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S05.E05: The Bowels of Hell


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A night of Jesse's bowels and Fucking Larry falling over. Interspersed with Dave's inability to make a clean kill. Ugh.

Not sad to see Jesse go, he's been struggling. No pun intended. :/

Hi Sam and his shelter. My cat could build something better than you made in Vancouver, so nice redemption. Where's the fireplace though?

Britt and the Bear, a classic children's book about a man afraid of his furry neighbor.

Meanwhile, at Brooke's arts and crafts camp, this week features wooden jewelry. Never change Brooke.

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Yeah.... if someone suddenly gains the brains to kill a bear (with this bunch...no chance) it better not be Mama, leaving orphaned cubs. I’ll start a boycott of the History Channel.

Who the fuck eats wood and expects to survive? I’d be digging worms out of the ground before doing that. This season is coming off at The Dumb Bunch.

  • Love 7
  On 7/13/2018 at 4:06 AM, cooksdelight said:

Dave.... don’t come on a show like this if you A) can’t make a clean kill, and B) don’t want to eat meat.


I don't know that he should be blamed for not making a clean kill.  He's probably dehydrated, starving, under a lot of stress and pressure. and the bow he's using is probably not as accurate as most hunters would use.  I'm sure he wants to eat meat, but I understand his being uncomfortable with causing unnecessary suffering.  At the end of the day, he's only out there to play a game.

Britt was talking about his door being the weakest part of his structure.  I was thinking a bear could tear through that tarp roof without much trouble.  And probably get through those walls as well.  He is really doing well with his fishing, I wonder if he's smoking any and keeping some fillets back like Dave did a few seasons back?  I would be a shame if he got run out by a bear while he's eating so well.

The first thing I thought when Jesse started having his abdominal pain was that if the medics saw him, they would have pulled him pronto.  Makes me curious what that pine bark tastes like though.  A couple of those slices actually looked pretty good.  Reminds me of those old Euell Gibbons commercials:  "Ever eat a pine tree?".  Only some of the older readers would remember those.

  • Love 11
  On 7/13/2018 at 4:40 AM, peaceknit said:

After observing Jesse and his diet of basically, wood, I knew it was only a matter of time before he became plugged up.


See, that kind of surprised me because wood is fiber.

  On 7/13/2018 at 5:44 AM, rmontro said:

Reminds me of those old Euell Gibbons commercials:  "Ever eat a pine tree?".  Only some of the older readers would remember those.


"Many parts are edible."  I'm dating myself.

So Fucking Larry caught one fish and then screamed for 5 minutes scaring away any others that might have been in the area.  I thought we might see "7.7 miles away" and Britt raising his head going "Did you hear that? What is that?"

I don't understand it.  I like most of these people, but this season is simply not as engaging as past seasons.  If this was the first time I was watching I'd be wondering why people raved about the show.

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Well, shit!!  Too bad prune juice wasn't one of the ten items.  

Team Randy, I guess.  :)  Maybe Britt.  

Dave is nuts, Sam is.........Sam (but it's nice that he's finally thinking about shelter), Brooke is carving spinners and ugly jewelry while Britt is hauling in fish after fish using grasshoppers, and fuckin' Larry just gets on my last nerve.  

-Very conveniently placed camera when fuckin' light-headed dandelion-swilling Larry passes out and remains still for?  a dramatic effect?  "Oh gee, I bumped my head!  That could have been bad!  I remembered that dandelions are a diuretic right before I (again) caught one fish and did some stupid fuckin' Larry dance!  I'm so entertaining!"  Oh, and nice to know (via previews) that you are reprising your 'OMG, mice in my tent' act.  Snooze.  

-As someone mentioned upthread, I hope Britt is smoking those fish.  

-Forget about your act, Dave.  Someone that proficient with a bow and arrow did not become so by standing in front of a target for 20 years.  You're used to killing animals.  It's a way of life for you as it is (and was) for many.  So shut up.  

-Sam?  I smell production.  All of a sudden he has enough energy to build his shelter?  The young man has a food source besides squishing one small bird with rocks.  He must.  Same with Brooke the feather girl. 


  On 7/13/2018 at 4:52 AM, LittleIggy said:

I was thinking that I hope nobody encounters a mama bear with cubs. I watch AP’s “I Was Prey,” and a bear attack is bad enough, but if it’s a mama bear..


No kidding!  That guy in Montana(?)!   She kept running him down time after time to protect those babies even when he was trying to leave.  Very scary.    


  On 7/13/2018 at 6:15 AM, Quilt Fairy said:

I don't understand it.  I like most of these people, but this season is simply not as engaging as past seasons.


Agree.  I think that my problem is that it's so obvious that many of them are playing for the camera.  The exceptions seem(ed) to be Jesse and Randy.   At least Britt is honestly funny.   

I now know that I prefer newbies.  And 'Alone', not 'NotAlone'.  

  • Love 8
  On 7/13/2018 at 5:44 AM, rmontro said:

Reminds me of those old Euell Gibbons commercials:  "Ever eat a pine tree?".  Only some of the older readers would remember those.



  On 7/13/2018 at 6:15 AM, Quilt Fairy said:

"Many parts are edible."  I'm dating myself.



I remember, I remember!  I've even eaten that soft white kind of juicy center pine bark.  It was in a "survival" seminar during conservation camp in sixth grade on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound.  It was kind of sweet and herbacious, but very fibrous and chewy.  We also learned how to peel and split twigs to get at the pith inside and eat that.  The weirdest thing I learned was the instructor said we could use the lint from our belly buttons as fire starter, and I--along with all the other girls on the hike--were all "whaaat?" while the boys nodded knowingly.  I have never in my life (and I'm old: see above) ever had lint in my belly button.  


Is Britt catching all of Jesse's fish?  I, too, would like to know if Britt is smoking his fish for later.  But I also worry that if he does that, where can he safely store it?  He can't really keep it in his cabin with him, that would attract predators.  But then again, Starving!Dave had quite the stockpile of smoked fish in Patagonia in his cabin and he never was bothered by predators.  Maybe you only have to worry about it until the bears hibernate for the winter, then you're safe?  But there are still wolves and coyotes and mountain lions in Mongolia, right?  It is a conundrum...


Speaking of Jesse...that poor man.  That looked......miserable.  Much like the one guy on Survivor who had to tap out because he ate too much red meat on a reward trip and got all stopped up.  What an ignominious end to such a bold start.


F*kin Larry brings it again, but if you look beyond the beard, he was looking quite emaciated last night.  Even Jesse looked better, and he was rolling around and grunting for most of his footage.


Sam's building a shelter?  Better than what he had on Vancouver Island?  (Not hard to do, by the way...)  But....his new shelter....uh....dude.  That's a barn made of spindly willow twigs with weeds haphazardly stuffed in to make walls.  Yeah, he can stand up in it, but that's a BIG space to heat, and according to the footage I saw, quite drafty as well, what with all those thin spots and holes in the woven weed walls.  With all that fresh air circulation, he certainly won't perish of carbon monoxide poisoning.   With all those fluffy dried weeds, he's much more likely to die in a fire.  One stray popping spark and he--and his "shelter"--are goners.  Seriously, he's going to shore that flimsy thing up, right?

  • Love 7

I agree they had the title right this episode, but from what i understand , termites eat wood because they have a special bacteria in their stomach for breaking it down, now people can eat some saw dust without too much of a problem, but making that your only food is so wrong.  People are not termites. 'to me, they still have food all around them, 


I think that Britt has fish success because of grasshoppers, big difference when fishing with bait.  no one else seems to be doing that.  No idea why, I remember so much of my summers wasted digging up worms for my small brother to fish,  my older sister had to bait the hook, so digging was not the worst part.  Now he could not keep the fish since it was from a small pond, but he did love his fishing. 

I am going to put some bonus video in the media thread.  look for it. a lot of times things are not what they seem because editing. 

Edited by holly4755
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I saw on some other show (I think The Island with Bear Grylls or something) where one of the participants ate a ton of crabs, shells and all, and they formed a huge obstruction that one of the other participants (who happened to be a doctor) had to PULL OUT WITH HIS HANDS. So yeah, when Jesse was in pain I was like "please dear god, tap out." 

Dave is such a strange dude. Just the way he acts...I wouldn't want to be stuck on an elevator with him, that's for sure. And weeping over killing the animals is getting ridiculous. You literally signed up for this. 

I'm thinking the reason Fuckin' Larry and others are suffering effects of dehydration despite having abundant water is, they aren't getting enough carbs and electrolytes. Hydration is about more than just drinking a bunch of water. You need those carbs and electrolytes to get the water to where it needs to go in your body. Anyone smarter than me who knows what kinds of natural sources of electrolytes (sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc) can be found in the woods?

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I think Dave may be a serial killer in real life. ... Okay just kidding, but he has psychological issues and should have never been asked back.

Are none of their feeds live? Even the body cams? Cuz how is a helicopter not landing after Larry passes out. If that had been a heart attack, he'd be dead.

No shame Jesse, bowel obstruction is not a joke. And you would not have made it much longer anyways since you could not source other food.  

Edited by TVbitch
  • Love 10

I saw some kind of electric device on Brooke last week - it was connected to her belt on the back of her pants and looked like those transmitters you see actors wear for the wireless microphone.  I figured it may be some kind of tracker device; I was wondering how they find the tap-outs after the call in for rescue so I presume that either the satellite phone has a tracker or they're wearing a device so they can be found.  For situations like Larry passing out, perhaps they have that pack configured to sense if a contestant doesn't move for X hours that would alert the producers that they may have someone in a medical emergency/dead (god forbid) and they send out help.

Edited by patty1h
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the have a GPS so they can be tracked, and they have a satellite phone so they can call in once a day to say they are alive and I beleive they carry it all times in case of emergency ,  If someone does not move for a while, who's to say they are not sleeping.  I think they are at the point where they are checked on every third day, 

Edited by holly4755
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Jesse, you ATE A LOG in the space of 36 hours...and then you were felled by your inability to convert that log to a log. Ouch, man. I come from a long line of people with the tendency to get bound like a book, but two weeks??! Dear god. I guess I wish you Dr. Oz-quality perfect poops for the rest of your life.

Fuckin' Larry, I want to keep liking you but please calm down. Perhaps screaming your nuts off over a single fish contributed to the head rush, my man. Maybe you could eat a little bit of the side of ham you seem to have brought with you?  That might be my complaint about all of this season: the returnees are all too camera-conscious from the first go-round, and so the experience isn't fresh for them or for us. I appreciate that this show is trying new configurations in real time, but none of those seem to be working as well as the pure, gripping original-recipe Alone. Maybe it's run its course...?

Sam is building the Three Little Pigs' house of straw. 

  On 7/13/2018 at 7:27 PM, TVbitch said:

Are none of their feeds live? Even the body cams? Cuz how is a helicopter not landing after Larry passes out. If that had been a heart attack, he'd be dead.


I think that none of the feeds are live, but they're all wearing some kind of motion-sensor monitor. If they go blank for a certain length of time, that triggers an alarm. Similar to the devices firefighters wear, that so memorably and horrifyingly were going off everywhere when the WTC towers fell. 

ETA biomonitors! Great minds think alike, etc. :)

Edited by pagooey
What they all said
  • Love 9
  On 7/13/2018 at 5:56 PM, holly4755 said:

'to me, they still have food all around them


That's what I was saying  a few weeks ago, but now we've had three taps in a row basically due to starvation.  Jesse's bowel problems probably wouldn't have happened if he wasn't driven to eating bark by lack of other food.  Everybody is on a river, yet some people are catching ample fish and some can't get a bite.  Dave is the only one taking down small game, but he's not the only one who brought a bow.  These supposedly equal campsites just  -  aren't equal.  I'm not saying that as a producer shenanigans conspiracy theory, I'm just truly stumped. 

  • Love 3

No, only two taps due to starvation issues.  Nicole went home because of her MS.

I don’t think Britt’s playing to the camera.  He wasn’t doing fish dances or wailing abt killing (apparently everyone’s) little fishies.  He’s got natural charisma, and as long as he doesn’t get hurt, I could see he & Randy being the final two.

Larry is much thinner than he was on VI at around the same time frame, you’re right @HurricaneVal.  And he’s annoying as all get out...AGAIN.

 Brooke doesn’t look to be in much better shape.  And Honey, you’re activities are craptastic compared to Mike’s fabulous campsite.

Sam has to be getting some food.  He barely looks like he’s lost weight.  Maybe 10-20 lbs at most.

My poor Jesse.  Constipation is one thing, a bowel obstruction can be deadly.  I don’t think the pine bark had any relation to his constipation.  He said he hadn’t had a bowel movement since Day 8, and he tapped on Day 22.  I think he started eating the bark on Day 20.  He wasn’t eating the outside of it, but rather the pulp.

  • Love 9
  On 7/13/2018 at 5:30 PM, HurricaneVal said:

The weirdest thing I learned was the instructor said we could use the lint from our belly buttons as fire starter, and I--along with all the other girls on the hike--were all "whaaat?" while the boys nodded knowingly.  I have never in my life (and I'm old: see above) ever had lint in my belly button.  


Well!  Let's hope I never get stuck in a survival situation with you!  :)

  On 7/13/2018 at 5:56 PM, holly4755 said:

I agree they had the title right this episode, but from what i understand , termites eat wood because they have a special bacteria in their stomach for breaking it down, now people can eat some saw dust without too much of a problem, but making that your only food is so wrong.  People are not termites. 'to me, they still have food all around them, 


It did say on the popup that the Algonquin indians used pine bark as a major staple of their diet.  Grinding it up into flour probably helps a lot though.  It also said that you had to eat a pound of it to get 500-600 calories.  That seems like a lot of pine bark.


  On 7/13/2018 at 6:50 PM, ClareWalks said:

And weeping over killing the animals is getting ridiculous. You literally signed up for this.


I don't think he has an issue with killing animals for food.  He's upset that he's not getting a clean kill with the equipment that he has, and causing unnecessary suffering.  Which I find completely understandable.  

  • Love 3
  On 7/13/2018 at 9:23 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

Everybody is on a river, yet some people are catching ample fish and some can't get a bite.  Dave is the only one taking down small game, but he's not the only one who brought a bow.  These supposedly equal campsites just  -  aren't equal.  I'm not saying that as a producer shenanigans conspiracy theory, I'm just truly stumped. 


Again, I’ll take newbies over people who have been there/done that, and failed. Too much playing to the camera and not doing the day-to-day true work needed to survive.

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I'm sure it had to be more than just the wood that made Jesse not poop for 2 weeks and then end up in bad pain.  Like how about the fact that he wasn't really eating very much over that time period?  You know, nothing in, nothing out.  And then suddenly he gorges on what is basically wood.  Anyone starving who suddenly eats a lot of anything is bound to have stomach issues soon afterward.

  On 7/14/2018 at 2:17 AM, rmontro said:

I don't think he has an issue with killing animals for food.  He's upset that he's not getting a clean kill with the equipment that he has, and causing unnecessary suffering.  Which I find completely understandable.  


Yes, in theory, but the extent to which Dave takes things is not normal, in my opinion.  Like is this now going to become the issue he obsesses over and uses to sabotage himself?  In his first season he sabotaged himself with denial and I don't know what, just being starving and mental.   I think anyone that signs up for this kind of experience has to make peace with the fact that living in the wild and having to kill to survive is potentially not going to be "clean" or "humane".  If he can't make peace with that, he has no business being there.

  On 7/14/2018 at 1:56 AM, roamyn said:

 Brooke doesn’t look to be in much better shape.  And Honey, you’re activities are craptastic compared to Mike’s fabulous campsite.


Brooke already looks too thin only around 20 days in - She didn't start out with enough meat on the bone.  Then she goes on about having to stay busy to pass the time - Has she learned NOTHING from her first experience?  Expending too much energy just to "stay busy" is only going to make her lose more weight that she can't afford to lose that fast.

  On 7/14/2018 at 1:56 AM, roamyn said:

Larry is much thinner than he was on VI at around the same time frame, you’re right @HurricaneVal.  And he’s annoying as all get out...AGAIN.\


Larry spends more energy hamming it up for the camera that he can possibly be getting from the food he's eating, which is not a good strategy for lasting long enough.  The way he howled when he caught that fish was a case in point.  I think he's a kook anyway.

  On 7/13/2018 at 5:30 PM, HurricaneVal said:

Sam's building a shelter?  Better than what he had on Vancouver Island?  (Not hard to do, by the way...)  But....his new shelter....uh....dude.  That's a barn made of spindly willow twigs with weeds haphazardly stuffed in to make walls.  Yeah, he can stand up in it, but that's a BIG space to heat, and according to the footage I saw, quite drafty as well, what with all those thin spots and holes in the woven weed walls.  With all that fresh air circulation, he certainly won't perish of carbon monoxide poisoning.   With all those fluffy dried weeds, he's much more likely to die in a fire.  One stray popping spark and he--and his "shelter"--are goners.  Seriously, he's going to shore that flimsy thing up, right?


I don't underestimate Sam even though he looks like he's going to fail any minute.  The guy almost lasted to the very end of the first season living in the flimsiest shelter ever, so he's made of pretty tough stuff.  Plus he's obviously doing something right by bulking up before the season and losing it slowly.  He's got a lot of pluck.

  • Love 5

......and I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down........ :)

Rather strange about Sam.  

My guess would be that yes, he is lazy. 

Perhaps it would be easier to gain about 80 lbs, talk to your wife about 'Alone' and how close you came the first time by doing basically nothing.  I mean, now they have two children.  It would be much easier to get fat, learn or read *nothing* about building shelters in Mongolia, not listen to anyone in episode zero, and just exist until you have to tap, than it would to deal with two little kids (or actually provide for them).  


Contestants I don't like right now: 

Larry, Sam, Dave.  

Contestants I don't care one way or another:


Contestants I like:

Randy, Britt.  


I reserve the right to change my mind week after week.  lol!

It sucks really, because it's obvious that stuff is going on behind the scenes that production is not showing that would change all of our minds if we could see it.  

History channel, get a grip.  The charm and charisma of this program was that it was real (organic, if you will, although that word makes me laugh).  

One of the first times I started to look side-eyes about the whole thing was the repeated clip of the dog/wolf 'attacking the camera'.  It didn't happen.  So............what?   Someone hung a piece of meat or a favorite treat on a tripod and ordered dog/wolf to 'come'?  

Okay.  I'll stop complaining now.  Still one of my favorite programs.  :)

  • Love 10

Prefer the monosyllabic Dave, blackened by the months of soot...not this version who weeps/bemoans the necessity to eat what he shoots with arrows.

  Funny, his existential crisis is over as soon as he chomped on the bird and squirrel...roasted meat will clear your conscience right up...

We either saw Larry turning the corner and beginning to thrive or his slow spiral into the abyss...I'm hoping the former....want as many horses in the race as possible.

Brooke, I look forward to browsing at your card table of hand crafted body ornaments and groovy earrings at the next farmer's market and street fair.

Doing themselves and family proud: Randy and Britt.

  • Love 7
  On 7/14/2018 at 5:01 AM, Yeah No said:

I think anyone that signs up for this kind of experience has to make peace with the fact that living in the wild and having to kill to survive is potentially not going to be "clean" or "humane".  If he can't make peace with that, he has no business being there.


I would say that he is working through it right now, and he will either make peace with it or leave.  I don't expect him to ever be entirely comfortable with it though, and that's fine.  People who have no empathy sometimes end up being serial killers.  He probably expected to make most of his meals out of fish, like last time, but for whatever reason, he's having no luck.

  On 7/14/2018 at 9:14 AM, MostlyContent said:

Contestants I don't like right now: 


I have to say I like all the contestants at this point.  My least favorite is Larry though, just because in season 2 I wanted David McIntyre to win (he did), and Larry ended up being his closest challenger.  I don't dislike Larry, but I don't want him to win.  He's entertaining, but I don't like to see someone win with that negative an attitude.  I actually wanted Nicole to win season 2, but when she was gone I switched to David.  I would have been okay with Jose also.  

  • Love 2
  On 7/14/2018 at 9:14 AM, MostlyContent said:

......and I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down........ :)

Rather strange about Sam.  

My guess would be that yes, he is lazy. 

Perhaps it would be easier to gain about 80 lbs, talk to your wife about 'Alone' and how close you came the first time by doing basically nothing.  I mean, now they have two children.  It would be much easier to get fat, learn or read *nothing* about building shelters in Mongolia, not listen to anyone in episode zero, and just exist until you have to tap, than it would to deal with two little kids (or actually provide for them).  


Contestants I don't like right now: 

Larry, Sam, Dave.  

Contestants I don't care one way or another:


Contestants I like:

Randy, Britt.  


I reserve the right to change my mind week after week.  lol!

It sucks really, because it's obvious that stuff is going on behind the scenes that production is not showing that would change all of our minds if we could see it.  

History channel, get a grip.  The charm and charisma of this program was that it was real (organic, if you will, although that word makes me laugh).  

One of the first times I started to look side-eyes about the whole thing was the repeated clip of the dog/wolf 'attacking the camera'.  It didn't happen.  So............what?   Someone hung a piece of meat or a favorite treat on a tripod and ordered dog/wolf to 'come'?  

Okay.  I'll stop complaining now.  Still one of my favorite programs.  :)


That wolf/dog was so disappointing. It also caused me to question the "realness" for the first time. I am beginning to think the scenes of a foreboding snow-covered landscape that opens each episode is actually scenes spliced from the movie Dr. Zhivago and the Mongolian winter was actually mild and pleasant the year this show  was filmed.

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  On 7/14/2018 at 10:48 PM, rmontro said:

I would say that he is working through it right now, and he will either make peace with it or leave.  I don't expect him to ever be entirely comfortable with it though, and that's fine.  People who have no empathy sometimes end up being serial killers.  He probably expected to make most of his meals out of fish, like last time, but for whatever reason, he's having no luck.


I can't help but think that some of Dave's on-camera brooding over this is for the benefit of the audience and he's not as uncomfortable with it as he wants to look.  Just my gut instinct there because among other reasons, methinks he doth protest too much.  Already it is obvious to me that this cast has been affected by the public response to them in their original seasons and is carefully editing themselves as a result (like Larry going overboard to "thank" every creature he kills).  And as others have pointed out, Dave didn't seem to have a problem with how his fish died in his original season.  I don't completely buy his shtick, especially because I think he's a kook anyway.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 6
  On 7/15/2018 at 2:05 AM, jvr said:

Dammit, I really wanted to see that bread get made from crushed tree pine pulp/bark! 


I don't remember if it was bread or flour but I was very disappointed about this too! 

WRT to Dave's emotions over killing, I think it is probably harder for him to watch a small mammal or bird suffer.  It's also possible he grieved over the fish but the producers decided his story was "starving to death with an abundance of food" so we didn't see it.  I also think Dave is not ready emotionally to be on the show.

I think everyone, in one way or another, is more camera ready at this point (excepting Jesse and his need to poop - no acting there), which is kind of a shame, even though I generally like everyone.

I'm not super invested in anyone in specific winning and found this episode pretty dull overall.  Though I felt badly for Jesse, the saga of will he or won't he poop wasn't really thrilling for me to watch.

  • Love 3

I'm really disappointed in Jesse.  Isn't he the guy who is ex-military?  Really thought he would do much better.  Pine bark as your sole food source???  Not pooping and you just keep on eating it?  Stupid.

Having met someone recently who survived a mama bear attack, I got really nervous when Britt was hearing those bear noises, especially after seeing the tracks indicating a mama and a cub.  I feel like the contestants this season are dealing with a lot more dangerous wildlife than in previous seasons.

I wish Larry would get off my screen and never come back.

Firmly on Team Britt and possibly Team Randy.  Everyone else is just too annoying and stupid.

  • Love 4
  On 7/13/2018 at 9:23 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

Everybody is on a river, yet some people are catching ample fish and some can't get a bite.


In the intro for the show they stated that exact problem. I am not an outdoors person by any stretch so I don't understand it but they did say the fish would be plentiful in some areas of the river and not in others.

  • Love 1
  On 7/16/2018 at 10:39 AM, Ina123 said:

I guess I'm the only one who likes Sam. I won't underestimate him. Also, he posts on Twitter and he defends every contestant that gets criticized.


I agree, I like him too. I don't think we can assume that he is just loafing around being stupid. Everyone criticized him not bringing fish hooks but it turned out he had a plan for that. We'll see how it goes!

  • Love 3
  On 7/16/2018 at 10:59 AM, ClareWalks said:


  On 7/16/2018 at 10:39 AM, Ina123 said:

I guess I'm the only one who likes Sam. I won't underestimate him. Also, he posts on Twitter and he defends every contestant that gets criticized.


I agree, I like him too. I don't think we can assume that he is just loafing around being stupid. Everyone criticized him not bringing fish hooks but it turned out he had a plan for that. We'll see how it goes!



Me three.  I think a lot of what he does is calculated and part of his strategy.

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