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  1. I find the following interesting about Darin: The main contention in the defense filing was that Mrs. Routier's lead attorney, Doug Mulder, represented Mr. Routier in a gag order hearing in October 1996, thus setting up a conflict of interest. Her current defense attorneys claim that a conflict of interest may have kept Mr. Mulder from exploring "inconsistencies" in Mr. Routier's testimony inconsistencies that could have cast doubt on Mrs. Routier's guilt. The defense brief said Mr. Routier made "suspiciously inconsistent statements" about blood on his bluejeans. "According to the police report, he didn't explain how blood got on his jeans because he said he came down the stairs naked and got blood on his stomach and bare knees while trying to give CPR to Devon," the report said. Hours later, at a hospital where Mrs. Routier was being treated for a series of minor slash wounds, police asked him about the blood. He said he rushed naked to his family's aid when he heard his wife scream, then returned upstairs to dress. But at a bond hearing where Mr. Routier was represented by Mr. Mulder, he testified that he had taken time to put on his jeans before he rushed downstairs to see why Mrs. Routier was screaming. The defense brief also charged that police had evidence connecting Darin Routier to the crime, including a hair from his head found on the knife used to kill the boys and fibers from his sneakers discovered on a bloody sock found in an alley behind the Routier home.
  2. In his defense, he did say that the home has been in his family for generations. It could be that he is the only one unmarried (if he does have siblings) and he didn't mention his father, perhaps he is taking care of his mother and keeping the house in the family.
  3. I agree about Leslie. She could work anywhere as Leslie, Working somewhere that requires a uniform and if she tones down the make up and jewelry, no one would know that she is transitioning unless she tells them. She has to ask herself what's more important at this very moment. Most of us have been in situations that weren't ideal (relationships, jobs), but you stick it out until you are in a better position. I completely support someone transitioning, but you have to put your family first. She is coming across as so selfish and taking her wonderful supportive wife for granted. Shame on her.
  4. I am already bored with this season. Charles is becoming unlikable and Josh is a waste of air time. I think they should rewrite the show with Diana, Maggie, and Lauren. They are the only highlight of the show. I am a glutton for punishment so I will continue to watch, but something needs to happen already.
  5. I worked at Target in my early 20's and once a month a cross dresser would come in and shop the lingerie and women's department. He was very manly, but had on a wig, heels, and women's clothing. Early on I asked a co-worker about him and was told that he and his wife have an agreement that he can cross dress once a month. He was comfortable coming to Target and felt less judged than going to a mall. Relationships are about compromise, but I am not sure if Cindy would agree with this. I wish all the couples well as I believe that we all should be able to live as our authentic selves.
  6. I agree about Charles! I am disliking the way he is handling the news about Liza. I understand him questioning her motives, but it's not like she came in aggressively trying to take Diana's position. She has worked hard to make a career for herself by starting at the bottom. I have always liked Josh and Liza together. That just might be the 40 year old me wanting to explore my inner cougar. Don't tell my hubby!
  7. Payroll frequency requirements vary from state to state. I believe in New York for office workers it's semi-monthly...meaning that employees must be paid at a minimum of semi-monthly, but employers can chose weekly or bi-weekly. What drives me crazy is the age. New employees have to complete an I-9 to show eligibility to work in the United States. With this form you have to provide documentation such as a passport (which lists your date of birth) or a driver's license or state ID (which again would list your date of birth). There are some other forms that are rarely uses but allowed like a voter registration card which doesn't list your date of birth. But seriously... I work in HR and I have to overlook the age thing and remind myself it's just TV :)
  8. Perhaps this has already been mentioned. I need to read the forum. However, does anyone else feel that this season stories being rushed and going into more detail about the process (not to mention giving Ancestry.com lots of publicity) instead of why the adoption occurred. We aren't learning more about the families, their personal search/journey, or where the father is. I was wondering if this was intentional to create story lines for the update series, if that is returning. I understand that someone people what to keep personal matter to themselves and I respect that. Maybe I am just too nosy for my own good. My father is on my birth certificate and he was not present during my birth. My parents were only 17 years old and his family didn't want to believe that he fathered a child at a young age. They didn't want it to tarnish their image. So it must vary from state and perhaps there are more legalities surrounding it know versus in the 70's.
  9. Perhaps this has already been mentioned. I need to read the forum. However, does anyone else feel that this season stories being rushed and going into more detail about the process (not to mention giving Ancestry.com lots of publicity) instead of why the adoption occurred. We aren't learning more about the families, their personal search/journey, or where the father is. I was wondering if this was intentional to create story lines for the update series, if that is returning. I understand that someone people what to keep personal matter to themselves and I respect that. Maybe I am just too nosy for my own good.
  10. I disagree about a child at 5 not going outside looking for their parent. As a child of a single alcoholic mother, I had to mature much quicker than most children my age. I grew accustomed to having to look for my Mom after bar close. Sometime I would find her fallen outside, with a twisted ankle, she has fallen the steps and cracked her head open once. If she did have an issue with drugs and/or alcohol and this was her routine to meet her dealer outside or partake in these activities at a neighbors, I wouldn't be surprised to hear of him looking for her outside in the parking lot or within the complex itself. I do believe that had a hand in his disappearance and more than likely it was accidental.
  11. I was thinking that perhaps Aubrey was one of the individuals that approached Sage when she was out with Eric. He mentioned that a couple of females stopped them and that he ended going his separate way.
  12. Regarding the biracial gentleman, Christian: My Mom has a friend who is white (both parents) and was adopted by an African American family. They were unable to have children and didn't care about race. This happened in the early 1960's. Seems very unusual for that time frame. However, since Christian was listed as being Caucasian they had no idea that he was biracial until he become a darker shade as he aged. Some Italians have darker skin tones depending on what part of the region they are from. Regarding adoption: I was recently contracted on Ancestry (I had my DNA analyzed using them) by an unknown relative. I discovered that my Aunt had a child when she was 20 years old and placed her up for adoption. My Mom had no idea as they are 10 years apart and my Aunt was no longer living with her parents at the time. My new cousin has very little information about the adoption, however it stated that this was the 2nd child my Aunt has placed up for adoption. The other child being born 2 years prior. I am not close to my Aunt and have not reached out to her regarding her daughter. I have developed a wonderful relationship with my cousin and she is coming to visit in the fall. I bring this up because there are so many secrets that remain in closets for years. I can't imagine what the adopted children have been through and I truly wish for happy endings.
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