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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Just now, LilaFowler said:

Larissa, Coltee knows for a fact that you aren't going anywhere. He could fuck another womans in front of you and you still wouldn't return to Brazil. So chill.

The nice thing is that once she gets her green card she can flip the script on him.   The power struggle is real

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26 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I can't believe that we are this far into this season and we still have no motive for why Leida is with Eric.  Yes I said motive.

I think she's using him to be able to practice in the US. She believes that she can be a rich physician here, she said in a previous episode that as a family physician in Indonesia she didn't make much so I'm thinking she thinks it will be milk and honey for her here as a doctor. She could do very well but it is a very difficult and long road for foreign MDs here. 

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Can’t stand Larissa. The comment about glasses was hardly a come on. They happened to have the same style of eyeglasses, I have the same type and make comments to people I come in contact with that have the same or similar ones . I certainly wasn’t interested in fucking them.

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I know y’all say Larissa has bad teeth, but they are still 100% better than Coltee’s.  


I noticed TLC likes to film Colt from the chest up.  When he sits there, I am like.  Could be worse.....i.e. Eric. 


Then he opens his mouth I am like......GROSS!  Rat teeth! 🐁😁

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Just now, Dance4Life said:

I know y’all say Larissa has bad teeth, but they are still 100% better than Coltee’s.  


I noticed TLC likes to film Colt from the chest up.  When he sits there, I am like.  Could be worse.....i.e. Eric. 


Then he opens his mouth I am like......GROSS!  Rat teeth! 🐁😁

Bastard looks like hes been chewing rocks

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9 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Oh no! I'm old! I have 2 of these, only no buttons and in polyester (go big or go home) with the weirdest prints I've ever seen, but I love them. They are so comfortable. I keep one downstairs so I can strip out of my work clothes and start cooking my dinner right away. Between wearing a housecoat and getting that Medicare card, I guess I have officially moved into old lady category. 

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Ashley seems to think that communication means "I tell you exactly what to do and you do it without question."

Welcome to life with a carefree 20 year old who drinks Capri Sun, Ashley.  Maybe tomorrow he'll get a juice box.

I will say that it's only right that if you leave the house while your SO is in the shower that you at least leave a note that says, "Went to Walgreens...." or whatever. Not for keeping tabs or jealousy sake, but as a fucking courtesy. Geez. 

Edited by configdotsys
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2 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

This dinner seems like a mom and her sullen teenage son.

When did he get the haircut? The time line is fucked up. 

If she doesn’t want him going out, keep the keys out of his reach.  

Suddenly Natalie sounds like the voice of reason. 

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2 minutes ago, aliya said:

hey are so comfortable. I keep one downstairs so I can strip out of my work clothes and start cooking my dinner right away. Between wearing a housecoat and getting that Medicare card, I guess I have officially moved into old lady category

I’m right there with you. My preferred outfit is sweatpants and a fleece top. Got the medical card last month. I’m geriatric.

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