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S20.E23: Live Eviction #7; Head of Household #8


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So is being a boss bitch the same as being a beastmode cowboy? I sure wish Rockstar would drop the fake accent. Sam is looking rough.

Tyler's has too much that he's juggling - I'm afraid it's all going to come tumbling down around him.

Good move, Fessy! Way to break the sink!

Oh Haleigh, why????

Brett looks like he can hardly believe the situation he's in. He's good at reading his lines like the villain he is.

I hope Kaycee stays because I like her better plus she's in my BB pool. I've already lost two people from my pool (Rachel and Bayleigh).

  • Love 3

So what kind of HOH competition do the outfits indicate?

Rockstar's speech as coached by Brett. Tyler covers his face - to keep from laughing at Tyler?

JC's flowery headband, he looks like a little baby!

ANGELA - voted to evict Rockstar.

JC - voted to evict Rockstar.

SAM - voted to evict  Rockstar.

I just realized we won't have Haleigh's word of the week!

SCOTTIE - voted to evict Kaycee.

BRETT - voted to evict Rockstar.

TYLER - voted to evict Rockstar.

Aw, I'll kind of miss Rockstar.

ETA: After hearing Rockstar use the fake accent in her interview with Julie I stopped feeling sorry for her.

Edited by Lamb18
  • Love 9

Pagan Witch?  Boss Ass Bitch?  

More like pathetic whiny bitch.  KC's acting has improved!

Ice Queen Angela is fired up.

Tyler may be making himself a jury problem with too many F2 deals.   

Haha! Fessy breaks the sink.  Cheap construction.  That shouldn't happen.

"I want to throw up"  Some showmance ya got going there Fessy.   "You're unevictable!"

Undercover Brett leading Rocksalt to her demise.  And she is clueless as ever. Brett helping her speech.   

His DRs were hilarious!

How did Tyler go from the sweaty bowling alleys of suburban Toledo to the beach patrol in Hilton Head?  That piece certainly makes it look like TPTB are in the tank for him.

RS is mostly right in her speech, but nobody is jumping ship. 

5 - 1  So glad she's not wailing.  Get your bitchy boss ass out the door.

Clueless to the end, thinks Sam voted for her.  Good zing about the Hacker.  

Do they eventually see all of the goodbye messages?  Brett and Angela worked to burn her jury vote if the get to the final.

It's Angela's dad's birthday!  OMG!!!  Who knew!!!  Watch her win HoH.

The classic slip n slide Hoh.  yeah!

  • Love 3

Rockstar: "I'm unevictable."
Faysal: "You can't be evicted."

Rockstar's exit interview was painful. Guuurl, stop flippin' yo hair an' tryna sound like a drag queen. What is that, her third accent? Although Angela and Brett's goodbye messages were totally worth it. Hee!

Bring on the epic falls! There's at least two HGs I wouldn't shed a tear for if they landed on their microphone packs. 

  • Love 10

Rockstar and her ridiculous fake accent can’t get off my television fast enough.  She really has no clue about anything going on in this game and it was getting embarrassing to watch.  I’ve never seen anyone tell us so often how strong they are while crying

Angela’s goodbye messages are starting to amuse me because they’re just so unapologetically bitchy. Her and Brett aren’t doing themselves any favours with the jury though.

I’m disappointed in what we saw of the HoH comp though. Did they not make it as slippery this season? Fessy was just flying across that thing!

Edited by Rachel RSL
Screw you, autocorrect...there is SO a "u" in favours!
  • Love 8

Boy, that segment about Rockstar thinking she had the votes to stay was awful. This is why I can't with level 6. Angela and Kaycee are sitting around, congratulating each other, while Tyler is running around, securing votes, and Brett is ... playing mind games with Rockstar. And Angela is preening about it, like she had anything to do with it except make obnoxious comments behind other people's backs. Like, what exactly did you do this week, Angela, other than laugh at others behind your secret alliance that really isn't so secret anymore?

  • Love 17

It occurs to me that Brett doesn't give a rat's ass about "jury management". In fact, if you used that term when talking to him, he'd probably have a blank stare on his face.


I was kind of hoping for one more crying fit from RS. Sorry, she's just too annoying to feel sorry for- her BS detector should have been ringing off the hook on most of those conversations & it seemed like she really believed what she was hearing. Sad !

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think you know the answer to that! 

The worst part is it made me have to feel for him, dammit! Also, he looks just like his mother lol.

Honestly, even I thought the "key to the city" shtick was vomitron. And I've been a Tyler stan since Sam was a robot, so you know it was SEVERELY over the top. 

  • Love 8

Deluded RS and her Dee Reynolds character acting. The gods have shown mercy and she is out, thankfully. (I do, though, have to give her credit for her snappy comeback when Julie asked who tanked her game.)

Fessy - damn, son, you KILLIN' it!!! He actually looks sleek and agile on that sploogy runway. If he does end up winning, I have to admit that were I Hayleigh I might just give him an Old Fashioned under the sheets in admiration and appreciation of what looks to be a stellar performance. I'd really like to see Hayleigh stick around a little longer; her convos with Tyler are like a mongoose and cobra circling each other - very fun. Though who am I kidding - should Fessy win, my bet is on Sam or Scottie getting evicted.

  • Love 4

Yeeeeee-ow!  What was that?  WHO was that?  I'm no superfan, but I've watched every episode and I don't recognize the woman flipping her hair and thrusting her chest forward.  Er, does she think it looks natural to brace yourself on your elbows and arch your back?  Did she always wear caterpillar eyelashes?  What's that accent?!?


Did Julie zap Rockstar with a stun-gun? 

  • Love 7

Really....there is not to much left to say regarding the season other than its Fessy, Haliegh and to a lesser degree Scottie up against a house full of pricks, producer favorites, and sycophants. Time for the season to do a slow fizzle out.

Why do they keep aping about Sam not finding out about the power Tyler has...nothing ever comes of it...its like they are setting up some fireworks or twist where she turns or outs him but again nothing ever happens.

Look I am no fan of Tyler but I don't like it when people lose their folks that they are close with so I did feel bad for him...after that though I quickly fast-forwarded through his fan club at the bowling alley.

Then there is Brett...to borrow a phrase from Rachel....What is Wrong with Brett? He's just so mean, nasty and petty.  And yet as loathsome as this guy is they showed some brain dead tweeter saying they wished for a Brett HOH?! Say huh? Why? He's horrible.

For weeks now just the sight of Kaycee makes me annoyed. To get this far and having done virtually nothing is like someone slipping into the Boston Marathon on the last mile from the sidelines and places well.

Lastly, I hope Fezzy turns out to be savant at this challenge and wins but its bittersweet because essentially even if he did...no matter what he or Haleigh do they can't get rid of Tyler because astonishingly his power was made to last until almost September....did Bayleigh's power have the same longevity? If it didn't that's hardly fair.

  • Love 7

Was that HOH sink connected to any plumbing?  It looked like it was just glued to the wall with no water anywhere.

Also Haleigh is a robot because how do you not crack up laughing at the absurdity of it?

Angela asked Tyler if he can throw a lot of strikes and he said yes so now I’m curious how many 300 games he has.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Oh, is "slide" into a power a clue?? I've been hearing rumors about tonight's HOH competition.

Did you not watch?  It was the slip and slide.

9 minutes ago, stcroix said:

Bretts goodbye message made me feel sorry for her :

He is soooo clueless.  Great way to handle a jury person.

1 hour ago, dizzyd said:

Jc should have gone for the $5000. 

I thought the same thing.

1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

It's Angela's dad's birthday!  OMG!!!  Who knew!!! 

You know I was thinking the same thing then I remembered that memory is a great skill in BB and I wonder if by saying something at each elimination might not help people remember who and how many votes etc.  So all you future BB players tryout my theory and report back.  At each event somehow come up with a memory cue and yell it out.

  • Love 4
30 minutes ago, stcroix said:

I haven't enjoyed watching her this season so sure wont miss her but her tears after Bretts goodbye message made me feel sorry for her

I almost felt sorry for her. I’m sure she felt like a fool when she realized Brett had been playing her and that’s when she started to cry. But then I remembered how, only a few short weeks ago, he was her mortal enemy who she was actively campaigning to get evicted, and thought: She is a fool! Why on earth would she believe that Brett was suddenly her best buddy? I know he’s a smooth talker but come on!

  • Love 8
35 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

So, Tyler’s mother outs him — he is not a cool surfer dude but a midwestern bowling champ. It makes me wonder about all of these personas -Brett is not a computer genius; Kaitlin is not a life coach; Rockstar is not a pagan witch....

Tyler never passed himself off as a cool surfer dude.  Just an innocent doofus.  That's the niche CBS/BB assigned to him.  Since he had a summer job last year as a life guard down at Hilton Head that was all they needed.  That's what BB does.  They pick their description of a player from the tidbits of their real life then enhance and exaggerate this to sell their storyline to the viewing public.  It has happened on reality TV for always.

And most of the medical sales reps, real estate people, etc etc are mactors.  Mactor = z list models and or wannabe actors.  They have second rate agents who know casting people because most casting people and second rate agents are former mactors who hung on to the fringes of the industry.

I don't think Tyler is a mactor because he did apply for the show like any fan does originally and not through an agent and/or "recruited."  But most non-mactors on these shows under the age of 30 are probably mactor wannabes after all or at least catch the mactor bug while on a show like this because it sure as hell is more fun than working in a factory.


According to some news article -- so it really isn't a spoiler but still being extra cautious here -- he applied for and made the finals for last season's BB19.  I believe the article said it was the spot that eventually went to Josh instead.  (He dodged a bullet not being on last season).

But getting that far last year may have lead to getting cast for that new crapfest CBS has on after BB on Wednesday nights.  Forget the name but it involves people getting knocked down and stuff.  So CBS was happy to cross-promote him when he was on the two weeks during BB commercial breaks I remember.  And being a new show I'm sure they culled some of their contestants from past BB/TAR/Survivor applications.  Which may have lead in turn to him finally making the BB20 cast this season.

Edited by green
  • Love 4

Yes, Rockstar’s bravado is annoying and cringe-worthy. I had to watch her exit interview through my fingers.


But Angela is a raging asshole and Brett is a massive dick. I don’t enjoy watching someone try to hold back tears while they realize they’ve been made a fool. Go on and be a badass bitch, Rockstar, even if it’s only in your head.

  • Love 16

The surface they are using is definitely different, looks like that stuff they use to cover under a jungle gym. And it's not taking to the grease as much as usual so yes, def. less slippery and easier on the bod when you fall as well. Lame. Did you see that Sam seemed to have completely cleared out a lane to run down already in just what we were shown? I wouldn't expect any great falls collage on Sunday, unfortunately.

Hmm Tyler really hasn't been acting like Sam is even in his alliance let alone his pinky-sworn ride or die... I'd be concerned too. Doesn't help that Sam is emotional and needs coddling to be a functioning "number" for you.

  • Love 2
31 minutes ago, asabovesobelow said:

Yes, Rockstar’s bravado is annoying and cringe-worthy. I had to watch her exit interview through my fingers.


But Angela is a raging asshole and Brett is a massive dick. I don’t enjoy watching someone try to hold back tears while they realize they’ve been made a fool. Go on and be a badass bitch, Rockstar, even if it’s only in your head.

I'm on Angela and Brett' s side, but even I cringed at their goodbye messages, especially Brett's.

I used to really dislike RS, but slowly started disliking her less and less. I actually don't really mind her anymore, she was fun to watch. I wonder if this episode garnered her some extra sympathy votes for AFP.

  • Love 1

During her talk with Kaycee, Angela was sitting and eating peanut butter with a spoon. I saw only one dip, but does she do that -- eat in the common jar of peanut butter with a spoon that she puts in over and over? Yikes. 

I always think that Rockstar's eyes are *just* a hair too far apart. It's so distracting (not as bad as Angela's mustache, but....) that I'll be glad not to watch her anymore, especially since those eyes are always glittered up. 

Just now, Mystery said:

During her talk with Kaycee, Angela was sitting and eating peanut butter with a spoon. I saw only one dip, but does she do that -- eat in the common jar of peanut butter with a spoon that she puts in over and over? Yikes. 

Sure that wasn’t Angela’s own leftovers from her HoH basket?  She ended up packing half of it down to her room after her term.

  • Love 1

So, "notes on a scorecard" again tonight:

Reasons to root for them to evict Kaycee:  she's the stronger competitor, it makes sense for those not in L4 to chop those numbers, she's turning out to be a real See You Next Thursday, and I'm still not over her delight in fucking over Rachel.

Reasons to root for them to evict Rockstar:  haaaaaaaaaaaave you met Rockstar?  I'd love to lose the "gypsy hair', the Blaccent, the stupid self-given nickname, and the unearned sense of safety.  And would be so sweet to get the useless player out of the house before she coasts to F4; I won't have been this pleased since Grandma Meg took her early exit in S17.

Actually, it would make pretty good sense for Brett to flip on the vote.  He could eliminate one of Tyler's props and frame another (JC) for it, making himself higher up the totem pole while simultaneously pushing the "free agent" narrative to get in good with the other side.  I don't know if he can see that move, though.  And it might be a little early, to be honest.  Perhaps better at F8 than F10.  But worth a thought.

It will really come down to JC, I'm thinking.  This is actually the first L6 v. non-L6 vote of the summer.  Is he actually independent, or is he Tyler's dog, like Sam was until lately?  Time to find out.

"Another week, another hack.  Another potential stab in the back."

Julie, do not try to rhyme.  Or I will root for Les to do hard time.

"After weeks of blindsides, will half the house be shocked again?"  So…you're saying it's an easy unanimous vote against Rock, huh?  Sounds boring.

"Plus, which houseguest will the Hacker prevent from voting?"  Well, ti sounds as though it doesn't matter, so…

And it's the teacups HoH, but we won't see the end, of course. Meh.

Er, how would Kaycee staying constitute a "blindside", exactly?  FFS.  And her "acting skills"?  Oh, please.

"And JC, he always goes with the majority vote".  Girl, half the votes have been by one vote.  JC isn't with the majority, he makes the majority.  Rockhead.

Armchair and Couch not doing themselves any favors in this chat. 

Sammy the Slave still willing to sniff Tyler's butthole, it seems.

And Dum-Bass Fessy is a Lar-Dass too, it seems. 

JFC, Haleigh, I know you're desperate but really.  Do you need a lecture from Aunt Sam on chastity?

Yeah, I didn't think Brett would have the flexibiity to think about working both sides.  He's too linear for that.  A chance to shoot off his mouth and embarrass her is more important than opening new options.  Boo, hiss.

Now it would be fun the other way around, if JC really did vote to keep Rock and Brett tried to steal the credit for it.  But that little Yatus is going to let me down, no doubt.

"You're unevictable!"  Well, good of them to spotlight why it's a good idea to kick her out, I'll agree.  But why can't we lose both of them?

No, Julie, teacups is not "an epic battle of endurance".  It's usually over in less than an hour.  Shut up.

Words cannot describe how offensive God Friended Me is.  Saudis firebomb busloads of Yemeni kids?  No problem.  Some atheist refuses to bow the knee?  God is ON IT.  STFU, God.

Gee, if we get a bowling HoH, we'll know that Grodner has no shame.

I guess they left "This is for my daddy right here" in last episode because they knew they had the extended family piece tonight.  I wonder if the DR told him to say it?

Gee, Angela shouldn't be so smug about 3/4 of her alliance getting called out.  It's nice they're not sure about Brett, but you put all that effort into concealing Tyler and that's over now.

These Hacker cancellations would have more drama if the whole house didn't know who the Hacker was.

JC lets us down, of course.  As does Sam.  Morons.

Interesting that L4 was too scared to throw a hinky vote.

Hey, at least Angie getting evicted in a dignified outfit.  Then again, she probably actually likes it.  This interview should be hella boring.

Can't we get a sniper in the audience pump some bullets into these assholes when they preen in front of the open door?  I'd pay good money to see JC's chest go splat.  Oh, okay, it could just be concussion pellets, I guess…grumble.

Oh, Rockpile.  You are the very opposite of "fierce".

Angela, still working those jury votes, I see.  Ditto Bratt.  Fucking morons.  They're recruits, right?

Good, we'e spared from any ads showing us how staggeringly unfunny Happy Together is.  CBS really is nothing but shit aside from the reality shows and Salvation, isn't it?

Faysal HoH, obviously.  Only Tyler can match him for leg-length and Fessy's killing him on leg-strength.  I do like JC having the sense to not even try.  But it would be unfair if we don't get to see Regina Bore-ge get wiped out a time or six.

And still no double eviction.  Granted, I'm the rare duck who hates them, but still it's a surprise.

Angie should have left JC her purple wig.  Better that than the shaved head he's "rocking".  Oh, well.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Lastly, I hope Fezzy turns out to be savant at this challenge and wins but its bittersweet because essentially even if he did...no matter what he or Haleigh do they can't get rid of Tyler because astonishingly his power was made to last until almost September....did Bayleigh's power have the same longevity? If it didn't that's hardly fair.

Tyler's Cloud App (based on what he said last night) is still good this week (Final 9) and next week (Final 8). Bayleigh's Identity Theft was also good until Final 8. His power lifetime was given as a set number of weeks; hers was specified up until F8 nominations. If anything, Bayleigh's power was shortchanged a week by Kaitlyn's unexpected eviction, but otherwise both powers were good for multiple weeks well into Jury phase.

Edited by DrBriCa
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