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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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Luckily have never suffered from depression but believe it is an insidious, overwhelming condition that must be terrifying for the person. Agree that there is something just wrong about these tweets and interviews. Glad Cait is seeking treatment, but doing it privately seems a better option, the timing is suspect. I do wish her success.

ETA- dumb question time. Would a reputable counselor who deals with mental health issues like Cait's recommend quiting the show or at least taking a break and not putting this out for the whole world to see? I think she needs to focus on her mental health and not her legions of fans.

Edited by jacksgirl
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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Great promo for the show, Cate. 

Is life that miserable at Casa Crunch Wrap? Is Tyler not giving you that attention you crave because he is busy putting in those hexagon tiles and working on that wrap-around porch? 

I know there are people who have put out on social media their suicidal thoughts and have even posted shortly before killing themselves. But Cate tweeted her suicidal thoughts, she immediately sought help, AND gave an exclusiverview to US Magazine all on the same day inte? GTFOH

I have sympathy for my peeps here on this board who are truly struggling with depression and all the disorders they deal with on a daily basis. 

A million kinds of awesome!



10 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Oh Puhleez. He really thinks he's the knight in shining armour.

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9 hours ago, leighroda said:

The suicide tweet pissed me off. I saw it earlier today, and I got a little rage-y. Full disclosure I’ve had a rough last couple of months... I’m fine, and I’m handling it with a professional so no worries... but it makes me livid that she posted that, I’m sorry but it feels like an attention thing, who is depressed to the point that they are considering suicide, but let me tweet that real quick?

You're not being petty.  I went through a suicidal depression with hospitalization in the summer of 2016.  I felt the same way when I saw her tweet.  I'll say it: it doesn't ring genuine to me.

I wish you every bit of luck and light and love as you continue your battle.  YOU WILL GET THERE.  Just keeping putting one foot in front of the other.  PM me if you want to talk.

28 minutes ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

Casa Crunch Wrap


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I believe she is suicidal. People deal with it in many ways. Not all of them are healthy or appropriate. There's no way from someone's outward behavior to know if they are truly suicidal or not. If she says she is, she likely is.

However, truth be told, my husband did call for help for me once because I was feeling suicidal (the person who had sexually assaulted me got in touch with me). I wasn't hospitalized, so it wasn't nearly as dramatic, but still, he has never told a living soul about it. Certainly hasn't tried to be seen as a savior. That's just weird. I'm all for people being super open about their mental health problems, including the nitty gritty details, because they're part of life and it can help others...but something about the way C&T, and *especially* Tyler, do everything just rubs me the wrong way. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Cate is still looking for that pat on the back that she got from the general public for putting Carly up for adoption.    Except now she is being edited in a completely different way, and also has done things like act up at that reunion show where she was screaming at Farrah.   Her entire identity is being that girl who gave her kid up supposedly for a better life, but in reality because she wanted to keep some douchebag boyfriend.   She gets that little shot of approval that she is looking for when she tweets things like that.    I agree with the person who said that if she was facing a 5150 hold instead of a stay at a nicer place she wouldn't be saying things like that.    But she's the only one who can get control of her life, and a full time job would probably do a LOT to help her snap out of getting caught up in her regret and the thoughts that bring her down.   All of this is JMO.   But I do believe that laying around all day talking about the past and smoking pot is a huge part of her problem.    

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Don’t worry my space in the hand basket to hell is secure... but does anyone else find the timing suspect? Who knows how long she’ll be admitted, but the new season starts in like 9 days (I saw that on twitter, I did not count) I swear on my Dr Pepper if she comes out “all better” a few days within the premier I’m going to lose it because it’s a bit too coincidental, and if this has anything to do with ratings they are dead to me. 

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21 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Tyler Baltierra @TylerBaltierra 49m

Incredibly proud of my wife...when she thought she had no choices left, she reached out & decided to LIVE today! My life would be desolate without her in it. You are beautiful, strong, worthy, & loved@CatelynnLowell #KeepTalkingMH

I'm just waiting for the day that Tyler stops spewing the "perfect husband" bullshit and tells us what he REALLY thinks of Catelynn. 

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12 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'm just waiting for the day that Tyler stops spewing the "perfect husband" bullshit and tells us what he REALLY thinks of Catelynn. 

I'm one of those who doesn't think he's gay (though he could be bi)...he seemed too into those strippers at his party. I think he's not been physically attracted to her since high school and also finds her unattractive emotionally/personality wise. I think he gets off on playing savior though. He's no better than her and any other partner would make that clear. With Cate he can always feel superior. 

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Tyler just seems repulsed by her IMO.   Even when he sometimes tries to play it up for the cameras and act all lovey dove she does something like licks his face and he goes back to looking grossed out.   

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10 hours ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

A million kinds of awesome!



Oh Puhleez. He really thinks he's the knight in shining armour.

I can't take the credit for that Crunch Wrap comment. @Brooklynista came up with it. :-) 

2 hours ago, leighroda said:

Don’t worry my space in the hand basket to hell is secure... but does anyone else find the timing suspect? Who knows how long she’ll be admitted, but the new season starts in like 9 days (I saw that on twitter, I did not count) I swear on my Dr Pepper if she comes out “all better” a few days within the premier I’m going to lose it because it’s a bit too coincidental, and if this has anything to do with ratings they are dead to me. 

Definitely find it suspect. She did this when she entered rehab the last time - on camera. 

I definitely think Cate needs help because there is something mentally wrong with her. What I mean is, she is using mental health issues as a way to get attention and to prolong this "poor Cate" persona. 

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I think that when teen mom is over, Tyler is going to go for custody of Nova, considering that Cate has all these mental issues.   And then try to make that into a spinoff or write a book or something about it.   

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I can't take the credit for that Crunch Wrap comment. @Brooklynista came up with it. :-) 

Definitely find it suspect. She did this when she entered rehab the last time - on camera. 

I definitely think Cate needs help because there is something mentally wrong with her. What I mean is, she is using mental health issues as a way to get attention and to prolong this "poor Cate" persona. 

Exactly! I agree, I do believe she is depressed and I’m sure it’s even harder to be under constant scrutiny, I could never have any sort of notoriety because it would destroy me to have people talk so badly about me... BUT stunts like this don’t help the matter. I fully support her getting help she needs, I don’t like her but I don’t wish any sort of misery on her... but I think she would be a lot better served by quietly going to therapy/rehab whatever it is she is doing. It’s not like paparazzi are outside her house in Michigan following her every move, or a simple statement that she is getting help, but this whole play by play thing just skeeves me out. I don’t mind them sharing details and I can appreciate speaking out because there is a stigma on mental health issues, but in the midst of the crisis just seems like poor timing in my opinion. 

I don’t know if any of you have ever heard of younow, it’s basically a live-streaming website, people go live and sing, or play instruments or just talk, I’ve watched it at times it’s pretty cool because you can chat and interact with the people, like requesting songs that kind of stuff... there was a girl, her name was Hannah Stone, she was an incredibly talented singer, she was 14 when I started watching her... but a couple weeks ago she killed herself (she was 16, about to turn 17).  I don’t really know the circumstances surrounding her death, I haven’t been on younow in probably more than a year, but from what has been reported she had been bullied via social media and took a social media break about a month before she died. My point being that I’m sure it is really hard to have to deal with everyone questioning everything you do and having an opinion, so I do feel bad that my knee jerk reaction to Cate is that she is seeking attention... but something about this just seems off.

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I was feeling badly about how cynical I’d been feeling regarding Cate’s news.  I know depression is a very real thing, and it has affected loved ones of mine.


Cate went to treatment like a year ago...and then came back to her life, seemingly not changing one fucking thing for the better.  I really hope this time she takes the “tools” she’s given & uses them to be a better person & better Mom.

Edited by teapot
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21 hours ago, teapot said:

Cate went to treatment like a year ago...and then came back to her life, seemingly not changing one fucking thing for the better.

Yeah.  This really bugs me, too, especially when you consider the number of mentally ill patients who would give anything to get into treatment so they can make the changes necessary to live more successful lives.  I can't see any therapist recommending "sit on the couch, obsess about Carly, eat fast food, and spark one up every hour on the hour."

Edited by bethster2000
It's "fast" food, not "ast" food!
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I do feel for Cate and hope this isn't a stunt.  She needs to accept the fact she gave Carly up so she could keep Tyler as her boyfriend.  She needs to accept it was the best decision she made for Carly and to let Carly go...let her enjoy her life with her adoptive family.  She needs to accept that Tyler is still with her because Teen Mom blew into a hit show and she is his ticket to the easy life.  And Tyler....his tweets aren't for Cate...he doesn't give two fucks about her... those tweets are for his fans who think he is an "Awesome Husband"!!

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On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 9:18 PM, leighroda said:

I’m about to be really petty, and really honest, so I’m just going to preface it with the fact that I’m probably not the most rational I’ve ever been in my life right now, and probably take this way more personally than I should. 

The suicide tweet pissed me off. I saw it earlier today, and I got a little rage-y. Full disclosure I’ve had a rough last couple of months... I’m fine, and I’m handling it with a professional so no worries... but it makes me livid that she posted that, I’m sorry but it feels like an attention thing, who is depressed to the point that they are considering suicide, but let me tweet that real quick? Maybe I’m jealous, because I have to hide my feelings because I work in a field that could be in jeopardy if I say or do the wrong thing. Inherently there is nothing wrong with asking for help/support, I guess I just think it’s a little over the top the way she goes about it. Depression sucks and I’m not making light of her suffering, and it’s good that she’s getting help if that’s what she needs... but the cryptic tweets is what I have an issue with. 


I struggle and get into a funk at time and I wish I had the money that Cate did to attend therapy and not have to work because I have bills to pay. But I pick myself up and do what I need to do to pay my bills because I am the only one to pay them. I've discovered that this funk of mine runs in the family and while I am not as afflicted with depression as others, I do know what it feels like to just be down in the dumps, down on yourself, etc., but Cate and Amber can whine all they want but they both have more money than me and others to try to figure out the source of the pain and get to the root of the problem.

These women bitch and complain and that is what has turned me off to TMOG. These two I can no longer watch because all they do is do nothing about everything and it makes me ragey that they have no clue what it really is like. But I also think her struggle needs to be private and not filmed for the cameras and not in some make believe office. I also hate how she picks and chooses when she has depression and it seems always to be the time that TMOG is filming. I just can't anymore. I didn't watch an episode of last season and will not watch this season either.

Edited by toodywoody
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I believe Cait is depressed and suicidal. I think she might be talking about it in an effort to increase awareness and lessen the stigma around mental illness. I mean think about it. If a person was suffering from a different illness like cancer etc., they and their loved ones might post about it on social media for support and prayers, and no one would bat an eye but for some reason, everyone thinks people who suffer with mental illnesses, especially depression, should suffer silently almost as if it is shameful. 

That's why I'm okay with her taking openly about this. I do hope she actually listens to the advice given from counselors this time.

If she wants to stay mentally well, she has to stop drinking and smoking pot on the daily. Both of these substances are natural depressants and will counter act any medication she takes. She has to get sober and stay that way or she will be right back in this same place a few months from now wondering why she's so depressed again.

I can understand why a lot of you are fed up with her on that account. She really does take the access to treatment and free time to get better for granted. She needs to take it seriously and do what the experts tell her to do. And by experts, I am not referring to that quack Dr. Drew! 

I also wanted to add that I'm glad she's talking so openly about her struggle with depression because it is a real illness, not just a getting down in the dumps on occasion. Depression really needs to be renamed. Also, even though we know Caitlyn isnt a good example of this, but even when you are doing everything right, avoiding mind altering substances, taking your meds, etc, your depression can come back. Your body can become resistant to the meds you're on or maybe you got off the meds cause you were better but then you have a relapse. What I'm trying to say is that Clinical Depression is a disease just like any other. It can come and go in cycles too. If someone tweeted that their cancer was back and they were headed back into treatment, people would show support. But when someone does that regarding Depression, people don't want to hear it. I think that's a problem we need to look at as a society. 

Edited by AmandaUnbidden
Wanted to add a few more thoughts
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20 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I'm one of those who doesn't think he's gay (though he could be bi)...he seemed too into those strippers at his party. I think he's not been physically attracted to her since high school and also finds her unattractive emotionally/personality wise. I think he gets off on playing savior though. He's no better than her and any other partner would make that clear. With Cate he can always feel superior. 

Yea, I'm not convinced he's gay either. He is pretty vain, but so what? I just don't think he's into Cate. At all. I think he loves her - in the way that you love a sibling, or someone who has meant a lot in your life. But I see zero attraction there. I think he often comes off as very annoyed by her, actually. But as long as they're playing "America's Sweethearts" on TV, he's not going to give her up. If the show is ever really and truly canceled? Well, who knows.....

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2 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

I believe Cait is depressed and suicidal. I think she might be talking about it in an effort to increase awareness and lessen the stigma around mental illness. I mean think about it. If a person was suffering from a different illness like cancer etc., they and their loved ones might post about it on social media for support and prayers, and no one would bat an eye but for some reason, everyone thinks people who suffer with mental illnesses, especially depression, should suffer silently almost as if it is shameful. 

That's why I'm okay with her taking openly about this. I do hope she actually listens to the advice given from counselors this time.

If she wants to stay mentally well, she has to stop drinking and smoking pot on the daily. Both of these substances are natural depressants and will counter act any medication she takes. She has to get sober and stay that way or she will be right back in this same place a few months from now wondering why she's so depressed again.

I can understand why a lot of you are fed up with her on that account. She really does take the access to treatment and free time to get better for granted. She needs to take it seriously and do what the experts tell her to do. And by experts, I am not referring to that quack Dr. Drew! 

I also wanted to add that I'm glad she's talking so openly about her struggle with depression because it is a real illness, not just a getting down in the dumps on occasion. Depression really needs to be renamed. Also, even though we know Caitlyn isnt a good example of this, but even when you are doing everything right, avoiding mind altering substances, taking your meds, etc, your depression can come back. Your body can become resistant to the meds you're on or maybe you got off the meds cause you were better but then you have a relapse. What I'm trying to say is that Clinical Depression is a disease just like any other. It can come and go in cycles too. If someone tweeted that their cancer was back and they were headed back into treatment, people would show support. But when someone does that regarding Depression, people don't want to hear it. I think that's a problem we need to look at as a society. 


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On 11/17/2017 at 5:47 PM, Enya Face said:

Jesus, I wish that every time my depression has led me to try killing my self I was able to tweet about it and then afford someplace other than the 5150 hold at county. 

So sorry.

This is a situation where Roxanne should come in and scream out loud, "I caaaaaaaan't."  It sums up how I feel.

I just posted the other day on Facebook to people about a poor guy who was threatening to jump off a bridge onto Highway 101, here in my area and how they were responding to the situation with their laughing emojis and their stupid remarks about how he was seeking attention and not really wanting to jump. I defended that poor soul. Thankfully, he was talked out of jumping and was put in a hospital.

I am fully aware that people with mental issues are not always looked upon as those who have physical issues. With that said, I guess some of you will have to save me a ride to hell in that hand-basket because I just find it suspicious that when the MTV cameras are around, that is when Catelynn has a routine of woe is me. Do we ever read about her having breakdowns, meltdowns, or anxiety to the point that she can't go on vacation? Does she tweet about having a crisis when cameras are not around? How convenient it is for her to have all these crises for the camera to capture.

Running to US Magazine is really the red flag for me. Who contacts a magazine on the same day they planned to kill themselves to give an exclusive? Does she have them on speed dial? I think Cate uses the rehab facility as a way to get that attention she is craving on top of it getting her that attention she gets from her minions.

I came across this piece titled 14 Habits of Highly Miserable People. I swear, as I read through it, I could see almost every Teen Mom: https://www2.psychotherapynetworker.org/magazine/recentissues/2013-novdec/item/2324-the-14-habits-of-highly-miserable-people

This part stood out to me as being Cate:


catelynn miserable.jpg

Edited by SPLAIN
Wrong link
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On 11/17/2017 at 2:08 PM, ghoulina said:

You know, I'm sure most people who are truly suicidal don't go blasting it all over Twitter. She's such a fucking attention seeker; she makes me ill. 

My brother attempted suicide when I was a teenager. When we told the doctors that he had never talked about or threatened suicide before the Dr said that's how we know he was serious about it.   He said most people who announce it aren't serious and most just want attention and want someone to tell them to not do it.  My brother hasn't been the same since. He used to be the funniest person I've ever known, but he's just a shell now. 

I hate people who use this shit for attention. 

Edited by Maharincess
Because shit and shut are very different.
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To me, this means one of two things. Tyler is a selfish prick who has no fucks to give about his wife who is away at a mental facility. We already know he is a prick. Or this whole "mental breakdown" is just part of Cate's attention-seeking drama and Tyler is in on it. He shows no concerns because he knows there is nothing to be concerned about. He slipped up and went out, got drunk, and tweeted. 

Did he drive drunk? 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Cate released a statement asking for privacy for herself and her family...what a joke...if she was concerned with privacy she never would have tweeted all over social media that she was going to commit suicide.  She never would have contacted a rag magazine for an exclusive interview on how she was going to commit suicide.  She would have put the kabosh on Tyler posting anything on social media praising her and what a great wife she is and how much in love he is with her.  Privacy my ass!  She's not that famous where she couldn't have privately checked into a facility without anyone knowing about it.  Carly is the one who should be embarrassed.  That poor child has to go to school and I'm sure by now everyone knows who her biological parents are.  

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26 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

To me, this means one of two things. Tyler is a selfish prick who has no fucks to give about his wife who is away at a mental facility. We already know he is a prick. Or this whole "mental breakdown" is just part of Cate's attention-seeking drama and Tyler is in on it. He shows no concerns because he knows there is nothing to be concerned about. He slipped up and went out, got drunk, and tweeted. 

Did he drive drunk? 

I agree! 

Hopefully the idiot didn't drive drunk.

I wonder if Maci quit TMOG when she saw the video. I'm sure she doesn't want Bentley's friends to think she approves of racism. 

Edited by druzy
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"I'm fucked up as fuck right now" 

You put this out there for everyone to see? Tyler, you are failing at adulting and parenting.  Which crackhead is watching your daughter while you are out there getting fucked up and her mother is in rehab?

Edited by Emkat
Can't spell
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7 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Running to US Magazine is really the red flag for me. Who contacts a magazine on the same day they planned to kill themselves to give an exclusive?

Me, June 2016: Husband, I need to go to the hospital.  Now.

Husband: Why?  What's going on?

Me: I'm not in a safe place right now.  I want to die and I can't be left alone or else I am going to do something about it.

Husband: I'm calling the doctor.  Get your shoes on and get in the car.

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28 minutes ago, bethster2000 said:

Me, June 2016: Husband, I need to go to the hospital.  Now.

Husband: Why?  What's going on?

Me: I'm not in a safe place right now.  I want to die and I can't be left alone or else I am going to do something about it.

Husband: I'm calling the doctor.  Get your shoes on and get in the car.

I'm giving you the biggest bear hug right now.  I'm glad you have such a supportive husband.  I'm also glad that you seem to be in a good place now. ((((((((Bethster))))))))))). 

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35 minutes ago, bethster2000 said:

Me, June 2016: Husband, I need to go to the hospital.  Now.

Husband: Why?  What's going on?

Me: I'm not in a safe place right now.  I want to die and I can't be left alone or else I am going to do something about it.

Husband: I'm calling the doctor.  Get your shoes on and get in the car.

((((hugs)))))  I hope you are in a safe place. You are blessed to have such a supportive and understanding spouse. You are among many here who have felt unsafe at one time or another. I am sure life is a daily struggle for many here. My heart goes out to all who are dealing with such issues. 

It is a reminder that people are suffering and it is appalling when others, like Tyler and Cate, make light of a situation and view it as a time to get a free vacation, drink, party, and try to garner attention while their child is left behind with those who have drug problems. 

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Thanks, you guys.  I said all that because what these two are saying doesn't ring true to me.  It does a huge disservice to the mental health community as a whole.  Trying to make a buck from your supposed breakdown.  FUCK YOU BOTH, YOU MISERABLE WHITE TRASH CRETINS. 

Edited by bethster2000
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Sure nowwww catelynn needs us to respect their privacy, now that there has been backlash. My guess is that she thought she’d just be praised because once the topic of suicide comes up it’s usually a free pass on judgement because you aren’t supposed to question anyone once they mention suicide, most of what I’ve seen has been in support of her... but it seems like the views may be shifting due to both of their actions.

13 hours ago, Maharincess said:

My brother attempted suicide when I was a teenager. When we told the doctors that he had never talked about or threatened suicide before the Dr said that's how we know he was serious about it.   He said most people who announce it aren't serious and most just want attention and want someone to tell them to not do it.  My brother hasn't been the same since. He used to be the funniest person I've ever known, but he's just a shell now. 

I hate people who use this shit for attention. 

I agree, I have been trained in situations where someone could be suicidal (I feel like everyone knows I’m a nurse, but just in case someone is new I’ll mention it), and we are told to take every case seriously whether you suspect it’s for attention or not... but I personally agree that public grand gestures are more for attention than a cry for help. When someone is truly serious about it they don’t want to be stopped, so they don’t say anything, in fact one of the biggest risk factor/ signs that someone is going to attempt suicide is an improvement in mood, it usually means they are either at peace with the decision, or deflect attention so people think they are better. 

I can understand Tyler wanting a drink or 2 to blow off steam, but getting shit faced? And also I firmly believe being drunk does not make it ok to be racist, I’m sorry he had a rough day, but you don’t get a pass from me for acting like an asshole.

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