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5 hours ago, English Teacher said:

Re: FBI.  Nerves can wreak havoc on the brain.  I have always thought that Kelsey’s 50 yards comment was just a quick mistake because in her head, she sees the 50 yard line.  I know I would probably make a similar mistake if I was extremely nervous....and panel interviews are as intimidating as heck!

Agreed that it may be nerves, but I think its possible that the girl just didn't know. Lots of people are woefully uniformed, and while the FBI has been in the news nonstop, typically thats how its referred to - "FBI", not "Federal Bureau of Investigation". She may well know that the FBI is the federal law enforcement agency, but not what the acronym stands for. I actually think people would be surprised by how many people wouldn't know what the letters stand for for many of the federal agencies, even the more well-known ones.

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7 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:


Hope this helps

Daphne looks like Whitney Bischoff from the Bachelor (Chris Soules season) .  I was wondering who she reminded me off (at least in this picture) lol.

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I’m pretty indifferent about Brennan and Dayton. But that clip of Victoria and Tina - UGH.  Kill me now.  They should just title season 13 as “DCC: Victoria Makes the Team” because I know it’s going to be the Victoria show.

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6 hours ago, TUOwl84 said:

Daphne looks like Whitney Bischoff from the Bachelor (Chris Soules season)

I've been saying she looks like former DCC Hannah, but now that you mention it, she DOES look like Whitney!

I don't get that Dayton meme, is Chik-fil-A closed on Sundays?

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7 hours ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

They should just title season 13 as “DCC: Victoria Makes the Team” because I know it’s going to be the Victoria show.

That sounds like a Babysitters Club book title ? 

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Cameos are scheduled for Monday. In the past, we’ve often seen a cut soon after that if someone who is already in trouble in the studio doesn’t wow on camera. 

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I am super curious to see if Shelley goes back to DCC or if this is it for her.  When she mentioned here she has not been back since the beginning of July I got really curious. 

Last season it seemed like she did lots of the heavy lifting when K&J were not around. The whole “Jenna texting her about being point” thing became a big story line — it seemed like she is very involved with the day to day with the girls. To take off a huge chunk in the busiest time seems weird.

Not that I blame her — as a supposedly valued employee they owed her more. Certainly not a spot if Dayton was not ready for it, but they definitely owed her more discretion. They know Dayton, how she dances and how she looks. Kelli has seen Dayton in swim suits. She was a known entity — not some unknown random they need to see in camp. And if Dayton gets a bad edit for CMT — forget it. I would not blame Shelley at all for cutting ties.

Edited by Lolfordays
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1 hour ago, Lolfordays said:

I am super curious to see if Shelley goes back to DCC or if this is it for her.  When she mentioned here she has not been back since the beginning of July I got really curious. 

Last season it seemed like she did lots of the heavy lifting when K&J were not around. The whole “Jenna texting her about being point” thing became a big story line — it seemed like she is very involved with the day to day with the girls. To take off a huge chunk in the busiest time seems weird.

Not that I blame her — as a supposedly valued employee they owed her more. Certainly not a spot if Dayton was not ready for it, but they definitely owed her more discretion. They know Dayton, how she dances and how she looks. Kelli has seen Dayton in swim suits. She was a known entity — not some unknown random they need to see in camp. And if Dayton gets a bad edit for CMT — forget it. I would not blame Shelley at all for cutting ties.

As a mother myself, I'd be done. I completely understand the first cut, and that was deserved. They admit she wasn't prepared and sort of wanted to see what might happen. But I could not watch my daughter's heart be broken a second time, after she'd prepared all year, being featured on a TV show, then cut again. If my daughter wasn't ready for it, I'd fully expect my decades long friends and co workers to politely suggest she prep for another year in her area of weakness, or just let us know she'd be a better fit somewhere else. 

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Here's something I dreamed up while watching previous seasons and seeing girls return.  Who are the girls who auditioned multiple years, which seasons did they audition, and how far did they make it (pre-lims, semis, Finals, Training Camp or made the team)?  There are likely many of these girls like Meaghan F., Sunni Cranfill, Meredith Oden, and the like so let's try to keep it to the girls who auditioned multiple years since the show has been on.

Edited by EricaShadows
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9 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

Here's something I dreamed up while watching previous seasons and seeing girls return.  Who are the girls who auditioned multiple years, which seasons did they audition, and how far did they make it (pre-lims, semis, Finals, Training Camp or made the team)?  There are likely many of these girls like Meaghan F., Sunni Cranfill, Meredith Oden, and the like so let's try to keep it to the girls who auditioned multiple years since the show has been on.

I wonder about this too! Lexi S and Kelli Q both tried out several times. I saw them both when watching previous seasons. Miranda is another that I saw in previous episodes before the season she made it. 

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My guess, and it's just speculation, is that Victoria probably learned all the dances way before training camp. There is no way that she is hanging out with all the DCC

and nobody has taught the dances to her. You would think Dayton would have received the same, but if she were cut, the only thing that makes sense is she couldn't

pick up choreography fast enough. She is talented, beautiful, has a cute figure and appears to be smart. Thoughts?

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I often wonder about this a lot- there have been a good number of girls that are good friends with current DCC. I wonder why they don’t know at least the signature dance before camp. Also, they teach the entrance way late in camp. What would prevent a vet from teaching a TCC the entrance to give her a better chance? @ShellyB- is there a rule against this? Can a vet give a TCC a “leg up” by helping them with choreo before it’s taught in the studio? And, other than blocking issues, why is the field entrance taught so late in camp? Thanks in advance. 

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1 hour ago, EricaShadows said:

Here's something I dreamed up while watching previous seasons and seeing girls return.  Who are the girls who auditioned multiple years, which seasons did they audition, and how far did they make it (pre-lims, semis, Finals, Training Camp or made the team)?  There are likely many of these girls like Meaghan F., Sunni Cranfill, Meredith Oden, and the like so let's try to keep it to the girls who auditioned multiple years since the show has been on.

Jessika, Christina, Miranda, Kelsey Bond, Chantel, Brittany Schram, Courtney Cook, Stephanie, Kelsey, Alyssa Sarasani.

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1 hour ago, EricaShadows said:

Here's something I dreamed up while watching previous seasons and seeing girls return.  Who are the girls who auditioned multiple years, which seasons did they audition, and how far did they make it (pre-lims, semis, Finals, Training Camp or made the team)?  There are likely many of these girls like Meaghan F., Sunni Cranfill, Meredith Oden, and the like so let's try to keep it to the girls who auditioned multiple years since the show has been on.

Amy, tried out 5 years... made it to end of camp. Vivian. Kyndall, Kali

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2 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Cruise ships are dangerous places. I'm a little surprised that's the path they chose for her ?

Because she might get hit by a shuffleboard shuttle cock? Run over by an over zealous shopper wearing sunglasses inside? Lost in the endless 24 hour buffet line?

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2 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

Here's something I dreamed up while watching previous seasons and seeing girls return.  Who are the girls who auditioned multiple years, which seasons did they audition, and how far did they make it (pre-lims, semis, Finals, Training Camp or made the team)?  There are likely many of these girls like Meaghan F., Sunni Cranfill, Meredith Oden, and the like so let's try to keep it to the girls who auditioned multiple years since the show has been on.

Alex Hermes made it after being cut the year before. She's the only one that I can remember Kelley calling into the office during training camp her second time and telling her that she should relax and they really wanted her on the team.

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1 hour ago, Law Mom said:

Who are "they?"

Twitter it's @BigTheyInc "they" are them! "They" must have made the adult Dayton try out for an awesome job on a cruise ship. I'm not sure how cruise ships are "dangerous", but if that's what "they" say, we are merely minions. 

1 hour ago, Taralightner said:

Because she might get hit by a shuffleboard shuttle cock? Run over by an over zealous shopper wearing sunglasses inside? Lost in the endless 24 hour buffet line?

Now now. A nurse friend of mine worked on a cruise ship. She got a bad sunburn once. That's pretty dangerous! I mean, she had worked in a trauma ICU heavy populated with gang members, clearly she was up to such a dangerous place as a....cruise ship. 

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1 hour ago, GBPackersfan said:

Twitter it's @BigTheyInc "they" are them! "They" must have made the adult Dayton try out for an awesome job on a cruise ship. I'm not sure how cruise ships are "dangerous", but if that's what "they" say, we are merely minions. 

Now now. A nurse friend of mine worked on a cruise ship. She got a bad sunburn once. That's pretty dangerous! I mean, she had worked in a trauma ICU heavy populated with gang members, clearly she was up to such a dangerous place as a....cruise ship. 

I stand, or lay, corrected. In the burn unit. ?

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2 hours ago, Taralightner said:

Because she might get hit by a shuffleboard shuttle cock? Run over by an over zealous shopper wearing sunglasses inside? Lost in the endless 24 hour buffet line?

Or get stuck on the poop cruise.

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I don't think concern for safety is a laughing matter. 

Dayton and her mother. They. After she was cut, Dayton went to auditions for RCCL and her mother went too. Shelly said so. I assumed it was a decision they made together. 6-12 months is a long time for anyone to be completely away from home. I am surprised that is the path they pursued considering how close they are. 

Unfortunately crime does occur on cruise ships. Unfortunately those crimes are very difficult to prosecute. This is not new information. Moreover crimes against crew members are often unreported by the industry. I'm surprised that concern for safety was met with the responses above. 

At the end of the day, there is a considerable difference between being a cruise ship passenger and a cruise ship employee, the biggest one being you don't get off the boat at the end of the week and go home. You're part of the ship 24/7/365 and you aren't 100% protected by the laws of the United States. So yes, I am surprised that is the path they pursued when DCC didn't work out. For an entire year you don't get to go home on the weekend or home for dinner. And you're in a place where if something bad happens to you, you're not entirely protected. I don't think what I said was wrong. You guys just turned it into a joke.

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@RedDelicious- I truly didn’t mean to upset or offend you. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings; please accept my apology. 

I look at it like this:

Dancers go to work in LA, in NYC, in Vegas, Disney’s locations including Tokyo... just to name some. All of these places could be seen as dangerous- especially in today’s world. So, I try, in my own life, to be alert and cautious, but I refuse to allow the possibility of something bad happening to prevent me from the possibility of something wonderful happening. 

Again, my joke wasn’t directed at YOU.  It is the way I deal with this uncertain and dangerous world that we all call home. 

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4 hours ago, Taralightner said:

Because she might get hit by a shuffleboard shuttle cock? Run over by an over zealous shopper wearing sunglasses inside? Lost in the endless 24 hour buffet line?

Gopher might hit on her:)

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6 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

Here's something I dreamed up while watching previous seasons and seeing girls return.  Who are the girls who auditioned multiple years, which seasons did they audition, and how far did they make it (pre-lims, semis, Finals, Training Camp or made the team)?  There are likely many of these girls like Meaghan F., Sunni Cranfill, Meredith Oden, and the like so let's try to keep it to the girls who auditioned multiple years since the show has been on.


Kalli Fullerton -- season 1 and 6. She made it to training camp both times. Madeline Massingil  - season 9 (training camp) and season 10 - made team. 

Edited by mayelynn
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4 hours ago, English Teacher said:

Natalie Woods, Melissa (s10 powerhouse), Hannah, Selina, Alex Hermes, Ann Lux eventually made the team. 

katherine d, Kelly Popcorn, Emily, Tessa, Karissa, Marie...never made the team. 

Jen K tried out the season before she’s made it.  I remember seeing her in the background during semis, don’t know if she made it to finals 

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1 hour ago, RedDelicious said:

I don't think concern for safety is a laughing matter. 

Dayton and her mother. They. After she was cut, Dayton went to auditions for RCCL and her mother went too. Shelly said so. I assumed it was a decision they made together. 6-12 months is a long time for anyone to be completely away from home. I am surprised that is the path they pursued considering how close they are. 

Unfortunately crime does occur on cruise ships. Unfortunately those crimes are very difficult to prosecute. This is not new information. Moreover crimes against crew members are often unreported by the industry. I'm surprised that concern for safety was met with the responses above. 

At the end of the day, there is a considerable difference between being a cruise ship passenger and a cruise ship employee, the biggest one being you don't get off the boat at the end of the week and go home. You're part of the ship 24/7/365 and you aren't 100% protected by the laws of the United States. So yes, I am surprised that is the path they pursued when DCC didn't work out. For an entire year you don't get to go home on the weekend or home for dinner. And you're in a place where if something bad happens to you, you're not entirely protected. I don't think what I said was wrong. You guys just turned it into a joke.

  I completely agree with you! Cruise ships are very, very dangerous for employees and assaults and crimes are kept underground so that the industry goes on. It is highly frowned upon to make reports. Also, disease spreads very rapidly. I worked with a physician who was called by the CDC to help out on a cruise ship where a terrible outbreak of a disease swept through the people. They found it was through door knobs and the serving utensils at the buffet. There are also rapes that rarely get reported, especially with the drinking that goes on. I also agree about not being protected by the US laws- people do not know this but it is very, very true. I know of one situation where this came into play, but I have read a lot about it as well. I applaud you for saying what you said- it is completely legitimate! 

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I just got finished watching part of S10. Colby made me cringe the whole time. During her last visit to the office, it was so completely awkward when she was grasping at straws to stay and begged K and J for just one more night. No, we have seen enough of your dancing. No, we have noticed you cannot smile and open your eyelids. No, they do not make the uniform small enough. Girl, no. Take your skinny fake Brit wannabe ass back home. BYE!

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I recently read a few accounts from former Carnival Cruiseline workers but I know zip about the others. Or specifics on dancers/musicians, who may be handled differently. However, it was very eye-opening. 

The cruise workers are expected to work 80-hour plus weeks. It is constant. They don’t get to go into the port stops like the tourists. Hard drinking is the norm during the few off hours they get off to blow off steam. Lots of people quit before their contracts are up because they can’t take it for long. 

All this to say that it ain’t the Love Boat by any means on some cruise lines. 

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On 7/18/2018 at 6:27 PM, kalibean said:

I think a girl driven to such extremes to lose weight is a huge liability on the team, both from an ambassador point of view and as an employee.  Better to be edited as robotic than have them talk about your possible mental health issue. I mean, they went there with Kelsey Bond and alluded to it with Courtney Cook, but still. 

If I was a TCC, I would much prefer an edit that’s easy to disprove in ten seconds in conversation then let all my personal business hang out. 

This reminds me of the Nicole Bulcher "refrigerator raid". Yes, she was juice fasting to fit in her uniform!!!! That made me mad. She needed help from a good therapist and an actual qualified nutritionist, not some hack that throws out random frozen food and pours soda down the sink. TPTB should have addressed her issue privately, not planned a televised sneak attack. They embarrassed her for no reason.

Edited by tinabee1967
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My nephew has done the dance circuit for several years and has loved it. He has been around the world several times and was able to see the sights.  Not too shabby of a  way to spend his early twenties. 

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10 minutes ago, GaveIn said:

Jen K tried out the season before she’s made it.  I remember seeing her in the background during semis, don’t know if she made it to finals 

I did not know JennK had tried out more than once. 

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 If I'm not mistaken, we're heading into week 8 on Monday.  If Kelli/Judy/Charlotte are planning on finalizing the team before the new season of MTT starts, they have just over a week since the premier date is August 2nd and that would mean at least 5 girls would get cut next week, depending on how many, or if any, got cut over the past few nights.  Otherwise, Kelli/Judy/Charlotte would have two weeks to pare the number of girls down to that "magical" number of 36. 

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I know several girls who have danced on cruise ships for several contracts. They had the time of their lives. They did not work 80 hours a week. Their time was spent rehearsing and performing. They had free time to go into ports (not every port every time). Yes, lots of drinking...no more so than in our bars in US. 2 of the girls married men that also worked on the cruise ships. I'm sure there is crime, but no more so than anywhere else. If it was my daughter, I'd support her in her decision.....great opportunity to see the world and work/interact with different cultures. Worried, yeah I'd be worried....but I worry about my kids every day whether they are 10 miles or 2500 miles away. I hope Dayton loves it and it gives @ShellyB an awesome vacation opportunity!

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1 hour ago, EricaShadows said:

 If I'm not mistaken, we're heading into week 8 on Monday.  If Kelli/Judy/Charlotte are planning on finalizing the team before the new season of MTT starts, they have just over a week since the premier date is August 2nd and that would mean at least 5 girls would get cut next week, depending on how many, or if any, got cut over the past few nights.  Otherwise, Kelli/Judy/Charlotte would have two weeks to pare the number of girls down to that "magical" number of 36. 

Does anyone remember the most girls cut in one night of training camp? I seem to remember there were 4 cut one year on the same night. 

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2 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

I recently read a few accounts from former Carnival Cruiseline workers but I know zip about the others. Or specifics on dancers/musicians, who may be handled differently. However, it was very eye-opening. 

The cruise workers are expected to work 80-hour plus weeks. It is constant. They don’t get to go into the port stops like the tourists. Hard drinking is the norm during the few off hours they get off to blow off steam. Lots of people quit before their contracts are up because they can’t take it for long. 

All this to say that it ain’t the Love Boat by any means on some cruise lines. 

It’s  not the same for the entertainment staff. They don’t live in crew quarters, they live in staff quarters which are in a different area, and don’t have the grueling schedules that the crew does. Dancers usually have some cruise staff duties (embark/debark, library, games etc) and rehearsals usually late at night when the theatre is free, but most entertainment staff is free to sightsee during the day and has time off to do as they please. 

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18 minutes ago, Tootie said:

Going back to 2013, here are some DCC's that tried out multiple times and made it to finals.  There are many, many girls in that time frame that made it to finals several times but never made it into TC. 

DCC 1.png

DCC 2.png

Can't believe Robin and Khalyn got overlooked their first years. They both are/were fantastic DCC's.   Breelan looked better her first year IMO. I thought Kelli Q tried out more than three times before makkng it. Still feel badly about Ashley Pro. I think she got a bad edit during her last tryout. She was not the strongest dancer, but she was super sweet. They have kept lots of dancers who were way worse. 

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7 minutes ago, Middlemom said:

Can't believe Robin and Khalyn got overlooked their first years. They both are/were fantastic DCC's.   Breelan looked better her first year IMO. I thought Kelli Q tried out more than three times before makkng it. Still feel badly about Ashley Pro. I think she got a bad edit during her last tryout. She was not the strongest dancer, but she was super sweet. They have kept lots of dancers who were way worse. 

I like Khalyn’s hair from 2015!! 

Edited by Jesslyn
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37 minutes ago, Tootie said:

Going back to 2013, here are some DCC's that tried out multiple times and made it to finals.  There are many, many girls in that time frame that made it to finals several times but never made it into TC. 

DCC 1.png

DCC 2.png

Jessika looks so much better as a brunette!

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10 minutes ago, TUOwl84 said:

Jessika looks so much better as a brunette!

Now see, I think it's too dark:)  The hair color now on her - is that the balayage style or whatever - is pretty.  It's like Goldilocks - some colors are tooooo dark and some colors are tooooo light:)  But if you get them in the right combo, it's just right.  Like when they do makeovers and they do a harsh red, and then slowly they bring the color down a bit.

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