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S20.E10: Power of Veto#3

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Ha ha Brett! That is one of the best speeches I've ever heard. Arms like honey-glazed hams!

Aw, I want Winston to stay. I guess we'll find out who stays tomorrow night.

Kaitlyn says she and "others in the medical profession". Ha ha ha! She's so insulted! It was a pretty amazing insult.

Brett's speech was double-barreled - a tribute to Hamlet and Shakespeare since I'm pretty sure the first part was in iambic tetrameter or pentameter, then the second part a swipe at Kaitlyn.

  • Love 5

Such a good episode!

This week made me 100% tired of the Bros, not even them being eye candy can make me want them to win right now. 

Winston losing his shit was both cringe and refreshing since A. BB actually showed his colors and B. He showed his colors after talking about Swaggy being someone who would be likely to lose their cool. He looked like a volcano ready to erupt the entire episode.

Winston & Brett are like 2 dumb blondes, why do you think Scottie would want a final 3 with you 2? He put you up because you 2 have each others back til death shall you part. Why would he be in a final 3 where he knows youd ghost him so fast he'd get whiplash?

During the comp, Scottie was spinning so fast, it looked like he was 1 spin away from turning into Sailor Moon

While Katilyn was probably given a heads up by production about the BRos plotting against her if not then her intuition was some good shit. She is giving us so much good tv that I dont want her to go anytime soon.

The Bros keep going on about Scottie being a geek and biting the wrong hand, choosing the wrong side yet he won HoH, Veto, put you both up, is keeping you both up, ratted you out with zero concern...what have you two done besides flex and work on your tan this entire time? I am happy that the geek is going to be responsible for breaking up the bros. Now I just hope Sam doesnt betray me and try to save one of them.


  • Love 15

Winston sure must have pissed off production because he got the lousiest edit of anyone in the House. Yeah, he’s kind of douchey.  But really, Kaitlin, you were thrilled when you were conspiring to remove people and then refused to “ own your power” collapsing into a mountain of mush that everyone had to pet and comfort all week.  Your mad because your name came up?  It was the universe talking, babe.

  • Love 10

I really hope one of the bros goes. I can handle the bros on an invidual basis, but when the bros come together the bro-ness gives me a rash, and I just can’t have that. And I don’t even care if BB scrounged up every time one of the bros called Scottie a dork, geek, whatever else, nah. They can leave. 

Was there a directive from BB that shirts were very much discouraged during the veto ceremony? It wasn’t just the bros, it was also Tyler. 

Scottie is kind of screwed in this game. He just doesn’t have a strong enough team to get past this.

But Kaitlyn is just a nutter. I can’t with her anymore. Her braying about lying and how dare people not be genuine, or whatever the fuck she was going on about? I wish one of the bros would have just replied “bitch please, you voted out Steve. Take a fucking seat”.

This post has been brought to you by the letters B, R and O. 

  • Love 18

I thought Brett's speech was gonna be funny but it wasn't, so that was disappointing. The episode reminded me why I can't stand him.

Has Kaycee had a confessional in an ep yet? At least sometimes I notice Angela in the background since her eyelashes are hard to miss, but I swear Kaycee is never part of anything. Useless in every way lol.

I'm confused by what happened with Brett. Was it just that he didn't think he had to go back and touch the button because he completed it or something? What an idiot.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

Now I just hope Sam doesnt betray me and try to save one of them.

What the hell was that?  She is outraged by the bros and is now considering saving one of them?  She is more worried that if it isn't used it will automatically be given to someone next week?  It could be her.  Half of me wants her to use it then be the one going next week.

31 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

This post has been brought to you by the letters B, R and O. 

100 points!  That was fricking awesome!

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 2

Brett mocking Kaitlyn at the Veto Meeting was the hardest I've laughed at something on BIG BROTHER in many a moon. That was hysterical.

The Bros....I was just shaking my head when they were listing off the crimes of Kaitlyn...convienently not acknowledgeing she was little more than the puppet for Level 6 carrying out their wishes. I suppose though she shouldn't have been surprised by them throwing her under the bus. You play with fire and you get burned. I think she was hoping for more of a reaction out of them when she confronted them.

Hello Bayliegh! The producers have suddenly realized she's a viable character without Swaggy and giving her DR time.

Speaking of NON VIABLE characters....why was a slot this summer given to the female football player? Did the notion sound good on paper? Was there a hope that she would be the next Christmas? Unless Fessy piggyback rides her to multiple/breaks and fractures there is little chance of that. She brings nothing to the table and hasn't had a DR is what weeks?

I have a sinking feeling that Samantha is going to undo EVERYTHING that we just saw transpire this week like Jeff did with his Cooty Ta that sent Chima into such an ultimate rage  that she eventually threw her mic pack in the water and was tossed out (but its okay for Evel Dick to physically assault Jen by pouring an entire picture of ice tea over her head) I don't want Sam to ruin everything by restoring Level 6 to full strength so they can bulldoze the rest of the house all summer.

  • Love 5

I love Kaitlin's surprise when her psychic "hit" turned out to be right.   I think she is the most surprised of them all which, IMO, proves what a fraud she really is.  If her "hits" were real she would be used to being right on target with them,  and not be the least bit surprised.  I have so many friends who play this game and they always react the same when they get lucky.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

During the comp, Scottie was spinning so fast, it looked like he was 1 spin away from turning into Sailor Moon

IKR!?!?  Scottie’s spin speed there towards the end was freakishly fast; how was he doing that???  

I’d have figured Rachel (with her dance background) would’ve had the edge on that comp.


2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

While Katilyn was probably given a heads up by production about the BRos plotting against her if not then her intuition was some good shit.

....  <spoilered for feed info>


Kaitlyn’s “hit” was due to a metaphysical elemental named “Baleigh”.  What wasn’t shown on the broadcast was immediately before Special K went up to the HoH Room, Bae had woken K up and told her the Bros were throwing K’s name around.  Helluva “intuition” there, huh?  :P


44 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I thought she said "metaphysical". Her face annoys me.

I heard “metaphysical” as well - and Chakra Con’s continued occupation of this particular plane of existence annoys the everlovin’ shit outta me.

  • Love 5

I like this Bowlerina: Not Just For Bros Anymore comp that brought some level of finesse to the whole "throw stuff at other stuff while wearing a ridiculous costume," which I started to dread since many of those comps seemed to be won by the big hulking dudes who happened to be nominated.

Brett and Winston have to be the most joyless bromance I've ever seen on Big Brother. They talk about how close they are to the point of parody, but we very rarely ... see it on the show? Or any vulnerable moments with each other or anything that builds real intimacy. And other than the fact that they each hulk out at the idea of being split up, they just ... don't ... seem ... that ... close?

I mean, Dom and Wendell from last season's Survivor seem like a married couple compared to these two, and they barely opened up on a personal level either. But I just thought there was more of a natural connection there that the show didn't feel the need to drill into my head every. single. episode.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Brett and Winston have to be the most joyless bromance I've ever seen on Big Brother. They talk about how close they are to the point of parody, but we very rarely ... see it on the show? Or any vulnerable moments with each other or anything that builds real intimacy. And other than the fact that they each hulk out at the idea of being split up, they just ... don't ... seem ... that ... close?


The show only shows what the show wants to show, hah.  Meaning what adds to the story being told because there is so much footage and you use it to shape what is going on plus "funny fillers" of course.  This week was the first time the Bros became front and central to everything.  But ...


According to all the live feeder posts I've read they definitely are the Bromance of the Century.  Especially Winston who just won't even let Brett out of his sight half the time and is really clingy.  But Brett seems to really really like him a lot none the less and there is even talk about them becoming roommates when the summer is over.

Edited by green
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Kaitlyn says she and "others in the medical profession". Ha ha ha! She's so insulted! It was a pretty amazing insult.

She definitely said "other metaphysical practitioners" she also encouraged the other HG's when they are being talked about to "step into their power" and confront it. She didn't mention they should then fall into a hysterical crying jag and have other people encourage her that she'll be okay... odd that last part...

But seriously, we know you two are bros. We know you are pissed at Scotty for putting you up, especially together and see him as a dork, loser etc. because he's not doing what you want him to. That doesn't make bullying him okay. It makes me super scared that somebody with no control over their roid rage has a concealed carry permit to walk around with a gun every day. He has NO control over his anger as today clearly showed. Winston is one scary dude when things don't go his way.

The flowers and the eye makeup continue the compiling evidence that I think Scotty is batting for the other team. And I don't mean Level 6 or Foutte.

  • Love 4

Stupid Winston threatens the hell out of Scotty for putting him and Tweedle-Dumb up, then actually tries to get him to use the veto on one of them?  Is this guy for real? 

It pissed me off to no end how those two assholes referred to Scotty as the nerd, dweeb, etc, because he wasn't kissing their asses.  One of them said they offered him a chance to play in the big league, (or with the big dogs, or whatever).  From what I could tell, Scotty is already playing in a league ahead of those two.  They actually think they are superior to him because of physical appearances.  That is one of the worst types of people, IMO.  And I understand being upset at being put up, but judging by Winston's outrage I would say he thinks they are superior enough that they shouldn't have to be subjected to the bad parts of the game that the other, lowly, peasants have to.  Fuck him.  I hope he suffers a painful rejection and learns what it's like to be on the other end of his cock-suckery.  And I don't know how much I even like Scotty, but I know I severely dislike Winston.  Severely. 

Edited by eskimo
  • Love 19
26 minutes ago, eskimo said:

I'm gonna just come out and say it.  Sam bugs me.  She seems like a genuinely nice person, but as a player she drives me nuts.  Does she actually cry all the time, or does she just look like it? 

Sam has light-colored eyes and a Scots-Irish complexion, so by nature her eyes appear more reddish and watery than is common - is that what you’re referring to?  Many of the women in my family have the same features - tend to look like they just came off a crying jag, but they didn’t.

  • Love 4

I have to admit I like the Bros as a duo.  They entertain me. I hope Sam will use her power to save one. It would be justified because she was partly responsible for Winston at least going up if not both of them.  But then this episode really brought home how much I dislike Scottie. What a smug little prick.  He thought he was so smart instigating a big blow up between Kaitylyn and Brett. Except Brett didn't bite, and outplayed Scottie there and came off both level headed and sympathetic. I think Scottie has handled his whole HOH badly. Brett is the better player of the Bros and deserves to stay. The way he handled the Crazy Kait confrontation impressed me more than the Veto speech, but the speech was indeed hilarious by the standards of this show.

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Was there a directive from BB that shirts were very much discouraged during the veto ceremony? It wasn’t just the bros, it was also Tyler. 

Well, there was that little thing called "the weather".  It's been pretty hot in sunny SoCal, and that AstroTurf in the back yard isn't helping, I'm sure.

44 minutes ago, eskimo said:

One of them said they offered him a chance to play in the big league, (or with the big dogs, or whatever).  From what I could tell, Scotty is already playing in a league ahead of those two. 

He's made himself the #1 target of the largest alliance in the house.  Yay?  If fucking production wasn't shoving Power Apps into Bayleigh's hands and giving Kaitlyn hints "hits" in the middle of the night, he'd be out of here even sooner than he's gonna be.

30 minutes ago, vb68 said:

But then this episode really brought home how much I dislike Scottie. What a smug little prick. 

"You've been knocking on the Devil's doors and now you're gonna have to answer to me."   Ooooh, scary.  Except not.  HoH-itis is wasted on this douchebag.  In the category of "virgins named Scott", I'm far more impressed by BBOTT's Scott Dennis, who endured ostracism, a major punishment, a threatened backdoor, and screamfests from some of that season's less-pleasant HGs.  This pale putz does not impress me, at all.  Enjoy Greece, geek.

Points to Brett for the straight-up mockery of Krazy Kait at the Veto Ceremony.  Although I'm sure they knew that Winston couldn't pull that sort of thing off, so Brett was the obvious choice. That said, I'm hoping he gets evicted tomorrow, since he won't be as fun without Winston to play off of, whereas Winston's neurotic paranoia will be a gift that keeps on giving.  But JMO.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, dizzyd said:

That was a pretty fun veto competition. I give Tyler props for blowing it considering the sweet reward. This has been quite a decent season and cast. Could every season be this good?

It was the standard spin around and do something within a time limit competition.  The Abba aspect they were promoting before it was merely to do with the prize.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Nashville said:

Sam has light-colored eyes and a Scots-Irish complexion, so by nature her eyes appear more reddish and watery than is common - is that what you’re referring to?  Many of the women in my family have the same features - tend to look like they just came off a crying jag, but they didn’t.

I don’t know if this is what eskimo meant, but to me it seems like whenever Sam is in the DR, her face is all red and blotchy like she was sobbing immediately before she sat down.

JC seems really annoying with his constant bitch, dumbass, etc.

It surprises me that they haven’t shown anyone discussing the power apps, since they have given out three, and no one has used one yet.  Is Scott concerned about his noms at all?

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

I love Kaitlin's surprise when her psychic "hit" turned out to be right.   I think she is the most surprised of them all which, IMO, proves what a fraud she really is.  If her "hits" were real she would be used to being right on target with them,  and not be the least bit surprised.  I have so many friends who play this game and they always react the same when they get lucky.

I said the same thing last night. I also told my husband that I'm sure she was at the very least given a hint by production, if not told outright.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, vb68 said:

Brett is the better player of the Bros and deserves to stay. The way he handled the Crazy Kait confrontation impressed me more than the Veto speech, but the speech was indeed hilarious by the standards of this show.

At the very least, the beginning of Brett’s PoV PickMe speech established brave new inroads in the BB world in the arena of gay slam poetry - at the start, I wasn’t exactly sure where Brett was going with this.  :>

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2

I didn't hate the bros before this episode, but yea....either of them can go. Any time now. The arrogance is just too much. Winston is going to "break Scottie's face"??? For nominating him? In a GAME? I'm sorry, does he not understand the idea is to WIN? 

I understand people being upset about being on the block. It sucks. But I can't get on board with people who get THAT mad about it. Like someone just killed your puppy. Get over it. This is how the game is played. 

I loved how smug and confident they were about Veto. Only to get trounced by Scottie. THEN they tried getting all nice. Didn't work. Sorry, stay your asses on the block. 



Haleigh's rendition of Hamlet....with a southern/Australian accent. Egads. Even worse? JC thinks it was based on The Lion King. 

Aaaaaand, in another edition of "JC is Bad With Numbers" - JC thinks Fessy is 300lbs!!!!

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Kaitlyn: "I'm, like, 90% light and love and, like, 10% Go Fuck Yourself." 

I think she has those numbers wrong. Maybe try switching them.

That's some JC level math right there. 


11 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

While Katilyn was probably given a heads up by production about the BRos plotting against her if not then her intuition was some good shit. She is giving us so much good tv that I dont want her to go anytime soon.

It was a clairvoyant HIT, come on now! 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

The Abba aspect they were promoting before it was merely to do with the prize.

 I'm surprised they didn't cheap out and give the winner and 2 selected HGs a preview of the movie. A trip to Greece seems pretty extravagant for this low budget show.  Wonder who scotties going to take with him ( insert wicked grins here).

  • Love 2

If I were starved for entertainment I’d embrace any movie you could throw at me.  Even those terrible Adam Sandler ones they used to foist on the hamsters.

I love that once Haleigh started getting into her non-stop readings, they were all interested in the actual plot of the play.  Again, starved for entertainment, but they appeared to be LEARNING.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Nashville said:

IKR!?!?  Scottie’s spin speed there towards the end was freakishly fast; how was he doing that???  

I’d have figured Rachel (with her dance background) would’ve had the edge on that comp.

Scottie was smart and picked up his feet once he got going - once the spin is cranking, keeping your feet on the ground will slow you down. Rachel did come in a super close second, and I suspect the "I'm so dizzy, derp!" standard edit for this comp, was overstated for her. She was spotting her spins pretty well.

8 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Brett's speech wasn't brilliant, but it was still better than 90% of the scripted dialogue on this show.  

Amen. I laughed my ass off. I couldn't rewind, bc I was watching it via the "live tv" option on the app, but I am absolutely rewatching the veto meeting tonight.

53 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 I'm surprised they didn't cheap out and give the winner and 2 selected HGs a preview of the movie. A trip to Greece seems pretty extravagant for this low budget show.  

My assumption is that the movie marketing budget paid for both the placement and the trip, vs CBS. CBS doesn't usually give out anything worth a damn, other than the punishments & prizes veto.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

Scottie was smart and picked up his feet once he got going - once the spin is cranking, keeping your feet on the ground will slow you down.

And his greater leg-strength (Rachel is fit, but gender differences are a thing) enabled him to torque the ring to high speed much quicker than she could.  Close, but not quite for Rachel the wannabe Dancing Queen.  And so it goes.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Writing Wrongs said:

I laughed at JC thinking Hamlet was based on The Lion King.

Well he is right though.  I am a librarian.  When studying Hamlet in school teachers will often use character worksheets of both the movie and the play.  Here is a quote I found about the movie:

The Lion King was the first Disney animated feature to be an original story, rather than be based on an already existing work. The filmmakers have said that the story of The Lion King was inspired by the lives of Joseph and Moses, from the Bible, and William Shakespeare's Hamlet.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Well he is right though.  I am a librarian.  When studying Hamlet in school teachers will often use character worksheets of both the movie and the play.  Here is a quote I found about the movie:

The Lion King was the first Disney animated feature to be an original story, rather than be based on an already existing work. The filmmakers have said that the story of The Lion King was inspired by the lives of Joseph and Moses, from the Bible, and William Shakespeare's Hamlet.

JC said that Hamlet was based on The Lion King--not vice versa, which is the amusing part.

  • Love 9

 It makes me super scared that somebody with no control over their roid rage has a concealed carry permit to walk around with a gun every day. He has NO control over his anger as today clearly showed. Winston is one scary dude when things don't go his way.

Brett and Winston are just sore losers and poor sports, plain and simple. Winston maybe more so than Brett, but both expected Scottie to do their bidding. Winston was just staring daggers through the whole thing. I agree the guy is scary. He just seems like a real asshole to me and always has. 

I love how Winston apologized after Scottie won Veto. Talk about disingenuous. And while he probably wasn't doing this deliberately to prove a point, it was hysterical how Scottie stood there in the storage room with them as if to join the conversation only to have the both of them go silent. Awkward!

I do think it was a big mistake to blab to Kaitlin about the deal they tried to make with him. And an even dumber mistake for Kaitlin to confront them about it. She just blew up both their games.


He's made himself the #1 target of the largest alliance in the house.  Yay? 

Yes but what was he supposed to do, nominate two people from his own alliance? He was going to be in this position no matter who he nominated. It's not as if he'd be less of a target if he nominated Rachel and Angela or Kaycee and Tyler. He has to take out someone from the six-person alliance, I don't see how he can mitigate becoming a target unless he nominates nobody.

  • Love 5

I kind of respected Brett for telling the HOH that he wasn't going to kiss his butt. Then Winston went in and tried to go all HAM but he looked to me like he was on the verge of tears.

Fessy is cute and he seems like a genuinely nice guy. His appeal is growing on me. (And at certain angles he sort of reminds me of a pale Terry Crews.)

Bayleigh wearing a blue and white outfit for the veto competition was nice touch. Wonder if that was deliberate or a coincidence?

I'm sorry but when this season is over and assuming neither of them win, Brett and Winston need to do porn together. I could so see them Eiffel Towering somebody and I would probably watch it. A couple of times.

Final three? Please. More like shared sidepiece to get kicked to the curb as soon as possible. At least he didn't fall for it.

These people don't know what they're dealing with with Kaitlyn. Loose cannons cross the street when they see her coming.

  • Love 3

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