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9 minutes ago, ByTor said:

It should.  The spot Khalyn has, for example...if you're not particularly tall you could get lost in that spot.  And I assume, as you said, since the tallest are in the center of kickline, where they are placed in the triangle also determines where they are placed in the kickline.

When I was on drill team our kick line always had the tallest girls in the middle, then each side tapered down to the shortest girls.  Is it the same way with the DCC?  Kind of hard for me to see it clearly.  

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20 minutes ago, ShellyB said:

3 types of studios in Dallas, probs everywhere:

Rec - take what you want, no emphasis or requirement for any certain genre, end of the year recital

Competition - require a certain amount hours week; little emphasis on technique class due to choreography practiced all year long; several conventions and completions all year, along with nationals, end of the year recital (Dance Moms ??)

Pre-Pro - require certain amount of hours per week, most being in ballet and pointe work; emphasis on summer studies at intensives, end of the year recital

My personal opinion is that the studio is a reflection of the owners training. There are certainly students that are naturally gifted at every studio. But if the owners/teachers don’t have the background to push students OR decide to take a different route with their studio, students can only do their best with the tools & lessons they are given. My kids are all older, but when people ask me where to go, I always ask what the interest level is and how much do they want to dedicate to time in a studio. I also tell them to go watch....but, watch their highest level of students to see if the training is what they are looking for. 

It’s not true that comp studios don’t teach technique.  Around me most of the “good” competition studios max out around 4-5 hours of ballet a week, and probably ~4-5 hours of leaps/jumps/turns/legs technique.  They may do an hour or two of tap, and the same w/ acro.  Then usually there is a full day (usually on weekends) spent rehearsing group dances.   A dedicated dancer at one of these studios is normally devoting around 16-20 hours a week to dancing, and many of them are very, very good.   These studios will often also send their dancers to conventions (like ASH, Nuvo, NYCDA, etc.) where they spend a weekend learning combos from industry professionals (just like Travis and the quest choreographers do for the DCC, but for multiple days and more than just one industry person) and essentially auditioning for scholarships to take more conventions and longer programs in the summer - my daughter’s studio, for example, does two mandatory conventions (and 2 more are optional).   I know dance moms gave this type of dance studio a bad name, but there are many really good dancers that come from competition studios.   A lot of the really strong girls on DCC MTT come from competition studios.  Holly, Erica, Megan from SD, etc. they were competition dancers.

Pre-pro programs are almost exclusively ballet focused with the intent for the dancer to get a job at a professional ballet company upon graduation.   These kids decide pro ballet is their goal at a young age and focus on that, spending 20+ hours a week just on ballet (some even home school to do more hours).  They may add a few contemporary classes here and there, but it is not their real focus.  Most of these programs really frown on doing dance mom type competitions (some will do ballet competitions but they are very different than the “Star”-type comps).   We know a couple people in schools like this (they usually don’t even call themselves studios, but rather schools or academies) and it is very expensive too, but in a different way.

The hour commitment of each (comp or pre-pro) makes it virtually impossible to do both.  You kind of decide what you want and pick one (usually around age 10 is the decision point where the hours of each are too much to do both).  You may have the occasional comp dancer who takes some extra ballet at the pre-pro school, or the occasional pre-pro girl who will do a solo only at a comp (they usually do really well, btw), but you just can’t do both things full out.

The ballet technique of a comp dancer will likely never compare to the ballet technique of a pre-pro dancer (it would be like comparing the tumbling technique of a competition cheerleader to that of someone who trained to be an elite gymnast is the analogy I always use), but it doesn’t mean a comp dancer can’t have good ballet technique and extension.   It’s just never going to be “as good” - and it actually doesn’t need to be cause they aren’t dancing swan lake, etc. they are doing things like a hot jazz routine to something upbeat and entertaining.

It would really shock me if a pre-pro dancer would ever be involved w/ pro cheerleader type dancing so it’s really useless to try and compare any of these DCC hopefuls to those types of dancers.   You might have some that trained pre-pro to a certain age and then switched to comp as a teen, etc., but not someone who was still on that track.  Lol - some of those old school ballet teachers would probably have a stroke if one of their pupils ever thought about trying out for a pro cheerleading team - they legit would probably prefer them do any other dance job.

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2 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

As someone who spent most of her life growing up in the South, I have to say that the characterization given of Southern mothers was true...maybe 20 years ago. The notion that you went to college to get your MRS degreee was still floating around. When I returned from college (with a BA and MA, went straight through) in 1992, a lot of girls I knew then were getting married. I waited until I was 35 to get married and enjoyed my freedom and a career. But the pressure did exist. My parents never did this to me but I know I felt it from others. 


While this attitude may still exist in Dallas, it doesn’t in Atlanta anymore. There are a few holdovers but honestly, I don’t see the “you need to get married and have babies before you’re 25” nearly as much as I used to. Young women are becoming doctors, lawyers, nurses, architects, etc. Whatever they want to be. They aren’t waiting on a man to fulfill their existence. I find it unfortunate that this stereotype still exists. Then again, when a friend of mine moved to Seattle, someone actually asked him “Do they wear shoes down there?” As if all of us are uneducated hicks straight out of a L’il Amber comic strip (may be dating myself with that reference).


As for community colleges, I am not ashamed to say I went to one for my first year and a half on a full scholarship while working part-time before heading to a state school. A big ticket school is not always a guarantee of academic excellence but more often a load of debt to spend years paying off, which I thankfully had paid five years out of college. Conversely, we will be paying off my husband’s Vanderbilt law degree for many more years to come. 


I will say VK might indeed benefit getting away from her parents and going to a state school far from Dallas to grow up and meet people from different walks of life that have nothing to do with dance. To become her own person apart from Mom and the Dallas dance world. 

THANK YOU. No goal but to be a MRS by 21 is such a bad stereotype. 

2 hours ago, TexasBorn said:

Cassie had a wedding show?! Give. Me. A. BREAK.

There are other candidates besides VK?

Not quite. There was a DCC bride special with Cassie, Sunni and Trisha. Yeah, it just so happened when Cassie got married, not a coincidence there, but it wasn't just the Cassie show. 

18 minutes ago, cardsfan720 said:

Thanks for the diagram! So cool to see where everyone is in the formation!  Looking at it in terms of tenure, I'm surprised that Amy hasn't been mentioned as possible point!  Opinions, please?


11 minutes ago, ByTor said:

It should.  The spot Khalyn has, for example...if you're not particularly tall you could get lost in that spot.  And I assume, as you said, since the tallest are in the center of kickline, where they are placed in the triangle also determines where they are placed in the kickline.

Khalyn is not that tall. Maybe 5'5" average. They just had a ton of short girls lately. Lacey is about the same. 


4 minutes ago, cardsfan720 said:

When I was on drill team our kick line always had the tallest girls in the middle, then each side tapered down to the shortest girls.  Is it the same way with the DCC?  Kind of hard for me to see it clearly.  


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34 minutes ago, cardsfan720 said:

The rookies that are so far forward are in SG, right?  That might explain it.

Yeah - not being named to SG seems like the kiss of death when you’re a vet based on that formation.   Dancing behind rookies has got to be a little rough for some of them.   Show group versus not show group seems to cost someone two rows in the triangle regardless of whether they are a rookie or vet.

And wow - 5 rookie SG members this year (is there usually so many?).  I thought there were only 4, but I guess Amber is in SG too.  I thought she wasn’t doing too well on the show, but guess not.  

Edited by MyFavShows
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4 hours ago, ShellyB said:

I said she is a bubbly 18 because people have labeled her as entitled. I’ve known her her whole life and wouldn’t say that. She’s very confident, and that may rub people the wrong way. She speaks her mind, which some think is entitled. She’s just bright eyed...doesn’t think negatively at all. She can dance; and yes ma’am is part of her everyday. You just haven’t seen it. 

I actually think Victoria is bubbly and happy. Her office visit on episode 7 didn’t do her any favors, and it firmly put me in the WTF is Kelli thinking camp. That being said, she’s an 18 year old kid. I actually blame Kelli for all of this... it’s like everyone can see Victoria isn’t ready for this but Kelli. 

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2 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I actually think Victoria is bubbly and happy. Her office visit on episode 7 didn’t do her any favors, and it firmly put me in the WTF is Kelli thinking camp. That being said, she’s an 18 year old kid. I actually blame Kelli for all of this... it’s like everyone can see Victoria isn’t ready for this but Kelli. 

The way you behave as an 18 year old can be excused somewhat by your age.  If you continue to act that way, as you get older, it's not so "cute" for lack of a better word.

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24 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I actually think Victoria is bubbly and happy. Her office visit on episode 7 didn’t do her any favors, and it firmly put me in the WTF is Kelli thinking camp. That being said, she’s an 18 year old kid. I actually blame Kelli for all of this... it’s like everyone can see Victoria isn’t ready for this but Kelli. 

I do not think Kelli forced her to try out for the squad. I put some of the blame for the way Victoria is being shown on the show and the way Kelli is trying to sell the viewers and fans Victoria deserves a spot on the squad, but Kelli should not be blamed for Victoria trying out in the first place. I also think Tina, Charlotte and CMT need to take part of the blame also for the whole mess. Victoria is being used by Kelli, Charlotte and CMT for a blasted storyline. The poor girl needs to get away from her mother, Kelli, Charlotte, and CMT and get some real life experience before thinking of trying out again. Take a page from what Dayton has done since she was cut. She got a much better job and chances for wonderful experiences, and she has definitely has proven a girl does not need to be a DCC to have a happy, healthy life and rewarding experiences.

Edited by bigskygirl
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2 hours ago, ladybug525 said:

I've been wanting to say this exact same thing for awhile. Im still relatively new but i've read these forums for forever and i totally agree with this ^^^^^. So i had to come out of hiding to second it lol.

Maybe. But keep in mind how excited everyone else is about her. Charlotte raved about her at auditions and one of the other judges gave that poor weatherman a death stare when he dared to offer an honest opinion of her that didn’t completely kiss her ass. And Kittie practically cried after seeing her dance. Actually, did half the judges start crying at her audition? Talk about unprofessional. I don’t know what spell her mom and her have on the organization, but they’re all totally smitten with her. 

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1 hour ago, MyFavShows said:

It would really shock me if a pre-pro dancer would ever be involved w/ pro cheerleader type dancing so it’s really useless to try and compare any of these DCC hopefuls to those types of dancers.

Erica Jenkins and Olivia Sharber both trained at a Pre- Pro studio, one that has been recognized twice by Dance Magazine and Dance Teacher Magazine as one of the top 20 studios in the country. It is also the same studio where the Simpsons trained, Jessica and Ashlee, who was NYCDA’s Teen OD, and has also produced dancers on Broadway, LA, RCL, Celebrity Cruiseline, to name a few. They have won National awards several times over from NYCDA, along with countless regional competitions from Nuvo, Jump, 24Seven & Radix. Most students are strongly encouraged to attend ballet intensives every summer...Houston Ballet, Ballet Austin, The Rock, ABT,  SAB and Jillana, it makes a better dancer. If you remember Bree Hafen from a couple of seasons, it is where she teaches, along with me and the owner...who was also a DCC for 4 yrs and a DCC staff member.  Not every pre-pro studio is geared towards being in a ballet company. There two in the Dallas area, that gear towards the professional world of dance...contemporary companies, stage & film work, etc. They both have strong ballet requirements for company kids and compete successfully. 

Dance Moms did not do any favors for comp studios, but from Abby’s mouth to my ears, her girls didn’t take regular class because they were too busy working on comp dances. They never took classes at any of the conventions I saw them and their technique wasn’t great. They got by on lots of tricks. 

Edited by ShellyB
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38 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

Maybe. But keep in mind how excited everyone else is about her. Charlotte raved about her at auditions and one of the other judges gave that poor weatherman a death stare when he dared to offer an honest opinion of her that didn’t completely kiss her ass. And Kittie practically cried after seeing her dance. Actually, did half the judges start crying at her audition? Talk about unprofessional. I don’t know what spell her mom and her have on the organization, but they’re all totally smitten with her. 

The only judges who were crying were Brenda and Kelli. The other judges were not as impressed as Charlotte, Brenda and Kelli.

Edited by bigskygirl
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3 hours ago, tinabee1967 said:

Her other IG photos are pretty. I like her better without all of that makeup.

I think she needs to ease up on the eyebrows but she looks much prettier with darker blonde or brunette hair.

Edited by INKWTWH
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43 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

Maybe. But keep in mind how excited everyone else is about her. Charlotte raved about her at auditions and one of the other judges gave that poor weatherman a death stare when he dared to offer an honest opinion of her that didn’t completely kiss her ass. And Kittie practically cried after seeing her dance. Actually, did half the judges start crying at her audition? Talk about unprofessional. I don’t know what spell her mom and her have on the organization, but they’re all totally smitten with her. 

Several judges raised questions about VK during semis AND finals — all were shut down by Kelli and Charlotte. 

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10 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Several judges raised questions about VK during semis AND finals — all were shut down by Kelli and Charlotte. 

I get Kelli's obsession. But Charlotte I'm not understanding unless Papa Kalina was ready to bankroll something. Then Char would care. 

ETA: Char, like Kelli, also won't have a daughter who becomes a DCC. So maybe they both called dibs and want her as their DCC-daughter. 

Edited by Loves2Dance
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When VK first popped on the radar a few years ago I thought she was really pretty, tall, slender with beautiful ash-blonde hair and appeared to be a good dancer.

She’s had some really bad advice in that time with hair, makeup, diet and her style of dancing. Girls also don’t realise when you bleach your teeth to neon white it makes your teeth stand out and is very distracting (looking at you Savannah and Heather H too).  

I can see Tina saying she needs bigger blonder hair! Whiter teeth! bigger makeup! dance bigger!  She should go back to her natural beautiful self and re-audition in a few years. 

Edited by RhiRhi
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6 minutes ago, RhiRhi said:

When VK first popped on the radar a few years ago I thought she was really pretty, tall, slender with beautiful ash-blonde hair and appeared to be a good dancer.

She’s had some really bad advice in that time with hair, makeup, diet and her style of dancing. Girls also don’t realise when you bleach your teeth to neon white it makes your teeth stand out and is very distracting (looking at you Savannah and Heather H too).  

I can see Tina saying she needs bigger blonder hair! Whiter teeth! bigger makeup! dance bigger!  She should go back to her natural beautiful self and re-audition in a few years. 

Reminds me of the one episode of Friends where Ross bleach his teeth to the point they shined in the dark.

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5 hours ago, JohnGalt said:

She’s mainly continued to do pageants. She was Miss Dallas USA 2017. She still wears extensions most of the time.

Taylor actually looks . . . pretty good there and in some of the other pictures as well, especially as a brunette.  She is one girl who grew into her looks as she is MUCH pretty now then she was on the show.  Hopefully her attitude changed with it as she grew up. 

Brianna Arredondo, the girl from the Spurs Silver Dancers (who got cut at Semis for some ridiculous reason) made the Dallas Stars Ice Girls.  She also got engaged recently.  

Edited by EricaShadows
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1 hour ago, ShellyB said:

Erica Jenkins and Olivia Sharber both trained at a Pre- Pro studio, one that has been recognized twice by Dance Magazine and Dance Teacher Magazine as one of the top 20 studios in the country. It is also the same studio where the Simpsons trained, Jessica and Ashlee, who was NYCDA’s Teen OD, and has also produced dancers on Broadway, LA, RCL, Celebrity Cruiseline, to name a few. They have won National awards several times over from NYCDA, along with countless regional competitions from Nuvo, Jump, 24Seven & Radix. Most students are strongly encouraged to attend ballet intensives every summer...Houston Ballet, Ballet Austin, The Rock, ABT,  SAB and Jillana, it makes a better dancer. If you remember Bree Hafen from a couple of seasons, it is where she teaches, along with me and the owner...who was also a DCC for 4 yrs and a DCC staff member.  Not every pre-pro studio is geared towards being in a ballet company. There two in the Dallas area, that gear towards the professional world of dance...contemporary companies, stage & film work, etc. They both have strong ballet requirements for company kids and compete successfully. 

Dance Moms did not do any favors for comp studios, but from Abby’s mouth to my ears, her girls didn’t take regular class because they were too busy working on comp dances. They never took classes at any of the conventions I saw them and their technique wasn’t great. They got by on lots of tricks. 

Those studios that do all the styles of dance and conventions would still be described as “competition studios” around me.   Unless they don’t do solos and group dances at competitions/conventions or compete at all?  We have about 2-3 studios of that caliber around here that have won similar types of awards and have had kids go on to get professional jobs, Broadway, etc.  Most do about 10-12 hours of exclusively technique training a week - then rehearse competition dances on weekends.

Even Abby Lee, before things went crazy w/ the show, was a really good comp studio near me - her list of students’ accolades was/is very impressive and she’s had some really, really strong dancers over the years who have gone on to do professional work.  She had a girl who made the top 20 on SYTYCD in 2011.   Her dancers weren’t all like those kids on the show.  It’s just that those famous ones weren’t the best examples.

If having students go on to do professional work is “pre-pro” there are a lot of studios that do that.  But that phrase is strongly associated w/ ballet-only companies around me.

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Just watched ep 7...

TF is that mop on VK’s head? When she flopped her head down it looked like a nearly-dreadlocked mess that hadn’t been brushed in a week!

I wasn’t in love with how Lindsay was invited to beg before they cut her. How humiliating.

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10 hours ago, cardsfan720 said:

When I was on drill team our kick line always had the tallest girls in the middle, then each side tapered down to the shortest girls.  Is it the same way with the DCC? 

Yes, they do.

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12 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

You didn't know that????  Actually it was another episode for the show, and it probably helped pay the wedding bills cause it featured a lot of the area's vendors. 

Sunni and Trisha were also featured.  You can download this free from iTunes.

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13 hours ago, pizzaandcatsrlife said:

She looks like Gigi Gorgeous.  Not a compliment (google her)

Yeah, I think she looks too old to be a Miss anything!!!!

11 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:

There is a deleted scene on Facebook DCC MTT  I wish I could upload it on to here but it wont let me.  Did you see it?

I saw it, and you can definitely see Kelli trying to come up with the words that will explain VK's "temporary" poor performance.

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9 hours ago, Tootie said:

Best deleted scene EVER!!!  lol

2018-09-15 (39).png

This...truth that Victoria should have been cut that night.  Kelli questioned if VK is getting pressure to make showgroup (isn’t everyone) ..is it coming from home..and whom should we talk too?  Would she call another TCC mom to discuss pressure?  I believe if it was any other TCC they would have been cut that night and Victoria then would have been cut before Dayton.  VK was just given more time.  I would love to see more snippets of everyone’s skill.  

Victoria is talented and messy.  If someone does have natural talent and things become easy in the studio, sometimes they forget that the basics are the stepping stone to success.  (I’m good, I don’t need to keep honing those skills). If you don’t practice and master the basics, adding onto messy basics will not work, no matter how much talent there is at the core.  This is why musicians always, and I mean always, practice scales & technique exercises everyday, even in the most professional orchestras.  

Happy they are showing more dancing, and as they follow more TCC maybe we will see more of the talented TCC. 

I went back and watched the brides show.  Nice to see everyone looking so young! Michelle Keys looks better with toned down makeup.  I believe they highlighted Cassie’s wedding at the end, not only because she is the director’s daughter, but her wedding date was in April, months before the other weddings. No problem with it.  

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On 9/14/2018 at 3:17 PM, KoKo said:

I didn't want you to think I was doubting what you said. I was curious myself as the discussion was as if anyone had ever made SG and been cut later in camp -interesting topic!!

What about Kaitlin Legrand?? I think she made SG her rookie year then got cut the next year during training camp. Not sure if they had had SG auditions yet the year she got cut.

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On 9/14/2018 at 6:44 PM, scorpio1031 said:

So if VK plans on trying out again next year...……...we have time to get the bingo cards printed.  We can have squares that say:

1. VK jumps up and down

2. VK flips her hair over Kelli's desk

3. VK is in front of everyone else

4. VK moves into someone else's space

5. Marshall gives serious side eye

6. Judy gives serious side eye

7. VK falls out of a turn and everyone says "Awwwwwww!"

8. Scott takes one for the team

9. What's her name cries (her name just fell out of my head:/ )

10. Marshall eats a banana split

11. The girls go to IHOP

12. VK's trainer comes out of hiding

13.  VK does a talking head interview. 

14.  VK pretends _____(fill in the blank) is her best friend. 

15. The guest choreographer does not have anything good to say about VK. 

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12 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I do not think Kelli forced her to try out for the squad. I put some of the blame for the way Victoria is being shown on the show and the way Kelli is trying to sell the viewers and fans Victoria deserves a spot on the squad, but Kelli should not be blamed for Victoria trying out in the first place. I also think Tina, Charlotte and CMT need to take part of the blame also for the whole mess. Victoria is being used by Kelli, Charlotte and CMT for a blasted storyline. The poor girl needs to get away from her mother, Kelli, Charlotte, and CMT and get some real life experience before thinking of trying out again. Take a page from what Dayton has done since she was cut. She got a much better job and chances for wonderful experiences, and she has definitely has proven a girl does not need to be a DCC to have a happy, healthy life and rewarding experiences.


I’m confused. You’re blaming Victoria for even bothering to try out for the squad? Nowhere did I post that anyone forced her to try out. Trying out for the squad can be a great learning and growing experience. That’s actually what Victoria needs. It is Kelli’s fault for continuing to see things that aren’t there, and for telling her she has a spot, instead of allowing it to be the learning experience it should have been. Like it was for Sunni Cranfill, and Courtney Cook, and Brittany Schram, and so many others.

12 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

The way you behave as an 18 year old can be excused somewhat by your age.  If you continue to act that way, as you get older, it's not so "cute" for lack of a better word.

Exactly. Victoria is barely an adult. She should’ve gone to a real 4 year college and auctioned after graduation. 

Edited by PrincessLeia
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3 hours ago, Christineelgene said:

Sunni and Trisha were also featured.  You can download this free from iTunes.

More like "mentioned..."

1 hour ago, Jazzmom said:

This...truth that Victoria should have been cut that night.  Kelli questioned if VK is getting pressure to make showgroup (isn’t everyone) ..is it coming from home..and whom should we talk too?  Would she call another TCC mom to discuss pressure?  I believe if it was any other TCC they would have been cut that night and Victoria then would have been cut before Dayton.  VK was just given more time.  I would love to see more snippets of everyone’s skill.  

Victoria is talented and messy.  If someone does have natural talent and things become easy in the studio, sometimes they forget that the basics are the stepping stone to success.  (I’m good, I don’t need to keep honing those skills). If you don’t practice and master the basics, adding onto messy basics will not work, no matter how much talent there is at the core.  This is why musicians always, and I mean always, practice scales & technique exercises everyday, even in the most professional orchestras.  

Happy they are showing more dancing, and as they follow more TCC maybe we will see more of the talented TCC. 

I went back and watched the brides show.  Nice to see everyone looking so young! Michelle Keys looks better with toned down makeup.  I believe they highlighted Cassie’s wedding at the end, not only because she is the director’s daughter, but her wedding date was in April, months before the other weddings. No problem with it.  


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My dislike for Victoria goes way beyond her age/immaturity.  I've seen many a 18 year old come through training camp, and they were all just fine.  Instead, it's the entitlement.  You can tell this is someone who has been told at every turn how amazing she is and has been given everything she ever asked for.  And we see that mentality reflected in the show -- when she pushes to the front on everything, when she is shocked that the guest choreographer wouldn't love her, and when she's upset at not making SG.  And that's just the stuff we have seen.  I talk with a couple of DCC/former DCC, and the entitlement VK demonstrated during training camp is quite frankly shocking.  

In short, her parents have turned her into a poor excuse for a human being, and I for one hope she either gets her act together and becomes someone who brings some value to this planet or she never again pollutes my television screen with her presence.

Edited by SmpIsimon
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4 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I’m confused. You’re blaming Victoria for even bothering to try out for the squad? Nowhere did I post that anyone forced her to try out. Trying out for the squad can be a great learning and growing experience. That’s actually what Victoria needs. It is Kelli’s fault for continuing to see things that aren’t there, and for telling her she has a spot, instead of allowing it to be the learning experience it should have been. Like it was for Sunni Cranfill, and Courtney Cook, and Brittany Schram, and so many others.

Exactly. Victoria is barely an adult. 

I am not saying it is Victoria fault for trying out. I think Kelli, Charlotte, Tina and CMT are to be blame for the whole mess of what is going on this year in TC. I think Kelli and Charlotte are being blinded by what the show is doing for the DCC Organization at the expense of the girls. And to be honest about it, I do not think it was a great learning experience for Courtney Cook since the poor girl had to leave right before TC started because she was seriously ill due to taking a medication due to being stressed out and trying to keep her weight under control. Victoria can have learning and growing experiences without being a DCC. Look at Dayton. She is the perfect example of a girl who picked herself up, and went out and got a great new job where she will see and learn new things without being forced to sign her life over for the honor and privilege of being a DCC. Victoria in my opinion should take a hard long look at Dayton and go out and see the world or even a small part of the world before she tries out again. The poor girl is being used by the people *cough Kelli and Charlotte cough* who are suppose to be family to her because they are too much in love with having the show continue instead of seeing the damage being done to Victoria.

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12 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

My dislike for Victoria goes way beyond her age/immaturity.  I've seen many a 18 year old come through training camp, and they were all just fine.  Instead, it's the entitlement.  You can tell this is someone who has been told at every turn how amazing she is and has been given everything she ever asked for.  And we see that mentality reflected in the show -- when she pushes to the front on everything, when she is shocked that the guest choreographer wouldn't love her, and when she's upset at not making SG.  And that's just the stuff we have seen.  I talk with a couple of DCC/former DCC, and the entitlement VK demonstrated during training camp is quite frankly shocking.  

In short, her parents have turned her into a poor excuse for a human being, and I for one hope she either gets her act together and becomes someone who brings some value to this planet or she never again pollutes my television screen with her presence.


Blame it on the bad editing and the way Kelli, Charlotte and CMT want the fans and viewers to believe Victoria deserves a spot on the team. I think being told she had a guaranteed spot on the team and the phony lovefest reactions of Kelli and Charlotte help create the Victoria entitlement action we see. The poor girl does not see she is being used by the people who claim they care about her. Run far away from the DCC Organization while you still can Victoria.

Edited by bigskygirl
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14 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

In short, her parents have turned her into a poor excuse for a human being

Did VK deserve a spot on this team, or even in training camp this year?  I don't think so.  And she certainly is being portrayed as an immature, over-the-top mess.  But we have seen nothing to say this girl is a bad human being.  

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3 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

Did VK deserve a spot on this team, or even in training camp this year?  I don't think so.  And she certainly is being portrayed as an immature, over-the-top mess.  But we have seen nothing to say this girl is a bad human being.  

She’s spoiled and entitled. Maybe that’s what the poster was referring to? I agree, though. She’s not a “bad person”. 

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1 minute ago, Stan39 said:

She’s spoiled and entitled. Maybe that’s what the poster was referring to? I agree, though. She’s not a “bad person”. 

If they showed how she’s behaved behind the scenes you wouldn’t say that. 

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3 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

If they showed how she’s behaved behind the scenes you wouldn’t say that. 

Are any of the issues we are not seeing being addressed by TPTB or ignored?  Is the behaviour worthy of being cut or just annoying?  PM me if you need to. 

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7 minutes ago, ClosetDCCFan said:

Did VK deserve a spot on this team, or even in training camp this year?  I don't think so.  And she certainly is being portrayed as an immature, over-the-top mess.  But we have seen nothing to say this girl is a bad human being.  

Agreed. I'll wait to see what they show, but from what I see, she's immature, unprofessional, and even somewhat obnoxious, but terrible human being... that's a bit much IMO. Even the whole "she lied to her employer" thing kind of makes me chuckle a bit. If you've ever said you were taking a sick day when you weren't sick or if you claimed you were headed home for an appointment bc the pest control company was coming when you were really headed to an interview with another employer, you lied to your employer. Now Victoria apparently engaged in a very stupid and unnecessary lie to Kelli and deservedly got cut, but I think that makes her dumb and entitled, not a terrible person. No doubt that she's getting special treatment, and any other girl would be banished from ever trying out again, but that's an issue with Kelli, and her well documented habit of providing preferential treatment to her favorites. 

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4 minutes ago, Stee said:

I think one of the biggest storylines this season is not Victoria’s journey, but actually Kelli’s. At the beginning, she is blinded by Victoria - she only sees the positive. Each episode we start to see the veneer cracking: people starting to challenge her (first Scott, now Denise), and she defends Victoria or tries to find excuses. But ultimately we know how this plays out. 

It will be interesting to see the exact “aha” moment where Kelli realizes she’s been wrong and needs to make the cut. (We are starting to see hints of this, specifically when Kelli tells Victoria she needs to focus on making the team and that she is serious). I don’t think we’ve even seen this sort of progression with Kelli, but we all have our favorites, we all make errors in judgement and we all learn from our mistakes. Maybe this is the season where ultimately it is Kelli’s journey we are watching, and Victoria (and Malena) are just consequences of her storyline. I just love how each episode is another straw on the camels back - waiting for it to finally break!

I happen to LOVE Kelli, think she is incredibly articulate and dynamic, and I don’t lay blame on her for having favorites or being clouded judgment. I’m just interested to see how it plays out and hopefully both Victoria and Kelli come away from this season with a fresh new perspective. I wonder if Kelli watches the season with new objective eyes and sees the faults, or if she’s still trying to figure out how/when it all went wrong. There’s a lot to be learned on both sides. 

I think Kelli "aha" moment comes when Charlotte finally had enough and tells Kelli to cut her. Kelli wanted a squad of 38 girls, but Charlotte said no to that. I think Kelli would have kept Victoria and Malena if she had the chance.

I do not think Victoria is a bad person either. She has made mistakes and hopefully she will learn from them. The best thing for her is to get away from her mother and go out in the real world and get some real life experience before trying out for the team again.

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10 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

If they showed how she’s behaved behind the scenes you wouldn’t say that. 

Im with ya sista. Im also close to DCCs past/present through association whom are "in the know".

I understand neither Tina nor Victoria went to support the TEAM when they were announced to the alumnae before the first home game. Miss Dayton was there supporting her TC sisters as was Shelly. Love Dayton's attitude and class! No expectations, no entitlement, and understands she is her own dancer. I wish they would stop MTT and create a show that follows the girls whom were cut to show they are beautiful and talented and that they are finding success and fulfillment in other ventures. Reality is that less than a handful of DCC become famous afterward.  Hope she enjoys her dancing travels as Im sure she will. DCC is becoming cult-like and mean girl-ish. This season is showing it is more politics then talent and thats sickening even with VKs overdue impending cut. But then again, maybe thats what they want us to see. 

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So far I have not seen the "entitlement" on the show by VK. (obviously my only "window" is the show other than what I see in the forums)  What I have seen is an immature teenager who has been "groomed/assumed" all of her life to become DCC. She has known the people in the DCC organization all of her life.  So she feels very comfortable in their presence; which is why IMO she is always in the front row whenever possible while dancing/learning and why she is very at ease talking with K&J in the office. 

Just my two cents.

PS: I don't dislike her, but at the same time I don't think she is mature enough (nor talented enough at this time) to be on the team.  However, there are many people that have made the team that I didn't think should be there.  *shrug*

Edited by LynneH
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6 minutes ago, FMRDancerNYC said:

Im with ya sista. Im also close to DCCs past/present through association whom are "in the know".

I understand neither Tina nor Victoria went to support the TEAM when they were announced to the alumnae before the first home game. Miss Dayton was there supporting her TC sisters as was Shelly. Love Dayton's attitude and class! No expectations, no entitlement, and understands she is her own dancer. I wish they would stop MTT and create a show that follows the girls whom were cut to show they are beautiful and talented and that they are finding success and fulfillment in other ventures. Reality is that less than a handful of DCC become famous afterward.  Hope she enjoys her dancing travels as Im sure she will. DCC is becoming cult-like and mean girl-ish. This season is showing it is more politics then talent and thats sickening even with VKs overdue impending cut. But then again, maybe thats what they want us to see. 

I think the show has done more damage than good. It has become the new promotion for the Cowboys, DCC Organization, and The Star. I feel bad for the girls because they are being use for drama, ratings and the almighty dollars.

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12 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

I think Kelli "aha" moment comes when Charlotte finally had enough and tells Kelli to cut her. Kelli wanted a squad of 38 girls, but Charlotte said no to that. I think Kelli would have kept Victoria and Malena if she had the chance.

I do not think Victoria is a bad person either. She has made mistakes and hopefully she will learn from them. The best thing for her is to get away from her mother and go out in the real world and get some real life experience before trying out for the team again.

I would agree with this except that Malena and Lily were the final two cuts. That, in addition to a Charlotte also being one of Victoria’s biggest cheerleaders (pun intended). We know that Victoria is cut due to lying about seeing a nutritionist, and that’s likely the breaking point for Kelli. But I wonder if maybe there are other hints that come before it. Or if Judy starts to speak up (I would love this).  

As for Victoria, I agree with you and everyone else - she’s 18, needs time to mature, and will hopefully watch this season and come away with a lesson in humility. Hopefully. And maybe will make the team in a year or two when the spotlight isn’t so focused on her. I’m not a huge fan of Brennan but I’m happy she made the team without being a major storyline on this season. Some of the best girls have been under the radar: Jacie, Jenn Auburn, Lacey. 

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This season is the first one where Kelli has a “bad edit.” She’s looking incorrect and indecisive.  The closest thing to compare was keeping Brianna because she was so gorgeous, and maybe back to the Morgan and Kaitlin season

Kelli’s  looked bad since Victoria fell out of her turns on the field and the reaction was “awww.” Each episode she looks less able to face reality.  I’m not sure she even sees what the editors are doing to her. 

In fairness to Kelli, if Victoria had held up her end and behaved even semi-professionally, she maybe could have let her slide on to the team.  I don’t think Kelli expected the extreme immaturity from Victoria. She’s the most immature girl I’ve ever seen on the show. 

Its not just the weight gain, it’s everything about her behavior- like expecting show group, being shocked to not be noticed.

Victora is ok, and if they hadn’t focused on her like she was a rock star like Jalyn actually is, maybe let her slip under the radar like Brennan is doing this season, it maybe would have been ok all around.

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