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I caught part of season 2 today, and I also watched episode one of season one.  I’m going to watch more of season two tomorrow, but I get the feeling the season is going to pick up a lot once they go to Cabo, so I’m going to list some of the observations I made today, and I’ll probably come back tomorrow, seeing as how this is my temporary full-time job:

  • Lisa was a fucking bitch back then too.  She riles people up, makes demeaning comments, and shoos them away before they can defend themselves.  One thing that stood out to me was how self-serving it was to have “Sur Lounge” printed on the side of her gay pride float, along with everyone having “SUR” body-painted onto them, instead of, I dunno, “pride”?  She is not funny.  She is offensive, and I don’t use that word lightly.  There was one point Stassi and Scheana were arguing and Lisa said, “this isn’t about you; this is about gay pride.  Now, shut up and shake your ass.”  The number of things that were wrong with that statement...I don’t have enough fingers to count  
  • Stassi was also a fucking bitch back then, but her outfits were so much better, as was her body (as was pretty much everyone’s body).  Something happened to her with Patrick.  It’s like he permanently took something sharp, bright and interesting away from her.  Maybe it was just age, though I have found people tend to get more interesting when they go from their twenties to thirties
  •  I would have hated Scheana too if I were Stassi.  She came on pretty much hoping to be hated.  She said she was a cheerleader through the end of high school (as opposed to “just” a cheerleader through high school?), she never wanted to tell the truth about fucking Eddie Cibrian—first it was, “I never sold a story!” Then, when Stassi pressed her, she said Eddie told her he was separated, which is so lame.  Her music was selected for her.  She claimed people came up to her thinking she was Brittney Spears, and when they thought that, she would just sign shit for them!  She was (still is) a walking, talking idiot stereotype, and she was low-key flirting with Jax in a way that men don’t pick up on, and I’m glad Stassi was such a big bitch to put her in her place, even though Stassi as a bitch is someone I usually can’t stand
  • Jax told the Toms that he had cancer when all he had was a mass, so the lying started early and often
  • Katie was...kinda nice!
  • Kristen looks so much better now than she did in season two.  As much as I love me some Kristen, I was surprised how much her situation with Tom mirrored the situation with Carter, and I sympathize with her friends, though they’re not very sensitive
  • Kristina (Christina?) was a huge presence back then.  I can’t decide if I love her or hate her, except what made up my mind for me was...
  • I decided I love Kristina, because she was suspicious of Ariana from the beginning, who was awful.  Kristen didn’t do anything to Ariana at this point in time, but Ariana came out loaded for bear for Kristen, having a lunch with Scheana during which time she listed every way she was better than Kristen (I’m prettier than you.  I’m smarter than you.  I’m cooler than you...deal with it).  Tom was flirting so inappropriately with Ariana that another server even made a big thing about it, and Ariana deflected by saying Kristen is mentally ill, and that she likely has bipolar disorder (yet this is the bitch who didn’t want anyone saying a bad word about her rapey brother two seasons ago).  And when Kristen confronted Ariana in a very neutral, non-threatening way, Ariana said “no” to the question of whether she and Tom had kissed.  So she is the psycho and the liar, not Kristen.  I’ll never see Ariana in a sympathetic light again.  What she did was pretty evil.  Sandoval was no prize either
  • The Stassi and Sandoval hate goes back really far
  • There are clues even back then as to how crazy and how annoying Stassi’s mother and brother, respectively, would become
  • I kind of loved how much Stassi owned her bitchiness in the very first episode when Jax called her the devil and she was like, “I am the devil.”  I just think that’s more refreshing than the minimizing and apologizing that a lot of women do, like, “I’m not the devil, I’m the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet” (ugh), but by season two, when she was not dating Jax, but just had him in this weird suspension where he was supposed to be her faithful whipping boy, it got kind of outrageous.  She had no call to get so mad that he made out with a 21 year old if she wasn’t going to have him.  At the same time, she was so evil and Jax was so evil, that I didn’t feel bad for anyone, so that worked out nicely
  • For better or for worse, I don’t think the show will ever be the same without Stassi running it.  I was shocked at how much of a “lead” she and Jax were
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:


  • Lisa was a fucking bitch back then too.  She riles people up, makes demeaning comments, and shoos them away before they can defend themselves.  One thing that stood out to me was how self-serving it was to have “Sur Lounge” printed on the side of her gay pride float, along with everyone having “SUR” body-painted onto them, instead of, I dunno, “pride”?  She is not funny.  She is offensive, and I don’t use that word lightly.  There was one point Stassi and Scheana were arguing and Lisa said, “this isn’t about you; this is about gay pride.  Now, shut up and shake your ass.”  The number of things that were wrong with that statement...I don’t have enough fingers to count  

Lisa's always been this kind of bitch.  She acted this way on RH too, but those chicks weren't her "employees" so they didn't have to shut up and kiss her ring.  She loves to demean others, act like she's "above" their responses, and thinks she's hilarious with her basic middle-school level sex jokes. Then she claims people don't get "British humor" - but those of us who do get "British humor" understand that it's the wit more than the smut that makes it funny.  

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20 hours ago, geauxaway said:

It’s a total mind fuck seeing Kristin with James, too.   I forgot how young he was when he came on the scene.   Beemer selfies / Honda selfies. 🤣

Oh, man! I missed my favorite fight (well, close race between that and Jax’s chunky sweater thrown off into the parking lot). What was the exact quote? Something like:

Sandoval: Go take a Beemer selfie, James!

James: Well, at least I’m not thirty-FOUR!

{brawl breaks out; Scheana screeches about her new teeth or foot or whatever body part was injured that season}

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I finished watching season two today, and I’m shocked at how much control Stassi tried to exert over Jax’s life when he wasn’t even her boyfriend.  I probably should have known this, but Stassi wasn’t even going out with Jax when Kristen slept with him.  You know what that makes him?  Single. 
It was so bad that Stassi and Sandoval resorted to real violence to solve their problems.  Every single person was in the wrong there.

It got me so irrationally mad that Stassi suddenly started kissing Ariana’s ass as soon as she realized Kristen was off her rocker.  You don’t have to support Kristen’s relationship, but you don’t have to consort with the enemy either.

Schwartz pouring a drink over Katie’s head was so uncalled for.  And then he made fun of her for crying!  He was disgusted by her. They probably should have broken up then, and not gotten married.

Scheana continues to be a garbage human.  Her music sucks hard. Shay didn’t see this nightmare coming?

Stassi was talking about dipping dildos in acid and fucking people with them back then too.  It’s so boring how often she brings up that particular torture technique, and how much satisfaction it gives her.

I wound up really liking Kristina, and I wonder how it would have turned out if she stayed.  Would she have become a giant fame whore too?  I wonder if she would have gained weight, like Stassi, Kristen and Katie did, or if she would have stayed the same, like Ariana.  It’s hard to picture her any differently.

Those photo shoots were so creepy!! James was in the one in the finale lol. 

Ariana continues to be the worst one to me. There’s something extra awful about someone who wants to be accepted for something about themselves that is “other” when she smirks and rhapsodizes about Kristen’s alleged mental illness constantly.  It’s so hypocritical.  If anyone else were to say anything half as insulting about someone with a mental health problem, she’d be all, “Dude.  Like, I’m sorry, but that’s like (long important Ariana pause), I’m sorry, but that’s really like not cool. Like...people...really....struggle...with their mental illness.” Ugh, she is such a slow talker who never has anything interesting to say.  I just didn’t know quite how much of a jerk and a liar she was until watching this again.    Now that Ariana is on this depression journey in season eight, are the viewers supposed to feel any pity?  Because I have zero pity.  I think it’s fitting.  To think I found her likable and sympathetic last season.  Re-watching early seasons of reality TV should be required, so I don’t make mistakes like these again.

I wonder who else I was totally wrong about!

  • Love 11
On 3/26/2020 at 8:56 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I finished watching season two today, and I’m shocked at how much control Stassi tried to exert over Jax’s life when he wasn’t even her boyfriend.  I probably should have known this, but Stassi wasn’t even going out with Jax when Kristen slept with him.  You know what that makes him?  Single. 
It was so bad that Stassi and Sandoval resorted to real violence to solve their problems.  Every single person was in the wrong there.

That's why she wasn't mad at Jax.  She was (rightfully) upset with Kristen,, who was her best friend.  Jax was always trying to get back with Stassi or at least be on friendly terms.  Stassi used that  to get the confession.

S1&2 were reality gold.  The stories were genuine, you could feel the hurt.  I'm still surprised that Stassi forgave Kristen, and I'm even more surprised that Sandoval forgave Jax since Tom & Kristen were still together at the time.

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On 3/28/2020 at 7:21 PM, snarts said:

That's why she wasn't mad at Jax.  She was (rightfully) upset with Kristen,, who was her best friend.  Jax was always trying to get back with Stassi or at least be on friendly terms.  Stassi used that  to get the confession.

S1&2 were reality gold.  The stories were genuine, you could feel the hurt.  I'm still surprised that Stassi forgave Kristen, and I'm even more surprised that Sandoval forgave Jax since Tom & Kristen were still together at the time.

I guess this all goes back to what is “girl code.”  I think it should be localized, as in, particular to every friend group. Friends don’t all have the same needs and expectations, and their “codes” should reflect that.

What bothered me the most was that Stassi was freaking out and having a meltdown because of the perceived loss of control that would come if Kristen had slept with Jax when they weren’t together.  It wasn’t about a mutual caring and respect and a loss of esteem in her beloved friend for betraying her. Jax got that signature tattooed on his arm, and Stassi got to run him (without any reciprocity) while she pondered indefinitely whether to take him back, which was just a power play to see how much he would grovel.

Jax sleeping with Kristen humiliated Stassi so much because it proved there was a limit as to how much Jax was willing to operate under her microscope, when previously she thought she was in firm position to be the humiliator, never to be the humiliatee.  In Stassi’s world, she called the shots.  I don’t even think Stassi was upset about the sex per se; I think she was upset that neither Kristen nor Jax had her pre-approved, written, notarized permission to do what they did.  And she wasn’t just upset that someone would make a move without her input, she was furious that people would do things without considering her feelings as their first and only priority.  I know all this stuff about her, because that was how I operated and acted when I was around her age, or a little younger, so I recognize every play in her book.

If it were me, I’d be angrier with Jax, because he made the Faustian bargain to basically be faithful to Stassi without being in a relationship, and he broke that.  Even though it was a shitty deal, it was a deal Jax made.  Kristen wasn’t a party to that deal.

I also think a big reason Stassi wasn’t mad at Jax was because it permanently closed the door on them getting back together, which was a relief for both of them, and they were completely free to move on at that point.  It’s not that he didn’t break her trust; it was just a net positive that he broke her trust, so his behavior was forgiven, because its effects were positive, even though the motivation behind them was just as sloppy as Kristen’s.  

Sandoval didn’t love or want Kristen, and he completely had his eye on another woman at the time, so Jax kind of did him a favor.  I’m not surprised at all that they made up, and I think Sandoval just felt like he had to do violence against Jax because Jax technically embarrassed him, not because he was actually appalled that Jax slept with Kristen.

Like I said, I think girl code should be local.  I’d never be in touch with an ex, TV show or no TV show, so it wouldn’t come up, but if one of my best girl friends did sleep with my ex, I’d take it on a case by case basis. I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that she was the devil, because I don’t care about my exes.  If I was ‘on the verge’ of getting back together with the guy after he’d cheated on me  🤮 as Stassi kept claiming in order to take the high ground, I’d be relived his true colors had been revealed prior to my taking him back and putting myself at risk for some kind of crazy STD.  I’m not sure how angry I’d be with my friend.  I’d take it on a case-by-case basis, and there would probably be at least a part of me that would want to sit down with her and be like, “girl, what would motivate you to sleep with him?” (sort of how Stassi is with Jax now).  Seeing as how easy it would be for that conversation to go left, I’d probably just leave it alone and not talk to her, but I definitely wouldn’t be angry enough to commit violence.  

I’m not surprised Kristen forgave Stassi, because Kristen was Stassi’s minion, but Stassi committed violence against Kristen, which isn’t even in the same family as sleeping with an ex, IMO. The two of them (the four of them, actually, if you count Jax and Sandoval) probably should have quietly parted ways, but that wouldn’t make for good TV, I guess. 

Stassi doesn’t get to commit violence and be the victim, though.  That’s not a position that I would even recognize, let alone support. 

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Sandoval didn’t love or want Kristen, and he completely had his eye on another woman at the time, so Jax kind of did him a favor.  I’m not surprised at all that they made up, and I think Sandoval just felt like he had to do violence against Jax because Jax technically embarrassed him, not because he was actually appalled that Jax slept with Kristen.

I think Sandoval did violence against Jax because he was very hurt that Jax was one of his best friends, did what he did, and then walked around all "whatever" about it.  If Jax had apologized and squeezed out a few tears his nose would have remained intact.  I was happy to see it get punched in 😄 

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Does anyone know where the idea originated that Scheana bargained down the price of her wedding so well that one or several of her vendors was ready to hire her?

Because she said on the show that she paid for it with a settlement.

Plus, you get what you pay for.  She got married on a Sunday in July (July is not considered an ideal time to get married in SoCal the way it is in other parts of the country). 

They had a buffet.  Scheana had her guests clean out the fountain the morning after the wedding for a discount.  

Plus, her wedding got totally fucked up.  Scheana had to be late to her own ceremony, even though she was ready on time, because the guys weren’t ready, and Scheana had to hide in an un-air conditioned closet while they walked through.  And there were two music issues that directly affected their ceremony, and their signature dance (not to mention issues with the bouquet, the garter, the cake cutting, and the dollar dance).  And the wedding planner just stood there, mute, holding a binder, oblivious to it all when Scheana was talking to her.  At one point when we were watching it, I said to my husband, “no wonder she got the divorce!  She wanted a redo on the wedding!!”

I give credit to Scheana for only shedding a few tears.  I would have been on my knees sobbing if I had to be late to my own wedding through no fault of mine, or if they screwed up my ceremony music or my first dance, which was choreographed.  It’s not so much about feeling sorry for yourself as it is that if you approach your wedding with a type-A attitude (I didn’t even work in the months leading up to my wedding, because the wedding was my job), as I suspect Scheana did, because you know what you want for yourself and your guests, and you communicate it verbally and in writing in no uncertain terms to a professional who is being compensated, and when they just fail to deliver for no reason that I can discern, it is frustrating as hell.  Like, you just don’t want your guests sitting in the 90+ degree heat without anything to drink, because someone else fucked up (and, as the bride, you know everyone is blaming the bride, no one else, which is what Lisa did when she was waiting for the ceremony and said “she is running late,” when Scheana herself wasn’t running late at all). There’s a lot of pressure.

On my wedding day, I needed a sink to shave under my arms, so I asked someone to watch the bathroom door for me for five minutes (when it really would have taken three), but that person apparently just told people the bathroom was closed and walked off, because like half an hour later when I was on to a completely different activity, the owner of the venue came up to me, hat in hand, begging if anyone could possibly use the bathroom, because people had been making complaints.  I was mortified that anyone would think I would think I could indefinitely commandeer an entire set of bathrooms, as if I was Beyoncé with my own birthing suite or something!  I’m still having trouble living that down, so I really sympathize with Scheana, something I never thought I’d say!

The wedding was beautiful, and I’m not trying to take away from that, but as of 2020, Scheana’s venue was offering a $41,000 package, and it was likely less in 2013 or 2014.  This is not one of those $200,000 Bravo weddings that we see.  It’s not unusual for a settlement to go into the six figures, so the settlement could have easily paid for that, plus additional costs (the venue doesn’t offer an all-inclusive package).  Then there is her salary from reality TV, and money coming from her and Shay’s families, even if it’s only a couple of thousand dollars each.  I think it’s a major exaggeration to say she pulled off this dream wedding on a waitress’s salary, as if she was slinging burgers and beers at a Fridays, and her Jedi mind trick powers of negotiation got the cost of that wedding down to 5k or something.

Just my observation.  If I’m totally wrong and she pulled a rabbit out of a hat, good on her.  I would not have paid the “wedding planner“ more than 50 cents on the dollar though.  If she didn’t want to accept $1,500 for the abysmal job she did, she could sue me in small claims court.  There’s literally video footage and audio of her fucking up her job over and over again, which could be submitted for evidence as exhibits A through Q.  I’m not trying to come down on the woman, but some people do get married for life, and they will only have one wedding, and if you can’t handle that, you’re in the wrong field.  As they say in the hilariously cynical movie Thank You For Smoking, “if you want an easy job, go work for the Red Cross.”  The wedding business ain’t for the feint of heart, sweetie!

Edited by LibertarianSlut
So adamant about this that I’m making typos
  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I give credit to Scheana for only shedding a few tears.  I would have been on my knees sobbing if I had to be late to my own wedding through no fault of mine, or if they screwed up my ceremony music or my first dance, which was choreographed.  It’s not so much about feeling sorry for yourself as it is that if you approach your wedding with a type-A attitude (I didn’t even work in the months leading up to my wedding, because the wedding was my job), as I suspect Scheana did, because you know what you want for yourself and your guests, and you communicate it verbally and in writing in no uncertain terms to a professional who is being compensated, and they just fail to deliver for no reason that I can discern, it is frustrating as hell.  

I see that you take weddings very seriously (sorry, I had to!).  I didn't realize that people do take them this seriously.  I went into it with plans in place, and excited for things to go well, but not expecting everything to be perfect or even close to it.  I hoped my guests had a nice time, so I picked a REALLY nice venue on the water, and had really good food and alcohol, but didn't feel any pressure.

  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I see that you take weddings very seriously (sorry, I had to!).  I didn't realize that people do take them this seriously.  I went into it with plans in place, and excited for things to go well, but not expecting everything to be perfect or even close to it.  I hoped my guests had a nice time, so I picked a REALLY nice venue on the water, and had really good food and alcohol, but didn't feel any pressure.

Yeah, you have the right attitude, and one thing I’ve noticed in the time since my wedding, is that the people who aren’t obsessed have the best weddings!  In some situations, I just don’t know how to not be that controlling bitch (always with a ‘please’ and a smile, of course, but my inner bitch rages on).  

So.......now that I have successfully identified with early-seasons Stassi and Scheana as it relates to their control and obsession issues, respectively, maybe I should avoid further re-watches, or I could wind up identifying with Jax, at which time I will voluntarily check myself into the padded room!

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On 4/2/2020 at 4:56 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

Does anyone know where the idea originated that Scheana bargained down the price of her wedding so well that one or several of her vendors was ready to hire her?

Because she said on the show that she paid for it with a settlement.

I can tell you where it came from: John Carr, one of the producers, said Scheana was so good at negotiating and organizing comps that he'd hire her.

Scheana still paid for what she couldn't get for free; it was still a lot of stuff because it was a fairly sizable wedding.

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43 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I can tell you where it came from: John Carr, one of the producers, said Scheana was so good at negotiating and organizing comps that he'd hire her.

Scheana still paid for what she couldn't get for free; it was still a lot of stuff because it was a fairly sizable wedding.

Wow, thanks for the video!  I see exactly where the idea of Scheana hustling for her wedding came from—the producer definitely said this.  

I thought that was a really interesting watch for a lot of purposes.  I watched maybe the first 20 or so minutes.   First of all, I don’t think this guy has a really established relationship with the truth.  It’s hard to find traditional clues as to whether he’s lying, because his face doesn’t move at all when he speaks, but I think he’s just saying things that are convenient, and likely truthful, but I don’t get the impression he’s interested in the whole truth (who in Hollywood is?)

He did say Scheana was “relentless” in negotiating her wedding (and then he immediately used that word about Kristen and “Miami Girl,” so I don’t necessarily think that he equates “relentless” with “successful”), but he did say he’d have wanted Scheana as a producer after seeing her go for the wedding, so now I know from where this originates, but I think he was being glib.  I think he was being glib about everything.  

I found deep satisfaction that they were all saying how awful the wedding planner was too! 

One point that I found interesting that the producer kept hammering home is that it’s his job just to point a camera and pick up on these guys’ real lives, which is why the show purposely didn’t pay for the wedding, nor could they really assist Kristen with Miami Girl.  But that flies in the face of what people were saying about continuity, such as the continuity of the furnishings of Sandoval and Ariana’s home, or the idea that was going around that they had to keep living in shitty little apartments with horrid air conditioners so as to uphold an image of them being poor servers.  If your job is to just point a camera at a real situation, why not just let it be real?  That’s something that doesn’t add up to me.  If they’re just pointing a camera at people, there should be no telling Katie that she can’t dye her hair back from orange in season two.  They shouldn’t be showing things out of sequence if this is being filmed as a guerrilla-type documentary, like a real-life version of Tropic Thunder, so that’s disappointing.

He also wasn’t telling the truth as as I understood how he was describing his job, just by virtue of the fact that I’ve worked in restaurants, and many of those scenes, especially the ones involving Lisa, are very set up.  Just an example off the top of my head is when Lisa was going over her menu with some manager, and Scheana, fresh off her screaming fight with Kristen (the one that got Kristen fired) is all, “I don’t want to interrupt, but...” and then the guy planning the menu just scooted, Scheana took his seat, and had a scene with Lisa. So, we’re supposed to think that happened naturally?  I also love that the person someone is having a conflict with always just happens to be hanging out in the back alley when that person walks out!  Even when the restaurant is completely busy.  When I used to work in the restaurants—and I’ve worked at a few—there were strictly enforced rules such as no smoke breaks whatsoever when we have a full house, and when the restaurant is slower, people have to get permission in advance, for the exact purpose of avoiding what goes down in every episode with SUR—servers powwowing outside when they should be inside folding napkins or rolling silverware.  So he’s putting a romantic spin on his job.  It’s not just pointing a camera.  They’re setting up scenes, unless SUR is just the most bizarre restaurant to have ever operated in North America.  

I did like that the producer said that the VPR group made a decision that they were going to be really real and just air everything out there, and that was what made it such a good show.  I tend to totally agree with that approach to reality TV (if something is too private, leave the show, but don’t give half-truths to protect your privacy, because I think that defeats the purpose), so I was glad a bone fide producer agreed with me on that!  

He also verified that Flat Iron had lied to him for a whole year about not having hooked up with Ariana in Vegas.  I know other people on this show lie about make outs and sex (Schwartz!), but I think Flat Iron really holds himself up as holier than thou, as if he and Ariana are on a higher moral plane than everyone else, and they have this image that they like to cultivate that they are above lying, so I would love to see them justify this one.  On the show, when they were caught, they kept insisting they never had sex, which was so beside the point.  

I also wonder what this guy’s opinion of the new cast from season eight would be, because they strike me as the total opposite of the organic, point and shoot, just catching the drama with no production interference, attitude.  

  • Love 4

I finally broke down and bought Hulu.  I figured $5.99/month was an ok investment for right now.  So I finally got to watch season one.  I guess I have a lot to say, so i broke it down into categories, because there is so much to process!

Production/how this isn’t like real life

After watching part of the interview with producer John Carr, up thread, and how Carr was vehement this was a “point and shoot” show that provided its own drama, I watched through that lens, and I concluded that he was generally lying.  He might have been telling the truth about a few things, but the scenes were set up from the very beginning.  On a related note, I think the production value was awful in season one.  Stassi and Frank went to a club, and there is like 45 seconds of cheesy music showing Stassi and Frank like dancing and drinking and it looks so ridiculous, like some 2002 MTV reality show that lasted one season!

I don’t doubt that what happened was real, but the scenes were set up.  The one that stuck out to me the most was when Lisa was doing some mundane restaurant thing at her home, Ken says, “did you hear the news?  Jax and Laura-Leigh were having sex at SUR.”  Cue the rest of the episode to be about Jax and Laura-Leigh having sex in bathrooms.  That didn’t happen through super clever editing, it happened because Ken delivered his designated line!

There is also this scene where Lisa and Ken are settling in to watch Pandora’s wedding video at home when Lisa gets the phone call from Katie that there was violence in Vegas.  We’re supposed to believe there were cameras at Lisa’s house that were going to film her watching a film of Pandora’s wedding for hours unless and until something happened?!?  

All of the restaurant scenes are so fake, as I’ve posted before, but for some reason I expected it to be more realistic in the real beginning.  Nope.  There’s one scene of Stassi arguing with Peter about cutting her when Peter has a full house, but Stassi wants to go home, so they go back and forth for like two minutes.  The way it works in real life is that the most brave server will ask the manager to cut the floor, not just one employee (that’s not really a cut, that’s sending someone home), the manager will say they will cut the floor when the manager is ready, and the employee will scamper away.  

I also will never believe that sneaking Jax to Vegas for Stassi’s birthday wasn’t at least partially set up by production.  It is very weird for them to be staying at The Hard Rock, going to the Chippendale’s show, but to go to Stassi’s birthday dinner at a Moroccan restaurant in a strip mall with a giant parking lot, and then go to a big club.  One of these things isn’t like the others.  If they had dinner in a casino, which is what they would have done IRL, there would be casino security all over the place, so the Jax/Frank argument would never have been able to go anywhere, and Chunky Sweater-gate never would have happened, so it needed to be set up. 

There’s also a lot of info to put a lie to the idea that none of them had money in the beginning—Stassi’s apartment (for which she only paid half rent; her dad paid the other half), Stassi saying she spends copious amount of money on clothes and brunch, Kristen objecting to Stassi breaking up with Jax, because they were like Ken & Barbie, and Jax would pick her up from her workouts to go to Palm Springs and Stassi’s ponytail would be bopping in the car and they were the perfect couple—none of this suggested poverty, although I can’t believe Kristen wasn’t embarrassed to say that on TV, lol!

Lisa put herself in a really tough position by pretending to be this really tough HBIC, when she knew she couldn’t really discipline or fire them.  She acted like this poor, put-upon businesswoman when the staff “ran off to Vegas” or had sex in the restaurant.  I think it would have been a lot better of a look for her to just swing by the restaurant and not know what was going on.  Also, when Tom and Kristen had that fight about those high school twins he fucked when they were in “the garden” (which I thought was the alley, as they were sitting on wooden crates), where does Lisa get off for yelling at Sandoval for having a conversation (not a fight, just an unpleasant conversation) with a server who started with him when she was at work and he wasn’t?  I don’t even think Kristen should have gotten in trouble for that.  She just told Tom she wasn’t happy, and when she walked back in, she had a puss on her face, and Lisa grabbed her arm and told her to shape up.  All a server really has to do is look happy and pleasant around the tables.  If servers got in trouble every time they looked or acted miserable when they couldn’t be seen, they’d all be fired.  But I guess all this was to service some narrative that Lisa was the den mother, when they really didn’t need her in that role.  They had Peter, Nathalie and Guillermo.  I think the story would have flowed so much better if Lisa had taken a backseat and just came in to listen to gossip and grab a glass of rose every now and then, but then she wouldn’t be our Lisa, would she?  

I also don’t know if they shared tips at SUR, or if that was just a storyline, but that absolutely sucks if you have to do that.  It becomes the prisoner’s dilemma for servers:  do I report that $100 cash tip I got as $100 or $80, knowing my fellow server is probably reporting their $100 cash tips as $45?

I thought it was terrible of Lisa and Pandora to gang up on Stassi for slacking on Pandora’s blog.  Why couldn’t Pandora handle it?  Is she not a businessperson?  What is she doing with a business if she’s not?  This is why I hate Pandora.  She did this in subsequent seasons too—her “management style” is to just hammer at someone about how awful they are.  Just fire the person if they’re so bad.  Does she think there aren’t other women in LA who can’t/won’t blog about fashion for a pittance?

There was a brouhaha about Scheana being sent home from work because Brandi was coming in, and Scheana was upset because she came to work and missed an audition.  A very simple, easy solution to that would just be to throw money at the problem.  Lisa could have just given Scheana a thousand bucks, but then I guess there would be no drah-mah if we engaged in problem-solving!

I’m also not sure what the promotional photo shoots were about, if not for the show.  Why wouldn’t they use real models?  These are good-looking people, but they’re not the best of the best.  Hooters doesn’t use photos of the women who work at their local restaurant; they use the best-looking Hooters waitresses from competitions across the country.  

If Stassi actually wrote Laura-Leigh a text that she should be afraid to come to work, she should have been fired.  Even if she just created a hostile work environment, which she did, she should have been fired.  What disgusting behavior.  

OK, the breakdown of the Jax/Stassi relationship:

I thought Kristen and Katie were in the wrong for freezing Frank out.  They could have either been civil to him, or told Stassi they weren’t up for celebrating her birthday in this way this year.  And Stassi was under the (rightful) impression that Jax cheated on her, so she can have another boyfriend in the next minute after they break up.  The way it was presented to them at the time—that she waited a few days—showed restraint, to me, if anything (I know something else came out later, but the info K&T and K&T had at the time made Stassi totally justified in getting a new boyfriend ASAP IMO).

In Vegas, Schwartz so aggressive pouring Heineken right in Stassi’s eyes.  I was really floored.  

I never believed Jax’s story that he didn’t cheat & impregnate a woman in Vegas while he was dating Stassi.  Frank’s story was way too specific, and Jax never refuted it!  All he did was tell Peter that it happened a bunch of years ago.  I’m sure it did happen a few years ago—I’m just as sure it happened again.  This is what happens when you have unprotected sex (listening, Sandoval?). It was so weird that Stassi and Jax never talked about it, even though Jax had been disappearing and (allegedly) sleeping in his truck for awhile prior to their break-up.  Jax having unprotected sex with Laura-Leigh was more evidence that he was reckless.  Then Jax lied to his therapist about it!  Then, when all was said and done,  he tells Stassi he “had relations” with somebody in Vegas, so it was all true all season.  At the reunion, he said that the woman in question’s roommate called Jax after the fact and said the woman didn’t have an abortion and was never pregnant.  Why would we ever start believing Jax now???   He’s completely crazy.  I’m not even sure he’s human.

Now, in Jax’s and Kristen’s defense, I think they slept together (when Jax was crashing on Kristen’s couch) while Stassi very publicly ate dinner at Villa Blanca with Frank.  Are we supposed to believe they didn’t go somewhere after that and—to use Stassi’s favorite word—bang?  So, what’s good for the goose is what’s good for the gander.  You can’t claim a man when you’re fucking another one, Stassi, sorry!

Stassi continuing to text Jax when she dumped him for Frank when he got with Laura-Leigh was so gross.  She doesn’t own this man!  I’m so scared of her.  Beau, are you sure you’ve watched season one??

Like I already said, those texts that Stassi sent to Laura-Leigh were so gross and immature, and I’m so glad Stassi got “outed” for having sex with Jax after they’d been broken up and everyone made fun of her, including Laura-Leigh.  It was a sweet comeuppance.  


On some post-season clip special, Stassi confided to Lisa that she had been wearing padded underwear with her SUR uniform, like an entire fake ass, so I have no idea why the bitches in season 8 are having trouble wearing regular underwear with the same exact uniforms.  They just don’t want to wear underwear.  Calgon, set you free!

Scheana’s excuse for telling Brandi that Eddie bought her diamonds was so Brandi wouldn’t think Scheana was “a Tuesday night floozy” was disgusting.  I thought the conversation was so that they could have a reckoning and be in the same room.  Why would you ever tell a woman, under any circumstances, unless you were trying to hurt her, that her husband bought you diamonds?  Every time I want to think Scheana is well-intentioned and one of the better ones, she says something awful and soul-crushing like this, and I get schadenfreude all over again that she’s now a divorced woman her damn self.  I hope Shay’s off somewhere buying someone else diamonds and she knows about it.  

Whoa, a lot to get off my chest for 11 lousy episodes.  I was just shocked at so much of it.  What was most surprising to me was that the show was very slow-moving most of the time.  It would be slow with them sitting in their apartments and—boom—some crazy info would be dropped, and everyone would go wild, and it was great, but then we would have a full episode talking about the fallout, which was so boring.  I think season two was better, especially with the addition of Kristina.  I was surprised she hadn’t been there since the beginning.  I think the show may even be better now.  They were so much more hideous to each other back then.  Now they’re just garden-variety awful, but they’re not going around ruining lives quite so much.

I don’t think Stassi ever had a beautiful face.  The doctor definitely went too far with the chin implant, to the extent that I always thought Stassi’s face looked pointy and masculine, before I knew she had surgery.  If anything, I would think she could get some of that chin shaved off.  


I see this picture where she looks so much better in the “after” (obviously), but I think it was due to weight loss, much better hair, better makeup, better brows.  I’m not sure she needed this giant chin.  

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4 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Lisa put herself in a really tough position by pretending to be this really tough HBIC, when she knew she couldn’t really discipline or fire them.  She acted like this poor, put-upon businesswoman when the staff “ran off to Vegas” or had sex in the restaurant.  I think it would have been a lot better of a look for her to just swing by the restaurant and not know what was going on.

I think the story would have flowed so much better if Lisa had taken a backseat and just came in to listen to gossip and grab a glass of rose every now and then, but then she wouldn’t be our Lisa, would she?  

Indeed she wouldn't!  The hilarious thing is I'm sure she thinks she looks like a real bad-ass with a 'heart of gold' offering sage advice 😄 😄 😄 

Also:  original Stassi looks like Parvati from Survivor!

  • LOL 2
On 4/3/2020 at 9:16 PM, dosodog said:

Flat Iron and Ariana, bald faced lying is why, I will have a soft spot for Kristen.

Even if she is exhausting.   And I completely "get" why Stassi and Katie have had enough.  



I am not sure where this idea of Tom and Arianna as reliable narrators comes from. They’ve been caught in just as many lies, half truths, and self justifications as anyone else. 

And I agree about Kristin. I’m usually rooting for her delusional ass on the show, but she is a cuckoo bird and if I actually knew her I’d be running in the opposite direction. I don’t think it justifies the (imho) cruel way cast members have used her obvious mental illnesses to undermine and dismiss her, but I do understand anyone just loosing the ability to stay on the Kristin train. She is exhausting. Even her conversation with Katie about the Vegas wedding, I could feel how exhausting it would be to be Katie in this friendship. I think Katie is being an awful bitch about the whole thing, but Kristin is never going to feel like she has enough closure. She will never grow tired of tearfully rehashing their doomed friendship. She’s an emotional Terminator who just keeps coming and coming forever. 

  • Love 7

I've been watching Season 1 and 2 over the last couple weeks and then tonight I went from watching an episode from Season 2 (Cabo trip, omg) to watching some of the "Vanderpump Rules After Show" videos on Bravo and while I already knew that everyone has had work done... it was whiplash seeing their season 2 faces and their now faces. Kristen and Stassi look the most different to me. And I don't know what Stassi did to her nose and like upper-half of her face but it made me really sad. She was cute! Mean and a horrible friend and crazy, but she looked cute. In the after show videos she has a muppet-esque thing happening. And in the preview for the virtual reunion looks, Kristen looked nigh unrecognizable. Oy.

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I, too, can’t look at this season’s Ariana without thinking of previous seasons’ Ariana. The smug, Grumpy Cat demeanor she exhibited while LYING—especially when acting so above it all—infuriated me in a way that others’ didn’t. Don’t get me wrong—they’re all pretty terrible to varying degrees—but she never walked back her behavior in any kind of honest way. Can people change? Absolutely. But the Redemption Tour (“My dad died! I have depression!”) wasn’t marked by any change in humility, or much of anything.

To be clear, with regard to lying, I hold Sandoval just as responsible. And of course he was the one dating Kristen and thus the one cheating. I guess he was more tolerable as a “character” because he was less sour, and did some things with a wink and a nod. 

I never thought I would say this, but I see James, and to me HE is the one example of someone on this show who is genuinely trying to change. 

  • Love 6

I am a new viewer post-Scandoval (I love a good cheating scandal) and went all the way back to watch season 1. Y'all...I'm not sure I can make it through. Is Stassi always going to be an insufferable, smug asshole who takes up most of the camera time? If so, I'm not sure I can make it all the way through 10 seasons. Never saw a reality show villain with fewer redeeming qualities, and this is not even touching the scandal that got her rightfully kicked off the show!

Anyone else trying to start at the beginning?


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7 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said:

I am a new viewer post-Scandoval (I love a good cheating scandal) and went all the way back to watch season 1. Y'all...I'm not sure I can make it through. Is Stassi always going to be an insufferable, smug asshole who takes up most of the camera time? If so, I'm not sure I can make it all the way through 10 seasons. Never saw a reality show villain with fewer redeeming qualities, and this is not even touching the scandal that got her rightfully kicked off the show!

What season are you up to? She's pretty awful all the way through but she's at peak bitch mode during season 1-3. When she leaves and then comes back she's chastened for a while, then gets her bitch bone back during Katies wedding season. Then she becomes a different type of crazy when she gets together with Beau. You're not going to get much of a "she learned and grew" moment with Stassi Schroeder. 

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27 minutes ago, EarlGreyTea said:

I am a new viewer post-Scandoval (I love a good cheating scandal) and went all the way back to watch season 1. Y'all...I'm not sure I can make it through. Is Stassi always going to be an insufferable, smug asshole who takes up most of the camera time? If so, I'm not sure I can make it all the way through 10 seasons. Never saw a reality show villain with fewer redeeming qualities, and this is not even touching the scandal that got her rightfully kicked off the show!

Anyone else trying to start at the beginning?


Stassi is insufferable all the way through but try to make it to seasons 2 and 3. Those are largely considered to be the best seasons of the show. Stassi decides she’s too good for the show in season 3 (I think) and stops hanging out with the other cast members so she’s in the show a lot less and it’s easy to fast forward through her scenes without missing anything important. When she first returns after realizing she actually isn’t too good for the show, she’s more tolerable, but that doesn’t last. 


Edited by glowbug
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7 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

I am a new viewer post-Scandoval (I love a good cheating scandal) and went all the way back to watch season 1. Y'all...I'm not sure I can make it through. Is Stassi always going to be an insufferable, smug asshole who takes up most of the camera time? If so, I'm not sure I can make it all the way through 10 seasons. Never saw a reality show villain with fewer redeeming qualities, and this is not even touching the scandal that got her rightfully kicked off the show!

Anyone else trying to start at the beginning?


I watched from the beginning. Stassi was always a monster (she had no redeeming qualities), and this is her (real) personality. She hooked up with a slightly more famous person, and moved to New York because she thought she was too good for the show. She returned when he dumped her, and was a little more subdued initially, but became unhinged eventually (she even harassed another cast member with Kristen, by investigating her, and calling the police on her), and was fired. She seems to be a slightly better person now because she is off tv, and older, but I'm not sure how much she matured though. 

Edited by ZettaK
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If you truly hate her, you'll enjoy watching her get treated like shit by some douchecanoe whose name I've managed to forget.  The one who told Lisa she had a great ass.  I didn't always like Stassi, but I haaaaaated watching her get treated that way.  (I prefer my comeuppances to come from someone OTHER than your partner.)

I didn't watch VPR in real time, but when I did watch it, I had no idea what was going to happen.  I had no idea if Jax and Kristen hooked up, and it was fabulous watching that all play out.  I'm proud to say I hated both Toms, esp FI, right from the beginning, or at least close to it.

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Rewatching Season One.

Frank had no redeeming qualities!!

It’s weird watching Ariana as Scheana’s backup dancer at The Roxy. Then moments later, Sandoval is on the same stage playing the guitar for Tina’s performance.

The camera work was so different.

Katie seemed softer and nicer.

Lisa really overdid the use of pink, even forcing Ken to wear pink shirts.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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Hello everyone,

My wife has turned me on to this series and holy hell, I'm hooked.  Problem being it's hard because we're not caught up so I can't read all the posts because I'm trying not to ruin anything.  Also, I'm a big fan of Stassi and I design t-shirts (this is NOT just a self-promotion post) and I'm looking for feedback on this design if anyone can humor me...

It's meant to be fun and taken super literally or serious...it's just a play on the Princess Stassi vibe I get from these early episodes.  


Don't tell me but what the hell is Scandoval all about?!  ;) 

small stassi.png

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, Tom Dark said:

Hello everyone,

My wife has turned me on to this series and holy hell, I'm hooked.  Problem being it's hard because we're not caught up so I can't read all the posts because I'm trying not to ruin anything.  Also, I'm a big fan of Stassi and I design t-shirts (this is NOT just a self-promotion post) and I'm looking for feedback on this design if anyone can humor me...

It's meant to be fun and taken super literally or serious...it's just a play on the Princess Stassi vibe I get from these early episodes.  


Don't tell me but what the hell is Scandoval all about?!  ;) 

small stassi.pngWh

Welcome aboard Tom Dark..

I love the design.

FYI you can email Stassi directly at contact@stassischroeder.com maybe she'd get a kick out of your design.  Also don't know if you know she has a website. stassischroeder  dot com. On her site you can click over to the tab that leads to her podcast. Little trivia - did you know Stassi appeared as a contestant on The Amazing Race with her family when she was 16?

Where are you on VPR story wise? Whose dating who?

As for Scandoval, all I'm saying is that there is a scandal involving Sandoval - not going to be the one to ruin it for you.



  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, Tom Dark said:

Awesome, thanks for the feedback.  I'm at the point where James is dating Kristen and just got fired from Sur.  

FYI: On the main Vanderpump Rules screen of this message board...toward the top you can hit the last page button.

You will see threads by episode starting with Season 3. So if you watch season 3 episode 6, there is a thread for that episode. I would recommend watching the episode and then reading, if not the entire thread, at least the first few pages of posts. There are people on these boards that are hilarious.

If you've seen where Tom and James have a bit of a scuffle..Tom calls James (you fucking muppet) On the boards we call James -

DJ Muppet Baby


  • LOL 1
10 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

I recently tuned in due to the scandal. I wasn't sure if I'd be entertained, but I couldn't stop watching!

Do any other seasons remotely compare to the current one? And should I watch this season from the beginning? I only watched the reunion episodes and the two prior to the reunion. 

Seasons 1 and 2!  Watching this whole season without watching the previous ones and knowing where everyone came from?  Meh 🤷‍♀️

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I’m watching Season Two, Episode One and Two. 

Stassi was so high-maintenance. 

Katie and Scheana have clashed since forever.

Katie’s orange hair is worse than I remembered. Schwartz actually defended Katie when arguing with Shay and Scheana!! Was that the only time?

Scheana is prettier in 2023 than in 2013. She also applied her makeup horribly back then. 

Sandoval gets bored, and then he cheats and starts complaining that he and his girlfriend are basically roommates. But continues to mooch off her.

  • Like 3
18 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I recently tuned in due to the scandal. I wasn't sure if I'd be entertained, but I couldn't stop watching!

Do any other seasons remotely compare to the current one? And should I watch this season from the beginning? I only watched the reunion episodes and the two prior to the reunion. 

Seasons two and three are generally considered to be the best of the series, at least until this season, so I would definitely watch seasons one through three. Season one is good but not as good as the second and third seasons but you’ll enjoy the second and third seasons more if you’ve seen the first season. 

Edited by glowbug
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17 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I’m watching Season Two, Episode One and Two. 

Stassi was so high-maintenance. 

Katie and Scheana have clashed since forever.

Katie’s orange hair is worse than I remembered. Schwartz actually defended Katie when arguing with Shay and Scheana!! Was that the only time?

Scheana is prettier in 2023 than in 2013. She also applied her makeup horribly back then. 

Sandoval gets bored, and then he cheats and starts complaining that he and his girlfriend are basically roommates. But continues to mooch off her.

I am re-watching the series too. I'm only on Season 1 episode 2

I agree with you about Scheana. One of the main differences I caught is her mouth. Back at the beginning, her upper lip is three times thinner than her lower lip. She definitely did something surgical because now they are the same.

So far every time Schwartz is around, he's sitting at the bar at SUR drinking, probably for free. Katie is supporting his ass...he moved on up from the mattress on the floor and bed sheet used for privacy

All 3 of the main guys Jax & the Toms used to room together, and once they hooked up with the girls Stassi/Katie/Kristen - every one of them is mooching off the girl.

I think they all cheated on the regular on their girlfriends and kept the bro code silence and covered for one another.

I think as crazy as it seems - that man whore Jax is the only one that changed.





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They are at Gay Pride Parade, Scheana is on the float with LVP & Jax.

You hear Jax ask for Scheana for sunscreen and she says she doesn't have any. You see Jax get it from someone else and then he asked Scheana to put some on his back and she does.

Yowsa...Stassi is calling her a home wrecking whore, Kristen is saying how low class she is, and Katie is saying how inappropriate she is. Kristen and Katie are following and genuflecting at Queen Bee Stassi. I forgot how extreme the Mean Girl crew were to Scheana.


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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

They are at Gay Pride Parade, Scheana is on the float with LVP & Jax.

You hear Jax ask for Scheana for sunscreen and she says she doesn't have any. You see Jax get it from someone else and then he asked Scheana to put some on his back and she does.

Yowsa...Stassi is calling her a home wrecking whore, Kristen is saying how low class she is, and Katie is saying how inappropriate she is. Kristen and Katie are following and genuflecting at Queen Bee Stassi. I forgot how extreme the Mean Girl crew were to Scheana.


They eviscerated Sheana, just for applying sunscreen to Jax’s back.

At a SUR meeting, we learn that Scheana is the best server (Kristen is the second-best) and receives the most in tips. Stassi is irresponsible and unpredictable, but they pool their tips. Stassi argues that they should continue pooling the tips. So she’s fine with the home-wrecking wh- - - sharing her tips with her. 

  • Like 5
16 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

They eviscerated Sheana, just for applying sunscreen to Jax’s back.

At a SUR meeting, we learn that Scheana is the best server (Kristen is the second-best) and receives the most in tips. Stassi is irresponsible and unpredictable, but they pool their tips. Stassi argues that they should continue pooling the tips. So she’s fine with the home-wrecking wh- - - sharing her tips with her. 


It's like a Bitch Clique - every minute Scheana gets a new nickname - I just heard skank, hooker - and Katie and Kristen laugh - they're like the court jesters that agree with anything the Queen does


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4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I am re-watching the series too. I'm only on Season 1 episode 2

I agree with you about Scheana. One of the main differences I caught is her mouth. Back at the beginning, her upper lip is three times thinner than her lower lip. She definitely did something surgical because now they are the same.

So far every time Schwartz is around, he's sitting at the bar at SUR drinking, probably for free. Katie is supporting his ass...he moved on up from the mattress on the floor and bed sheet used for privacy

All 3 of the main guys Jax & the Toms used to room together, and once they hooked up with the girls Stassi/Katie/Kristen - every one of them is mooching off the girl.

I think they all cheated on the regular on their girlfriends and kept the bro code silence and covered for one another.

I think as crazy as it seems - that man whore Jax is the only one that changed.





They all had such thin lips- Scheana, Lala, Ariana, Kristen.. 

Those losers mooched off the girls and cheated on them regularly.

  • Like 4
7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Oh, my goodness. Ariana is going to start bartending at SUR the next day. She is sooooooooo smug with regard to Kristen.

She is so smug.  Hasn’t she claimed to have a genius IQ?  

Remember when she diagnosed Kristen with borderline personality disorder at the reunion after she and Tom became a couple?

She was like, “no I don’t think you’re bipolar, it’s called borderline personality disorder.  You really need to look it up.”

Like she’s a doctor!  The nerve of this wannabe actress/reality show loser/bartender.

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