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S36.E13: Always Be Moving


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I think Laurel wants Dom or Wendell to take out the other so she doesn’t have blood on her hands. I know they’ve had a good partnership but I think Dom is more likely to cut Wendell loose, knowing he’s a threat at the end. Wendell seems more loyal to a fault. I also don’t understand Laurel’s thought of “y’all will split the votes and I’ll get the rest” at the final tribal. If there is going to be a ten-person jury, and 4 vote for  Dominick and 4 for Wendell, you don’t win in that scenario, Laurel. Maybe she was just trying to say something to ease their fears but I feel like she said it in a talking head too. I guess it could go 3-3-4 but I don’t think anyone is THAT impressed by her gameplay and THAT bitter with both boys. We shall soon see! 

  • Love 6

I'm gonna go through and read all the posts, but I gotta get mine in before that before I forget everything I wanted to say lol.

I'm obsessed with Donathan. He made the first interesting ep since the merge and for that I thank him. And just in general I love him for deciding to play to fucking win instead of just sitting on his ass and letting Dom/Wendell make all his decisions for him. Sure, everything he did was stupid and too much, but at least he fucking did something. Plus it was super fun watching him make Wendell so sad that someone dared to question him.

Wendell turned into a real bitch in this ep. Wow. Stunning really. What a baby. 

Laurel continues to disappoint. Also, she was causing me so much second-hand embarrassment again. First when she got in between Wendell and Dom and held their hands at the reward and then when she apologized to Wendell after she won Immunity. And then her "Well, Wendell is sad he didn't win the IC so I can't vote him out today!" It's sad watching her tbh.

  • Love 14

Yea, Laurel knows that both Wendell and Dom have an idol. What I wonder is if she told Donathan about it. Based on him going crazy, I'm assuming she did not.

12 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Donathan is really handsome. Like when the camera is just focused on him, and he's not speaking.  And I think he has cool hair.

I've been thinking almost all season that Donathan really ought to try modeling. He has a beautiful face.

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I like Kellyn and her enthusiasm for the game and I cut Donathan slack on his attitude...it's just fear speaking.

But, I lost all sympathy when they and the rest couldn't get their shit together enough to get rid of the biggest threats in the game - Dom and Wendell.  As Mr. T says, "No pity for the fool!"

I'm not sure if Dom and Wendell deserve all the goodness that is coming their way from a gameplay perspective OR if it's just that they have an easy path to it given the buffoonery of the others!  I think it's mostly the latter.

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52 minutes ago, UGAmp said:

 I also don’t understand Laurel’s thought of “y’all will split the votes and I’ll get the rest” at the final tribal. If there is going to be a ten-person jury, and 4 vote for  Dominick and 4 for Wendell, you don’t win in that scenario, Laurel. Maybe she was just trying to say something to ease their fears but I feel like she said it in a talking head too. I guess it could go 3-3-4 but I don’t think anyone is THAT impressed by her gameplay and THAT bitter with both boys.

Yeah, I didn't get that 'splitting the votes' logic, either.  I think in Ponderosa these people discuss their votes and most likely predetermine the winner before FTC, just to avoid that sort of result, or a tie.  

12 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Yeah, I've been waiting for this moment all season.  Yet as I mentioned before, it didn't leave me as satisfied as I wanted it to.  However, Kellyn had her own opportunities to flip her game and get rid of Dom/Wendell, except she was so damn Naviti strong.  Call me crazy, but I'd be interested in seeing Kellyn again.  Deep down I think there's a far less annoying gamer in there and I'd like to see how she'd do on a second try.

I agree with some others who said Donathan's paranoia didn't just come out of nowhere; the RC outcome was him realizing that he was, in fact, on the bottom of the 4 person alliance.  Dom/Wendell may not have realized they were feeding his paranoia, and even when they said he could go through their bags, I didn't think they were too convincing.  I can see what he was trying to do in telling Wendell that he would vote for Dom as well.  It was just poorly executed.  I'm still rooting for the kid.  At least someone is trying to make a move!

I would love to know what Laurel thinks of her edit and gamplay (or lack of), especially tonight, when she basically conceded that she isn't getting rid of Dom/Wendell.  Those two continue to play Russian routlette with their idols, and Laurel would probably know more for a fact than Donathan if they planned on pulling them out.  She had her chances, and she's blowing them.  She seems so different from the girl at the start of the season who was all talk about big moves.

Not just the bottom of the 4. With them sending Sebastian to Ghost Island for a possible advantage, Donathan might have been thinking Sebastian had taken his place in the top 4. That just might have caused him to be a bit perturbed. 

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I love this season, to me it was amazing in HVV, when Russel flipped a vote at TC, these two are doing that constantly using code words, whispering and everything else and nobodys doing anything about it. I just cant help but be amazed.

Apparently according to interviews, Kellyn also tried turning Dom on Wendell and vice versa. Shouldve been the strategy when you guys had the numbers because as of now, I don't see Angela and Sebastian being suavay enough to pull something like that off.

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3 minutes ago, greyflannel said:

Not just the bottom of the 4. With them sending Sebastian to Ghost Island for a possible advantage, Donathan might have been thinking Sebastian had taken his place in the top 4. That just might have caused him to be a bit perturbed. 

Good point.  Did they even give any idea why they sent Seb?  To give him a false sense of security to keep him voting with them?  

It's a good thing they did vote out Kellyn on the re-vote or Donathan would've been responsible for his own exit due to voting for Dom instead of Kellyn first round, causing the tie.

2 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Yeah, I didn't get that 'splitting the votes' logic, either.  I think in Ponderosa these people discuss their votes and most likely predetermine the winner before FTC, just to avoid that sort of result, or a tie.  

It’s almost like in Laurel logic either the tied votes would cancel each other out and therefore not count (not the case) or folks would be so torn between Dom and Wendell, they’d vote for the third. It made no sense. 

I hope there’s a tie at the FTC one of these days. I want to see the third person break the tie ever since we found out that’s the final tiebreaker. 

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2 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Yeah, I didn't get that 'splitting the votes' logic, either.  I think in Ponderosa these people discuss their votes and most likely predetermine the winner before FTC, just to avoid that sort of result, or a tie.  

I think what she meant was that she thought they'd cancel each other out and people would vote for her instead.  

42 minutes ago, Novel8 said:

I'm rooting for Wendl over Dom...just what has Dom contributed other than his gift of gab.  If Donathan should manage to be one of the three, i hope he wins. BTW, are we overlooking Sebastian? Don't forget his prize at Ghost Island. I suspect he is going to make a real big move in next weeks show.

I’m unspoiled but I’m beginning to wonder if the quantity of talk of only certain people possibly winning is a function of how many people here do read spoilers and already know who makes FTC.   

44 minutes ago, Novel8 said:

I'm rooting for Wendl over Dom...just what has Dom contributed other than his gift of gab.  If Donathan should manage to be one of the three, i hope he wins. BTW, are we overlooking Sebastian? Don't forget his prize at Ghost Island. I suspect he is going to make a real big move in next weeks show.

Dom has been keeping an eye on everything and talking to just about everyone in his alliances. He was the one to inform Kellyn that Des was targeting Kellyn and who told Kellyn that they were voting out Des. Dom is the person who worked with Kellyn that vote, not Wendell. Remember the Kellyn statement that the girls wanted Michael gone and Dom looking over his coffee cup and saying "Really?" They voted out Des that night. Dom is the person wh brought Donathon into the Mixed Alliance, Wendell brought Laurel. DOnathon provided just as much info to Dom and Wendell as Laurel has. Dom has won individual immunity and has controlled a good number of the votes. Wendell and Dom make a good team, I think it is as close to a 50/50 partnership as we have seen on this show. Either Wendell or Dom can make a solid case at the final. If anything, Dom has the slight edge in game play because he was able to calm himself down and stop playing liek a paranoid nut job. Apparently he handed that role off to Donathon.


22 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Season would've been better if it wasn't boring and obvious Dom or Wendell win

I love a season where there is clearly dominant play. I loved Kim Spradlin (sp) for the same reason that I love Dom and Wendell. They are playing the game beautifully. They used the Naviti smugness and bizarre sense of loyalty, Naviti Strong, to their benefit. They worked the Malolo split perfectly. The season has not had the "big moves" that some people love but it has had masterful game play by Dom and Wendell.  The person who wins will win for the right reason, they played the game well. I'll take that over watching asshates like Russel, Brandon, Brad, Coach and the like any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

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4 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I’m unspoiled but I’m beginning to wonder if the quantity of talk of only certain people possibly winning is a function of how many people here do read spoilers and already know who makes FTC.   

I read the spoilers and I can honestly say that I have not seen a final three in that topic. The boot list has been very disjointed with more groupings of boot offs then a specific list. The few times I saw a specific list it was, well, wrong. I could totally have missed something when skimming but I can safely say that I am not spoiled on the final three.

I cannot see a way that Wendell and Dom do not make the final four. They both have idols and no real reason to not play them. Dom and Wendell are most likely to win individual immunity at this point. They are in good shape and both are decent with puzzles. So I can see one of them winning immunity and having an idol at the final five. Laurel is going to vote with Wendell and Sea Bass will probably vote the way Dom or Wendell  will tell him to vote. God knows what is going through Angela's head. I don't think we have heard from her in ages. Donathon is likely to vote for Dom or Wendell. I would be shocked if the final four does not include Wendell, Dom and Laurel. The question who is ther goatier goat, Sea Bass, Angela or Donathon. 

And then who wins the fire making contest.

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12 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

I love a season where there is clearly dominant play. I loved Kim Spradlin (sp) for the same reason that I love Dom and Wendell. They are playing the game beautifully. They used the Naviti smugness and bizarre sense of loyalty, Naviti Strong, to their benefit. They worked the Malolo split perfectly. The season has not had the "big moves" that some people love but it has had masterful game play by Dom and Wendell.  The person who wins will win for the right reason, they played the game well. I'll take that over watching asshates like Russel, Brandon, Brad, Coach and the like any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Yea, you don't get big moves when the people in power are actually good at what they do, and the people out of power aren't.   It's a thing of beauty to watch. Since its a rare occurrence that these games happen, Im not hating it.  Now if the wrong power duo got in control (say Kellyn and Bradley), this would've been the season a lot of people wanted since I think more moves would've happened.

Edited by Oscirus
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1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Good point.  Did they even give any idea why they sent Seb?  To give him a false sense of security to keep him voting with them?  

It's a good thing they did vote out Kellyn on the re-vote or Donathan would've been responsible for his own exit due to voting for Dom instead of Kellyn first round, causing the tie.

I don't remember them showing any talk of why they sent Sebastian, but I would think you'd want to keep any shot at an advantage within your core alliance. It seems like Donathan had already turned them against him at this point.

13 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I’m unspoiled but I’m beginning to wonder if the quantity of talk of only certain people possibly winning is a function of how many people here do read spoilers and already know who makes FTC.   

Im unspoiled, but 2 of the final 3 are fairly obvious in editing.  Maybe survivor shocks us with a seabass angela don/laurel f3 but i really doubt it.

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1 minute ago, Oscirus said:

Now if the wrong power duo got in control (say Kellyn and Bradley) were in control, this would've been the season a lot of people wanted since I think more moves would've happened.

Holy hell.  This season would have been the worst ever, of any television series in the history of time, if that had happened.

I wish we knew the order the captains were drawn for the RC.  Because if Wendell was not first, why wouldn’t you pick Dom to split them up?  Unless Laurel and SeaBass were remembering how Dom was at diving and thought maybe that “ability” spread to any athletic activity Dom may try to do.

I seriously feel Wendell may be one of the best athletes this show has ever had, and I don’t even know if he is an athlete or just good at stuff.

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15 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I can't imagine having to endure that RC without getting the food.  They would have been so depleted at that point.  They have to be getting salt pills periodically, right? 

This is a bit of a nagging point for me - that we have not seen them fishing, gathering fruit, etc.  Not that we have to be regaled with food minutiae, but this episode suggested that many of them were breaking down due to lack of food.  But having never seen what or how often they are eating, this is just one of many things that has me confused this season.


14 hours ago, sally-can-wait said:

So maybe I misread this but I thought the whole Dom putting something in Wendell’s bag was to trick Donathon into looking in it and finding the fake idol? Or was that not what was happening? They showed that conversation with Dom and Wendell right before and it just confused me because why would they want to trick him?

I didn't get that either.  It was just the three of them there at the time, so obviously if D & W start to whisper and act suspicious, then of course Donathan is going to notice.  I thought they had to have been wanting him to snoop, otherwise why not just wait until they're alone?  That entire scene made no sense to me, unless the goal was to alienate Donathan, but why would they want to do that when they had a solid four?


13 hours ago, EllenB said:

I'm trying to find something interesting about this season, so I'm wondering if Dom and Wendell will have a Tom and Ian falling out.  "Whaddaya mean you wanna win?  You're just here to help ME win!"


Okay, that would salvage the whole season for me, right there.


6 hours ago, Haleth said:

(I forgot about Sebastian's extra vote.  That could be important next week.)

I was so excited about Ghost Island.  I foolishly talked it up to my friends who are burned out on Survivor.  I was all, "it's gonna be GREAT because you see there are all these idols and votes and f'in sticks and they're all going to show up again and it will be awesome trust me!"  But it couldn't have been more of a bust.  I can't fathom why they would need to recycle the extra vote used just a couple of weeks earlier?  I feel like the producers meant for GI to be one thing, but for various reasons things didn't work out the way they wanted so they're just - I don't even know, throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks?  It's both boring and confusing.  And don't get me started on the players having to break the "yurns" in numerical order.


2 hours ago, enoughcats said:

Somehow must include Mrs. Dom.

She scared me.  Like, her intensity was unnerving.  So yes, please add her to the sitcom. :)


Other random thoughts on a very weird episode in what has been a really odd season:

Why did Wendell give Sebastian help on the slide puzzle by telling him to start at the top?  Was Wendell trying to throw the IC?  But to Sebastian?  Huh?

Kellyn's reaction to the second vote was strange to me...she started crying immediately - when earlier, she had a moderately triumphant expression as she listened to Donathan implode.  So it's like she knew she was gone on the second vote but not the first?

Why is no one scooping up Purple Angela and using her for a vote?  She was clearly dumbstruck at the second vote.  She doesn't know what is going on, has no real alliance that I can tell...she's just such an afterthought and I don't know why that is.  She's a number for someone!

This episode gave me strong flashbacks of sitting in my middle school algebra class, listening to the teacher explain formulas, while I only heard "wah-wah-wah."

Edited by laurakaye
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3 hours ago, UGAmp said:

I also don’t understand Laurel’s thought of “y’all will split the votes and I’ll get the rest” at the final tribal. 

That’s because it’s bullshit. :)  Laurel said as much during her associated TH; she’s just trying to give Dom and Wendell grounds to think of her as a non-threat and carry her along until she can “cut their throats”.  I doubt either Dom or Wendell truly bought it, either - but it’s a convenient fiction which allows everybody to get along for the time being.

News flash though, Laurel honey: you can’t cut any throats without taking your knife out of its sheath first.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Why is no one scooping up Purple Angela and using her for a vote?  She was clearly dumbstruck at the second vote.  She doesn't know what is going on, has no real alliance that I can tell...she's just such an afterthought and I don't know why that is.  She's a number for someone!

Angela is such a nonentity she may end up in the F3 just because everyone forgot she was there and never voted her out.

1 hour ago, Oscirus said:

Im unspoiled, but 2 of the final 3 are fairly obvious in editing.  Maybe survivor shocks us with a seabass angela don/laurel f3 but i really doubt it.

And that would be worse than a boring season where the power couple controlled it all the way.  3 players who did nothing special?  No thanks.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ProfCrash said:

And then who wins the fire making contest.

Oh God, I forgot about that. Why is this still a thing??? I should just accept the fact that it's going to piss me off but you know I'll be back here ranting about it after the finale lol.

While I agree that Dom & Wendell have dominated the last half of the game, it hasn't bothered me but that's probably because, not only do I like both of them, they're not completely obnoxious about it. There haven't been any hateful, bragging confessionals from either of them - just straight game talk, acknowledging both good and bad situations they've been in, but never making it personal.  

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Oh God, I forgot about that. Why is this still a thing??? I should just accept the fact that it's going to piss me off but you know I'll be back here ranting about it after the finale lol.

I didn't mind it being a surprise twist last season, but I also don't want this to be the way the Final 3 is determined for the rest of the show's days.  I have no idea how this is an improvement.  Getting to the final 3 is a huge deal and should be decided by how you played the entire game, not on how quickly you can build a fire under extreme pressure.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 6

All the talk about who will vote with who is just speculation, though.  We don't know who anyone is voting for moving forward.  Odds are high they will start playing their own games pretty soon here.  That could mean Dom blindsiding Wendell or about anything.  

And the fire making contest.  You can't idol your way out of that, or get people to pass you through, either.  

I do think the final three will consist of at least one of Dom/Wendell but I think it could go a lot of ways besides Dom/Wendell/Laurel.  

9 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I'm not sure it would have been smart for Laurel to try to take out Wendell and Dom at this point.

If she flipped and they voted out Dom this week and Wendell at the next TC, it would be Laurel, Kellyn, Donathan, Angela and SeaBass.  Laurel could well be at the bottom of that Final 5 or at least on the wrong side of a 3-2 split.

If she is in a Final 5 of Laurel, Dom, Wendell, Angela and SeaBass (or Donathan in place of one of the last 2), she would have a great chance of being part of an alliance of 3 to pick off Dom and Wendell, and then she would be in the Final 3 with 2 relatively weak players.

A lot of fans act as though every player has a clear and likely path to victory if they will only follow it.  But, the fact is, that by the merge, most players are dark horses at best.  If you try to make a "big move" too early to improve your chances at FTC, it usually causes you not to make FTC at all.

I think Laurel's best path both to FTC and to Sole Survivor was to vote off Kellyn and go after Dom and Wendell later.  She is a bit of a long shot either way, but she would have only hurt her chances for by going after Dom or Wendell last night.

Totally agree with this.  She can't make the move because like she says she couldn't trust the other side who have been planning to get her out.  Especially Kellyn.  You got to hang in and hope you can blindside either Dom or Wendell without them using their idol in one of the next two tribals then use that "leader of the blindside" on your resume at final three.

Like Nashville reminded everyone above, she was lying about those two splitting the votes giving her a chance because she clearly stated she was lying to keep them pacified.  She knows she has no chance against them together and her only Hail Mary is to get one out though right now she is probably playing for second place and knows it.

9 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

She doesn’t have the same ability to read people and their intentions as Dom and Wendell do. Donathan clearly would be a good final 4 because he’ll have a meltdown at the last moment and get voted off. I don’t think Laurel would get a single vote in final 3, she’s pissed too many people off with her flip-floppiness. As demonstrated in this episode.

She never flip-flopped once in the game and has been the most loyal player of them all.  The jury might think she did but her job at final would be to point out that she was ALWAYS true to her Alliance of Four throughout the game that the others didn't know about.  That and she was the one person from loser tribe that survived (Donathan just basically committed suicide this last episode) against all odds and if she can take one of Dom or Wendell out then that too.

8 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

I have enjoyed this season. I think Dom and Wendell have played a brilliant game. They have a tight two person alliance that everyone knows about and some how have been able to hold on to individual immunity idols for most of the game. That is bat shit crazy great game play.

Dom and Wendell encouraged the Navati Strong mantra, it allowed them to pick off the Malolo and strengthen their position in the game. I don't think I heard either of them every say Naviti Strong so they can point the Malolo back to Sea Bass, Angela, Chelsea, Kellyn, and Des and say "Hey, they wouldn't budge. We worked with Laurel and Donathon."

Dom and Wendell identified Laurel and Donathon as two on the bottom of Malolo and formed relationships with both of them. Wendell developed a strogner bond with Laurel and that has benefited both of them. They used Laurel and Donathon for information and used that info to vote out the people who were targeting Dom and Wendell. Hell, they even used it to vote off Des who was targeting Kellyn.

There is every indication that Dom and Wendell get along fine with pretty much everyone out there. They are controlling this game in a way that we rarely see. The weird thing is that that they have not turned on each other because they both have a solid case to win the entire thing. 

This is not a JP/Stephen or a Yul/Becky situation where there was a partnership but people saw one person as being the lead. This is a partnership were both partners are equals. The stupid thing to me is that they simply cannot take out the other because they both have idols. They are going to have to hope that one of them cannot make fire because they would be stupid to take the other to the final tribal. 

What is amazing to me is that people never seem to learn from the Dan Foley's and Sierra's of the world. Staying strong with your original tribe alliance is stupid. At some point in time you have to target your own alliance, especially when it is a larger alliance. Naviti Strong killed so many Naviti's this season. And the Malolo's seemed to be willing to help Naviti take out Malolo. Dom and Wendell used Naviti Strong just like Richard Hatch used Sean's Alphabetical voting system. The only people it helped was Dom and Wendell. 

Kellyn annoyed me when Bradley was in the game. THe two of them were smug and obnoxious. She seems to have faded into the past since Bradely left the game. I am fine with her going because she was one of the strong proponents of Naviti Strong. 

I can at least understand why Laurel and Donathon stuck with Dom and Wendell up until the last few votes. I have no clue why Sea Bass, Angela Chelsea, Kellyn, and Des could not get together and get rid of Dom and Wendell or at least make them play their idols. 

Had to re-post this because it was such a great post in my opinion.

8 hours ago, Haleth said:

It seems like everyone is playing for third right now, like they've conceded that Dom or Wendell is going to win.  And now with only 6 left they've run out of time.  The only possible way to shake things up would be to convince Dom and Wendell to go after each other, but editing hasn't really made it look like either of them has considered this an option.  I'd be happy if they decide to go to the end together and let the jury decide between them.

(I forgot about Sebastian's extra vote.  That could be important next week.)

Actually editing has set up a confrontation between Dom and Wendell before final three for several episodes.  Their confessionals a couple of episodes back were all about just that.  It was the episode where they were the final two for immunity and Dom won.  They both said they had to play for their families first and so needed to take out the other one before the end.  Now this could be editors' misdirection and it comes to nothing but then again the editors haven't been too subtle this season so I look for one to try and take out the other in the next two tribals.

7 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

But.  I think her [me: Laurel's] plan is to go after Dom and Wendell at 5 and 4, which would put her in FTC with 2 of Donathan, SeaBass and Angela, which would give her a good shot at winning.  I don't think it would be hard to arrange those votes, but the problem is that Dom and Wendell have idols, which I don't think Laurel knows about.   But, assuming Laurel doesn't know about the idols, her strategy seem sound.  If she made the move last night, she might have ended up at the bottom of the 5 of her, Kellyn, SeaBass, Angela and Donathan.  

The key to this all happening pretty much lies with of all people Mr Sea Bass and his extra vote as well.  You have to have complete secrecy to pull this off and we have seen Donathan cannot keep his yap closed between paranoia at camp and "truth bombs" at tribals.  Sebastian maybe could since he always presents at least a mellow, laid back persona.  Angela would go with whoever has the numbers thus protect her.

6 hours ago, Ellee said:

... SeaBass has the extra vote still. Doesn’t Dom have an extra something too?

Yes.  Dom played one of his extra advantages already.  I forget what it was now.  But on top of his real idol he still has access (he re-buried thus hid it) to his fake idol he found and he did say at the time he was the guy who would know how to make it work for him.  I don't think they left all that longish footage of him finding it and talking about it in that episode if it is just a moot point and doesn't figure into the game.  I'm going to listen carefully to the "previously" intro this final episode to see if Jeff mentions it in passing.

5 hours ago, Jextella said:

I'm not sure if Dom and Wendell deserve all the goodness that is coming their way from a gameplay perspective OR if it's just that they have an easy path to it given the buffoonery of the others!  I think it's mostly the latter.

Eh, you play the hand that is dealt to you and who wouldn't want your opponents to either not have good cards to play (loser tribe) or have them and misplay them for you (the "strong" whatever tribe).  I'd like to see both of them back again to see how they can play against better players but I don't blame them for dealing with some really big time "whatever strong!" idiots this time around.

4 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Good point.  Did they even give any idea why they sent Seb?  To give him a false sense of security to keep him voting with them?

They made a "final four" pack of the four remaining males during the last episode's reward.  I don't imagine it was necessarily real but Sea Bass must seem like an easy goat to Wendell and Dom and an alternative to Laurel who Wendell said they took on this episode's reward because she keeps sending them mixed signals.  He has also said that about Laurel in a few other episodes.  But with Laurel remaining loyal and Sea Bass still in the Bro Alliance and Donathan blowing-up and acting nuts it looks like Donathan is the one no longer in the Alliance of Four now.

Edited by green
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13 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

What about all the times she’s tried to get other people to vote out someone in her alliance?

About Laurel above.  What times?  She was in an alliance with Dom and Wendell and Donathan since the first few days of the game and has never betrayed any of them.  Putting out feelers everyone does.  That always happens.  But she never went against them nor cast a vote against any of them in tribal ever.  And any moves against them at this point would be seen as proper final game moves too.  No, she has been about the most loyal soldier ever on this show.

Since the merge I'm also sure every last person not named Dom or Wendell have talked about voting one of them out at one time or the other and those people were "whatever strong!" people who believed in loyalty to their tribe.  Laurel isn't in that bind so she would be expected to put out feelers by the jury members. 

And if they called her on it as being disloyal to Wendell and Dom she could say she was an undercover agent for her alliance too which turned out to be true a couple of times as well though only because she knew she couldn't make the move.  But they don't know that.  So she could say her job WAS to put out feelers and see who might be coming after her alliance-mates and then report back.

Edited by green
  • Love 3

I'm another one who is enjoying this season, but then I liked One World and while I fully acknowledge Redemption Island was terrible, I enjoyed seeing Rob walk away with it. I'm a bit basic when it comes to Survivor, I guess - if it's my faves dominating, I'm happy. And I like that at least this season there is a little bit of suspense as to who is going to win.

It made every bit of sense for Dom and Wendell to take Laurel on reward and it's probably good that they did - Donathan had all but flipped, and Laurel was on the fence, which I feel like they knew. Leaving Laurel at camp with Angela and Kellyn would have been a terrible idea. They should have spun it differently to Donathan though - told him that the reason they didn't take him was because he was the only one they trusted to stay behind with Kellyn and Angela, that he was their number three but they couldn't let on about that because Laurel was at risk of flipping blah blah blah. It would have made Donathan feel somewhat in control, and I think he needs to feel that.  

Donathan really blew up his spot tonight. I know he's at least trying, so I give him credit, but he's trying very badly. On the other hand, is he now playing for goat?

I liked that RC a lot. It was a little confusing to watch but the idea of it was cool - like a jumbo version of the FIC from Tocantins.   

I felt terrible for Wendell at IC. Yes, it was his own fault, and he knew that, but maaaan - I would have whined too. And probably for longer. I also wonder if there was some strategy to it, not that he threw the challenge, because he's not an idiot, but that he saw bringing attention to it and then "conceding" as something that would make Laurel less likely to vote for him. Which... it did, as ridiculously stupid as it was. That really *should* have been a million-dollar mistake. 

I'm still confused about the idols. Apparently everyone knows Dom and Wendell have idols, but everyone is playing as though they don't. Of all the reasons Laurel brings up for not flipping - they'll split the FTC votes, it's not right after Wendell nearly won IC, they've protected me blah blah blah - surely one would be that they both have idols and that means a flip might backfire and then leave her top of their hitlist? People are just going about trying to get numbers to get them out without any sort of idol plan-b. I know (no need to explain to me again) this is almost certainly editing but I am just confused as to why this editing is happening. 

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19 hours ago, Bosstonz16 said:

I replayed it and he does do the sweeping hand gesture indicating he finished before Laurel calls out Jeff's name.

yes, he does but it was not the expansive gesture he demonstrated after Laurel won.  It was very subdued and it looked more like he thought he had it and was double checking it.

Why didn't Kellyn try to take out Dom as she claimed she wanted.  If Donathan was on board and they got Angela and talked to Sebastian (who had two votes) they could have done it.    why are they all sitting there letting Dom and Wendell pick them off?

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1 minute ago, watch2much said:

Why didn't Kellyn try to take out Dom as she claimed she wanted.  If Donathan was on board and they got Angela and talked to Sebastian (who had two votes) they could have done it.    why are they all sitting there letting Dom and Wendell pick them off?

Would Sebastian have gone along with it? I think Sebastian feels he is #3 in the Dom/Wendell alliance.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, watch2much said:

Why didn't Kellyn try to take out Dom as she claimed she wanted.  If Donathan was on board and they got Angela and talked to Sebastian (who had two votes) they could have done it.    why are they all sitting there letting Dom and Wendell pick them off?

From what it sounds like in interviews she knew she would've voted dom but she didn't have the people. When she heard Dom and Wendell talking about splitting the vote, she decided to switch to don and hope for the best

Now that Survivor has decided to go over 9:00 (and serious, CBS, WTF is up with that), even though I record SEAL Team right after there is still a small gap when they show the parchments.

Does anyone know the breakdown of who voted for whom each time (other than Donathan, who I know voted for Dom! and I think Wendell voted one of the two times for Kellyn ❤️)?

1 hour ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Seb: "Smash the 'yurn'". 

Sounds like something out of a twelve step program: “Smash the yearn”.  ;)


20 hours ago, Bosstonz16 said:

I replayed it and [Wendell] does do the sweeping hand gesture indicating he finished before Laurel calls out Jeff's name.

Wendell definitely finished first - but just as definitely, Wendell did NOT call Jeff to verify his solution.  As Jeff himself so succinctly stated.

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5 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Now that Survivor has decided to go over 9:00 (and serious, CBS, WTF is up with that), even though I record SEAL Team right after there is still a small gap when they show the parchments.

Does anyone know the breakdown of who voted for whom each time (other than Donathan, who I know voted for Dom! and I think Wendell voted one of the two times for Kellyn ❤️)?

Vote 1- Laurel Dom Wendell-Kellyn  Angie Laurel Sebastian- Donathon Don- Dom. 

Vote 2- Angie -don everybody else Kellyn

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