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S10.E20: Reunion Part 1

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5 minutes ago, ancslove said:

It's a pretty dress, but it reads more Red Carpet than bridal to me. Too beige to be a wedding dress, I think.

Also too see through and plunging!

It's official: I'm old.

3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

IIRC, Carole in a TH shot talked about catching Sonja in a sex act. What I remember her saying was that it was "illegal in 37 states". We all know she was referring to anal sex. She wasn't talking about it in a nice manner - she was talking about it like there's something wrong with it.

What does say about Carole who likes to label others of being culturally tone deaf or not politically correct? What did this blanket statement say about all of the people who do engage in anal sex and about the LGBTQ community?

Carole always sucked - it was just less noticeable because she often hides behind someone who has a dominant personality (Heather first, Bethenny second)

I also think she dropped Heather for Bethenny. If I had a BFF for my first 2 seasons on a Reality show and my BFF had issues with a newcomer - I would be civil to the newcomer but I certainly wouldn't pursue a closer friendship with the newcomer by telling her I has a wet dream about her.

Carole is a snake - and I am so glad her ass got fired.

You are right, KFB. Carole takes plenty of shots, like lots, at other HWs, and always has, but she does it with a big, sweet smile on her face.  Maybe that helps her get away with it. Shrug. 

  • Love 10
On 8/23/2018 at 10:50 AM, RedDelicious said:

gree.  And, lunchtime poll:  Does anyone who posts here actually drink her alcoholic creations and like them?

I actually like her original skinny margarita.  It's a handy premixed drink when you don't feel like mixing your own.  It's something I will sip on when I'm getting ready to go out where I might have one or 2 drinks at the event.  I've also tried her chocolate truffle (?) and thought it was good.  The Lime & Salt popcorn is very good.  The last thing I tried of hers was one of those other premixed alcoholic drinks, (dont remember which one), but I didn't like that one.  I do think she attempts to put out a quality product. 

  • Love 14
On 2018-08-25 at 11:58 AM, queenjen said:

the look on B's face was PAIN. Bethenny is HURTING. She doesn't get why women don't like her. Bethenny has a big dark void inside of her, I feel pity for her because she really doesn't get why she alienates people and why she is constantly alone. Carole understands this, which is why I think Carole is exceptionally cruel.

This right here is probably part of the dynamic that Carole is tired of with Bethenny. She's not her parent, and is positioned to be her inferior, yet she's constantly expected to mother Bethenny and put her needs first. Bethenny doesn't need to put Carole first or not shit on her in return since she "doesn't know better". As she said, it's a lot of Bethenny and not a lot of Carole.

And despite of this, the notion that Bethenny owns her shit still stands--even though she can't even fess up to being "a taker" emotionally, something that has been blatantly clear throughout the seasons. But that's totally okay, because see she doesn't know any better. 

Bethenny has a lot of fun sides, and I can understand why someone would befriend her. But for me she would quickly become a "once in a while" type of friend, because I've stopped putting up with being the person doing all the emotional labor. It isn't a mystery to me that Carole tried to pull back a bit as well.


On 2018-08-25 at 11:58 AM, queenjen said:


Edited by Atwood
  • Love 14
On 8/23/2018 at 11:44 AM, archer1267 said:

After seeing SG chapstick in a Dollar Tree store, I wondered "is there anything Bethenny *won't* slap the SG label on?"

Really?  At DOLLAR Tree?  I didn't think it was still being produced.  This is another product I once had of hers that was in Wal-Mart at one time.  Believe it or not,  it worked really good.  

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

I think it goes back further....when Sonja said they all know Dorinda and John do coke (at a past reunion)

I agree!

I think the gaslighting of Bethenny by Carole and Dorinda was pre-planned before filming began.

Carole was already mad at Bethenny - it happened before the summer when Adam dumped her. She didn't appreciate ANY negative comments about Adam from Bethenny and was even more enraged when she said more negative comments about Adam after she was dumped.

Dorinda was already pissed at Bethenny from the previous year in regards to the Coke allegations about her and John.

They made a pact to twist anything Bethenny said and to gaslight her.

Like  the Page Six story - Bethenny suspected it was Dorinda - and it was because Carole already told her.

Then Carole deads the story - she had no idea - Yeah Right!

Then the nutcracker - Carole was on the steps while Bethenny was jumping up and down thanking Dorinda. All on camera. Carole even asked what they are talking about. All on camera. Fast forward to TH shots of Carole and Dorinda - being upset and feeling Bethenny was rude not to thank Dorinda.

I think one of the reasons why Dorinda harps on the you're a drunk comment is to distract people from remembering her insulting comments about John on that plane.

It's the same reason for both Dorinda and Carole. They need to show their men (Adam & John) that they are ride or die and will defend them to their death. Lookey loo in May - they go off to Dubai

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, DBAAT said:

I think Bethany said she spent much of her youth at the race track because her dad was an obsessive gambler, so she basically took care of herself since she was around 15-16.

NO. Her Dad was a phenomenal, very famous, race horse trainer and one of the best of ALL time. He was not an obsessive gambler. She did spend much of her youth at race tracks where I am sure she was surrounded by gamblers, some obsessively so,  but her dad was not one of them. He made more money on sales and commissions of horses, training fees, and percentages of winnings. He was too smart to gamble that away obsessively because unlike Bethenny he did it ALL himself. He was born to caterers, city people, not a horsey family.   She probably did have a lot of independence at 15-16 being away at private schools, and on the track also where everyone who works there become like a great big family from the owners-- to the grooms --to the officials, dysfunctions and all. A racetrack family IS NOT the worst way to grow up. I know first hand.  She grew up in a great big fun exciting dysfunctional family. Like EVERYONE else does-- her dynamics were just the variable with no doubt some unresolved (no therapy no seat belts no social workers hey it was the 70's).  Bethenny isn't special.  I think the problem was starting with the alternate spelling of her name from Bethany to Bethenny before alternate spelling names were a "thing".........She was a princess....... Part of Bethenny's childhood dysfunction was spoiled only child syndrome and no boundaries or discipline due to the inability of her parents to parent super consistently. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 21
4 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

  I think the problem was starting with the alternate spelling of her name from Bethany to Bethenny before alternate spelling names were a "thing".........She was a princess....... Part of Bethenny's childhood dysfunction was spoiled only child syndrome and no boundaries or discipline due to the inability of her parents to parent super consistently. 


PS if Jason and Bethenny do not get their collective shit together re parenting .......... The Sequel. Coming soon. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 7
13 hours ago, escatefromny said:

Yes to everything, as usual!  Your observations are always spot on .... BUT on this subject, I can’t ignore that Carole knew just what she was getting into.  

Carole had seen B’s behavior with the other Housewives, as well as other people in her life, like the ex.  Carole happily joined in spewing the venom, but she was foolish to think it would never be turned on her.  

Like the Scorpion she is, it’s B’s “nature” to sting.  (And Carole actually looks like she could have been the turtle that gave the Scorpion the ride in the Fable).

Carole likes to play the "I Had No Idea Card"

She said Heather got her (referring to Bethenny) number when they met.

Why would someone who is besties with Heather, saw first hand at gatherings the "falling on the floor sobbing, would rather eat glass, crying over a meatball, my walls are up" not make a wide path from this person? Your bestie has an issue with B, why not just be civil to her while filming? Why pursue a friendship, why go on vacations, why spend ANY time off season with her FOR 3 YEARS?

Is Carole admitting she's absolutely stupid?


  • Love 11
Just now, Rap541 said:

Didn't John Parisi her step dad admit to beating her mom in front of her when she was a teen?

I don't mind downplaying Bethenny's tales of woe because she does exaggerate but I think calling the witnessing of spousal abuse by a child "great big fun" is a wee bit offensive and dismissive of the situation. 

Parisella and I believe she said that but I don't believe it anyway. 

I said it was a great big fun dysfunctional family *on the track* in context of the OP discussion of being raised on a racetrack. If she had these traumatic issues with her family she had resources in that big dysfunctional family to protect her.  I feel strongly from experience she always had a mentor or good example watching for her even in the roughest of times that she does not acknowledge. 

  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, Rap541 said:


I believe he said that and apologized for it in the episode he was in (and Parisella is the right name) but somehow I don't think Bethenny convinced that man to lie about committing a crime on camera. But then I don't buy into the "Bethenny is a master manipulator" either. 


At that time I always figured it is why he paid for her boarding school and why she spent holidays with classmates, home was just that big a cluster.  

  • Love 15
On 8/23/2018 at 11:16 PM, breezy424 said:

So doing your job is to get out of the car when you see the grieving widow and approach her again for a second time so the cameras can film you and Jill  commiserating about being alone.  Congrats from Andy to Beth.

This is why I believe that Carole quit. How long can you stand selling your soul like that for money? Creating drama, throwing "friends" under the bus, grabbing camera time using the death of a friend's husband? Just like Ben and Ronnie from WWCL said about Bethenny regarding this, it's just gross. Bethenny was so smug when she smiled and said about the cameras after Bobby's funeral, "It was just me".  Gross.

I think it just wasn't worth it to Carole anymore, especially after that reunion and watching Andy bask in the mud wrestling. Good for Carole getting out. 

I suspect that it can only get worse for Bethenny if she stays on. As if this year wasn't bad enough.

  • Love 15
37 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Didn't John Parisi her step dad admit to beating her mom in front of her when she was a teen?

I don't mind downplaying Bethenny's tales of woe because she does exaggerate but I think calling the witnessing of spousal abuse by a child "great big fun" is a wee bit offensive and dismissive of the situation. 

It’s ok, it’s only Bethenny, a lot of people don’t see her as a real person.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

IIRC, Carole in a TH shot talked about catching Sonja in a sex act. What I remember her saying was that it was "illegal in 37 states". We all know she was referring to anal sex. She wasn't talking about it in a nice manner - she was talking about it like there's something wrong with it.

What does say about Carole who likes to label others of being culturally tone deaf or not politically correct? What did this blanket statement say about all of the people who do engage in anal sex and about the LGBTQ community?

Carole always sucked - it was just less noticeable because she often hides behind someone who has a dominant personality (Heather first, Bethenny second)

I also think she dropped Heather for Bethenny. If I had a BFF for my first 2 seasons on a Reality show and my BFF had issues with a newcomer - I would be civil to the newcomer but I certainly wouldn't pursue a closer friendship with the newcomer by telling her I has a wet dream about her.

Carole is a snake - and I am so glad her ass got fired.

Carole has said quite a lot in her talking heads.  All knocking the others, then that little laugh that she thinks makes it all right.  A real cutie she was.  At least when Bethenny said things, she’s funny and jokes around, even if the joke was on her.  Bethenny also said it to the face .. Carole said behind the back.

  • Love 18
22 hours ago, funnygirl said:


And not that she doesn't deserve to date, have fun, and find love again. But it was rather striking hearing her say in the funeral clip how she hasn't been alone since she was 20, and so six months* after her husband dies she's already dating someone else? I find that a bit alarming only because of her previous statement. But I wish Jill well all the same, and I won't be surprised if a year from now she gets her NYC apple back. 


*ETA: I thought I read that she - or someone - specified time frame. ?? 

That may be why she’s dating so quickly.  Jill always struck me as someone who needed to be in a relationship.  And, not to be callous, but Bobby was very sick for a long time.  She was probably getting adjusted to being alone (and not liking it) long before he died.

also gotta wonder what the financial arrangements are.  This was a second marriage for each, the business isn’t being sold and Jill likely has no ownership in that.  Their apartment on the show never impressed me as “all that” - it was relatively small for monied people.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

IIRC, Carole in a TH shot talked about catching Sonja in a sex act. What I remember her saying was that it was "illegal in 37 states". We all know she was referring to anal sex. She wasn't talking about it in a nice manner - she was talking about it like there's something wrong with it.

What does say about Carole who likes to label others of being culturally tone deaf or not politically correct? What did this blanket statement say about all of the people who do engage in anal sex and about the LGBTQ community?

Carole always sucked - it was just less noticeable because she often hides behind someone who has a dominant personality (Heather first, Bethenny second)

I also think she dropped Heather for Bethenny. If I had a BFF for my first 2 seasons on a Reality show and my BFF had issues with a newcomer - I would be civil to the newcomer but I certainly wouldn't pursue a closer friendship with the newcomer by telling her I has a wet dream about her.

Carole is a snake - and I am so glad her ass got fired.

And if IRC Carole LIED about Sonja "buttfucking" the pirate. She wrote Sonja an apology letter but the rumor persists. Just like there is no proof that Luann called her a "pedafile". But there is proof on Twitter saying the same thing about Luann and posting nip slips. 

  • Love 12
On 8/24/2018 at 8:44 AM, mwell345 said:

Also found this picture - I guess this is when they "toast" at the end of the reunion (the thing Bethenny refused to do a couple of reunions ago).  Look at Andy and Carole.  He IS pissed.




Kadooz to Carole for not being afraid to go up against Andy. As much as she has disappointed me in the past, this has elevated her in my opinion. I can't wait for his downfall, which is going to happen, hopefully sooner than later.

  • Love 10

At the beginning of the Reunion, Andy asked Carole about Adam.

She claims she had NOT spoken to him in 3 months - Carole is a liar.

She was having coffee with Adam everyday - from her own mouth.

She spoke Tinsley about it when she pretended not to know the phrase Friends With Benefits.

She had 3 eggs cooked 2 different ways and not touching when she told Tinsley about Adam meeting a girl, dated her and wanting to go on more dates with her.

She saw Adam and spoke to him ON camera - before the marathon and after the marathon.

She said he called her.

She got 5 dozen Drooplips from Adam.

She said he dropped by with Baby.

She saw Adam and spoke to him ON camera when he handed her the World's Best Nanna trophy

Douchebag was trying to get on a plane with suddenly Service Dog Baby because he didn't want to pay.

She went to Dubai with him in May.

I'm not sure of the date it was filmed - but aren't there multiple Coupon Cabin commercials they both appear in?

Carole SUX

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 11
20 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

So true. My girlfriend hates dresses - if she wears them - they have to be long as in almost down to her ankles. This is because when she was 14 some guy not even a boyfriend said your legs look funny - like they're crooked.

Reunion Part 2 - they are going to talk more about Tinsley/Scott. She needs to cut her losses with him and find someone else.

A better shot of Tinsley's reunion ensemble - I posted it over on the Tinsley thread


Very pretty, and yes that would have looked great on pretty much any of them.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Mrs peel said:

also gotta wonder what the financial arrangements are.  This was a second marriage for each, the business isn’t being sold and Jill likely has no ownership in that.  Their apartment on the show never impressed me as “all that” - it was relatively small for monied people.

This might be cultural but... I do think the Zarin clan is well moneyed, they just might not flash it about in housing. Jill was always in top fashion and there was private jet money. I doubt Jill was left the family business but I also doubt she was left penniless.

  • Love 5
Just now, Rap541 said:

This might be cultural but... I do think the Zarin clan is well moneyed, they just might not flash it about in housing. Jill was always in top fashion and there was private jet money. I doubt Jill was left the family business but I also doubt she was left penniless.

Maybe, but ithat’s Bobby’s family.  I’m sure Bobby left her money, but it might not be private jet money, and I think we all know Jill doesn’t want to give that up.

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

OMG, the more I watch Dorinda, the more I dislike her.  She would be so much work as a friend.  A person would be on pins and needles.  She would have to be complemented  in front of an audience, kissed assed if she did you a favor, and you would have to beware when she’s drinking.  So exhausting.

And you’d have to constantly compliment the tacky Christmas decorations at her Berkshires house.  Less is more Dorinda!  You don’t have to buy everything at Michaels!

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

It is described as a wedding gown because it is one.  https://www.watters.com/willowby/products/orion  Maybe reunion dress shopping is how Bethenny heaard about Tinsley's trip to Amsale.  (and now I've doomed myself to getting ads for that dress for the rest of my life, at least it's not a Pnina hooker gown with a sheer bustier and a V pointing to the crotch)

That dress is very sheer in 3 of the photos (can see the underwear), but in the last one it looks like it has more layers of tulle.  I think it's more wedding appropriate in the last one, with more layers of tulle.  Pretty, but nothing I could wear!

  • Love 1

I used to watch a few of these 'real housewives' shows.    I thought they were fun.  Made me feel a little bit better about myself, even though I am not rich or important or powerful, I am also not a horrible superficial judgmental shrew.  ha ha. 

But I caught part of this reunion show.   I used to watch the New York ladies, and I wanted to see if anyone was still on the show.  So Ramona and Bethany are the 2 I remember,    They said something about Luann.  I remember her as The countess.  lol  Well, it nice to see them......I guess.   I thought most of them looked scary awful though. 

I don't normally pick on someone's appearance, but to be on a show like this, you have to have a thick skin.  And maybe it's because I'm not used to seeing them, or the lighting is meant to be unflattering during these reunion shows.  I don't know.    But YIKES!   And you know they all thought they were looking fabulous.  Seeing all that makeup is scary enough, but the thought of seeing them without might be even more terrifying.  ha ha. 

But honestly, they probably all look better a little less 'done'.    Maybe they should have them to the reunions casual.    Wear some jeans -- Serve some pizza and beer or soda.   Let them relax and get comfy. 

Well, I probably shouldn't have added my 2 cents, since I have not actually watched, but I really was shocked by their appearance. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

It is described as a wedding gown because it is one.  https://www.watters.com/willowby/products/orion  Maybe reunion dress shopping is how Bethenny heaard about Tinsley's trip to Amsale.  (and now I've doomed myself to getting ads for that dress for the rest of my life, at least it's not a Pnina hooker gown with a sheer bustier and a V pointing to the crotch)

Jeez, the version that has the sheer skirt is so inappropriate for a wedding dress!  Shocked B didn’t wear that version.

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Or is the Mother that bad that there’s no going back?

I think she's that bad, Gem 10. Childhood aside, in the last five years alone, Bernadette has spoken to the press about her daughter in very ugly terms. She called Frankel a moron, a loser, a fake businesswoman, a terrible mother, she attributed Frankel's success to blind luck, said she had "no feelings at all" about Bethenny getting back in touch with her and letting her talk to Bryn  -- there' s no way I'd let somebody that savage (and damaged) around any child of mine.

That said, I'd get my ass into real theapy if I were Bethenny ("real" as in whatever she's been doing, all these years, doesn't seem to have healed her instinct to attack and savage people).  Frankel treats her castmates and former in-laws and Jason the way Bernadette treated her - take no prisoners - and that's not good for Bryn. 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 13
5 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I'm trying to imagine Bobby on his deathbed looking up at Jill and saying, "please bring the Bravo cameras to my funeral so you and Bethenny can make up."  RIP, dearest Bobby.  

If it is in fact true that Jill invited/requested Bravo cameras at the funeral all I can say is, (à la Ramona) "Wow! Wow, Jill!"  She's been off the show for seven years...since being fired, and the great love of her life just passed away after an extended illness. Why would it even occur to anyone in that position to call on Bravo at that time?!?!  What won't she do to get that apple back?

33 minutes ago, Thumper said:

That dress is very sheer in 3 of the photos (can see the underwear), but in the last one it looks like it has more layers of tulle.  I think it's more wedding appropriate in the last one, with more layers of tulle.  Pretty, but nothing I could wear!

There's a difference in pricing of about $500 depending on options.  Maybe one of them is an underskirt.

  • Love 3
On 8/23/2018 at 11:14 AM, Rosiejuliemom said:

I think the difference lies in time. Both Richard and Anthony were long dead, whereas Bobby wasn't even in the ground yet.

MMV, of course.

I get that (I don’t agree, but I understand that point of view). I just think all of the ladies on all of The Real Housewife shows are ridiculous about drawing these lines in the sand. My private moment is fine on camera, but yours is tacky. My business is legitimate, yours is opportunistic. I’m on the show for the right reasons, you’re on the show for the wrong reasons. Sure, Bethany, you were offended by Ramona’s lack of a solid business plan. Nothing to do with the fact you just hate the bitch. Sure, Dream Team, you were offended by Bravo cameras on a street outside a funeral that were approved by the widow. Nothing to do with you all hating Bethany. All of them are emotionally needy, messy, dysfunctional, immature, damaged, fame whores. Stop trying to convince me otherwise, Housewives.

  • Love 14
40 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

That may be why she’s dating so quickly.  Jill always struck me as someone who needed to be in a relationship.  And, not to be callous, but Bobby was very sick for a long time.  She was probably getting adjusted to being alone (and not liking it) long before he died.

also gotta wonder what the financial arrangements are.  This was a second marriage for each, the business isn’t being sold and Jill likely has no ownership in that.  Their apartment on the show never impressed me as “all that” - it was relatively small for monied people.

Jill moved out of the Hamptons rental (Camp Zarin) just a few months before Bobby died.  She had arranged for him to spend a long weekend out there in the summer by arranging an ambulance type limo.  He didn’t appear In her IG; I think he looked too sick.  I felt sorry for her when she had to leave that house; she did incredible entertaining there (the expense!!!).  She did a big IG story the day she left; she handled it all very well, no self pity.  

Bobby had a lot of money but he had two kids from his previous marriage.  So Jill I assume just got a split.  She seems to be living very well though, just spent a week in the south of France at a tennis camp, seems to travel back and forth to Europe (Wimbledon, French Open) )  and Miami whenever she wants.   Ali spent the college year in England getting a masters in “business of art” or some such thing at Sotheby’s.  This summer she’s been all over Europe at the trendy hotspots, Santorini, Mykonos, Ibiza.  She’s become a real social butterfly.    So Bobby must have taken good care of both of them financially.  Jill bought an apt in Miami about a year before Bobby died and visits her parents in Boca all the time.  I think she’s in the same NY apt.  She’s on the go all the time so id suspect her attention is more the new guy than a new apartment.  

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

NO. Her Dad was a phenomenal, very famous, race horse trainer and one of the best of ALL time. He was not an obsessive gambler. She did spend much of her youth at race tracks where I am sure she was surrounded by gamblers, some obsessively so,  but her dad was not one of them. He made more money on sales and commissions of horses, training fees, and percentages of winnings. He was too smart to gamble that away obsessively because unlike Bethenny he did it ALL himself. He was born to caterers, city people, not a horsey family.   She probably did have a lot of independence at 15-16 being away at private schools, and on the track also where everyone who works there become like a great big family from the owners-- to the grooms --to the officials, dysfunctions and all. A racetrack family IS NOT the worst way to grow up. I know first hand.  She grew up in a great big fun exciting dysfunctional family. Like EVERYONE else does-- her dynamics were just the variable with no doubt some unresolved (no therapy no seat belts no social workers hey it was the 70's).  Bethenny isn't special.  I think the problem was starting with the alternate spelling of her name from Bethany to Bethenny before alternate spelling names were a "thing".........She was a princess....... Part of Bethenny's childhood dysfunction was spoiled only child syndrome and no boundaries or discipline due to the inability of her parents to parent super consistently. 


I read her Dad hung around with a lot of mob type people...which wouldn't be surprising since a lot of mobbed up guys hang around the track and run the illegal gambling/betting operations. I don't think he was around her a lot as a child...they were estranged for sometime when she was an adult. Her upbringing was dysfunctional on the part of both parents.

Edited by kicksave
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

IIRC, Carole in a TH shot talked about catching Sonja in a sex act. What I remember her saying was that it was "illegal in 37 states". We all know she was referring to anal sex. She wasn't talking about it in a nice manner - she was talking about it like there's something wrong with it.

What does say about Carole who likes to label others of being culturally tone deaf or not politically correct? What did this blanket statement say about all of the people who do engage in anal sex and about the LGBTQ community?

Carole always sucked - it was just less noticeable because she often hides behind someone who has a dominant personality (Heather first, Bethenny second)

I also think she dropped Heather for Bethenny. If I had a BFF for my first 2 seasons on a Reality show and my BFF had issues with a newcomer - I would be civil to the newcomer but I certainly wouldn't pursue a closer friendship with the newcomer by telling her I has a wet dream about her.

Carole is a snake - and I am so glad her ass got fired.

She also made fun of Luann - wasn't she the one who pointed out Luann's "pumpkin head"? She was snarking non stop about Lu when they were in London (when Ramona was left out of the trip - I think it was a biz trip of Heather's that she invited Carole, Lu, and Dorinda to?!?). Carole was frequently making fun of Lu in her talking heads... and at that point Lu had been pretty nice to Carole... so totes co-sign on your post... Carole is not some innocent little red riding hood that got sucked into darkness by the big bad wolf Bethenny Frankel... And then suddenly got saved and wanted to leave the dark forest... she's been nasty in her own way the entire run of her time on RHONY... And she literally whispered "butt fucking" in that talking head she did where she dragged Sonja regarding the pirate... 

  • Love 16
10 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

She even went as far as saying "I was embarrassed  of  myself on the reunion"

I do think it was Carole and Dorinda behind it.

Carole wanted to go after Bethenny and Luann.

Dorinda wanted to go after Sonja and Bethenny.

Ramona had her own issues with Bethenny - which I could see Carole and Dorinda egging her on and they had her back. If you think about it - Ramona didn't do the pot stirring at least on camera like Dorinda and Carole.

Ramona went to the dark side after Sonja called her a POS in a text, but they can never stay mad at each other for long - the 2 of them clung to each other on the boat trip.

I also believe Carole tried to rope in Tinsley, but Tinsley couldn't do it. It may be one of the reasons Carole smacked her down with the domestic abuse comparison. Punishment for not stepping up to the plate.

  • Love 7

Carole is a liar liar pants on fire! I can name several times she bashed Bethenny on camera....

Berkshires - told Dorinda Bethenny is a narcissist. Dinner out with ramona and Dorinda (berkshires) Betnenny seems aggressive

Vacation shopping- Carole says Bethenny takes and takes and takes. The endless crying is without reason

Carol to Sonja - It's a lot about Bethenny and not a lot about Carole

In van - Bethenny's relationships explode

Carole to Dorinda - Bethenny is two faced and I was not invited to see her apartment

I'm certain there is plenty more than  what I can remember said....

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:


I also believe Carole tried to rope in Tinsley, but Tinsley couldn't do it. It may be one of the reasons Carole smacked her down with the domestic abuse comparison. Punishment for not stepping up to the plate.

I’m not sure I 100% buy that. It could be that, but it really seemed to me that Carole reacted in the moment to something. I think it’s just as likely that Carole expected Tinsley to go on about how brave Carole was in the face of death and just snapped at her when she didn’t. I don’t think Carole is actually a very self-reflective person and I’ve never though she takes criticism (directly or implied) very well.  

I do find Tinsely’s reluctance to go all in on Bethany interesting. She has reasons. Bethany has not been very nice to her and for no real reason. Unlike her fights with the other ladies, Bethany’s beef with Tinsley seems to have very little to do with Tinsely. Tinsely of everyone has the most proof of Bethany being just a straight up bitch, but she doesn’t seem particularly interested in being either friends or foes with Bethany. Honestly, I think it’s just not in her nature to kick someone when they’re down  or make sport of bringing someone down. I think she’s nicer then that. Crazy, but nice.

  • Love 6
16 minutes ago, BodhiGurl said:

She also made fun of Luann - wasn't she the one who pointed out Luann's "pumpkin head"? She was snarking non stop about Lu when they were in London (when Ramona was left out of the trip - I think it was a biz trip of Heather's that she invited Carole, Lu, and Dorinda to?!?). Carole was frequently making fun of Lu in her talking heads... and at that point Lu had been pretty nice to Carole... so totes co-sign on your post... Carole is not some innocent little red riding hood that got sucked into darkness by the big bad wolf Bethenny Frankel... And then suddenly got saved and wanted to leave the dark forest... she's been nasty in her own way the entire run of her time on RHONY... And she literally whispered "butt fucking" in that talking head she did where she dragged Sonja regarding the pirate... 

You're absolutely right!

This happened at the Henri Bendel shopping Party Ramona threw.

A party which happened right after Carole invited Luann to tea - to clear the air.

According to Carole there was all this hostility coming from Luann talking about her and absolutely none from her.

What does Carole bring up - Luann called Adam a "Toy Boy" - Adam not Carole. The Adam who already dumped Carole.

Does Carole not remember this?


  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

I’m not sure I 100% buy that. It could be that, but it really seemed to me that Carole reacted in the moment to something. I think it’s just as likely that Carole expected Tinsley to go on about how brave Carole was in the face of death and just snapped at her when she didn’t. I don’t think Carole is actually a very self-reflective person and I’ve never though she takes criticism (directly or implied) very well.  

I do find Tinsely’s reluctance to go all in on Bethany interesting. She has reasons. Bethany has not been very nice to her and for no real reason. Unlike her fights with the other ladies, Bethany’s beef with Tinsley seems to have very little to do with Tinsely. Tinsely of everyone has the most proof of Bethany being just a straight up bitch, but she doesn’t seem particularly interested in being either friends or foes with Bethany. Honestly, I think it’s just not in her nature to kick someone when they’re down  or make sport of bringing someone down. I think she’s nicer then that. Crazy, but nice.

Maybe Bethenny just didn't want to deal with another coke head on the show.  You can clearly see Tinsley's jaw going side to side at times. 

3 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

You're absolutely right!

This happened at the Henri Bendel shopping Party Ramona threw.

A party which happened right after Carole invited Luann to tea - to clear the air.

According to Carole there was all this hostility coming from Luann talking about her and absolutely none from her.

What does Carole bring up - Luann called Adam a "Toy Boy" - Adam not Carole. The Adam who already dumped Carole.

Does Carole not remember this?


Bwahahahaha!!! Grandma Carole forgot that little gem, too!

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

I’m not sure I 100% buy that. It could be that, but it really seemed to me that Carole reacted in the moment to something. I think it’s just as likely that Carole expected Tinsley to go on about how brave Carole was in the face of death and just snapped at her when she didn’t. I don’t think Carole is actually a very self-reflective person and I’ve never though she takes criticism (directly or implied) very well.  

I do find Tinsely’s reluctance to go all in on Bethany interesting. She has reasons. Bethany has not been very nice to her and for no real reason. Unlike her fights with the other ladies, Bethany’s beef with Tinsley seems to have very little to do with Tinsely. Tinsely of everyone has the most proof of Bethany being just a straight up bitch, but she doesn’t seem particularly interested in being either friends or foes with Bethany. Honestly, I think it’s just not in her nature to kick someone when they’re down  or make sport of bringing someone down. I think she’s nicer then that. Crazy, but nice.

I don't think Tinsley had it in her to go along with the plans. She was sent in by Carole to have that meet for drinks with Luann at the beginning of the season - to discuss Tom. Why would she be the one - Tinsley and the Countess didn't really get along. Was Tinsley going to give Luann relationship advice? Tinsley just got off the phone from text fighting with Scott and being broken up.

She was also part of the conversation with Carole to laugh & gossip about Luann's arrest

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, mishap said:

Made me feel a little bit better about myself, even though I am not rich or important or powerful, I am also not a horrible superficial judgmental shrew.  ha ha. 

You is kind.....


But honestly, they probably all look better a little less 'done'.    Maybe they should have them to the reunions casual.    Wear some jeans -- Serve some pizza and beer or soda.   Let them relax and get comfy. 

My thoughts exactly!  I think they're too made up for this particular occasion.  Sometimes some of them look ridiculous, IMO. 

Edited by ChitChat
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I don't think Tinsley had it in her to go along with the plans. She was sent in by Carole to have that meet for drinks with Luann at the beginning of the season - to discuss Tom. Why would she be the one - Tinsley and the Countess didn't really get along. Was Tinsley going to give Luann relationship advice? Tinsley just got off the phone from text fighting with Scott and being broken up.

She was also part of the conversation with Carole to laugh & gossip about Luann's arrest

That meeting was all kinds of weird! 

  • Love 2
On 8/24/2018 at 9:41 AM, noveltylibrary said:

Funny..I never imagined a blonde would want to change her hair color!  Then again I have straight hair who longs for curls.. B's hair was cute and the dress demure which fit well with her sitting back calmly (at least for Part 1 lol)

Too many bottle blondes at once can really make you want to go in another direction. I have a similar reaction to the Fox News lineup.

I don't think I'll ever get how upset people get with Andy's performance at these reunions. I'm not fan - I've heard plenty first hand accounts from people who worked with and for him on his way up - but, he's as much a character on these things to me as the wives are and nothing more. I enjoy watching that part of it too. I mean this isn't Frost/Nixon.

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