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S01.E08: Mother of the Year

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While this show does fall into the traps of obvious story telling (as soon as I saw Blanca at the peep show, I knew she would take Electra in a full circle moment and eventually win), I loved it enough to say "NO!  WHY ONLY 8 EPISODES SHOW!"  And I teared up at Blanca's coronation.  (MJ looked stunning!) 

I did bust out laughing that Electra lost her shit over Al B Sure. 


Glad it's getting a second season.  

  • Love 23

That really was. I was almost getting misty at the final scene with all of them smiling and happy. I happened to catch the first episode because there was nothing else of interest on that night, and was just going to watch 10 minutes or so, and then watch a movie or something. I'm so glad I watched the whole thing, and have really come to enjoy the show. Also very glad it's getting a second season. And the music was awesome!

  • Love 19

Strong season finale. I loved that Blanca won Mother of the Year. So deserved and she looked lovely. Despite the bad oh so bad acting throughout most the episode, it was genuinely moving. Blanca's love and kindness toward Elektra was lovely. I loved how Blanca put her arms around Elektra. I laughed at Damon and Ricky faking politeness towards Elektra. My heart melted when Blanca said that she had room in her house and heart and embraced teary eyed Papi. Angel choosing her family over Stan and the gentleness in which she rejected him showed real growth.

I loved Al B Sure back in the day so I related to Elektra's fangirl reaction. Both Ricky and Damon were good in the dance routine. I was glad that Damon choose to go back to school for another year. He and Ricky will likely drift apart.

I like Pray Tell's new man. They were sweet together, but I clearly remember the paranoia and stigma around HIV/AIDS in the 80s. It is difficult to believe that his beau was so understanding and accepting.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 17

Among the more satisfying and fulfilling finales I have ever absorbed.

The teary moment for me was Papi going into Blanca's arms.  He was saved.  He may well end up throwing it all away, but damned if he was not saved.

I had wondered what it would look like if there were a full-on confrontation from a disgruntled walker in a Ball.  Pray Tell's obvious relationship to Evangelista would most certainly have led to resentments - especially as Evangelista rose to the very top in a scant few months.  I am glad we were spared that particular cause/catalyst for the ugliness Candy brought.  Of all the places to bring in the worst of the outside world...  Sad.

I do wish they could have had some alternate scenes just in case they were renewed (Yay!  They are coming back!) and they didn't have to tie everything up in a bow worthy of a category unto itself.  

I am grateful to TPTB and all who contributed to the art of Pose which informed and elevated us all.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
  • Love 16

I’ve got a lot to say, but first off FUCK STAN. What is wrong with this man? He wants her then he doesn’t- GHOSTS her with her objects in a garbage bag, and then wants her again...,oh after his wife refuses to be a door mat and makes him accept responsibility for the breakdown of their marriage.

He’s such a punk, Patty and Angel are too good for him!


okay I’m done. 

  • Love 21
35 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I like Pray Tell's new man. They were sweet together, but I clearly remember the paranoia and stigma around HIV/AIDS in the 80s. It is difficult to believe that his beau was so understanding and accepting.

Given how prevalent it was in the gay community back then, I can believe he's understanding.  I imagine that every sexually active gay man back then had to deal with it in their own way.  I'm sure some ran from it.  And I'm sure some took the Pray Tell approach and tried to bury their head in the sand.  And others likely took his new man's approach. 

19 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

He wants her then he doesn’t- GHOSTS her with her objects in a garbage bag

I think that because Stan's story is so far separate from the main focus of the show, his scenes have no flow.  For instance, I don't think he technically ghosted Angel.  I think they basically broke up on the stoop last week when he told her that he didn't fit in.  And the scene of Angel alone was more in service to her being alone.  And tonight's episode, I really thought her scene outside with Stan was a dream--of her finding closure.  Otherwise, his scene with Patty and then his scene with Angel made so little sense for his character.  He was basically a  prop for Angel's realization. 

I think that's fine but next season the show is going to have to figure out if that side is even worth keeping around. The clearly overcast (names with bigger resumes than those three roles needed) for that side of the show--probably to get the show greenlit--but no one really feels interested in telling that part of the story.

  • Love 8

Episode 8 came way too fast. I am going to miss this show during the hiatus. Hard to believe I was going to pass on it all together. What a treasure it has been.

With everything ending on a cliffhanger these days, I kind of appreciated the old-school wrapped-in-a-bow finale.

I am so glad Pray Tell has found a supportive partner. Its not unrealistic to me that his partner didn't back off after hearing his diagnosis.  5 years into the crisis, I imagine most people in the community had at that point lost one or several people to AIDS. At some point you have to choose whether you are going to be alone for the rest of your life and living in fear of getting or transmitting the disease, or to try to find love and happiness despite the circumstances. 

I love Elektra and Candi's crazy asses.

Congrats, Stan, you win Fuckboy of the year for 1988. So glad that neither Angel or his wife bought his bullshit. Bye, loser.

Blanca is an awesome mother and deserved every bit of that award.

I'm so sad but feel blessed that I got to learn so much in the 8 hours this show produced. One of the best new series I've watched in ages.

  • Love 15

Blanca's rhinestone denim blazer was so perfectly 80s! The choreography for the Al B. Sure! audition was too.

I LOVED that Elektra totally lost her cool and was fangirling over Al B. Sure!

Yay, Papi is back!! That moment was even better to me than Blanca winning mother of the year.

Blanca is not perfect, but the fact that she sought out Elektra so she could take her back to her house was so generous and kind, especially after all they've been through. But I totally cracked up when Blanca enforced her house rule on Elektra and made her get a job. When Elektra tried to protest that she couldn't work at a restaurant and Blanca pointed out that she wasn't too good to work at Show World, I wanted to high five her. Heh, and Blanca's instincts were correct. Being a hostess at a restaurant is the perfect job for Elektra because all she has to do is look good and judge people.

I'm not sure how I feel about Damon's decision. Yes, getting an education is always important, but as he pointed out, the point of his dance training is so he can become a professional dancer. Going on tour and having the experience of being a professional dancer could be life changing and it could lead to other jobs once he has that experience. In 1988, saying you were a tour dancer for Al B. Sure! would be enough to at least get his foot in the door for other jobs. I do see Blanca's point though. I would not want my kid to drop out of school to go on tour for three months and then come back with no job and no scholarship. Couldn't he just take the semester off? A lot of schools allow you to take a planned leave of absence so that you can work, travel, etc. and arts programs often have a process in place for situations like that. Damon also said that the tour was only going to be in the tri-state area so realistically he could possibly commute and make it to class for maybe half the week. But isn't it almost summer vacation? Summer is the most popular time for music tours so it makes sense that he would be on break from school anyway. And wouldn't the school award him a scholarship for his second year when it's, you know, near the end of the first year? I've probably given this too much thought.

Stan can fuck right off. He only told Angel he wanted her back after Patty shut his ass down. What about all the things he told her when they broke up? None of that has changed, so why should she believe him? He is living in a fantasy world and she is living in the real world. I'm glad she realized that she doesn't need him. I'm glad Patty told him that she wasn't going to pretend about their relationship anymore.

  • Love 14

I want Blanca's chartreuse dress. I did worry that she was going to get very ill, with all the anvils dropping.

This show would have been lost without Billy Porter. I wonder if some of his patter during the walks is spontaneous.

I hope everybody gets a big fat raise for season 2, even the horrible actors.

Agree that the big acting names were to secure the show. They are the least compelling of the cast in their roles.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm not sure how I feel about Damon's decision. Yes, getting an education is always important, but as he pointed out, the point of his dance training is so he can become a professional dancer. Going on tour and having the experience of being a professional dancer could be life changing and it could lead to other jobs once he has that experience. In 1988, saying you were a tour dancer for Al B. Sure! would be enough to at least get his foot in the door for other jobs. I do see Blanca's point though. I would not want my kid to drop out of school to go on tour for three months and then come back with no job and no scholarship. Couldn't he just take the semester off? A lot of schools allow you to take a planned leave of absence so that you can work, travel, etc. and arts programs often have a process in place for situations like that. Damon also said that the tour was only going to be in the tri-state area so realistically he could possibly commute and make it to class for maybe half the week. But isn't it almost summer vacation? Summer is the most popular time for music tours so it makes sense that he would be on break from school anyway. And wouldn't the school award him a scholarship for his second year when it's, you know, near the end of the first year? I've probably given this too much thought.

I gave it the same thought. I figured that the show's timeline is now in the summer of '88. Unless he is in some year-round program, I don't see the scheduling conflict. I wish he would have at least talked to his teacher before making any decisions.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Stan can fuck right off. He only told Angel he wanted her back after Patty shut his ass down. What about all the things he told her when they broke up?

Ding ding ding! Stan thought he could go back to Patty and sweet talk his way back into the suburban Dream.  She was not going to let him live out his fantasies of being the big NYC executive because we see where that lead him- you wanna be there for your kids? Fine, be there- you cannot fly off to the city and chase the fanasty (which includes Angel or some other girl) and leave Patty hanging. She shut him down with QUICKNESS. I love it. 

I love that this show is so feminist in that all the women are allowed to assert themselves, have self esteem while still being vulnerable. Feminism has often been unkind to trans women so this representation is good. 

  • Love 14
12 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I think that's fine but next season the show is going to have to figure out if that side is even worth keeping around. The clearly overcast (names with bigger resumes than those three roles needed) for that side of the show--probably to get the show greenlit--but no one really feels interested in telling that part of the story.

Agree, Stan and Patty did not fit into the season really and she was worse. With the exception of a few moments Patty really did not do anything.  Ryan Murphy likes Evan Peters so that explained his role. If they do not come back next season I will not be surprised.

It may not have been smart of Damon to turn down the music video. That could be one of the plots of Season 2. I still think he is a weak actor though.

I finally liked Electra so that is a plus it only took 8 episodes.

Happy both Angel and Patty turned Stan down.  He did look boyish though when he was with Angel. Like a teenager asking a girl to take him back. 

  • Love 4

What a great season 1 ending!  I loved no cliffhangers and that Blanca and her family were happy at the end.  Loved that Patty and Angel gave Stan his walking papers!  And love that Pray Tell has a new guy and some happiness.   Laughed at Electra as the hostess at Indochine, though cringed at how she treated the "Bridge and Tunnel" folks who wanted to dine without a reservation.  

I know that every drama needs some bad guys to add - well - drama, but why did the Ferocity girls have to be such... BITCHES?  You'd think that in some way people who were part of that scene would feel that they were all in it together, but I guess human nature being what it is.....

Anyway, I'm so happy to hear that the show will be back - can't wait! 

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Episode 8 came way too fast. I am going to miss this show during the hiatus. Hard to believe I was going to pass on it all together. What a treasure it has been.

With everything ending on a cliffhanger these days, I kind of appreciated the old-school wrapped-in-a-bow finale.

I am so glad Pray Tell has found a supportive partner. Its not unrealistic to me that his partner didn't back off after hearing his diagnosis.  5 years into the crisis, I imagine most people in the community had at that point lost one or several people to AIDS. At some point you have to choose whether you are going to be alone for the rest of your life and living in fear of getting or transmitting the disease, or to try to find love and happiness despite the circumstances. 

I love Elektra and Candi's crazy asses.

Congrats, Stan, you win Fuckboy of the year for 1988. So glad that neither Angel or his wife bought his bullshit. Bye, loser.

Blanca is an awesome mother and deserved every bit of that award.

I'm so sad but feel blessed that I got to learn so much in the 8 hours this show produced. One of the best new series I've watched in ages.

Agree with everything you said, AgentRXS, especially about almost passing on it at the beginning. It really has been a treasure, and I've come to really enjoy all the characters and just want them all to win. I am so going to miss this show until next year! Oh, and regarding your point about everything ending on a cliffhanger...

Has anyone read any of the reviews over at The A.V. Club? The author, Kayla, is a queer woman, and she sums up perfectly how I feel about watching this show as a gay man with regards to the "Bury Your Gays" trope. I was really worried, waiting for something tragic to happen, especially nearing the end of the episode, and the fact that it's 2018, and so many shows tend to offer a glimmer of hope, and then have something horrible or tragic happen, all as part of a ploy to get us to tune in next year. I too was waiting for the other shoe to drop.


And, despite that the cast is made of very amateur and (in some cases) not particularly good actors, I came around to empathize for all of them, to root for them all to find love, happiness and acceptance. I admit, Elektra was one of the reasons I almost didn't continue. I've met people like her before and, yes they can get off some really juicy zingers, but having constantnever-ending insults and put-downs hurled your way can get very obnoxious, very old, very quickly.

But the more vulnerability she showed, the more I began to view her as a person, instead of a caricature. I know she doesn't have anyone to blame but herself for not being smarter with her finances while she was with Dick, but my heart broke for her to see how far she'd fallen at the beginning of the episode. And I also agree with Apollonia666 above, I too thought Dominique Jackson has improved in the acting department.

Oh, and Ricky at the dance audition, working that body in that 1/3 shirt he was wearing? DAMN. *fans self* I couldn't find the exact shot I'm referring to, so I'll leave this here, from an earlier episode:


  • LOL 1
  • Love 8

This could have been a series ending finale, but I'm so happy that this got renewed for another season!

While I'm happy for Patty and Angel that they kicked Stan to the curb and getting on with their lives, I do feel for Stan.  Granted, he fucked up, but I do believe he was confused as to what he wanted and he was living out his comic book fantasy with Angel.  Just as Patty and Angel are "finding themselves," I hope he does the same. 

It was heartwarming to see Blanca helping Elektra, and Elektra finally humbling herself and accepting the help.  Blanca knows her so well (you're pretty and you judge people, lol).  She was perfect for the hostess job.  I loved her losing her shit over Al B Sure! because I did, too, back in the day.  

I thought Ricky and Damon were great in the audition; however, I thought Ricky was a tad better and he definitely had the "look," so I'm glad he's going on the tour.   Honestly, l'd be surprised if they got back together.  I think Ricky might move on, but they're both so young and still exploring opportunities so I wish them both well. 

Papi going back to the House and hugging Ricky! *sniff*  I want Papi to go back to school, get his HS diploma and get a job somewhere, even a bodega is honest work.  I also liked the two young men who joined the House.  They really did look like they needed a good, caring Mother like Blanca.  I don't know how much space is there and it's gonna be tight but I'm sure they'll work it out. 

Blanca looked absolutely stunning in that dress (it looked yellow on my tv screen).  

The pose off finale was awesome!  I have to watch that again.

  • Love 11

While I'm not a fan of the character of Stan, I'm a bit disappointed that they chose to end the Stan/Angel storyline. I get that the main focus is the NYC ball culture, but this show has given us a lot to explore and discuss about the LGBT experience and especially that of transgender women. I think watching Angel try to adjust to the New Jersey suburbs life she thinks she wants would be interesting. So would seeing how people outside the culture react to Stan and Angel as a couple.

  • Love 11
32 minutes ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

Oh, and Ricky at the dance audition, working that body in that 1/3 shirt he was wearing? DAMN. *fans self* I couldn't find the exact shot I'm referring to, so I'll leave this here, from an earlier episode

Ricky reminds me of a much cuter Bobby Brown in his prime. I would not be surprised if Ricky goes from dancing for Al B Sure to Bobbay! Bobby Brown's career zenith is just about to happen, and Ricky is a shoo-in for being one of his background dancers. Google states the "Don't Be Cruel" tour ran from '88 to '90 so it would be perfect enough to have Ricky pop in back home during one of the tour's breaks, but just enough time to break up Ricky and Damon, without it having to be dramatic. I would love to see Ricky rocking the Gumby haircut LOL

  • Love 9

That was so sweet, loved how everything turned out! It would be a nice series finale, but I am glad that we get another season. I think there is much more story to tell. I will say, I do wish we could have gotten maybe two more episodes. I appreciate that they want to keep things short and sweet, but damn it I want more!

Blanca getting Mother of the Year was very well deserved. She is just such a kind, empathetic person, and has taken in her ragtag bunch of youngsters and really made them a family. And Pray getting teary giving her the award might have been the best part so far. I love their friendship so much, it gives me such Feels! And she welcomes Papi back! Awwww!

I knew that Blanca would go pick up Elektra at the club, but it was still great to see how much she supports her old mother, even if she isnt the nicest. And Elektra finds her calling, as a snooty hostess at a fancy hotel restaurant! 

O kept waiting for the other high heeled shoe to drop, and someone to die horribly and randomly, but it didnt happen! With the except of Prays poor boyfriend, everyone made it out, and are actually in a good place! Strike a victory pose!

  • Love 7

I"m not a fan of Stan, tho I am a huge fan of Evan Peters, and think he's ridiculously talented, and I am still interested in what happens to both him and Patty. He treated both patty and Angel shabbily, and I'm glad they both kicked him to the curb, but I do think he has a story worth telling. There were times I felt really terrible for him, had a lot of empathy for him, and i'd like to see him be able to figure his life out. And, as Blanca said to Angel, he's fiiine.

I also have empathy for Elektra, and was glad (and unsurprised) when Blanca took her in. But ugh, she's such a fucking bitch. And such a really bad actor. Too much of her went way too far for me.

This would have been a good, happy, series finale, but I am glad we get another season. I really want Pray Tell to be happy again.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, apollonia666 said:

Is it just me, or was Dominique Jackson's acting markedly improved when Elektra started being nice?  I know she's not a great actress but I was loving her last night, especially when she was reading House of Ferocity to filth and fangirling over Al B. Sure!

I wouldn't say "improved" as opposed to when she would overthink her line readings.  I noticed any time she wanted to have her air of snootiness, her talking was more clipped and she was enunciating her words a lot more where it got to be distracting.  Once she let down her guard in more vulnerable moments (her break up with Dick, her Al B Sure fangirl moment, prepping Blanca for the finale) it wasn't there. I hope she has more like that next season. 

  • Love 3

I forgot about Pray Tell and his gentleman friend.  I hope it works out for them.

While I don't expect everyone to be huggy huggy, feel-good all the time, I am disappointed that they've made Candy and her crew into such BITCHES!  I mean, really.  Next season I fully expect Candy to suffer from the effects of her procedure, her ass will literally blow up, and that would be sad.  

Regarding Elektra's bad acting, I was wondering if she's making too much of an effort to sound like a woman and that's why her enunciation is so forced?

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Regarding Elektra's bad acting, I was wondering if she's making too much of an effort to sound like a woman and that's why her enunciation is so forced?

I think part of it is the fact that Elektra is such a caricature that the part requires more acting then some of the other roles. For example, I've seen videos of Mj Rodríguez speaking and she sounds pretty similar to Blanca. If the actress playing Elektra had any vocal feminization training, depending on when she had it and what techniques she uses, it could be a factor. A lot of transgender women end up with "breathy" voices. Also remember that while it could be a voice she's used for many years, it's still not likely to be her natural voice.

  • Love 6

I thought Elektra was based on a real Mother (can't remember her name) who talked like that? She wants to seem old Hollywood, high class, hence the enunciation of every little word. 

I want more Stan, only to understand him more.

And I immediately thought that Damon would tour the tri-state area for the summer only to go back to school in the fall. How many concerts/days could they be on tour for? I'm from the area, can't be that long. Sounds like a perfect summer job. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, apollonia666 said:

Is it just me, or was Dominique Jackson's acting markedly improved when Elektra started being nice?  I know she's not a great actress but I was loving her last night, especially when she was reading House of Ferocity to filth and fangirling over Al B. Sure!

I was thinking the same thing -- maybe she is a much better actress than we thought and that the role she was playing as Elektra was just that . . . an act she (the character) felt she needed to put on as part of her persona, but now that she's getting knocked down to earth, she's not having to put on a front nearly as much and her true self is able to show itself again. The Al B Sure reaction (which just cracked me up!), when she was taken in the back of Indochine to fill out the application and she turned around and gave Blanca the "OHMIGOD" face, etc. Even when she tried to turn it on when she went into the boys' room and was complaining about the paint color (and everything else), and they all basically ignored her, she stopped. Little bits of the much more down-to-earth person she (the character) probably really is but has buried under her persona for too long finally started coming out in this episode, and the actress, correspondingly, was able to dial down the heavy affect and allow more natural acting to come through. 

Edited by SailorGirl
  • Love 10
On 7/22/2018 at 10:13 PM, mtlchick said:

While this show does fall into the traps of obvious story telling (as soon as I saw Blanca at the peep show, I knew she would take Electra in a full circle moment and eventually win), I loved it enough to say "NO!  WHY ONLY 8 EPISODES SHOW!"  And I teared up at Blanca's coronation.  (MJ looked stunning!) 

I did bust out laughing that Electra lost her shit over Al B Sure. 


Glad it's getting a second season.  

Who would've thought that Ms. Elektra was such a fangirl of Al B. Sure?! That whole scene, from beginning to end, cracked me the hell up.

On 7/23/2018 at 10:05 AM, Corgi-ears said:

Walk into the club like

Yaaaassssss! Lulu is an awful bitch, but dammit if I didn't love her during that final pose challenge.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 2
14 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm not sure how I feel about Damon's decision. Yes, getting an education is always important, but as he pointed out, the point of his dance training is so he can become a professional dancer. Going on tour and having the experience of being a professional dancer could be life changing and it could lead to other jobs once he has that experience. In 1988, saying you were a tour dancer for Al B. Sure! would be enough to at least get his foot in the door for other jobs. I do see Blanca's point though. I would not want my kid to drop out of school to go on tour for three months and then come back with no job and no scholarship. Couldn't he just take the semester off? A lot of schools allow you to take a planned leave of absence so that you can work, travel, etc. and arts programs often have a process in place for situations like that. Damon also said that the tour was only going to be in the tri-state area so realistically he could possibly commute and make it to class for maybe half the week. But isn't it almost summer vacation? Summer is the most popular time for music tours so it makes sense that he would be on break from school anyway. And wouldn't the school award him a scholarship for his second year when it's, you know, near the end of the first year? I've probably given this too much thought.

I get what you are saying, but if Damon is serious about having a professional dance career, maybe with Alvin Ailey, he can't take summers off to be a back up dancer for a singer. Most dancers aspiring to be professionals practice six to seven hours each day, six days a week for up to 10 years before they even get a shot at joining a professional company. It is brutal and physically demanding. Damon has already started his training later than most of them. He will have to work even harder to catch up if he wants a professional career. It is much easier to be a back up dancer, but Damon cannot be both.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, SimoneS said:

I get what you are saying, but if Damon is serious about having a professional dance career, maybe with Alvin Ailey, he can't take summers off to be a back up dancer for a singer. Most dancers aspiring to be professionals practice six to seven hours each day, six days a week for up to 10 years before they even get a shot at joining a professional company. It is brutal and physically demanding. Damon has already started his training later than most of them. He will have to work even harder to catch up if he wants a professional career. It is much easier to be a back up dancer, but Damon cannot be both.

Yeah, I had no problems with Damon giving up the tour to stay in school. His dream is to become a professional dancer. While being a back up dancer would given him some nice cash and experience, that isn't the type of professional dancing that I think that he was dreaming about. He is being professionally trained and his teacher/mentor think he has a lot of raw talent that needs to be developed. 

It is not the same for Ricky who did not have the same kind of dreams as Damon but has the ability to be invited as one of the dancers for the tour. This is a great opportunity for him to develop his skills in the same way the New School has opened a new world for Damon.

I think it is wonderful the way the show ended this season on such a high note. Despite potential death lurking in the background, I loved that they were able to all enjoy their successes and have hope. All the members of the Evangelista family ended in a better place than they were in comparison to where they were in the first episode.

I  believe the show saw how great Blanca and Electra scenes were together despite the cattiness at times, and decided it was just better to have them as frenemies and make Lulu/Candy the new antagonists. From the start, we were told the battle for mother was going to between Blanca and Electra, but that story shifted.

Edited by nilyank
  • Love 7
On 7/22/2018 at 10:13 PM, mtlchick said:

I did bust out laughing that Electra lost her shit over Al B Sure. 

That was the best. She was so girlishly gleeful and dropped her haughty persona for a few minutes. I loved everyone’s side-eye during it. I remember “Night and Day.” Big hit, but worth Electra losing her mind? (Shrugs). To each their own.

  • Love 3

OMG! That was awesome! I loved Elektra reading those bitches Lulu and Candy and taking the boys. And her going all fangirl over Al. B. Sure was hysterical. Glad she got a job where she could show her style.

Angel handled Stan beautifully. 

Blanca is Mother of the Century! 

Pray Tell emceed the hell out of the Princess Ball! I love his new boyfriend.

I was afraid something terrible would happen during the finale. So glad it didn’t. I just don’t know if I can handle Blanca and Pray Tell getting sick next season. ☹️

Edited by LittleIggy
  • Love 8

Tens across the boards.

I am so glad that FX greenlighted another season for Pose, even though it never got the ratings and folks complaining about the limited levels of acting. When I initially heard about the show, I totally expected nothing but camp (which I love) and not "Downton Abbey" acting, but we got amazing stories about these characters lives. I started to care about them (not too much about Matt and Stan) and want them to succeed. I am glad that the "other shoe" did not drop for Blanca, Elektra and Angel in the season finale. They were able to survive and truly know that they are a family.

I am so excited for season two.

  • Love 9

Wow this was such a great season finale! Love all the ballroom scenes especially the pose-off between the Evangelistas and the House of Ferocity.

I was so afraid Stan or Dawson was going to kill Angel, since she is supposed to be based on Venus Xtravaganza, and was glad they didn’t go that route.

Elektra’s acting definitely improved through the season, especially after she showed her softer side. I thought she was channeling Naomi Campbell most of the prior episodes.

Yay for Jiggly Caliente from RuPaul’s Drag Race as one of the new members of House of Ferocity. She was werking it in the ballroom pose-off in her mother of the bride realness.

Ricky and Damon dancing for Al B Sure was cute.

Love Pray Tell’s new man being so accepting of his HIV status.

Billy Porter and MJ Rodriguez deserve every acting award that will hopefully be bestowed on them next year!

Edited by Mattipoo
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Mattipoo said:

Wow this was such a great season finale! Love all the ballroom scenes especially the pose-off between the Evangelistas and the House of Ferocity.

I was so afraid Stan or Dawson was going to kill Angel, since she is supposed to be based on Venus Xtravaganza, and was glad they didn’t go that route.

Elektra’s acting definitely improved through the season, especially after she showed her softer side. I thought she was channeling Naomi Campbell most of the prior episodes.

Yay for Jiggly Caliente from RuPaul’s Drag Race as one of the new members of House of Ferocity. She was werking it in the ballroom pose-off in her mother of the bride realness.

Ricky and Damon dancing for Al B Sure was cute.

Love Pray Tell’s new man being so accepting of his HIV status.

Billy Porter and MJ Rodriguez deserve every acting award that will hopefully be bestowed on them next year!

I would be surprised if the show took this tack. I know even now the life expectancy for black transwomen and other transwomen of color is something like mid-30s, possibly late 30s, but the show also seems to want to talk about the humanity of its characters.

As I mentioned in the previous show's thread, Still Processing (A New York Times podcast hosted by Jenna Wortham and Wesley Morris) talked a bit about Pose a couple episodes back. In the show they mentioned one of Janet Mock's interviews with TV Guide where she talked about writing for the show and wanting to "undo the link between our bodies as being points targets of violence and ridicule." So, there's acknowledgement from the outside that the threat of violence looms, but the show likely will not have that visited upon its characters.

  • Love 4

Whew! You guys had me stressing Angel was for sure going to be murdered the entire season for nothing! Especially since Angel was selected as the heir apparent to Evangelista and is the only one who knows Blanca's status. I liked that that made her realize Stan was a fantasy she's already outgrown because her family accepts her. 

I thoroughly enjoyed the Elektra/Evangelista dynamic. Her acting improved so much when she wasn't playing a bitchy one-liner burn machine.

Did anyone else see MJ Rodriguez back up dancing for Janelle Monae on LSSC this week?

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