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Lost In Transition - General Discussion

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1 minute ago, rideashire said:

Cindy needs to just buy herself a good vibrator and let Troy go. It's really weird to see her so concerned about sex every damn second and then see Troy just being so happy that she might not leave.

Seems to me that she just doesn't want to lose the penis and will do whatever to keep it.

Dicks are everywhere. His must be extra special. I’m just trying to imagine trying to be attracted to my boyfriend in female form and then being told to find my inner lesbian. I think if I wanted to find my inner lesbian, I’d look for a woman I’d be sexually attracted to and obviously this poor lady won’t find her new wife very attractive. Even with a strap-on. 

  • Love 10

Troy just doesn't come across as a woman or feminine to me at all. I wasn't paying really close attention, but I swear he said he liked his penis and wanted to keep it so they can keep having sex. I'm sorry if I'm ignorant, but someone who just can't stand to be a man and just has to become a woman, wouldn't they want to get rid of the penis? I personally think he is confusing this with wanting to be a cross-dresser. 

And I agree that Leslie just needs to suck it up and get a job. And yeah, she probably should have kept the wanting to be a woman thing to herself until her family was way more financially secure. 

  • Love 23
12 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

Leslie was selfish to start this process while the wife was in a high risk pregnancy and then go to work as a female knowing she would be fired for transitioning. Then when her wife says she’ll have to start working earlier than she wanted to with the new baby, Leslie sits there in silence like, “Yeah, YOU’LL have to start work.” What about you, Leslie? Take some pressure off of your pregnant wife who was high risk. What the hell? 

Im officially over Leslie’s selfish ass. Stacy has zero help or support and is bending over beyond backwards to accommodate this transition. Leslie can’t be bothered with anything other than her breasts. 

Poor Jennifer is about to crack. 

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, Nowhere said:

Dicks are everywhere. His must be extra special. I’m just trying to imagine trying to be attracted to my boyfriend in female form and then being told to find my inner lesbian. I think if I wanted to find my inner lesbian, I’d look for a woman I’d be sexually attracted to and obviously this poor lady won’t find her new wife very attractive. Even with a strap-on. 

I doubt they all "go boing" when she bends over :). If I were their friends I don't think I could see them socially for a while after listening to their sex talk - it was embarrassing me and I was alone in the room watching it!  It's interesting to me that the transgender folks all have to live as their "authentic selves" no matter what - but their partners have to "find their inner lesbian"

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Emkat said:

Stacy went back to work ONE WEEK after having the baby?! Fuck that noise!!

OMFG the penis talk from Cindy is TOO MUCH!!! What a horndog!

Re Cindy, yeah at first I was like “you go girl” because that gives me reason to be hopeful that when I get her age, that I’ll enjoy sex still and want it often. But now I think someone should put the water hose on her. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Emkat said:

Stacy went back to work ONE WEEK after having the baby?! Fuck that noise!!

OMFG the penis talk from Cindy is TOO MUCH!!! What a horndog!

That's awful.  Leslie is able bodied, even if she had to work at Mcdonald's for awhile it's something.  One person can only do so much, what happens if Stacy breaks down and can't work or has some kind of medical issues?  Also don't Stacy and Leslie have any family that might be able to help them a bit?  They seem very alone, did they ever say anything about being estranged from their families?

We get it Cindy you like sex we're all thrilled.  

Jennifer never seems to stop crying, she's really grieving the loss of her husband. 

I found myself tuning out this episode, after watching the mess of lives on 90 Day Fiance this episode seemed a bit boring to me.  I'll have to rewatch in a couple of days.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, princelina said:

 It's interesting to me that the transgender folks all have to live as their "authentic selves" no matter what - but their partners have to "find their inner lesbian"

Seriously! The hypocrisy! This reminds me of some of my single lesbian friends who are called transphobic because they don’t want to date or have sex with transwomen who have penises. That or they’re called “vagina fetishist” which is dumb since sex organs can’t be fetishes since they’re part of human sexuality. These wives being guilted to be sexually attracted to their transitioning spouses, is no different than telling a gay man he just hasn’t found the right girl yet. No one should be guilted into having sex with anyone, no matter their gender or orientation. 


Leslie is incredibly obnoxious. Hopefully Stacy realizes sooner rather than later that Leslie will only ever put Leslie first. 


Lawren and Jennifer seem like they could get through this. Although I did wonder how Lawren felt while watching this episode. Jennifer laughing with her friends about the potential awkward sex with Lawren, while totally normal to talk with friends about that sort of thing, I’d think Lawren would feel bad watching that scene. Lawren also seemed really distant while watching their daughter perform. Maybe she was just nervous because the cameras were attracting attention to her. 

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, PupCal said:

(Side note: oh gosh the zumba instructor's straight-up rolling-on-the-floor guffawing was mortifying to me as a trans person.)

Thisssssss! OMG...her reaction was disgraceful. 

I'm like a dog with a bone with this, I know, but Leslie and her "tissue sample surgery" worked my last nerve. I've had stereostatic biopsies done many times. While, I *guess* it's considered surgery, it involved only local anesthesia. It took maybe an hour each time? The hell was Leslie droning on about having an operation? It's NOT an "operation" if this is what she was having done. And if it was an actual operation, why is she driving herself? No hospital is going to release her into the parking lot to go home on her own. And, again, what would an "operation" be for?! There are definitely test results at hand that TLC has withheld from air—probably because Leslie has nothing like cancer at all and it would cut down on the drama forcing us to wonder if she does. Then the kicker: she was all, "Well, if it's not cancer, I can get my implants." Uhhhhh...what? You have no job, you have a new baby, you live in a rundown trailer, AND, you ALREADY HAVE breasts!  Jesus, I can't with her.

My other favorite part (paraphrased because I don't remember the actual wording):

Lawren (to her mother): I have something I need to tell you.

Mother (stares at Lawren, who has breasts and a full face of make up and camera crew along to document this): What could that be?

Yes! Gosh, gee, mother of Lawren, what ever could it be? /groan

Apparently, the preview for next weeks says it's the show "finale." I presume since it did't say "season finale" that it wasn't picked up for a second season.

1 hour ago, sorryboutit said:

Lawren and Jennifer seem like they could get through this. Although I did wonder how Lawren felt while watching this episode. Jennifer laughing with her friends about the potential awkward sex with Lawren, while totally normal to talk with friends about that sort of thing, I’d think Lawren would feel bad watching that scene. Lawren also seemed really distant while watching their daughter perform. Maybe she was just nervous because the cameras were attracting attention to her. 

As long as Lawren gets everything Lawren wants and Jennifer continues to smile and suck it up.  If Lawren feels bad then she should remember that she chose to document this on tv.  Jennifer's allowed to vent with her friends, and there must come a time for Lawren to be understanding and supportive of her as well.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, SevenCostanza said:

That's awful.  Leslie is able bodied, even if she had to work at Mcdonald's for awhile it's something.  One person can only do so much, what happens if Stacy breaks down and can't work or has some kind of medical issues?  Also don't Stacy and Leslie have any family that might be able to help them a bit?  They seem very alone, did they ever say anything about being estranged from their families?

I thought Stacy works for her parents, as their bookkeeper or something like that?  Which may explain how she is able to go back to work after a week, with a baby and toddler, while Leslie is doing Leslie.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, sorryboutit said:
11 hours ago, princelina said:


Seriously! The hypocrisy! This reminds me of some of my single lesbian friends who are called transphobic because they don’t want to date or have sex with transwomen who have penises. That or they’re called “vagina fetishist” which is dumb since sex organs can’t be fetishes since they’re part of human sexuality. These wives being guilted to be sexually attracted to their transitioning spouses, is no different than telling a gay man he just hasn’t found the right girl yet. No one should be guilted into having sex with anyone, no matter their gender or orientation. 

AMEN!!!!  For years, society tried to force gay people to like the opposite sex.   It did not work and it will never work. When will we ever learn from past mistakes. 

I have many gay friends, and in the 60s when it was not accepted, I saw these people really struggle.   They tried to be straight. My first boyfriend was gay. I sensed it. As he entered his 20s and moved to New York to be an actor, he came out. We are still friends and now he is a happy person. He is who he is and who he was all along. I think his parents suspected it because they were just thrilled with me. And I don’t know it’s because I’m so wonderful but it was because their son had a girlfriend .  

Now, the partners to these transitioning people are expected to go along with that transition sexually. It’s not fair. Your sexuality is your sexuality. You cannot turn gay because you want to anymore that you can turn straight because you want to. 

Edited by Kid
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

I'm like a dog with a bone with this, I know, but Leslie and her "tissue sample surgery" worked my last nerve. I've had stereostatic biopsies done many times. While, I *guess* it's considered surgery, it involved only local anesthesia. It took maybe an hour each time? The hell was Leslie droning on about having an operation? It's NOT an "operation" if this is what she was having done. And if it was an actual operation, why is she driving herself? No hospital is going to release her into the parking lot to go home on her own. And, again, what would an "operation" be for?! There are definitely test results at hand that TLC has withheld from air—probably because Leslie has nothing like cancer at all and it would cut down on the drama forcing us to wonder if she does. Then the kicker: she was all, "Well, if it's not cancer, I can get my implants." Uhhhhh...what? You have no job, you have a new baby, you live in a rundown trailer, AND, you ALREADY HAVE breasts!  Jesus, I can't with her.

^^^so very much THIS^^^

The whole direction of whatever they are calling healthcare confuses the crap out of me.

First visit to ANY practitioner, and this one is an endocrinologist:

Patient: ”I’m bleeding from my nipples, one of them from two ducts” no mention of going to any other provider that preformed mammography, sonogram or any other method of testing that would have confirmed multiple duct involvement.

Enocrinologist: “In all my 12 years, this is the first I’ve ever seen of this”, takes “sample” (of what exactly? I’m assuming the bloody discharge?), sends patient home with possible referral to “breast surgeon” if lab tests aren’t normal.  No mention of or discussion regarding potentially otherwise benign disorders involving nipples that have nothing to do with the breast tissue itself, nor the process by which those are ruled out first, before going to surgery.

Endocrinoligist calls patient to inform them they have “abnormal cells” so they will need an appointment with a breast surgeon to remove “tissue”.   Still no mention of any other diagnostic methods or possible reasons other than OMG CANCER.

If my breasts had ever been treated in the way TLC is putting this narrative forward, I’d have gotten a second or even a third opinion.

1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

Lawren (to her mother): I have something I need to tell you.

Mother (stares at Lawren, who has breasts and a full face of make up and camera crew along to document this): What could that be?

Yes! Gosh, gee, mother of Lawren, what ever could it be? /groan

I thought my eyes were going to stay stuck rolled back into my head.  She’s no more than two feet away from Lawren’s blue eyeshadow and mascara with the camera’s rolling...it was cartoonish...not the make-up, just the rest of it.

As per usual, TLC makes art out of Bad Form.

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I don't care what gender anyone is.  My old-lady-based issue is when someone changes the rules of the game after other people have agreed to play it with them.  My brother knew he was gay, but married and fathered four children anyway before deciding he had to be true to himself.  Apparently, "true to himself" meant that he no longer had to be responsible to his ex-wife and the four kids.  Never a dime of child support.  He moved out of state and (easier to do before the internet) went underground as far as being easily traceable.

The wives/girlfriends of Leslie, Lawren, Lucy and Karen would likely NOT have chosen to go into relationships with them.  They went into relationships with Les, Larry, Todd, and A.J.  Each of the birth women should be free to choose the path of the rest of their lives, and the transgender partner needs to accept that they may lose people who are very important to them.  Life is full of choices.  Sometimes the choice is hard.

I agree completely with your comment about changing the rules on someone and the fact that these women would’ve made different choices. With regard to your brother, I suspect he would’ve done the same thing had he been straight and gotten a divorce.  Plenty of straight men who left their wives for a hot young bimbo have not paid child support and had no role in the rearing of their own children.

It’s about being irresponsible not about being gay. That is my opinion of course, as I do not know your brother

Edited by Kid
  • Love 7
13 minutes ago, Kid said:

I agree completely with your comment about changing the rules on someone and the fact that these women would’ve made different choices. With regard to your brother, I suspect he would’ve done the same thing had he been straight and gotten a divorce.  Plenty of straight men who left their wives for a hot young bimbo have not paid child support and had no role in the rearing of their own children.

It’s about being irresponsible not about being gay. That is my opinion of course, as I do not know your brother

I can't argue with your statement about just being irresponsible.  What's amazing is that our father (not gay) did the same thing, deserting his wife with four kids.  Who would want to continue THAT family trait?

Back to LiT!!!

  • Love 6

Baby Artemis is such a precious little peanut! I wanted to eat her up. It was great to see such a beautiful smile from Stacey for a change.

What a shame Stacey had to go straight back to work while Leslie...hunts all day? What? Why isn't she handling the toddler while Stacey has the newborn? The carpet needs vacuuming and dinner needs cooking, Leslie.

  • Love 10

I am giving Leslie the benefit of the doubt on some of this.  Yes, it absolutely sucks that Stacy went back to work so quickly after giving birth.  early on we were told that she works part time in her family's business, so they can probably be more accommodating to her.  Also, given that it is her family's business, that is where the idea of her being able to pick up more hours (aka the family will help you out some; that is, unless they had already been hoping she could work more) would make some sense.  It would be so much better if they were financially secure enough for Stacy to take time to be home with the baby.  Unfortunately that is not happening.

Leslie lost her job.  I would expect that she has applied for unemployment and is most likely looking for a new job.  Unless Leslie had to go into the unemployment office to apply and there was a chance that someone there would balk at her gender, the show wouldn't focus on that.  So we're not going to hear about it.  For them to film any job interviews, the hiring company would have to agree to filming and Leslie would have to explain why she was being filmed - not a good way to start things off. 

With the medical stuff, we are definitely missing some components in the story.  If the endocrinologist leaped from bleeding nipples to remove tissue, that would be very odd.  It may be that among this group of doctors the surgeon would be the one to order a mammogram, ultrasound, etc., then determine whether to do a biopsy.  The endo referred her to a surgeon. When they say she has abnormal cells she either had a biopsy (I would expect to have heard that word if one was done) or she had the mammogram, etc. that showed an abnormality.  She is now going in for the biopsy; they may have decided to remove all of the abnormal appearing tissue as part of the biopsy.  

Years ago this would have meant knocking her out and doing this in an operating room.  Now this and many lumpectomies are done in surgeon's offices; while it is less scary than going under, it is still scary.  To my mind, she and Stacy have every right to be concerned.  I haven't heard her say she has cancer (She's no Betty Jo on My 600 Lb Life).  I have heard both Leslie and Stacy express concern that they don't know if this is a setback or a major issue.  Her saying she wishes Stacy could be there with her seems reasonable to me.  I would rather have a partner with me than go alone.  She followed her comment by saying it was important that Stacy be home to take care of the kids.  Sounds reasonable to me.

The show is playing up the drama - it's life-threatening!  This is reality TV gold! 

Depending on the nature of the cells, even if they are not cancerous, it could mean she cannot tolerate hormone therapy.  Not physically life threatening but certainly emotionally difficult. 

Stacy and Leslie are stuck in a way.  They are getting paid to be on reality TV.  They are not being paid enough to take care of all financial issues, but it's not money they can afford to throw away.  Got to film when asked.  At the same time, they need to work on a plan to get out of their financial hole. And I do mean they.  While too much is falling on Stacy in their current situation, they decided to have a second child.  They have been in a financially precarious situation for some time.  They were already hunting and fishing to supplement their food budget. They represent the working class - living, working and trying to make ends meet - a situation in which one person losing their job quickly becomes critical.  They are among the many who do not have a large rainy day fund to fall back on and are now being met with additional expenses.  

If things go well, Leslie's procedure and tests will go okay.  She'll find a new job and they'll be able to stabilize again.  But that might take more than a minute, especially if she has to get through filming before she can really commit to a new job.  It's hard to start then say, "I'm gonna need these days off, then this afternoon, then . . . . "  It is also hard to look for a new job when you have a medical concern.  Again, I just started but I need time off for . . . doesn't play well. 

  • Love 2

I can't believe Stacey had to go back to work. I can't even imagine going back to work one week after giving birth. I live in Canada and I had one year paid maternity leave from my job at a hospital. After my year was up, I had to choose between going back to the hospital full-time days (no part-time or night shift option) or staying home. I stayed home. I ended up working full-time nights for a different hospital from home. It was rough but at least I was home with my son.

I realize the TLC editors are manipulating the details regarding Leslie's health and Lawren revealing her news to her mother, but still, this show is getting almost too painful to watch. 

Cindy might need to get her testosterone level checked. Maybe she needs to take a little estrogen before she starts rubbing up on trees and power poles. Take it easy, lady.

  • Love 2
On 7/2/2018 at 9:40 AM, SevenCostanza said:

That's awful.  Leslie is able bodied, even if she had to work at Mcdonald's for awhile it's something.  One person can only do so much, what happens if Stacy breaks down and can't work or has some kind of medical issues?  Also don't Stacy and Leslie have any family that might be able to help them a bit?  They seem very alone, did they ever say anything about being estranged from their families?

We get it Cindy you like sex we're all thrilled.  

Jennifer never seems to stop crying, she's really grieving the loss of her husband. 

I found myself tuning out this episode, after watching the mess of lives on 90 Day Fiance this episode seemed a bit boring to me.  I'll have to rewatch in a couple of days.

I agree about Leslie. She could work anywhere as Leslie, Working somewhere that requires a uniform and if she tones down the make up and jewelry, no one would know that she is transitioning unless she tells them. She has to ask herself what's more important at this very moment. Most of us have been in situations that weren't ideal (relationships, jobs), but you stick it out until you are in a better position. I completely support someone transitioning, but you have to put your family first.

She is coming across as so selfish and taking her wonderful supportive wife for granted. Shame on her. 

  • Love 5

I’ve always wondered if those who transition from male to female are ever surprised at or prepared for the ridiculous gender bias they are coming into.

Situations that some women are just used to, like slut-shaming or how about the forced legal “modesty” of now having to cover up their nipples in places where before, presenting as men, they didn’t even have to think about it?

 I’m sure they are well aware of the hideous standards of “beauty” that women are subjected to, but what about the “rules” (legal as well as societal) of acceptable female behavior?

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I read that Leslie lost her job at the gun store because she bought a gun with an employee discount then sold it.  They said she bought it and sold it to make a profit.  I'm sure there is more to it but that's what I read somewhere.

That was discussed here when it happened. Since they are so hard up for money, I could totally see that happening and can also see that the owner was looking for a concrete reason to fire Leslie and using that outside sale was the perfect way to get rid of her and be able to claim that it had nothing to do with her transition.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, KBrownie said:


Just give Beverly her fucking birth certificate for Christ's sake!  Who is Karen to hold on to someone else's birth certificate and tell Karen that she can just go get another one?  It doesn't belong to you.

And STFU Cas.  "You can just get another one.  It's not that hard."  It's so obvious that Cas is just using this to get back at Beverly.  Neither you or your father make those transitioning very empathetic as you both come off as selfish, passive-aggressive, narcissists.

THIS!  Thank you!  Karen and Cas were talking down to her and treating Beverly like she's an idiot child.  And Cas needs to butt out.  This argument has nothing to do with her, let Karen and Bev work it out amongst themselves.  I just started watching this show and straight away Karen came off like a controlling jerk. 

  • Love 20

So, let me get this straight. Leslie goes to the hospital for "cancer surgery" but walks out with new boobs? No fucking way. Just...just...NO. First of all, there's no way she went in for "tissue surgery" (whatever the hell that is) and immediately the surgeons say her "tumors" are benign and they JUST SO HAPPEN TO HAVE implants lying around the OR they can put in?! So, sorry/not sorry but the whole "Leslie has cancer!" was total bullshit from the beginning. Leslie was getting breast implant surgery...period. And where did the magical money come from to have this procedure? She's unemployed and is struggling already to pay bills. GTFO. 

And THEN she goes to her grandmother's birthday party (and of course, made it all about her) but first has to go to the hair salon because her aunts gave her a gift certificate. Well, it sure looked like Leslie got hair extensions and her aunts didn't look like they had that kind of money to spare so I'm thinking it was Aunt T, Aunt L, and Aunt C who ponied up the cash for that expensive endeavor. 

Oh, and what's wrong with this picture: 

Lawren (a gainfully employed, upper-middle-class attorney): I need bottom surgery but it's very expensive so I probably can't have it right now.


Leslie (an unemployed, impoverished human sad trombone who lives in a broken down trailer): I need bottom surgery—and I have an appointment for a consultation next month! YAY!

I have literally no idea what the hell happened with Cindy and Lucy—like, at all. Last week Lucy was all in with the not taking hormones and staying together and then...not so much this episode. Then they broke up. They should have just done that in the first episode. 

I will say the lady who threaded Lucy's eyebrows did a great job. 

1 hour ago, For Cereals said:

Karen and Cas are assholes.

Correct. Their badgering of Karen was excruciating to watch. While Karen seems to be a permanent resident of Doormat-istan, the two of them seem to be citizens of Shithead City. And why were they driving on the lawn???

As for Lawren, I would have thought someone who was an attorney would be a little more articulate. Listening to her try to have a conversation with her mother and grandmother was painful. I mean, come on! Her grandmother was awesome and she liked the "gay." 

I wish all the women on the show much luck with their new lives and hope they find happiness. But I am really grateful there'll be no more of this show—the storytelling (such as it was) was horrific and the participants were mostly completely annoying. 

22 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

So, let me get this straight. Leslie goes to the hospital for "cancer surgery" but walks out with new boobs? No fucking way. Just...just...NO. First of all, there's no way she went in for "tissue surgery" (whatever the hell that is) and immediately the surgeons say her "tumors" are benign and they JUST SO HAPPEN TO HAVE implants lying around the OR they can put in?! So, sorry/not sorry but the whole "Leslie has cancer!" was total bullshit from the beginning. Leslie was getting breast implant surgery...period. And where did the magical money come from to have this procedure? She's unemployed and is struggling already to pay bills. GTFO. 

I knew there was something rotten in Denmark the way they went about this whole “Leslie’s cancer scare” thing.  Interductal papillomas are a thing.  I’ve got at least one, I know the deal.  8 years ago they punched 5 holes in my lump (core biopsy), found nothing to worry about and since then it has migrated to just above my nipple.  Sometimes my nipple has a little bloodyish discharge.  It’s buggy.

It’s also a benign breast disorder.  However, a breast surgeon might opt to remove the affected duct(s).  So when they said she was having “tissue removed”, it was most likely the affected duct(s).

Stacey posted on Twitter that they didn’t pay for it, but that their insurance pays for “reconstructive” surgery if breast tissue is removed.

So there’s how Leslie got breast augmentation, paid for by Stacey & Leslie’s insurance ~ She needed reconstructive breast surgery.

  • Love 10

I've got some lingering questions after tonight's episode...First, on what planet is Lucy only 50?  She said she was 50 twice tonight, and if that's all she is, she's lived rougher than David Poor on 90DF.  Second, what was the deal with Leslie's grandma's party?  It was in the break room of a food co-op!  I mean, none of them look like they're rolling in cash (and I totally agree with @Giant Misfit with the source of the "aunt's" gift certificate), but no one had a church basement or a VFW hall to rent?  I'm sure TLC could have ponied up the bucks for one of those.  

The biggest WTF moment was that whole birth certificate/insurance discussion.  I've NEVER had to give an original birth certificate for any insurance, home, car, or health.  I could see maybe having to show a copy of a marriage certificate for a spouse dependent, but I've never seen that as a requirement either.  Karen holding on to Bev's original was a total power move.  Presumably, Karen is already employed and already has Bev on her insurance, so Karen needing to hold on to Bev's original is totally bogus.  If Karen didn't want to be portrayed as an asshole, she shouldn't have acted like one.  I still think there's a darker side to Bev, but now I'm thinking it could have been brought out by years of being put down by her spouse.  And why did Karen and Cas take off across the lawn, like it was some kind of jail break?  The new home buyers are gonna come after her for any lawn damage, as they should.

I was glad to see Lawren finally look a bit happy; she does look exactly like her mom.  The saddest thing on the show was the end, when Stacey said she didn't know who she was any more.  As a non touchy-feely person, even I wanted to give her a hug.

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

Lawren (a gainfully employed, upper-middle-class attorney): I need bottom surgery but it's very expensive so I probably can't have it right now.


Leslie (an unemployed, impoverished human sad trombone who lives in a broken down trailer): I need bottom surgery—and I have an appointment for a consultation next month! YAY!

Oh this.  Goodness yes. That's what I immediately thought when Leslie mentioned her consultation.

1 hour ago, PupCal said:

What kind of insurance needs your birth certificate anyway?

And. this.  I couldn't wait to come here to find out if there's an insurance that of course you need your birth certificate for.  I can't think of one either.  And heck, even if it was needed initially, insurance is the kind of thing that, once you get on a policy, it's pretty easy to renew. 

Cas's role model for being male was A.J. Based on what we've seen of how Karen treats Bev, that's not a great role model.  Yes, Karen, people are going to think you're an asshole. 

Jennifer's love is so pure.  They tugged at my heart strings when they were discussing bottom surgery being the final step towards seeing if they can be together. 

This whole series, I've had the toughest time buying that Troy wanted to be a woman.  Tonight, after the makeover, was the first time that came across even a little bit.

Leslie's hair at the end looked shorter and it looked like it was dyed the same color as her sweater.

Hmm, I'm watching this People Live from about a week ago and it seems like Cindy and Lucy are still together, although he's still presenting as male here.

  • Love 7

Lawren's endocrinologist is a little odd. Why is he asking questions about their sex life? Just seemed weird.

I can't believe I didn't like Beverly at first. You can tell what a complete dick Karen has been to her for the last 20+ years. And Cas needs to take a stadium full of seats.

Leslie's family was so kind. That was really nice to see.

Omg Lawren's grandma is a treasure.  

Edited by Emkat
  • Love 9
5 hours ago, kicotan said:

I knew there was something rotten in Denmark the way they went about this whole “Leslie’s cancer scare” thing.  Interductal papillomas are a thing.  I’ve got at least one, I know the deal.  8 years ago they punched 5 holes in my lump (core biopsy), found nothing to worry about and since then it has migrated to just above my nipple.  Sometimes my nipple has a little bloodyish discharge.  It’s buggy.

It’s also a benign breast disorder.  However, a breast surgeon might opt to remove the affected duct(s).  So when they said she was having “tissue removed”, it was most likely the affected duct(s).

Thanks for the excellent information, @kicotan! So, essentially, when Leslie was leaving that morning of surgery, they already knew it was a benign condition. (Which, of course, I knew, too because I've been down that road several times and whatever was seen on a mammogram was removed stereostatically and biopsied prior to any additional surgeries being planned.) But that does clear up the "tissue surgery" aspect of it that could have—and should have—been explained in another episode. 


4 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Hmm, I'm watching this People Live from about a week ago and it seems like Cindy and Lucy are still together, although he's still presenting as male here.

OMG this show sucked so hard. So, yes, they're still together and Cindy is going through therapy separately and together with Lucy despite the show clearly showing the relationship had ended. 


4 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Leslie's hair at the end looked shorter and it looked like it was dyed the same color as her sweater.


I think that scene was filmed prior to her getting the extension$$$. I think that was the hair color she had when she entered the salon. (Also a shout out to Leslie's family who could not have been nicer.)

I did notice Karen went through a series of hair styles and colors and the final scene of her she had long, black hair. 

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