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S20.E32: Live Evictions #10; Head of Household #11

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Big Brother Legend?  Hayleigh should lend her thesaurus the BB announcer.  I don't think "legend" is an exact synonym for "some guy who won Big Brother a few years ago whose name I can't remember." 

ETA to add, it is good to see Tyler struggling with strategy.  He has played the game well to this point, but he helped by the mistakes of others (Hi, Fessy!  Hi, Rockstar!)  It only gets harder from here on.  

Edited by Thalia
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JC, it's none of his business what Tyler and Angela are doing. At least he is wearing clothes on his upper half tonight.

I think Angela's mustache is actually shade from her upper lip. The lights in the diary room must hit her lip in the right spot to make a mustache shadow.

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They really must be hurting for material this week if they have to drag Derrick on stage to talk with Julie.

Goliath in the Survivor commercial reminds me of Fessy. Also I know the first competition will be a slingshot competition.

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7 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

Brett why not just take Angela to the final 2 instead? They would vote for you over her...

That's what I was thinking. Then, later, he says about JC that he's pumping him full of Angel paranoia so maybe he'll take the stab and Bret could keep blood off his hands. Not jiving.

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Time for the live vote and eviction!!

Was Scottie doing a bad speech on purpose to help Haleigh?

Her Hamlet speech wasn't too bad. And her word of the day is CAPTIVATING!!

Brett voted to evict Scottie.

KC voted to evict Scottie.

Sam voted to evict Scottie.

Angela voted to evict Scottie.

JC voted to evict Scottie.

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Ok I'm a Tyler fan, but all this Tyler ass kissing is fucking annoying.

Yeah right Scottie, you can't keep your mouth shut, you're telling the jury.

Edited by dizzyd
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44 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh god, not Derrick. C'mon, why Derrick? 

I like Derrick.  He played a great game.

18 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Derrick only won 6-3. Just feel compelled to remind CBS, who considers him the GOAT for some reason. Golly gee, a trained undercover cop beat a series of famewhores. Wow so challenge much impressive.

Steve was also an undercover cop and blew it right away.  I think Derrick's personality and ability to wait it out worked for him.  He also was kind to everyone in the house and like he said the goodbye messages are important.

What the hell was Scottie on?  Give that boy some Xanax.

While I was typing this Kaycee just won in like 50 seconds..............................

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Was there a fly on the camera lens while Julie was introducing the HOH competition? I guess it could have been a bubble.

Now I wonder who will win.  Anybody but JC!

Kaycee's doing well. And she wins HOH!!!

I wonder who she'll put up? I'll have to watch live feeds or read Live Feeds thread to find out.

I'm wondering how they're going to fill the remaining 5 minutes since the competition was over so fast.

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I'm with Derrick. I think Kaycee stands a good chance at the end. She may not be super strategic, but she's been winning a lot of comps lately and she seems like a genuinely good person, who everyone really likes. As much as it annoys me, juries really do vote emotionally. 


Angela might actually be the one to take to F2. I don't see half that jury giving her anything.

And who eats Honey Bunches of Oats straight from the box?


I'm gonna go to sleep now and have nightmares of JC saying, "TUR. TULL."

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5 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

I like Derrick.  He played a great game.

Steve was also an undercover cop and blew it right away.  I think Derrick's personality and ability to wait it out worked for him.  He also was kind to everyone in the house and like he said the goodbye messages are important.

What the hell was Scottie on?  Give that boy some Xanax.

While I was typing this Kaycee just won in like 50 seconds..............................

I like Derrick too! And here I thought I was the only one. 

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Why does JC thinking he has a final 2 deal with Tyler mean that Tyler thinks he has to keep him safe? If one of Tyler's allies nominates him, there's not a whole lot Tyler can do, right? As someone who needs JC off their screen ASAP, that segment just bugged me.

And more importantly, why does CBS think "fun with JC's accent" warrants airtime?

I'm actually warming to Kaycee now, and even Angela a little. Amazing what acting like a decent human without delusions of grandeur will do for a contestant's image.

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I liked Scottie right up to that bullshit interview with Julie.

”Julie, Tyler is a coward who just does what everyone tells him to do”.

Sees goodbye messages with Tyler saying “yeah, dude, I now wtf is going on” and Brett literally saying he couldn’t do anything because Tyler got to everyone first.

”Julie, none of this surprises me, I knew all of this about Tyler”.

OK, dude, keep patting yourself on the back that you totally had Tyler figured out. Except for the fact that you’re fucking clueless, and you knew it once you saw the GBMs. Asshat.

I enjoyed Derrick’s insight. Especially about the GBMs. But I was probably the only person here who was rooting for him to win, once Donny inevitably left. Oh well, different strokes.

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Well, that HoH comp sure would've been better if the camera work had given us any clue that Kaycee and Brett were seconds apart. They have to figure out better camera direction for comps like that.

It's pretty telling that during voting, Sam is the only one who never gives or receives a friendly look, hand slap or playful dodging with whomever she's passing in the hall.

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Hayleigh at the veto meeting was serving Lolita realness. Super-cute, yet jail-bait-y.

Lemme see if I follow cyber-genius data-driven Brett's logic: people on the jury HATE Angela. Therefore, if I get rid of her, they'll like me! Wowza, I really thought he was going in the opposite (and imo far more logical) position of "because people hate Angela, she'd be a great final 2 option."  Toss in the general trend of male > female in the final two (and DOG BLESS the statistical outlier of Nicole beating no one's boy Paul) and it's an even better decision!

More fucking time of disingenuous JC language lessons? I'd rather watch two full minutes of Rockstar eating her own toenails.

Derrick again? Ugh. I wonder if CBS pays him in Lunchables for his starving daughter.

Did Scottie undergo chemo treatments over the last week? That backward hat and billowy shirt did not a good look make. Dude is weird, a spaz, and a pretty piss-poor player.

Nice to see Kaycee win and get some HoH treats. She's coming into her game and growing on me.

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This was quite a boring episode. The only thing that saved it was the true star for the night: Julie wearing the winning entry from Burbank's School for the Blind blouse sewing contest. 

Was Scottie off his meds tonight?  He seemed like he was hopped up on yellow jackets or goofballs or something very Dragnet 1968.

DJ and Brett discussing strategery in the hammock... they're not far off the mark.  They need to focus on getting out Tyler/Angela/KC, but they'll never work together because of Brett's allegiance to being the power bottom of Level 6's totem pole.

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Let's go?? I guess? Man they blew through that comp... it was obviosuly too easy, should have had more open edged turns and such I guess. Good testing there BB. Anf yeah that camera work on the HoH was for shit. Even Julie couldn't see what was going on.

Scottie obviously had a bad run-in with the clippers. He also remains a total spaz who can't sit still and thinks he's funny/outrageous. In reality? Not so much, just another nerd.

The earlier I get that angry cat's anus off my screen the better, I find him neither funny or charming. He's a paranoid little troll. Listen dude what is your deal with Angela? Just because you love Tyler more than she does? He doesn't play for your team JC, get that through your head. Not. Going. To. Happen. Damn but he's creepy.

*quiet voice* Go Hay!

Edited by Wandering Snark
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9 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said:

He seemed like he was hopped up on yellow jackets or goofballs or something very Dragnet 1968.

Never mind.  I was trying to insert a picture of the Blue Boy from the LSD episode of Dragnet, but I failed.  And my mind hasn't been ruined by drugs.  I'm just not very smart. 

Edited by Thalia
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10 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said:

DJ and Brett discussing strategery in the hammock... they're not far off the mark.  They need to focus on getting out Tyler/Angela/KC, but they'll never work together because of Brett's allegiance to being the power bottom of Level 6's totem pole.

Thank you for THAT mental image. Meowwww. 

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2 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:
13 minutes ago, HighMaintenance said:

DJ and Brett discussing strategery in the hammock... they're not far off the mark.  They need to focus on getting out Tyler/Angela/KC, but they'll never work together because of Brett's allegiance to being the power bottom of Level 6's totem pole.

Thank you for THAT mental image. Meowwww. 

Hah, I totally didn't get what they meant by him being the 'power button' on their totem pole. Vowel displacement can really throw you off.

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Julie, Julie Julie....You can hype the DOUBLE EVICTION until the day BB finally gets its pink slip in the mail but it is ALWAYS the same....the pecking order goes out. In  this case HAYLIEGH will exit swiftly followed by Sam. On the million to one chance Hayliegh wins the veto and is NOT in the first eviction she will go on the second one. If by an even greater miracle she becomes HOH for the second eviction between commercials TYLER will be shown pulling her aside to "talk"  and  if Sam isn't on the block already she will go up. No matter any permutation you can come up with Sam or Hay will be going home. None of the other bad liars and cowards as Scottie would say will take a shot at each other. Its as sure as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

Scott Edward....okay...so now I get it "Scott-E!

Whoever won that battle back was always going to go out. It was so annoying every time they replayed his re-entry in the house and everyone acted ecstatic  to see him even though they were the ones that put him out...and would put him out again.

Thanks for bringing up the Power Ap...Tyler...that just served to remind me that the "AP Store" in the end proved to be a complete and utter failure. None of them panned out the way Alison Grodner obviously hoped they would.

Hey, Brett if you weren't such a meathead you'd realize if the jury hates Angela she the goat you want sitting next to you on finale night.

I  cringed when I heard Derrick was coming and was like "Don't you have a Cold Case to solve over on ID (love that channel by the way!). As I've long posted he is single handidly responsible for making Season 16 the worst EVER with his complete stranglehold on the game and never having been in any danger not to mention his unfair advantage at being an undercover cop who knows how to "work people".

Edited by North of Eden
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39 minutes ago, leocadia said:

(small voice)  I was pretty happy with Derrick's win.  He didn't play an exciting game, but I appreciated the thought he put into it and the fact that he seemed very even-keeled socially.  Plus, he wasn't Frankie.

I was happy about Derrick's win, also.  And I enjoyed listening to his thoughts tonight on this season's house guests.  He's very well spoken and he knows all the intricacies of the game.  

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I've never had a strong opinion on Derrick. He won his season without breaking a sweat, but he was surrounded by idiots (even more than usual, which is a bold statement) and benefited from horrible twists. But I really enjoyed his visit tonight, despite his refusal to take a stand.

Julie: "Derrick, please take a stand on Issue X." 

Derrick: "That's an interesting question, Julie! Thank you for asking that! Here's what I think the real issue is. [blah blee unrelated blah, but well stated.]

Does Rhode Island have any loosely held Congressional slots?? ? 

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1 hour ago, HighMaintenance said:

This was quite a boring episode. The only thing that saved it was the true star for the night: Julie wearing the winning entry from Burbank's School for the Blind blouse sewing contest. 

I forgot to mention the shirt - that was a mess.  Maybe she just came off a shoot of Project Runway and had to wear the losers shirt.

38 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

I,too, enjoyed Derrick’s thoughts about this years Big Brother and was happy that he doesn’t think this is the “Tylershow”. With 3 consecutive comp wins and a great social game, Tyler should be concerned about KC.

Exactly!  I have seen Derrick's investigation show and really enjoyed it.  There is one temperament that works well in police work and, apparently, BB.

46 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

But I really enjoyed his visit tonight, despite his refusal to take a stand.

He made some good points though.  I can see where his points will be missed by the players as they screw over their own games.

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2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I like Derrick.  He played a great game.

Steve was also an undercover cop and blew it right away.  I think Derrick's personality and ability to wait it out worked for him.  He also was kind to everyone in the house and like he said the goodbye messages are important.

What the hell was Scottie on?  Give that boy some Xanax.

Scottie's exit interview was even worse this time around.  One of the worse in BB history.

And his speech was totally un-understandable so thanks to the people above who could follow it.  He just looked like a toad hopping around on furniture and so proud of himself for rushing through something totally inane as it turns out.  Maybe it was good most people watching him on TV had no idea what the hell he was saying. 

Scottie went from being a slightly likeable awkward clueless guy to being a total jerk awkward on steroids clueless guy.  And he decided to cut his own hair right before all this so he had to hide the sad mess under his cap except for the couple of seconds his cap fell off and exposed that horror.  Otherwise the cap tried it's best to escape during the entire interview so I kept watching it because it had a better idea on what to do during the interview than he had. 

Too funny he remains clueless despite Julie trying to give him some hints.  But he is has now shot up to Fessy 2.0 on the Clueless Level Scale and beyond hope I guess.


2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm with Derrick. I think Kaycee stands a good chance at the end.

Yeah that guy Derrick made a lot of sense there.  I never saw his season but I wish I did as I like someone that sounds both normal and smart both.  I have a feeling had I watched that season I would have been a big Derrick rooter.

Edited by green
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12 minutes ago, green said:

Yeah that guy Derrick made a lot of sense there.  I never saw his season but I wish I did as I like someone that sounds both normal and smart both.  I have a feeling had I watched that season I would have been a big Derrick rooter.

That's why I liked him.  He was normal and smart and composed while everyone else lost their minds.

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A few thoughts:

  • I thought Julie’s outfit looked very nice, although I did think incorporating what I can only conclude was a burial shroud for the dead parrot on her shoulder was a bit of a fashion risk.
  • Nice to see Derrick still has that scintillating, vitalizing energy which so electrified his season.
  • CBS: nobody is EVER going to consider JC “cute” or “funny” again, no matter how hard you try to create that image and cram it down our throats.  His English skills suck furry monster balls.  We get it.  So just knock it the fuck off and keep that foul little git off my screen.
  • Poor Scottie: proud owner of BOTH of the only unanimous eviction votes this season.  This JBB was a waste of a week, both for Scottie and the viewers.  But hey, Production - you backpadded your schedule enough to allow for your precious DE so everything’s all good, right?  Right?
  • I appreciate the live comps camera crew is doing their best to give us closeup action of who looks to be the winner, and tonight they guessed right; still, I can’t help but think how hilarious it would’ve been if Brett had rang in the win while they were doing closeups of Kaycee.
Edited by Nashville
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3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:


I cant handle another predictable week.

This gif is amazing.

15 minutes ago, Nashville said:
  • Nice to see Derrick still has that scintillating, vitalizing energy which so electrified his season.




He's such a snooze!!!

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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