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15 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

That hubby is not just working out of town, he's really living there; esp. if she hasn't seen the apartment! This is BS and they might as well reveal the truth! I flew into Long Beach to visit someone in Huntington Beach over 20 years ago! I

Right? What wife hasn’t seen his home away from home? Total BS. 

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I didn't bother to post last week regarding Ginagate but since it has not blown over (and sounds like it may be the sizzling topic of the OC season - snore) I thought I would put in my 2 cents worth now. I am with Emily's husband Shane. And I don't even like the guy. Mind you I don't like Emily or Gina either, so the bar as to which one I like the most is resting on the floor. Anyhoo as far as I know the kids were asleep (which was mentioned once, other howives are saying he was putting them to bed). I would imagine given their ages they were in bed asleep at the end of the party, and yes, Gina of all people should have known better. Given that her husband can't even bother to be around her or his kids for the most part, I doubt he would have reacted any differently. Were he the type to be home in the first place. And again, I am not defending Shane, I just think he is right and the rest of them are out to lunch. 

I am only watching this boring AF show for Shannon and Archie. Shannon was way too nice to have David's payments reduced, but that is why I love her and watch the show. She is the most real of all of them. Kelly OTOH is sooooo superficial. She wants for Shannon someone who is tall, dark, handsome, rich and good in bed. How about kind, decent, someone willing to take on 3 kids, and someone who will treat her with the love and respect she deserves. That is my wish for Shannon. And someone who will treat Archie the same way. They deserve no less. 

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5 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Dogs are excellent judges of character.  Archie probably hates David.

I remember a scene from an episode last year (I think) and David was attempting to pet Archie and get him warmed up—and Archie kind of looked like he was having none of it.

If we’re comparing BH and OC dogs, I’d make the connection to our dear potato-stealing Bambi. They steal scenes in similar ways.

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1 hour ago, ivygirl said:

I remember a scene from an episode last year (I think) and David was attempting to pet Archie and get him warmed up—and Archie kind of looked like he was having none of it.

If we’re comparing BH and OC dogs, I’d make the connection to our dear potato-stealing Bambi. They steal scenes in similar ways.

Right, I forgot about that from last season - very unusual for a dog to not suck up to the alpha male (which David is only by default) so that really does say a lot about David.

Bambi!! I love her and Storm and River.  OMG if Archie and Bambi had kids... Where is Tamra's matchmaker and does she work with dogs?

What is up with Emily's face?  It's not an unattractive face,  she just looked she went to Joey Tribbiani's 'Smell the Fart' acting class. And her face froze that way.

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Good grief -Gina is annoying.

Ok - I am from Long Island, have lived in the south for about 20 years.  My city has had an steady influx of northerners for the past several years, and there is nothing more freaking annoying than someone who continually makes comparisons between Long Island and wherever the heck they moved to, and Gina has perfected it. 

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8 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Yay 2 Archie scenes!  Cut out the boring new girls and their boring families and give Archie more screen time.

Better yet, pair Archie with Kyle's Bambi and have them be the new RHOC couple. 

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All that money and Shannon has no headboard?  It makes it look like she is in a college apartment.

Archie should have a bigger role than Emily or Gina.

That whole thing with Emily's husband telling Gina to get out...not a big deal, he had 3 small kids trying to sleep, probably had to get up early for work and had enough of the chatter and what not...yelling may not have been nice but hey, that does not set the tone for their marriage, just one less than tactful moment.  Gina knows she is loud and could have said I know I'm loud, sorry about that and walked out.  Those women are trying to make that husband seem like he is a wife beater.

The matchmaker hardly asked Shannon what was important to her in a mate/date or asked about Shannon herself...Tamara (wanted screen time) jumps in and talks about how David treated her which helps the matchmaker not one bit know who Shannon is.

I will look forward to seeing Shannon on HSN or QVC hawk her goods.

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1 hour ago, Kiki777 said:

Right, I forgot about that from last season - very unusual for a dog to not suck up to the alpha male (which David is only by default) so that really does say a lot about David.

Dogs are excellent judges of character. 

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Gina has some of the worst-behaved kids I've ever seen.  Ever.  And I have to wonder if Show is keeping Vicki out of some controversies in their hopes of rehabbing her character.  Noticed that she was hearing about one of the discussions secondhand. 

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10 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I never really thought about how divorce could affect dogs.  You think he misses David?  Or is he glad for the 22k a month that would contribute to premium toys and treats?

He probably misses David dropping potato chip crumbs on the floor. And that's the extent of it. 

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These new HW's are lame AF. I almost wish they would have kept Lydia and what's her name? on another season. Maybe don't have the poker party on a weeknight at your house if your pussy husband is going to be yelling downstairs at 10:00.

It would warm my heart to see the skeevy prick David homeless and living under a bridge after this divorce.  

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47 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

That whole thing with Emily's husband telling Gina to get out...not a big deal, he had 3 small kids trying to sleep, probably had to get up early for work and had enough of the chatter and what not...yelling may not have been nice but hey, that does not set the tone for their marriage, just one less than tactful moment.  Gina knows she is loud and could have said I know I'm loud, sorry about that and walked out.  Those women are trying to make that husband seem like he is a wife beater

Well, I think Gina DID say something to the effect of, "I'm loud, I'm sorry" and did leave. I think the issue comes more from the fact that Emily was still talking about it after the fact, and painting it as a situation where Gina did something really egregious and needs to further apologize to Shane. 

This seems disingenuous because Emily was apparently apologizing on her husband's behalf as she escorted Gina out. I believe that she sounded embarrassed and was all, "My husband's a dick, sorry". Now she's going around telling the story like Gina was the dick. 

IMO, I don't really think it's a big deal on EITHER side. It was 10 pm, not 2 am. ALL the ladies were being loud that night, including Shane's mother and sister. It sounds like this happened as Gina was on her way out the door anyhow. I guess she just happened to be the last one to leave, so she got the blame, but I don't think she left hours after the others. The way I imagined it, she was leaving shortly after the others and got caught up talking to Emily on her way out. So they were probably gabbing in the foyer a bit, and the stairs are right there, so it carried. 

It sounds like she was immediately contrite and left. So I don't know why she'd need to further apologize. That being said, even though Shane could have asked nicely, I don't think this is grounds for the speculation that he's some monster of a husband. And, even more than the reaction to poker night, I thought it was crazy that the ladies found Emily going home early as a sign of some controlling husband. My husband and I are both like that. If we go out without the other. We feel guilty and a need to come home early. Three kids can be a lot! I didn't think anything of Emily wanting to cut things short and go home. 

But these women gotta have something to talk about.

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None of the women seemed to be aware that Mr Mormon (can’t remember his name) was even there during the poker party evening. Maybe they thought the children were elsewhere too....soooooo they wouldn’t think they had to keep the volume/swearing/FUN levels down. He was straight into yelling instead of politely asking. As they say, you catch more with honey than with vinegar. I am erring toward his problem being the nature of the fun (drinking, gambling) being his problem as he was so negative when discussing it all the next day.... “drunken” women..blah blah blah.


edit. Perhaps it was a problem between Emily and Shane (just read your post Ghoulina so now I know his name). They obviously had different expectations about the nature of the party and the expected finishing time. Shane should have a problem with Emily about this and not any of her guests. Emily should have a problem with him and not any of her guests. IMO.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

 Now she's going around telling the story like Gina was the dick. 


Last week when Emily told Shane that Gina was sorry he responded fine than she could apologize to him directly. 

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16 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

edit. Perhaps it was a problem between Emily and Shane (just read your post Ghoulina so now I know his name). They obviously had different expectations about the nature of the party and the expected finishing time. Shane should have a problem with Emily about this and not any of her guests. Emily should have a problem with him and not any of her guests. IMO.

That's a good point. Maybe Emily said, it's just a small party, we'll be done by 9. And it went later, and there was more drinking than he expected? I don't know. But I can definitely see how the issue was really a miscommunication between the two of them, and Gina got caught in the crossfire. 


16 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Last week when Emily told Shane that Gina was sorry he responded fine than she could apologize to him directly. 

That's just ridiculous. SHe didn't back into his car or call him a troll. She was a bit loud at the end of a party. She apparently left as soon as she realized he was unhappy, and apologized to the hostess on her way out. Asking for anything further is insane, IMO.

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Technically that dinner was a work situation. Sorta stupid for him to expect quiet under those circumstances. I might think he was just opposed to his wife being on the show except for the fact that he and his entire family are in there mugging for the camera at every seeming opportunity. Maybe he was cooking up some drama?

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10 hours ago, rideashire said:

On what planet does anyone NEED 22k a month to live? Oh wait, the planet California. Makes perfect sense.

I don't know, I don't live in Cali so the divorce situation there make no sense to me but I find it so weird that she's getting that much money like a salary when all she did was divorce someone. How long does that last? I'm no fan of her ex, he struck me as a jerk, but is he expected to pay for his ex wife for the rest of her life or what? Insane.

I don't think having three kids means she NEEDS 22k either. Call me crazy. At what point would she be expected to support herself?

I don't think it's specific to California. I would assume that those kinds of numbers are specific to people who are wealthy and live a wealthier lifestyle. I'm from Toronto and almost a decade ago, a woman was awarded $110k a month and two years retroactively paid out at $140k a month which sounds insane but there's a lot of factors that go into the numbers. Firstly, there has to be a relatively large disparity in income between the two sides and then you factor in lifestyle while married, length of time they were married, their respective roles during their marriage and whether that attributed to the economic disparity (and there are other factors that could be included)...and the money awarded also includes the expectation that in a lot of ways that money is going to provide the recipient the opportunity to provide for their children when they are in their care (which certainly helps to avoid one parent using their economic leverage to sway the children against the other ). David provided a certain lifestyle for Shannon and their children. She stayed home and took care of the children which meant that the roles in their marriage lent to her being economically disadvantaged (relatively speaking). Awarding spousal support would also suggest that throughout their marriage, there weren't many assets to Shannon's name. It's a temporary support that is intended to provide Shannon with some financial relief while she figures out her own money situation. In the meantime, the court's decision ensures that the children will be least impacted by their environment as possible since they can't be protected from the emotional burden that they will have to work through dealing with their parents divorce. There are certainly woman who include their monthly expenses on clothes, dining, vacations, etc. into their spousal support request (and ultimately get awarded based on the premise of being used to a certain lifestyle) but the fact that Shannon went back and asked the courts to lower it suggests to me that she has calculated her needs mainly for her children and not for herself. That money will likely be spent toward renting a space that she feels is suitable for her children and that keeps them inthe same school with their same friends. It'll go towards her children's allowance, feeding them and her ability to pay for outside activities for her kids without having to ask David's permission or send her daughters to their father for money because she has none.

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Shane ..  Yes, we New York Women are loud, annoying, Smart and Sophisticated.  Let’s see how you will like the lovely Vickie, Tamra and the rest when they start screaming, yelling and whooping it up.  You Dumb Ass.  I feel sorry for your wife, you little Mommas boy squirt.

Edited by Gem 10
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12 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

The milk man looked like a trapped dog lol 

very "forrest gump'ish" with the naming of the Mexican food.  How weird was that?

ETA:  I violated a cardinal rule.....which I usually abide by too.  "read all comments before posting"  Sorry to everyone who beat me to it.:)

Edited by TV Diva Queen
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I still can’t comprehend why David refused to get a lawyer. It’s like the stupidest thing I have ever heard especially since he is the one who left. You would think he would want to do everything he possibly could to get this done as quickly as possible.

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10 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I didn't bother to post last week regarding Ginagate but since it has not blown over (and sounds like it may be the sizzling topic of the OC season - snore) I thought I would put in my 2 cents worth now. I am with Emily's husband Shane. And I don't even like the guy. Mind you I don't like Emily or Gina either, so the bar as to which one I like the most is resting on the floor. Anyhoo as far as I know the kids were asleep (which was mentioned once, other howives are saying he was putting them to bed). I would imagine given their ages they were in bed asleep at the end of the party, and yes, Gina of all people should have known better. Given that her husband can't even bother to be around her or his kids for the most part, I doubt he would have reacted any differently. Were he the type to be home in the first place. And again, I am not defending Shane, I just think he is right and the rest of them are out to lunch.

It seems none of the women even realized he was home so they may not have even considered that the children were home either....though I don't know if it was a weeknight, in which case, where else would the kids be? In any case, I don't see any of the women taking issue with why Shane was mad, but rather how he addressed the situation. I would have to respectfully disagree with you here - having a valid reason for being upset doesn't justify using whatever means you want to address the fact that you're upset. They weren't his guests, he hadn't even greeted the women. The appropriate thing to do would have been to reach out to his wife and tell her that he's upset with her friend's behaviour and ask Emily to try and get Gina out as soon as possible. The other option would have been to go down and greet Gina personally and kindly ask her to leave because the kids are beginning to stir from the noise but he hopes Gina had a good time with the ladies tonight. If had had tried to be kind and Gina was aggressive and confrontational in return, I would totally co-sign his right to take off the kid gloves and tell her to get out of his house. But he didn't even try.

Edited by RHJunkie
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11 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Giggy is so busted, he and his weird little outfits can suck it.  (Sorry , just never could get into Pomeranians- was bitten by one.  Yet oddly, the big 90# labs and shepherds and retrievers I've had were sweet as pie). Archie would take one look at Giggy's sparkly Prince-wannabe purple ensembles and be like bitch please.

That's what he SHOULD do, but because Archie is an angel he would actually be like, cool clothes little dude let's be friends.

So Gina and Emily hash out Loudgate in the car and they are both fine and then the second Emily leaves, of course our resident hags have to bring it up again - and Gina is all mad about it again and says she thought they squashed it and everything was good.  Uhhhh....she did realize that they were talking about conversations Emily had with the others BEFORE the 2 of them talked in the car like an hour beforehand right?  

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I have the unpopular opinion of not minding either Gina or Emily at this point. Though a lot of that has to do with me not really liking any of the veteran housewives. I went back and forth on Shannon and tolerated Tamra better when they were not friends with Vicki. I did not mind Kelly when she was mad at Vicki this season. So really, if any of these women want me to like them just hate on Vicki.

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16 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

very "forrest gump'ish" with the naming of the Mexican food.  How weird was that?

Kelly staring off in to space, pausing and saying "Yeah" while he's reciting his list. Too funny!

"Loudgate" is very boring compared to "Cancergate" but then nothing will ever live up to that season. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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11 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Yay 2 Archie scenes!  Cut out the boring new girls and their boring families and give Archie more screen time.

I never really thought about how divorce could affect dogs.  You think he misses David?  Or is he glad for the 22k a month that would contribute to premium toys and treats?

I'm sure that Archie does NOT miss David.  Goldens are extremely sensitive, perceptive, and just plain smart.  I bet Archie doesn't like how David has made Shannon feel, plus the extra stress on the girls.  I am very glad that Shannon and the girls have Archie to comfort them when they're feeling upset or just down.  Goldens are absolutely the best!  

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9 hours ago, AntAnn said:

They are too ordinary, IMO. I grew up in OC and have a beach house in Downtown Huntington...there are plenty of interesting wealthy women there. The new girls are boring. 

They are smart enough to stay off a show like this.

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11 hours ago, rideashire said:

On what planet does anyone NEED 22k a month to live? Oh wait, the planet California. Makes perfect sense.

I don't know, I don't live in Cali so the divorce situation there make no sense to me but I find it so weird that she's getting that much money like a salary when all she did was divorce someone. How long does that last? I'm no fan of her ex, he struck me as a jerk, but is he expected to pay for his ex wife for the rest of her life or what? Insane.

I don't think having three kids means she NEEDS 22k either. Call me crazy. At what point would she be expected to support herself?

Doesn’t it go by what lifestyle she is accustomed to?  David makes a lot of money.  I’m pretty sure he owns a construction company that builds roads and highways.

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30 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I can’t get over how mean he has become to Shannon.

Right?  I hope she rakes him over the coals.....I hear he's got a shitty "attorney" too. lol  So arrogant to think that he can represent himself.  I have a feeling judges don't like that very much and it something is a "tie", the judge would rule in favor of the licensed attorney that isn't wasting the Court's time .  

3 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Doesn’t it go by what lifestyle she is accustomed to?  David makes a lot of money.  I’m pretty sure he owns a construction company that builds roads and highways.

without opening any clicks on the Google, he makes about $13MM a year...

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11 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Giggy is so busted, he and his weird little outfits can suck it.  (Sorry , just never could get into Pomeranians- was bitten by one.  Yet oddly, the big 90# labs and shepherds and retrievers I've had were sweet as pie). Archie would take one look at Giggy's sparkly Prince-wannabe purple ensembles and be like bitch please.

I have to agree on weird fucked up people dressing their dogs in various outfits every day of the year. Every occasion, every holiday. Giggy always looks SO uncomfortable. I get putting a sweater on your dog when it's cold outside...but bow ties, hats, pink tutus. It just screams "Hey Look at ME" If you have to dress your pet in a costume to get attention then you are an insecure, ugly human being. 

So glad Archie has not been dressed as a drag queen! Lol.

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Shannon is a sharp cookie, she knows how to play her hand in court and she knows how to make money...David should be worried and he should realize if he screws Shannon over he is essentially screwing over his kids.  Shannon should cash everyone of David's checks with a smile on her face, she earned it.  If I were her I would be living as cheaply as possible till the divorce is final and finances are settled.

Huntington Beach! I spent a summer there when I was 17 and it was a sleepy little beach town (100 years ago when I was young), I drove thru about 20 years ago and it was so built up I cannot imagine how big it is now.

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3 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

All she did was divorce someone?!?  

Thank goodness the laws in California (we don't call it Cali) have evolved beyond this archaic thinking. 

"Planet California" is a community property state.  Also, there's a formula for determining child support, and it is based on both parent's incomes and the percentage of time they have the child(ren).

The judge determined that Shannon should get $30k a month, so Dickswab David got off easy.

So then, why oh why did she go back in the court and take $14 k and something instead of the 30 k ?  Because he came out yelling?  I don’t get it.

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59 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

It seems none of the women even realized he was home so they may not have even considered that the children were home either....though I don't know if it was a weeknight, in which case, where else would the kids be? In any case, I don't see any of the women taking issue with why Shane was mad, but rather how he addressed the situation. I would have to respectfully disagree with you here - having a valid reason for being upset doesn't justify using whatever means you wants to address the fact that you're upset. They weren't his guests, he hadn't even greeted the women. The appropriate thing to do would have been to reach out to his wife and tell her that he's upset with her friend's behaviour and ask Emily to try and get Gina out as soon as possible. The other option would have been to go down and greet Gina personally and kindly ask her to leave because the kids are beginning to stir from the noise but he hopes Gina had a good time with the ladies tonight. If had had tried to be kind and Gina was aggressive and confrontation in return, I would totally co-sign his right to take off the kid gloves and tell her to get out of his house. But he didn't even try.

“Snap”! I posted similar 10 posts above yours! 

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37 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

It makes me think he was a lot nastier to her during the marriage than we ever imagined. He was probably just good at controlling himself on camera. I just can't believe one turns that vicious over night. 

Plus we now know, rather than just suspect, that the vow renewal was a steaming pile of hooey, contrived by production.

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17 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I’m sorry, I meant 22k.  Why did she lower it?

Because she is stupid (I don’t think she is ignorant, but she is lowering this for some emotional or illogical or other reason.)  Because she is worried about the consequences of his anger? Shannon told Tamra that David was literally shaking with anger in the courtroom. Maybe she thinks it will be better to be seen to be making compromises? Shannon must think it’s better to take less for some reason. I wrote this in my post up thread: he won’t thank her for this, he will still hate her. Divorce brings out the worst...

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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20 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I’m sorry, I meant 22k.  Why did she lower it?

Maybe she felt $22k was sufficient and she wanted to keep things as amicable as possible, for the sake of their children.

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7 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Because she is stupid (I don’t think she is ignorant, but she is lowering this for some emotional or illogical or other reason.)  Because she is worried about the consequences of his anger? Shannon told Tamra that David was literally shaking with anger in the courtroom. Maybe she thinks it will be better to be seen to be making compromises? Shannon must think it’s better to take less for some reason. I wrote this in my post up thread: he won’t thank her for this, he will still hate her. Divorce brings out the worst...

O.k. Thanks.  She will change her tune when she sees him all over town wining and dining his new young chippi.  Her fear of him will turn to rage.  Now I’m thinking back when I think he was hitting her, the creep.  She must have been very unhappy.  I hope she sticks it to him with the new millionaire boyfriend I saw she has now.  He lives in the same town also.  Goody.

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55 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Shannon is a sharp cookie, she knows how to play her hand in court and she knows how to make money.

She knows how to make money? How so? As Tamra herself said, she has never known Shannon to have a job....

Edited by bichonblitz
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Archie is clearly the star. :) I have a golden and a golden mix - and they are just extra special lovey dogs. And yes, I am biased, lol. 

David is a DOUCHE. Shannon is a lot, but David is horrible. And if he didn't want to pony over the cash, he shouldn't have had an affair and left his spouse. Choices. 

At this point, I don't really even see Vicki as a human being who exists in the real world. It's like she's some character who is put in perpetual random situations for our amusement. I have a hard time believing there's any there, there. Like, I feel before the cameras go away for the day, they put her back in her pod until they need her again. She's unlike any human being I have ever met. 

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