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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

Flawless Brows is new.

Appropriate sponsor since so many of the 90 Day Fiances this season (and the in the past) have eyebrow issues! And I’m not just talking about the women! 

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Yeah, Leida's one to talk about mental problems...girl loses her shit and screams like a child the moment she doesn't exactly what she wants or when someone isn't doing something "proper". 

Eric wouldn't give up his rights/child support for her, so kicking out Tasha was her next best idea for him to "prove" his love for her. Oh, yeah and her kid too...I suppose. 

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1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

There are laws regarding eviction. You can't just tell someone to leave.  There is a legal process to follow.

Yeah, i understand that. Im  not talking legality. I once tried to kick my abusive husband out. No go. He was on the lease.

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5 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I wonder if Ashley's homely friend sicked the crazy person on her that made all those nasty Internet comments? 

I really hope they prosecute the person who made those comments. That's a hate crime!

I’m sure Ashley’s friend was the one making the comments using fake accounts.

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I think Neanderthal Cousin John belongs to the old “Wives Should Be Barefoot and Pregnant” school of thought. Of course he would love to give Aunt Debbie a home, with three kids and another on the way, she could be a built in nanny and her disability and Social security checks would come in handy. 

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Trying to catch up. 

I hate Colt's Cousin John. Who the HELL does he think he is?! And Doltee should have tossed him out on his fat arse! Maybe Debbie, too! (Didn't Sonny-Boy think this "New Woman" situation through?)

Steven is still scary-mean. "All you do is take care of the baby!" How does one say, "DUHHHH!" in Russian? He's an uneducated person  who realizes he is so, but still is arrogant and dictatorial. I pity Olga. "She wouldn't say 'Thank you..Please'."  Danger, Will Robinson!

Crying Asuelu is heart-rending. Poor guy hooked up with the wrong dame. But I can't believe he was any more mature in Samwah, so what was Kalani's real deal there? 

Eric the Slovenly and Leida the Opportunist: A plague on both their houses!

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45 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

I’m sure Ashley’s friend was the one making the comments using fake accounts.

I swear if that bit was manufactured drama, it just makes the hate crime a gajillion Times worse. 😣🤮

45 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

I’m sure Ashley’s friend was the one making the comments using fake accounts.

I swear if that bit was manufactured drama, it just makes the hate crime a gajillion Times worse. 😣🤮

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1 hour ago, Horrified said:

Eric is playing the long con.  He'll put up with Leida because he thinks that theyll eventually get $$ from Daddy. 

I still think Leida’s the one playing the long-con. She’s a covert gold-digger pretending she’s rich to throw off her mark (but look how fixated and obsessive she is about child support—it’s all she ever talks about).

I love how her mark turned out to be equally scammy and misled her about his wealth. Ultimate gold-digger prank.

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3 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

Court won't allow even if the mother agrees.  They might if there was a step father or something ready and willing to adopt.  But...yeah....you can't just legally walk away from your parental obligations.

I wish this was a voting show like survivor and we could kick Leida off.

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7 hours ago, b2H said:

There is a meme around that Pennsylvania has three sections:  Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Alabama.  Seriously, outside the metro areas, it is very backward and this doesn’t surprise me in the least (being from Reading, outside of Philly).

My mom was from Mt. Carmel with relatives near Allentown, York and elsewhere and I never found any of them nor their neighbors any sort of backwards. Quite the opposite.

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7 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Colt's whole family is obsessed with money. And Debbie is in the background smiling while the cousin insults Larissa.

Yes, but even Debbie told the a*hat to go home. She didn't seem too pleased with him, even though I'm sure she enjoyed it on some level.

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7 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

Not convinced he’s actually a Marine, We dont say gun

Probably Leida did it. She appears to be the only person in sight with organizational skills.

She and Tasha are the same person. It's just that Leida exerts control by being neat, and Tasha exerts it by living like a pig.

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7 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Tasha should leave the apartment where she's on the lease? That's weird.

But she hasn't paid any rent for months. Ordinarily, I'd be in her corner, but she started out being every bit as obnoxious as Leida. Only card in her favor for me is that she is his daughter. I feel some for her as her father's actions hurt her, but to me, she and Leida are opposite sides of the same coin.

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7 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Who is pounding on Ashley door? Did Jay give the "D" away to the wrong side chick?

It's her idiot friend; I think the one she kicked out of the wedding. Looks like it was a good move; what sort of friend beats down your door as if she's the police and then starts yelling about how you should be living your life?

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59 minutes ago, renatae said:

But she hasn't paid any rent for months. Ordinarily, I'd be in her corner, but she started out being every bit as obnoxious as Leida. Only card in her favor for me is that she is his daughter. I feel some for her as her father's actions hurt her, but to me, she and Leida are opposite sides of the same coin.

Meh. Non- payment of rent is between Tasha and the landlord or Tasha and Eric. It sure ain't between Tasha and another non-paying squatter that isn't on the lease at all. 

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23 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I am SO BUMMED!  We are on the east coast this week, and I was excited about being able to REALLY live chat.  So where am I?  In the only hotel in Ft Lauderdale that DOES NOT HAVE TLC!!!!!  Grrrrr.


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23 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I am SO BUMMED!  We are on the east coast this week, and I was excited about being able to REALLY live chat.  So where am I?  In the only hotel in Ft Lauderdale that DOES NOT HAVE TLC!!!!!  Grrrrr.

See if you can download your cable app onto your phone. That is how I watch it!

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28 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I am SO BUMMED!  We are on the east coast this week, and I was excited about being able to REALLY live chat.  So where am I?  In the only hotel in Ft Lauderdale that DOES NOT HAVE TLC!!!!!  Grrrrr.

You need to leave!

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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

Ashley will be kissing her friend’s ass when things with Jay go south.

To be fair the friend seems nuts too. Calling and texting nonstop? Girl you said your piece, now just prepare to gloat when you're proven right don't do overkill. 

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