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S03.E15: Devil In Disguise

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Dr. Charles and Dr. Reese search for answers when a mother brings in her daughter claiming she is possessed. Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Bekker are tasked with finding a way to save a pair of conjoined twins. Dr. Halstead struggles to get Dr. Manning's attention. Maggie measures her options in the wake of her recent actions.

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I guessed “Jabberwocky” when the woman said “mome raths.” Boy, that father was a douche.

Dude, I’m sure your son would feel horrible if he found out you actually wished you had died so he could go to Northwestern. 

Edited by LittleIggy
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Regarding the father whose son was going to Northwestern and who was constantly worried about the cost of treatment, I imagine the bean counters and paper pushers in a hospital would have jumped on the case right away to see how the hospital stay would be paid for. Not likely that the revelation about his skimpy insurance would come at the end when all the tests and such had already been conducted.

Rhodes may have gone rogue and defied his own boss and the surgical team that was assigned to do the surgery separation, but how could the team just tell the parents that there was no choice but to kill the weaker twin to allow the other one to survive? Is that ethical?

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So let me get this straight:  The father was pissed off at the doctor for saving his life, instead of letting him die so the family could collect insurance?  Did he not realize that it's the doctor's job to try and save his life?  I felt no sympathy whatsoever for him and his financial situation.  What a stupid asshole.

The best part of the episode was the story about the conjoined twins.  Did not care about the possessed girl because I figured early on that the father was somehow involved.  Always make the man the demon.

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I've had a couple of procedures done at hospitals that were out of my network and they partially paid for them, just not as much as if I had gone to a place that was in my network.  And I think that if I'm out of town and have to have medical attention, there are special circumstances because it was something that was out of my control and wasn't my fault that I couldn't go to a hospital that was in my network.  But, I guess different insurance plans work different ways.  As soon as the dad started talking about scholarships and medical costs early in the episode I figured that he had let his insurance lapse or something.

Conjoined twin stories are usually interesting, but this one had no suspense in it, because I knew that the procedure that Rhodes was suggesting would work.

I guess Maggie could clear her conscience a little if she would go back and get her paramedic re-certification for real (although that would depend on what fake date they put on the certificate.  If it was just a bit past the hearing date, then she could legitimately ask for time to get re-certified.  But if it was fake-renewed for a long time, then she would have trouble figuring out how to do it without a good explanation). 

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56 minutes ago, watcher1006 said:

Rhodes may have gone rogue and defied his own boss and the surgical team that was assigned to do the surgery separation, but how could the team just tell the parents that there was no choice but to kill the weaker twin to allow the other one to survive? Is that ethical?


A similar plotline (sacrifice one to save the other) was aired on "The Good Doctor" back in January.


Needless to say, results were identical, meaning neither one died.



Edited by preeya
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If the father did die how would he know how his kid would react?  He might have dropped out of Norhwestern from depression or stayed with his mom to take care of her. 

Are conjont twin surgeries done at trauma hospitals?  

The possessed plot seemed over the top.

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Latham is so wishy washy.  One minute he is supporting Connor, the next minute he is saying to move forward with surgery, then he says Bekker is his number 2.  So basically Connor gets dinged for doing the right thing and SAVING THE TWIN'S LIFE.  Instead, we have RestingBeeyatchFace pediatric cardiologist telling Latham he needs to wrangle his fellow and shooting icy glares of disapproval.

Not going to enjoy RestingBeeyatchFace and Halstead romantic storyline.

So Emily cooks a nice meal and lights some candles, and Ethan thinks all is good.  Did he not smell the cigarette smoke in the apartment?  I forget her backstory...she is basically a loser who doesn't have a job?  What does she do for money?

I don't enjoy any of the psychiatric storylines, but I understand they are necessary for Reese and Charles.  Can't wait for Reese's dad to go away.  The demons/abuse was just dumb.

So that sad sack would rather die than live on to see his son go to Northwestern?  How stupid is that?  Absolutely no sympathy for him.

So now Maggie is the conflicted one who bent the truth, and the irony is she didn't even need it.  Guess when you are desperate, you're willing to do things even if they are against your moral code.  I hope this doesn't drag out for two or three episodes.  Not liking the Maggie character at all.

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4 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

They get to laud that quack Charles and throw some "Rape Culture" propaganda at us, all at the same time.  

I knew someone who had dissociative identity disorder as a result of childhood abuse.  Of course, no one thought she was possessed, so that was a bit much.  But extreme trauma like that can result in DID.  

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5 hours ago, GalvDuck said:

I knew someone who had dissociative identity disorder as a result of childhood abuse.  Of course, no one thought she was possessed, so that was a bit much.  But extreme trauma like that can result in DID.  

My coworkers sister was abused as a child and has more than one personality now. Sad, but she functions on medicine but the abuse caused a breakdown she couldn't recover from.

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Can an ambulance ride really cost $1000?  When I paid for my mother's a few years ago (not in the U.S.), it cost $50  I think if the US ever went on single payer medicine, half the plots of these shows would disappear.

What is it with this show and unpleasant women?  Poor Will doesn't deserve that nasty pediatrician.   And Connor really doesn't deserve to have to be second to Ava.

When Choi's sister wanted to move in with him because she decided not to pay her rent as a protest, I was saying "Don't let her.  Make her live with the consequences of her actions."  So of course April pushes him to let his sister move in. Ethan, dump her and find that nice VA doctor.

It was good to know that even after all these decades, I can still recite Jaberwocky from memory. But at this point, I'm thinking that Reese needs medication because she seems completely unable to put her own emotions out of her therapy reactions. Or maybe she just needs better discipline.

If anyone is interested in a real life case of DID from childhood sexual abuse, Judy Rebick, female rights activist talks about how her multiples helped her cope with her abuse, and how she handled it in therapy. What I found really interesting was how they protected her not just during the abuse but with later life problems.

13 hours ago, BooksRule said:

I guess Maggie could clear her conscience a little if she would go back and get her paramedic re-certification for real (although that would depend on what fake date they put on the certificate.  If it was just a bit past the hearing date, then she could legitimately ask for time to get re-certified.  But if it was fake-renewed for a long time, then she would have trouble figuring out how to do it without a good explanation). 

I thought she had just let the paperwork lapse, although my association sends me reminder after reminder if I forget.  I'm glad the family was smart enough to see the procedure for what it was though, trying to save their girl, rather than use if for a money grab.

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3 minutes ago, Bostongirl said:

Reese constantly gets over involved and lets her emotions effect her work. She needs to get help

I"m more concerned about her apparent lack of any facial expressions. It is literally the same blank look from start to finish.

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I find Maggie to be just awful. First she self-righteously dumps the boyfriend/ex- boyfriend for a teenage indiscretion that he dared not to tell her about, and then goes to that same guy  to get him to bend the rules (break the law!) to save HER butt. And she still managed to be a bossy b*tch in her “gratitude “.

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I was annoyed with April.  Choi  said no. Don't  push it. 

I was on Connor's side here. The parents should be allowed to choose between both options knowing all the risks of both. 

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23 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Can an ambulance ride really cost $1000?  When I paid for my mother's a few years ago (not in the U.S.), it cost $50  I think if the US ever went on single payer medicine, half the plots of these shows would disappear.


DH needed an ambulance in Chicago about ten years ago to a hospital less than a mile from his office and it cost us $800.  

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On 4/11/2018 at 6:25 AM, watcher1006 said:

Regarding the father whose son was going to Northwestern and who was constantly worried about the cost of treatment, I imagine the bean counters and paper pushers in a hospital would have jumped on the case right away to see how the hospital stay would be paid for. Not likely that the revelation about his skimpy insurance would come at the end when all the tests and such had already been conducted.

Rhodes may have gone rogue and defied his own boss and the surgical team that was assigned to do the surgery separation, but how could the team just tell the parents that there was no choice but to kill the weaker twin to allow the other one to survive? Is that ethical?

I was in the ER for kidney stones and totally out of it on two doses of morphine, and a lady from accounting came into my room and told me I owed around $1,500. It didn’t seem right but in my state I had no ability to resist so I handed over my credit card. I ended up getting a refund, of course. But they definitely get right in there to make sure you can pay. 


I didnt understand Maggie’s discipline process. Didn’t Ms Goodwin suspend her? Why would she and the hospital’s lawyer help Maggie prepare for hearing? Even if the board made the decision, Ms Goodwin would be advocating for her own decision and on behalf of the hospital. Was her license getting suspended? That makes no sense either, though, because Ms Goodwin couldn’t do that. And I’m not sure how the lawsuit played in. If an employee commits a major rule violation, they’re subject to discipline whether or not a lawsuit comes out of it. That whole storyline was absurd. 

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On 4/12/2018 at 8:19 PM, MakeMeLaugh said:

DH needed an ambulance in Chicago about ten years ago to a hospital less than a mile from his office and it cost us $800.  

I lived in a small town.  I called ambulance and was told it was out of network after the fact. But there was only one I Could call.  It was about $1200.  I fought it and got it down to around $500.  

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On 4/11/2018 at 11:56 AM, greyhorse said:

Latham is so wishy washy.  One minute he is supporting Connor, the next minute he is saying to move forward with surgery, then he says Bekker is his number 2.  So basically Connor gets dinged for doing the right thing and SAVING THE TWIN'S LIFE.  Instead, we have RestingBeeyatchFace pediatric cardiologist telling Latham he needs to wrangle his fellow and shooting icy glares of disapproval.

Latham is Connor's superior.  A fellow does not get to do an end-run around his/her attending just because he doesn't like what the attending has decided.  Medicine as a discipline is a lot less hierarchal than it was in the past, but surgeons pretty much retain a formal chain of command.

Doesn't excuse the cardiologist from being a bitch.

Lots of actors flubbing pronunciations.  "Dilation" instead of "dilatation" and "dis-associative" instead of "dissociative."

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and I 100% agree with statements that Choi would smell the cigarette smoke. If you don't smoke, you can sniff out cigarette smoke from a mile away; I can sit in traffic with my windows rolled up and notice that some car nearby at the red light has a passenger in it that is smoking. If sister and friends smoked that pile of cigarette butts, the apartment would reek.

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I'm so tired of Rhodes always coming up the hero. I like the guy and all, but they're turning him into a Mary Sue. Can't he be wrong for once?

Also, why does Halstead keep running after Manning? She dumps him for literally no reason, but he's the one trying to make up? He has been the one to apologize after every disagreement they've ever had. If Manning really thinks of herself as such a strong, independent woman, let her own her mistakes for once.

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6 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

each week I watch this and think Reese should really go back to pathology. It's her calling. Just review slides and stop trying to interact with patients.

I’m starting to think that too. At first I really identified with her, and since I am quite people-oriented, I assumed she would be too. But now that I have actually seen her interactions with real live patients, I think her best relationship would be with her microscope. 

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I take issue with the nurse being told to go home and get her paramedic license.  Illinois licenses are easily looked up online. In fact, they don't even send licenses any more. You renew online, and when it's approved, you print out your own  certificate.

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10 hours ago, backformore said:

I take issue with the nurse being told to go home and get her paramedic license.  Illinois licenses are easily looked up online.

That would have ruined the Forged-License-for-the-Best-of-Reasons plot.

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14 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Can you print out multiple certificates?  Some of the ones I get for courses, you can print it out only once so I save the digital form.

It's the state license, not for a class, so your employer or anyone else can look it up, and you can print it multiple times.

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Medical people, do you know how realistic it would be that Maggie would be expected to still have an active paramedic license? I mean, what would be the purpose? It seems she's a senior nurse at Med and has been for years. Is this a common thing or just a plot contrivance?

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I know cops who keep their paramedic licenses current.  You never know when you may need to fall back on other skills, and keeping the license isn't that difficult, at least where I live.

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On ‎4‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 9:19 PM, backformore said:

I take issue with the nurse being told to go home and get her paramedic license.  Illinois licenses are easily looked up online. In fact, they don't even send licenses any more. You renew online, and when it's approved, you print out your own  certificate.

I love your attention to detail. I, too, watch shows and if I happen to have real world knowledge, can't help by get bugged by things that don't match up.

You also reminded me of one point I forgot to mention--I was surprised they took the time to show us Maggie going to her house, searching around for a while, etc. We've never been to her house before (and I must say, it seems really spacious) and just seemed odd to me for this to be the story line that takes us to her house. Is her house part of some other Chicago show (don't watch those)? I half expected something else to happen--she runs into a robber etc.

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On 4/21/2018 at 10:19 PM, backformore said:

I take issue with the nurse being told to go home and get her paramedic license.  Illinois licenses are easily looked up online. In fact, they don't even send licenses any more. You renew online, and when it's approved, you print out your own  certificate.

I have a medical background, so if I don't overlook a lot on this show, it would be completely unwatchable for me.  So many glaring errors and ridiculous story lines.  So I let many things just go.

But yes!  This jumped out at me, and I take issue with it too.  It certainly would have been far more realistic (not to mention faster and better) to have confirmed the information online - or at least without having Maggie come back with a piece of paper that easily could have been tampered with or misplaced, etc.  I assumed they were going to double-check and confirm the information anyway, so why have her go home to get it?  I enjoyed part of this episode, but the way that played out was ridiculous.  And a letdown, very unsatsifying.   What was the point?  

Natalie drives me up the wall.  And Reese even more so.  Why is Reese still allowed to interact with patients? (Rhetorical question!)

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