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S01.E01: Big Easy, Baby!

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Welcome to life in the Big Easy! Hidden away from the beer, boobs and beads of Bourbon Street is a high society of wealth, champagne and costume balls, with a healthy dash of voodoo magic. Meet the high-class ladies and gents of this tight-knit group as they strut their stuff at the biggest party of the year, Mardi Gras. Later, secrets will be revealed during a birthday party that will ultimately steal the spotlight from its guest of honor.

They're here!  They're Southern!  They're Charming! They're from NOLA and they are in it to win us over and get season after season.  Let's see how charming they really are, shall we?

  • Love 3

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this episode! Very energetic, somewhat likable and attractive bunch who appear to have the local status and money to back up all their claims; I loved all the house/food porn too. Loved glimpses of Jon’s awesome art, even if he comes off a little douchey. Especially love that they are unabashed drinkers but not gross and tacky about it, unlike the trashy amateurs of SC Savannah. On that note, this SC installment is sooooo much better than the shitshow that is SC Savannah(*how* did that even get a second season, btw?)—-that show couldn’t even get a catchy theme song, which this one has that’s every bit as cute as the original SC theme song.

Hopefully I don’t change my mind on this one because I really appreciate the necessary diversity this cast has brought to the franchise.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 15
28 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

Hopefully I don’t change my mind on this one because I really appreciate the necessary diversity this cast has brought to the franchise.

This. So much of this. I am so glad for the much needed diversity. 

I enjoyed this episode as well. I was worried and almost did not tune in, because I could not stand SC Savannah. I am glad I did. So far I do not really like or dislike anyone yet. I am sure that will change though.

  • Love 8

I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode.  Echoing the sentiments of others, I couldn't help but compare it to the disaster that was/is Southern Charm Savannah.  I watched the entire first (should have been last) season of that disaster and still can't remember some of their names.  I think I've got the Southern Charm New Orleans cast members' names down pat already!  

I loved Barry.  I thought Jon came off just a little cocky but he seems to have the talent (and abs!!!) to back it up.  I like that we have actual married couples in this show.  Loved the dinner party with the live music.  

I hope they continue to show as much of the city as they did in this episode.  It seems to me that the original Southern Charm has backed off on showing a lot of Charleston, which disappoints me.  Also loved all the music.

I've got to learn how to make a Sazarac.  I had several on my first visit to New Orleans last year--there WILL be a second!--and they are delicious.  I want one now!

  • Love 7

Now that I've watched the episode the whole way through, I am really liking this cast.  The difference from Savannah is stark; no sad parties with plastic minis of Fireball in the back yard--these folks have their parties catered by the chef at an Emeril restaurant in their fancy new home.  The people have jobs, and they all legit know each other IRL, not some tacit connection from 15 years ago.  So far the only one who is on the verge of being a bit too much is Reagan, but she reminds me so much of a friend of a friend, I can tolerate her for now.  At the very least, I'm intrigued about how Jeff's mother made off with all that money and how that will play out.

  • Love 11

iDied when Reagan's friend was incredulous that Tamica hadn't seen Gone With The Wind, then Tamica asked her if she had seen The Wiz.

Justin's mom was looking a little Teddy Perkins-ish and how you gonna ask your mom if you and your girlfriend can move in with you? And you haven't even run this by the girlfriend?

Reagan said Jeff's Mom presented herself as "Mrs. Charleston" to gain access to his accounts.  Technically Jeff's mom WAS "Mrs. Charleston"...just not the one who had the access to the accounts.

  • Love 9
26 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

iDied when Reagan's friend was incredulous that Tamica hadn't seen Gone With The Wind, then Tamica asked her if she had seen The Wiz.

Stunned silence here too—-this privileged bitch is a longtime New Orleans resident yet she doesn’t realize just how insensitive it is to ask a black acquaintance such a dumb question?! Yikes. Oh well, I still forgave the poor gal for her gorgeous house porn and loved the awesome save by Tamica with her “The Wiz” clapback; aside from the no-sex thing with her hubby((which I can’t understand because that man is fine)), I really liked her a lot. Very smart cookie who handles herself as beautifully as she looks.

Reagan’s nasally vocal fry voice makes my toes curl, but she seems fun enough so far for me to overlook such a grievance. Plus I love a gal who can prepare and enjoy a sazerac with such grace. Even if their home is way off in the boonies, I enjoyed seeing it and her cute doggies. I wish her hubs would just shave off those goofy stray curls barely hanging on his head already—-he could rock the bald/beard look well.

You can tell Whitney was involved in this production vs. SC Savannah just based on the casting alone—-he made sure to find an attractive and interesting cast who actually had real friendships, money and local clout. I think only several of those boring losers in the Savannah cast had actual longtime city ties and any legitimate wealth, plus they barely knew each other and it shows. A cast has to have genuine true chemistry with each other, otherwise it just comes off as disingenuous and stilted from the start.

The lawyer dude Justin gives me a questionable vibe so far, but he’s not nearly as cheesy as he came off in the previews. He’s apparently the token Whitney of this bunch, given his firmly single status and the blind devotion to his wealthy mama whom he doesn’t mind living with as an adult. I’m intrigued to see how his and Jon’s characters evolve as this show progresses.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 6

I’m in! I am a bit concerned, however, that we didn’t start with some big verbal brawl and then cut to “three months earlier.” These people might just be Southern and charming without bringing the Bravo drama to which we are accustomed. Although with the Gone with the Wind/Wiz thing and dinner party guests telling the whole party that the hosts need love potion—then putting another guest on the spot about not getting married—there is definitely firework potential here.

 I think Reagan and Tamica are both pretty outspoken that drama could be on the horizon with those two. I can tell already that Reagan is going to be the one I love to hate, and i’ll likely take Tamica’s side. Yet, I feel bad already for both of their husbands. Tamica is telling the world she doesn’t have sex with her husband, while Reagan is telling the world she’s moving out to go to school...but don’t tell my husband. Say what?!? These poor guys are probably still standing on the side of the road waiting to catch a glimpse of their wives in their “off-brand” parade. There was NO ONE watching that parade, lol! So, I guess put me on Team Neglected Husbands.

Or, truly, put me on Team Jon! Heeeyyyy, Jon! We don’t know anything about this guy yet, so he might turn out to be a jerk, but with those abs and that artistic ability...swoon!

Bennie Poppins is no Michael the Butler. Yet, I am pretty impressed that he can turn ANYTHING into an alcoholic drink. Sure, you’ve had Irish Coffee, but how about Cajun Coffee? What about alcoholic chai tea?!? 

  • Love 10

My maternal roots are in New Orleans so I was excited for this premiere. I knew it wouldn't be geared toward what I think of authentic New Orleans folks, and it definitely is striving for the Bravo flavor. I will always love seeing NOLA architecture and food, and I liked that we saw daytime Mardi Gras. All my Mardi Gras were very family-oriented; nary a bare boob in sight, and if one got too drunk and obnoxious, a mama or spouse would push you home. I've still got my first beads.

I'm glad we saw the Treme (Nicelle's lovely home). She offers it via AirBnB.  Lots of the Katrina rebuilding was in the suburbs (north of the river, to supposedly be safe from floods). But I'm not interested in McMansions.

I really like the guys, who exhibited more of the casual NOLA friendliness than the women did. I love the diversity. I liked the women's fashions, and Tamika's little girl in her lacy party dress was adorable.

I'm surprised that Reagan has the vocal fry thing - maybe she grew up elsewhere? We didn't hear any distinct NOLA accents. The voodoo priestess sounded like she walked in off the streets of New York.

Poor Jeff - I wonder if it's possible to pursue his parents for criminal activity, and if he refuses to do so. Could be one reason for Reagan's determination to "live in the Quarter a few nights a week." I.e., begin separation.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 7
8 hours ago, drivethroo said:


Justin's mom was looking a little Teddy Perkins-ish and how you gonna ask your mom if you and your girlfriend can move in with you? And you haven't even run this by the girlfriend?

Well, NOLA is in the South, and we Southerners don't generally ever ask about sleeping with someone in our parents' home without rings on each of our fingers. Even if we are grown *ss men and women LOL

Seriously, this is how most of us southern ladies and gentlemen would proceed, no joke. No use asking your partner before you get your parents answer in the affirmative. Which, believe it or not, doesn't happen automatically, no matter your age.

Case in point...My nephew who lives up North recently married for the first time at age 37. About six months prior to the wedding, he asked my mother if he and his soon to be bride could come down for a visit. The convo, per my mom and my nephew went something like this: 'Of course, I'd love to have y'all for as long as you want to visit but just remember the rules in my house haven't changed in the 40 years since your daddy brought your mama down before they were married...no shacking up under my roof! Don't let me catch you trying to go from room to room during the night either. These hardwood floors still creak and even though I'm over 80, I do hear pretty well and I will embarrass you in a heartbeat. Make sure your lady understands the rules. She's not from the South so she might not understand but that isn't my concern. Looking forward to seeing y'all.' 

Second case in point: My college aged son is dating a young woman whose grandmother lives in NOLA. A group of school friends went over for New Years Eve and were staying with the grandmother. She sat them all down when they arrived for a 'briefing.' Grandma told them she had 3 rules: 'No drinking under my roof since you aren't old enough, even thought it's dumb as hell, but the law is the law. Do your drinking downtown or in the taxi but not here. No drugging anywhere while you are my guest. No sexing in this house because none of you are married. Guys will stay on the 3rd floor, ladies on the 2nd. No moving between the floors or there will be hell to pay and you will be kicked to the curb after I take care of you. Now that the formalities are out of the way, introduce yourselves and tell me a little bit about yourself.' My son said he was only one of three or four of them who weren't horrified because he 'knows the score' and knew ahead of time there'd be no romance in Grandma's home LOL

Speaking of creaky floors, the TV personality, had me rolling my eyes out of my head when she referred to the creaky stair treads as 'creepy.' Come on girl, how have you heard it wrong your entire life? BTW, they never did give a full on look at her mom but from what I could see, she gets her good looks from her. Mom wasn't overly done up or botoxed to death, that I could tell, and I can appreciate that. 

Edited by HahYallDoin
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I'm surprised that Reagan has the vocal fry thing - maybe she grew up elsewhere? We didn't hear any distinct NOLA accents. The voodoo priestess sounded like she walked in off the streets of New York.

So true, I noticed it too. I can't believe we heard so many people speak and not one Cajun accent in the group! Whitney dropped the ball on that front. He made sure we have Thomas on SC with his thick accent. I don't care for Thomas but he sure broke it down with the blonde chick from SC - Charleston when he asked if she pronounced her last name like the locals...Cuhpuh instead of Cooper. 

Edited by HahYallDoin
Had to add 'her last name' for clarity.
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

surprised that Reagan has the vocal fry thing - maybe she grew up elsewhere? We didn't hear any distinct NOLA accents. The voodoo priestess sounded like she walked in off the streets of New York.

She went to Mandeville high with a friend of mine and she grew up in the area. She was also on American Idol a few years ago, I believe she got cut during Hollywood week.

  • Love 4

Adored this show. Although the original SC is unmatchable ( i think it is making reality tv history at the moment), THIS was a fabulous first episode. Like most above, I was especially tuned in for the cuisine, the architecture, the music...even Mardi Gras. Loved seeing a home in the Treme, after watching the series. The cast looked comfortable with one another and you can't buy that. It is, or it isn't. I hate to give Whitney from the crypt any credit (and Whit, I  have to say, is looking better than he ever has in SC), if he's involved in this, props to him and keep it coming. I'm in Australia and a bit obsessed with the south, so I'm delighted with this franchise. Jaysus, poor Jeff if that's true! I don't get what is going on with lawyer boy and his mother and his .. Kelsey? Girlfriend? Fiance? And what does she do? Did they tell us? She seemed very unpolished compared to the rest of the cast. I felt for her, especially when Tamica (loved the commenter above who honed in on her being the 'long lost black Wirkus twin'/triplet, snarkety snark) put him on the spot about the status of their relationship. Oh well, guess that's grist for the arc of the season, maybe. Moving in with parents, though, with girlfriend/fiance/Kelsey, into your childhood home AND renovating... does anyone really want that much pain? Others have commented on the vocal fry from Reagan. Even I was puzzled at her accent, given she's been in NOLA since the 1700s. 


Loved it and I hope it keeps getting better

  • Love 3

I like it! Difference between this show and that godawful Southern Charm Savannah is that Savannah is a very small town and while it is a charming little town, it's boring and so is the cast. 

New Orleans is full of life! The cast is educated, accomplished and actually work. 

Tamika in her pink dress she had flown in from L.A.- Wowza, perfection. What a beautiful woman and she knows how to throw a dinner party. 

Reagan- I just can't with that voice. It's not just the vocal fry, it's high pitched and makes me cringe. I feel sorry for her husband. He's kind of broke down, what his family did to him is unforgivable. 

Justin- I don't see his girlfriend lasting very long. They don't seem like a good match. He was cute when he was explaining he thought he wanted to be a Dr. but realized he couldn't hack the science so settled on being a lawyer. I think his mom is very attractive. 

  • Love 5

I lived in New Orleans for a few years and have always thought it would be rip for a Real Housewives or Southern Charm series, so I was excited for the premiere.  It was nice to see the diversity in the cast and I thought it matched the diversity of the city.   The best part is, of course, the scenery porn.  It definitely seemed WAAAAY better than Southern Charm: Savannah!

I'm not crazy about Reagan, to be honest and she and her husband seem a little out of place, but I'll see how it goes.  

You do hear Cajun accents sometimes in New Orleans, but honestly, many of the New Orleanians sounded (to my ear, anyway) almost like a New York / New Jersey accent!  What I didn't notice as much were the deep Southern drawls around there.  

Edited to ask if anyone knows what krewe they were riding with??

Edited by Nancybeth
  • Love 3

I love the original Southern Charm, Savannah disappointing, seemed like a bunch of college kids wondering the town like zombies and complaining all too much.  Too early to tell with New Orleans just yet.  I live for the architecture and seeing the home furnishings which are probably over my Homegoods budget.  One thing, if any of these people on the NO show even tempt me while shoving a beignet in their face while I am watching, I promise to hurt them  :)

  • Love 4

I've been lurking this website for a year now, but created an account just to post on this show. I have never watched any iteration of Southern Charm prior to this, but seeing my adopted hometown featured and recognizing a few of the cast members I had to put it on. I have spent my whole life coming to New Orleans (my dad is from here) and moved here after college ten years ago. This cast is not the "elite" of New Orleans; but it was definitely entertaining to see. The way they were talking about riding in the parade I thought for sure they would be in Muses or at least Nyx; but a daytime parade not on Mardi Gras day? Anyone can ride in those if they are willing to pony up the money. Also the line about, "Everyone in New Orleans knows me," from Tamica;  literally no one I know watches News with A Twist, it's the bottom of the barrel. I suppose this comes off as snarky but I have interacted with almost every main cast member and also several of their friends. I am still trying to figure out Reagan's family tree. But if anyone has any specific questions I can do my best to answer.

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, belsu said:

But if anyone has any specific questions I can do my best to answer.

Oh I love hearing from local folks who have actual connections to the reality “stars” we regularly laugh at—-you always get the best scoop that way!

So I’m genuinely curious, since I also have known quite a few folks who have appeared on reality shows((all of the shows were one season flops and swiftly cancelled, go figure)); are these folks mostly being themselves so far, or are they being complete caricatures of their usual selves and acting out more for the cameras?

One of my neighbors was on a reality show with another lovely girlfriend of mine, and he acted like a complete drunken buffoon(he was coached to amp up his party boy persona) while she came off like a busybody bitch. Another former friend on his reality show got so into his “crazy socialite” character that he ended up moving out of state to go to rehab and be a minister. One gal I knew whom I once truly respected and found so charming and funny just came off like an off-putting psycho on her show. A very sweet co-worker friend of mine just returned to work from competing in the upcoming season of “Master Chef” and I told him I’m just praying they edited him every bit as nicely as he is in real life because he’s a genuinely great dude.

I know you’re expected to amp up your typical personality for the cameras, but still, editors can be shitty enough to completely destroy your typical character if it means it’ll get the action more sensationalized and move the plot along. Which means I’d be way too fearful to ever put myself out there like that—-signing up for a reality show is such a gamble.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Oh I love hearing from local folks who have actual connections to the reality “stars” we regularly laugh at—-you always get the best scoop that way!

So I’m genuinely curious, since I also have known quite a few folks who have appeared on reality shows((all of the shows were one season flops and swiftly cancelled, go figure)); are these folks mostly being themselves so far, or are they being complete caricatures of their usual selves and acting out more for the cameras?

In the spirit of full disclosure, I am not part of these peoples circle. My fiance and I both work in hospitality. Without revealing too much he is a director of a department for a quite large property and I work in high-end hospitality (including planning, catering, private dining, etc.) That being said I have interacted with them professionally, although they probably still view me as the "help." But because of our jobs, while we do well for ourselves, we also get a lot of perks so we frequent some of the same restaurants, bars, and events. They probably would just look at me as someone they vaguely recognized.

I would say they are staying pretty true to form; but we will see as the season progresses. I am surprised Tamica did the show honestly, as a news anchor I feel like maybe airing all your personal life on national television isn't the best for you. Justin is a lawyer for a pretty well known firm (complete with cheesy commercials), they are personal injury lawyers. The real "ham" of that group though is a guy named Jason, I'm surprised he isn't a main, but will also be surprised if we don't see him this season. The husbands of the show, Jeff and Barry, have always seemed more on the peripheral every time I have seen them and also seem to be genuinely nice guys. 

The person I have interacted the most with thus far is Heidi, the "friend" shown in the scene at the house. She and her husband are nice people but that lady has had WAY too much plastic surgery.

The cocktails for every event in this city is pretty much spot on and makes me laugh. 

Finally, I have to give Tamica props for getting Chef Will Avelar from Meril for her dinner party, their food is the truth!

Edited by belsu
  • Love 9

Pretty good right out of the gates.  I really wish the bearded one would shave that thing off!  I don't think it's doing him any favors, makes him look like he has a witches chin.  In the pic they showed of him and Reagan from earlier times he was gorgeous without a beard!  Shave it off, Shave it off! And his parents stealing his money? WTF??

Tamica is absolutely stunning! Her daughter was beautiful in that pretty lace dress. But girl, no sex in 4 months? 

I pretty much thought the cast was pretty great and I have high hopes for this franchise and am looking forward to next week.  I think we are going to see some really great food and house porn on this one. These folks have REAL money (or so it seems from ep 1)

  • Love 3
On 4/16/2018 at 1:48 PM, walnutqueen said:

I don't find these Southerners any more charming than the first bunch or the other spinoff.




On 4/16/2018 at 7:26 PM, HahYallDoin said:

So true, I noticed it too. I can't believe we heard so many people speak and not one Cajun accent in the group! Whitney dropped the ball on that front. He made sure we have Thomas on SC with his thick accent. I don't care for Thomas but he sure broke it down with the blonde chick from SC - Charleston when he asked if she pronounced her last name like the locals...Cuhpuh instead of Cooper. 

You're not going to get the "Swamp People" accent in New Orleans Metroplex. Accents in Louisiana are very distinct. I was born and raised there and I can tell the difference between a New Orleans accent, a Metairie accent and a West Bank accent. These areas are within spitting distance of each other but the accents are slightly different. 


On 4/17/2018 at 2:26 PM, Nancybeth said:

I lived in New Orleans for a few years and have always thought it would be rip for a Real Housewives or Southern Charm series, so I was excited for the premiere.  It was nice to see the diversity in the cast and I thought it matched the diversity of the city.   The best part is, of course, the scenery porn.  It definitely seemed WAAAAY better than Southern Charm: Savannah!

I'm not crazy about Reagan, to be honest and she and her husband seem a little out of place, but I'll see how it goes.  

You do hear Cajun accents sometimes in New Orleans, but honestly, many of the New Orleanians sounded (to my ear, anyway) almost like a New York / New Jersey accent!  What I didn't notice as much were the deep Southern drawls around there.  

Edited to ask if anyone knows what krewe they were riding with??


Pretty sure it was Alla or one of the parades that runs before it. That would explain why there was a delay. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Marigny said:

Accents in Louisiana are very distinct.

You are sooo right!  I'm up in Baton Rouge, and even up here, you can peg a person's town of origin by variant of accent.  Hell, my sister has been in NYC for 20 years, met a guy who said he was from Louisiana, and knew within one sentence he came from Denham Springs.  A less than 10 mile radius can be determined by a few words. LOL!  And I'm acquainted with a lady from St. Bernard who was actually studied in a linguistics program as one of the last few true "yat" accent bearers.  It is a fascinating rabbit hole in which to dive. 
My question about Reagan is this: did she/her family move to the Northshore pre or post Katrina?  Depending on her age, her going to high school in Covington, it could have been post, but I'm not sure.

Edited by Lizzing
  • Love 3
On 4/17/2018 at 12:57 AM, walnutqueen said:

Oh, puleeze; "Southerners" aren't any less trashy than any other demographic.

Nope, no less trashy at all! Just limited in the homes/locations where they can be trashy LOL No less crazy either. Ever heard that old saying about Southerners not hiding crazy...we put crazy relatives out on our front porches, drinking sweet tea, waving as folks walk by ;) 

Edited by HahYallDoin
  • Love 3

I think this is worth watching; I seriously doubt we'll be seeing baggage handlers playing strip-golf any time soon!

The house warming dinner party was out of whack.  We were shown a soup/stew course, then cotton candy and finally pastas.  Even in the correct order, the menu doesn't make sense to me. But, I love seeing the architecture and the ambiance.  I can see how we'll have some melodrama in the coming weeks but I'm in.

  • Love 3
On 4/21/2018 at 5:15 PM, Former Nun said:

Haven't watched.  Don't plan to.  I just noticed I saved this forum to my list.  Should I watch?   I do like Southern Charm...but I don't like Savannah.

I think it's worth a watch--for the food and architecture alone. The cast knows one another outside of the show, and they seem to have jobs. Both are pluses in my book. The one factor against: Reagan's voice. It is very, very bad. One of the worst that I've heard. I'm not sure I can take the screechy nasality of it.

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