nodorothyparker April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 Quote The communities join forces in a last stand against the Saviors as all-out war unfolds. Link to comment
Popular Post Spartan Girl April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 This season had one job. ONE JOB. And it fucked it up. This is it for me, guys. I don't recognize any of these characters anymore. I'm done. DONE. Peace out. 68 Link to comment
rebel2u April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Anybody else find themselves whistling the theme song to The Andy Griffith Show when Rick was remembering the walks he took with Carl down a country road? 1 18 Link to comment
Popular Post mightysparrow April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 FUCKERY. 34 Link to comment
Lillith April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Uh well this episode was marginally less boring than most of the other episodes this season. That's all I got, this show has totally lost it's way. 11 Link to comment
Popular Post Rosiejuliemom April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 Welp...that sure was an episode. Couldn't they have at least destroyed Lucille? Are they really trying to set up Maggie as next season's villain? I'm officially calling bullshit. 26 Link to comment
EllipticalAddicted April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Amazingly, I hate Maggie even more. There's a helicopter coming for Morgan, I think. 12 Link to comment
ShadowHunter April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Jesus didn't want to kill anyone all season but now all of a sudden he is cool with Rick and Michonne being taken out? If that is what it comes down too? Unless they just lock them away but still lol. Negan was fine when he just stood there and cried. Knew Eugene would help the group out. I am so over Crazy Morgan glad he going. No idea what to say honestly. Still wish more people had been killed off. Why are Tara and Rosita still here? Instead of new threat the group will be against each other? New twist but still the same story. 12 Link to comment
Popular Post GenerationX April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 A bunch of red shirts die, Morgan is leaving, and Maggie is turning into the Godfather. I'm done. 25 Link to comment
xaxat April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 "We ain't gonna lose shit!' Jerry FTW. When is Rick going to realize he has a six shooter? What was the deal with the blighted regions? Is it new, or did I just miss it before? 7 Link to comment
AngelaHunter April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 (edited) 12 minutes ago, EllipticalAddicted said: Amazingly, I hate Maggie even more. Especially for her confiding in "Everyone deserves to live even if it means we take food out of our peoples' mouths to feed them" Jesus. OH, gee - will Rick and Michonne perhaps taunt Negan a second time? That'll learn 'im. Edited April 16, 2018 by AngelaHunter 18 Link to comment
Popular Post Black Knight April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 I'd be excited about Maggie and Daryl's plot to take down Rick if they weren't stupid enough to include Jesus of all people. The only possible worse choice they could have made for a co-conspirator is Michonne, Rick's girlfriend who'll never turn on him. So they're juuuuuust smart enough to know that to take down Rick they also have to take down Michonne, but not smart enough to know Jesus will never be able to go through with all this? I figure this sets up for the near-inevitable exits of Danai and Lauren - Michonne will die saving Rick from the coup, and the attempt at a coup will end with Maggie's death (perhaps at Michonne's hand just as Michonne dies). Lauren will be free for her show and Danai will be free for Avengers, her plays, etc. Negan, of course, will continue to live and speechify. I will not be listening. Or watching. 25 Link to comment
tiredofwork April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Quote There's a helicopter coming for Morgan, I think. I was coming on here to ask if I missed what the deal is with the helicopter? Was it addressed? 1 Link to comment
Popular Post tennisgurl April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 Wow, for the big epic battle that we were building up to since we met Negan, that was...super boring. Like, I've played more intense games of dodge ball than that final battle. And, as we suspected, even having his vocal cords cut out cant get him to shut the fuck up. 42 Link to comment
Popular Post Boofish April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 (edited) I'm glad the war is over but Maggie needs to have several seats. She had a chance to kill a ton of Saviors and she didn't. I also think you already lost if you think Darryl would ever hurt Rick. Dwight fed him dog food and he let him live. Let Negan live. Kill Negan. But let's get back to a show about survival and not a dick measuring contest. Edited April 16, 2018 by Boofish 28 Link to comment
AimingforYoko April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 7 minutes ago, Rosiejuliemom said: Are they really trying to set up Maggie as next season's villain? No. Spoiler But it is a woman. 2 Link to comment
Popular Post AngelaHunter April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 Why the need for the big mutiny planning by Maggie? Why can't she just walk into Negan's private room and blow his brains out? What are his protectors - Rick and Michonne - going to do? Kill her? Drive her out in the middle of nowhere and dump her? Rick doesn't think she's justified in killing ol' BigMouth? This is so fucking stupid I almost like it. 29 Link to comment
MrsRafaelBarba April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 This show has become one huge seed pod. 6 Link to comment
Popular Post peach April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 2 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: Why the need for the big mutiny planning by Maggie? Why can't she just walk into Negan's private room and blow his brains out? What are his protectors - Rick and Michonne - going to do? Kill her? Drive her out in the middle of nowhere and dump her? Rick doesn't think she's justified in killing ol' BigMouth? This is so fucking stupid I almost like it. I didn't watch, but that's what I was coming to ask? Why does Maggie need Rick's permission to kill her husband's murderer? Why does this require "overthrowing" anyone? Just. Kill. Him. 41 Link to comment
Rosiejuliemom April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 4 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said: No. Hide contents But it is a woman. Spoiler Are they still going to bring in the Whisperers? Ewww. 2 Link to comment
Boofish April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 3 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: Why the need for the big mutiny planning by Maggie? Why can't she just walk into Negan's private room and blow his brains out? What are his protectors - Rick and Michonne - going to do? Kill her? Drive her out in the middle of nowhere and dump her? Rick doesn't think she's justified in killing ol' BigMouth? This is so fucking stupid I almost like it. Exactly shes big mad. Ok then plot to kill Negan not Rick and Michonne 9 Link to comment
AngelaHunter April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 (edited) 4 minutes ago, peach said: I didn't watch, but that's what I was coming to ask? Why does Maggie need Rick's permission to kill her husband's murderer? I guess she'll need to wait til Michonne isn't around and can't tackle her and stop her from harming Negan. Michonne, you don't have to do everything your boyfriend says, you know. I wonder if Michonne would react if Negan had killed Ricky and someone prevented her from finishing him(Negan) off. Oh, but it was only Glenn, so not her problem. Edited April 16, 2018 by AngelaHunter 11 Link to comment
Smad April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 5 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: Why the need for the big mutiny planning by Maggie? Why can't she just walk into Negan's private room and blow his brains out? What are his protectors - Rick and Michonne - going to do? Kill her? Drive her out in the middle of nowhere and dump her? Rick doesn't think she's justified in killing ol' BigMouth? This is so fucking stupid I almost like it. Again, such an easy thing to do. Make a distraction that drives Rick and (poor) Michonne from Negan's side and then kill him. Rick can then compare partial bloody hand prints again or find a single hair or something and use his amazing CSI skills and find out who murdered him. From everything I've read I guess I even won't be watching the freaking Season Finale. 4 Link to comment
catrox14 April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 I have put up with a metric butt ton of fuckery in this show, but Rick allowing Negan to live because of Carl's stupid vision that made no sense to begin with, has me ready to cut ties. Rick doesn't deserve to be denigrated to prop Negan. I am so angry. 24 Link to comment
Popular Post mxc90 April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 Did Carl write any inspirational letters to the writers to do better? 81 Link to comment
AngelaHunter April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Just now, catrox14 said: Rick doesn't deserve to be denigrated to prop Negan. Considering what The Gimple has turned him into, yes, he does deserve it. 2 minutes ago, Smad said: Make a distraction that drives Rick and (poor) Michonne Why "poor"? She's a strong, adult woman of normal intelligence and if she chooses to be the obedient "little woman" and do what her man says, ignoring the extreme pain Maggie was enduring, she too deserves whatever she gets. 2 Link to comment
Popular Post tennisgurl April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 So, there were a few things I liked about this episode. Jerry and Ezekiel hanging out a bit and doing a fist bump was adorable. At least they both survived, I was concerned. No one I liked died. Unfortunately, no one I hate died either. Eugene was actually sabotaging Negan the whole time! I admit, I didnt see that coming, and I liked that twist. And Rosita punching him anyway one time. "That was for the vomit". The shots of little Carl did actually get me. As did Michonne and Rick holding hands on the way to battle. I miss their little family. So yeah, I liked a few bits here and there, but it was mostly boring and confusing. Why is it so important that Negan lives? Why are we going to be forced to watch an anti Rick conspiracy next season when that sounds so uninteresting?* Why is Dwight apparently so awful he needs to be exiled, even though he risked his life to help the good guys, when all the other people, who have done just as bad, if not worse, than him, get to just chill? Why is Jadis still hanging out alone in her dump? It was really a lot like this season in general. There were moments I liked, but it was mostly just a sad reminder of what was once a great show. 33 Link to comment
Mu Shu April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Ho hum. good things: no dick talk. bad things: rick should be a zombie after getting sliced by Negan, the man who not only devised a plan to contaminate the saviors weapons, but carried around a bucket to keep them dipped. Father pee, who was smacked in the stomach by the contaminated bat should be a zombie. Maggie apparently wants to keep a faughtin’ and Uh killin’. You ‘uns, she has bin gestatin’ Uh zahgote fir thirty two hunnerd months she got frum her duhceased husband and now and wants some sweet revenge. this was shitty. I swear that when the Oceanside ladies attacked some ‘90s blockbuster music swelled. But good for Aaron, recovering from his bout with dumbassery and suches. 19 Link to comment
TigerLynx April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Watched the last ten minutes to verify what I thought would happen, and I was right. Negan is still alive. Rick, Michonne, I realize that Negan's endless idiot speeches can make your ears bleed, but they won't actually kill you so the two of you droning on endlessly to Negan - WON'T KILL HIM. So they've gone from yakking on and on about killing Negan, and NOT doing it, to yak about taking out Rick and Michonne because Daryl, Maggie and Jesus' record for getting things done is so much better than Rick's, except not. {face palm} You know who got things done - Carl and Shiva, and at one time Carol, and Michonne before she became Rick's girlfriend. 9 Link to comment
catrox14 April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 2 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: Considering what The Gimple has turned him into, yes, he does deserve it. This is my point though. He's fucked up Rick so much that I would rather Rick be killed off than have this crap. It's not okay for me. 6 Link to comment
shanndee April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 *heavy sigh* I did actually have a moment of hope for a course correction when Rick cut Negan. I should have known better. There will be no course correction. TPTB don't care how many viewers they lose, all they want to do is prove how "smart" and "edgy" they are...the audience is Clearly not smart enough to see their "genius". (insert eye roll here) I was smart enough to bail on Sleepy Hollow before the last season started. Will I be smart to enough to bail on this gong show? 14 Link to comment
AngelaHunter April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 3 minutes ago, TigerLynx said: You know who got things done - Carl and Shiva, and at one time Carol, and Michonne before she became Rick's girlfriend. Except when Carl smuggled himself to the Sanctuary and killed the Saviors standing next to Negan but couldn't hit Negan himself who was a few feet in front of him. Not his fault though. "Never harm Negan" must have gotten imprinted into his DNA by Daddy Rick. 10 Link to comment
MrsRafaelBarba April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 13 minutes ago, mxc90 said: Did Carl write any inspirational letters to the writers to do better? No. 8 Link to comment
Popular Post Boofish April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 Maggie fed and housed Saviors when she didn't have enough food for her own people. Sooooo Maggie refused to go back to Terminus and finish off the cannibals and they killed Bob and Sasha was still her bestie soooo Maggie risked Bob and Sasha life to find Glenn and didn't even look for her own sister soooo If you want Negan dead go kill his ass your damn self. 36 Link to comment
Smad April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 14 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: Why "poor"? She's a strong, adult woman of normal intelligence and if she chooses to be the obedient "little woman" and do what her man says, ignoring the extreme pain Maggie was enduring, she too deserves whatever she gets. Because poor Michonne didn't deserve to be turned into this. And I knew she would once she got with Rick and why I didn't want them to hook up. I'm sad for what happened to a once great character, hence 'poor'. 14 Link to comment
Luvzmutt April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 My DVR cut out towards the end of the episode for a few minutes. How did Meagan end up in a bed? Link to comment
Popular Post TigerLynx April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 7 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said: Except when Carl smuggled himself to the Sanctuary and killed the Saviors standing next to Negan but couldn't hit Negan himself who was a few feet in front of him. Not his fault though. "Never harm Negan" must have gotten imprinted into his DNA by Daddy Rick. The number of people who could have killed Negan, and didn't is ridiculous. It reminds me of all the kill Klaus plans that didn't work except Negan isn't an unkillable original vampire, he's just a guy with a bat who won't shut up. 1 minute ago, Boofish said: If you want Negan dead go kill his ass your damn self. This, and don't waste bullets shooting the fucking windows in the process. If I could figure out a way to climb inside my TV, my cat and I would kill Negan. 26 Link to comment
Popular Post econ07 April 16, 2018 Popular Post Share April 16, 2018 Dear Koral, I am writing to give you a synopsis of the war. On the first fortnight since your passing, I led the troops into battle, certain of our triumph. We took out a trap and established a fortified position in the middle of an open field. Then, our enemy kindly instructed us how we would be killed and disemboweled, and yet against all odds, I held out irrational faith that the outcome would turn in our favor. Finally, through the power of positive thought, I caused all the saviors guns to backfire, thus disabling the enemy. With the conclusion at hand, I valiantly marched up the hill, cried mercy to Negan by hailing your philosophy of peace, and then I slit his throat. P.S. I broke Morgan. 1 48 Link to comment
phoenix780 April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 I guess there's something to be said for a show willing to depict all out war as boring, repetitive, and ultimately unsatisfying. 17 Link to comment
Boofish April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Glen is not the only person dead at the hands of the Saviors. Just about everyone lost someone to this war. She let Darryl make it and he was indirectly responsible.. I dont like that Negan is alive but going after Rick and Michonne is just unnecessary drama. Move the story along already. 7 Link to comment
mightysparrow April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 1 minute ago, Smad said: Because poor Michonne didn't deserve to be turned into this. And I knew she would once she got with Rick and why I didn't want them to hook up. I'm sad for what happened to a once great character, hence 'poor'. I never thought they would turn Michonne, the warrior to 'poor Michonne' but its happened. I understand that Maggie is bitter and I even understand that she hates Rick for what he's doing. But Michonne didn't restrain Maggie from hurting Rick. She restrained Maggie to keep her safe. Michonne is a good woman whose loyalty has led her astray. i wish Maggie would go upside Michonne's head with a rock and remind Michonne who she used to be. And remind her of that night when Negan beat Glenn and Abraham to death. TWO women lost their men that night (three if you count Rosita) so Michonne should put herself in those women's position and think about what she would do. I don't know what the fuck is going on with Daryl. Has he forgotten that night when he and the Claimers found Rick, Michonne and Carl? And how he and Michonne used to travel together looking for the governor and scouting? Forget what he owes Rick because Rick has betrayed everyone. He should remember what he owes Michonne. This is what I get for tuning in. I haven't watched for a while and it's been GOOD. I tune in tonight and I'm neck deep in fuckery. I really hope that next season is Danai's last on this piece of shit show. 5 Link to comment
AngelaHunter April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 9 minutes ago, Smad said: Because poor Michonne didn't deserve to be turned into this. And I knew she would once she got with Rick and why I didn't want them to hook up. I'm sad for what happened to a once great character, hence 'poor'. Yeah. None of them deserved to be turned into unsympathetic, stupid bumblers and incompetent fools, which is what they all are now - every last one. Michonne is lucky TPTB let her stay non-stupid so long. Look at Daryl. They turned him into a muttering, useless fuckup a couple of seasons ago. 20 Link to comment
MrsRafaelBarba April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 TSDF is FOS, they were told not to leak spoilers. Probably threatened, due to the shitstorm we witnessed tonight. JMO. 1 Link to comment
catrox14 April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 (edited) 4 minutes ago, MrsRafaelBarba said: TSDF is FOS, What does this mean? ....wrong thread. sory Edited April 16, 2018 by catrox14 2 Link to comment
AngelaHunter April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 11 minutes ago, econ07 said: Dear Koral, I am writing to give you a synopsis of the war. On the first fortnight since your passing, I led the troops into battle, certain of our triumph. We took out a trap and established a fortified position in the middle of an open field. Then, our enemy kindly instructed us how we would be killed and disemboweled, and yet against all odds, I held out irrational faith that the outcome would turn in our favor. Finally, through the power of positive thought, I caused all the saviors guns to backfire, thus disabling the enemy. With the conclusion at hand, I valiantly marched up the hill, cried mercy to Negan by hailing your philosophy of peace, and then I slit his throat. P.S. I broke Morgan. RIght there - prime example of why I continue to watch this dreck. Nearly laughed my dick off. 11 Link to comment
MrsRafaelBarba April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 Talking Dead should be eh interesting tonight. Two words, damage control. 2 minutes ago, catrox14 said: What does this mean? Do the film FTWD in Texas or New Mexico or Baja still or what? The Spoiling Dead Fans Full of Shit. 4 Link to comment
shanndee April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 1 minute ago, AngelaHunter said: RIght there - prime example of why I continue to watch this dreck. Nearly laughed my dick off. Soooo...I continue to watch this as a comedy, then come here to enjoy the snark? (...and creativity. Everyone here is far more creative than any of the show's writing team...) 5 Link to comment
oakville April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 45 minutes ago, peach said: I didn't watch, but that's what I was coming to ask? Why does Maggie need Rick's permission to kill her husband's murderer? Why does this require "overthrowing" anyone? Just. Kill. Him. It makes no sense. Negan killed Glenn & Abraham & countless other members from Alexandria & indirectly Carl. Keeping Negan alive is idiotic. Why is the show trying to antagonize it's fans? Morgan was right. Rick killed people in the bar two weeks ago that helped him. Now it's OK to keep Negan alive? 18 Link to comment
AngelaHunter April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 (edited) 5 minutes ago, shanndee said: Everyone here is far more creative than any of the show's writing team...) They are, and I must take a moment to monologue about how I admire the way everyone can so well multi-task in the Live Chat thread. I joined for the first time and found it difficult to juggle my laptop, mute the ads, read the CC, watch the show and comment on it all at the same time. Kudos to you all who work so hard to make it worth our while to watch this huge, steaming pile of cow manure. Edited April 16, 2018 by AngelaHunter "menare"? lol, this show is making me stupid too. 5 Link to comment
catrox14 April 16, 2018 Share April 16, 2018 5 minutes ago, MrsRafaelBarba said: The Spoiling Dead Fans Full of Shit. Thank you. 3 Link to comment
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