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Season 6 Discussion

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Just like the majority of the fans, I felt like the season started off so slow and I find these new characters overwhelming. These new CO's are just horrendous, horrible people. I don't even love to hate them. Seeing Suzanne's hallucinations was a bit over the top. I was annoyed that Alex wasn't there at first and I was afraid her whereabouts would be dragged out too long. But thankfully they weren't. But the show picked up around episode 3, 4. I'm currently on episode 6 and pretty invested. 

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A few thoughts:

I was never onboard with the Piper Hare and didn’t see why she was such a divisive character. However, I was surprisingly happy to see her released so we hopefully don’t have to see (much of) her next season. I think I’m just over her entire arc.

I fast forwarded through the wedding. I couldn’t bring myself to care. 

Thought I’d miss the rest of the cast sent to other prisons, but I didn’t. The ensemble got too big.

I found Badison pretty obnoxious but I was supposed to, I guess. The insecure bully angle was pretty overdone and one note. The only part of her storyline that was interesting to me was her flashback. It was sad that while in that scared straight program, the leader/teacher/counselor/whatever was trying to give her the life advice to get over her insecure need to win the bullies over, but instead, he inadvertently guided her into realizing her full psychotic potential. Tragic.

Mackenzie Phillips was inspired casting. If you read her book, she’s detailed bug visions while high, so her hallucinations in medical with Nikki seemed very well done.

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A couple of things I noticed: 

  • Piper's tooth -  if you chip off a piece of your tooth, you can't just glue it back on to restore a pearly white smile.  I'm glad for this myth however, since janky teeth gross me out.  Couldn't get behind Doggett until they fixed her teeth, and would have not hated the meth heads so much if their teeth weren't so gross.  It would have annoyed me if I had to look at her gap toothed smile for the entire series.  But, although that is just my own little quirk, but gluing cracked teeth back on is not a thing........
  • Barb and Carol - all that hate, people being shanked, beaten, added time.  A viscous feud that over 30 years involving many others, over who's story it was.  Come to find out it didn't happen to either of them.  How did such petty riduculousness lead them to become prison bosses?  Glad they are both dead.
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So I just finished the whole season. Overall I thought it was better than 5, probably better than 4, but not as good as 1/2/3.

The good:

  • Pennsatucky left Donuts
  • Nicky was great this season, I really enjoyed that Natasha sold the hell out of trying to be the reasonable one
  • All the new pairings this season, like Black Cindy/Flaca, Gloria/Luschek, Suzanne/Penn/Freida
  • I really liked Caputo being in Taystee's corner. Even Fig was in it a little bit
  • The joy of being outside playing kickball - reminded me of the lake swimming at the end of season 3
  • No methheads and skinheads, but the addition of Adeola was welcome

The bad:

  • Red's ridiculous revenge plot; and thus, too much screen time for Freida
  • Barb and Carol - the original lie wasn't even either of their stories
  • Badison was awful. The character, the actress, her storyline, it all sucked
  • I did miss Boo and Soso, even if they only had small background parts they would have been welcome

The ugly:

  • Linda - wow, she learned nothing
  • Blanca's ending - heartbreaking

So next season - is Lorna's baby OK? - what will Piper be doing? - what will happen with Taystee? - will Alex be the new queen of the cell block?

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Well, damn. Subtract Badison and that was a really good, if depressing season.

And Blanca gets handed off to ICE while Piper rides off in a Subaru to go eat some hipster casserole.

Things I wondered about:

—Fallout of the Judy King thing? And did we hear anything about Yoga Jones?

—I know we hated the methheads by the end of S5, but I did wonder about Leann.

—SoSo ... if she was out of prison, I think she’d be leading protests at Taystee’s trial. So probably in another prison.

—Did miss Boo. Actress unavailable?

Edited by kieyra
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I binge watched and probably should have left myself more time to process in between episodes, but I felt like the season ended better than in started (from a plot standpoint) so I'm interested to see where we go from here, if any former Litchfield inmates return, or what new inmates from this season stick around.

I'll miss Janae, Soso, Maritza, and Yoga Jones - they were missed and I doubt they'll be back
I'll miss Sophia and Blanca - pretty sure we've seen the last of them
I wouldn't mind if Eckelcamp and Duarte/"Daddy" stick around but I REALLY hope that we get rid of Madison

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I thought this was the last season? Guess I was wrong. 

I hated Barb/Carol and the stupid war. Hated Badison. Missed all the “missing” inmates. 

Cried about Blanca and Diablo just waiting for her. 

Sad for Taystee. Wanted to see a confrontation between her and Black Cindy. 

Did not care for Freida’s storyline. Went on too long. 

The guards were awful and would the old guards from Lichfield really work with the same inmates who tortured and raped them? Doesn’t make sense. 

Edited by funandfitpt
Forgot to add some thoughts
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After the first episode, I was afraid this was going to be a Suzanne-centric season. I respect the actress who plays Suzanne but I don't think I'll ever forgive her character for the role she played in Poussey's death. I was relieved that she wasn't a main player this season and appreciated that they seemed to soften her a bit. 

I hope the 7th season is the final one and that they can give us some closure with the main characters from the early seasons. Will Flaca and Martiza ever see each other again? Who will be able to live a functional life outside of prison? Who will be forever wrecked from this experience? This season made me really care about Blanca so I hope this is not the last time we see her. I'm not sure how her story could get a happy ending, but I still want to know what happens to her and to Diablo.

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I'm interested to see how they do a series finale for this show. You can't really do one of those happy, nicely wrapped up, everyone gets closure kind of finales. It just wouldn't make sense for this show.

On one hand, I really don't want one of those types of finales where everything just keeps going on as normal, but we're not watching anymore (like ER had). I know that life goes on, but I would really like to get closure on these characters. On the other hand - the closure for many of them is not going to be happy. A lot of them will probably die in prison and I don't really want to see that either! But I hope we get some idea about what happens to the characters, especially those who have gotten dropped in previous seasons - Miss Claudette, Maritza, etc.

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2 hours ago, ganesh said:

They could end on a flash forward

That would be great. Did you see the series finale to Six Feet Under? That was hands down the best one I've ever seen. The flash forwards for the main characters were really effective and as sad as I was for the series to end, the finale gave me closure. OITNB gave us so many flashbacks, it's only fair that they come full circle with flash forwards.

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I didn't even watch Six Feet Under, and whenever I need a good cry, I watch the ending sequence.

This season killed me. I really love these characters. Not the new ones so much, but all the cookies except maybe Pennsatucky. 

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I guess I’m in the minority, but I LOVED Barb and Carol. They were my favorite part of this season and the fact that we find out that they both stole the ice story from someone else and convinced themselves it was theirs I found hilarious. Of course they killed each other, those sick bitches ????

Also, I hope Alex steps up next season and shows Badison whose boss. That would be a real twist if she finally gets some spotlight with Piper gone and uses her connections to take charge. I have never hated a character more than Badison...her acting, her face, she is horrible. ??

Edited by GraceK
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There were so many story lines this season that the good ones were diluted. There was so much potential to really dig into the for profit prison angle - what kind of health care was Lorna getting? Why were the guards from the riot back to work so soon? Shouldn’t they have had some paid leave? Don’t they do any psyche evals on these guards because some of them should not have those kinds of responsibilities. Or do the guards get crappy health care too?

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I also would have liked to see some of the PR fallout from the riot to get a sense of the gravity of it. Where was that nosy reporter from S1? He should have been all over it.

It might be interesting see how Piper adapts to life on the outside, especially in contrast to Aleida. 

Nicky was hilarious this season and I loved how clever she was. I also enjoyed Suzanne and I’m not usually a fan. 

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Miscellaneous thoughts

So Madison (I refuse to use self appointed nicknames) gets shanked in full view of everyone in the yard and there are no repercussions?

Just as everyone has noted, it is a terribly written and acted character.

Depending on how the protein powder went through the x-ray it could be obvious that it contained contraband.

When the car with Barb and Carol's sister was pulled from the lake, it would be obvious that the door releases had been removed. Especially since they were tossed in an area that would be searched.

Love the guard search effectiveness. Not checking Piper's sling and everyone in the yard for the game has a shiv. Although I guess for fantasy game purposes the lack of searches could be believed.

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2 minutes ago, SayMyName said:

Miscellaneous thoughts

So Madison (I refuse to use self appointed nicknames) gets shanked in full view of everyone in the yard and there are no repercussions?

Just as everyone has noted, it is a terribly written and acted character.

She was so bad I almost FFed past her scenes. We get it, Madison is an insecure loser desperate to impress Carol and max is harsh.  

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I liked this season much better than last year. 


The first ep. was blah because too much Suzanne. I find her better in smaller dosages. 


Badison is the worst. Her accent is awful. 


I knew Taystee would be found guilty. I did like her and Caputo. 


How did Carol recognize Freida after 30 years? That really bugged me. 


I thought Barb/Carol were some of the better villains. They weren't over used like V was. I also really thought the younger versions of them were well played by the actress`. They were def. sociopaths. 


Red loves to play victim. 


Nicky remains one of my faves. Along with Gloria.


Maria is still awful. Cant forget how awful she was last season.


Did not miss the meth heads or the neo nazi at all. 


Im glad they cut down on the guards beating the inmates. It was rough the first few eps. 

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2 hours ago, backhometome said:

Red loves to play victim. 

Yes, she does.  Red's fall was one of the most interesting storylines of the season, to me.  As soon as she warned Madison to stay away from her "family", I thought to myself, "Red, open your eyes.  You're in max with a bunch of psychos who won't think twice about slitting a bitch's throat, if they have to.  The time for 'family' is over, start thinking about saving your own ass." 

Of course, she couldn't do that, and ended up in SHU for attacking Frieda instead of meeting her grandchildren for the very first time.  When you think about it, Red's story is almost as tragic as Daya's; both women make terrible decisions entirely fueled by emotion, and both pay heavy prices.  No, Red technically doesn't have a life sentence, but she's got to be in her mid 60's by now, so ten more years might as well be a lifetime.  Pretty depressing for a woman who was once the Queen Bitch of Summer Camp, and only had a measly two years of her sentence before she was out, for good.  Damn.

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This seemed like a whole lot of build up to a very expected end with those Barb and Carol killing each other and nothing else, anticlimactic. 

They never get much into the details in the flashbacks, just the broad strokes, and I guess it will never come up, but I am wondering how they ended up being convicted after they killed their sister.  Actually would be a pretty plausible story that the car ended up in the river, the sister just accidentally put in in drive or it drifted downhill.  The 4 closed doors and could they tell the doors were stuck shut somehow?  Or did one of them blab about it to authorities?  That actually would have been much more interesting than the story of an argument over who stole whose "classifieds" story, though I get it that the point was they were just being petty, it didn't matter and they just wanted a reason to fight.

Not that I care, but that's the end of the Piper lesbian relationship.  That marriage was the end, not the beginning.  Just like before, after the stopped the drug running, she moves on to a new life and they drift apart.  Plus those two I don't find in the least bit believable as a couple. 

I assume Piper will still be involved next season with details on how writing a book about it all


Badison obviously was, well, bad, in many ways, but I equally hated "Daddy".  Such a user of people for her own gain.  She cares nothing about Daya. 

Nicky is great.  The little girl that played her as a kid was great.  Her dad, same guy who is in Mr Robot as basically the same character, has the rich old white entitled douchebag role just nailed. 

What horrible advice from the defense lawyer for him telling Black Cindy that changing her testimony against Taystee would make no difference.  That seemed like a KEY part.  She testified she saw her pointing the gun at the guard before he died and threatening to kill her.  No one saw her fire the gun or saw anything else to incriminate her.  Without that testimony, the case is pretty weak.  I am wondering if they get her to recant her testimony next season and get a new trial declared


Very sad to see them walking from Prison to ICE

I didn't think it was the best season.  Middle of the road.  But it has its moments. 

I thought the fantasy prison inmate game was pretty inspired, though or course very sadistic. 

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On 7/31/2018 at 10:47 PM, DrSpaceman said:

This seemed like a whole lot of build up to a very expected end with those Barb and Carol killing each other and nothing else, anticlimactic. 

They never get much into the details in the flashbacks, just the broad strokes, and I guess it will never come up, but I am wondering how they ended up being convicted after they killed their sister.  Actually would be a pretty plausible story that the car ended up in the river, the sister just accidentally put in in drive or it drifted downhill.  The 4 closed doors and could they tell the doors were stuck shut somehow?  Or did one of them blab about it to authorities?  That actually would have been much more interesting than the story of an argument over who stole whose "classifieds" story, though I get it that the point was they were just being petty, it didn't matter and they just wanted a reason to fight.

Not that I care, but that's the end of the Piper lesbian relationship.  That marriage was the end, not the beginning.  Just like before, after the stopped the drug running, she moves on to a new life and they drift apart.  Plus those two I don't find in the least bit believable as a couple. 

I assume Piper will still be involved next season with details on how writing a book about it all

I agree with you about the sisters, and the Piper and Alex relationship.  I thought Carol and Barb on their own were interesting characters, but I don't think their story will hold up on rewatch, knowing that it's ultimately pointless and, as you say, anticlimactic.  It was great watching both the young and old versions of the actresses have so much fun with their roles, but the overall story was lacking, IMO. 

As for Piper and Alex...I really hope they are not painting this as a true love story, because I always got a codependent vibe from their relationship, not a healthy, loving one.  It's like they honestly don't know what to do with themselves if they are not cooking up some kind of drama they can get off on, and that is not the kind of thing that builds long lasting love.  People like that are never truly happy.

Edited by Sweet Summer Child
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This is my favorite season by far.  The world got a lot bigger and the show didn't have to rely on gimmicks such as buried hitmen or black market undergarments.   

I see Piper writing her book and becoming an advocate for prison reform.  

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This has been the best season since the first one.  It felt more real tp me.  Things like the pod war felt like something that would actually happen in a prison environmen.  Something completely arbitrary and yet based on history that no one knew the whole story to.    

The only thing that I didn’t like were the guards antics.  I watch a couple of prison docuseries including “Lockup” And one of the huge things I have learned is that modern prisons work almost entirely on paperwork.  There is no way the two sisters would have been left alone in Ad Seg with a guard sitting right there and no one called her on it.  

In minimum security I let a lot of this stuff go because it is minimum security but this is max.  There should be cameras and backup all over the place.   

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Binged the season in 4 days. I really hated the opening with Suzanne's hallucinations and I was worried the season was going to be terrible, but it got better by episodes 3-4.

Taystee: damn, poor girl could not catch a break. Beaten by the guards, betrayed by Cindy, isolated, and convicted for killing that piece of crap Piscatella. I really thought they'd go for the "happy ending" and she'd be found not guilty. There are enough miscarriages of justice in real life, I guess I was hoping for a different outcome in reel life. But I also understand why the show went with the guilty verdict. I hope Caputo confronting the real killer is just the beginning of getting justice for Taystee. If she stays in prison for life, I'd hate to see her turn into a junky like Daya.

I don't know when the hell I became such a fan of Doggett, but I enjoyed her arc this season. I'm glad she finally got rid of her rapist/boyfriend. I liked her sweet friendships with Dixon and Suzanne, and her enthusiasm for kickball. And I LOL'd when she blackmailed Linda into getting her into "Florida" once she returned to prison. Doggett is firmly in my "do not harm" category - along with Taystee and Blanca, but well...

I had no idea that was Mackenzie Phillips as Barb. I knew she looked familiar but I couldn't place her until I saw it mentioned here. Barb and Carol (both young and old) were a great addition to the cast. I can't believe they drowned their little sister. I actually fell for Barb's act just before they killed Debbie. I thought she had had a change of heart and was really warning Debbie to get away from Carol. I still didn't get it until Barb showed Debbie that she'd removed the locks from the car doors. What a pair of psychos Barb and Carol. I had hoped we'd find out what happened to their parents after they lost all 3 daughters.

"Badison", ugh. My most hated character of the season. Somehow, even worse than Linda. I so wished someone from her past would turn up in prison and reveal to everyone how they used to call her Fartison. I was also hoping she'd get shanked, but no luck. She is just an unrepentant asshole and I hate the idea that she'll still be around next season. With her past and her connections, Alex should and could wipe the floor with Madison but I worry next season it'll be the other way around: that Madison will make Alex's prison life miserable now that Barb is gone. 

Surprisingly, I didn't miss any of the characters that were shipped to other prisons. The only one that I sort of missed was Maritza, and really only because Flaca was adrift without her BFF/partner-in- crime. 

I chuckled when Piper said she wants to write a book about her experience. I just hope now that she's out, Piper will be relegated to only brief appearances. I don't want to see her adventures on the outside. Unless she becomes an advocate for women prisoners, she can write and pine for Alex offscreen. And, please, no Larry! I wouldn't put it past the writers to go back to the Alex/Piper/Larry triangle of suck.

Edited by bunnyblue
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Did we ever find out what was up with Suzanne's mother? Is she dead and Suzanne was just hallucinating her?


On 7/30/2018 at 9:51 AM, shantown said:

But I hope we get some idea about what happens to the characters, especially those who have gotten dropped in previous seasons - Miss Claudette, Maritza, etc.

Speaking of Miss Claudette, I thought she was supposed to be in this season? Does anyone remember reading about her return or am I imagining things?


On 7/29/2018 at 6:21 PM, funandfitpt said:

Cried about Blanca and Diablo just waiting for her. 

He is so supportive of her and faithful (so rare in this show) that it was terribly sad to see him waiting with flowers in hand knowing Blanca was not going to walk out those doors. Poor Blanca. Poor Diablo.


On 7/30/2018 at 8:13 PM, GraceK said:

Badison...her acting, her face, she is horrible.

(Bolding mine) Anyone else think she looks like a young Kathy Bates. It was all I could see when stupid Madison was on screen.


On 7/31/2018 at 6:20 PM, SayMyName said:

So Madison (I refuse to use self appointed nicknames) gets shanked in full view of everyone in the yard and there are no repercussions?

I forgot she was shanked. Too bad it wasn't fatal.

Edited by bunnyblue
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I actually liked Badison.  She worked for me as an agent of chaos.  I honestly never notice or care about an actors accent.  On related note Michael C Hall an otherwise great actor apparently can’t do a British accent if you go by the review of “Safe” also on Netflix.

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12 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

I hope Caputo confronting the real killer is just the beginning of getting justice for Taystee.

I would think T's lawyers could appeal the case. Given all the coverage, I can't see how no one would be tweeting or reporting that there were two conflicting medical reports that the jurt ignored. That should easily be grounds for an appeal. Caputo could easily go to the court of public opinion and generate up more support too. 

10 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

Did we ever find out what was up with Suzanne's mother? Is she dead and Suzanne was just hallucinating her?

She was hallucinating because she said, 'where did mother go'? and the lawyer said, 'see? Once she got on the medications, I told you she'd be fine, and can be released into gen pop.'

5 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

She worked for me as an agent of chaos.

Was she though? Or just stirring up shit? Which is fine to have that kind of character, but that was all there was to her. And even that didn't go well. Her main motivation was she didn't like Piper. No one listened to her about the kickball riot, so it's not like she was a feared leader. And she got shanked at one point. Ironic that Piper took the drugs Madison planted on her to the guard who was smuggling them in which got her placed #1 on the release list. So Madison couldn't even do that right. I actually hope Piper comes back for a visit and thanks Madison for that. Ha. 

I mean, I guess having a character around that just annoys people is ok, but I can't really buy how she was this high up the in the power structure when we first met her. Given that she could barely rub two brain cells together over the cell phone scheme, dealing drugs for the block seems out of her reach to me.

I don't really care that much about the accent per se, but it was completely unnecessary to the character and just overburdened the actor imo. 

I'd actually like to see Boo return. I don't care if it's in a really contrived way. 

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I know they are a year away, but can we all just hand "Badison" the Previouslies Awards for Most Hated Character, Worst Attempt at a Regional Accent, Character With the Worst Payoff, & Character/Actor You NEVER Want to See Again?  I haven't ever had such a visceral reaction to a TV character.  I almost stopped watching this season b/c of this actor and her OTT, tortured portrayal of this loser, but the hope of seeing that useless POS character get attacked or hauled off to another prison kept me going.

Please, Show Runners of OITNB, drop that buffoonish role from next season!  

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I’m still trying to figure out how Barb & Cathy ended up in federal prison for a murder.  That wouldn’t really be a federal charge normally would it?  Also, is there a fourth sister there with an A name?  Since we met Barb, Cindy and Debbie?

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This was my favorite season since S2. Barb and Carol were compelling antagonists; I thought both sets of actresses who played them were perfectly cast, and their backstory was engaging and highly disturbing. I would definitely watch a spinoff that further explored their dysfunctional family and their trial for Debbie’s murder. 

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I wondered whether Amanda Fuller was ordered to gain weight for the role, of if that was a fat suit. They never show her in anything but layers of clothing, even in the flashbacks. I've watched early episodes of Last Man Standing (when Tim Allen's Obama comments were simply jokes that you heard out of your dad on occasion, and rolled your eyes at, not what 30% of the population is now reciting as gospel). Politics aside, I always liked Tim Allen. The show itself, was a hot mess, with story lines changing every year. Fuller was never stick skinny like the cutsey poo middle daughter, but she was not this heavy. Padding and prosthetic make up (because her face is also heavier)? But yeah, I could do with A LOT LESS Madison next season. 


Piper can stay on the outside. But, she's just stupid, annoying and pussy whipped enough for her to be thrown back in because she can't be without Alex. Please god, don't let it happen. 


Count me in with those that HATED Pennsatucky at first, but now finds her awesome. Same with Blanca. That was some cruel shit. And unfortunately timely. 

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21 hours ago, PeterPirate said:

I don't think we've seen the last of Blanca and Diablo.  In episode 4 they talked about potential problems with his immigration status.  

I hope that's not the end of them. That would be two season finales in a row where longtime characters are put on a bus never to be seen again. I don't like it - characters who have been around for 6 seasons should get SOME sort of closure (if only for the viewers to have closure)

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On 8/3/2018 at 6:15 PM, SuzySmith said:

I’m still trying to figure out how Barb & Cathy ended up in federal prison for a murder.  That wouldn’t really be a federal charge normally would it?  Also, is there a fourth sister there with an A name?  Since we met Barb, Cindy and Debbie?

I read elsewhere that their mother's name was Alice so there's that!

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I don't understand how everyone in the prison had total (understandable) contempt for the woman who murdered her children while also holding up as leaders the child-killers who murdered their little sister. I know there is a difference between a sibling relationship and mother-child relationship with the latter usually being much more nurturing and protective. But Carol and Barb murdered a child in a brutal, clearly pre-meditated fashion. I can't see the other prisoners reasoning that their kind of child murdering was in anyway acceptable, never mind some sort of sign of great leadership. Especially as the pair of twits clearly got arrested and convicted very quickly.

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I think they are afraid of Barb and Carol. The child-murdering mother doesn't present herself as scary, she comes across as submissive at first, and pathetic. Barb and Carol embody the predator/protector model, where you can either fear them as an outsider, or serve them and receive their (relative) protection (compared to having to fend for yourself against them). Also, I think some of them can identify with "the persecuted sisters whose terrible sister who got what she deserved" more than "the evil mother who hurt the innocent children."

It's bullshit, but that's what I think is going on.

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1 hour ago, ganesh said:

I don't think we got enough of the mother to know what's going on with her; whether she's nuts, or it was premeditated, etc. 

When she confessed to (attempted) drowning Ruiz, she said she just gets these  compulsions and has to act on them. So I'm assuming mental illness.

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One thing I'm wondering is the details of the Barb and Carol case. Barb is oldest, and she's still in high school. It's winter where they live, but it's possible she's 18. Carol is likely 17 or 16, as she's old enough to work. But is it a given she'd be tried as an adult or are they just not worrying about that for this? 

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5 hours ago, echo.Echo.ECHO said:

When she confessed to (attempted) drowning Ruiz, she said she just gets these  compulsions and has to act on them. So I'm assuming mental illness.

That's not good she's in gen pop then.

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On 8/4/2018 at 4:44 AM, nosleepforme said:

The actress has already confirmed that she will be in the next season. Let's hope she will have less screen time though.

Oh dear god. Please, do not let her become this show's Negan (Walking Dead reference for those who don't watch that show).

I don't think I've ever heard of a more cheesy name for a character than "Badison". I highly doubt that any real life max security prisoner name Madison would even think to call herself something like that, much less expect to be taken seriously.

This show used to have a nice balance of realism and fantasy but now its gone over to the realm of cartoonish. All the prisoners decided to just drop the violence and enjoy the dodgeball game? LMFAO not likely.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Piper and Alex are finished, like others have said. No way is Piper waiting 4 years for Alex. 

I liked the stuff between Carol and Barbie but I have a hard time believing that they were charismatic enough leaders at some point to be able to wrap the whole prison into their bullshit. It seems like those two would have killed each other long before Frieda came back into the picture.

I hate all the new guards except the hot muscular guard who took offense to the fantasy teams.

I don't care about what happens to Lorna's baby. She was willing to place herself and her baby in harms way over a dumb cell block feud. Not exactly great mother material there.

I'm glad Pennsatucky left Donuts, but I think its really unfair how she ends up in the most "comfortable" prison arrangements. The less screentime for her character, the better. Same goes for Suzanne.

Black Cindy needs to get over it. Its prison, not kindergarten. She did what's best for herself. 

I feel bad for Taystee for being found guilty for something she didn't do, but quite honestly,  since the writers were going that route, its better her than any of the other characters. She had ample time to resolve things last season before it got to the point it did, and she refused, as if justice was going to bring Poussay back. She was also released and ended up right back inside. Better her be the fall guy than someone else who might actually have a chance at a future outside of prison. I know that's harsh but it is what it is.

I'll watch next season but I would be fine if the last episode were the series finale. I'm not really invested in any of the characters to know where they go from here. The last episode sort of gave you the idea of the path everyone was headed towards. 

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10 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Oh dear god. Please, do not let her become this show's Negan (Walking Dead reference for those who don't watch that show).

Thanks a lot for that! I haven't been able to watch the show since he's been on. 

I'm interested if they're going to appeal T's verdict.

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I was so confused by this season and where everyone went I had to go back and look at the other season and I completely forgot Season 4 was the cliffhanger for Daya and Humps and that Season 5 was just 3 full days of the riot.  I even forgot Piscatella had tortured them in that room and that's how Alex hurt her arm.  

I thought Barb was such a weak character and didn't understand how she could have been the top dog.  Carol I understood.  

I noted some posters thought the show turned too political but that's what the prison system is.  It's very political and I liked that the current state of the US was brought into the show.  It almost seems like the Obama administration was a different era even thought it has not even been 2 years and the show had embraced that. 

I wonder if they will find a way to eliminate the Badison character as viewers have absolutely hated her.  It seems like they finally caught on to the dislike of Piper but she was the main character so I'm sure it was harder to write her off.

It would be nice if next season was the last season and they were able to address where some of our old favorites went and maybe do a fast forward of what happened with some of the characters during the duration of their stay and then release. 

Well, talk to ya'll next year. 

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I think this show is going to get even more political.  I'm guessing we're going to see some family separations at the border next season.

I also think Piper will be as annoying on the outside as she was on the inside.  But her annoyingness will be targeted at the justice system.  

Edited by PeterPirate
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