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15 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Actually, Bethenny did grow up fairly well to do, Yes, she had a lousy childhood but it wasn't the worst childhood by far. Her father and then her step father paid her rent for her NY apartment when the show first started. Bethenny had a far more privileged childhood than Carole did, including private schooling. Take half of what Bethenny tells you about her childhood and throw it out the window because she is exaggerating it for effect/sympathy. Carole/siblings grew up pure middle class, Bethenny was the Princess.

Yes, Carole did go to these hard hit areas because it was her job but it still had an impact on her, whereas Bethenny didn't see that side of life until HH hit Houston. Good for Bethenny for all she has done in the areas destroyed by hurricanes/disasters.

That said, IMO, Carole's blog comments are due to the fact that Bethenny started trashing her/Adam behind their backs and on camera without saying 1 word to them that she was upset at them. She is really hurt/angry in her blogs/SM because she feels betrayed by Bethenny. You can see Carole's confusion in the show, she doesn't understand why Bethenny keeps jabbing her and I thinks we will start to see/hear what happened in the next few episodes. Oh, and remember, even though they all lived through filming, none of them have seen the complete episode or the THs until about a week before we see them, which can make HWs even angrier, including Carole.

Oh and just an FYI, Bethenny said on twitter this week that she "Only threw Sonja a bone because no one else was talking to her", which was a lie because Luann/Ramona were fine with Sonja at that point. Bethenny is playing games and I'm not sure why she is doing it but she needs to beware of pushing Carole too far. Carole knows too much for Bethenny to feel superior going after someone like she normally does. 

Just to be clear, I am no fan of Carole's, IMO, she and Bethenny deserve each other!

Wire, I thought what caused the rift between Carole and Bethenny was Bethenny referenced Adam as an operator based on the fact it appeared to Bethenny he changed his mind about going to Houston once he found out he would not be compensated for his time.  From Bethenny's side of the conversation it sounded as if Carole agreed with Adam's position and essentially they all do it.  I really don't think Carole should be upset.  Bethenny didn't say he was not charitable she just felt as if he knew how to work things.  It seems Carole  is just steaming mad Bethenny called Carole's ex boyfriend.  

I agree with Carole she has not been a bad friend, but she has pretty well flushed the friendship between saying nothing Bethenny says is true this season on WWHL.  Bethnny has not really gone after Carole.  Carole and Dorinda on the other hand are going scorched earth at Bethenny and Luann for no particular reason. It feels like the new show runner from RHOA is making these women try way too hard to gin up the abysmal ratings-and they are bad this year.  

I can understand Bethenny did not properly flatter Richard Medley's memory.  I really don't think the people involved in the conversation gave a fig one way or the other that Richard wrote Geraldine Ferraro's speeches.  Dorinda's behavior spoke volumes and she knew she had screwed up.  What Bethenny said after she left the table should not be a big deal.  There is a time and a place.  

Before these women blow up the show they might want to watch their blogging and tweeting.  Dorinda vs. Bethenny and Luann and Sonja, Carole vs. Bethenny, Sonja and Luann.  It is not too late to put the pen down stop with the nasty blogs, stay off twitter and the Page Six You Tube channel and stop the bashing.

I truly feel there were a lot of repressed feelings last season about Mexico and especially Bethenny being such a bossy self-absorbed twit, with her bragging about how wonderful she is.  Bethenny and Ramona never really made up, Ramona kept going after Luann. Sonja and Dorinda were mad at each other and Tinsley has to find a story line (and so does Sonja).  Again they have RHOA's show runner.  To date none of these back and forths have risen to the drug and rape level.  

Having said it is time to slow their roll, I think Dorinda and Carole have crossed over to the Jill level of offending Bethenny.  If I were any of these women (Ramona and Carole) I would be mindful of the fact Andy wants to bring Jill back.

  • Love 4
42 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Actually, Bethenny did grow up fairly well to do, Yes, she had a lousy childhood but it wasn't the worst childhood by far. Her father and then her step father paid her rent for her NY apartment when the show first started. Bethenny had a far more privileged childhood than Carole did, including private schooling. Take half of what Bethenny tells you about her childhood and throw it out the window because she is exaggerating it for effect/sympathy. Carole/siblings grew up pure middle class, Bethenny was the Princess.

Yes, Carole did go to these hard hit areas because it was her job but it still had an impact on her, whereas Bethenny didn't see that side of life until HH hit Houston. Good for Bethenny for all she has done in the areas destroyed by hurricanes/disasters.

That said, IMO, Carole's blog comments are due to the fact that Bethenny started trashing her/Adam behind their backs and on camera without saying 1 word to them that she was upset at them. She is really hurt/angry in her blogs/SM because she feels betrayed by Bethenny. You can see Carole's confusion in the show, she doesn't understand why Bethenny keeps jabbing her and I thinks we will start to see/hear what happened in the next few episodes. Oh, and remember, even though they all lived through filming, none of them have seen the complete episode or the THs until about a week before we see them, which can make HWs even angrier, including Carole.

Oh and just an FYI, Bethenny said on twitter this week that she "Only threw Sonja a bone because no one else was talking to her", which was a lie because Luann/Ramona were fine with Sonja at that point. Bethenny is playing games and I'm not sure why she is doing it but she needs to beware of pushing Carole too far. Carole knows too much for Bethenny to feel superior going after someone like she normally does. 

Just to be clear, I am no fan of Carole's, IMO, she and Bethenny deserve each other!

Talking about Carole, I'm no fan of hers either.  To me, she comes across as a snob.  I hate when she knocks one of the girls, then says "just kidding", then laughs.  She's not kidding.

  • Love 6
38 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Is it bad that I kind of want to hear them?

@zoeysmom, can you remind me what Beth said when she was bragging about how great she is, in Mexico? Thank you!

What stands out the most is when she said she had the greatest "boobs" and then announced Carole didn't have any.  It is the little things.  She also continued the self congratulations by declaring her trip to Mexico the best Real Housewives trip ever.  Then of course there was the usual round of awe she expected over her Skinnygirl connections.  All in all, announcing in a group of women you have the best boobs might be something that is better left unsaid.    I will see if I can find some clips.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Wire, I thought what caused the rift between Carole and Bethenny was Bethenny referenced Adam as an operator based on the fact it appeared to Bethenny he changed his mind about going to Houston once he found out he would not be compensated for his time.  From Bethenny's side of the conversation it sounded as if Carole agreed with Adam's position and essentially they all do it.  I really don't think Carole should be upset.  Bethenny didn't say he was not charitable she just felt as if he knew how to work things.  It seems Carole  is just steaming mad Bethenny called Carole's ex boyfriend.  

I agree with Carole she has not been a bad friend, but she has pretty well flushed the friendship between saying nothing Bethenny says is true this season on WWHL.  Bethnny has not really gone after Carole.  Carole and Dorinda on the other hand are going scorched earth at Bethenny and Luann for no particular reason. It feels like the new show runner from RHOA is making these women try way too hard to gin up the abysmal ratings-and they are bad this year.  

I can understand Bethenny did not properly flatter Richard Medley's memory.  I really don't think the people involved in the conversation gave a fig one way or the other that Richard wrote Geraldine Ferraro's speeches.  Dorinda's behavior spoke volumes and she knew she had screwed up.  What Bethenny said after she left the table should not be a big deal.  There is a time and a place.  

Before these women blow up the show they might want to watch their blogging and tweeting.  Dorinda vs. Bethenny and Luann and Sonja, Carole vs. Bethenny, Sonja and Luann.  It is not too late to put the pen down stop with the nasty blogs, stay off twitter and the Page Six You Tube channel and stop the bashing.

I truly feel there were a lot of repressed feelings last season about Mexico and especially Bethenny being such a bossy self-absorbed twit, with her bragging about how wonderful she is.  Bethenny and Ramona never really made up, Ramona kept going after Luann. Sonja and Dorinda were mad at each other and Tinsley has to find a story line (and so does Sonja).  Again they have RHOA's show runner.  To date none of these back and forths have risen to the drug and rape level.  

Having said it is time to slow their roll, I think Dorinda and Carole have crossed over to the Jill level of offending Bethenny.  If I were any of these women (Ramona and Carole) I would be mindful of the fact Andy wants to bring Jill back.

I suspect there is more to the story but it could also be as simple as Bethenny bad mouthing Adam "on camera" over nothing (which she did) to Dorinda. I also got the sense that Bethenny's comment about Adam made Carole feel that Bethenny thought that the only reason Adam was with her was to use her as a step up and nothing more, which is rather cruel of Bethenny to say/hint at, again, on camera. So, Yeah, Carole is going to lash back and try to expose Bethenny as a liar to show she, Bethenny, is wrong/lying about Adam.

As far as Bethenny's comments about RM, they meant a lot to Dorinda and I think Bethenny knew they would but didn't care, so she said it anyway. For someone that wanted Dorinda to help her raise more money through her, Dorinda's, contacts, she sure blew it. Bethenny never lets the chance to go low pass her by.

I do think the others are fed up with the special treatment Bethenny gets from Bravo/production and that Bethenny walks around like she is their "boss", which she isn't. I am sure it is frustrating that Bethenny gets out of attending many of the other HWs things/events, which causes theirs to be edited to nothing or completely edited out and that they only way their stuff makes the show is if Bethenny attends. Bravo/Andy/production need to remember that Bethenny needs the rest of the cast as much as they need her, it has already been proven that she can't carry her own show.

As for the blogs Carole, Dorinda and Tinsley are writing, I think they are shocked by what they are seeing/hearing Bethenny say about them in her THs and they are really angry/hurt by Bethenny's words. What IS surprising is that Carole wasn't smart enough to realize that as soon as she disagreed with Bethenny, Bethenny would turn on her. 

If Andy does bring back Jill, it will be as a FOH IMO and her impact may not be what either side of this fight wants/needs. I think Jill will play the middle, at least for a while.

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I suspect there is more to the story but it could also be as simple as Bethenny bad mouthing Adam "on camera" over nothing (which she did) to Dorinda. I also got the sense that Bethenny's comment about Adam made Carole feel that Bethenny thought that the only reason Adam was with her was to use her as a step up and nothing more, which is rather cruel of Bethenny to say/hint at, again, on camera. So, Yeah, Carole is going to lash back and try to expose Bethenny as a liar to show she, Bethenny, is wrong/lying about Adam.

As far as Bethenny's comments about RM, they meant a lot to Dorinda and I think Bethenny knew they would but didn't care, so she said it anyway. For someone that wanted Dorinda to help her raise more money through her, Dorinda's, contacts, she sure blew it. Bethenny never lets the chance to go low pass her by.

I do think the others are fed up with the special treatment Bethenny gets from Bravo/production and that Bethenny walks around like she is their "boss", which she isn't. I am sure it is frustrating that Bethenny gets out of attending many of the other HWs things/events, which causes theirs to be edited to nothing or completely edited out and that they only way their stuff makes the show is if Bethenny attends. Bravo/Andy/production need to remember that Bethenny needs the rest of the cast as much as they need her, it has already been proven that she can't carry her own show.

As for the blogs Carole, Dorinda and Tinsley are writing, I think they are shocked by what they are seeing/hearing Bethenny say about them in her THs and they are really angry/hurt by Bethenny's words. What IS surprising is that Carole wasn't smart enough to realize that as soon as she disagreed with Bethenny, Bethenny would turn on her. 

If Andy does bring back Jill, it will be as a FOH IMO and her impact may not be what either side of this fight wants/needs. I think Jill will play the middle, at least for a while.

If Bethenny wants an ally next season against Carole, Aviva would be a much better choice for her strategically than Jill.

  • Love 2
26 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Is it bad that I kind of want to hear them?

@zoeysmom, can you remind me what Beth said when she was bragging about how great she is, in Mexico? Thank you!

Nahhh, I think we all, or at least most of us, want to know. LOL

IMO, Bethenny really believes, with all her heart, that her "shite don't stink"! LOL

Just now, lunastartron said:

If Bethenny wants an ally next season against Carole, Aviva would be a much better choice for her strategically than Jill.

That is very true but I'm not sure Aviva would/could be loyal enough to Bethenny to be much help to her. Aviva would quickly make this all about herself and try to push Bethenny into the background. Aviva's ego is on par with or very close to Bethenny's giant ego and there is only room for 1 ego that size! LOL (Oh, and I'm not sure Bethenny could tolerate Aviva's insanity)

  • Love 7

Jill might be in lieu of Carole or Tinsley or both and they bring in fresh meat.  It is rare there were zero changes this year and I just can't help but believe everyone was so busy trying to secure a spot they didn't do enough rehashing and we see it this season with the unresolved feelings.  I am not convinced that Tinsley really likes Ramona.  Last year Tinsley said all Dorinda did was shop and drink.  

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I truly feel there were a lot of repressed feelings last season about Mexico and especially Bethenny being such a bossy self-absorbed twit, with her bragging about how wonderful she is.  Bethenny and Ramona never really made up, Ramona kept going after Luann. Sonja and Dorinda were mad at each other and Tinsley has to find a story line (and so does Sonja).  Again they have RHOA's show runner.  To date none of these back and forths have risen to the drug and rape level.  

Having said it is time to slow their roll, I think Dorinda and Carole have crossed over to the Jill level of offending Bethenny.  If I were any of these women (Ramona and Carole) I would be mindful of the fact Andy wants to bring Jill back.

Why should Ramona and Carole care if Andy wants to bring Jill back? 

15 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I do think the others are fed up with the special treatment Bethenny gets from Bravo/production and that Bethenny walks around like she is their "boss", which she isn't. I am sure it is frustrating that Bethenny gets out of attending many of the other HWs things/events, which causes theirs to be edited to nothing or completely edited out and that they only way their stuff makes the show is if Bethenny attends. Bravo/Andy/production need to remember that Bethenny needs the rest of the cast as much as they need her, it has already been proven that she can't carry her own show.

As for the blogs Carole, Dorinda and Tinsley are writing, I think they are shocked by what they are seeing/hearing Bethenny say about them in her THs and they are really angry/hurt by Bethenny's words. What IS surprising is that Carole wasn't smart enough to realize that as soon as she disagreed with Bethenny, Bethenny would turn on her. 

If Andy does bring back Jill, it will be as a FOH IMO and her impact may not be what either side of this fight wants/needs. I think Jill will play the middle, at least for a while.

I'd be willing to bet folding money that the others are annoyed by Bethenny's queen bee attitude. Hell, I'm annoyed by it, and I don't have to deal with her in real life. I almost wish that they'd all turn on her. Not necessarily freeze her out, but let her know that she isn't as important as she thinks she is.

11 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Nahhh, I think we all, or at least most of us, want to know. LOL

IMO, Bethenny really believes, with all her heart, that her "shite don't stink"! LOL

That is very true but I'm not sure Aviva would/could be loyal enough to Bethenny to be much help to her. Aviva would quickly make this all about herself and try to push Bethenny into the background. Aviva's ego is on par with or very close to Bethenny's giant ego and there is only room for 1 ego that size! LOL (Oh, and I'm not sure Bethenny could tolerate Aviva's insanity)

I loathe Aviva with a fiery passion, but I would watch Veevs vs. Beth in a heartbeat!


On a more random note, did anyone else notice all the recycled TH outfits at Duff's party? I noticed Tinsley's sleeveless black w/white collar dress, Luann's blue dress with the scalloped neckline, and what looked like Carole's burgundy lace top.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, lezlers said:

I had the opposite reaction to Carole's blog (shocker, I know.)  Carole was WAY over the top with her comments.   The whole "well well, look who climbed down from her ivory tower to help people in need FINALLY" was ridiculous.  I think she might have been confusing Beth with Tinsley.  Bethenny didn't grow up rich.   She had a horrible childhood and is completely self made.   She's EARNED her wealth.  She didn't marry into it or be born into it.  And then Carole goes on to talk about how SHE'S been to war torn, devastated countries, ect.  Yeah, to report there because it was her job.  She wasn't spending her own money to go to those places with the sole purpose of helping people that needed it.  Those comments really made it seem like she was reaching in order to attack Bethenny because she was hurt at Beth's comments in the talking heads this ep. 

I mean, Beth is clearly no angel (her taking Sonja's side and coming at Tinsley was cringe worthy) and definitely picks her share of fights but Carole is coming off really badly this season.

Sorry, I read the bolded part in Beverly Leslie's voice. Guess I watch too much Will and Grace.

8 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Apparently, there IS a god of morons, who keeps them safely outside my circle of bitch-slapperly.

Can I just say that I love you. That is one of the most perfect statements I have ever heard. I am stealing it!

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Between Bethenny's SM and how she explained what she did in PR, she made it sound like she was the one in charge, not the other charity, but her B Strong, which isn't true. I'm not trying to take away from the good she has done but she didn't do it by herself and she wasn't the one in charge at all.

Well it's now reached the View.

Bethenny and Sunny Hostin are in the midst of a Twitter Feud over Bethenny's charity work in PR. Sunny felt like it was a bit self-serving. Not the work, but Bethenny's need to take photographers and videographers with her. And then...It erupted. 


The Skinnygirl mogul then called Hostin out for claiming to do “tireless work” since the hurricane.

“If someone was supporting that island in a substantial way, my team there knows about it. It is a small island,” tweeted Frankel.

“Your team must be really impressive if it knows all the support being given to over 3 million people,” responded Hostin. “Savior much?”

This is why people question Bethenny's motives. How the fuck would Bethenny know all of the work going on there? Her use of the word "substantial" is only there to demean Sunny's efforts. STFU Bethenny. I don't know what Sunny has or hasn't done for PR, but Bethenny only needed to respond with what her reasons were for bringing photographers along (hopefully it's to provide photographic evidence about how dire the situation was) and commend Sunny for her efforts. It's not that fucking hard and Bethenny should know better by now.  She's been a tv personality for 13 years. She should know better.


  • Love 16
54 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Why should Ramona and Carole care if Andy wants to bring Jill back? 

I'd be willing to bet folding money that the others are annoyed by Bethenny's queen bee attitude. Hell, I'm annoyed by it, and I don't have to deal with her in real life. I almost wish that they'd all turn on her. Not necessarily freeze her out, but let her know that she isn't as important as she thinks she is.

I loathe Aviva with a fiery passion, but I would watch Veevs vs. Beth in a heartbeat!



The number one reason could be that Jill could replace one or both of them.  The number two reason could be that Jill and Bethenny, Luann would reconnect depriving one or more of the others of valuable camera time.

I would agree-I think it started her first season back when she declared, "the B is back," and Andy then gave her a one hour one on one on WWHL.  Bethenny calling Sonja a pariah and swooping in to defend her is getting pretty close to freezing her out.

1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

The number one reason could be that Jill could replace one or both of them.  The number two reason could be that Jill and Bethenny, Luann would reconnect depriving one or more of the others of valuable camera time.

I could see that with Carole, I guess. I don't think Ramona would be too worried, as I think she and Jill are on good terms again. I believe they vacationed in Morocco together fairly recently.


What should worry Ramona are the allegations of her scamming Bravo by billing them for clothes and returning them and billing them for stuff she already owned.

  • Love 4

Orrrrrr, two people with a 20-yr age difference met and became intimately involved for straight forward, normal, every day reasons.  I know boring, right?

Boring but also unusual enough that it is noticed. And a young guy with a woman 20 years older is more note worthy because the older the young guy is, the more that twenty year gap with his older woman means no children. If Adam really wants kids of his own, its unlikely he'll go back to Carole.


I do think the others are fed up with the special treatment Bethenny gets from Bravo/production and that Bethenny walks around like she is their "boss", which she isn't. I am sure it is frustrating that Bethenny gets out of attending many of the other HWs things/events, which causes theirs to be edited to nothing or completely edited out and that they only way their stuff makes the show is if Bethenny attends. Bravo/Andy/production need to remember that Bethenny needs the rest of the cast as much as they need her, it has already been proven that she can't carry her own show.

 Well, personally, I think the "Bethenny gets special treatment from Bravo production" is often overstated by the wives and by fans. I mean really, has there ever been real proof that Bravo cuts people out based on Bethenny? That isn't one of the wives whining? I see plenty of activities in these episodes that Bethenny isn't participating in - Carole's marathon monologues for example which made the show despite Bethenny not attending. Likewise Luann's endless forays into musical careers, Sonja's house woes, and Ramona's party planning.  

I agree btw that Bethenny can't carry a show on her own, and I would even add that RHONY did pretty well with bringing the idiocy without Bethenny for several seasons. 

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Boring but also unusual enough that it is noticed. And a young guy with a woman 20 years older is more note worthy because the older the young guy is, the more that twenty year gap with his older woman means no children. If Adam really wants kids of his own, its unlikely he'll go back to Carole.

 Well, personally, I think the "Bethenny gets special treatment from Bravo production" is often overstated by the wives and by fans. I mean really, has there ever been real proof that Bravo cuts people out based on Bethenny? That isn't one of the wives whining? I see plenty of activities in these episodes that Bethenny isn't participating in - Carole's marathon monologues for example which made the show despite Bethenny not attending. Likewise Luann's endless forays into musical careers, Sonja's house woes, and Ramona's party planning.  

I agree btw that Bethenny can't carry a show on her own, and I would even add that RHONY did pretty well with bringing the idiocy without Bethenny for several seasons. 

Well, yes, IMO, it is noticeable how much more air time Bethenny gets than each of the others and they don't do very many, if any, flash backs on Bethenny's horrid behavior like they do the others. Do they cut people out, no, but they do edit parties/functions not involving Bethenny down to snippets. 

I actually like the show, NY, much better without Bethenny,  the show felt more balanced.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

Fuckin' A it is! We gotta stop by the Hooter's yacht first, though.


3 minutes ago, Rap541 said:


<dances about in a weird jerky way> Turtle time! Turtle time! Hooters!"

Apparently you haven't watched the latest episode of "Below Deck", when some richer obnoxious broads tried doing a "hospitality" yacht drive-by.

SO glad I am poor, not on TeeVee, and only occasionally receive an askance look from my cat.

  • Love 5

Well, yes, IMO, it is noticeable how much more air time Bethenny gets than each of the others and they don't do very many, if any, flash backs on Bethenny's horrid behavior like they do the others. Do they cut people out, no, but they do edit parties/functions not involving Bethenny down to snippets. 

But the problem is that Bethenny is popular with fans and really always has been. They wouldn't have brought her back if she wasn't helping the ratings. And I cited several examples of housewives having extensive story lines that don't involve Bethenny - doesn't that logically mean she was cut out or cut down to snippets in order for Carole to have her glorious marathon story? For example?

To be perfectly honest, this season has not seemed Bethenny heavy at all. So far, Sonja/Tinsley/Dorinda bitching seems to be the dominant story

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

But the problem is that Bethenny is popular with fans and really always has been. They wouldn't have brought her back if she wasn't helping the ratings. And I cited several examples of housewives having extensive story lines that don't involve Bethenny - doesn't that logically mean she was cut out or cut down to snippets in order for Carole to have her glorious marathon story? For example?

To be perfectly honest, this season has not seemed Bethenny heavy at all. So far, Sonja/Tinsley/Dorinda bitching seems to be the dominant story

Bethenny is also disliked by many, so it's 50 - 50 to me. I think they do it is because she is so polarizing, she creates dialog between viewers, which keeps advertisers buying air time. Carole's marathon wasn't all that much air time, the training/actual marathon it self that is. They spent just as much time on the party Ramona threw and Bethenny was central to that. Even the funny scene with S/R/L painting at Sonja's house wasn't all that long and I am sure those 3 took longer to paint that furniture. 

The fights/bitching you list, also involve a fair amount of Bethenny as well, so she is still pretty dominant. LOL

  • Love 5
46 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Well it's now reached the View.

Bethenny and Sunny Hostin are in the midst of a Twitter Feud over Bethenny's charity work in PR. Sunny felt like it was a bit self-serving. Not the work, but Bethenny's need to take photographers and videographers with her. And then...It erupted. 

This is why people question Bethenny's motives. How the fuck would Bethenny know all of the work going on there? Her use of the word "substantial" is only there to demean Sunny's efforts. STFU Bethenny. I don't know what Sunny has or hasn't done for PR, but Bethenny only needed to respond with what her reasons were for bringing photographers along (hopefully it's to provide photographic evidence about how dire the situation was) and commend Sunny for her efforts. It's not that fucking hard and Bethenny should know better by now.  She's been a tv personality for 13 years. She should know better.


It was bound to happen-grandstanding, raising awareness is a tight rope to walk.  PR is a big place and I am sure there are areas that have no desire to be under the rule of B-Strong.  My guess is people probably figure that a Dorinda or pretty much anyone can film from their phone or bring a camera.  I got the impression Bethenny was trying to bring light to the plight of the people of Puerto Rico, her "partners" and lots of film of her hugging and handing out money.  An informative video from Ms. Hostin 

  • Love 3


I would have been very uncomfortable if I were Ben, and Lu sang HB mere inches from my face and then started caressing [actually caressing, not slapping-Tom-caressing] my chin and jaw. 

Thank you to the poster who noticed Duff wearing her jacket draped over one shoulder, as if she was a coat rack. That was bizarre. 

Dorinda must be so relieved that the Beth/Carole tension has become the focus this week.  

  • Love 4

So, Carole stated that her issues with Bethenny began over something B said about Adam.  Well, now we know what it was.  B told Carole that she felt like Adam was an operator. Important thing to keep in mind: Carole and Adam weren’t a thing at this time.  They had broken up.  Yet Carole refers to him as her boyfriend in her blog and being upset because Bethenny approached Adam about a professional/volunteer opportunity for him (because what kind of friend approaches their friend’s boyfriend.  Ooh, I know the answer!  A rational adult one!). 

Carole is crazy possessive of Adam.  Like Tinsley levels with Scott. So, when Bethenny told her that she felt like Adam was an operator, instead of reacting like a reasonable adult friend who would have asked why and discussed it, she went nuts and went on a vindictive tear down season of Bethenny.  

As far as the childless comment, I don’t really see an issue with it.  She was stating why Carole felt closer to Tinsley—they are/were at similar points in their life.  I have friends of 25 years that I have drifted away from because I have 2 kids, they have none and they just don’t get why I can’t go out partying on a Friday night every weekend. It puts a strain on a friendship—and that is one with 25 years of history. Not just 3 years that was built off of a “hey, we’re on a show together” situation. If Carole really wanted children, she could have had them.  Her husband was sterile when they married so they would have had to have gone the sperm donor or adoption route.  Nothing to say (especially in this day and age) that you can’t be a single mother, if you really want to be a mom.  

  • Love 8

I can't really blame Carole for being upset with Bethenny making negative comments (publicly) about Adam, whether or not they are true. 

If Carole had referenced the bad press reports regarding Dennis, I am fairly sure that Bethenny would have gone mad.

By the way, is Dennis divorced yet? Hasn't he been separated from his wife for 2 years now?

  • Love 11

Forgive me if this has been asked and answered: Why did Bethenny not invite Carole to PR?

I did hear that perhaps Carole didn't ask questions about it like Dorinda and Lu did, but if Bethenny was that passionate about it, and if they were friends, I'm sure that they had discussed the situation.

I can only assume that their friendship was way over before #thisisacrisis. 

So if their friendship was over, why would Bethenny expect either Carole or Adam to be involved?

Even if Carole was becoming more invested in her friendship with Tinsley, Bethenny could have invited her.

  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

I can't really blame Carole for being upset with Bethenny making negative comments (publicly) about Adam, whether or not they are true. 

If Carole had referenced the bad press reports regarding Dennis, I am fairly sure that Bethenny would have gone mad.

By the way, is Dennis divorced yet? Hasn't he been separated from his wife for 2 years now?

I don’t think though that the negative comments were public.  Bethenny went up and said to Carole that she felt like he was an operator.  She didn’t say it to Page Six a la Sonja. 

No clue on the divorce.  Maybe it is contentious?  Bethenny’s took YEARS. 

14 minutes ago, Happy Camper said:

Forgive me if this has been asked and answered: Why did Bethenny not invite Carole to PR?

I did hear that perhaps Carole didn't ask questions about it like Dorinda and Lu did, but if Bethenny was that passionate about it, and if they were friends, I'm sure that they had discussed the situation.

I can only assume that their friendship was way over before #thisisacrisis. 

So if their friendship was over, why would Bethenny expect either Carole or Adam to be involved?

Even if Carole was becoming more invested in her friendship with Tinsley, Bethenny could have invited her.

Bethenny said that she invited Dorinda because she was the only one that really asked about how the trips changed her, made her feel.  That it was more personal and Dorinda seemed genuinely interested so she felt like Dorinda would enjoy the trip more than the others. 

From what I’ve read, the friendship fell apart during the #thisisacrisis.  Now, you could read that a couple of ways but I can’t find one that is flattering to Carole.  Bethenny was too busy to be friends with you because she was doing charity?  Bethenny wasn’t there for you because she was too busy doing charity?  Or just the normal grew apart because they truly didn’t have that much in common (which is the most flattering to Carole until you take into account how she is going scorched earth now). Their friendship wasn’t over when Bethenny asked if Adam wanted to be involved.  Keep in mind that Adam has a history of doing some volunteering so she asked if he would like to be involved by taking pictures (which helps spread the word and gets more people to donate—necessary evil). He originally said yes and then when he found out that he wouldn’t be paid for it, he said no. That’s when B went to Carole and said that she felt like Adam was a bit of an operator. 

  • Love 6
On 5/18/2018 at 1:01 AM, WireWrap said:

Bethenny tweeted that she "Threw Sonja a Bone" because no one wanted to be around her which is why she defended her. Except, that wasn't true 

Yah and last week she tweeted that she didn't say to Dorinda YOU'RE  A DRUNK  she just said you're drunk.  Which wasn't true either. Ho hum. Same same. B is a lying liar who lies. 

  • Love 15

 Her husband was sterile when they married so they would have had to have gone the sperm donor or adoption route.

I'm guessing Carole Radziwill felt the way I would have in that situation  -- that the whole man mattered when it came to raising a child, not his sperm -- so whether they used JFK Jr's  biological material,  Radziwill's banked sperm (if he went that route pre-chemo & pre-Carole) or material from an anonymous donor,  it was about raising kids with the man she loved, not about how their kids came into their lives.  If it were just  an issue of sperm, she could have found that anywhere & been a single mother (which she clearly did not want, as she did she did not go that route).



I can only assume that their friendship was way over before #thisisacrisis. 

I don't think so,  @Happy Camper, because Carole said she sent flowers to Frankel when Cookie died, which was a couple of months after the whole #thisisacrisis deal started.  And Radziwill also said she was writing checks throughout that period:

“....I was being a really good friend. I remember at the same time I was trying to figure out dates that we could go to Golden Door together, I had sent her flowers when [her dog] Cookie died, wrote a lot of checks for her charity.”


Edited by film noire
  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, film noire said:

I'm guessing Carole Radziwill felt the way I would have in that situation  -- that the whole man mattered when it came to raising a child, not his sperm -- so whether they used JFK Jr's  biological material,  Radziwill's banked sperm (if he went that route pre-chemo & pre-Carole) or material from an anonymous donor,  it was about raising kids with the man she loved, not about how their kids came into their lives.  If it were just  an issue of sperm, she could have found that anywhere & been a single mother (which she clearly did not want, as she did she did not go that route).


I don't think so,  @Happy Camper, because Carole said she sent flowers to Frankel when Cookie died, which was a couple of months after the whole #thisisacrisis deal started.  And Radziwill also said she was writing checks throughout that period:

“None of that was true, and that wasn’t the friendship I was having with her at the time, so I was just as surprised as the audience was to hear all of that,” she continued. “In fact, I was being a really good friend. I remember at the same time I was trying to figure out dates that we could go to Golden Door together, I had sent her flowers when [her dog] Cookie died, wrote a lot of checks for her charity.”


Yes, Film Noire, you are correct. I should not have assumed.  So, I wonder, why did Bethenny not invite Carole to PR?

  • Love 3

I just had the impression that Carole thought that her friendship with Bethenny was more intact until she saw the TH's, and then she felt incredibly hurt and betrayed. (and believe me I am not a Carole fan, this is just my perspective based upon what I have seen)

I suppose that the friendship was over from Bethenny's point of view, but Carole wasn't aware of this.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Happy Camper said:

So, I wonder, why did Bethenny not invite Carole to PR?

Right? Makes no sense. Carole was the perfect fit. She's got media connections, deep pocket friends, and has seen poverty and experienced violence and destruction, so no need for any fainting couch.  (It's possible that experience actually counted against her -- with Carole, Bethenny wouldn't get to play the leader/educator, as she did with Dorinda -- the same reason would also hold true for Frankel not inviting Luann, who had volunteered. Whatever/whyever, it's another whiplash relationship moment from Bethenny).



Is the person you mention on The View who is feuding with Bethenny the same one who had a first hand negative experience with B in the Hamptons several years ago?  Don't watch The View.


 @weaver - yes, it's the same woman, Sunny Hoston.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 7

Is the person you mention on The View who is feuding with Bethenny the same one who had a first hand negative experience with B in the Hamptons several years ago?  Don't watch The View.

As I recall, this woman's young son was making noise on the beach at 2PM, as kids do, and Bethenny came storming over from her next door rental (pre ownership days) screaming and screeching for the kid to shut up because her daughter was napping.  The View woman came out and told Bethenny off.  She started following B and B retreated to her rental home.  Jason (who she said was lovely) came over to apologize for B later.  Her first hand experience with B's imperiousness may inform her current attitude.  

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, diadochokinesis said:

I don’t think though that the negative comments were public.  Bethenny went up and said to Carole that she felt like he was an operator.  She didn’t say it to Page Six a la Sonja. 

I thought that I heard Bethenny say to Dorinda that Adam was a o bit of an operator, on film. That does not seem to be a private conversation, since anyone watching heard it.

I think that may be part of the reason why Carole is upset. (Not a Carole fan, just supposin' )

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Rap541 said:

But the problem is that Bethenny is popular with fans and really always has been. They wouldn't have brought her back if she wasn't helping the ratings. And I cited several examples of housewives having extensive story lines that don't involve Bethenny - doesn't that logically mean she was cut out or cut down to snippets in order for Carole to have her glorious marathon story? For example?

I am only an accidental viewer of WWHL but will tune in for certain guests.  And without fail every vote over this or that that has Bethenny as a choice ends up with the overwhelming majority going to Bethenny.  So those are the things Bravo sees and yes Bethenny is very popular.  Andy on the other hand said the best HWs are the ones that are polarizing.  Lots of haters and lots of fans.  And he likes Bethenny because she’s polarizing.  It is certainly what we see in this very small population on this board.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

So, Carole stated that her issues with Bethenny began over something B said about Adam.  Well, now we know what it was.  B told Carole that she felt like Adam was an operator. Important thing to keep in mind: Carole and Adam weren’t a thing at this time.  They had broken up.  Yet Carole refers to him as her boyfriend in her blog and being upset because Bethenny approached Adam about a professional/volunteer opportunity for him (because what kind of friend approaches their friend’s boyfriend.  Ooh, I know the answer!  A rational adult one!). 

Carole is crazy possessive of Adam.  Like Tinsley levels with Scott. So, when Bethenny told her that she felt like Adam was an operator, instead of reacting like a reasonable adult friend who would have asked why and discussed it, she went nuts and went on a vindictive tear down season of Bethenny.  

As far as the childless comment, I don’t really see an issue with it.  She was stating why Carole felt closer to Tinsley—they are/were at similar points in their life.  I have friends of 25 years that I have drifted away from because I have 2 kids, they have none and they just don’t get why I can’t go out partying on a Friday night every weekend. It puts a strain on a friendship—and that is one with 25 years of history. Not just 3 years that was built off of a “hey, we’re on a show together” situation. If Carole really wanted children, she could have had them.  Her husband was sterile when they married so they would have had to have gone the sperm donor or adoption route.  Nothing to say (especially in this day and age) that you can’t be a single mother, if you really want to be a mom.  

Actually, Carole wasn't upset at Bethenny when this episode was filmed, or when any of the episodes we have seen so far this season were filmed, it was Bethenny throwing digs at Carole out of nowhere and talking smack about her/Adam behind their backs. What we are reading in Carole's blogs and on her SM is after she learned what Bethenny said about her/Adam On Camera and after their big fall out, not just about the episode we just watched. That said, yes, Carole is possessive/protective about Adam, big time but could you imagine Bethenny's reaction had Carole said anything like this about Dennis On Camera? Carole's head would explode just from the high pitch screams coming at her from Bethenny's mouth and all our TVs sound systems would blow up!

I don't think Bethenny's/Carole's friendship drifted apart because of their differences (kids/lifestyle) but because Bethenny didn't like that Carole still supported Adam even after he decided to not go with B to Huston, Bethenny felt that was a betrayal from Carole. In Bethenny's mind, if you don't stand by her, support her opinions 100% of the time, you are no longer her friend and she cuts you out of her life (as much as possible) without explanation.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, film noire said:

I'm guessing Carole Radziwill felt the way I would have in that situation  -- that the whole man mattered when it came to raising a child, not his sperm -- so whether they used JFK Jr's  biological material,  Radziwill's banked sperm (if he went that route pre-chemo & pre-Carole) or material from an anonymous donor,  it was about raising kids with the man she loved, not about how their kids came into their lives.  If it were just  an issue of sperm, she could have found that anywhere & been a single mother (which she clearly did not want, as she did she did not go that route).


I don't think so,  @Happy Camper, because Carole said she sent flowers to Frankel when Cookie died, which was a couple of months after the whole #thisisacrisis deal started.  And Radziwill also said she was writing checks throughout that period:

“....I was being a really good friend. I remember at the same time I was trying to figure out dates that we could go to Golden Door together, I had sent her flowers when [her dog] Cookie died, wrote a lot of checks for her charity.”


Carole and Dorinda claiming they would still be married to their husbands but for their death is really not founded in any sort of reason.   When their husband left this world they were on good terms with them.  Carole was under forty when Anthony died and was able to have children or adopt.  Having children with Anthony was not Carole's only option. What makes me scratch my head is neither Dorinda or Carole seem to acknowledge that everyday people get served with divorce papers and it is not something they want.  People breakdown, commit suicide, commit homicide over being dumped.  Now magpie Dorinda is running around spouting about having to sign a death certificate-and not having a choice like divorce papers.  Spouses do not sign death certificates.  That was Carole's statement about signing death certificates.  Ramona did not want to be without Mario, Luann did not want the Count to dump her, Shannon Beador did not want her husband to leave.  They are all losses.  The reason the child thing bothers me about Carole, is it would be like (fill in the blank) saying had they known their spouse was going to leave they would not have had children.

This is just me but I do think Bethenny has addressed what happened between she and Carole, and although a bit cold-hearted, it is certainly Bethenny consistent.  

"You know, listen, I care about Carole,” Frankel, 47, told PEOPLE. “We met on the show, and so our interactions will air in real time on the show. That can be challenging because I’m not one of these people that’s going to hide what’s going on with my friend and not have it on camera, because we both made this commitment to viewers to be honest, and it can be challenging.”  

Once Bethenny said something to Carole, way back in August about her then ex boyfriend being an operator.   This is no longer a mystery.  Carole claiming Dorinda was waterboarded into making the statement does not make it true.  Carole apparently responded and there was a change in their relationship.  I can see two very strong egos like Carole and Bethenny having a hard time jumping in with both feet supporting each others' endeavors.  Writing checks and sending flowers is easy, taking time off to go to the marathon, go to the next #thisisacrisis site and wear the T-shirt is more difficult.  What has happened is both Carole and Bethenny are behaving like Jill, counting who did what and who sen what, the behavior Bethenny despised.

Bethenny is clear the friendship is wrapped too tightly in the show.  Carole is a ride or die friend and Bethenny has definitely made some bad choices backing up Carole and her disagreements with others.  Bethenny sees the big picture as to the future of the show and future with Bravo. Carole is kind of more about these blood oath loyalties in her friendships.  Carole had no problem chewing out Ramona, but now that she needs her for the show Ramona's past sins have disappeared. or hugging and dancing with Luann on WWHL-the woman she hates with a thousand knives.  Between the two of them they are hard to read.  I just feel a little played by Carole who it appears has the show business off camera personality that is opportunistic, that Bethenny has exposed, and then does the look at all I have done for her.

The smart ones admit to the opportunities the ones who get wait listed are those who bemoan another being an opportunist.  Bravo loves the exposure.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

I don’t think though that the negative comments were public.  Bethenny went up and said to Carole that she felt like he was an operator.  She didn’t say it to Page Six a la Sonja. 

No clue on the divorce.  Maybe it is contentious?  Bethenny’s took YEARS. 

Bethenny said that she invited Dorinda because she was the only one that really asked about how the trips changed her, made her feel.  That it was more personal and Dorinda seemed genuinely interested so she felt like Dorinda would enjoy the trip more than the others. 

From what I’ve read, the friendship fell apart during the #thisisacrisis.  Now, you could read that a couple of ways but I can’t find one that is flattering to Carole.  Bethenny was too busy to be friends with you because she was doing charity?  Bethenny wasn’t there for you because she was too busy doing charity?  Or just the normal grew apart because they truly didn’t have that much in common (which is the most flattering to Carole until you take into account how she is going scorched earth now). Their friendship wasn’t over when Bethenny asked if Adam wanted to be involved.  Keep in mind that Adam has a history of doing some volunteering so she asked if he would like to be involved by taking pictures (which helps spread the word and gets more people to donate—necessary evil). He originally said yes and then when he found out that he wouldn’t be paid for it, he said no. That’s when B went to Carole and said that she felt like Adam was a bit of an operator. 

Bethenny's "operator" comment about Adam was said on camera, so it was very public, far bigger than page six!

Dennis has yet to even file for divorce. LOL

Luann was the only HW that asked/volunteered to go help her in PR, the "only" HW, so that means that Luann also asked Bethenny about it.

Not in Carole's mind, she thought everything was fine between her and Bethenny, you can see her confusion when Bethenny keeps jabbing at her. She has no idea that Bethenny isn't her friend anymore. The friendship ended for Bethenny when Carole supported Adams decision to not go help her in Huston, Bethenny felt that was a betrayal. Oh and Adam tried to rework his work schedule so that he could go with Bethenny and not lose his paycheck but was unable to do it and he can't afford to lose that money, he isn't rich and has to work to pay his bills. 

3 hours ago, QuinnM said:

I am only an accidental viewer of WWHL but will tune in for certain guests.  And without fail every vote over this or that that has Bethenny as a choice ends up with the overwhelming majority going to Bethenny.  So those are the things Bravo sees and yes Bethenny is very popular.  Andy on the other hand said the best HWs are the ones that are polarizing.  Lots of haters and lots of fans.  And he likes Bethenny because she’s polarizing.  It is certainly what we see in this very small population on this board.

You need to talk to cooksdelight over in the Atlanta thread and she can fill in you on how WWHL works and how fake (aka setup) the phone calls/polls are. LOL In other words, do not trust that the poll results are real/correct or that the phone calls are random calls.

  • Love 4
On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 10:46 AM, Rap541 said:

Maybe but a)I honestly didn't see any earth shaking true revelations in Carole's temper tantrum of a blog post and b) it's all happening because Bethenny's crack about her life and career clearly cut Carole to the bone.

People who are confident in their success let that success be the answer. People who are desperately insecure do what Carole just did on her blog. All she's doing is confirming there is some truth to what Bethenny said.

A thousand likes and snaps to you for this comment!  I agree wholeheartedly.  "Temper tatrum of a blog post" is a perfect descriptor.

  • Love 4
On 5/17/2018 at 2:20 PM, itsadryheat said:

Last night's WWHL with Keith Hernandez. Embarrassing is kind and a compliment.

And Keith was friends w/ benefits with Luanne??   Seeing him made me feel a bit old, I remembered him looking so boyishly adorable on Seinfeld.  Don't get me wrong he looks fantastic for 65!  It's just weird when there's a TV time lapse.

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Carole and Dorinda claiming they would still be married to their husbands but for their death is really not founded in any sort of reason.   When their husband left this world they were on good terms with them.  Carole was under forty when Anthony died and was able to have children or adopt.  Having children with Anthony was not Carole's only option. What makes me scratch my head is neither Dorinda or Carole seem to acknowledge that everyday people get served with divorce papers and it is not something they want.  People breakdown, commit suicide, commit homicide over being dumped.  Now magpie Dorinda is running around spouting about having to sign a death certificate-and not having a choice like divorce papers.  Spouses do not sign death certificates.  That was Carole's statement about signing death certificates.  Ramona did not want to be without Mario, Luann did not want the Count to dump her, Shannon Beador did not want her husband to leave.  They are all losses.  The reason the child thing bothers me about Carole, is it would be like (fill in the blank) saying had they known their spouse was going to leave they would not have had children.

This is just me but I do think Bethenny has addressed what happened between she and Carole, and although a bit cold-hearted, it is certainly Bethenny consistent.  

"You know, listen, I care about Carole,” Frankel, 47, told PEOPLE. “We met on the show, and so our interactions will air in real time on the show. That can be challenging because I’m not one of these people that’s going to hide what’s going on with my friend and not have it on camera, because we both made this commitment to viewers to be honest, and it can be challenging.”  

Once Bethenny said something to Carole, way back in August about her then ex boyfriend being an operator.   This is no longer a mystery.  Carole claiming Dorinda was waterboarded into making the statement does not make it true.  Carole apparently responded and there was a change in their relationship.  I can see two very strong egos like Carole and Bethenny having a hard time jumping in with both feet supporting each others' endeavors.  Writing checks and sending flowers is easy, taking time off to go to the marathon, go to the next #thisisacrisis site and wear the T-shirt is more difficult.  What has happened is both Carole and Bethenny are behaving like Jill, counting who did what and who sen what, the behavior Bethenny despised.

Bethenny is clear the friendship is wrapped too tightly in the show.  Carole is a ride or die friend and Bethenny has definitely made some bad choices backing up Carole and her disagreements with others.  Bethenny sees the big picture as to the future of the show and future with Bravo. Carole is kind of more about these blood oath loyalties in her friendships.  Carole had no problem chewing out Ramona, but now that she needs her for the show Ramona's past sins have disappeared. or hugging and dancing with Luann on WWHL-the woman she hates with a thousand knives.  Between the two of them they are hard to read.  I just feel a little played by Carole who it appears has the show business off camera personality that is opportunistic, that Bethenny has exposed, and then does the look at all I have done for her.

The smart ones admit to the opportunities the ones who get wait listed are those who bemoan another being an opportunist.  Bravo loves the exposure.

Sorry ZM, Bethenny does the same dam thing, Ramona is horrid, now she's fine, now she horrible, oh, she's fine again. Bethenny did the same thing with Luann, with Sonja. They all fake making up until the next fight. LOL

Bethenny is only "clear" about their friendship now that it is over and now it was really only a "show" friendship, not really real. I take that more of Bethenny saying that Carole was her friend as long as she needed her/could use her and now that she no longer has a use for her, she is thru with Carole. In other words, Bethenny was never considered Carole a real friend, she never really had Carole's back, she faked it all for the show.

  • Love 5

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