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S08.E20: Drama’s for Nerds Part 1

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All the girls head to LA to film specials and the reunion.

Kailyn and Briana finally come face to face.

Chelsea and Jenelle choose sides.

Leah is caught in the middle.

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5 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Nooooo not another week of the "Leah is unnecessarily involved in the Kail/Bri triangle" thing. NOOOOO!

That should be the title of the episode.

6 minutes ago, druzy said:

Thanks @Kazu for keeping it real! These girls are no shrinking violets- that's for sure. 

THAT should be the new show title. Forget "Teen Mom".

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6 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Nooooo not another week of the "Leah is unnecessarily involved in the Kail/Bri triangle" thing. NOOOOO!

Unfortunately, that's probably Leah's storyline for the season so buckle up! ?

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Whoa...  who does she think she is?  That is crazy diva behavior!  I’d feel sorry for J.C and Larry but since they edit out the abuse* to Jenelle’s kids, I don’t care.


*not confirmed.  Just my opinion that those kids are being abused 

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Chelsea and Jenelle choose sides? What the hell is this, a middle school catfight?

This episode description reads like the back of a Sweet Valley Twins novel. 



Bahahahahahaha Memories. I read every Sweet Valley Book.  So funny. 

1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:


You weren't worried about Soapy not having his vaccinations when you hopped on a plane with him to LA. Lol. 


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I'm excited to see this infamous balloon-popping incident. Everything else, IDK if I'm gonna watch or not, I've lost some interest in the show after watching these girls's diva behavior and even though David sucks, I don't like that they fired him just because he said something offensive on Twitter, that's ridiculous - this show is supposed to be about these girls's lives and the other people in it - SO's, kids, etc. and David is her husband, so he's very much a part of her life. To not film him just because of some shit he said on Twitter is soooo stupid. I'm against people who play dirty like that, tbh. 

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8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

He doesn't have his vaccinations and she brought him on an airplane?!! God, what a stupid fucking bitch. What good is having a private room gonna do now when the kid already spent five hours inhaling recycled germs? Not to mention, California's had several whooping cough outbreaks in recent years.


She also took him to Disneyland which has had issues regarding measles outbreak. Nor did she care about bringing random dicks and hos around her boys.

Edited by Kazu
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39 minutes ago, Kazu said:

Posting "shit" is not comparable to posting homophobic slurs and referring to gay and transgender people as “abominations." It is despicable and worthy of repercussions. If an employee of any company were to comment or post such horrible things about ANY group of people while using slurs, they can't hide behind the freedom of speech. They face the consequences. When an employer feels that an employees actions or words are foul and vile and reflect badly on the company, they have every right to dismiss them.

What transpired is, David refused to apologize for his slurs. MTV wanted him to make amends. If he didn't, he left them no choice but to get rid of him especially after sponsors were removing themselves from MTV and Viacom. MTV & Viacom could not afford to lose sponsors as that is their bread and butter. That is why they tried the apology route, but David refused. That is his right. And it is MTVs right to fire him. Case closed.

Yes but I agree with SheTalksShit- and the reason why is that while other companies will hold a person responsible for what they say they hold them responsible for what they do while at work. Example - saying homophobic slurs to another employee at work and or a customer etc.  As for what they do on their social media accounts? Not so much is done about it most of the time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it is igorant or goes against the norm. Just like he is well within his right to tell his children whatever he wants regarding that matter and everyone else is within their rights to say and teach their children that it is not acceptable to think and or talk like he does.  

Everybody knows that MTV does not agree with his statements or behavior as well as the companies that took abuse for advertising during this show. The way it was handled was just more bad behavior - pushing one belief on others or else just like a bully would do. Two wrongs dont make a right- ever. 

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I don’t like what David said at all but I am adult enough to separate my personal beliefs from the principal behind the matter and I am also adult enough to realize that people have different opinions. This is America, we have all different types of people and opinions, are we really  saying somebody shouldn’t have a job just bc we don’t agree w/what they say? It’s just weird, to me - I could understand not filming him anymore if he was just a minor cast member of the show, but he’s Jenelle’s husband and a big part of the show and her story, so it kinda defeats the whole purpose of this being a reality show when you take him out of it bc he is a big part of Jenelle’s reality. 

I don’t believe in fucking with somebody’s livelihood just bc what they say offends me, I don’t think that’s right, bc I’d hate it if somebody did that to me. 

50 minutes ago, Witchz said:

Yes but I agree with SheTalksShit- and the reason why is that while other companies will hold a person responsible for what they say they hold them responsible for what they do while at work. Example - saying homophobic slurs to another employee at work and or a customer etc.  As for what they do on their social media accounts? Not so much is done about it most of the time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it is igorant or goes against the norm. Just like he is well within his right to tell his children whatever he wants regarding that matter and everyone else is within their rights to say and teach their children that it is not acceptable to think and or talk like he does.  

Everybody knows that MTV does not agree with his statements or behavior as well as the companies that took abuse for advertising during this show. The way it was handled was just more bad behavior - pushing one belief on others or else just like a bully would do. Two wrongs dont make a right- ever. 

Thank you. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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1 hour ago, SPLAIN said:

David, like many people, fail to understand what freedom of speech actually means. They think they are allowed to say what they want and to hell with whoever it offends. One can give their opinion on any topic you wish. You can tell the world you are a Nazi sympathizer, a racist, or you are homophobic. What our amendment for freedom of speech protects you from is being arrested for your words. It does not protect you from losing your job, it does not protect you from harm, it does not protect you from the backlash that will likely be thrown your way.

I agree and I actually meant to say this and forgot... at the end of the day his comments had consequences and it looks like Jenelle isn’t that far behind him.

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On 5/13/2018 at 7:41 AM, BitterApple said:

Chelsea and Jenelle choose sides? What the hell is this, a middle school catfight?

This episode description reads like the back of a Sweet Valley Twins novel. 



Best reference ever! Chelsea= Elizabeth (boring), Jenelle= Jessica (sociopath), Leah= Todd (dim, just wants to save whales/Kwhale).

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On 5/13/2018 at 12:49 AM, SheTalksShit said:

I don’t like what David said at all but I am adult enough to separate my personal beliefs from the principal behind the matter and I am also adult enough to realize that people have different opinions. This is America, we have all different types of people and opinions, are we really  saying somebody shouldn’t have a job just bc we don’t agree w/what they say? It’s just weird, to me - I could understand not filming him anymore if he was just a minor cast member of the show, but he’s Jenelle’s husband and a big part of the show and her story, so it kinda defeats the whole purpose of this being a reality show when you take him out of it bc he is a big part of Jenelle’s reality. 

I don’t believe in fucking with somebody’s livelihood just bc what they say offends me, I don’t think that’s right, bc I’d hate it if somebody did that to me. 



In many parts of our great country, LGBT individuals do fear for their livelihoods because of simply their existence, so I have no problem with a little tit-for-tat. In a world where people still fear for their lives because they love someone of the same gender or are trans, I don't think it's too much for MTV to ask David to keep his grimy fingers off his keyboard when he wants to express his grimy thoughts.


Edit: apologies, I just saw the warning above. I'll keep it about the show from here on out.

Edited by monagatuna
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9 hours ago, monicageller said:

Best reference ever! Chelsea= Elizabeth (boring), Jenelle= Jessica (sociopath), Leah= Todd (dim, just wants to save whales/Kwhale).

Lulz! Yep! And Kail would be a compilation of all the unattractive/dumpy/poor/unpopular characters Elizabeth took on as her personal charity cases or Jessica terrorized with fake offers of Unicorn Club membership. 

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On 5/12/2018 at 1:13 PM, druzy said:

Unfortunately, that's probably Leah's storyline for the season so buckle up! ?

I know she isn't at fault for what TPTB decide to air (just like Chelsea), but certainly there is more going on in her life. She keeps posting how "looooooonnnnnng" her days are.

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I’m only 12 minutes in and I have to run the bath for the boy, but the delicious...is it irony...in Jenelle talking about Doris supervising Kaiser at the reunion. 

Golly gee willikers. Could they be any fucking less self aware? 

Maybe it’s all a giant joke on the audience and this was planned? Re-enacted?


also, Kailyn thinks Briana “isn’t a good person.” Yikes. I don’t know where to start with that. 

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Holy shit, Catelynn’s weight has ballooned.  I knew from the OG reunion that she’d gained a good bit of weight, but just to see her walking around in those gold lamé pants and the way-way-way-too-small black shirt was visually jarring.  Poor girl.  She’s way too young to be that out of control.  I think all of these girls need a reality check.  If they think they have real problems that the rest of the commoners have, they’re kidding themselves.  

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Ugh David, the spotted oaf.  Big man, popping balloons because they won’t give you more beer.

What the heck was Leah collecting on the table when she was talking to Briana?

Edited by TexasGal
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Can Hulk stop bitching about Soapy not having his vaccinations when she willing had him sitting on a flying petri dish for 5 hours. And I don't believe for one second that Soapy cried for an hour so she just had to leave.  Kail conspired with Bone to find a  legitimate  reason for Kail to get out of filming that NYE special.

You sure you want it with the Coven, Kail? Looks like they were about to form Racket Voltron and vanquish  your  very Robeast-looking ass. Lol 

I have to say, I enjoy seeing Javi and Briana stir up drama for a storyline and Kail feeding into it.  Oh, and Kail, you aren't a good person  either and you really aren't any better than Briana.

David+alcohol +small space packed with people = disaster. I see why the bar cut him off.  

Forget the drama at the reunion! What about all the drama he is exposed to on Land,  Jenelle?

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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On 5/12/2018 at 5:41 PM, BitterApple said:

Chelsea and Jenelle choose sides? What the hell is this, a middle school catfight?

This episode description reads like the back of a Sweet Valley Twins novel. 



OMG!  10 points for literature from the days of yore.

9 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Kail conspired with Bone to find a  legitimate  reason for Kail to get out of filming that NYE special.

NYE?  New Years Eve?  Why am I thinking of Ross and Monica doing the Dick Clark special and having it filmed on another day?  Oh sooooo good then.

I liked this special.  I didn't think I would but I found it well put together.

Shout outs to Randy, Jo, Barb and the OG gang.

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Can I just say I’m here for this Jenelle/Briana alliance (it’s currently going on mostly on twitter, not so much the show) because when it blows up, and it WILL blow up, it is not going to go down quietly, and as long as the kids aren’t involved I’m gonna have popcorn ready.

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