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S10.E10: You Broke the Penal Code

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44 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

I am so over the Bethenny-Carole conflict.

Ba-dum-bum *kshh*

44 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Okay, did anyone notice how shifty Ramona looked when Dorinda said anyone would have to be total asshole to go to Tom's yacht party? So.... I'm thinking Ramona went. I will cackle if this is true. 

I thought so too!  lol

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41 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

I haven’t caught up with this episode yet so I’ll admit that up front. I will also admit I don’t follow all the extra shit (social media, blogs, whatnot) very carefully so most of my opinion is just from the show. But when Carole asked Beth that at the Berkshires, my impression was that Beth wasn’t mad at Carole. She sensed a shift in their relationship and was a little sad about it, but she wasn’t mad. She got mad at Carole during the conversation, she didn’t go in mad. I thought what she said later in the bedroom was the truth; they were both busy doing different things, they weren’t connecting as much emotionally (Beth hates your boyfriend), stuff like that. And Beth was concerned about it, but not mad.

the attacking/ taking jabs at / talking about Carole from jump this season I think pretty much says she’s mad at her for something. The conversation at the table at dorinda’s was do we have a disconnect did I do something are you mad? Then this conversation Bethany was acting like the Berkshires fight never happened.  it was super odd. I honestly don’t think anyone really knows what Carole did to get the mean girls act from Bethany and I honestly don’t think Bethany herself knows what exactly it is either. Even Bethany can’t keep straight if Carole is a close real friend or show friend. talking to some people Bethany says she’s a close real friend then in the press and to other people she says they were never real friends or close it’s like she has memory ADD. The only real constant was Carole not knowing Bethany had any problems with her until the Berkshire episode. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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52 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

I am so over the Bethenny-Carole conflict. I don't like either one of them, and I just want them to talk about something else besides who is mad at whom for stuff that she may or may not have said which may have been misinterpreted but no I'm just saying what happened but that's not what you said before or told everyone else behind my back so now I can't say anything to you without you attacking me even though I'm not mad at the thing you said that surprised me because I felt that it was different and I thought you were my friend but now I'm wondering if that's the case because you said  . . . and so on. Ugh. It's so tedious to me

Well said!

It's not just tedious; it's stupid.   Production blew this one!

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18 hours ago, JD5166 said:

She’s got to know Sonja (even crazy as she is) is a fan fav....she knew she may not have looked appreciative enough. In other words, she’s trying to keep her job....and Sonja is so sad right now, I even like Tinsley for giving her the cheapest Louis voitton on the market, so she can return it to buy food. 

Is she, really? That shocks me. I never thought of Sonja as a favorite or a vilian. Just the wacky drunk who lives in the past. Yeah she's had her moments where I disliked her and moments that she cracked m up. It never went that deep for me with Sonja. 

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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10 hours ago, Mozelle said:

However, regarding Bethenny calling LuAnn a loser for donating to the Red Cross, I highly doubt that Bethenny did it because she has thoughts that Red Cross is bullshit—otherwise she wouldn’t have asked her IG followers to donate to them a week and a half after Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston.


I agree with your larger point (re: Frankel asking people to donate to the Red Cross) but this isn't about a donation.

Bethenny pissed on Luann for *volunteering* with the RC in a disaster zone . (Which means, per Frankel, the countess is a Luser for helping people on the ground  - the very thing Bethenny's claimed is needed just as much as money, the thing she says is deeply draining and hard to do,  but profoundly necessary, because compassionate faces are needed in devasated disaster zones - but only when Bethenny does it; when Luann does that very thing, she's a loser.)  Every damn time Frankel opens her mouth, warty toads and snakes slither out:

"Even when she is doing something great – like raising money for charities – she can’t help but be mean. It’s as if doing a good deed gives her permission to behave badly. She screamed at Sonja when she learned Sonja only donated $150 to her cause; called Luann a loser for volunteering for the American Red Cross; called Adam an operator. She told so many people that I didn’t support her that it nearly got in the newspaper. (I donated $5,000. I asked friends for use of their private planes.)"


Edited by film noire
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There's a RH:NY promo running this week that features Lu in a white headband with a soft hairstyle. I swear it's like I'm looking at Ally Sheedy after Molly Ringwald gave her a makeover in the Breakfast Club.

Edited by QQQQ
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. She told so many people that I didn’t support her that it nearly got in the newspaper.

Yet this isn't Carole being more than a wee bit disingenuous?

I mean, nearly got into the paper pretty much means, no, it wasn't in the paper that Carole Radzwill didn't support Bethenny.

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Is Sonja having work done in the whole house or just the main living floors because the top floor is actually a self-contained apartment that she's rented out in the past?

Tinsley's gift was above and beyond, but I'm sure Sonja will promptly forget it when she wants to criticize Tinsley again. Sonja is constitutionally incapable of being gracious. She will be petty and take a big old look at the mouth of that gift horse.

Ramona looked so shifty when Dorinda was talking about Tom's party. Ramona either went to it or only missed it because of a conflict, but she would have been there. Shady lady.

We talk about Ramona's lack of social skills, but what's wrong with Bethenny? She couldn't have possibly thought texting "you seem cold" was going to solve anything with Carole. That was only going to make Carole mad. WTF. It was such a bizarre thing to do.

Listen, I'm more team Carole in this conflict because she's been pretty clear what her issues are and has finally given Bethenny a worthy adversary. However, it should have been obvious to Carole that Bethenny would turn on her because Bethenny has turned on everyone and Carole just needs to move forward with a much shallower friendship. I don't want to hear much more about this. 

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6 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Yet this isn't Carole being more than a wee bit disingenuous?

I mean, nearly got into the paper pretty much means, no, it wasn't in the paper that Carole Radzwill didn't support Bethenny.

Or she shut the story down like she did  with the story about them not being friends before she knew that they weren’t friends or maybe that’s the same story she shut down. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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1 hour ago, Martinigirl said:

Bethenny looked into Red Cross and found how much (percent) goes to the victims. This is why her assistant, when handling over the cards, made a point to say she wanted the cards to go to the victims. You literally have to tell them otherwise a huge (and I mean HUGE) amount goes to the the top employees. 

film noire clarified for me a bit (below) about what Bethenny said regarding LuAnn and the Red Cross.

That said, even if Bethenny *now* has learned about the Red Cross, does that make her a loser for sending her followers to donate to the Red Cross before she had her eyes opened? Do you see where I'm going? Lol. This revelation of Bethenny's is very nascent--like well after NPR's piece about the American Red Cross in Haiti came out (mid-2016)--so for her to call someone a loser when she supported the same org only weeks before...

5 minutes ago, film noire said:

I agree with your larger point (re: Frankel asking people to donate to the Red Cross) but this isn't about a donation.

Bethenny pissed on Luann for *volunteering* with the RC in a disaster zone (which means, per Frankel, the countess is a Luser for helping people. Every damn time Frankel opens her mouth, warty toads and snakes slither out):

"Even when she is doing something great – like raising money for charities – she can’t help but be mean. It’s as if doing a good deed gives her permission to behave badly. She screamed at Sonja when she learned Sonja only donated $150 to her cause; called Luann a loser for volunteering for the American Red Cross; called Adam an operator. She told so many people that I didn’t support her that it nearly got in the newspaper. (I donated $5,000. I asked friends for use of their private planes.)"


Oh, OK. I missed that distinction. 

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4 hours ago, Rap541 said:

To further add to "Carole's in high school" - check out her blog where she says this:

Now I know they aren't friends but really, nothing screams "I'm still functioning like a hormonal teenager" like a statement about how Luann better keep her trap shut because Carole knows her secrets and will spill them if Luann doesn't do as asked. 

Is anything Carole hints about  top secret?  We all know Lu  loves the company of men.  Adam was babysitting Lu's teenage son? Was Adam incapable of saying no? What's Carole's point? 

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4 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Good point there - while she is too broke now to buy even a basic LV bag, she still has those old Birkins (though. I wonder if she's even kept them in decent condition).  LOL than it really kinda is an 'f you' gift from Tinsley, isn't it?  Buying her a bag that she couldn't afford herself, but wouldn't dare use.

Probably has mold on them.  Why does Sonja portray herself as a slob? Dirty panties on the bed, washes her undies in the bidet, dog shit on the patio, etc, etc.  I have a different opinion of her now.  Definitely Grey Gardens, and she doesn’t even seem embarrassed.  That’s the thing.

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12 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Yet this isn't Carole being more than a wee bit disingenuous?

I mean, nearly got into the paper pretty much means, no, it wasn't in the paper that Carole Radzwill didn't support Bethenny.

But isn't this the Page 6 story that Carole had to work to kill. That Carole had to do that means Bethenny was running her mouth to 3rd parties when she could have just talked to Carole. If Carole had just ignored Page 6's inquiry, it might have run.

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18 hours ago, Marley said:

Carole is kind of pathetic in my eyes. I’m not team anyone but I honestly think Carole is upset at Bethenny only because Bethenny dared to talk about Adam. Time to move on past Adam Carole ..you are Fuck buddies and that’s all you ever will be. And Adam asking to get paid for a charity event is a bit douchy.

Another pathetic person is Sonja. I had to ff past her bed scene because it stressed me out just looking at all that clutter. I don’t think she knows what vegan means either lol.  

I hope I never hear about the nutcracker again. Dorinda was being stupid. There’s quite a few filmed scenes of Bethenny satyimg thank you and saying she’s grateful. Kind of looks bad on Dorindas part that she cares about getting credit so bad.

If Bethenny called Luann a loser for donating to Red Cross then that makes me like Bethenny more because the Red Cross is bullshit.

Your post is everything., especially the part about the Red Cross <3 

Also, I have normal television hate for different HWs but I can't help it, I have a real true hatred for Carole. She is beyond horrible.

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18 hours ago, JD5166 said:

She’s got to know Sonja (even crazy as she is) is a fan fav....she knew she may not have looked appreciative enough. In other words, she’s trying to keep her job....and Sonja is so sad right now, I even like Tinsley for giving her the cheapest Louis voitton on the market, so she can return it to buy food. 

Sonja a fan fav?  Not on these boards from what I`'ve read & am reading.  She`s a hot, embarrassing mess and could be missed is what I'm getting.  I think Tinsley put Sonja up in the penthouse with gifts (and ANY LV bag given would be the most generous of a friend to give) to get everyone off her back about not appreciating what Sonja did for her, even though she already showed great appreciation with the party she gave her and the $5,000 gift card.   For the life of me, why Tinsley got grief over that is beyond me.

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6 hours ago, QuinnM said:


Dorinda needs to stop it. Bethany did thank Dorinda. I sincerely don't get what drunken Dorinda is upset about, except she needs a storyline.  Did she want a freaking parade?

I feel the same way about Carole and her marathon and her response to Ramona's party for her. Maybe it was an afterthought, add on,  but it was still nice. What did Carole expect? Or from anyone? 

I think Carole's anger at Bethany is 90 percent Adam and it's referred anger at Adam dumping her. Carole is used to being the one pursued I think,  and this thing with Adam has to be killing her ego. 

Ramona has the most legitimate gripe with Bethany I think, considering that Bethany uses the show as an infomercial. Joke or not,  Bethany has no leg to stand on with this. Bethany isn't about empowering other women. 

Tinsley is uncomplicated,  if cringey at times, fun to watch.  Falling to the floor when her boyfriend came back is what a 13 year old girl would do. 

Sonja. Oh Sonja. She's not fun to watch. I don't know if she's camping it up for the cameras or going mad, but I don't need to watch her do the sniff test on her underwear, go party hopping for food,  make her workman cringe with her sexual references, kiss Bethany's ass,  or talk about being legacy, when she's not one,  her daughter is. That's so delusional. I'm still disgusted by her comparison of her divorce from a man, that she's made pretty clear she only mourns because she's no longer rich, to Dorinda losing her husband. 

Finally Luanne. She seems to be taking her arrest seriously, and I get going crazy. Let me just say I've literally slipped out of handcuffs in the back of a police car within the last year and a half due to drinking too much. No charges brought. But I'm a grateful member of AA. So I have empathy for her. I still think that bronzed look was effectively black face and she's a horrible person,  with or without alcohol.

All this said,  NY is my favorite franchise. 

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But isn't this the Page 6 story that Carole had to work to kill. That Carole had to do that means Bethenny was running her mouth to 3rd parties when she could have just talked to Carole. If Carole had just ignored Page 6's inquiry, it might have run.

Is it? Because I thought that page six story was that there was a rift between Carole and Bethenny, not that Carole didn't give anything to Bethenny's charity...


I think Carole's anger at Bethany is 90 percent Adam and it's referred anger at Adam dumping her. Carole is used to being the one pursued I think,  and this thing with Adam has to be killing her ego. 


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6 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:


I think Carole's anger at Bethany is 90 percent Adam and it's referred anger at Adam dumping her. Carole is used to being the one pursued I think,  and this thing with Adam has to be killing her ego. ..



Has as anyone figured out what Bethany’s beef with Carole is tho? It makes no sense that she started this season guns blazing for Carole. 



Edited by Keywestclubkid
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6 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Probably has mold on them. Why does Sonja portray herself as a slob? Dirty panties on the bed, washes her undies in the bidet, dog shit on the patio, etc, etc.  I have a different opinion of her now.  Definitely Grey Gardens, and she doesn’t even seem embarrassed.  That’s the thing.

Honestly, the kookier and wackier Sonja makes herself seem, the more people give her a pass for her nasty gossiping and backstabbing. Plus it feeds into her whole tragic mess persona. She gets a lot of gay fans because she plays that up. She's an epic asshole, but people forget all about that when she ambles in wearing enormous fur hats, hits on 26 year old waiters, and shovels seafood into her mouth even though she's a "vegan."

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ha ha everyone is "over" the Bethenny/Carole fight.... nobody is "interested" in it....  yet there sure are an awful lot of posts about it.  Funny how that works. 

3 hours ago, bosawks said:

I’m not on either Beth’s or Carole’s side since I find them both very limited but entertaining people.

However, I do think they both overestimate how interesting we will find this break-up of the ages in the long haul.

I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to be the focus of a Ryan Murphy season of “Feud”.  

And I’m pretty sure they would find that surprising.

 I don't think either of them really overestimated anything, personally. I think that's on the producers/directors/etc who decided to make this a big storyline of the season.

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4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:



Has as anyone figured out what Bethany’s beef with Carole is tho? It makes no sense that she started this season guns blazing for Carole. 

Maybe Carole was being snippy and distant with B and B thought it was because Carole was getting closer to Tinsley,  but really it was about Adam,  and B had no idea how batshit crazy Carole is about that. 

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4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:



Has as anyone figured out what Bethany’s beef with Carole is tho? It makes no sense that she started this season guns blazing for Carole. 

I think it's plain ol' jealously.  At least that's what it seems to me. Bethany seems very in her feelings about Tinsley and Carole getting close.  

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9 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Maybe Carole was being snippy and distant with B and B thought it was because Carole was getting closer to Tinsley,  but really it was about Adam,  and B had no idea how batshit crazy Carole is about that. 

But Carole didn’t know about the Adam/Bethany drama till filming was well underway. She was seriously pro Bethany till episode 8 and didn’t say a negative word about her. Bethany started this season negative towards Carole. I just find it strange people saying how dumb it is for Carole to be mad about Adam but not asking what the hell is Bethany’s issue 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Well, that was a somewhat interesting episode.  

Ye gads at Lady Morgan lying in her tarp-covered bed looking like a candidate for the next round of Hoarders.  I couldn't help but catch the way she appeared repulsed by the smell of her own underwear.  If the odor is that bad, Lady Morgan, please check out the personal hygiene section of your closest pharmacy STAT.  Better yet, have an intern do this for you so you won't leave Grey Gardens before you've taken care of that "business" you must have going on down south.

And speaking of Lady Morgan, what the fuck was that on top of her head when she arrived at Bethenny's party?  Was she going fucking duck hunting after the party?  She looked so bizarre that I'm surprised security didn't nail her as soon as she walked in the door looking like that.  I mean, it's apparently January in NYC and probably cold as the proverbial witch's tit, but there are warm and fashionable choices to be made besides a furry Elmer Fudd topper.  Again, ye gads.

Oh, Dorinda, let's get real.  You were probably rooting around in the back of the cabinet searching for a bottle of scotch and accidentally knocked that salt shaker out of the cabinet and that's why it hit your foot.  Or maybe Richard is sick of your shit-stirring behavior on this tacky show and is sending you a message from beyond.  

And, Carole, girlfriend...please stop with the facial fillers.  In that lunch scene with Bethenny, I was so distracted by your disappearing eyeballs that I couldn't concentrate on what you were trying to say.   I think you ladies are both telling your own truth in this situation, but I really wish we had an unbiased third party to tell the real truth.  I hope you both come prepared to argue this ridiculous apparent miscommunication at the reunion, replete with copies of texts, e-mails, and other photographic evidence because the whole situation is just so fascinating (and yes, that's dripping with sarcasm).  Seriously, ladies, grow the fuck up, act your ages, and realize that even the best of friends usually aren't in agreement 100% of the time.  

Tinsley, I really find you a non-entity in this show, but that was very strategic setting up Lady Morgan in her own suite so you don't have to listen to her inane (insane) ramblings.  Well played, girl, well played.

And Ramona, you little scamp, your batshit crazy ass was at Tom's party, wasn't it?  You may as well just confess, girl, because it's going to come out, and probably sooner rather than later.  

These ladies are all so derailed, and I just can't get enough of their antics.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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14 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

I think you ladies are both telling your own truth in this situation, but I really wish we had an unbiased third party to tell the real truth.  I hope you both come prepared to argue this ridiculous apparent miscommunication at the reunion, replete with copies of texts, e-mails, and other photographic evidence because the whole situation is just so fascinating (and yes, that's dripping with sarcasm).  Seriously, ladies, grow the fuck up, act your ages, and realize that even the best of friends usually aren't in agreement 100% of the time.  

Bethenny always seems to get a pretty favorable edit. They've shown text messages in the past. I think producers aren't showing us text messages because Bethenny is going to come across like a massive ass and liar if we see them. I think the producers are purposely making it come across as ambiguous because clarity would burn Bethenny.

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18 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Whenever Sonja does go to return the bag, we'll never hear the end of it when she realizes it's one of the cheaper bags they sell.  

Why presume she doesn't already know this?  She was married to a rich guy and most likely knows the value of the bag (in relation to other LV bags).  Heck, even commoners like me know this bag and what it cost, as very many people carry it.  Even Kyle Richards, Lisa Vanderpump and Camille Grammar have sported this bag on their show.  It's  very popular, despite it being one of the "cheaper" bags they sell.  For those of you who dont know (I'm sure there are a few), the LV Neverfull retails around $1200 - $1300 for the medium size one, which looks like the one that Sonja received.   The good thing about it that might help Sonja out, is that the body of the bag could be wiped clean with a damp cloth.  No need for a sharpie.

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47 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Sonja. Oh Sonja. She's not fun to watch. I don't know if she's camping it up for the cameras or going mad, but I don't need to watch her do the sniff test on her underwear, go party hopping for food,  make her workman cringe with her sexual references, kiss Bethany's ass,  or talk about being legacy, when she's not one,  her daughter is. That's so delusional.

Sometimes I wonder if the viewer's aren't quite in on the joke.  Like, she displays all this crass and wacky behavior but you can tell that most members of the cast genuinely LIKE her.  Bethenny, Lu, Ramona.  And she's still invited and very visible in NYC society, galas & luncheons, etc. - outside of her RHONY gigs - so she's not a complete pariah.

I've got to wonder what these non-TV people think of her.  I, personally, think she's probably funny and light hearted to be around.  Maybe some of the true society dames find  her to be a breath of fresh air - wishing they could take the sticks out of their bums long enough to drink pitchers of margaritas and jump in the pool topless after seducing the cabana boy.

And some, I'm sure find her just as vulgar and gross as some of you do.

For me, Sonja is just like Alex was.  I just can't get too worked up about her one way or the other.

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13 minutes ago, DelicateDee said:

  The good thing about it that might help Sonja out, is that the body of the bag could be wiped clean with a damp cloth. 

 A travel bidet! How wonderful!

Edited by film noire
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1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

Does anyone know if Carole kept the job at Cosmo and met her deadline for the article that was due in two weeks following?

I think this pre-dates the season: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a9105713/carole-radziwill-jfk-jr-plane-crash/

And, wonky editing not being factored in, this looks like it's more than 2 weeks after her meeting, but sounds like what she was talking to them about: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/a18675877/carole-radziwill-cosmo-essay/

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Ramona's shifty eyes during her conversation with Dorinda makes me think she did in fact go to Tom's party, lol.

Sonja talking about vegan than running to the raw bar is just more evidence to me that Sonja is just not a credible person but because she acts so damn whacky, people just chalk her up to be harmless but she's definitely got mean girl in her. 

Dorinda was in fact talking to people about her issue with Bethenny but she was being passive aggressive about it. Instead of just saying 'I wanted a really big acknowledgement in front of everyone', she made it seem like she was just going to be the bigger person and move past what Bethenny had done to her. Bethenny acts like an asshole but this is a situation where I do side with her. 

Tinsley often doesn't act like she's got much going on upstairs but I think she was pretty spot on about Luann going about so quickly because she thought she could convince everyone that she was strong and had moved on from Tom. 

Listening more to this stuff between Carole and Bethenny (which I'm totally okay if we don't have to hear about this again), I'm inclined to believe that this perceived shift in their relationship was more Bethenny's paranoia after having said too much about Adam when thinking he and Carole were no longer a couple. When Carole defended Adam instead of agree with Bethenny (or show more understanding toward Bethenny's point of view), I think Bethenny took that as Carole being upset with her. And then everything Carole said and did (or didn't say and didn't do) became Bethenny reading too much into it. Bethenny admitting that she regretted what she said is just more evidence to me that Bethenny was being paranoid about everything which is what Carole picked up on and now both of them are under the impression that the other is upset with them and distancing themselves...to the point where now they really are upset with each other and distancing themselves. I would hope that the hug would be the end of it but judging from the blogs and given that this franchise lives off of retelling the same grievances over and over again, I suspect that we'll be hearing about this again, lol. 

I think Luann's regret is legit and I'm willing to believe that the rehab wasn't a stunt to rehab her image. Her emotions when recounting having to make that phone call to her mother and kids...and to be able to acknowledge that her behaviour could have hurt someone else (and not just thinking about herself), sounds like someone who has been genuinely mulling over the bad decisions they made. 

I really liked Bobby...I'm probably going to feel quite sad watching next week's episode. 

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after listening to her interview about taking back a fake thank you LV present from a guest on her yacht, I’m a little suspicious that I haven’t seen her using the handbag I gave her. Hmmmmm...aaaand I just died lol 

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I'm sorry in advance if this has been mentioned or asked but wasn't Carole a "teetotaler" when she first joined the housewives?  It may not have been no alcohol but little if none, right?

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21 hours ago, sadiebyuca said:

Stop it with your logic.  Sonja isn't interested in logic! 

That's like saying she should put her dirty panties in the hamper and she wouldn't have to smell which ones were used.  Sonja doesn't play like that!


Somehow I can picture Sonja rummaging through her hamper to find the least smelly panties.


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1 hour ago, DelicateDee said:

Why presume she doesn't already know this?  She was married to a rich guy and most likely knows the value of the bag (in relation to other LV bags).  Heck, even commoners like me know this bag and what it cost, as very many people carry it.  Even Kyle Richards, Lisa Vanderpump and Camille Grammar have sported this bag on their show.  It's  very popular, despite it being one of the "cheaper" bags they sell.  For those of you who dont know (I'm sure there are a few), the LV Neverfull retails around $1200 - $1300 for the medium size one, which looks like the one that Sonja received.   The good thing about it that might help Sonja out, is that the body of the bag could be wiped clean with a damp cloth.  No need for a sharpie.

Thanks for the LV info.  I am one of those who knows nothing about them!  (Other than they are expensive -- which to me is any bag more than $100 -- and I don't spend even that much.).  ??

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21 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

I didn’t see this as purchasing her favor so much as Tinsley ditching Sonja, while bribing her at the same time. Two birds, one stone. Tinsley doesn’t actually have to room with Sonja, but gets the credit for inviting her. And bonus Sonja will have no room to complain. As I said on Twitter, Kadooz to Tinsley. Nicely played.

Tinsley also won't have to worry about Sonja taking or wearing any of her clothes or walking off with jewelry.

I want to know where Quincy's dog was.

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6 hours ago, Rap541 said:

God knows Bethenny isn't great at relationships but honestly, Carole is not coming across well. Now, I will also be honest. My reaction to the Adam/Carole thing was that she was having a mid life crisis dating a hot guy half her age who was obviously using her for her lifestyle, money, and contacts, and when the treats dry up, Adam will move on. Ironically, he's the type of guy Sonja says she *won't* date. Currently, I think Carole has a whole lot of delusion going on about the relationship with Adam so I feel sorry for her, but that doesn't stop me from noting how childish and ridiculous she's being over a guy who pretty clearly is using her. 

Carole believes she is an insouciant, free-spirited, highly-desirable, ageless sophisticate and that that was why Adam was with her.  She's pissed and humiliated that Beth is speaking plain and shattering her delusions: Adam is a user who was with her for her connections, a place to live, access to things, etc.  Just like he was with Lu's niece.

Also, Beth is bullish but if someone is good enough friends with you to take several vacations together, they are good enough friends to ask you to donate your time and talent to a good cause.  It wasn't like he was supposed to pay his own way, right?

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1 hour ago, ryebread said:

Sometimes I wonder if the viewer's aren't quite in on the joke.  Like, she displays all this crass and wacky behavior but you can tell that most members of the cast genuinely LIKE her.  Bethenny, Lu, Ramona.  And she's still invited and very visible in NYC society, galas & luncheons, etc. - outside of her RHONY gigs - so she's not a complete pariah.

I've got to wonder what these non-TV people think of her.  I, personally, think she's probably funny and light hearted to be around.  Maybe some of the true society dames find  her to be a breath of fresh air - wishing they could take the sticks out of their bums long enough to drink pitchers of margaritas and jump in the pool topless after seducing the cabana boy.

And some, I'm sure find her just as vulgar and gross as some of you do.

For me, Sonja is just like Alex was.  I just can't get too worked up about her one way or the other.

They keep her close otherwise she spreads gossip/lies about them in page six! LOL

23 minutes ago, raiderred1 said:

I'm sorry in advance if this has been mentioned or asked but wasn't Carole a "teetotaler" when she first joined the housewives?  It may not have been no alcohol but little if none, right?

Carole never was much of a drinker and she still isn't, at least compared to the rest of them! LOL

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I just read Tamara Tattles purple pen take down of Carole's latest blog. It is brilliant, and so spot on. I am always amused at Carole's defense of Adam. at how he was working as a chef for Luann and making next to nothing. Carole seems totally blinded to the fact that if Adam were capable of making more than next to nothing, he certainly could have by not living off Lu, and getting a real job. He obviously was not all that ambitious, and preferred the lifestyle that Lu could offer. FFS, the guy was in his late 20s then. Please don't make him out to be some young, starving artist being taken advantage of, Carole. Sheesh. 

Interesting comment from a reader at the end of the blog. Apparently Carole's friend lost her husband last May, and by this past Valentine's day was in a hot and heavy committed lesbian relationship with Samantha Ronson. So it doesn't appear as if Carole's visit to California at Christmas was to comfort a grieving widow, as her visit last summer was. Not that there is anything wrong with that of course, but I wonder if Carole will continue the narrative of sacrificing her time to comfort a grieving friend. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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21 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Sonja is so jealous of Tinsley. That thing with the waiter bringing Tinsley a drink k,  then Sonja pointing out he was hired to and that Tinsley has a boyfriend. So gross. 

Oh,  she needs to stop! 

I think she needed to get Tnsley out of the way so that she could tell the waiter to get her some plastic containers from the kitchen, so that she could take the entire seafood station. Probably asked for some extra bags too so she could take the ice.

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12 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Tinsley also won't have to worry about Sonja taking or wearing any of her clothes or walking off with jewelry.

I want to know where Quincy's dog was.

Having the new growth touched up, then a pedicure and blissfully off to doggy daycare.

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1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

I really liked Bobby...I'm probably going to feel quite sad watching next week's episode. 

I noticed in the preview for the next episode that when Bethenny is talking to Jill about Bobby's death, she makes sure to say "I'm alone too."  That can be taken in a "I understand your loneliness, Jill," way, or in a "You think you got it rough?  I've been alone for a long time myself" kind of way.  It was just a short clip, so I hope that Bethenny doesn't turn Bobby's death into a moment all about her.   I have a SIL who is known to do this.  Everything is about her.  Nobody else can possibly be experiencing the loss of a family member like her.  It only affects her.  Ugh. 

Edited by ChitChat
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4 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I hope that Bethenny doesn't turn Bobby's death into a moment all about her.

Of course she will, and certainly her 5-minute marriage and on-again/off-again relationship with Dennis the Married Menace can be compared to Jill's 16 year marriage.

Speaking of Dennis, does he know that she's "alone"?

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2 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Of course she will, and certainly her 5-minute marriage and on-again/off-again relationship with Dennis the Married Menace can be compared to Jill's 16 year marriage.

Jill might need to have Dorinda give Bethenny the "Don't compare your divorce to me losing my husband" rant!  I can picture a hobbled Dorinda ranting and waving her cane at Bethenny!  

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Carole is starting to resemble one of those dried apple granny things (that have always given me the creeps). Her eyes are almost gone she’s so puffy from fillers....or from something. 

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3 hours ago, tveyeonyou said:

Your post is everything., especially the part about the Red Cross <3 

Also, I have normal television hate for different HWs but I can't help it, I have a real true hatred for Carole. She is beyond horrible.

There was quite an interesting investigative report done on the Red Cross and what they have done after hurricane Sandy, Haiti, Louisiana. They won't open their books and only do so when the public shames them into doing so. They charity is a sham

Edited by Martinigirl
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