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S14.E24: All of Me

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12 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

Oooh, good one.  Would have never gone that route in trying to speculate on it myself.  I was thinking more about one of the interns.

At this point, outside all the crap they put us through with Dr. Roy and how little the others have been used or background on them. I don't see why killing any of the remain 4 off would matter at this point. 

  • Love 1

Well, that was an optimistic ending. 

So, Teddy's pregnant and is going to be around as interim chief next season, especially now that Owen and Amelia may rekindle their romance. Thar's bound to be messy. 

So, Matthew/April really do get married. I guess that's a good ending for her. Jackson even got to be at the wedding, which was sweet. I remember they were close friends first, so at least he got to be there for her. I'm not a huge fan of the two of them speeding up their relationship, but I get the purpose. I still would have been fine if they just got engaged and that was that, or if they just stuck to dating. 

Jo/Alex didn't quite get their dream wedding, but it seemed to fit them. I did chuckle at them getting stuck in a shed. At least they were in good spirits. Plus, we still technically left on a cliffhanger on Jo taking the fellowship. I imagine she won't so they can stay on the show, but I chuckled that it's a possibility.

The interns not named Quadri and Parker can go away. Glasses is irritating, and Intern Amy Schumer isn't much better. 

DeLuca's mourning over his ex who isn't even dead was irritating. Hopefully, next season, he can move on and stop whining about her. 

I see that they left the possibility of a Calzona reunion off screen. 

  • Love 8

That was both the best and worst finale ever. I busted out laughing when we realized that everyone went to the wrong damn wedding. Everything involving Alex and Jo was gold. Awesome. But ... Arizona and April's exits were too obviously hastily written. And April and Matthew just out of nowhere getting married? Trying to hastily wrap up your character's story much? Teddy showing up pregnant was too predictable and wholly unwelcome IMO. Blech. Just blech. Thankfully the Alex and Jo stuff makes up for the rest of it. Of course they would miss their own wedding because they snuck off to have sex and got locked in a shed with a corpse. What, that didn't happen on your wedding day? Oh, and since when was Tisha Campbell-Martin old enough to play a mother of a bride? Cut it out, time.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 9

It wasn’t a bad finale, with the exception of Teddy. I never cared for the character, so I’m hoping she won’t be around forever. 

The interns are very annoying with the exception of DeLuca. I wonder if Carina will stick around now that Arizona is gone. 

It took me a few seconds to realize that was the version of The Story that Callie sang in the musical episode. 

  • Love 8

As soon as Teddy appeared I turned to my friend and called it that she was here to tell Owen she was pregnant.

It's entirely too soon for April and Matthew to be getting married and the fact that their entire relationship-version-two has happened offscreen doesn't give me good feelings about how the marriage was between Matthew and little Ruby's mom. Of course we had to have that scene where Jackson approved of April/Matthew so there's nothing for viewers to object to with Jaggie.

  • Love 17
6 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

It's entirely too soon for April and Matthew to be getting married and the fact that their entire relationship-version-two has happened offscreen doesn't give me good feelings about how the marriage was between Matthew and little Ruby's mom. Of course we had to have that scene where Jackson approved of April/Matthew so there's nothing for viewers to object to with Jaggie.

April and Matthew didn't date for very long before they got engaged the first time, too. It's nice when people don't learn a damn thing in five years.

  • Love 18
28 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The interns not named Quadri and Parker can go away. Glasses is irritating, and Intern Amy Schumer isn't much better. 

DeLuca's mourning over his ex who isn't even dead was irritating. Hopefully, next season, he can move on and stop whining about her. 

I agree - Glasses is way overused and his "endearing dork" persona is not endearing at all. I don't even know what Intern Amy Schumer's actual name is but if the best they can come up with for her is "Oh now she's a lovesick drunk" I think the should cut her. I would like to see more of Quadri and Parker, because we haven't seem barely anything from them.

Wasn't DeLuca's first scene him jumping in to save a heart attack patient on his first day? What happened to that guy? He was supposed to be the next McDreamy (he even had the hair!) and now they just make him stoned and sad, or drunk and sad. And now that Arizona is gone, where does he live? Who is he friends with? Give him something more!

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

As soon as Teddy appeared I turned to my friend and called it that she was here to tell Owen she was pregnant.

It's entirely too soon for April and Matthew to be getting married and the fact that their entire relationship-version-two has happened offscreen doesn't give me good feelings about how the marriage was between Matthew and little Ruby's mom. Of course we had to have that scene where Jackson approved of April/Matthew so there's nothing for viewers to object to with Jaggie.

I'm just glad they managed to write someone out alive and happy and not moving halfway across the world for once. I have no problem with April existing in the Seattle area, working elsewhere and living her own life that we just don't see.

(And I had the same thought about Teddy. I'll bet we all did.)

What exactly does the hospital board do? Wouldn't they be involved in hiring an interim chief? Bailey can just appoint her replacement before even telling anyone else at the hospital she's planning to step down for a while? (I know, I know, I shouldn't expect anything remotely realistic in that department at this point.)

  • Love 12

I get wanting to give April a nice farewell, but that was ridiculous.  An engagement would have been more than enough.  Sadly, Matthew's late wife seemed like a placeholder while he waited for his real love to show up.  The whole thing felt icky.  It doesn't help that we just learned last week that Matthew and April have been together for some time.

Oddly enough, I really liked Jo and Alex's ferry wedding.  The one bright spot in the episode.  Very romantic and sweet, and everyone who mattered was there.

So the idiot wedding coordinator didn't have an Epi-pen, but not a single guest did, either?  Or the doctors?  And wouldn't the ambulance have been faster than them trying to MacGuyver a tracheotomy?  


16 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

There was an "in memory of" at the beginning of the credits but I missed the name...anyone catch that?

There were two names: Suzanne Patmore Gibbs and Shandra "Sha" Page Edwards.

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

So are April and Matthew legally married?

Nope, unless a) there is a courthouse on Bainbridge to issue a marriage license; and b) there is no waiting period in Washington State.


ETA: Mr. Google tells me there’s a 3-day waiting period in Washington, so no, not legally married.

Edited by Lovecat
  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, LaughingOne said:

So who do you think will be more pissed about Matthew marrying April - his parents (who watched her ditch their son at the altar and run off with another guy) or Karen’s parents (whose daughter died a couple months ago)?  What a garbage ending for April.  Krista was so clueless about her character.

That is a good point. I'm sure Karen and/or Karen's parents knew about Matthew's first aborted-wedding and how he was left at the altar and they have to have feelings about Matthew marrying that woman so soon after their daughter's death AND that woman becoming stepmother to their granddaughter.

I also have to wonder what April's parents think about this.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 16
9 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Well, Rachel Weisz recently announced her pregnancy and she's 48. And I'd say the odds of a late-40s pregnancy on a show like Grey's are at least 10 times higher than in real life. ;)

I have a dear friend who had her fifth child at 47 and recently told me she was still ovulating....at 54!  And she is totally open to having another baby!  She’s an amazing mother, but I’m still a tad nervous that she’s going to follow thru with another baby.  

ETA: I would have a Daniel Craig’s baby whenever/wherever!  You go Rachel Weisz!

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

They never mentioned that Callie was single until tonight. I wonder if that was Sofia’s plan all along, to ask to live with Arizona and then convince her to move back to New York to be near Callie. 

That's a lot of long-range planning for a seven-year-old. I can't even pick out my work clothes the night before.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 20

I mean.. I know it’s Greys but it has seemed like for a while Arizona was being written out. It feels like for a while they knew they were writing her out. Sophia has been having issues for at least five or six episodes now about Seattle. The writing was on the wall for that story.

April was a different story. It’s why I was surprised she wasn’t killed off last week and this does feel like a tacked on ending.

Also I’m a little mad about the Teddy reveal of being pregnant and the reason is not only is it predictable but I was starting to enjoy te idea of Owen and Amelia and I never shipped them before, but I really wish the show had just had the story of their strange little family dynamic they have going on now, something about that is dysfunctional but intriguing to me. More so than having Teddy be pregnant from their one night whatever. Like really show.

  • Love 14

FULL DISCLOSURE - I bought some expensive wine to sip for both the Jolex and the Royal wedding but I ended up guzzling it all tonight.  However, I loved this episode!  This is the first time in such a long, long time where I really enjoyed every character.  I get why Japril fans would hate this ending, but honestly Sarah Drew and Jesse Williams sold it.  April seemed genuinely, if sheepishly, happy and Jackson seemed happy for her, but also not insultingly into Maggie. 

I really liked all of the Jo and Alex scenes and even if it wasn't as dramatic and emotional as I would have wanted, I don't have any doubt that they are really good for each other and that their wedding day went perfectly in character for them.  The sex by the dead corpse and their reaction to it cracked me up.  The only thing I didn't love was Meredith reverting back to her selfish and semi-possesive hold on Alex, but I think she is realizing that people are moving on and she is finally ready to do the same.  Also, I never once considered any kind of MerLuca relationship but now I am very much here for it, especially if they can't get Scott Speedman back.  

There were so many small, funny character moments that I will have to come back to, and I even enjoyed the interns!  The episode itself wasn't so shocking or original but something about the beautiful setting and the natural light really just improved everything for me (the wine meant for Harry and Megan didn't hurt either :)  

If I had a complaint it would have been that the hospital scenes seemed out of place.  But I did love the first scene at the stranger's wedding and how confused and awkward everyone was and while I have never been a big Teddy fan, I am curious to see how it all plays out with Bailey.

  • Love 21

Matthew didn't seem quite as ready to make the effort to be nice for April/Harriet's sake as Jackson was and I was wondering if anyone else got the feeling he wanted to hurry up and propose to April once everyone was away so Jackson couldn't be there to make a scene like he did five years ago. (I noticed that he was sure to reference what happened "five years ago" in his proposal). He couldn't have been happy that Jackson was one of three people at the impromptu wedding.

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