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Season 2 Discussion

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On 10/8/2018 at 4:30 AM, Lizzing said:

Those dog crates in Paul's apartment truly are weird.  There were even food bowls on top of one of them.  Maybe it's their brand of kink.

When Jon mentioned his debt, it made me conclude he really wanted out of the UK to be away from the debt collectors.  Trans-atlantic collections are tough to pursue.  

Imagine if he had used the money spent on day care for another man’s baby to pay down his student loans.

On 10/8/2018 at 7:20 AM, noveltylibrary said:

But why would she have to go to daycare if she isn't working?  btw I generally think it's more nurturing for mothers to be with their kids but in this case, it's her kids' advantage to be away from her..

Child care intrudes on the karaoke app.

  • Love 2

I might be alone in this but when micheal actually had tears at the airport, I actually thought for a second or two, wow he does actually love her... then that feeling went away when they showed previews of the money she lost? but either way I think his “love” if it’s somewhat real is like a motherly love she will take care of me kind of love... idk 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Mainer said:

I might be alone in this but when micheal actually had tears at the airport, I actually thought for a second or two, wow he does actually love her... then that feeling went away when they showed previews of the money she lost? but either way I think his “love” if it’s somewhat real is like a motherly love she will take care of me kind of love... idk 

He admitted on preview he took it Damn

  • Love 1
On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 5:51 PM, Mainer said:

I think Rachel must be very immature to think there gonna somehow live on love? If she met Jon in America then found out he’s slept with the whole town, been in a bunch of bad fights, is a felon, and lives with momma because he never paid his bills(wherever they come from, loans/cars etc)

 does anyone think she’d even show up for a second date?? 

I don’t. I think it’s a matter of proving her mother wrong, friends family, Dad whoever And its a little of you always want what you can’t have

jon is a fixer upper at best and she knows it... 

i think he didn’t wanna buy a ring for himself because he had quit/got fired and he’s broke as a joke... GREAT FIND RACHEL!! I bet the girls are lining up to take him from you!! Not!!

Rachel isn't a great catch neither. 2 kids with two different men in a very short period of time. Overweight and broke as well. GREAT FIND JON! (laugh)

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, Mainer said:

but either way I think his “love” if it’s somewhat real is like a motherly love she will take care of me kind of love... idk 

That crossed my mind about Angela. She was quite the realist when she asked Michael if he was going to wipe her butt when she couldn't anymore. Maybe she's going after younger guys because she's afraid of being alone with no one caring for her.

She works hospice, right?  Maybe she comes across people who are alone at the end of their lives & she's worried about herself.

Or maybe I'm over thinking this & she just wanted a young lay.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

That crossed my mind about Angela. She was quite the realist when she asked Michael if he was going to wipe her butt when she couldn't anymore. Maybe she's going after younger guys because she's afraid of being alone with no one caring for her.

She works hospice, right?  Maybe she comes across people who are alone at the end of their lives & she's worried about herself.

Or maybe I'm over thinking this & she just wanted a young lay.

The majority of us posters overthink these shows, most likely because we are using what is between our ears, unlike the participants who do most of their thinking with what is between their legs. 

  • Love 12

So with Jon having been into American football, throwing up randomly on the street, that weird blank stare, & lashing out at Rachel in the car, this article kind of jumped out at me...


But they may never actually live together for it to be much of a concern.

ETA:  the article is not about brain injury itself, but rather the issue of the abuse of intimate partners by those with traumatic brain injury

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I don’t know why any of these people don’t do online background checks. It would solve a LOT of questions right off the bat. On both sides of the pond.

I once knew a Brit who wanted to come live with me. Didn’t have a job, had no desire to get one, was living off whatever free was offered. Rachel is in for a rude awakening.

That makes far too much sense. So easy to use a search engine to see what comes up when you search the name - upcoming court dates, assaults, etc. I would fully expect a dude to look me up online and see what's there. Although, a small percentage of folks are 'ghosts' who don't have anything come up in an online search.

15 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I suggested early on that he lives with his Mum because he was released into her custody as a condition of his parole.

Honestly, that makes more sense than he couldn't get a tourist visa because of presumably 10+ year old convictions. It could be argued that he had changed and wasn't the person he was. We don't know the timeline of his convictions and all of that, though. The most recent one could've been last year or something. It's more than just TPTB are blocking their fairytale and from recreating their very own Enchanted ballroom dance scene to "So Close" by Jon McLaughlin.

What strikes me isn't just the 50k in debt. If you go to uni or even complete a degree, unless you have well to do/affluent parents or qualify for a full ride or grants you can expect to be in debt. It's the two repossessed cars tied into the 50k that are like, "This man doesn't seem financially savvy or good at adulting." Even if you live with your parents, you still need to pay your bills. You can't bail on your car note, car insurance, health insurance, etc. For him to quit his job knowing they have a costly legal battle with even trying to get him to the States is utterly stupid. It's not easy for people without records to land jobs. Let alone five known convictions for violent actions. Rachel picked a real winner. He just strikes me as someone who never learns their lesson and is a repeat offender when it comes to everything from not paying bills to his actions. Some women just like saying they have a husband and father-figure/stepfather for their child.

Edited by AussieBabe
  • Love 10
12 hours ago, Eric said:

Rachel isn't a great catch neither. 2 kids with two different men in a very short period of time. Overweight and broke as well. GREAT FIND JON! (laugh)

I have always said if you are looking for a life partner you need to ask yourself, are you your best you?  Is there anything you want to work on before you try to find someone and before you get them caught up in your mess of bad financials or bad relationships with family or if you have not addressed your depression or manic behaviors or OCDness, are you medicated properly, etc...I think most of these people are not looking inward at themselves and their ignoring the red flags (that we all see) of their potential mate just so they can have that fairytale BS.  

I have said it before and I will say it again, this show would make the perfect thesis for a masters degree in psych.

Rant over, (for now).

  • Love 10
On 10/9/2018 at 4:45 PM, sasha206 said:

I bet a trash sorter with a New Mexico accent who had the issues he has wouldn't be exciting to her.  I think the accent and the fantasy is what she's about.  And yes, he thinks he's her knight and shinning armor.

I bet within six months, he's cheating.  And she'll be snooping and busts him.

I agree - She is all about the knight in shining armor.  And Jon is a wee bit rusty in that area.  Seriously, though:  Can you imagine a NM trash sorter, living with Mom, huge debt, felon past appealing to Rachel?  Me neither.

Six months from now:  "I found his phone, saw the texts, hacked his emails......HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?"  Well we all saw it coming, Rachel.  He had/has some loose boundaries with relationships, fine - as long as everyone is on board, I don't care.  

Per the wedding ring:  Yep....ask my hubby:  a ring turns a lot of single women on.  (When single, I was like, uh no thanks.  Maybe it represents a challenge?)  I do agree that in the UK a men's wedding ring is not as common as the US - apparently Prince Harry went against tradition and has one.  Maybe having an American wife influenced him?


23 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

You are so not alone. He's the lying wolf in sheeps clothing.

I, too, thought Ricky was okay and now I am like "Yuck."  Same with Tariq - thought he was okay and now I am like, dude.....just stop it with your weirdness.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 5
On 2018-10-08 at 11:32 AM, trimthatfat said:

So Jon quit his job. This idiot. He’s an ex-con with a violent record. He should be thanking his lucky stars he even found a company willing to hire him. They paid him enough that he paid for Lucy’s childcare and I can’t imagine that’s cheap. Did he really need a week off for the wedding? Are courthouse weddings not an option?

Apologies if someone already said it but my feeling during that scene was that Rachel probably nagged the crap out of him that he needed a week off, and when he couldn’t get it he opted to quit, thinking his compliance to Rachel MIGHT make her happy. The look on her face had a hint of *sigh* “That’s not what I meant....”

I bet there’s a lot of that between her and Jon. 

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, Kellyee said:

Did anyone else notice that the outfit Angela wore to go home was the only semi-decent clothing we saw her in the entire season? For most of the trip, she appeared to be wearing rags or old tank tops stretched out and washed 5,000 times. Then she pulls out an actual decent shirt to get back on the plane. 

I have a friend who goes to thrift shops before she travels, gets a slew of clothes she doesn't care about, and throws/gives them away once worn. No laundry to do, and plenty of room in the luggage on the return trip for souvenirs! Maybe Angie.....oh who am I kidding? Hahahahahaha, I kill me.

  • Love 10

So if what the other posters are saying is true for Jon, that In England he would have to pay back his loans if he had a certain income, I wonder if he got a raise which put him over the threshold for payment. Even a small cost of living wage might do it. Then Jon quit rather than have His paycheck garnished. That totally makes sense in Jon world. 

  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, Saje81 said:

Apologies if someone already said it but my feeling during that scene was that Rachel probably nagged the crap out of him that he needed a week off, and when he couldn’t get it he opted to quit, thinking his compliance to Rachel MIGHT make her happy. The look on her face had a hint of *sigh* “That’s not what I meant....”

I bet there’s a lot of that between her and Jon. 

I thought it was more of a “what now?” type of sigh. 

I seeJon as very contrarian, that whole bit in the jewellery store irritated me to no end. He had this look on his face as if he was enjoying getting under both Rachel’s and the  owners skin. I also think he didn’t want to spend the money on a ring. 

  • Love 6
16 hours ago, Lynnlynnlynn586 said:

He admitted on preview he took it Damn

Or that could have just been editing, splicing together with a response to something else. Do you think they'd give it away so early?


16 hours ago, Mainer said:

I might be alone in this but when micheal actually had tears at the airport, I actually thought for a second or two, wow he does actually love her... then that feeling went away when they showed previews of the money she lost? but either way I think his “love” if it’s somewhat real is like a motherly love she will take care of me kind of love... idk 

I could see if he had no family at all, had been orphaned at a younger age. But do men really feel that way? That's so gross!


17 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I doubt that Jon ever steps on US soil.  He will never gets his visa.  Even if he kept his job, he and Rachel, could not save up enough money for the legal fees.  Jon knows it. Rachel is in lala land. 

Just waiting for their GoFundMe for the lawyer.  

Does anyone know the approximate amount of these fees? I doubt they're all that high. Danielle brought Mohammed over, that creepy cable w/ the roommates brought his woman who wanted him to reverse his vasectomy, Chantal paid for Pedro, etc. None of them had any money. It's not that much I'm pretty sure. 


18 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I noticed the same thing! I’m only 5’2” and I don’t need to stand on my tippy toes to scramble eggs. Based on the stove height, I also guessed he’s 5’ even or maybe 5’1” tops...unless they have a different standard stove size in the UK.

I rewatched it! That was crazy! The stove hit him at the bottom of his rib cage! And I went home and checked against my own. Trying to recall if stoves in the UK are taller! LOL


13 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

So with Jon having been into American football, throwing up randomly on the street, that weird blank stare, & lashing out at Rachel in the car, this article kind of jumped out at me...


But they may never actually live together for it to be much of a concern.

Someone else here mentioned that early in the season; said her child is the same way. Could be true!


5 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

Honestly, that makes more sense than he couldn't get a tourist visa because of presumably 10+ year old convictions. It could be argued that he had changed and wasn't the person he was. We don't know the timeline of his convictions and all of that, though. The most recent one could've been last year or something. It's more than just TPTB are blocking their fairytale and from recreating their very own Enchanted ballroom dance scene to "So Close" by Jon McLaughlin.

What strikes me isn't just the 50k in debt. If you go to uni or even complete a degree, unless you have well to do/affluent parents or qualify for a full ride or grants you can expect to be in debt. It's the two repossessed cars tied into the 50k that are like, "This man doesn't seem financially savvy or good at adulting." Even if you live with your parents, you still need to pay your bills. You can't bail on your car note, car insurance, health insurance, etc. For him to quit his job knowing they have a costly legal battle with even trying to get him to the States is utterly stupid. It's not easy for people without records to land jobs. Let alone five known convictions for violent actions. Rachel picked a real winner. He just strikes me as someone who never learns their lesson and is a repeat offender when it comes to everything from not paying bills to his actions. Some women just like saying they have a husband and father-figure/stepfather for their child.

You'd think the UK would expunge his record if he applied for a US visa. Anything to get rid of him.

And if he lives with his mother and has two sources of income, why is he still in debt?? (Does the football team pay him anything to play? That could be three sources.)


3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I have always said if you are looking for a life partner you need to ask yourself, are you your best you?  Is there anything you want to work on before you try to find someone and before you get them caught up in your mess of bad financials or bad relationships with family or if you have not addressed your depression or manic behaviors or OCDness, are you medicated properly, etc...I think most of these people are not looking inward at themselves and their ignoring the red flags (that we all see) of their potential mate just so they can have that fairytale BS.  

I have said it before and I will say it again, this show would make the perfect thesis for a masters degree in psych.

Rant over, (for now).

"Are you medicated properly?" This is on the checklist of things to ask yourself now? What is this world coming to? LOL


2 hours ago, Saje81 said:

Apologies if someone already said it but my feeling during that scene was that Rachel probably nagged the crap out of him that he needed a week off, and when he couldn’t get it he opted to quit, thinking his compliance to Rachel MIGHT make her happy. The look on her face had a hint of *sigh* “That’s not what I meant....”

I bet there’s a lot of that between her and Jon. 

I kind of felt that way, too. I did not feel as tho the week spent at the cottage and the rustic English countryside wedding venue were his idea at all. And if Rachel had not caused this, she would have protested, "we didn't have to take a week off! We didn't have to do all this!"

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

Does anyone know the approximate amount of these fees? I doubt they're all that high. Danielle brought Mohammed over, that creepy cable w/ the roommates brought his woman who wanted him to reverse his vasectomy, Chantal paid for Pedro, etc. None of them had any money. It's not that much I'm pretty sure. 

It’s not the fees.  It’s the cost of the lawyer to work the legal system.   I have a relative who wanted her illegal boyfriend legal before they got married.  He had a DUI on his record and already living here in the US.  And believe me when I say Jon is a much better catch than this guy.   The lawyer fees were over $40k.  And my relative certainty isn’t rich,  just an idiot.  

My point is that Jon can come here.   The question is how much are you willing to spend to get him here. My guess it’s at least $50,000.  If he’s dodging his $50k debt, pretty sure that he’s not willing to go into more debt for a lawyer, let  alone scrap up the funds for it.  

Sad part is that this expense will be on Rachel who should be using her finances to take care of her kids than Jon’s lawyer’s fees.  I don’t care if he’s paying for child care.  

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, LGGirl said:

It’s not the fees.  It’s the cost of the lawyer to work the legal system.   I have a relative who wanted her illegal boyfriend legal before they got married.  He had a DUI on his record and already living here in the US.  And believe me when I say Jon is a much better catch than this guy.   The lawyer fees were over $40k.  And my relative certainty isn’t rich,  just an idiot.  

My point is that Jon can come here.   The question is how much are you willing to spend to get him here. My guess it’s at least $50,000.  If he’s dodging his $50k debt, pretty sure that he’s not willing to go into more debt for a lawyer, let  alone scrap up the funds for it.  

Sad part is that this expense will be on Rachel who should be using her finances to take care of her kids than Jon’s lawyer’s fees.  I don’t care if he’s paying for child care.  

I didn't realize she would need an atty to grease the wheels. I thought if they were already married, he might be able to qualify fair and square for the spouse visa, like anyone else. You really think it would cost that much??? That's crazy for her to consider it, if so. Even if he never cheats on her outright, you know he will bring a lot of drama and heartache to the marriage and will be an endless source of grief to her eventually.

3 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

Maybe Jon couldn't work because of them being in different time zones and he needed to be available for her phone calls. Oh wait, that was Azan.

My all time favorite excuse for not working:  "I need to be available for a phone call.  From my under employed girlfriend.  Who has a child but talks to me more than her own child.  Who calls me "Her World" which in the beginning was kinda flattering but now is just creepy.  Anyway, I can't work because of that."

  • Love 9

I'm just wondering what Jon is getting out of marrying Rachel. He's not like Azan, getting money sent to him regularly. It's unlikely he will ever be able to live here, or her there, at least for about 18 years when Lucy is grown. And how often can she afford to fly to the UK? I'm guessing they couldn't see each other more than once or twice a year.

I hope Lucy isn't counting on a college fund, because mama is blowing all her money in her "fairy tale" with a raging hobbit.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

I'm just wondering what Jon is getting out of marrying Rachel. He's not like Azan, getting money sent to him regularly. It's unlikely he will ever be able to live here, or her there, at least for about 18 years when Lucy is grown. And how often can she afford to fly to the UK? I'm guessing they couldn't see each other more than once or twice a year.

I hope Lucy isn't counting on a college fund, because mama is blowing all her money in her "fairy tale" with a raging hobbit.

Street cred for bagging an American wife?  

PS - @RedBagWithMakeup I love your screen name.  Like a lot.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, eatsleep said:

You'd think the UK would expunge his record if he applied for a US visa. Anything to get rid of him.

And if he lives with his mother and has two sources of income, why is he still in debt?? (Does the football team pay him anything to play? That could be three sources.)

It wouldn't matter if he was a poor manager of whatever income he had coming in. (Prime examples. Athletes who sign contracts for $80 million and somehow end up broke two years later.) I would assume that he's helping his mum with the household bills, and the AIRBNB was supplemental income for them. Problem is, he shouldn't be in so much debt. He doesn't have the same expenses as a single person or couple who owns their home and possibly has children and child related expenses. How high was the debt before they started garnishing his wages? Jon could tell Rachel that his real name isn't Jon, and he has wives all over the UK. She'd still love him,.

1 hour ago, LGGirl said:

It’s not the fees.  It’s the cost of the lawyer to work the legal system.   I have a relative who wanted her illegal boyfriend legal before they got married.  He had a DUI on his record and already living here in the US.  And believe me when I say Jon is a much better catch than this guy.   The lawyer fees were over $40k.  And my relative certainty isn’t rich,  just an idiot.  

My point is that Jon can come here.   The question is how much are you willing to spend to get him here. My guess it’s at least $50,000.  If he’s dodging his $50k debt, pretty sure that he’s not willing to go into more debt for a lawyer, let  alone scrap up the funds for it.  

Sad part is that this expense will be on Rachel who should be using her finances to take care of her kids than Jon’s lawyer’s fees.  I don’t care if he’s paying for child care.  

Well, they can always start a second or third GoFundMe like they did to help them meet. If they get a $1 USD from each follower of his, hers, and their shared ones on IG and Twitter, they should be well on their way.

Edited by AussieBabe
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, eatsleep said:

I didn't realize she would need an atty to grease the wheels. I thought if they were already married, he might be able to qualify fair and square for the spouse visa, like anyone else. You really think it would cost that much??? That's crazy for her to consider it, if so. Even if he never cheats on her outright, you know he will bring a lot of drama and heartache to the marriage and will be an endless source of grief to her eventually.

I don't know how much it will cost. The attorney Rachel visited just said it would take upwards of 2-3 years, but there was no guarantee--even with a spousal visa. If he had trouble getting a tourist visa for a limited amount of time, who's to say the US will wag with someone who was once a violent offender? I'm pretty sure the tourist visa request could've been appealed. I do know they look at how long ago the crimes happened and things like that. There are lots of factors that go into approving visas when you can't just do the ESTA. Something was a red flag, and they denied it. And it's not because the US wants to block the starcrossed lovers and not be fairrrrr.

This relationship reminds me of that movie, The Money Pit. I think Rachel will keep putting more and more money into it without any guarantee that he'll ever be able to step foot on US soil. It's not like she'll be able to ask for her investment back. If it doesn't happen, that's just money lost and thrown into the pit.

Edited by AussieBabe
  • Love 4
55 minutes ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

I'm just wondering what Jon is getting out of marrying Rachel. He's not like Azan, getting money sent to him regularly. It's unlikely he will ever be able to live here, or her there, at least for about 18 years when Lucy is grown. And how often can she afford to fly to the UK? I'm guessing they couldn't see each other more than once or twice a year.

I hope Lucy isn't counting on a college fund, because mama is blowing all her money in her "fairy tale" with a raging hobbit.

Rachel needs to get a job with an international airlines that flies out of ABQ.  Trust me.  Flight benefits are worth it.  I met my now-husband when I was working for Delta & made many, many, MANY trips abroad, sometimes just for as few as 5 days, and it took nearly a whole day to fly from LAX to London or Manchester.  He's here now, and I no longer work for an airline, but it's something to consider!

  • Love 3
On ‎10‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 4:41 PM, hookedontv said:

Pathetic Darcey, yammering on and on in the car about learning something from this and moving on. I highly doubt Darcey has learned anything from any of her relationships. If she had, she wouldn’t be acting less mature than her tween daughters, all the while ugly crying and repeating the phrase “for love.”

I just had this vision of a bleat-off between Darcey and Paul. "For love" vs "Fala"! Who will win? Stay tuned and find out!


22 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I doubt that Jon ever steps on US soil.  He will never gets his visa.  Even if he kept his job, he and Rachel, could not save up enough money for the legal fees.  Jon knows it. Rachel is in lala land

Just waiting for their GoFundMe for the lawyer.  

Dontcha mean FA-la land??? tee hee hee

Thank you, I'll be here all week, try the veal and tip your waiters and waitresses!

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

I don't know how much it will cost. The attorney Rachel visited just said it would take upwards of 2-3 years, but there was no guarantee--even with a spousal visa. If he had trouble getting a tourist visa for a limited amount of time, who's to say the US will wag with someone who was once a violent offender? I'm pretty sure the tourist visa request could've been appealed. I do know they look at how long ago the crimes happened and things like that. There are lots of factors that go into approving visas when you can't just do the ESTA. Something was a red flag, and they denied it. And it's not because the US wants to block the starcrossed lovers and not be fairrrrr.

This relationship reminds me of that movie, The Money Pit. I think Rachel will keep putting more and more money into it without any guarantee that he'll ever be able to step foot on US soil. It's not like she'll be able to ask for her investment back. If it doesn't happen, that's just money lost and thrown into the pit.

I love The Money pit! I got a kick out of seeing Art Shirk on the Good Wife!

On October 10, 2018 at 9:08 AM, Mainer said:

I wish I knew how tall jon was... I’m guessing about 5 feet even... which is another reason to be angry.. he probably beat what’s considered a legal midget by 1-2 inches at best. And there’s nothing he can do about that? all the fighting in the world isn’t gonna make him taller.. 

His mom was much shorter and the stove he was cooking on came mid chest, so yeah short p

Sorry other posters mentioned the stove.  Someone did figure out that calendar in the hallway was incoming  boarders. Nice he gets to keep all the money himself and Lucy is using one of the rooms.  I can't wait to see what he is loosing his mind about at tell all. 

Edited by athousandclowns
49 minutes ago, Mainer said:

I think if Rachel starts feeling like it’s gonna cost too much or take too long she will ditch her oldest Child and just move there... she can’t be without him it’s that can’t eat cant sleep Kinda love...❤️? ? ? 

For the love of all things Karaoke - I too have that same feeling that she could leave her oldest with the dad for her chance at love, she will say it isn't fair that the dad won't let the daughter move with her to England to be with the love of her life, and it would be unfair that two sisters could not grow up together all while crying and using her fingers to pick out any eye boogies and then glance at them lovingly before wiping them on her dirty jeans.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

For the love of all things Karaoke - I too have that same feeling that she could leave her oldest with the dad for her chance at love, she will say it isn't fair that the dad won't let the daughter move with her to England to be with the love of her life, and it would be unfair that two sisters could not grow up together all while crying and using her fingers to pick out any eye boogies and then glance at them lovingly before wiping them on her dirty jeans.

I’m dying laughing! Life just isn’t Fair!! It’s like the unfairness is directed straight at Rachel’s life nobody else’s! 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

I don't know how much it will cost. The attorney Rachel visited just said it would take upwards of 2-3 years, but there was no guarantee--even with a spousal visa. If he had trouble getting a tourist visa for a limited amount of time, who's to say the US will wag with someone who was once a violent offender? I'm pretty sure the tourist visa request could've been appealed. I do know they look at how long ago the crimes happened and things like that. There are lots of factors that go into approving visas when you can't just do the ESTA. Something was a red flag, and they denied it. And it's not because the US wants to block the starcrossed lovers and not be fairrrrr.

This relationship reminds me of that movie, The Money Pit. I think Rachel will keep putting more and more money into it without any guarantee that he'll ever be able to step foot on US soil. It's not like she'll be able to ask for her investment back. If it doesn't happen, that's just money lost and thrown into the pit.

I think Rachael will move there yes and leave the oldest girl. Just my thoughts.

She is going to have to figure something out soon, once Lucy reaches the age of 2, she will have to pay for a regular seat. Heck, even now she has to pay 10% infant fare just to carry her on her lap, which sorry can't be comfortable for a 10 hour flight.  I really hate when people set up Go Fund Me pages for shit like this, help me be with my ex-con lover who is currently jobless...  

  • Love 1
On 10/8/2018 at 4:05 PM, RichiesOlderBro said:

The dogs have not been shown, but I believe Pole took his two dogs down to Brazil with him.  

All I can think of is TLC thought they had some extra time they needed to fill and Marta the stripper would add a counter balance to Grangela.  

I bet someone in Alabama scammed Grangela, or most likely, she can’t keep track of how much money she has in her account.  

Aren’t dogs quarantined for lengthy periods after international travel?

On 10/8/2018 at 5:20 PM, Mothra said:

The Michael/ATM thing was easy for me--he totally did it.  But Jesse and Darcey?  I think maybe there's some truth to what each of them says.  Like you, I believe he came into the room (and I believe the door was unlocked) and found her moaning on the floor.  When I first saw his denial that they'd had sex, I believed him because I thought her "and then we did it again" was a little OTT.  Thinking back on his outrage at the very idea they had sex, now I'm starting to believe her about the sex but not that he found her sitting in a chair.

Whatever the truth is, I'm tired of them.  Please make them go away.

Don’t hotel room doors automatically lock?

  • Love 2
On 10/8/2018 at 8:22 PM, gingerella said:

A lot of people care or the bridal/wedding jewelry industry wouldn't be as huge as it is. Potato, Potahto, YMMV.

In other news, if I never hear IN THE NAME OF LOVE opined ever Ever EVER E.V.E.R. again it'll be too soon. Eternal damnation is hearing INTHENAMEOFLOVE over and over and over and over and over and over for all eternity, in Duhrcey's whiny voice.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, eatsleep said:
On 10/10/2018 at 7:19 PM, Lynnlynnlynn586 said:

He admitted on preview he took it Damn

Or that could have just been editing, splicing together with a response to something else. Do you think they'd give it away so early?

Right. Didn't he just say something vague like "I'm sorry..." which could have been in reference to just about anything (including getting involved with Big Ange in the first place!) I've learned my lesson about drawing conclusions from the coming attractions because invariably the Editing Monkeys like to play tricks on us. 

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Spike said:

Don’t hotel room doors automatically lock?

Of course.  And I think it's fair to assume he had a key to that room.  But when I'm alone in a hotel room, I put on the metal bar flip lock and the deadbolt lock.  I believe most women traveling alone take these precautions, but I don't think Darcey did.  The point is that she didn't have to abandon her pose; he walked in on her 1) in the chair per her or 2) on the floor per him.  Her having to go let him in would've destroyed the drama.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, PityFree said:

Yes. But the door magically opened “for love.”

I am just confused by the hotel rooms.  The show had him checking into one.  Darcy into another, room numbers clearly visible. 

Yet in the morning when he came out of the room in the USA scarf with the flag on his suitcase, it was an entirely different room number. 

  • Love 6

Upon watching the Darcey and Jesse "the next day scene" I wanted to punch something all over again.   She was clearly happy that they had make up sex but did the whole fakey cry face nonsense again...she is a terrible plastic faced actress.   Then she started whining about the fact that he didn't tell her what time he was leaving and "who does that??"

Why. Would. You. Care. What. Time. His. Flight. Was. Leaving?

Why didn't she call the porter?   Why is she knocking her oversized luggage all over the doors and carpets?  I thought she shoved her coat in her suitcase since it was being squeezed shut.   Nope, still had that draped on the outside.   Is that all of her makeup?  Now THAT I would believe.   She's tottering in heels with a suitcase bigger than her and she won't call down to the bell desk for service?   Good gravy.

  • Love 5

The only time Hazel showed any outward emotion was when DJ Buffalo Check was leaving and she could see her bankroll walking away.   In this same  episode Karinny also burst into tears when her bankroll was going home.   That sudden "what if he doesn't come back to save me" makes them weepy and scared but when they are around for the weeks they just give them nothing but attitude.   Those guys just lap it up too....they love saving that damsel in distress.

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