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On 8/20/2018 at 10:42 AM, Scarlett45 said:

Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but even with Karine not looking her best she is far better looking than Paul. Give her access to cosmetics and hair treatments and she will be gorgeous. Paul looks like one of those creepy types who fantasize about shooting women who won’t have sex with them. Paul rubs me the wrong way- I don’t think he’s stable. Also ARSON. 

I used to think that. But when he met with his now married ex, and given her comments, I understand him more. Even the inappropriate lack of trust. 


I dont think Karine is more attractive than Paul. He has nice features. He just needs to clean up a bit. 

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I wish Michael and his friends would stop referring to Angela as a "grandma" in relation to him. She's old enough to be his "mom", not his "grandma".   There's not 40 years separating them, is there???

Edited by LocalGovt
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In the preview for next week: 

Did Michael say, "Don't BLINK at the dress because she's fat" or "Don't BLING OUT the dress because she's fat", or something entirely different?


On a side note, if you are not watching the screen and are in a different part of the house, Angela's voice sounds a lot like Mama June's. Must be the Georgia.

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12 hours ago, Tuneful said:

Really? I know lots of single woman who would like to meet a single guy, and the numbers of available ones drop as women get older. Maybe they want someone who doesn't have a criminal record...is employed...is not deeply angry or bitter..and doesn't abuse alcohol, drugs, or their GFs/wives. Height or handsomeness not as important as some other things. If this describes you, it's too bad you aren't connecting, or having luck. P.S. I have a brother who married a foreign woman for reasons that included those you mention and it ended in a nuclear divorce, in part because she missed her country, had previously unidentified mental illness, and thought he was too much of a wuss because he didn't order her around or beat her up, and made a teacher's salary. He is a great catch but at age 56 after 15 years of ex drama, he doesn't want to date. 

Or maybe they want someone who doesn't call them fat.

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I would never, never, never go on TV to announce the fact that I'd had sex with a perfect stranger, much less giggle over how many times it was, and start going for #3 or #4 right then and there. I mean, how in the world does she think that's ok?  This woman has absolutely no boundaries. Cringeworthy, Angela...cringeworthy.  Maybe it's the fact that I just turned 53 that her antics disgust me even more.  Others may find her openness refreshing.  I just can't get past her lack of decorum.

Edited by LocalGovt
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10 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

His name is on the birth certificate? How did I miss that? Regardless Jon is in love with the facade of "knight in shining armour " without the reality of what it takes to be a parent.

She mentioned it in episode 1 or 2.  And there was some talk about it on the Rachel and Jon thread. 

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57 minutes ago, LocalGovt said:

On a side note, if you are not watching the screen and are in a different part of the house, Angela's voice sounds a lot like Mama June's. Must be the Georgia.

McIntyre and Hazlehurst, Georgia, are not that far apart.

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9 hours ago, 100Proof said:

Probably, and as it's always been, people in other countries get their impressions about america through tv and movies. The 'streets are paved with gold" thing.

Annie was like that saying how she thought everyone in America lives in a big house and drives a fancy car.  I wish.

1 hour ago, LocalGovt said:

Angela's voice sounds a lot like Mama June's

Funny you should say that, I was thinking Angela is what  a grown up Honey Boo Boo would be like.

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57 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

Annie was like that saying how she thought everyone in America lives in a big house and drives a fancy car.  I wish.

Funny you should say that, I was thinking Angela is what  a grown up Honey Boo Boo would be like.

I saw that post - after I made mine, of course!

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9 hours ago, Eric said:

I respect your point of view but  I do not see why it is a bad thing for a woman seeking a man who can provide her a better life. It happens in poorer countries and it does also happens here in America as well. Men seek beauty and youth and women seek a provider and security.,,always been. I think its a good trade of for both parties.

I agree.  And further, love is not the only valid reason to get married.  Many people get married because of similar religious values, a desire to have a family, it’s expected ... and on and on.  In the US, about half of all marriages end in divorce.  Some people never marry.  Some people never divorce and stay in miserable marriages.  So far less than 50% of all marriages are “good” marriages.  The vast majority of us have no clue what it takes to have a successful marriage.

That said, most people on this show just want someone “hot” as a spouse.  People who are that shallow and immature never make good spouses.

Edited by Booger666
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2 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

In the preview for next week: 

Did Michael say, "Don't BLINK at the dress because she's fat" or "Don't BLING OUT the dress because she's fat", or something entirely different?


On a side note, if you are not watching the screen and are in a different part of the house, Angela's voice sounds a lot like Mama June's. Must be the Georgia.

I think he said "don't BRING out the dress..."  - maybe Angela wants to try something on that Michael feels won't work?

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3 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

I dont think Karine is more attractive than Paul. He has nice features. He just needs to clean up a bit. 

A personality transplant would help as well.

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2 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

There's not 40 years separating them, is there???

Well, she's 22 years older than he is, so it is physiologically possible for her to be his Grandma.   And she's from the south, so only a few years away from it being sociologically acceptable : ) 

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So many cringey moments on this episode.  I don't know what one is the worst:

-Angela bragging about Michael's 2-3, um, performances the previous night,

-Michael telling Angela in the car on the way to meet his mama that she needs to put enough make-up on to "look younger,"

-Jon and Rachel wanting to be intimate with his mom down the hall.  And yet, Jon seems somewhat disappointed with the real, in-person Rachel,

- Tarik looking like an chubby, sweaty version of Carlton from Fresh Prince.  Hazle looking uncomfortable.  He claims he didn't know that the condo only had one bed.  Yeah, right!

-Ricky waited hours at the restaurant.  Melanie finally showing up wearing the same skanky outfit as in her photo...but with braces.  Saying she was hours late because she had "plans."  Sounds legit lol.

-And finally Darci.  Wanting her "babies" to meet their soon-to-be stepfather.  I don't know who looked more uncomfortable...her "babies" or Jesse.  But the most cringe-worthy part were those 10 inch high heeled boots she wore...on a boat!

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Something in Darcy's behavior makes me wonder if her husband left her for a younger woman . . . so now she's trying to BE younger, and have an even younger man on her arm as an "up yours" to the ex.

Or maybe that's just how she is.  

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21 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

No doubt, Tarik is a world-class chump. He does seem like a loving father though, so I can’t snark too much in him for that reason.   His daugter looks happy and healthy, so he’s doing something right.  

A tank top and basketball shorts is not a good look for a middle-aged man.  And he is a realtor/rapper?  Strange combo. 

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57 minutes ago, SevenCostanza said:

Annie was like that saying how she thought everyone in America lives in a big house and drives a fancy car.  I wish.

Funny you should say that, I was thinking Angela is what  a grown up Honey Boo Boo would be like.

I saw that post - after I made mine, of course!

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11 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

Probably so, it's probably 10 times better than she has it now.

Until you see how some people are living in some countries, even a average life here is better. Where my mom was born, there are people that live in wooden shacks and are dirt poor. 

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32 minutes ago, Quof said:

Well, she's 22 years older than he is, so it is physiologically possible for her to be his Grandma.   And she's from the south, so only a few years away from it being sociologically acceptable : ) 

That would mean his mother had him at the ripe of old age of 11, and her mother had her at 11, as well, wouldn't it?  I guess if it's happened once, according to the Enquirer, it can happen twice.

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Off topic rant—I know it’s amusing to make fun of Angela and make implications that people from the south are like her or they live in trailers, have confederate flags in their yards, are racist, and have children while they are pre-teens—but as a southerner it’s annoying. I’m not remotely like her (nor is my family). I’ve been fortunate to travel all over the US and Europe and there are “rednecks” everywhere. 

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1 minute ago, MoodyGirl said:

Off topic rant—I know it’s amusing to make fun of Angela and make implications that people from the south are like her or they live in trailers, have confederate flags in their yards, are racist, and have children while they are pre-teens—but as a southerner it’s annoying. I’m not remotely like her (nor is my family). I’ve been fortunate to travel all over the US and Europe and there are “rednecks” everywhere. 

As a Buckeye, I feel the same way when idiot Ohians are featured on the show.  It is what it is.

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24 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

Until you see how some people are living in some countries, even a average life here is better. Where my mom was born, there are people that live in wooden shacks and are dirt poor. 

Yes. Poverty is alive and well in the USA, but even our poorest citizens have access to clean water, food (although not enough to be comfortable, rarely do people die of starvation), electricity and facilities for hygenine (toilets, running water, soap etc). These things are LUXURIES in some parts of the world. 

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1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes. Poverty is alive and well in the USA, but even our poorest citizens have access to clean water....

Tell that to Flint Michigan.  ;-D

2 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Every area of the United States has its trash, and every area's trash will at some point be featured on reality television.

Yep. 'The Apprentice' comes to mind.  =8-P

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6 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

Tell that to Flint Michigan.  ;-D

Yep. 'The Apprentice' comes to mind.  =8-P

Point taken, though these are exceptions, not the standard of life. 

Edited by libgirl2
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Jon has nice teeth and talks about toothbrushes all the time.  So there goes that stereotype.

I'm from England and the one thing I notice with American tourists is that they talk much louder than us Brits.  But other than that,mostly nice and friendly and they love to tip (which we Brits don't).

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I have a close relative that travels the world for work, he brought home some girl from Mexico, she didn’t speak English, he taught her out her threw college, she became a paralegal, put him threw the ringer, hates him hates his family has treated him like shit she acts like an entitled bitch, she came from nothing and I mean nothing so poor. She has now robbed him of over 300k divorces him and took his House. She knew what she was doing, she sent all his money back to Mexico... it’s Disgusting

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5 minutes ago, Mainer said:

I have a close relative that travels the world for work, he brought home some girl from Mexico, she didn’t speak English, he taught her out her threw college, she became a paralegal, put him threw the ringer, hates him hates his family has treated him like shit she acts like an entitled bitch, she came from nothing and I mean nothing so poor. She has now robbed him of over 300k divorces him and took his House. She knew what she was doing, she sent all his money back to Mexico... it’s Disgusting

Reminds me of a scene in an old Marx Brothers film, I forget which though. IIRC, Basically Groucho is talking to some apparently innocent naive type girl but then this girl says something of a gold-digger type nature. Groucho then deftly responds, (paraphrasing)  "I can see you've been off the farm before"

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So Jon and Rachel have been "dating" for over a year, Lucy is 8 months old...and yet, Jon hasn't done any research on babies? Rachel and Lucy arrive and it appeared that he didn't even have a mattress on the crib?  Lucy makes a noise that didn't even resemble crying, and Jon instructs Rachel to make her stop crying because it's stressing him out.  Huh?!

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18 hours ago, Dobian said:

This is what I think of when I hear the name Hazel.


I keep looking at my cat whose name is Hazel. My sweet cat has more life in her eyes than the show's poor Hazel. I hate to think or ponder what brought a person to make them look so dead behind the eyes.


12 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

Someone upthread said Angela is Nicole in 20 years.  I agree.  I also feel like Nicole is going to reach out to (if she hasn't already) Angela because she sees someone ELSE whose family doesn't approve of her overseas choice of boyfriend.  Where we've seen Danielle say that she has talked to Nicole and, well, Nicole will do what she wants to because she won't listen to anyone.... Angela is very similar to Nicole in that manner.  Angela probably wouldn't listen to Danielle either. 


Nicole and Angela AND DANIELLE dating show!

Watching Angela paw and maul Michael is pretty damn uncomfortable but makes for can't look away tv at its best.  

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19 minutes ago, Phoebe70 said:

So Jon and Rachel have been "dating" for over a year, Lucy is 8 months old...and yet, Jon hasn't done any research on babies? Rachel and Lucy arrive and it appeared that he didn't even have a mattress on the crib?  Lucy makes a noise that didn't even resemble crying, and Jon instructs Rachel to make her stop crying because it's stressing him out.  Huh?!

I know! She was cooing and babbling!  If he thinks that's crying....he's in for a rude awakening!

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11 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

John would make perfect casting as a dwarf in any possible future lord of the rings film

My thoughts exactly! Jon as Gimley(?)’s son. And he doesn’t even have to walk around on his knees to appear shorter than everyone else.


 I think Jesse is probably not so bad but all we see is his reaction to Desperate Darcy and given the chance to be with an age appropriate woman who is mentally strong he would probably be a nice guy. 

I disagree. Jesse would NEVER be with a woman who is mentally strong who had some level of self-respect. Jesse preys on needy women he can control, treat badly and always bend to his opinions and desires. The guy is an emotionally abusive narcissist and most young women nowadays won’t put up with that crap, thus his “attraction” to older women.

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On 8/12/2018 at 8:52 PM, HappyDancex2 said:

Angela people are staring at you because YOU HAVE A CAMERA CREW FOLLOWING YOU!

I'm sure that doesn't help but I bet everyone in that airport was thinking "look at that white lady about ready to be scammed!" 

On 8/12/2018 at 8:55 PM, Neurochick said:

Michael isn’t even hiding that he just wants to come to the US, that’s why he wants Angela.

I don't get (well maybe I do kinda...) WHY these guys, who are actually pretty good looking, thinking they need to con older, less attractive ladies?? And most of them don't even have money to benefit from.  I would think these guys could actually start a legit relationship with someone they are actually attracted to. Young people tend to be more foolish with their money. 

On 8/12/2018 at 8:57 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

So Paul got a new translation app? Never occurred to him to take a few Portuguese lessons? Sigh. 

Actually since it had only been 4 months I thought they were both a lot better than before. He seemed pretty fluent in the phrases he did know and she understood more english and knew a lot more words without help. 

On 8/12/2018 at 9:26 PM, Adeejay said:

Angela and Rachel have real good filters on their phones, because they look nothing like their picture.   

Rachel and John probably facetime a lot so Im sure he's seen her dressed up and down and I bet he was not disappointed at all in her appearance at the train station.  

On 8/13/2018 at 3:09 AM, Bridget said:

I'm wondering why he just happened to have a toothbrush with him! Is this a regularly occurring episode in his life? 

When he did that I said "where did that toothbrush come from!?!?" 

On 8/17/2018 at 12:53 PM, magemaud said:

I have a friend who was horrified that her daughter was going to name her first child Hazel. Fast forward 7 years and now the name just "fits" the girl and Grandma is fine with it. Hazel is also in the top 50 girls names on last year's Social Security Name list, so it's gaining in popularity. This Hazel also has a little sister, DORIS, but I don't know if that's trendy or not. 

I have (had) a great grandma named Hazel and she had a daughter (great-aunt right?) named Doris. Ha!

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With all the trailing off, staring into space, and apparent processing delay, Jon seems like he has a traumatic brain injury, which would explain why he's at home with mum at 34. His emotional reactions to everything are like an 8-year-old's. Speaking of which, Rachel's mannerisms are bizarre. She acts like a ditzy lovesick 14-year-old at all times, to the point where I have trouble remembering she's actually 33. Their relationship is so emotionally regressed in a way a can't put my finger on, because it's not the usual bratty entitlement we see. It's literally two 15-year-olds in adult bodies. Super uncomfortable.

And what happened to Jon's supposed 12-pack? Submerged in beer, I'm guessing? He's way more portly than "chubby" Tarik imo.

I have sympathy for her situation, but cold, emotionally detached, dead eyed Hazel is the last person on Earth who should be playing stepmom to a child with autism. Shame on Tarik for letting his penis shatter his daughter's sense of stability and doubtless causing her tons of confusion and turmoil if he goes through with this farce of a green card marriage to get it in.

That sequence of Angela in the hotel room reminded me of those raunchy comedies where a high school girl gets too drunk and tries to lose her virginity but winds up puking all over the guy instead. Just cringeworthy.

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I think John is actually pretty cute.  I'd give him a shot.  But when they showed he lived with his mom I'm like "ohhhhh OK, here's his issue" plus he's a lot shorter than he probably gives off online. Even his friends made a comment about his height.  And I'm willing to bet he isn't as fit as he used to be in those photos.  

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I think I remember last season, when Pole was packing his 90 trunks, that he talked about loose clothing being part of his mosquito avoidance plan.  It's also why he's never in shorts and tends to be in long sleeves.

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2 hours ago, Bugfrey Von said:

arik and Hazel:  I give the girl props for knowing what she wants, being upfront.

That’s actually something I like about Hazel. She’s doesn’t make excuses about what her game is, i.e., a business transaction. I respect that.

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24 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

I think I remember last season, when Pole was packing his 90 trunks, that he talked about loose clothing being part of his mosquito avoidance plan.  It's also why he's never in shorts and tends to be in long sleeves.

I'm not sure how loose (as opposed to normal fitting) clothing keeps the Mosquitos away unless he ties off the ends of his sleeves, waist, neck,and pant legs with rubber bands, hooks up to an air hose, and fills his loose clothes with air. Kind of like a walking boy in a bubble. As a matter of fact this should happen.  I want to see that. I don't know why he hasn't thought of that yet. 

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16 hours ago, Former Nun said:
On 8/21/2018 at 11:13 AM, greekmom said:

THIS is coming from the same guy who's name is on the birth certificate

How does THAT work...legally?

Unless one is married, the mother is asked for the father's name, which she does not have to give. If she is married at the time of conception (or birth really), the husband is the presumptive father and is placed on the birth certificate, usually. Unless they have cause to question the mother about who the father actually is (like if you list "Elvis" or something), the guy can get listed on the birth certificate. Cautionary note, it's a pain in the ass to get a father back off the birth certificate if he's not the father. It requires DNA proof and the courts. But I guess little Lucy is potentially now has dual citizenship if Jon asserts that he is the father.

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22 hours ago, Tuneful said:

Ricky, “Melissa” is a boy. Got MAN HANDS. Wore a choker to cover the Adam’s apple, her neck looks thick, and that troweled-on makeup might cover stubble. From the get go I noticed she had a flat chest sporting two grapefruits. Ricky may be in for a crying game if they meet again and get “friendly.” Ricky looks just like Micky, the little person on “Seinfeld” who was also pursuing show business, except Micky was a ladykiller.

Maybe Melissa is Juan.

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2 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I have sympathy for her situation, but cold, emotionally detached, dead eyed Hazel is the last person on Earth who should be playing stepmom to a child with autism.

I wonder why people think this?


Not saying you’re wrong by any means, but Tariq’s daughter seems well cared for in her current situation. Hazel’s presence wouldn’t be detrimental based on what I’ve seen, even if she just supports Arie’s (the little girl) routine. 

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25 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I wonder why people think this?


Not saying you’re wrong by any means, but Tariq’s daughter seems well cared for in her current situation. Hazel’s presence wouldn’t be detrimental based on what I’ve seen, even if she just supports Arie’s (the little girl) routine. 

I'm not saying that she's not well cared for now, but Hazel certainly doesn't seem like the most...patient, especially not to a child who's not biologically hers with a disability. It seems like their introduction might not go well.

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23 hours ago, Tuneful said:

Ricky, “Melissa” is a boy. Got MAN HANDS. Wore a choker to cover the Adam’s apple, her neck looks thick, and that troweled-on makeup might cover stubble. From the get go I noticed she had a flat chest sporting two grapefruits. Ricky may be in for a crying game if they meet again and get “friendly.” Ricky looks just like Micky, the little person on “Seinfeld” who was also pursuing show business, except Micky was a ladykiller.

Wow, people are really projecting with Melissa. This is transphobic. Trans women are murdered every day because of men thinking that they're "men" and flying into gay panic/penis panic. Trans people are constantly accused of being deceptive and subjected to violence because of it. I don't like all the snickering that Melissa is a dude or the "joke" that he's going to find out she has a penis. All she has is a tacky porn star boob job imo.

I don't think she's underage either, because TLC would never green light that for legal reasons. Lots of adults have braces. She's just ditzy and coasts on her looks to seduce dummies. 

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