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S08.E30: Road Rage


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In 2010, I was driving on the interstate and traffic was light.  A car with 4 guys in it kept getting in front of me and slowing down so I would pass them.  I'm talking slowing down to well under the speed limit.  They would speed up and come back around to get in front of me then slow down.  This happened about 3 or 4 times.  Finally they passed me again but when they got a bit in front of me (I was in the right lane; they were in the left) the back and front passenger windows came down and two of the guys stuck their arms out and tossed something.  I slowed down because I thought they were pulling guns, but anyway.  I think they each threw out a hand full of coins.  Whatever they threw busted my windshield. They gassed it and sped away.

I absolutely do not engage with any one driving crazy.  If I'm being tailgated I turn off.  People these days are crazy and mean for entertainment.  Jen-yell and that guy are perfect evidence of such crazy behavior.

  • Love 9
29 minutes ago, AirQuotes said:

In 2010, I was driving on the interstate and traffic was light.  A car with 4 guys in it kept getting in front of me and slowing down so I would pass them.  I'm talking slowing down to well under the speed limit.  They would speed up and come back around to get in front of me then slow down.  This happened about 3 or 4 times.  Finally they passed me again but when they got a bit in front of me (I was in the right lane; they were in the left) the back and front passenger windows came down and two of the guys stuck their arms out and tossed something.  I slowed down because I thought they were pulling guns, but anyway.  I think they each threw out a hand full of coins.  Whatever they threw busted my windshield. They gassed it and sped away.

I absolutely do not engage with any one driving crazy.  If I'm being tailgated I turn off.  People these days are crazy and mean for entertainment.  Jen-yell and that guy are perfect evidence of such crazy behavior.

That's crazy! I had two guys tailgating me on the interstate and it was pretty heavy traffic. Brake checking me and everything. I was getting ready to pull off (and it takes time to move across lanes of traffic). They saw where I was headed and had pulled onto the shoulder. As I came to pass them, they threw a ceramic coffee mug at my car. It knocked off my driver's side mirror. I started to follow them to get their license plate number and called the cops. I pulled over and they were right behind me. Scary shit! Sadly, with the plate number, the cops AND my insurance "couldn't find them" and nothing was done. Imagine if they'd had a gun? 

Jenelle is an idiot and is not legally able to carry that gun with her arrest record, misdemeanor or not.

  • Love 6

I don’t think they should forbid anything outside of the wheelchair but they’ve essentially taught her, it seems, that her wheelchair equals failure and giving up/showing the prayers aren’t working. That’s simply not practical as she WILL be a wheelchair user in the future even if she isn’t now, and also teaches her to feel shame about her disorder. It would be better to treat any accommodations she needs as a matter of fact thing of life, not overly positive or negative, and to deal with her emotions, whatever they are, as they come up, rather than pushing some dangerous “pray the MD away” ideology. 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Lemur said:

I don't think Jenelle has met the criteria for severing her parental rights (i.e. ending her visitation).  It's a really high (dismally low?  you get the picture) standard to meet including severe or chronic neglect, sexual abuse, abandonment, long-term mental illness or deficiency, long-term drug and/or alcohol induced incapacity, failure to support or maintain contact and conviction of certain felonies.  For as shitty a parent as she is, she someone manages to just flirt with these standards and not actually check the box. They can severely limit her visitation and force her to have it at the visitation center like Chelsea though.

That's why I'm still mad at Barb.  She had many opportunities way back when to tell Jenelle to either conform to Barb's requirements for seeing Jace or to take a hike, and she never did it.  Well, she'd threaten, and then not follow through, which might actually be worse.  She kept Jenelle in the game (I think for her own selfish reasons) and Jace is now reaping what Barb sowed.

  • Love 2

I just watched the episode off my DVR. I am sure this has been said a million times but I just had to come here and write that I am heartbroken for Jace. Hearing him trying to stutter out the story over the phone with Barb was just gut wrenching. No child should have to live through and with the kind of stuff this child has been experiencing since he was a baby. 


Also, did anyone else notice when Jannelle got out to talk to the cop and just left the gun sitting there the whole time with Jace?? Is that legal? I would have thought the cop would have her hand over or somehow secure the firearm. America y’all!

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, BitterApple said:

It really is crazy. I don't know if Jace has seen so much bad shit he just retreats into himself when Jenelle flies off the handle, but you'd think even the most jaded kid would get agitated when his mother is brandishing weapons and fighting with a grown man. He just sat there, resigned and stone-faced. If this is the kind of stuff that's captured while Jenelle is "behaving" for the cameras, can you imagine what goes on when they stop rolling? It's frightening to think about.

I wonder if he was singing the rainbow song in his head?

12 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I know that this is verboten talk around here, but I noticed that too.

It's not forbidden. I don't think the mods have ever deleted comments against Chelsea or Cole. 

I just, personally, don't put much stock in those things. So many people have different little ticks. I touch my face constantly when taking to people. Especially if I'm nervous. Cole has never been comfortable on camera, plus he was clearly agitated by the topic at hand.

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I don’t think they should forbid anything outside of the wheelchair but they’ve essentially taught her, it seems, that her wheelchair equals failure and giving up/showing the prayers aren’t working. That’s simply not practical as she WILL be a wheelchair user in the future even if she isn’t now, and also teaches her to feel shame about her disorder. It would be better to treat any accommodations she needs as a matter of fact thing of life, not overly positive or negative, and to deal with her emotions, whatever they are, as they come up, rather than pushing some dangerous “pray the MD away” ideology. 

No, Leah hasn’t, that’s for sure! She’s always encouraged Ali to rely on her wheelchair and her aides. It’s Corey who was in denial and didn’t wanna, especially the first 5 years of her life or so (I think he’s since come to understand her condition better now that he has her more often). 

Leah kept bugging Corey about calling the insurance company to approve Ali’s wheelchair and was annoyed he hadn’t. That’s part of how their whole custody battle started, if you remember, that and the fact that Corey hadn’t contributed to Ali’s medical bills, which he’d agreed to do in exchange for Leah waiving the child support payments he as supposed to be making. 

Corey would get upset with Leah for not taking Ali to PT, but Leah was right, with Ali’s condition, you are NOT supposed to force her, you do NOT want to overwork her. Corey was too ignorant to get that, but Leah did. 

Corey thought that Leah’s wanting her to be in a wheelchair and not taking her to PT was encouraging Ali not to live a normal life and just accept her condition, he didn’t seem to understand that this is NOT simply a mind over matter thing. Leah did. Leah got it, Corey is the one who did not. 

But Leah also realizes that Ali’s not going to live a full lifespan bc of her condition, so she tries to balance Ali’s quality of life with her safety and it can be hard, sometimes. You can’t just micromanage her without any empathy for what she wants or what she’s feeling, otherwise she will be miserable. 

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And I’m not saying Corey was bad bc of that, btw, Corey just didn’t really understand her condition. It’s obvious to me that Corey grew up in a kind of redneck, hard-working, conservative environment with a “mind over matter, it’s all about attitude!” mentality. 

And if you grow up without any sort of disability, it’s very easy to think that way throughout life unless or until you have people close to you who have real disabilities, then you see it’s not always that simple. So I think Corey just didn’t get it. I think he does now, though. He didn’t protest when Leah talked to him about getting Ali an aide. But he still doesn’t really know what to do and what’s ok/not ok with Ali’s condition without Leah telling him. 

Leah’s mother is a nurse, so she always understood and respected the medical field, more so than Corey and she is also smarter than him. So Corey saw Leah’s behavior as over-bearing and something that is lowering Ali’s confidence, whereas Leah saw Corey’s attitude as denial. 

Leah also wants Ali to be happy, though, so it’s a balance, but it seems to me she also knows when to put her foot down. She wouldn’t let Ali go swimming, if you remember that. 

Also, as Leah has noted, Ali is very determined. She wants to be able to do things. So you can’t completely deny her that wish unless you’re ok with her being absolutely miserable. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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Jace's reaction didn't seem that unusual to me knowing what his life has been like.  Abused children are neurologically trained to respond to stress by becoming passive and empathizing with their abusive parent because there is nothing else that they can do to protect themselves.  The kids of people on the forum can trust that their parents will react to their distress.  Jace doesn't have any reason to believe that Janelle will.  They will also then disconnect from the situation so they do not have to feel as much of the fear and pain.  I think you can see a bit in some of the scenes where he's staring straight ahead seeming to look calm.  He was checked out because he couldn't handle being there in the car with Janelle.


It's one of the reasons that I can almost never stand to actually watch the show.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, laschifosavita said:

Abused children are neurologically trained to respond to stress by becoming passive and empathizing with their abusive parent because there is nothing else that they can do to protect themselves.  The kids of people on the forum can trust that their parents will react to their distress.  Jace doesn't have any reason to believe that Janelle will.  They will also then disconnect from the situation so they do not have to feel as much of the fear and pain.  

It's so heartbreaking, but I've seen that in Maryssa as well. As soon as the cussing and fighting starts she freezes and her face immediately goes blank, like she's trying to blend into the walls. I didn't realize that was a coping mechanism for children living in abusive homes. How awful.

  • Love 17
On 7/24/2018 at 2:19 PM, Calm81 said:

don’t know why this is bothering me but the way Britney spoke to Shirley over the phone irked me big time!! Maybe that’s how they greet each other for fun, but it was rude.

Especially after Shirley was constantly calling Roxanne for Briana and got no answer. “Can you fucking let me in?” is not exactly an appropriate greeting for someone who just had surgery themselves and also happens to be aiding your stupid sister. What a miserable, sour group of women. Roxanne and Britney are the Patty and Selma of Teen Mom.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 19
1 hour ago, charmed1 said:

Especially after Shirley was constantly calling Roxanne for Briana and got no answer. “Can you fucking let me in?” is not exactly an appropriate greeting for someone who just had surgery themselves and also happens to be aiding your stupid sister. What a miserable, sour group of women. Roxanne and Britney are the Patty and Selma of Teen Mom.


OMG!  They so are!!!!  What a miserable bunch of hags.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

IDK how Jace knows about pistol-whipping but I wasn’t too surprised. I’ve heard worse. With the video games they have nowadays and what not, kids learn all sorts of bullshit. 

I do get the “future criminal” vibe from him, tho. 

Jace stuttering on the phone broke my heart

11 minutes ago, geauxaway said:


OMG!  They so are!!!!  What a miserable bunch of hags.

Brittney and that entire family think they are thug, think they are always right, etc. Britney has a negative attitude often too, cannot stand them.

  • Love 5

I don’t watch this show anymore but know enough to put my 2 cents in.  

Janelle is demented.  Bottom line, point blank.  It sickens me how she treats her children and as a responsible CCW carrying member of society I am disgusted how she thinks carrying a weapon makes her cool.  There are just a few major takeaways from the class you have to go through.  1. Always treat a weapon as if it was loaded (in her case, she thinks that makes her incivible, but any normal person would be respectful of the fact). 2. If / when pulled over, clearly state to the officer you have a permit and have a loaded firearm. 3. The minute you fire your weapon, whether in self defense or not, you can expect at minimum a civil lawsuit against you.   She is so daggum ignorant.  

Cole and Chelsea.  I seen comment on him and I have no doubts he loves his wife.  But let’s be real.  If I had to guess?  He is at minimum frustrated with the cameras (already disclosed he does not care for them).  He’s probably also sick of the Adam drama (warranted, I would be too).  Not to mention, he go involved with this shit show when he married Chelsea.  Yes, he knew and he benefits.  But at the same time, I’m sure at least one person or more has made snide comments to him at work or around town.  For a chill dude like Cole, it’s bound to eat way at you.  Then he goes to this reunion where they fight through a crowd riot in the hallway.  Again, chill Midwest dude who is supporting his wife, but now has 2 kids involved with these freaks.  I’d be pissed, too.  Then, let’s consider that Chelsea has been prego for 2 out of their 3 year relationship (fuzzy math, but you get my point).  I know this is what they want, and that’s  great.  BUT.  Lastly who knows if it wasn’t the 552nd time that day Chelsea was “I love you.”  One more time, THAT IS FINE AND GREAT, but she tends to over do it with that kind of stuff.  Are you excited???  I am just breaking down my thoughts on the happy couple.  I believe they love each other and are happy and are good parents. 

6 minutes ago, OrangeWithEnvy said:

Jace stuttering on the phone broke my heart

Brittney and that entire family think they are thug, think they are always right, etc. Britney has a negative attitude often too, cannot stand them.

Yet she sleeps on a couch.  And not even a nice one!  Their furniture looks like it came with their rental.  Like my dorm shit I had 20 years ago.

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, OrangeWithEnvy said:

This is what got me too. I feel like Barb is emotionally manipulative and verbally abusive, Janelle is psychotic. this poor kid.

Barb is verbally abusive to Jace?  She may not be perfect, but I’ve never seen her as verbally abusive TO Jace.  As for being emotionally manipulative, it’s a fine line in a situation like hers.  She may inadvertantly overcompensate, and  I’m sure the frustrations she has with Jenelle creep into their day to day life.  But she keeps him clean, fed, medicated, gets him to school and activities and does seem to enjoy her times with him.  It’s not the ideal life for the little guy, but it is what it is.  He’s much better off with Babs than the Dumb Fucks in the sinking swamp house.

Edited by geauxaway
  • Love 19
3 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I finally got through this episode.  I did not want my son to see the Jenelle parts.   Why the fuck was Jace in the front seat is what I want to know.   Her antics astound me.  

Someone upthread pointed out how difficult it is to get authorities to take action against mothers in cases like this, and that Barbara let opportunities to tighten up Jenelle's rights slide by years ago.

I remember that soon after Jace's birth Jenelle was ready to party and had no interest in being a mother.  She was relieved to sign over Jace's custody to Barb.  Barbara was not all that happy to be raising a child again when she was looking forward to retirement, and I think in those early years she harbored hope that Jenelle would snap out of it, mature, and be trustworthy.  I think that hope is why she didn't come down harder on Jenelle re: visitations etc., and now it may indeed be too late to do anything about that.

But, that being said, with the behaviors we have seen in the past couple of years, I think Barb would have a pretty good chance of curtailing Jenelle's contact with Jace.  For one thing, there is the additional evidence of how Kaiser is being treated, demonstrating the unfitness of Jenelle and UBT to be parents because of their at the very least lack of interest in Kaiser and at most the allegations of physical abuse.  Jenelle may not have been breaking NC law by having Jace in the front seat, but she is certainly going against all kinds of recommendations from car manufacturers, that no one, adult or child, who doesn't weigh at least 100 lbs. should seated upfront, if for no other reason than that a deployed air bag could kill them.  Jenelle's behavior in the tail-gating incident was jaw-dropping.  Even if she hadn't had a child with her, no one with half a brain could judge her actions as anything but nuts, driven by rage, without any idea of possible consequences.  It never seemed to occur to her that if she had a gun, the guy might have a gun, too, especially at his house.  What if he had shot her when she started waving her gun around?  What was Jace supposed to do then?  A person who cannot consider what the results of her actions might be *before* she takes action is no one who should be in charge of a child's welfare.

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I know that this is verboten talk around here, but I noticed that too.

I'm putting this in spoiler tags for those who wish to skip over Cole body language discussion.


In the second segment Cole *only* touched his face when he said "I love you." If the rest of the conversation/ situation/being filmed bothered him, it wasn't enough to have him touch his face. And this was the nose touch, which is especially associated with deception. Again, I hope it means nothing, but this really jumped out at me.

I also never knew until yesterday that Chelsea was his first girlfriend.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, OrangeWithEnvy said:

Jace stuttering on the phone broke my heart

Brittney and that entire family think they are thug, think they are always right, etc. Britney has a negative attitude often too, cannot stand them.

Brittany gets on my last nerve. She is SO dramatic and attention-starved and alwaaaays talks over people. She loves the sound of her goddamn voice way too much. And if I feel this way just watching her for 15 minutes a week on TV, I can’t even imagine living with her. Like shut the fuck up. Brit and Roxanne are insufferable, I don’t blame Devon for tuning them out w/headphones the whole way. 

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, ghoulina said:


It's not forbidden. I don't think the mods have ever deleted comments against Chelsea or Cole. 



Oh no I know it isn't actually not allowed, I was just joking.  I know I am in the minority here as I don't like Cole and Chelsea.  I'm a "hatter."  


2 hours ago, nikita said:

I'm putting this in spoiler tags for those who wish to skip over Cole body language discussion.

Re: Spoiler discussion - Holy CRAP!  How old is he???

  • Love 7

@heatherchandler I think Cole is 26...that sounds about right. So he was 23 when he and Chelsea got together. Older than the typical age of first romantic relationship but not the sign of anything bad in my mind. 

I do think people sometimes forget that not being in a romantic relationship doesn’t mean that you don’t date or have sex.....you can do both without being committed to said person. I think I’m Cole’s world “girlfriend” means “serious exclusive emotional attachment” not “we hang out and have sex because we enjoy each other’s company”. 

Edited- Cole is 30, so 27 when he and Chelsea got together. Several years older than the typical first romantic relationship but I’m just like “well”. I’m not so surprised. 

Edited by Scarlett45
  • Love 9
On 7/26/2018 at 11:27 AM, Lemur said:

Have at it.  He's a nice guy and all, but I'd lose my mind after about five minutes of his vocal antics and feel the need to slap him silly.  

This is still pissing me off.  Seriously, if she wasn't a five-foot-nothing, hundred-and-nothing pound white female Deputy Pixel there would have had her out of the truck, cuffs behind her back for officer safety, calling Barb to come get Jace so they can get him out of there while they tear the car apart looking for drug paraphernalia, residue, etc. 

You can always tell when Jenelle is up to some shit, as she gets that "cat that ate the canary" smile on that smug little face of hers.  

I don't think Jenelle has met the criteria for severing her parental rights (i.e. ending her visitation).  It's a really high (dismally low?  you get the picture) standard to meet including severe or chronic neglect, sexual abuse, abandonment, long-term mental illness or deficiency, long-term drug and/or alcohol induced incapacity, failure to support or maintain contact and conviction of certain felonies.  For as shitty a parent as she is, she someone manages to just flirt with these standards and not actually check the box. They can severely limit her visitation and force her to have it at the visitation center like Chelsea though.

Yeah, but, I'm not so sure about Jenelle.  I've watched her from before Jace was born and I'd gladly testify in court to what I have witnessed. It might be enough.  Certainly, enough for supervised visitation.  Her other kids are in danger too.  I really hope the state of NC is stepping in to protect the kids.  

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Barb is verbally abusive to Jace?  She may not be perfect, but I’ve never seen her as verbally abusive TO Jace.  As for being emotionally manipulative, it’s a fine line in a situation like hers.  She may inadvertantly overcompensate, and  I’m sure the frustrations she has with Jenelle creep into their day to day life.  But she keeps him clean, fed, medicated, gets him to school and activities and does seem to enjoy her times with him.  It’s not the ideal life for the little guy, but it is what it is.  He’s much better off with Babs than the Dumb Fucks in the sinking swamp house.


Amen! Jace’s life is far from great, but I tend to think he has better odds at growing up to be an adult that contributes to society than poor Kaiser who is mostly being “raised” by Jenelle and David.  Jace has Barb as his primary caregiver and has a safe, stable home with her. Kaiser has his two raging, idiot parents who lock him outside on the land (with brief respites to stay with Doris). Jace just has to visit the Land of Horrors, but Kaiser lives there (and Maryssa and Ensley, but I’m worried more about Kaiser).

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 13

Cole played on the university’s soccer team in college (like not intramurals, he was a legit NCAA athlete).

While I know guys who play soccer in college aren’t necessarily getting the amount of tail thrown at them that college football players are, I have no doubt that Cole’s status as a college athlete meant he had no problem getting girls (even with baby voice). When I was in undergrad, there were plenty of girls in college who sought after the guys on the soccer, rowing, lacrosse, and rugby teams. 

 He may have been too busy with sports and school (college athletes usually have a super packed schedule) to have a serious girlfriend (& maybe he didn’t want a serious girlfriend). After graduation, he was probably busy navigating adult life and busy with his career. He may have still wanted to just have casual “relationships” for a lot of his 20s. I’ve known some guys like that. Maybe Chelsea was just the girl who made him rethink that or Chelsea was the girl who entered his life at a time when he was ready for a serious relationship.  

Even without having serious relationships on his own, he had life experience at age 27(?) when he met Chelsea. He probably had friends with kids or worked with parents; he knew what he was getting into with dating a single mom. His frontal lobe was fully developed (happens around age 25) and he could clearly see long-term consequences for his choices and all.  He was a grown-up, even if he hadn’t been in a serious relationship before.

TL;DR: In Cole’s case? I don’t think necessarily think it’s a negative that Chelsea was his first relationship.  He wasn’t exactly living under a rock (or in the Duggar household) in his 20s. He knows some stuff about life & relationships.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 16

I agree with you @MyPeopleAreNordic.

Of course I believe consenting adults should do what they please (so long as they aren’t hurting others) but there’s a narrative that having “too few” or “too many” romantic/sexual relationships is a reflection of your “worth” (if you’re female) or your social aptitude and perhaps sexuality (if you’re male). Some people prefer to be in relationships others prefer not to be......

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@Mothra I do think Barbs best shot would be requiring visitation at a center ala Adam BUT unlike Adam Jenelle doesn’t have a felony record (yet).....is Adam awaiting trial?

I don't think Jenelle has a felony conviction, but holy moly all the misdemeanor drug convictions ought to add up to at least half a felony, right?  In the currency of crime, I think she's at least a hundredaire.

  • Love 7

I think it's a bit weird to have never had a girlfriend at 27. I don't think there's anything nefarious about Cole, but I wonder if he has some sort of social anxiety disorder or other issue that made it hard for him to date. It seems like Chelsea drives the train in their relationship and he just follows along, so it wouldn't surprise me. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

I think it's a bit weird to have never had a girlfriend at 27. I don't think there's anything nefarious about Cole, but I wonder if he has some sort of social anxiety disorder or other issue that made it hard for him to date. It seems like Chelsea drives the train in their relationship and he just follows along, so it wouldn't surprise me. 

If by weird you mean atypical you’re absolutely right. (Cause it’s not typical) Sometimes though “weird” has a negative connotation; like you I don’t think there is anything nefarious about Cole either. 

But I can admit I get defensive about these things as someone who doesn’t participate in romantic relationships (I’m 32); if I had $5 for every time someone asked me “why don’t you have a boyfriend? Etc etc” I wouldn’t have to work any more!!!! Ah the dream. 

  • Love 17
1 minute ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

I don’t think Jenelle will lose Kaiser over this. If anything MAYBE a reduction in visitation with Jace (or supervision) but the loss of a child already in her care and has been since birth? I don’t think so. 

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

No felonies for Jenelle. 

She has a lucky court star. (And has never had to be accountable for her actions.)

And therein lies the problem according to Judge Judy. You have someone who gets into trouble, puts on sad face and heels in court and gets away with it. Then another case, and another. She has said more than once on that show that if you took the person at their first relatively serious crime and gave them a "bullet" (a year in jail) when they first got into trouble, you'd have far fewer getting into further trouble. But consistently letting them off the hook over and over only teaches the person that they really are not accountable for what they do and what they are doing must not be that big of a deal or they'd be in jail.

I feel sorry for Barb. She is not young anymore and is it she who will be dealing with Jace as a teenager. He is so used to violence and screaming, she may be really in for it. What Barb really needs to do is go to Big Brother or some other organization similar to get a friend for Jace. Not a professional therapist, which is needed too, and scouts is nice, but something that to Jace does not feel clinical or a place in which he is forced to speak. And is a one on one type of thing. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

I just meant that I also remember how old people are compared to my relatives- like @MaddyMaeboxerbabe.

Nothing ill intentioned sorry if it came off that way. 

No!!!  The post I deleted was asking you about the "sib" and "tall toddlers" thing.  Google doesn't know what either of them are. I just realized that the way I worded it may have sounded rude so I deleted. 

16 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

No!!!  The post I deleted was asking you about the "sib" and "tall toddlers" thing.  Google doesn't know what either of them are. I just realized that the way I worded it may have sounded rude so I deleted. 

Oh! Well FYI Sib means “sibling of someone with a disability”. In IL we have Supporting IL Brothers & Sisters, the Sibling support network is nationwide-I belong to SibNet (for adults) there’s also SibTeen (13-18). I would absolutely love if they would get Gracie in a SibShop, like a support group for kids her age who also have siblings with various disabilities. Don Meyer started them in the early 90s in hospitals for siblings of kids in the cancer ward and they grew! I am sure they have at least ONE in WA.

#TallToddlers is my own silly hashtag because my sister is 30yrs old chronologically 5’9 and 2yrs old mentally, so a Tall Toddler. It was totally not relevant to the post but I can always remember when someone is born in 1988!

  • Love 8
On 7/25/2018 at 8:52 PM, mamadrama said:

I hear you. My first book was released in 2003 and, since then, I've had more than 20 releases. The industry has changed so much over the years. People are now literally buying their way onto the NYT and USA Today best-sellers' lists and anyone who reaches #1 in their Amazon subcategory is referring to themselves as a "bestseller." Almost every day I see some chump who has written a 15-page pamphlet about the latest dietary fad slapping the thing up on Amazon and then calling themselves an "author." For those of us who have spent years attending and teaching writing workshops, getting English degrees and MFAs, writing tons of short stories and chapbooks and rough drafts of novels that will never see the light of day, querying endless agents and editors, and actually putting effort into what is an actual art form, it's beyond frustrating.


I am friends with the ghostwriter who wrote Jenelle's book. Jenelle didn't write a single word of it-she did interviews over the phone and sent the ghostwriter voice files and, yet, she's also referencing herself as an "author." 

I’d love to know who you are Mamadrama. I know a bunch have guesed correctly re DM? 

I read alot of books. Can you at least tell me genre?

Other random thoughts - these bitches drive me insane with the horrendous “Mom” shirts (this includes you Chelsea). I know plenty of Mom’s and none seem to feel the need to exclaim their awesomeness  across their chest.

Edited by Jennifersdc
Minor typo
  • Love 9

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