didn't even make the dunkin save. 

I guess the biggest thing regardless of all that is Golden Buzzers are undefeated since the format change in Season 10 and Dunkin Saves/JC have never placed higher than 4th.

Therefore it should be something this (in ABC order)

Golden Buzzers:




Non Golden Buzzers that didn't need a save (in ABC order):




Saves/Judge Choices:





Last years results : GB, GB, GB, GB, No save

Season 11: GB, No save, GB, No Save, DS

Season 10: GB, GB, No Save, No Save, GB/JC

So even with Shins big following if history is any indicator it will be hard to overtake 3 Golden Buzzer acts.

Edited by anthonyd46
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I was doing other things toward the end of this show, but did I hear Simon tell The Adoptive Father of a Zillion Kids that he needed to win the million bucks so he could give all those underprivileged children a better home? WTH show.

While Vicki was on, all I could think of was she is the co-worker who, when a bunch of us go out for drinks after work, is the one who talks non-stop to entertain the table. She tells all the amusing stories while the rest of us drink, eat chips and chicken wings, and have a good time. A few margaritas will do that to a person.

I like Shin Lim better when he doesn't talk and stays all dark and mysterious (it's personal, don't ask), but he hasn't messed up any of his routines (except I could see how he got the cards while he was at the piano). After hearing Simon's speech about giving the million dollars to those adopted children, I voted for the first time this season. For Shin Lim.

My feeling is Courtney was given the GB so we didn't get tired of her routine, which it appears is happening to many of us now. Being a GB ensures that act stays fresher than the others so can keep going to the end. This was a set up from the beginning.

A really deep, dark and black part of my soul wants Child Welfare to find a few of those adopted kids chained to boxes in Ketterer's basement. Now excuse me while l get struck by lightning.

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We thought this was one of the better finales in terms of people really bringing it.  

Brian King Joseph is wonderful, and as plus, he's just so darn cute and has a smile that lights up a room.  Plus with the success of Lindsay Sterling, it's a good time for this act.  For our money he would be a worthy winner.

Vickie - How is she still here?  Her first performance was her funniest, and it still wasn't really terribly funny.  And there was no "trailer nasty" in that first one.  Each successive performance has been getting worse and worse, and last night was truly cringe-worthy.  Could not believe she's been doing this for 20 years.  Aren't you supposed to get better with practice?  :(

Daniel Emmett - I love his voice and have liked all but one of his performances.  I thought last night was terrific.  Even my husband grudgingly admitted he was pretty good, and that's a first.  Hubby didn't vote for Daniel, of course, but I did.  I personally wouldn't mind him winning, but given that he hasn't been getting through each round strictly on viewer votes, I don't expect that to happen.

Glennis Grace - has been good each week, but I just don't see her as a standout.  She's reliably good, though.  But since she has a career already, I don't necessarily want to see her win this nor do I think she will.  But I would expect her to be in the top 5.

Zucaroh - They were amazing once again last night.  I love the story-telling.  I don't think a dance troupe has ever won, but we both think they could be the exception.  And we could really see them as a Vegas act.

Duo Transcend - I know what they do takes skill, but it's just the same thing over and over again.  Neither one of us even saw her apparently drop him at the end because we'd long since lost interest by then and were looking at Facebook on our phones.  :\

Courtney Hadwin - We have developed a severe dislike of her by this point in time.  So so done with her.  Hate her screeching and screaming.  Hate her spastic movements.  Hate her pointing.  She looks like a young Mick Jagger but without his showmanship.  Like Duo Transcend, she's a one-note performer.  Every song sounds and looks exactly the same.  We're just tired of it.

Michael Ketterer - A decent singer but he just doesn't really stand out.  Give him a halo and name him a saint, but we don't really want to see him win.

Shin Lim - He's amazing, and we love to watch him perform.  This performance was no exception, and we like that he changed it up a bit.  It was nice to hear him play.  Another one we would consider a worthy winner.

Samuel J. Comroe - For our money, he's another one that we would consider a worthy winner.  Humor is subjective, but this guy makes us laugh every single time.  Not always big belly laughs.  Sometimes it's just quiet chuckles.  But we have loved every single one of his performances.  

No real clue who is going to win, but my inclination is that Zucaroh could sneak in there, and that would be great.

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I truly hope someone beside Michael or Courtney would win this thing, but I do believe the deck is stacked against anyone else. 

I’d love to see Shin Lim, Brian or Zucaroh make an upset but it just doesn’t seem that way in terms of producer pandering. The Tears of Simon Cowell made Grace a star so I (unfortunately) predict they will do the same for Saint Michael - who seems like an awesome dude but sings about as well as a kid auditioning for a junior high production of “Annie”

Hey, I’d even be find to find Patrick Duffy in the shower; telling me the whole season has been a dream. But enough about my personal fantasies (wink wink) 

Edited by Nilknarf
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16 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I feel like I should know the song BKJ is playing but I can't place it...anyone?

It's Kanye West's "Heartless." Kris Allen did a really good cover of it on the semi-final of American Idol in 2009, which hit #16 on the Billboard Hot 100.

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So I was at the taping last night.  (I was at last Tuesday's taping too. See that thread for details)  Here are my observations:

Shin Lim was pre-taped. It was hard to get into it, as the screens they have are up top and not large, so hard to see the detail needed to fully enjoy his act.  I was surprised about the piano act.  Positive audience support.

There was three times that I felt the audience truly connected to the acts:

Brian King Joseph - We ate him up, you could feel the humanity in the building.  I think he got the most love, the audience would not stop the cheering, it was cool.  Possibly the loudest audience response.  He is my winner.

Zurcaroh - Everyone was in awe, and tears in some eyes.  I really enjoyed their act.

Michael Ketterer - Not a dry eye in the house after the intro.  Including mine.  I don't remember his act because I was too busy trying to calm down!

Now the rest.....Daniel Emmet - eh.  The audience was distracted, by what I don't know. But no one was paying attention. Mel B. and Howie turned their chairs around and talked for a bit during his act.  Vicki Barbolak - I think for the most part everyone enjoyed her, as did I.  But I don't think she is top tier and deserves to win.

Glennis Grace - No one in the audience was caring about her.  Interesting that Howie mentioned her professional status in so many words.  I hope she does NOT win.  But I would not be surprised.

Samual J. Comroe - I enjoyed his act, but again, no one special.

Courtney Hadwin - What a difference from last week.  Last Tuesday, they told us we had to stand up for all her act (the only act they asked this for).  They also asked us to cheer louder for her that we were for BTS, which did not happen.  This time, nada, no special treatment for her.

Duo Trancent was cool. I have to admit I kept waiting for a mistake to happen.

The buzz in the theatre was def electrifing, which was missing last week.  I think all the contestents gave forth their A game, again, better than last week.

I ran into Vicki's husband again.  He remembered me and was again very nice.

After the show they had us stick around for a pre-tape for today's show. I don't want to spoil the suprise, but it involves multiple contestants and I think it will be well received.

As for behind the scenes - I was distracted by Simon's too tight shirt. I'm surprised a button didn't pop off.  I can't beleive no one told him to go up a size!  He didn't talk to us as much as he did last week.  Heidi's boy toy sat in Simon's seat during one of the breaks.  Mel B. greeted him warmly. There was boy Simon's son age in Simon's seat at one point.  Not sure if it was his son though. Howie still looked at Simon during the acts to see his reaction.

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

A really deep, dark and black part of my soul wants Child Welfare to find a few of those adopted kids chained to boxes in Ketterer's basement. Now excuse me while l get struck by lightning.

Oh, my!  And lol!

22 minutes ago, Readalot said:

Mel B. and Howie turned their chairs around and talked for a bit during his act. 

That's just rude.  They get paid millions of dollars and can't be bothered to pay attention for five freakin' minutes.

Thanks for another excellent behind the scenes report, Readalot.

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Thanks for a great report Readalot. I hope the audience got to vote given the acts they were reacting to best. I wonder what's up with Howie watching Simon. (A bad thought about Simon's tight shirt crossed my mind but I kicked it out of my brain). It would be great fun to attend a taping and see all that goes on. Or doesn't go on! The change toward Courtney is interesting, I wonder if her voting is down so the show has dropped trying to make her happen.

I guess we find out tonight. Will Simon change his shirt? Inquiring minds want to know!

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15 hours ago, Commando Cody said:

Glennis Grace - Possibly the best singer in the competition this year. Unfortunately for her, she is not a teenage girl with weird spasms.  Also, I think she needed to sing a different song. This one was pretty run of the mill bland. I think she did the best she could with it. 

The problem for me may be that I came in on this near the end - I forget what happened that I didn't see the whole thing. Maybe I'll have to watch this from the beginning, but the part I came in on was just "NO" for me. I turned it on, and immediately I was thinking "this sounds awful. Why is she screaming? What song is this? I should know this... Oh, it's Snow Patrol. I love this song. What is she doing to it?"

I think part of the affect of the song for me is the slow build of it and the haunting vocals backed by the swelling music. In my opinion, it does not translate into a belting vocal as it appeared to me that Glennis was trying to do. And actually the end of the original song ends softly after an instrumental build.

Okay - just watched the whole performance. The beginning was better, but it was just too much at the end and the belting wasn't the way the song was intended to sound in my opinion. It's supposed to have an air of guarded hopefulness and crescendo and then recede (hope and determination guarded by a bit of reality.) This way just seemed rushed with only one verse and the rest chorus. Also piano instead of strings - for me - just doesn't have the same impact.

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18 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I don't understand Shin Lim. At this point, I would believe that he really has magical powers and just works as a magician as a cover. Also, his piano playing was beautiful. I loved the whole concept and structure of the routine.

So Shin Lim starts his act by playing Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." Even without magic he's more talented than Courtney.

I'll say again what I say about Courtney every time. This is a joke, right? Does anyone remember John Belushi's impersonation of Joe Cocker on early SNL? Courtney's whole act feels like a comedy take-off on a bad rock singer, including the screaming, the spastic "dance" moves, and the pelvis thrusting electric guitarists.

Tonight she desecrated Tina Turner's version of "River Deep, Mountain High," an all-time iconic performance. Do any of the judges know the original?  Though I'm sure they would say it's unfair to compare a 14 year old to Tina Turner. But that's the point. As long as they allow kids on the show, they will never get judged fairly. They have an enormous advantage over adult performers, because whatever their shortcoming, it's judged as "wow, but for a ____ year old that's amazing."

Vicki Barbolak brought this show down to an all-time low. A comedy routine about oral sex. Really? On a "family show." And thanks Heidi for bringing it down even further. Being a football fan, I looked up her father on Wikipedia. Turns out he died in 2006. So I guess she didn't take him to Hooters. Anything for a laugh, Like stripping down to a bathing suit. Why is that funny? Millions of women look like that. Are we supposed to laugh at all of them too? What a laugh fest you can have by going to the beach.

I've never found Samuel Comroe to be funny, and his bravado about being the first comic to win AGT  ("I think I gave myself a chance to win this") seemed really out of place, given his whole humble, nice guy persona.

Duo Transcend was good as always, but they still haven't figured out how to shoot the act. I felt like the camera needed to be in tighter. They gave us occasional super close-ups, but for the most part it felt like we were watching from too far away to really appreciate what they were doing.

Shin Lim absolutely deserves to win this show. It shouldn't even be close. But probably the best he can hope for is third place, behind Saint Michael and Courtney Has Been. (which she will be by the time she's about 16).

Edited by bluepiano
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7 minutes ago, bluepiano said:

So Shin Lim starts his act by playing the opening of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." Even without doing any magic he's more talented than Courtney.

This post deserves one thousand LIKES and a gold star. And maybe AGT's one million dollars.

8 minutes ago, bluepiano said:

I'll say again what I say about Courtney every time. This is a joke, right? Does anyone remember John Belushi's impersonation of Joe Cocker on early SNL?

I remember it quite clearly. I'll bet Courtney has it on VHS somewhere too. And funny you should say that because Joe Cocker is exactly who I was thinking of watching her. Belushi did it better. OF COURSE he did.

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13 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I remember it quite clearly. I'll bet Courtney has it on VHS somewhere too. And funny you should say that because Joe Cocker is exactly who I was thinking of watching her. Belushi did it better. OF COURSE he did.

He was also a better singer.

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I would have to say that MIchael Ketterer and Courtney Hadwin are the favorites to win AGT, even though there were some dents on their armor. Do the other acts have a chance of winning tis thing? Hmm, well let's see.

10. Vicki Barbolak - She'll win AGT if there is a computer glitch or the computers went down during the voting.

                               Why she won't win- She was never funny and never should've made it this far.

 9. Duo Transcend - They'll win AGT if America some how forgets that their routine is the same thing over and over again

                                 Why they won't win- When they brought out the roller skates, their goose was cooked! There performance wows the judges but not                                       America.

 8. Samuel J. Comroe - He'll win AGT if people feel sorry for him. Compared to Vicki Barbolak, he is slightly funnier.

                                     Why he won't win- Set aside his Tourettes, he just isn't funny.

 7. Daniel Emmet - He'll win AGT if a lot of opera fans vote.

                               Why he won't win - In my opinion, he hasn't "stepped up" his game. He sings well but there just hasn't been many amazing moments.

 6. Glennis Grace - She'll win AGT because she is an accomplished singer! She has a career already over yonder. Being very attractive helps!

                              Why she won't win - For the same reason she might win. People are looking for someone hasn't made it yet and the cats out of the bag.                                 America knows she has a career to go home to. Like Daniel Emmet, she just hasn't wowed us. (or at least me) 

 5. Courtney Hadwin - She'll win AGT if all Janis Joplin and Mick Jagger fans come together and vote. Plus I think she was penciled in to win.

                                    Why she won't win - Her act has gotten old! Yesterday's performance sounded like the others she done before. If she would've stayed                                     with a ballad, she would've brought another element for people to think about.

 4. Michael Ketterer - He'll win AGT because he has included the one element that people will always have a soft spot for,......children! People will feel his                                          emotions with his singing, especially the ones who have adopted. They won't care if he fumbled the words last night or that his voice                                     is just average.  

                                   Why he won't win - I think there will be people who will start to vote based on talent. They'll see that he has made it to the finals                                             because of his adoptive children and constant crying. That will turn off many people. It turned me off!

 3 Brian King Joseph - He'll win AGT because he has performed well in all the rounds! He's been consistent. He puts on a good show and last night was his                                       best one yet. Plus he seems like a likeable kid.  

                                    Why he won't win - There probably won't be a lot of fans of violin playing. Plus, I think people must be wondering how bad the pain                                       is if he continues playing? Maybe the AGT producers have exaggerated his condition just a little bit?

 2. Zurcaroh - They'll win AGT because their performances and storytelling are always awesome! Their performance last night brought me to tears. In fact,                            their last performance (the angel) brought tears also. They are a dance troupe that I would certainly pay to see. Yeah I'm not high on dance                            troupes, but they're different. People will see that. 

                       Why they won't win - People who are not fans of that kind of dance or style of dance won't vote for them. People may not get the story that                          they are telling.

 1. Shin Lim - He will win AGT because he's been awesome with his close up magic. He's never failed to impress and wow us. Plus, he can play the piano! I                           think it was very smart of him to reveal he plays the piano in the finals. That's another talent that Shin has. He certainly stepped up his game                           or sure.  

                      Why he won't win - Shin won't win because the computer glitch that I mentioned in the beginning of this post will make Vicki Barbolak the                             AGT winner! Lol...that'll never happed!


So I think Shin Lim will win AGT!

I would be happy if Zurcaroh wins.

"Ahh hell no" - If Michael or Courtney wins.  :(

Trojan Horse - Brian King Joseph  

Edited by rr2911
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7 hours ago, Kelloggirl said:

Would hate if they won with the fire of a thousand burning nuns (TWoP)

Ah, the good old days! 

I'm going to record tonight's show and will probably FF through most of it.  I'm just not into the singers this season.   I watch this show for all of the non-singing acts.  

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We always DVR the show and FF through backstories and acts we don’t like. I like to listen to the judges comments and then come here to listen  to the forum comments. ? Y’all tell me everything that happened that we didn’t watch.

We can get thru the whole show in little over an hour and never listen to the singers. 

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5 hours ago, Readalot said:


Courtney Hadwin - What a difference from last week.  Last Tuesday, they told us we had to stand up for all her act (the only act they asked this for).  They also asked us to cheer louder for her that we were for BTS, which did not happen.  This time, nada, no special treatment for her.


I'm guessing they let off a bit because of all the complaints they were getting about favoritism. Even Howie wasn't guaranteeing the win.

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19 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

Does anyone know the music Zurcaroh used? Shazam couldn't identify it.

What the heck are Matt and Akbar doing on the finale? Unless they're going to stand on the side and do play by play for the whole night. Hoping to see the kitties one more time.

According to Wikipedia it was "Baba Yetu," the theme song for the 2005 video game, Civilization IV.

I want Matt and Akbar to do an ANW-style commentary on the cats.


6 hours ago, dvr devotee said:

It's Kanye West's "Heartless." Kris Allen did a really good cover of it on the semi-final of American Idol in 2009, which hit #16 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Thanks. I don't listen to Kanye West, but I actually have the cover by Dia Frampton from The Voice (first season, I think) on my ipod. Now I wanna go cue it up for the next commercial.

Edited by ams1001
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Brian King Joseph - How exactly was this a big step up from last week, as Simon said? He reacts to fire like a caveman going "ooga booga" at the flames, and there wasn't any of that this week. Not knocking the performance, I just didn't think it was better than last time. (very good, though) On another note, everyone's saying the opening spot of the night is the 'death spot'. I thought it was the 2nd performance of the night that was the worst one to be in? That's what I recall from American Idol, anyway. Heidi didn't even correct herself when she flubbed his name, so she likely doesn't know it. What a world class judging panel.

Daniel Emmet - I don't even remember the boxing theme, nor which song he performed because I didn't fervently use Duo Lingo or Rosetta Stone in real time to translate what he was saying. He's like a paid seat filler at events, only there to take up a slot and pretend he has a chance.

Vicki Barbolak - Besides the usual "trailer trash" self-observations, she went for another easy laugh with the same trick of "I'm gross", which is more like presenting a fact than being funny. Stripping down to a bathing suit wasn't entertaining aside from seeing how I could maneuver my eyeballs in such a way to avoid her body and still be watching the TV. This was by far her worst performance, which is not a dramatic statement considering how mediocre she's always been. Why does Howie guffaw at everything? Is it supposed to be some psychological manipulation to the audience, as if to say "this man knows comedy, and if he's laughing, he's seeing the intricacies of the routine that you may not be able to! So laugh, damn it". Either that or it's because he's a man who obtained fame by speaking in a high pitched voice for most of his career, his standards aren't as high as you'd think. Anyway, I don't think her routine flowed well at all, shitty jokes aside. Juxtaposing "trailer NASTY" with bursting in tears after every performance is also stupid, way to commit to a gimmick.

Glennis Grace - I zone out through each and every one of her performances. Why are they making it such a point to focus on her son like he's heir to the throne or something? He's not even sick, whereas half of the finalists have some sort of ailment; almost to the point where purposely quarantined rounds of the show make more sense than voting results influencing anything.

Zurcaroh - I really don't get why the world is in tears at this act, it's yet another one of those large troupes with the "life is bootiful <3" trope plaguing every performance to the point of pretentiousness. Also, they get points for numbers, as some of the tricks they do are not spectacular on their own until they're done in unison by 40 people. They're vaguely reminiscent of Dance Moms or whatever that show is called, I keep expecting Abbey Lee to take a bow on stage with the other coordinator.

Samuel J. Comroe - I didn't really laugh at any of the jokes, but could at least see why others would. He is a hell of a lot more likeable than Vicki, that's for sure.

Courtney Hadwin - If she doesn't want to be a clone of Janis Joplin and other such singers, why does she do soulless karaoke of them every week? 

Shin Lim - I've finally become kind of sick of him, as he does the same types of card tricks over and over. "Is this your card?" Yes OMG!" gets quite repetitive, though he did change it up with the special effects, which my grumpy ass wasn't a fan of either because it hardly looked like a magic trick as opposed to VFX work. I could just see the guy from Front Pictures thanklessly putting together that last part of the act. Also, why does it seem like Tyra successfully acts cute and the other supposed 'bombshell' Heidi is always annoying? A lot of people here seem to hate Tyra, so I don't really expect an answer.

Duo Transcend - The number of tricks that can be done on a bar is evidently limited, as this thing is a snooze regardless of the actual talent behind it. It would probably be a lot more interesting to watch live, but there's kind of a barrier to being able to enjoy gymnastic stuff on TV. The guy looks like the perfect portrayal of a jock bully, (or a roided up Alex Pall of The Chainsmokers) and always seems like he's planning to strong-arm someone's lunch money when talking.

Michael Ketterer - "Michael, are you there? It's me, God". His actual performance was lame, I think changing the melody of songs almost never works for these talent shows. Simon was probably squeezing his head like a sponge trying to work up some moisture in his eyes for the hard sell to the voting audience.

I think Shin is more likely to win than Michael or Courtney just because there's actual talent in what he does, regardless of the infomercial-like hype the other two receive.

Edited by Neet
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Courtney got a shoutout on the View this morning.  They were impressed.  And be kind with what you say, because that's my morning go-to.

This show is no fun anymore. 

Shin Lim all the way.  I like Brian King Joseph, but I have neuropathy too and I'm not impressed.

Edited by Lava VaVoom
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