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I saw the Castaways commercial.   They're each alone, on an island, talking about how lonely and isolated they are.   Telling the CAMERA OPEATOR how they are all alone on the island, and how the isolation is so difficult. 

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I watched it, I have some mixed feelings.  I keep going back to how they are insistent that they are ALL ALONE, isolated, desperate for human companionship - while talking to a camera crew. 

I googled for reviews/articles, but got distracted by a website for a Chicago bar named "Castaways" on Lake Shore Drive.   

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2 hours ago, backformore said:

I watched it, I have some mixed feelings.  I keep going back to how they are insistent that they are ALL ALONE, isolated, desperate for human companionship - while talking to a camera crew. 

My thoughts exactly - they have at least two people filming them so it ain't like that show "Alone", where the contestants film everything themselves.  Then I think about how the production crew must get food/water provided for themselves so it's even more people involved.  I may keep watching just to snark on it.

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I enjoyed it because it was different than other similar shows. I think it's less about wilderness survival (finding food and shelter) and more about how they deal with their personal issues while away from the real world. I think the show intro called it a social experiment, which is what I think it is. But the basic survival part will be interesting too. I liked the little shelters and survival items scattered about. It's like each person has a piece of the puzzle (a machete, a saw, fishing equipment, a tarp) so it'll be interesting to see who comes together to pool their resources. It was also interesting to see who read the other people's journals, and who didn't.

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On 7/9/2018 at 9:57 PM, backformore said:

I saw the Castaways commercial.   They're each alone, on an island, talking about how lonely and isolated they are.   Telling the CAMERA OPEATOR how they are all alone on the island, and how the isolation is so difficult. 

I think it's like kids going off to college. You can be surrounded by tons of people, but if you're in a new place, and not around the friends and family you're used to, it can feel isolating.

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Kenzi irritated me big time.  When she first came ashore, all she could talk about was how she didn't want to be alone and how she desperately wanted to find another person.  So she took off through the jungle and was so happy! when she found Robbie.  Then after 2 days she just packed up and took off with an explanation, a good-bye, or a kiss my ass.  Not nice.  Robbie really wanted to be with another person.  I feel sad for him.  I hope Kenzi didn't take all his snacks.

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Another scripted bunch of bullshit reality show. A guy (Robbie) reveals he has serious abandonment issues, and within the next segment on Beach Castaway what do you think happens? The other castaway that Robbie met up with abandons him. Another reality show stroke of genius. Who thinks up this shit?

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On ‎7‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 6:57 PM, backformore said:

I saw the Castaways commercial.   They're each alone, on an island, talking about how lonely and isolated they are.   Telling the CAMERA OPEATOR how they are all alone on the island, and how the isolation is so difficult. 

Seemed like too many obvious production shenanigans at play in the first episode.  What a coincidence that she just happened to have the bag of the first contestant she ran into!  The whole thing struck me as a bargain basement version of the History Channel show "Alone," where the participants do all the filming themselves.

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4 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

I think it's like kids going off to college. You can be surrounded by tons of people, but if you're in a new place, and not around the friends and family you're used to, it can feel isolating.

that's not it, though.   The ABC website describes the show in terms of testing the limits of the need for human companionship.  each contestant is "alone and isolated."  But the whole time they are talking to the camera/camera crew, about being alone.  I know it's not the same, as most likely the camera crew cannot engage with them.  But they know if they were drowning, got hurt, got sick, etc -  there is someone RIGHT THERE to help them.  

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28 minutes ago, backformore said:

that's not it, though.   The ABC website describes the show in terms of testing the limits of the need for human companionship.  each contestant is "alone and isolated."  But the whole time they are talking to the camera/camera crew, about being alone.  I know it's not the same, as most likely the camera crew cannot engage with them.  But they know if they were drowning, got hurt, got sick, etc -  there is someone RIGHT THERE to help them.  

I guess it's how you define human companionship. For me it's about making real connections with people, and I doubt they can do that with the crew members, because like you said, the crew probably can't have meaningful conversations with them. As an introvert, I can be in a room full of people and feel uterly alone. I do think it's odd that the one singer was trying to find another person, but then decided that she had to do this on her own.

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I'm a sap; I love this show! My quibble is with the early finding of other castaways. 

The beaches and water look spectacular, but not so much the ants, spiders, and sting-rays! (Weren't the people afraid of sharks as they swam?!)

Kenzi indicated that she was annoyed by Robbie's shaking the shack as he slept. Also, she basically said she works better alone.

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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8 hours ago, patty1h said:

My thoughts exactly - they have at least two people filming them so it ain't like that show "Alone", where the contestants film everything themselves.  Then I think about how the production crew must get food/water provided for themselves so it's even more people involved.  I may keep watching just to snark on it.


I can just picture the kraft services table now. 

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12 hours ago, slasherboy said:

Kenzi irritated me big time.  When she first came ashore, all she could talk about was how she didn't want to be alone and how she desperately wanted to find another person.  So she took off through the jungle and was so happy! when she found Robbie.  Then after 2 days she just packed up and took off with an explanation, a good-bye, or a kiss my ass.  Not nice.  Robbie really wanted to be with another person.  I feel sad for him.  I hope Kenzi didn't take all his snacks.

I don't think she abandoned him at all. I'd be willing to be that she strolls back at the start of the next episode. Needing some "alone time" does not mean she's not coming back.

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The show seems really sappy. I get that they are trying not to be Survivor but I don't know how interested I am in hearing about all these strangers' personal problems for an entire season.  I think it's disingenuous to call this thing a "social experiment" - that's just network speak for "reality show." Big Brother uses it all the time. And you don't want to compare yourself to Big Brother if you want your show taken seriously, trust me.

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I just watched the episode on Hulu. I understand there is a financial incentive to stay until rescue (according to this interview with one of the producers), so I was uncomfortable watching Robbie trying to swim across the inlet and then get caught by the riptide. I assumed that if he needed saving, that would be the same as quitting, so I was really worried for a minute there.

For a series premiere, it definitely was too slow. Were we even introduced to all 12 of the castaways? If they weren't going to do more than a cursory introduction to each person, I feel like it would have flowed better and been more compelling if they had held off on introducing more people until the second or even third episode. As it was, once you knew there were all these people wandering around, it was just silly that more people weren't stumbling on each other faster. And was it just me, or did it seem like the dude who was catching crabs in the sand had already been there a day or two longer than Robbie or the veteran? 

I get that the underlying theme is going to be that they all brought their personal issues with them and can't run away from them, but when Kenzi left Robbie and made the comment to the effect that you have less resources if you have to share, I was like, damn, girl, this man showed you how to fish AND he has a better shelter than you started out on the island with, and you're going to walk away from that just because he was shivering in his sleep? I hope she at least gave him back his snacks, and directions to where she left his bag! 

I'll probably give it one more episode, but thus far it's most likely to be something I watch if I'm caught up on everything else, and Ion isn't airing an episode of Law & Criminal CSI Blue NCIS that I haven't already seen.

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I figure that many of the castaways will quickly find other people.  Then we'll get to see who wants to be in charge; he/she will piss off everybody else; there will be fights about the amounts of food needed and distribution of said food (as in, I caught this fish. It's mine.  I'm not sharing); cliques will form;  all hell will break loose; some will retreat to solitude in which they decide they need people.  Lather, rinse, repeat. 

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I was really disappointed with this.  I think I read that it was from the creator of "Alone", a show I like a lot, so I had high hopes.  However, it was way too slow and talky, with WAY too much backstory and video of the contestants lives pre-island.  I want to see the survival aspect and the calculation of whether it's better to stay alone or join up with the other competitors...I don't want to watch sob stories and journalling/sessions.  And since we only met half of the contestants this week, I expect the same thing next week with the other half.  Snore.  

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I liked it.  Started a little slow, but I'm willing to stick it out and see what happens.  And I'm glad they showed the backstory on Kenzi.  That was way harsh when her boyfriend ended things.  But that woman sure didn't seem/look like the type to want to go off to an island and be alone, unless it's the type that has cabana boys that serve her drinks on the beach.  We'll see where it goes.  

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1 hour ago, Mswldflwr said:

I liked it.  Started a little slow, but I'm willing to stick it out and see what happens.  And I'm glad they showed the backstory on Kenzi.  That was way harsh when her boyfriend ended things.  But that woman sure didn't seem/look like the type to want to go off to an island and be alone, unless it's the type that has cabana boys that serve her drinks on the beach.  We'll see where it goes.  

I thought she was the one breaking up with him, because, according to him, she can't do her music thing and be in a relationship at the same time. Not that it really matters. It's just more DRAMA! She'll probably write a song about it.

I'm curious to know where they are getting fresh water from. I wonder if they built wells on the island, like they have on Survivor.

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I’m half way through the first episode.  I think I’ll give it a chance.  Finish the episode I’m definitely  going to give it a chance. I don’t mind it being “slow”.   I’m ready to let it unfold at a natural pace.  I don’t watch too much reality TV especially the scripted ones that have fighting in them.  Maybe this is my style.

Edited by Kira53
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I like it so far. When Robbie mentioned to his family that he has a half-brother, I was wondering if one of the other castaways is his brother. Also, when Robbie swam across the water, I thought that he was going to encounter the veteran because there was a blue tarp (like the veteran had) that could be seen on the shelter thing before he swam, but it wasn’t there when he got there.

Also, if anyone has seen the movie Paterson with Adam Driver, this seems kind of like a rip off of the words on the screen/poetry sounding thing.

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13 hours ago, Deni said:

Also, when Robbie swam across the water, I thought that he was going to encounter the veteran because there was a blue tarp (like the veteran had) that could be seen on the shelter thing before he swam, but it wasn’t there when he got there.


It was my thought that the blue tarp was Robbie's planned destination but that the currents carried him too far beyond what he was aiming for and just got to shore where he best could.

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On 8/9/2018 at 6:38 AM, plurie said:

I don't think she abandoned him at all. I'd be willing to be that she strolls back at the start of the next episode. Needing some "alone time" does not mean she's not coming back.

That's what I was thinking, I never got the impression that she left for good, just that she was spending the day doing her own thing.

From a survival standpoint, the thing that bugged me the most was that no one even brought up the subject of fresh water.  

Also a little annoying that they seem to have provided so many resources for them.  And what's with everybody having a journal?  Did they pick the whole cast out of a rehab or something?

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2 hours ago, rmontro said:

That's what I was thinking, I never got the impression that she left for good, just that she was spending the day doing her own thing.

I didn't think she left for good either. She was heading that way down the beach to see what she could find. Later it was said she went to find coconuts. It was broad daylight when the VO said Robbie was feeling abandoned. Maybe I could buy that if it was the middle of night.

What happened to that tiny fish the woman/not Robbie caught? (I don't know anyone's name besides Robbie's.) And Robbie was going fishing again. Did they bring fish hooks? What did they use for bait? Inquiring minds want to know.

What's up with everyone having a journal? Did TPTB make everyone selected to be on this show write a bunch of personal stuff that can be exploited during the series?

Robbie's family/kids couldn't have looked more hateful/disinterested than when he was telling them he was adopted and might have siblings out there somewhere. That was a big "OUCH" scene. In any case, I hope Robbie gets a handle on why he's overeating. Maybe knowing his family/kids suck is one reason for it.

Only one person, the woman who found Robbie, thought about calling out/yelling to try to find someone else. I can't imagine that island is so huge that others couldn't hear her calling. I live in the country and on a quiet night I can hear things several miles away. Okay, I know: drama. I think it was arranged for that woman/Robbie to be paired up anyway.

I'm interested to see the woman who lives off the grid in Maui. She should be a natural for this show.

Got a kick out of Robbie being caught by a riptide and being carried out to the ocean. Good job making it across that inlet anyway Robbie. (fakety fake)

So the one guy can't find anything that will burn so he lights someone's journal pages on fire. I name him this show's main jackass. I'd think the smoke from someone's fire would lead others to that person. But maybe not on this show.

2 hours ago, rmontro said:

From a survival standpoint, the thing that bugged me the most was that no one even brought up the subject of fresh water.  

Well, they did show one guy drinking from water saved in a giant clam shell. And LOL at the guy who was putting plastic bottles on sticks to "lead people to him." That's what I think when I see a bottle on a stick, that it's a sign to "walk this way." Not.

Still, this show will be a good summer diversion, and with the network airing it three or four times each week, it's pretty easy to find. But once they all get together and start fighting, I'm out. There's enough of that IRL, I don't need to see it on a tv that I can turn off.

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City slicker here.  But even I was gobsmacked by the man who FOUND MATCHES, but complained that they were hard to use in the damp environment.  Apparently, he expected a valet to show up with dry wood to make the fire for him.  Maybe the valet could have brought him some nice steaks, too.

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I'm still cautiously optimistic about the show.  Yeah, with production there, they're not really alone, but I imagine it is a lot like Naked and Afraid or The Amazing Race  where the camera people aren't allowed to interact with the castaway, so eventually the castaway psychologically dismisses them as just another part of the environment.  I think on The Amazing Race they even swap the camera crews around so they don't get emotionally attached to the racing teams.  I wonder if they do something similar here.

I'm also not too bothered by all the seeming production intervention with the suitcases and the structures and flotsam/jetsom salting the beaches.  None of these folks (except maybe the Green Beret we haven't heard much from yet) are hardened survival types like you see on Alone, they're normal folks with "issues" who are taking a break from society for the show.  I mean, come on, who wants to watch a show where that 390lb guy or that C&W singer die of slow dehydration and starvation, exsanguination from bug bites, or lockjaw from an open wound.

That said, I'm really not interested in the "issues" these people have.  I really don't care that Ms. Nashville is a selfish bitch, or that the big guy has abandonment issues, or that hippie-cult family on Maui might be mean to each other in the absence of their princess.  I am interested in how these ordinary people deal with being washed ashore and survive the circumstances and go on with their lives.  

At first the journal thing bothered me as obvious producer manipulation.  Then I really thought about it, and I think it is a clever tool on their part.  For one thing, asking these folks to journal out their lives gets them already in an introspective frame of mind, so it facilitates their talking head interviews and personal interactions.  For another, finding--and reading--these journals gives the castaways insights into their fellow castaways characters, which we have as yet to see how that might affect their interpersonal relations.  Will those personal details be used as emotional weapons during arguments, or will they bring empathy to the table?  We already saw a bit of the latter with the one gal reading about the other gal's struggles with caring for her aging parents.  And lastly, how each castaway deals with finding the journals, and the thought of someone else reading their own joirnal, is very telling of their personality.  The big guy was very anxious over if Ms. Nashville had read his, and he was much relieved to learn she hadn't.  Of course she hadn't read it, she wasn't "respecting his privacy," she just doesn't give a crap about anyone but herself.  The other guy felt awful about using the paper from the journal as firestarter.  The journals are a good tool.  I'm becoming fascinated with how each castaway deals with this one thing that is common to them all.

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3 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I mean, come on, who wants to watch a show where that 390lb guy or that C&W singer die of slow dehydration and starvation, exsanguination from bug bites, or lockjaw from an open wound.

I think I could like that show.

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This was really boring (and Survivor is my favorite show).  I don't care about the extended backstories on the castaways.  It was really interesting that Robbie didn't want his diary read, yet he read the one that he found.  I would rather that they had cut the length of some of the backstories and introduced us to all of the castaways.  I want to see the ongoing interactions, social dynamics, and attempts at survival.  Hopefully the stories will pick up after all of the castaways are introduced; however, I think they could have briefly introduced all of the castaways in the premiere episode and built their backstories as the series went on.

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2 hours ago, saber5055 said:
5 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I mean, come on, who wants to watch a show where that 390lb guy or that C&W singer die of slow dehydration and starvation, exsanguination from bug bites, or lockjaw from an open wound.

I think I could like that show.

I accidentally watched the first episode of this. I thought maybe it was a re-imagining of Lost--but no. 
As those upthread pointed out, this really is fictional, since there's a whole camera crew (and therefore craft services banquets) following the characters around.
So, yeah, why not make it entirely fictional? Maybe the show could be reworked and titled Not Found. Heh.

Anyway, I will not be watching, but enjoy, y'all, if this is your bag.

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I'll probably give it a chance since I don't have much else to watch at the moment & I enjoy psycho-analyzing people but much about the premiere episode bothered me.  I can let a lot slide but the part where the narcissistic Nashville singer dumped her boyfriend on camera was so obviously some kind of sick forced reenactment that I kind of felt bad even witnessing it.  Is she their villian?  They spent so much time on her & our sympathetic hero Robbie it was imo a detriment to the rest of the cast.  Maybe it is like other reality TV editing & it's because they are important to the end game but this is a new show on a mainstream network so they shouldn't count their chickens if you ask me.

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My initial reaction is that Im unimpressed with casting. As someone who thinks middle aged white men from Alabama generally have some reckoning to do in society, I didnt really appreciate the way Robbie was pushed on me as a sympathetic figure.  And then followed by  a white country singer from Nashville and an military guy... followed by a black woman who lives in a shelter?  Not a good look show. Its not that any of them are bad, its just that the picture painted for me seemed more like Trump’s America than America, and that was a bit of a turn off. 

Edited by fib
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10 hours ago, saber5055 said:

So the one guy can't find anything that will burn so he lights someone's journal pages on fire. I name him this show's main jackass. I'd think the smoke from someone's fire would lead others to that person

Assuming that TPTB made everybody make a journal though, it's something that they were obligated to do, as opposed to a real personal item to them.  Still, it could come back to bite him.

As for why they can't hear each other, they did say they were dropped off on a group of islands, so they're not all on the same one.  

When that Nashville singer girl told Robbie that she found his pack, I was expecting her to say "Snacks?  I didn't find any snacks".  Lol.

That girl who lives off the grid in Maui kept complaining about her life, and I kept thinking yeah, it looks really terrible.  Not.

I'm optimistic for this show because I always liked Survivor mainly for the survival aspect, and that was quickly drained out of it.  At least there are no silly challenges or votes to get in the way.  The good thing about Survivor was it led to many survival shows on cable TV.  It seems odd to watch one on a major network, and predictably, it's diluted down..

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I am going to be interested in seeing where this goes but I am suspicious of any show that drops a person pushing 400 pounds off on a "deserted island" with no provided food. I would have preferred top see more about what they are doing to survive rather then the back stories. Robbie caught a fish, how was he planning on cooking it? I had not seen him start a fire or if he had something for cleaning the fish.

I don't have a problem with the provided stuff at various locations. I am actually fine with that. I would rather them have the basic tools to survive if they go looking for them. I kind of like that some of the sites might lure people into not wanting to move. I really like that people have options to move to if someone turns out to be a complete asshat and they simply don't want to live with them.

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I like the TV show Alone, but when they get to a certain point where you're just watching them starve, and eat squished mice and try to have a bowel movement... then it becomes not fun to me. Which is why I have no problem with the so-called production contrivances on this show. I guess they should have advertised the show different, because a lot of people seem to be confused about what kind of show this is trying to be.

16 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

So, yeah, why not make it entirely fictional? Maybe the show could be reworked and titled Not Found. Heh.

Five years ago there was a fictional Survivor-type show called Siberia. I enjoyed it, since it had a mystery/paranormal aspect to it, but it didn't get renewed for a second season.

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Robbie's family/kids couldn't have looked more hateful/disinterested than when he was telling them he was adopted and might have siblings out there somewhere. That was a big "OUCH" scene. In any case, I hope Robbie gets a handle on why he's overeating. Maybe knowing his family/kids suck is one reason for it.

Yeah that was an awesomely awkward scene, but keep in mind the kids probably already knew this information and were asked to re-enact this scene for the cameras. Plus the fact that teenagers in general have about zero interest in their parents' histories at that age.

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What I like about this show is that the premise is that this is something that could happen to any of us--we could be the victims of a terrible airliner crash or cruise boat accident and suddenly find ourselves washed up on a beach to forage through luggage and the local environs in order to survive.  In this sense--minus the clanking monster, polar bears, odd underground bunker, and giant statues with three toes. etc. supernatural aspects--this show is a lot like Lost.  Or maybe like the movie Castaway.    If this were to happen to me, I would naturally spend a lot of my time contemplating my former life, and wondering how the world and my loved ones were going on and getting on without me.  Of course, on this show, the families all know exactly what happened to their loved ones, and the castaways all signed up for what they're doing.


I'm also curious about the "there until they tap out or get rescued" aspect.  Is there another competitive phase to the show where, on the judgement of the producers,  if the castaway or encampment of castaways creates an attention-getting SOS signal, they will get "rescued" and win fabulous prizes?  Kind of like that challenge that they used to run on the early days of Survivor where the tribe that had the best SOS signal in Jeff Probst's fly-by judgement won a reward competition and got pillows and a hammock and some doughnuts.  Or does "rescued" just mean last castaway(s) standing after everyone else bails out?


So many questions not getting answered in that very artsy font they put up on the screen....

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I found it interesting that Robbie's adoption story was that he was adopted by his stepfather as the stepfather married Robbie's biological mother with whom Robbie had lived since birth.  I know that's technically being adopted, but Robbie initially made it sound like he was adopted by both parents.  For whatever reason, the producers seem to be trying to create much larger sob-ridden backstories than what the contestants may actually have experienced.

Just let us watch them survive.

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8 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

Five years ago there was a fictional Survivor-type show called Siberia. I enjoyed it, since it had a mystery/paranormal aspect to it, but it didn't get renewed for a second season.

This show reminds me of Siberia. I think it is scripted and the castaways are actors. It’s too contrived to be real, just like Siberia. I loved Siberia but this show, not so much.

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11 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I am going to be interested in seeing where this goes but I am suspicious of any show that drops a person pushing 400 pounds off on a "deserted island" with no provided food.

I couldn't make up my mind if he was at an advantage because he had so much weight to burn off, or if he was a medical risk because his blood sugar might bottom out.

He did bring some snacks though.

I thought the disagreement that he and the girl got into was interesting.  She caught a fish and wanted to save it, I think he wanted to eat it.  She wanted to save anything she caught until she absolutely had to eat it.  I think I would rather eat it while it's fresh.  Maybe if I caught multiple fish, I would think about smoking and saving some.

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12 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I'm also curious about the "there until they tap out or get rescued" aspect.  Is there another competitive phase to the show where, on the judgement of the producers,  if the castaway or encampment of castaways creates an attention-getting SOS signal, they will get "rescued" and win fabulous prizes?  Kind of like that challenge that they used to run on the early days of Survivor where the tribe that had the best SOS signal in Jeff Probst's fly-by judgement won a reward competition and got pillows and a hammock and some doughnuts.  Or does "rescued" just mean last castaway(s) standing after everyone else bails out?

There is no prize money, at least that we know of. I know the article mentioned a pay out but I suspect that is a stipend of some sort and a bonus if you last to the end of the show. Clearly there are film crews there, so tapping out is easy enough to do. I am guessing that there is a set number of days and the Coast Guard ship that you see in the opening credits will arrive to "rescue" those who are left. I would not be surprised if the people who are there know they number of days.

As for Robbie and his snacks, yes he brought them but he did not find his suitcase. The suitcase he found did not have any snacks in it. There are the  obvious problems that can arise from a totally out of shape, massively over weight guy tossed into a pretty physical environment. I guess I should not assume that his out of shape, I keep reading reports of how people who are obese can be in good physical shape and he seems to be doing ok with the physical element. And yes, Robbie has a good amount of fat for his body to chew on before he gets into problems with starvation and the like. But that little fish is not enough food.

I would hope that they tossed onto islands with a good amount of fruit and coconuts and the like for easy food access.

I have not wiped it off my DVR but I am not sure how long I will last. The journals are hokey. Everyone else is reading other peoples journals, which I totally get because you are alone and bored and it is something to read. But it is also total invasion of someone's privacy.  

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As for Robbie and his snacks, yes he brought them but he did not find his suitcase. 

No but Kenzi did and brought it with her, so he has them. Which makes me wonder how much of a coincidence it was that she found that particular bag and wound up finding him the very next day. It seemed like an odd thing to have - a great big bag full of candy, but as someone above pointed out, he might have been instructed to bring that or even provided that because of his blood sugar. 

It appears that there are only four episodes of this series, so it's not much of an investment.

Correction: 10 episodes according to IMDB.

Edited by iMonrey
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