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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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5 hours ago, Nashville said:
19 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Paulie and Cara have broken up again


and who?


I know, right?

On 10/6/2019 at 10:31 PM, Lady Calypso said:

I don't know why it always surprises me when these showmances actually stick together for far longer after the show is done

These shows, and those like them, actually have a better track record for marriage than The Bachelor franchise.

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46 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Yeah, after allegations came out that he was cheating, and she saved his ass by saying they had an open relationship. She's no prize, but GIRL. RUN.

Honestly, maybe I'm just too sensitive, but I abhor cheaters. Absolutely despise and detest them. Cheaters deserve no sympathy, and if someone I knew cheated on their S.O., well, they better fucking find some other shoulder to cry on. Mine won't be available.

I just do not understand why people do that: to strip off naked, climb into bed with someone who is not the one you pledged allegiance to, and, what? It was an accident? You both happened to drop your clothes and fall into bed at the same time? And then to go home and lie right to the face of the person you "supposedly" "love"? If you don't love them and are not willing to be faithful and keep your genitals covered until someone better comes along, then don't fucking marry them!!!

People who cheat on people they "love," do not deserve happiness.

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On 8/29/2019 at 2:14 PM, Melina22 said:

He wasn't just charming, he had this disarming way of always telling the truth in such a way that no one ever believed anything bad about him. For example, he was constantly telling everyone they shouldn't trust him because he lied all the time, and people would giggle and go, "Ha! You're a hoot!" And believe whatever he said. Of course, he was usually lying.

Yeah, I'm failing to see what type of charisma Dr. Will holds over Big Brother viewers, other than the "Well, you had to be there"-type sentiments people seem to have. Which is perfectly fine. I suspect I may hold a "Adam Klein is my favourite Survivor winner ever!" sentiment for a little while, and very few will agree with me. And again, that is fine.

But every time I've happened to see Dr. Will in the recent seasons, I'm always impressed with how much younger he looks every season, compared to the previous season. I mean, the dude is 46, and also a dermatologist, but is that the reason he looked 25 last year, and 21 this year?

On 8/30/2019 at 2:33 PM, Eolivet said:

However, I will strenuously object to anyone putting Derrick over either one of them. Every time I see an argument like "Derrick never would've allowed himself to get in that situation," I want to scream, "He was a ringer! An undercover cop! It was literally his job to blend in with people! It's like being shocked that the NFL quarterback can play college ball!" And he only won 6-3, besides.

On 8/30/2019 at 4:35 PM, Scout Finch said:

Derrick immediately lost me with the whole oft-repeated, "You're taking food out of my daughter's mouth!!" a) Everyone else had as much right as he did to win, and b) he chose to leave his job and not provide for his family, i.e. "put food in his daughter's mouth" for three months.

Oh man, that is one excuse that drives me so goddamn crazy. Honestly, if I was in the BB Canada house, and someone said that to me, I'd be all, "Well, why the fuck did you not stay home and work 9-5 Monday-to-Friday, and guarantee that your daughter always has a meal in front of her, rather than abandoning her for a 1-in-16 chance that you may win the grand prize?!!"

Yay, good for parents for procreating. I'm aware that being a parent is difficult work, but I get annoyed when people purposefully choose a difficult path, and spend their remaining time whining and whinging to everyone in earshot about how the path they chose (ie. raising a child) is such hard work and no one else understands. Um, excuse me, you chose this fucking path!! Take your lazy outrage elsewhere. This shoulder is not for crying on!

  • Love 6
On 10/6/2019 at 11:31 PM, Lady Calypso said:

I don't know why it always surprises me when these showmances actually stick together for far longer after the show is done. Once again, I get duped by Jackson/Holly still being together when I was convinced that he'd dump her ass after Vegas. 

I'm shocked! Then again, I suppose being with someone who helped you survive the trauma of the BB house probably helps you navigate the insane circus that hits you when you leave the house. Who else could possibly understand what you're going through?

Plus, Jackson is very aware of public perception. He probably knows perfectly well what we all expect him to do, and won't do it for at least a few months. Oh well, less embarrassing for Holly, at least. 

Any report on the other devoted and perfectly matched couple, Bella and Nick? 😁

1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

Any report on the other devoted and perfectly matched couple, Bella and Nick? 😁


I'm pretty sure they don't even talk anymore. I'm pretty sure Sam was the only link holding them together, and it SEEMS like Bella won Sam in their break-up because I haven't really seen anything Sam/Nick related. Nick seems to be attached to Tommy instead. 

In other news, RHAP's Taran just did an interview with Nicole. It's quite long, because Taran is the type of podcaster/interviewer to go into detail about the game. He always goes week by week and breaks it down. 

I, for one, will be watching this interview in chunks. 

He also plans to interview Jackson and, I think, Holly. He also has plans to ask Christie for an interview. 

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On 10/9/2019 at 6:04 PM, HeShallBMySquishy said:

Oh man, that is one excuse that drives me so goddamn crazy. Honestly, if I was in the BB Canada house, and someone said that to me, I'd be all, "Well, why the fuck did you not stay home and work 9-5 Monday-to-Friday, and guarantee that your daughter always has a meal in front of her, rather than abandoning her for a 1-in-16 chance that you may win the grand prize?!!"

I completely agree!  I would have more respect for someone saying, "While the kids are young I am going to give this a shot".

  • Love 2

Finally, the Lance Bass Daily Popcast with Miche is released today. I'm five minutes into the episode and he's already blaming editing.

He has an answer/excuse for everything. I didn't watch the feeds so I don't know this to be true, but he claims he didn't like David because David used the word "retard" a lot in the house. He also has shifty eyes or something. He also gives David a lot of credit for a strategy of getting into Miche's head that I just didn't see. I don't think David was a smart as Miche seems to give him credit for. 

His explanation for being mad at Holly for not wanting to have sex (though he says it wasn't just about sex) is also very self-centered and all about him. Never mind that they're on TV and that may have been her apprehension. 

I hate him even more after this interview. He seems very rehearsed and believes all the crap coming out of his mouth.

Edited by MitaJo
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Ok.  So I never really make it a point to listen to podcasts.  Lol, this year I did.  Enjoyed Taran Armstrong's podcast with Nicole.  She told Holly how much she enjoyed it. 

Holly's was just recently put up. 

ummm....wish I knew Taran.  I'd take him out and literally get him drunk on his patootie just to hear exactly what he was thinking during Holly's interview.  Watch it....ummm.... you'll see what I mean.  😁

  • Useful 1
15 hours ago, Nashville said:

I refuse to even give that vid another tic in its view count.

To recap they got married on on Swaggy’s Birthday because they couldn’t wait and only their family knew (and of course we all found out when their marriage certificate got leaked). They are still planning to have a wedding this year. 

22 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

To recap they got married on on Swaggy’s Birthday because they couldn’t wait and only their family knew (and of course we all found out when their marriage certificate got leaked). They are still planning to have a wedding this year. 

The degree to which I give a fuck is too infinitesimal to be measured by existing technology.  They could be registered for gifts at the local Farmer’s Co-op for all I care.

  • LOL 2
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19 minutes ago, Nashville said:

The degree to which I give a fuck is too infinitesimal to be measured by existing technology.  They could be registered for gifts at the local Farmer’s Co-op for all I care.

Farmer’s Co-op maybe. 

My bet would be a go-fund me account set up to help some charity or someone in need .... just saying ... it just seems like something these two would do. 


  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Ellee said:

Farmer’s Co-op maybe. 

My bet would be a go-fund me account set up to help some charity or someone in need .... just saying ... it just seems like something these two would do. 


No doubt - assuming, of course, the “person in need” happens to have deposit privileges on their joint bank account - but as far as I’m concerned, their 15 minutes of fame played out over a year ago.

Edited by Nashville
Bank on it
  • Love 4

From what I’ve read from another source, Tommy had been telling Nicole about Philip during their time in the BB house and wanted them to meet once they got out.  They met during a family outing and everything went from there.

I see good looks run in the Bracco family, Phillip is FOINE!  I'm so happy for her, he’d better treat her right.

  • Useful 1

The COVID-19 stuff is awful (I grew up in New Rochelle, the city that's having the "Containment Zone" in it and my dad still lives there, so it's very scary stuff), but come on, imagine if the season was going when this stuff broke out.

Would they stop the season? Talk about an environment built for spreading stuff!

8 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

The COVID-19 stuff is awful (I grew up in New Rochelle, the city that's having the "Containment Zone" in it and my dad still lives there, so it's very scary stuff), but come on, imagine if the season was going when this stuff broke out.

Would they stop the season? Talk about an environment built for spreading stuff!

I was actually wondering that myself. Even the casting calls they do would break the "social distancing" protocol.

18 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

The COVID-19 stuff is awful (I grew up in New Rochelle, the city that's having the "Containment Zone" in it and my dad still lives there, so it's very scary stuff), but come on, imagine if the season was going when this stuff broke out.

Would they stop the season? Talk about an environment built for spreading stuff!

Why would they stop? The cast would be in an controlled environment with no possibility of contamination. Production can sanitize all the bags of food. Production can monitor the crew, anyone showing any symptoms is sent home and not allowed into the house. Honestly, they would be safer inside the house then outside the house.

  • Love 5
On 3/13/2020 at 9:46 PM, ProfCrash said:

Why would they stop? The cast would be in an controlled environment with no possibility of contamination. Production can sanitize all the bags of food. Production can monitor the crew, anyone showing any symptoms is sent home and not allowed into the house. Honestly, they would be safer inside the house then outside the house.

That's what I was thinking. If they all test negative for C19 the house is the safest place for them. It would be a televised quarantine. 

Edited by Lamb18
  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

That's what I was thinking. If they all test negative for C19 the house is the safest place for them. It would be a televised quarantine. 

...assuming, of course they’d be going INTO a clean environment- but I heartily suspect the only way you’re disinfecting the BB House at this point would involve a box of matches and several cans of gasoline.  
Forget sanitization - THAT ship sailed a long time ago - and think exorcism instead.

  • LOL 11
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26 minutes ago, Nashville said:

...assuming, of course they’d be going INTO a clean environment- but I heartily suspect the only way you’re disinfecting the BB House at this point would involve a box of matches and several cans of gasoline.  
Forget sanitization - THAT ship sailed a long time ago - and think exorcism instead.


They could quarantine the case a few weeks earlier with some back ups. 2 weeks in the hotel solo then into the house.

But burning the existing structure and starting from scratch would work just fine as well

  • LOL 1
15 hours ago, Nashville said:

...assuming, of course they’d be going INTO a clean environment- but I heartily suspect the only way you’re disinfecting the BB House at this point would involve a box of matches and several cans of gasoline.  
Forget sanitization - THAT ship sailed a long time ago - and think exorcism instead.

Not enough sage in the world to tackle this one.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
  • LOL 6

There is really something wrong with that guy. 

Speaking of BB and Covid-19, BB Canada is carrying on right now. It does seem best to just keep them in there. BBUS could cast a week before, they probably do anyway. So I hope they can have the season even without casting calls. Who knows the kind of people we would get though. 

I wish they could start BB NOW.  I'm working at home for the duration and it would be great to have the idiocy of the Big Brother house as my background noise instead of constant CV updates.  How will I spend my summer if I can't watch with you guys?  And think of the uproar now when the hamsters don't wash their hands at all for a full 20 seconds.  

CNN story, doesn't mention US, "The Moral Quagmire of Coronavirus" https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/20/opinions/big-brother-coronavirus-reveal-ethics-thomas/index.html

This story is three weeks old.  The Amazing Race 33 has stopped production, but of course they are it is the opposite of BB when it comes to exposure.  Well, coronavirus exposure.  https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2020/02/amazing-race-33-production-suspended-coronavirus/

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The problem with this summer season of BB is that while the HGs could be in the house, the workers who build the sets probably were unable to prepare the comps. 

Those comps for HOA and the veto comps are prepared and built in another location months before the season and then carried onto the BB set one comp at a time. They probably were unable to gather and do that work. So the show will probably not be ready to air in time.

They could postpone it... but if they do manage to start and bend the style of the show, there probably could not be a live audience on eviction night. 

My prediction is this show will start in September or later. 

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