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Season 3 Discussion

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8 hours ago, GuiltiestPleasures said:

For everyone saying that Nicole's mother should just take Mae away, remember that in most states, grandparents cannot even get visitation orders very easily if the child's parent doesn't want them to. And the process of finding a parent incompetent is very complicated and strict (for good reason - it *shouldn't* be easy to take a child from a parent b/c as you can imagine, or see on our southern borders right now, the damage of family separation is very real). Without clear evidence of child abuse or severe neglect, if I were Nicole's parent's attorney, I would tell them it was absolutely in their best interest to stay in Nicole's life as much as possible. If I remember correctly, that is even the reasoning her father gave for giving her money and sponsoring Azan's application; that he'd rather have her, and Mae, here in the states and not in Morrocco. But, without more, a court is unlikely to find moving abroad alone sufficient reason to take a child away, unless there was a second parent objecting.

I don't know the details of custody rules in Nicole's state (I also don't at the present moment remember what state that is - Florida?) but it is absolutely not a slam dunk that Grandma and Grandpa there could get custody even if they wanted to. Their best bet would be, frankly, bribing her to get her to leave Mae home and/or send Mae home after the wedding. Perhaps that's why Mom bought the dress and it sounds like all of the parents are heading over for the "wedding" that I'm sure they're paying for. 

Yep I agree.  All Robbalee can and should do, legally, is stay in May's life and play nice to be with May as much as she can.  I worked in a high poverty school with two social workers, lots and LOTS of family dysfunction and Nicole and May are nowhere near what I saw daily.  She is fed, clothed, teeth seem clean, hair is clean and combed and there are no medical issues that seem to be unattended.  Sure the food is junky but kids came to school eating chocolate pop tarts, Mountain Dew and Taki Chips....so yeah the fries are not the best but May is not overweight (yet) and she could eat better in her grandma's care.  We would call home/work for Mom or Dad to come to school to retrieve Junior as Junior has a 103 temp (he came to school, sick, actually) and they never came.  Edited to add:  that was one day out of 188 student days, and only one kid.  I won't regale you with tales of the hundreds of other students over the other 187 days.

So......Nicole is not Mom of the Year, and frankly I can't stand her or her Fantasy Land World but the chatter about Robbalee getting custody is unwarranted.  I, too, would set a timer on that Ipad and introduce better foods and I don't know.....play with her?  Make her a priority???  Yes I sound holier than thou but now that my kids are 19 and 20 I still miss laying around with them while playing blocks, making train tracks, playing Legos, reading and just being goofy.  (I am not crying, YOU'RE CRYING!) 

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

So......Nicole is not Mom of the Year, and frankly I can't stand her or her Fantasy Land World but the chatter about Robbalee getting custody is unwarranted.  I, too, would set a timer on that Ipad and introduce better foods and I don't know.....play with her?  Make her a priority???  Yes I sound holier than thou but now that my kids are 19 and 20 I still miss laying around with them while playing blocks, making train tracks, playing Legos, reading and just being goofy.  (I am not crying, YOU'RE CRYING!) 

YES. It was sad to see Azan pick up May at the airport and see May so focused on her tablet that she couldn't interact with him without being TOLD.  

Interact with your child once in a while, Nicole.  It will amaze you with what you BOTH learn.   She could take a page of of Book Anfisa and look at how she was portrayed and seemingly made an effort to change her behavior (at least on screen, we don't know what goes on when the cameras are gone), she'd have one less thing people are taking her to task for on social media.  

So frustrating. 

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3 minutes ago, ALittleShelfish said:

YES. It was sad to see Azan pick up May at the airport and see May so focused on her tablet that she couldn't interact with him without being TOLD.  

Interact with your child once in a while, Nicole.  It will amaze you with what you BOTH learn.   She could take a page of of Book Anfisa and look at how she was portrayed and seemingly made an effort to change her behavior (at least on screen, we don't know what goes on when the cameras are gone), she'd have one less thing people are taking her to task for on social media.  

So frustrating. 

Exactly.  And in full disclosure:  Did my kids watch TV?  Hell yes.  Mommy had laundry to get done or wanted to balance the checkbook, lol.  Thomas the Tank engine VHS tapes were my friend, in moderation.  And yes, we all watched "Arthur" and "Clifford the Big Red Dog" on PBS together.  Again, in moderation Nicole.  Kinda like those fries.......OH SNAP!

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How can Hassam and Nicole can afford a hotel if they are broke? 

Pabola looks ridiculous in her minnie mouse hat and I swear Russell is too stupid to leave Pabola since she keeps inviting Juan back

Annie should know why David is taking a long time to find a job! I do not understand how Annie can not see how David is lazy!

So Chantel thinks the investigation is ridiculous and still went with her family anyway? At least she walked out but she should never went in the first place! Nicole is a ungrateful bitch and I thought the couch costs $700 instead of $1,000?

I hope Anfisa will get her green card and leave, Jorge is making her life hell

I do not care for Molly and Luis but I am glad they are divorced now

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Vandy10 said:

I must be living in a strange world, because in my world, it’s well known and normal for immigrants to send money back to their families in poor countries. It’s also normal for adults, even married ones, to password protect their phones. Either this is for the cameras, or this PI is stupid as hell.

Chantel’s family still sucks.

It’s not normal when your own family has less than your family abroad do. I am married to an immigrant. He rarely sent money to his mother and sister. Now that his mother has passed and his sister lives on a pension, he does send money but always asks me first, and it’s not monthly-his choice, not mine. 

1 hour ago, KBrownie said:

Just a tad too late to be taking some big stand Chantel.  You've already betrayed Pedro just by showing up hun.  Your mere presence and willingness to go with your stupid family, without telling Pedro I'm sure, crossed a major line.  Yet she's pissed that Pedro didn't tell her about the plane ticket for Nicole?  Please.  

And her beef is just so damn petty.  "They live in a 2-bedroom/bath and I live in a one-bedroom."  Does she not understand that the cost of living in the DR might just be a little less than Atlanta?  And why can't Pedro be secretive with his money?  Ya'll wanted that pre-nup so bad because he might take princess's money, so he's just going along with the "what's mine is mine" dichotomy they established.  

I disagree. In a true partnership, they would disclose everything and decide how their money is spent jointly. This is a red flag toward divorce. 

Chantel didn’t want a prenup. It was foisted on her by her parents. 

  • Love 15

I'd assume that the advisors with the bad hair are the only ones who are willing to go on TV.

Pedro and Chantel, if you expect regular visitors from Pedro's family, instead of buying a regular couch, buy a sofabed. Pull it out to a nice double or queen sized mattress. Sister Pedro should have accepted the couch - it was nice and roomy and looked comfortable. Otherwise, find a motel or hotel and stay there and visit with your brother. Pedro needs to stop making these sorts of decisions on his own and actually talk to his wife - about the visits and about the amount of money he sends home each month.

No need for the entire family to go to the private investigator. The sister and brother? None of their business.

Molly, there may be a new saying out there - what happens in the Dominican stays in the Dominican. I doubt very much that Luis did a 180 on you. He may have been a bit nicer to you in hopes of getting a Green Card, but people don't really change. Sucks that you have to get a divorce and apparently be on the hook for him for 10 years. There really should be a 3 year exit clause from those visas for things like fraud.

I was expecting a classier body art session from Pao. Something like out of the X Men movies. Not a painted top and cheap Daisy Dukes. It's not art. I didn't see it as being all that disgraceful - seen more on music videos and such. Russ overreacted. Juan was really ugly. Pao's husband doesn't care that you don't like him. He doesn't need your blessing. If Pao wants to leave him or Russ wants to dump her, so be it.

Nicole, who is going to pay for your visit to Morocco? Azan? Has he found a job? How does he afford a hotel? Is your money paying for it? The town where Azan took her looked small and not quite the same as her home digs, where she had places to go.

Annie, your new friends sure have a better life than you. They have the kids and the house, and you have boom-boom. Since he appears to have little desire to work and ever give you the chance to have kids, cut your loss and get out. Maybe one of your friends can set you up with an immigration lawyer/centre for newcomers and you can find someone to talk to who can give you your options. Bhatman will not change and you will not get your fairytale ending - the rose will wither from the jar and the castle will stay as-is.

Jorge, start being honest with Anfisa. She is your wife and not a piece of property for you. I doubt you really want her and I am sure you can find another woman to ply with bags and fake riches.

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1 hour ago, Mercolleen said:

I want Azan's sweater to have its own talking head.

And why does everyone think that marriage = sharing all passwords? No. Just no. I trust Mr. Mercolleen after 15 years, and we share a bank account, but neither of us can get into the other person's phone. 

If you’re not willing to share, I think it demonstrates a lack of trust. My husband doesn’t go into my phone though he knows my password.  He updates my PC but doesn’t use it. I know his passwords but don’t access his devices. We have no secrets, and never have in 33 years of marriage. Neither of us has access to our kids’ devices, though we pay for them. 

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5 minutes ago, Real Eyes said:

I disagree. In a true partnership, they would disclose everything and decide how their money is spent jointly. This is a red flag toward divorce. 

Chantel didn’t want a prenup. It was foisted on her by her parents. 

Chantel is supposedly an adult isn't she?  Nothing was foisted on her.  If she didn't want it, she could have said no.  She didn't.  So if her money being her money is good for her, Pedro can do whatever he wants with his.  You talk about partnership, but then talk about Chantel being forced to do stuff by her parents.  Which is it?  She can't be in a partnership with Pedro, but still under her family's thumb now can she?  The partnership she's in IS with her parents, not Pedro.  That's the problem.  If she had not let her family be as intrusive and rude as they've been, maybe she would have a leg to stand on when it comes to Pedro's family.  

Their relationship isn't a true partnership.  It never was.  It was Chantel and her family vs. Pedro from Day 1.  That's fine with Chantel because it works to her advantage.  As long as she is still is functioning with her family as a unit rather than an independent person, I have no problems with Pedro or anything else he does with his family.  What's good for one is good for all.  Chantel is just too stupid to see what a hypocrite she and her family are.  They also lack a basic level of self-awareness.  Another case in point.  She doesn't want drama from Pedro's sister, but lets her idiot siblings say whatever they want.  And the previews show Winter talking shit about Nicole?  Sit your lame ass down Winter and get a life of your own.  Equal partnership isn't one-sided.  Nor is it asking for one's permission when the other isn't held to the same standard.  

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Why was it creeping me out that Pao's father was nervously shaking his leg during the nude talk and photo shoot. If you're uncomfortable to do something in front of your parents then either it's a bad  idea or don't have them there. Also, Pao, you don't really love Russ. 

I get that Pedro was trying to be a gracious host to his sister, and wanted her to be happy, but I don't think sister Pedro learned the same graciousness as her brother. Extremely rude! 

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Chantel is a bitch. Nobody needs to buy a 1000 dollar couch if they are living in a studio apartment they can barely afford. It's not the sister's fault. Look, buying a blow up mattress isn't a huge deal.  She didn't demand the bed. True, it probably won't fit in the apartment but still. It's not worth all this drama. And I do feel for the sister for getting all stressed. I know she's not the best but Chantel could have a better attitude, she is the guest. If she was going to be this annoyed, she should stay away for the weekend with her parents.

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26 minutes ago, Real Eyes said:

But it’s not their marriage and Chantel is unhappy about Pedro’s actions. 

No it's not her parents marriage but she still let them insult Pedro's family at every turn. Not their marriage but she's sitting in the investigators office with them.  She wants her family to be a package deal but has conniptions because Pedro is close to his family? 

Seems unfair.

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