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S14.E21: Bad Reputation

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2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Nitpick: Hellmouth just strolled into the MRI room while still wearing her hospital ID badge which has metal on it. NOPE.

Why do they act like NO ONE else works in this hospital except surgeons?  There should be radiography techs running the scans and positioning the patients, patient care techs transporting patients, nurses drawing blood and administering meds, specialists reading and interpreting the scans,....I'm missing more, I know.  Heck, most shows have at least some recurring minor characters.  There were lots of nurses and EMTs on ER.  They weren't in every episode, but...they came back when they were needed.  

  • Love 23
36 minutes ago, AnnieHeights said:

I thought the same thing about the suspension last episode......too many things to consider before firing him.  He slept with April, so he could throw in abuse of power, he was given pot laced cookies at work, impairing his judgment and was injured on the job.  I can't stand the guy but they should have been a lot smarter and consulted HR before firing the guy.    

oh yeah, now that you have pointed out - I remember there was a whole non fraternisation fiasco in s11 where attending were debarred from screwing interns etc....so he can very well throw April under the bus. 

While I am not a fan of interns, Roy, while can justify his stance about not eating the cookies on purpose - but still - the interns were specifically informed that those were laced cookies and they need to step back if he has consumed any. But he acted irrationally and that's entirely on him, not on the hospital.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, beautifulGA said:

Now Amelia and Owen - gahhh is it the same show that spent half an season in S8 with Merder 's adoption process being in jeopardy, even though they were married? And now two adoption process will go down like a breeze? Save me the crap. For a moment I can agree on Leo's adoption process going through, but her mother's? And that too when we know Amelia's history as an addict?to take a bath daily. Lol.

Nobody is being adopted. Owen is fostering Leo, and there is no official guardianship arrangement with Amelia and Leo's mom.

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, Layne said:

So Jackson never had the decency to talk to her about it?

Technically, he doesn't need to. Unless the situation pertains to their daughter (for example, if Harriet was having a party and Jackson was bringing Maggie), Jackson doesn't need to inform April of his relationships, just like April hasn't of her supposed new relationship. It might have been more respectful to give her a heads up, but since they aren't in a relationship anymore, he technically doesn't need to keep her up to date. 

  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, Joana said:

Sure, Roy acted irresponsibly (although one could argue his jugdement was impaired at the time), but... Remember all those times various doctors acted irresponsibly and actually ended up KILLING people? And then absolutely nothing happened and some of them were even rewarded in the end? So, yeah. 

The impaired judgment excuse doesn't work for me. He was informed that the cookie he ate was pot-laced and continued to work.  If he had gotten into his car and run over somebody in a crosswalk, he'd still be held liable for that. 

  • Love 17

ETA - Anyone else find it odd that a 15 year old girl was named Betty?

Old school names are making a big comeback - Edith, Alice, Marge, Judith, etc.  I kind of like it!

The entire "Me Too" storyline was one big eye roll for me.  It could have been really good, but it just wasn't.  Meredith starts the day with returning her Harper Avery's and by the end of the night she wants them re-engraved with Catherine's name?  That doesn't make it go away.  Also, it was stupid to say she was returning them in the first place.

I'm interested in the Roy lawsuit because I think he was wrongfully terminated.  He was most likely high when he was asked.  It's Arizona's fault, and the two mom's.  No one is suing them for passing out the wrong cookies?!  Every single character on this show is a hypocrite and the fact that they just dismissed him that quickly is stupid.

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

The impaired judgment excuse doesn't work for me. He was informed that the cookie he ate was pot-laced and continued to work.  If he had gotten into his car and run over somebody in a crosswalk, he'd still be held liable for that. 

Huh. Reading this reminds me that Bailey knew that Roy ate a piece of the cookie as well. She was also impaired, mind you, but it's interesting that it wasn't like Roy was alone when he ate the cookie. So, for me, maybe the impaired judgment excuse works...to an extent. It really is true that so many characters have gotten let off for much worse things than this. 

Just now, Slider said:

I'm interested in the Roy lawsuit because I think he was wrongfully terminated.  He was most likely high when he was asked.  It's Arizona's fault, and the two mom's.  No one is suing them for passing out the wrong cookies?!  Every single character on this show is a hypocrite and the fact that they just dismissed him that quickly is stupid.

It was an accident on all accounts, so if there was a way to not pass the blame, I wouldn't be. Maybe if Richard hadn't been so quick on the trigger to fire Roy, this wouldn't be a problem and the pot cookies would have already been forgotten. I have no doubt that if Richard had just suspended Roy, there'd be no lawsuit. Roy, last episode, seemed to understand that he'd probably be suspended for lying. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, GalvDuck said:

Why do they act like NO ONE else works in this hospital except surgeons?  There should be radiography techs running the scans and positioning the patients, patient care techs transporting patients, nurses drawing blood and administering meds, specialists reading and interpreting the scans,....I'm missing more, I know.  Heck, most shows have at least some recurring minor characters.  There were lots of nurses and EMTs on ER.  They weren't in every episode, but...they came back when they were needed.  

Grey's used to have them: Olivia, Tyler, Nikki, maybe others I can't think of right now. Bokhee and another OR staffer are all there are now. I think we did see Nikki not too long ago.

  • Love 2

Yeah unfortunately Roy might actually have a case. The cookies were handed out by a superior, who made no mention of the ingredients and he could probably argue that once under the influence he wasn't competent to answer questions about his mental state when asked. And he got injured in the process. There are reasons that schools now ban homemade/unpackaged snacks from being handed out in the classroom and ingredient issues are top of the list. Admittly the concern there is usually peanuts, not weed, but the precedant is there,

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, pennben said:

1) What position of authority did Catherine have back then? Was it enough to do anything other than make sure these women were compensated and not completely undone?

2) Was it only because she was in Harper Avery's family?

3) Would any of these women have had a better outcome had they pursued legal action back then?

4) Would Harper Avery let Catherine deal with it in any way other than she did before he died? Why are we blaming a woman for what he did, other than he seemed neat in very early episodes?


I think naming the award for her is a bit much, but I'm not laying blame at her feet for what he did and how she handled in in yonder days, if you will.


1) From Katherine's own frenzied explanation to Jackson, we know that she had enough "influence" at that point to convince Harper Avery to 'allow' her to compensate the women with 'large' sums of money in exchange for their silence, combined with leaving their jobs and never having anything whatsoever to do with Harper Avery again. Why she (as a doctor, not a lawyer) had that much influence over Harper Avery at the time is a very good question.

2) Actually, do we know that Katherine was in Harper Avery's family at that point?

3) The women H. Avery molested would have been slut-shamed, making them unemployable pretty much anywhere in the nation, if Katherine hadn't done what she did. She was right about that.

4) Probably not. [Unless, of course, Harper Avery is actually Jackson's father, and H. Avery either forced his son, Blake, to marry Katherine (in order to legitimize H. Avery's baby), or else Harper forced Blake to acknowledge a child that was really the result of sexual harassment/rape of his wife by his own father.

That would explain Katherine's "influence" over Harper Avery, and why Katherine never told Jackson anything about this before

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Bostongirl said:

Not sure Dr Roy should have been fired. Maybe he should have been suspended and offered substance abuse treatment 

It wasn't a substance abuse problem though.  He accidentally ingested and then lied that he had endangering any patients he would be treating that day because he didn't want to lose out on the surgeries.  His lawyer will argue that he was already incapacitated which contributed to his poor judgement call but none of the other interns lied.

2 hours ago, Joana said:

At first I rolled my eyes when Carina said Arizona was coddling Sofia too much, but actually... she might have a point? What exactly is she doing to address the issue? Does she even know what the real problem is? Is she getting her some counselling? Is she in touch with Callie? Does she know how Sofia acted in NY and why she wanted to come back to Seattle, because that is how the season started? Obviously, it's going to be very difficult for a young child when the parents are divorced and live across the country, but there might be more to it. And even if it's just that, it's stupid to just sit around and wait for the problem to go away on its own.

That's how I felt too.  'Too harsh' at first and then 'Hey, maybe she does have a point'.  Arizona's been making a bunch of bad decisions around Sofia since she's come to stay (taking her in to see patients with her) and letting Sofia school-avoid and not doing anything to fix the problem is poor parenting.

4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Why doesn't Amelia just get her own place where she can live with Betty? That was already the obvious choice to me when she said she didn't know how to tell Meredith she was moving a drug addict into the house, but even moreso when Owen said that Amelia and Betty should both move in with him. Amelia is a surgeon making enough money to afford her own place.

Owen said that she should be with her baby since she  loves him that much.  And I think it's not totally altruistic -- given that Amelia drove him and Leo in for Leo's Well Baby appointment, it seems like Amelia is still there at his place a lot helping him with Leo and having both Amelia and Betty there would make it easier on both him and better for Leo.

I thought it was cute that in the waiting room scene, when Amelia sits down on the table beside Owen, the baby reached out towards Caterina Scorsone. Looks like sh'e's been spending time with the child to make him comfortable in scenes.

I wonder  how Meredith going to handle  losing half her live-in daycare.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, AnnieHeights said:

I thought the same thing about the suspension last episode......too many things to consider before firing him.  He slept with April, so he could throw in abuse of power, he was given pot laced cookies at work, impairing his judgment and was injured on the job.  I can't stand the guy but they should have been a lot smarter and consulted HR before firing the guy.    

The hospital has an HR department? Everything listed above, that's why most of us want Roy to go away, just like Sam being shown the door, no one had a problem with her gone because all she did was cry and sleep with DeLuca. It's pretty much that Roy's brother wanted the lawsuit. The only way you can say that Richard was in the right despite the show's history if he ends up saying next episode: "I let too much crap go and most of it blew up in everyone's faces." "It's 1 strike for me now." "Plus, Richard is in charge of the intern program still, so it was his call to make, but sadly knowing how HR departments work in health care, they either sit on things forever before doing things or they do as Richard did and just say: "Get out and don't come back!" 

Can someone explain the Harper Avery foundation to me? Because it apparently was a grant making agency that also gave out the Harper Avery awards and as I remember Grey-Sloan was their first hospital acquisition and there was concern over the cost, so much so that the doctors kicked in a significant amount of money to make it happen but it was basically a family fiefdom. Which is fine, I know people with family foundations and I know they can sometimes be quite large.

But as of last night the Harper Avery foundation runs 70 hospitals which would make it the 4th largest non-profit hospital system in the US and be worth billions of dollars, it would have massive lines of credit, 10s of thousands of employees and yet it was still a family fiefdom where one board member fires the one crisis consultant and caused the crisis by unilaterally ending a legal contract and there are two board members in the meeting that are handling the entire thing and just decide to dissolve the foundation, transfer all the assets to a new one?

I get it's the non-sense Grey's universe where the head of the entire hospital is the chief of surgery for some reason but there were plenty of ways to write this that don't involve the family matriarch just on a whim deciding to dissolve a multi-billion dollar concern and poofing a new one into existence with her name on it and all the assets.

Edited by John M
  • Love 13
52 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Do interns come under HR?  I thought that since they were still undery their medical school.  HR is for non-medical employees.

I just assumed there would be an HR department in a hospital (or something like it?)l.....I am guessing from some of the responses I stand corrected.  I also didn't think about the fact they would be under their medical school.  

  • Love 1

Roy's termination seemed unjustified to me last week (especially given past precedent at that loony bin of a hospital), and I say that as someone who hates pot and has never ingested it in any way and would go nuclear if someone (accidentally or not) gave me something with pot in it to eat.  He has way too much of a case, and Richard really should've taken a beat before summarily firing him.

As for this ridiculous renaming of the Harper Avery Foundation to the Catherine Fox Foundation, I have but one thing to say to the idiots in charge of this show:


  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Joana said:

So not only did Catherine get away completely scott-free, which is already unrealistic enough itself, she actually came out of the whole story as some kind of a hero and a champion for women's cause? I can't. Although, I really have only myself to blame for not expecting this storyline to be resolved in the corniest way possible, like they almost always tend to be.

At first I rolled my eyes when Carina said Arizona was coddling Sofia too much, but actually... she might have a point? What exactly is she doing to address the issue? Does she even know what the real problem is? Is she getting her some counselling? Is she in touch with Callie? Does she know how Sofia acted in NY and why she wanted to come back to Seattle, because that is how the season started? Obviously, it's going to be very difficult for a young child when the parents are divorced and live across the country, but there might be more to it. And even if it's just that, it's stupid to just sit around and wait for the problem to go away on its own.

I actually didn't mind seeing nurse Olivia again, but she got extremely annoying really quickly. That man is treating your child, so get over yourself. I'm not sure what the point of her comeback was. To highlight that Alex has changed since then? Uhm, we kinda got it already.

Agreed... I think Carina said something wise and vagina-free for the very first time.. It's not that I encourage 9-year-olds to work but she had a point... In real life you can't jest left out work because you feel blue...

I wish Grey's had never event touched the #metoo subject because thay handled it horribly. At the same time they wanted to address the #metoo issue, but they couldn't just blame it on the black woman because that would be racist, wouldn't it? So why even go there if you can't tell a good story? I think they wanted to show that women are powerfull and strong but what they showed that power has the one who has power (kind of game of throne's style "power is power") and that frustrated, jealous women will show up  years later to say heartfull things and turn the tables on men just because they didn't get what thy wanted - just like Olivia did in this epiosode. We all know she's as much to blame as Alex and Alex didn't force her to do that. And she slept with a lot of doctors... Mark Sloan for example :)

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, John M said:

Can someone explain the Harper Avery foundation to me? Because it apparently was a grant making agency that also gave out the Harper Avery awards and as I remember Grey-Sloan was their first hospital acquisition and there was concern over the cost, so much so that the doctors kicked in a significant amount of money to make it happen but it was basically a family fiefdom. Which is fine, I know people with family foundations and I know they can sometimes be quite large.

But as of last night the Harper Avery foundation runs 70 hospitals which would make it the 4th largest non-profit hospital system in the US and be worth billions of dollars, it would have massive lines of credit, 10s of thousands of employees and yet it was still a family fiefdom where one board member fires the one crisis consultant and caused the crisis by unilaterally ending a legal contract and there are two board members in the meeting that are handling the entire thing and just decide to dissolve the foundation, transfer all the assets to a new one?

I get it's the non-sense Grey's universe where the head of the entire hospital is the chief of surgery for some reason but there were plenty of ways to write this that don't involve the family matriarch just on a whim deciding to dissolve a multi-billion dollar concern and poofing a new one into existence with her name on it and all the assets.

wait, if the foundation is apparently this big, why did Jackson said at the end of the episode that he'll be broke now onwards or something...

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, John M said:

Can someone explain the Harper Avery foundation to me?

I really don't think that's possible. There has been so much retconning that no one can even begin to make sense of the entire thing now.

What I'm most wondering about is Catherine's role in the foundation. She's stated several times that she built an empire with her own hands or something to that extent, and I can't see how it can be so. She must be around Ellis Grey's age, and Ellis was quite young when she got her first award and it was already a huge deal back then. Given Harper Avery's age, it only makes moderate sense that he would be as important at the time, while Catherine must have barely been relevant. It's so confusing.

Also, I remember her saying that all the Avery descendants get to sit in the board meetings since the age of 15 in order to learn business, and we've just seen how those meeting must look like. 

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

I think Olivia was more upset at the fact that she was called syph nurse.. And that it went on as a joke in the hospital but nothing was made of Alex.. She mentioned previously about the behavior if doctor(s)  so I think it wasn't  just the Karev situation.. So with all the Harper Avery stuff swirling it was just another example of men in power getting treated differently Than women

Least that's what I got from it

While making the woman look petty and the white male victimizer look sympathetic. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Do interns come under HR?  I thought that since they were still undery their medical school.  HR is for non-medical employees.

Medical interns aren’t the same as unpaid undergrads. They’re no longer in medical school, they’ve graduated and are full doctors, hired by the hospital. That’s just what they call the ones in their first year of residency. 

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, Layne said:

While making the woman look petty and the white male victimizer look sympathetic. 

Maybe... I feel sometimes fandom doesn't really take those deeper things into consideration... They love Alex and she was getting on his case.. So they were upset.. I for one didn't think it was petty.. And too his credit Karev said he was a jerk I didn't feel sympathy for him.. Maybe they coulda had her speak more about her treatment after the situation compared to the doctors to drive the point home 

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, readster said:

...Roy not only almost gets a patient killed, but almost loses his arm in the process and freaks out about it. Why didn't he fess up? Oh because the whole: "I want surgeries" excuse crap. 


17 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I hate to defend Roy, but he could plausibly argue that the drugs made him lie. He was already high when he was asked about eating the cookies.


17 hours ago, pennben said:

Yes! I meant to mention that in my post above yours. He's got a legitimate claim that he would have never done that had he not been high.  Also, as you mentioned, the hospital will be on the hook for the distribution of the cookies at the "office".  

Also not to defend Roy, but didn't we hear Jo or Mer (the sober ones who were trying to keep the wheels from falling off) offer double points or double credit or something for any procedures the sober interns pitched in on?  A lawyer could probably argue that constituted coercion to lie.

  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Maybe... I feel sometimes fandom doesn't really take those deeper things into consideration... They love Alex and she was getting on his case.. So they were upset.. I for one didn't think it was petty.. And too his credit Karev said he was a jerk I didn't feel sympathy for him.. Maybe they coulda had her speak more about her treatment after the situation compared to the doctors to drive the point home 

Olivia is a victim in that she got syphillis from Alex. But the sex was consensual and she was apparently ok with not using a condom.  Same as when she had sex with George.  Alex isn’t the one that called her Syph Nurse, that was Izzie and Alex was certainly ridiculed (and punched) for it at the time. So if they were trying to tie this in to the Harper Avery stuff, it didn’t work, at least for me. 

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 8
8 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

He thinks it's "weird" that the baby's birth mother has the right to be at the baby's doctor appointment. HELLO, that is her baby!

Actually it is weird.  Usually when a child is removed from their family by CPS, they don't get to go to doctors' appointments or be around them at all.

Edited to note that it would depend on the circumstances surrounding the removal.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, Layne said:

While making the woman look petty and the white male victimizer look sympathetic. 

How did Alex victimize her?  By giving her syphilis?  Which she gave to George, also a doctor?  Were other white male doctors calling her syph girl, or was it nurses?

I'm very fuzzy on Season 1, but I didn't think of Olivia as anyone's victim.  She was into having sex with Alex, so I don't think he can be called her victimizer.  He didn't know he had syphillis and was willfully running around having unprotected sex, right?  He didn't know just like Olivia didn't know when she gave it to George.


ETA: Or what Deanie87 said!

Edited by izabella
  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, izabella said:

How did Alex victimize her?  By giving her syphilis?  Which she gave to George, also a doctor?  Were other white male doctors calling her syph girl, or was it nurses?

I'm very fuzzy on Season 1, but I didn't think of Olivia as anyone's victim.  She was into having sex with Alex, so I don't think he can be called her victimizer.

It was Izzie who called her the Syph Nurse.

  • Love 3
31 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

It was Izzie who called her the Syph Nurse.

What I inferred from Olivia is that whomever started syph nurse... It caught on... And syph doctor did not... Two consenting adults yes.. But one with more power and when the scandal broke. It was the woman who got the brunt if the scorn... At least from Olivia's standpoint

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

Because Jackson was head of Harper-Avery, and it will no longer exist! It will become the Catherine Fox Corporation (or some such).

Jackson inherited $250 million didn't he? Was that in cash or was the bulk of that in shares of the foundation? If it is in cash, he's still way rich regardless of what happens to the Harper Avery Foundations. If it is shares, I don't think dissolving the foundations means he loses the money, but maybe he meant he is putting his own money in towards helping the victims?

  • Love 3
36 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

Jackson inherited $250 million didn't he? Was that in cash or was the bulk of that in shares of the foundation? If it is in cash, he's still way rich regardless of what happens to the Harper Avery Foundations. If it is shares, I don't think dissolving the foundations means he loses the money, but maybe he meant he is putting his own money in towards helping the victims?

A foundation is a charitable enterprise, at least ostensibly. Sometimes they are used for tax purposes for like "art museums" that aren't open to the public and only used to shield what are really private art collections from taxes but generally speaking the Avery/Fox clan would not be profiting from their foundation besides maybe outrageous staff/board position salaries which would surely be an issue in a foundation taking in so much money running non-profit hospitals.

I mean I guess the Fox/Averies could hold minority stakes in hospital acquisitions made as investments by the Harper Avery foundation like Grey-Sloan is purportedly doing with the plane victims and their estates/heirs but if they owned/ran 70 hospitals worth billions of dollars I feel like that would raise a lot of questions and possibly legal issues on if the Harper Avery Foundation was basically just a vehicle for insider trading with untaxed money.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, statsgirl said:

That's how I felt too.  'Too harsh' at first and then 'Hey, maybe she does have a point'.  Arizona's been making a bunch of bad decisions around Sofia since she's come to stay (taking her in to see patients with her) and letting Sofia school-avoid and not doing anything to fix the problem  

I didn’t feel it was too harsh maybe the way it was offered did seem impersonal as these two are suppose to be in somr sort of relationship. But Carina has a huge point, here example wasn’t the best though. I don’t know if it’s codderling but it’s different indulgent and doesn’t develop resilient. 

As someone who works in a school where children will poor attendance. This will not get better if Arizona keeps her off. I understand she’s having a hard time adjusting but in any school you can’t make friends if your not there. People won’t play with her as they don’t know her and it’s not just socially. This will affect her emotionally, in her learning and later in life. You can’t not go to work because your finding it hard. Unfortunately, your hard time won’t matter you have you try to move forward from them. 

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

What I inferred from Olivia is that whomever started syph nurse... It caught on... And syph doctor did not... Two consenting adults yes.. But one with more power and when the scandal broke. It was the woman who got the brunt if the scorn... At least from Olivia's standpoint

I totally believe that this is how it went down from Olivia’s standpoint, but I’m not sure it has any merit. Alex was just an intern when all of this went down and it seemed that Olivia was an established nurse. Interns are near the bottom of the ladder in the hospital hierarchy so Alex didn’t have any power over her.


None of this made sense to me since Jo already knew about Alex’s promiscuous past and the Syph. I will admit to being an Alex defender, but sleeping around and using sex as an emotional crutch are the only things in Alex’s troubled past that haven’t been regressed. He hasn’t slept with anyone but Jo since he met her. 

  • Love 7
On April 27, 2018 at 7:44 AM, Lady Calypso said:

Technically, he doesn't need to. Unless the situation pertains to their daughter (for example, if Harriet was having a party and Jackson was bringing Maggie), Jackson doesn't need to inform April of his relationships, just like April hasn't of her supposed new relationship. It might have been more respectful to give her a heads up, but since they aren't in a relationship anymore, he technically doesn't need to keep her up to date. 

Disagree. After everything they've been through, I think he owes her the respect of telling her that he's entered a serious relationship with someone she works with on a daily basis. Maggie said as much a few episodes ago. 

  • Love 6
On April 27, 2018 at 6:48 PM, John M said:

A foundation is a charitable enterprise, at least ostensibly. Sometimes they are used for tax purposes for like "art museums" that aren't open to the public and only used to shield what are really private art collections from taxes but generally speaking the Avery/Fox clan would not be profiting from their foundation besides maybe outrageous staff/board position salaries which would surely be an issue in a foundation taking in so much money running non-profit hospitals.

I mean I guess the Fox/Averies could hold minority stakes in hospital acquisitions made as investments by the Harper Avery foundation like Grey-Sloan is purportedly doing with the plane victims and their estates/heirs but if they owned/ran 70 hospitals worth billions of dollars I feel like that would raise a lot of questions and possibly legal issues on if the Harper Avery Foundation was basically just a vehicle for insider trading with untaxed money.

Where did Jackson's $250 million inheritance come from?

I forgot to say earlier that i really appreciated Amelia saying that maybe Betty became an addict "because a surgeon prescribed her powerful drugs" instead of other post-op treatment.  It's been a subject of discussion there that many people get hooked on opiods because it's cheaper to write a prescription for them after an accident or surgery than physio therapy or other methods of pain control.

And it also helps to explain why Amelia feels an obligation to help Betty.  (If Betty stays on the show it means a recurring character of an age group the show doesn't have.)

2 hours ago, Layne said:

Where did Jackson's $250 million inheritance come from?

Left to him in Harper Avery's will.

  • Love 3
On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 1:17 PM, lorbeer said:

Agreed... I think Carina said something wise and vagina-free for the very first time.. It's not that I encourage 9-year-olds to work but she had a point... In real life you can't jest left out work because you feel blue...


Your Carina remark just made me laugh. I agreed Carina had a point. I also was glad to see the conflict with Arizona given that I find zero sparks in their relationship, so anything suggesting they are ending it works for me. I think the main point of the Sophia storyline is to give Arizona a reason to move to NY.

I also found it just bizarre that Deluca has spent a week on Meredith's couch. At the beginning of the episode, I was confused about "who is that guy on the couch?" because I couldn't see why in the world he would be there playing guitar. By the end of the episode I still saw no reason he'd be there besides setting up a reason for Meredith to ask Arizona for help. . . .

If I were to have at all bought the relationship between Deluca and DACA-intern, I would get that he was sad; but I  would still not get planting yourself on someone else's couch for a week. She's not dead. I don't see missing work for a week to make sense at all--especially when you are a resident with a lot to cram in/reasons not to derail his career. That just seemed bizarrely added on.

I echo all the objections re: the HA foundation being renamed after Catherine. It's find for Meredith and Jackson to come up with a proposed solution, but that part was beyond dumb. What made it even worse is they proposed that Catherine herself would read the statement naming the foundation after herself. That is just idiotic even if the renaming was a good idea.

  • Love 3

I think Olivia was brought back because she's going to use the fact she left Seattle and the hospital after the "Syph nurse" episode as an example of hostile workplace and following the Harper Avery story it'd be a problem for Grey Sloan Memorial.  I'm pretty sure she wasn't just brought back for the kid who'd swallowed a whistle.

Amelia needs her own place. The teen mother needs to have counselling and help. I suppose an ex-addict doctor to help her through may be better than her family but I'm willing to bet that mother and baby will go back to the mother's parents as soon as she's sober and her parents take her back.

I'm thinking that Sofia is being bullied and we're going to have a "children's signs of depression due to bullying" PSA episode soon. Also, Arizona clearly misses Callie as per last week's episode. So, Arizona may get a job as a surgeon in NYC so Sofia's happier.

Edited by MYOS
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On April 29, 2018 at 4:17 PM, statsgirl said:

Left to him in Harper Avery's will.

The comment I quoted said "but generally speaking the Avery/Fox clan would not be profiting from their foundation besides maybe outrageous staff/board position salaries which would surely be an issue in a foundation taking in so much money running non-profit hospitals." If that's the case, where did Harper get his hundreds of millions from?

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