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Crisis On Infinite Earths 2019: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Their Story

Message added by MarkHB

This thread is specifically for discussion of Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and speculation and spoilers directly pertaining to them.  Full rules for the thread are here; please read them.  Off-topic posts may be removed.

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Thinking about potential scenes that mirror Crisis covers/images. I agree that they'll use the one of Supes holding dead Kara but flipped (for my money I'd bet it'll be her holding Routh's Supes cause I think they'll want to keep Tyler for more guest spots). In addition I would vote to see some version of the following as well:





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13 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

Yeah, I can see Legends having a plot where it turns out some random historical figure was actually an alien.

Oh, I love this idea. I feel like Wonder Woman won't turn out to be the first alien president. 

I would really like to see all three halves of Firestorm and maybe get a Jax/Ronnie version temporarily. I miss them all so much. 

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I don’t usually buy episodes or Blu Rays because I’ll just rewatch episodes on Netflix. So what personally annoys me is that Batwoman won’t be coming to Netflix. So if I want to rewatch this year’s crossover at the end of the season, one episode will be missing. I hope nothing important happens in that episode.

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Is there a contractual reason why the crossover episodes are on the Blu Ray packages for the individual series but not on the DVD ones?

I figured that I would skip putting out money for Blu Ray because it's expensive and there will probably be a whole new system in a few years but I'm being short-changed.

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16 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

I don’t usually buy episodes or Blu Rays because I’ll just rewatch episodes on Netflix. So what personally annoys me is that Batwoman won’t be coming to Netflix. So if I want to rewatch this year’s crossover at the end of the season, one episode will be missing. I hope nothing important happens in that episode.

I must have missed this news,  but why won't Batwoman be on Netflix?

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Another new streaming service. Yay.

I know that first page isn’t the script but I’m still curious about what it says. Someone will decipher it eventually. 

I find it interesting how each show titled the memo differently. Probably just a reflection of each production.

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21 minutes ago, BaggythePanther said:

I know that first page isn’t the script but I’m still curious about what it says. Someone will decipher it eventually. 

It's just a memo that says don't take photos of the scripts or leave them lying around or accidentally reveal things on social media because fans will find them and reveal secrets (apt since, yeah, offhand I can think of a bunch of times this has happened to at least Flash and Arrow), which lol guess SA doesn't care.

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On 9/13/2019 at 9:07 AM, tv echo said:

While they may not be able to make it to where it plays seamlessly, still dont know why they dont release it on it's own in general. They can definitely release a COIE blu-ray and keep everything in tact and we can just skip the credits ourselves.

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13 hours ago, tv echo said:

If you click/press twice on the following pic, you'll be able to read the memos...

Which all say pretty much the same thing: "Don't even THINK of sharing this with anyone, especially not with anyone on ANY form of social media!"

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'Cress Williams shares his hopes for the 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' '


“The unofficial rumblings behind the scenes had been just growing. It got to the point, especially after Comic-Con, that I would’ve been more shocked if [they said], “No, this is never going to happen,” he says.


“We feel isolated a bit being in Atlanta, but I socialize with a lot of the other shows when we’re doing press together. They all are really cool people, so I’m excited to play with them,” he says. Which actor is he particularly excited about sharing the screen with? “It sounds like the politically correct answer, but it’s not: It’s all of them,” he says. “I feel like being Black Lightning and Stephen Amell’s Arrow character, they have that kind of vigilante quality that’s similar and a grittiness that’s similar. That will be a lot of fun. But I’ve interacted with The Flash cast quite a bit just in random places, and I really enjoy being around them. I’m just starting to get to know [Supergirl’s] Melissa [Benoist]. She’s legitimately one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I really look forward to playing with all of them and acting alongside all of them, and swapping stories with all of them. I think it’ll be really fun.”

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Regarding the topic from downthread about whether earth 1 and earth 38 will merge. I recall that apparently Rovner or Queller said something about earth 38 being shaken in the second half of the season after the crossover, which seems to imply that the worlds stay separate. 

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Here's just the video, along with my transcription...

-- LMG: "I was working yesterday on Arrowverse stuff."

-- On being the lynchpin in the COIE crossover event, LMG: "Bringing the Monitor out was a big deal... He's not as big as other characters that you would, you know, that you'd see, like Superman and Batman and all these other characters. He's kind of obscure, but bringing that to life for the first time was fun. And when they told me I was gonna be the Anti-Monitor, that was a game-changer. I'm like, so I get to play both of them. So that's, I'm in heaven right now."

-- On whether he knows how Arrow will end, LMG: "I do not. I know the comic book, you know, and they're sticking pretty close to what the comic book was, so that's kind of - it's a good thing, but you can't adapt everything from the page. But they're doing their spin on it and so far it's like they're hitting it out of the park."

-- On how Arrow, Legends, Supergirl and Flash are different behind-the-scenes, LMG: "I deal a lot with the makeup departments because of my whole get-up, so there's different personalities within those departments. And you can tell Arrow's been there for awhile. They've been there for eight seasons. So they're just a well-oiled machine, you know what I mean? So they - there's little things that are different between all of them, but most of them run pretty tight ships, so it, you know, it's all good."

-- On whether the CW shows have a lot of rewrites, LMG: "There's a lot of changes that go on and it's with - with that character, he has a cadence the way he speaks... I don't think anyone speaks like the Monitor. So I kinda get - I get the character down and when there's changes on the last minute, it kind of throws off a little bit, but you just, you know, you recalibrate, you check back in, and then, you know, you go for it."

-- On where he is on the shooting schedule right now, LMG: "Midway through on Arrow. I bounce around to, you know, different shows. We just wrapped episode 5 of Arrow. So it's the halfway point. And we start shooting Crisis in maybe another month."

-- On being a big part of Arrow this season, LMG: "Yeah, I'm Arrow-heavy this year... So Monitor and Arrow are pretty much joined at the hip for this last season. But he does bounce around and he wreaks havoc. You know, you think Monitor is bad. It's like bad cop/worse cop, because Anti-Monitor's coming, so, you know, the audience that's hating one person right now, when they see the other guy, it's gonna - it's gonna be real."

-- On whether he has "borrowed" anything from the set of any of the CW shows, LMG: "I've borrowed a lot of comic books... Yesterday on set, we - we did photos for my own action figure. So I'm about to have a Monitor action figure, so that was fun. And when that comes out, I'm going to borrow that too and put it with the rest of my comic book collection and action figures."

-- On whether he can leave set wearing the costume, LMG: "I can't leave set with the costume. But the mutton chops and the hair -  I had like a six-hour break between shots once, so I went back to the hotel and the looks I got, like, people just got out of the way... I coulda robbed a bank in broad daylight with that hair and the mutton chops."

Edited by tv echo
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There's the "huge news"



It’ll be raining (super) men this fall on The CW.

On the heels of news that both Tyler Hoechlin and Brandon Routh will be slipping back into their Superman tights for Arrowverse‘s “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover, TVLine can confirm that Smallville vet Tom Welling will also reprise his signature Man of Steel role in the five-part event.

Per The CW, the crossover will “reveal what happened to Clark Kent almost ten years” after the conclusion of Smallville.

“For eight years, Arrow has stood on the shoulders of Smallville,” EP Marc Guggenheim said in a statement. “Simply put, there would be no Arrow, and no Arrowverse, without it. So when we first started talking about ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths,’ our first, second and third priorities were getting Tom to reprise his iconic role as Clark Kent. To say that we’re thrilled would be a Superman-sized understatement.”

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Wow, they must've offered him a crap ton of money. Since he's been very vocal of not wanting to play the role ever again. 

Having seen him on Lucifer his acting hasn't improved any so hopefully he can get back into the role of BDA. Lol

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Hey, why not bring back ALL of the lame shows and movies?  Invite Josh Brolin as the Jonah Hex wants to talk about! Or Birds of Prey! Aside from Barbara Gordon and Sloan Peterson as Dr. Quinzel, it was just a big pile of mediocre.

Could there be maybe one Easter Egg for Gotham? I liked that series, as fucked up as it was.

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So he infected Lucifer and now they’re risking him infecting Crisis. Ugh. He’s a shit actor and we already have two superior Supes in play so the story doesn’t need him. The plan better be to have him be the big Super death in place of Kara otherwise there’s no point.  

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I knew CW would get him back eventually; didn't think he'd be playing Superman, though. But also the Smallville version of Superman. Which is weird, since Supergirl already made some of Smallville canon in the show.

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35 minutes ago, Trini said:

Well, now I'm thinking Hoechlin Superman is safe. Will they kill off one or both of the other Supermen?

Since I’m unlikely to get the death of Welling Superman that I want I think his presence all but guarantees that Tyler’s is a goner. Kara’s not going to scream in grief over TW or Routh but she sure will for her beloved cousin. That’ll allow them to recreate that one Crisis cover. 

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I think Birds of Prey was pretty good,  especially at the midway point onwards.  They just needed a showrunner with a decent vision and a budget that wasn't fucked by having to shoot in Los Angeles.

And even smallville couldn't afford MR by the end of their run,  I doubt Crisis can. 

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1 minute ago, Delphi said:

I think Birds of Prey was pretty good,  especially at the midway point onwards.  They just needed a showrunner with a decent vision and a budget that wasn't fucked by having to shoot in Los Angeles.

And even smallville couldn't afford MR by the end of their run,  I doubt Crisis can. 

MR left primarily because he was tired of being bald...is that not correct? But these crossovers practically get double the budget of the normal show and they must have a huge budget for this.

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

MR left primarily because he was tired of being bald...is that not correct? But these crossovers practically get double the budget of the normal show and they must have a huge budget for this.

I'm actually not sure why he left.   I had quit watching well  before. 

They should bring back Laura as Kara as well then they can really kill off a Supergirl if they want to stick close  plus I loved her Kara.

This is a fantastic idea. 

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16 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

MR left primarily because he was tired of being bald...is that not correct? But these crossovers practically get double the budget of the normal show and they must have a huge budget for this.

MR did not leave because of money. He left because he was tired of playing the role and shaving his head.

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Poking around the thread, I found this:

On 6/3/2019 at 8:02 AM, MarkHB said:

In comics, the Anti-Monitor looks nothing like the Monitor; he's a giant monster. No telling what the CW will do, though.


Here's an alternate take . . . from the criminally-underrated Green Lantern: The Animated Series:



Hey, better than making Anti-Monitor a freakin' space cloud.

Edited by Lantern7
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Other media reports on the Tom Welling news...

Tom Welling To Reprise ‘Smallville’ Clark Kent Role In Arrowverse Crossover On the CW
By Nellie Andreeva  September 19, 2019 

Tom Welling to reprise Smallville role for Arrowverse's 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' crossover
By Chancellor Agard September 19, 2019

ETA: MG already tweeted concept art for the Anti-Monitor back in July...

Edited by tv echo
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While I admit Tom is not the greatest actor==hell, he's not that good--but I will always have a special place for him in my heart, because the first season of Smallville he was charming and endearing. And when he was with good and great actors, his acting was good. He was amazing channeling John Glover's Lionel in "Transference" down to the speech patterns and affect. And with Annette when Jonathan died. 

But the shallow part of me hopes he does something about that DISASTER of hair that had me traumatized when I saw him on Lucifer.

I'm in this for ♥️Kevin!Fucking!Conroy!♥️ But if they manage to surprise me and bring in Michael!Fucking!Rosenbaum! AND Mark!Fucking!Hamill! I will be thrilled. Both Tom and Michael are very good friends and they have had nothing but good things to say about the show that set the path for the Arrowverse.

And as for the stupid (to me) question up thread in one of the articles asking where has his Clark/Supes been all these years? He's been Supermanning.(Yes, I just made up that word! So what?😜)  Even thought I we got gypped and never saw him in the suit, just a crappy CGI flying around and just a head shot, he was Supermanning.

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27 minutes ago, tv echo said:

More cons in Oct. and Dec. where fans can ask TW, MR and ED about COIE...

. . . and I don't think there's going to be anything on that at NYCC. Batwoman will be part of a long block of panels that Sunday.

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I don't think TW is a terrible actor nor do I think he's worse than some of the Arrowverse regulars. I also don't want Smallville's Clark to be introduced just to get killed off.

I doubt they are going to get rid of Tyler's Superman as I believe they still want that character to pop up on Supergirl from time to time.

I remain of the opinion that Kara should get her comic canon storyline even if it ends up being a fake-out. I get why it'd be cheap but IMO killing off Superman or another random Supergirl in her place would be even cheaper.

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I agree that Kara should temporarily die or appear to. At least it would make her somewhat  important to the story and be more faithful to comics.

But at this point I'm expecting Supergirl and her supporting cast to be completely overshadowed by the many Superman characters. 

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