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S04.E15: A Dark Knight: The Sinking Ship, The Grand Applause

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Ding dong...the Witch is dead.

Until she...isn't?


I guess a headshot isn't a headshot these days.

When it happened, I was conflicted.

I loved Sofia, and I love Crystal Reed as an actress. There's so few that can project abject menace while projecting warmth at the exact same time, and Reed nails that dynamic, every time.

It helps too when Reed needs to play off another character, as when Sofia confronted Jim and bemoaned why Jim just couldn't get along with her you felt Sofia's genuine love for Jim while at the same time having to accept that Jim's demise would be for the better.

Gosh, I could watch that all day.

...but yet, when that bullet struck Sofia in the head...

I was satisfied, relieved even.

I mean, I'm not sure there is anything else for Sofia to do. Her story just "feels" done- her job was to reclaim the Gotham underworld and set Jim back on track to Commissioner, doing so in such a way that reminds Jim that "nothing in Gotham is free".

She did that. So what else was there for her to do?

Well, I think there could have been some other tracks- Jim and Sofia in their detente has narrative potential and could bring back the "mentor" side of Harvey who worked through that with Essen and Carmine Falcone, with Sofia's eventual death in the underworld at the hands of The Joker meaning Jim needs someone else (*cough*Batman*cough*) to rein in the underworld- but those tracks didn't necessarily need Sofia for that.

(I still think Oswald truly got the shaft when the show messed up bringing him all the way to the top after S1, but that's old hat now)

So we could have killed her and cemented her legacy in Gotham lore, hers being the one that really put blood on Jim's hands and reminded him there are no shortcuts to justice, even in a city as crazy as Gotham where you'd want there to be some.

We could have also had the last half of the season be truly about the power vacuum in the underworld, as Sofia's absence means the criminal factions of Gotham can now fight again to assert their own dominance over the city, with each failing until a charismatic figure with the Glasgow smile unites them all again...tenuously.

So many new avenues with a dead Sofia.

Instead, she's...alive? To do what exactly?

The show may milk her absence for an episode or two (or maybe even until the finale), but what good will that do? If she'll only be brought back to be killed later, what's the point of her surviving now? Why not just off her now and be through with it?

This show...seems like no matter how many times they seem to be building to something good they can't help but veer off track because no one plans ahead.


Oh, and before I forget...good to see Oswald and Ed back on the mend, as well as Selina and Bruce...and what's going on with Ra's and Barbara?


Bullock had a fairly good episode...he had a role, he didn't just mope, he was decisive and he got some zingers in, even though none were really memorable. He was also his most poignant with Jim at the end, when Jim told him that he was going to fess up to the GCPD for what he did.

"No Jim...you want to repay your debt? You live with it...just like I do."

Those are haunting words that capture Jim's new reality, that not even he can do good in Gotham without needing to do bad.

I get the sense that, later, Jim doesn't heed that advice- when has he?- which could be a groaner...but, if it helps set up The Joker (as it could), then maybe it's not so bad.

We'll see where this goes.

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I am just so glad that Harvey and Jim are back to being partners again. Now they can bond over their endless screw ups and trying to live with them! Also nice seeing Selena and Bruce together again. Oh you kids and your guilt issues based around murder and theft!

I wonder if Ed is gone forever? Lord knows Oswald would be happy, he got his old partner in crime (and he wishes more) back again. Plus, it was nice seeing Mr. Freeze, even for just a bit. 

I actually cheered when Lee shot Sophia in the head. And I liked Sophia! Nice to see Lees people have her back, and that she is still both decent enough to save Jim, and ruthless enough to smash the hell out of her enemies. 

Does it remotely surprise anyone that Gotham has an adult baby play land? Or that Arkharm had a massive jail break? Really, anyone living in Gotham is probably at least a little bit crazy. I assume all the sane people left ages ago, or just went crazy too.

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Well that was fun.

As someone who really likes Dark Lee I appreciate the fact that the show isn't back tracking on her decent into evildom.  Especially since she is technically the last Falcone standing.  Even if it is by marriage.   I am enjoying her storyline this season.  

And Barbara has gotten herself one hell of a migraine hasn't she? 

Plus we get Nygma and Oswald as friends again.  

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My only question about tonight's episode: where the hell was Alfred? Did Bruce give him a paid vacation for being such a douche to him( God knows he's earned it)?

Speaking of douche those two lines from Selina and Bruce: "Save it you'll just be a douche again in the future" ".....missed you too". That pretty sums up their love/hate relationship. No wonder in the comics


they're getting married. I'm not kidding, Batman and Catwoman are getting married.

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"This week on Gotham: Everybody tries to kill everybody else."

Another week of askew shit. "Scandinavian Skinner" is an old lady? Hey, why not? Mr. Penn is into dressing and acting like a baby? Guy's gotta get his kink off somewhere. Oswald getting flash-frozen in a risky Trojan Horse gambit? He's game; reluctant, but game. And Sofia survives getting shot in the head . . . hey, it's Gotham City. Everybody gets the one near-death experience.

Gotta love Ed trying to get Grundy, only to find out that Grundy is Butch again.All he wants to do is be normal, which . .  . good luck with that, man. I liked an Arkham guy riddling Oswald, with "knuckle sandwich" being the punchline and Oswald realizing what's to come too late.

"Man, Jim, why are things so complicated?!? We gotta get this guy to get that guy, and so on until we get Oswald." "Hey, there he is!" "Wow. Convenient!!"

In other news, the touch of Ra's finally gets around to affecting Barbara, because she hasn't gone totally bugfuck this season. She's still snarky as hell, but she should always seen hanging by a frayed thread."

Fuck you, Sampson. Here's hoping Leslie laid the hammer on his nuts after the hand.

ETA: “I have a  strong desire to never, ever see this pier again!”“I agree.” Gotham's greatest bromance is officially back on. Awesome!

Edited by Lantern7
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Yay, The Penguin and The Riddler are back together!  Those two just can't quite each other!  Actually a pretty big theme for this episode with Bullock officially teaming back up with Gordon, and Bruce and Selina reuniting.

In classic Gotham fashion, a gunshot to the head only puts you in a coma.  On one hand, I enjoy Sofia as an antagonist and Crystal Reed is pretty awesome, but on the other hand this is really starting to get tiring.  Plus, I didn't like that it sounded like she really was head over heels for Jim.  How does he keep causing women to go nuts for him like this?  Still, even if/when she recovers, it was great that Lee got her revenge.  And she's even got the Narrows back!  The Doctor is back, baby!

Oh, Victor Zsasz!  I forgot how much I missed you.  Best henchman of all time!

So, whatever Ra's did to Barbara is finally coming into play.  I'm guessing he transferred his life force or something crazy like that.

Fun seeing Mr. Freeze again.

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I enjoyed this episode. A lot of silliness, yes, but it moved quickly and it was fun. And it didn’t have a lot of the annoying stuff (Ivy) and brought together characters who needed it.

”You gave up your revenge for me?” As I saw someone on another site note, giving up the opportunity to shoot someone in the face and get your revenge in order to help someone else is probably the most romantic thing someone can do in Gotham. 

But seriously - those two are great together. I really hope their mutual “Man, fuck this pier” moment was them truly burying the hatchet and they can work together for a while. I’m glad Martin is safe and I really hope Ed actually took him for ice cream before stashing him somewhere safe.

And Oswald needs all the help he can get. Three pieces of advice, dude - thorough background checks on your employees, follow through on your promises to your other employees (you might actually cultivate some loyalty), and never, ever trust Jim Gordon. You will always get dicked over, even if Jim isn’t the one actually doing it.

Really liked Selina and Bruce back working together. I just really like Selina so much more away from the Sirens and I wish she’d break out on her own already.

I’m not sure how I feel about Lee. I mean, I’m glad she took Sofia out, but her being this dark and ruthless doesn’t make her much different than Sofia. She was trying to keep the Narrows from self-destructing earlier, but I don’t know if beating the shit out of her enemies in front of everyone really sells that “Let’s build hospitals and schools!” message.

Zsasz is still the best. Anyone who is all, “Fuck this. Let’s go get milkshakes” is aces in my book.

Edited by Kostgard
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7 hours ago, WritinMan said:

I always love when professional gunmen fire dozens of shots and don't hit a damn thing.

I always love when cops have armed fugitives dead to rights and don't blow their heads off the first chance they get. I could make a drinking game of the number of times Jim and Harvey have had someone who very obviously should be shot dead at gunpoint and don't pull the trigger... if I wanted to die of alcohol poisoning before any given episode was half over. People like Zsasz in particular should have had shoot on sight orders put up against them a long time ago, especially now that Gordon is captain.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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while Nygma And Penguin showed what happens when two people are willing to give up revenge for each other I actually really enjoyed the line by Sophia to Jim  on the reverse  “Was it so important to rob me of my revenge ?”  Which is actually a really good tag line for the show in general.

Revenge played a very important part in the episode.  As a matter of fact I am pretty sure the entire episode could have been called “Revenge” and it would have more or less been appropriate.  Except for maybe the Bruce and Selina story which was them just circling around each other like they will do all their lives. 

However I did like the ultimate revenge was gotten be Lee.  Dark Lee is my favorite Lee.  For want of a hammer.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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36 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

However I did like the ultimate revenge was gotten be Lee.  Dark Lee is my favors Lee.  For want of a hammer.

Of course it was Lee. That was the whole reason for Sofia antagonizing her, so that she could be brought down by a woman rather than a man. Hollywood 101 these days.

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Just now, Danielg342 said:

Weirdly specific prediction: Sofia will be gone for a few episodes before making a grand "re-entrance" where someone will remark their shock that she is not dead.

She may even be joined by Carmine because as Bullock himself once pointed out- does anyone ever stay dead in this place?

I mean, they'll have to get her into that comic canon wheelchair, I guess. However, seriously, if you aren't planning on killing people off how about you do not shoot them in the head?

And "Headhunter", man, I just can't.  I just can't.

10 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

ETA: “I have a  strong desire to never, ever see this pier again!”“I agree.” Gotham's greatest bromance is officially back on. Awesome!

If you listen carefully to that scene, right after Oswald tells Ed that he trusts him, the piano in the soundtrack plays the signature bars of the Burton/Elfman Batman theme.

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Sofia being in a coma instead of being dead. Not surprised she was taken out of the mix but when she does wake up, what will she add into the mix again?

Really loved both Oswald and Edward having each others back in this episode. Good to see their friendship is finally back on track.

Leslie's darker side is interesting to watch in a way. I did like her getting the Narrows back and saving Gordon this week.

Brilliant one liners from Bullock and Zsasz this week as well. 

Interested where the Barbara and Ras stuff is going to go.

Loved the Bruce and Selina scenes this week too, 8/10

Yay,  Selina and Bruce are on the mend,  they've spent too much time apart. 

I'm going to miss not crazy Ed,  I hope he pops up now and again. 

I liked Sophia and was still thrilled when Lee shot her.  I like this Lee,  not deranged,  not meek.   Just a morally grey person who will still fulfill her Hippocratic oath albeit in the most ruthless ways possible. 

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I forgot to mention the first time around - Dammit, Harvey! Quit letting Jim off the hook! He started out the episode so well, telling Jim that once they solved the immediate problem Jim was going to have to face the music, but by the end it's all, "Nah. We'll keep it a secret so you can continue getting off on being the hero of the GCPD." I actually liked that Jim felt guilty about what he'd done and was ready to 'fess up. Showed that he actually might not have a pile of hypocritical garbage where his soul should be. But Jim almost never faces the music because people let him off the hook.

While I don't know if Oswald knows how Pyg played into everything, he definitely knows that Jim was the one who brought Sofia to town and they partnered up, so it wouldn't be a huge logical leap for him to figure out the Pyg piece as well. Man, I hope he lords this knowledge over Jim in the most obnoxious way. Blackmail fodder for years.

Also, I noticed that Lee didn't seem all that concerned that "Ed" was gone and "Riddler" was back. I know she was focused on going after Sofia, but...after all her talk about how she liked the man Ed was becoming when he was with her? But I guess Dark!Hammer!Lee may find Riddler more useful than Ed, so she doesn't give a rip that Ed is gone. She also apparently isn't too worried that her (as far she knows) mentally impaired patient just wandered off into the sewers after Ed disappeared for a day or two. Like, shouldn't someone keep an eye on him so he doesn't do something like set himself on fire again? (As a side note I noticed that Ed/Riddler didn't seem to object when Oswald continued to call him Ed, so I'm hoping this is more of a personality meld than before).

Finally, I loved the little head lamp Ed attached to his bowler hat when he was down in the sewers looking for Grundy. The villains really have the best accessories. 

Edited by Kostgard
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Fare thee well, my queen. Gosh i'm gonna miss sofia (yes, i know she's only in a coma). As much as i loved her, though, i wish she would have been dead. Her storyline just felt complete at this point. I thought she was a great villain. Also, I kind of wonder how long it's been since the events in the 4a finale. 

Good to see zsasz and Victor again! And martin! And i can't believe that one hitman guy is alive after what oswald did to him. Oh well, it's gotham.

Wonder what's going on with babs? Another ra's al ghul sighting!!!

Selina's storyline this entire season hasn't really piqued my interest, so her stuff tonight with bruce kinda bored me. I also kept wondering where the heck alfred was. 

I already miss ed. 

Lee got some nice vengeance. 

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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The show may milk her absence for an episode or two (or maybe even until the finale), but what good will that do? If she'll only be brought back to be killed later, what's the point of her surviving now? Why not just off her now and be through with it?

Especially since this episode in particular proves that Sofia Falcone is a terrible, TERRIBLE gangster.

She's just awful at this! Crystal Reed played her fantastically; showing the entitlement behind the power trip, the way she thinks her personal ruthlessness is the same as an actual power base, her insane lack of ability to read a room or human motivations, how she thought her father keeping her out of the loop was him protecting her, and not himself, because it was so obvious she was enamored of being worshiped and feared with no real desire, or respect, for the complicated base of loyalty and reward that is needed to build a crime empire. Carmine Falcone knew his empire should have ended with him, because Sofia just didn't have the (strange as it may sound) moral character to actually succeed at succeeding him. 

(Plus, she never bothered to learn Villain Lesson 101: When You Have Your Opponent Lying In A Pool Of His Own Blood, JUST SHOOT HIM AND DON'T MONOLOGUE. That entire scene encapsulated Sofia's arrogance and lack of thought or planning in the most cliche way possible!)

I was so happy, like cheering from my chair happy, to watch her go down that when Harvey said eh, coma, I actually yelled "oh FUCK YOU" at the screen.  Seriously, it's to the point where you won't be taken seriously in Gotham as any kind of player until you've died at least once! 

Moving on, Jim actually acquitted himself fairly well this week! He's here, he's there, he's getting Harvey to knock off the self-righteous speeches (not that he doesn't deserve them, but as I have said many times, Harvey isn't the guy to deliver them if he doesn't want lightning to strike him down), he's getting actual info out of people, he's prioritizing, he's just finally shedding his Dummy skin and becoming an actual competent professional! Plus, on a shallow note, when he wakes up in the hospital and is talking to Harvey, his even deeper than usual voice gave me the good shivers. Yum.

FINALLY, R'as is back in town, and about time! The Sirens are boring, frankly, and he's what's needed to shake things up and tell Barbara to quit fucking with her hair and Tabby to stop wearing eighties prom dresses. Although even a "my being is being subsumed into that of an crazed undead death machine demigod" migraine can't stop Babs from out thinking everybody, and good for her. 

Hi, Butch! Bye, Butch! Good to know you're not dead again or anything! Ed's scene with you in the sewers was great.

Dang, Lee! I know all your problems look like nails with that hammer and all, but easy on the revenge kick. It didn't do you any favors last season. 

Bruce and Selina, sittin' in a tree! They just have the most bubbling Teen Dream chemistry and are terrific together: the fight in the pawnshop showed how much they get each other--they're unstoppable. Well, for now. 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Snookums said:

Bruce and Selina, sittin' in a tree! They just have the most bubbling Teen Dream chemistry and are terrific together: the fight in the pawnshop showed how much they get each other--they're unstoppable. Well, for now. 

I love the way Bruce and Selina, as well as David and Camren, have grown up together. 

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Damn, Lee has learned how to be ruthless! And all it took was a big old smash to her hand - this season has really saved her character from the scrapheap.

I'm so happy Harvey won't let Jim off the hook and was at him throughout the episode. I was afraid they would just have him be too understanding with Jim.

What's with this show and gun shot wounds to the head only putting the person in a coma - first Butch, now Sofia? Sometimes being shot in the head kills you Gotham!

Bruce and Selina's story was lovely - the batcat partnership was in full force and I love it. 

Ra's al Ghul is coming back through Barbara - I'm glad they didn't forget that he did something to her before he died. Does she have powers or something now or is it just to bring him back?

Zsasz is back and he brought back the two shot guy! They were great together.

I really want to know more about Nygma's story of how he found Martin. Zsasz is a fan of disco and Nygma dressed up as an old Polish woman? Where could that story possibly be going?! Also it's nice to see little Martin again.

It looks like Penguin and Riddler are back together which I'm so thankful for. They do work best together. I was going to make a joke about how the characters always go to that one pier but the show made it for me! Thanks Gotham!

I really hope Sofia was recorded when she said she killed her dad. Otherwise what was the point of her saying very clearly 'Yes I killed him' when Jim said she killed her dad?

And Grundy is back and...living in the sewers? I know he does in the comics but why would Butch live there?

It was good seeing Freeze again, it's nice remembering there are still other villains walking around out there who aren't trying to run the city and he was pretty funny with the 'Ready?' 'Not yet!' 'Don't care' BLAST!

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On 3/22/2018 at 10:49 PM, thuganomics85 said:

r Jim.  How does he keep causing women to go nuts for him like this?  Still, even if/when she recovers, it was great that Lee got her revenge.  And she's even got the Narrows back!  The Doctor is back, baby!

Oh, Victor Zsasz!  I forgot how much I missed you.  Best henchman of all time!

First of all, Zsasz makes everything better!  I have missed him so much in recent weeks!

Second, if someone who looked and sounded like Ben Mackenzie was interested in me, I'd be all over it.  The fact that I still like Jim is an added bonus, but I don't find it hard t believe that in 4 years, he's had 4 girlfriends (Barbara, Lee, Sofia, Vicki--I think that's all right?)

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OK, there were a number of things I loved about this episode:

Victor Friez asking Penguin "You ready?" "No!" "Don't care!"

Harvey going to Jim, "Nah - you don't get to feel better by confessing, you live with the guilt."

Bat/Cat is back on track!

...but that didn't mean there weren't problems with it. While Crystal Reed is certainly pretty to look at, she's always struggling against the fact Sofia Falcone is one of the few characters who isn't in Batman's Rogues' Gallery, so we know she can never really win. And you're not making convincing me she might succeed by having her be shot in the head and not die* - not that death is necessarily a barrier to coming back, in any case.

On ‎23‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 5:14 PM, Delphi said:

Just a morally grey person who will still fulfil her Hippocratic oath albeit in the most ruthless ways possible.

What, those were therapeutic bullets and hammers? Pretty sure they were "doing harm"!

On ‎23‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 7:03 PM, Kostgard said:

I loved the little head lamp Ed attached to his bowler hat

Gotham may be a sewer of vice and corruption, but its tailors are amazing. Have a crazy criminal scheme? They can whip up a fabulous outfit appropriate to your shtick in hours!

* Though a boy at my school did shoot himself in the head and survive for months afterwards, so it's more possible than many things on Gotham.

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1. Yay, Headhunter is back! Told you he wasn't necessarily dead! Love the way when Zsaz and Wendall challenge Jim and Harvey they don't hesitate, just pull out the iron and start blasting, the fun way.  

2. Victor loves disco? That we have to see sometime! And milkshakes? What will Zsaz do now? I don't think Penguin will be in the forgiving mood? 

3. Love Butch/Grundy facing off with both Barbara and the Riddler, promises much. Nice to see Mr Freeze back too, interesting they're both looking for a cure. 

4. Boy Lee is sinking into true villainess mode, getting the same deranged look as Barbara. 

5. Harvey back on the force, let's keep him there from now on. 

6. Okay, I got the Riddler's puzzle for Oswald but what was his one to the 'dentist'? I can only think, cutting?

7. Riddler and the Penguin reconcile, what a team they make. Both have suffered for one another, now they can trust each other. 

8. Bruce and Selina, both with something to atone for, really like their relationship now. 

9. Jim has to live with his punishment? That and getting gutshot (and shot in both arms). I hope he takes some time to recover, make it more realistic. 

10. The adult playpen is hilarious but you think if that was real folks would flock to it. But TIG. You wonder though they didn't have sexier nursemaids?


11. Yeah, we all figured Dr Bashir put the whammy on Barbara and now it's finally having its' effect, you wonder Selina/Tabby don't at least bring her to see Lee?

12. So Sophia is just 'in a coma'? Really, she looks pretty dead to me? But TIG. 

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2 hours ago, Joe Hellandback said:

6. Okay, I got the Riddler's puzzle for Oswald but what was his one to the 'dentist'? I can only think, cutting?

He most likely meant "Sawbones" - an old-timey slang term for doctors. So, he was telling the truth when he told Sofia that he was answering her question (telling her Oswald was with the Doc), she just couldn't figure it out.

Sofia was in a coma after that?  I'm glad she's out of commission, at least for the time being.  She was as much of a loose cannon as Penguin, even though she was counselling him earlier in the season about the Falcone way.

I was glad Lee tried to kill her, but I didn't like Lee adopting Sophia's sledgehammer tactics.  There needs to be varying levels of ruthlessness without making everyone into a vengeful psycho.

Bruce and Selena working together was fun.  Selena was involved in a lot of bloodshed when she worked with Barbara and Tabitha but being a part of Ivy's murder was different?  Was it because it was the murder of an innocent civilian rather than thugs?

Jim and Harvey working together was also great to see.  Harvey would rather Jim have the top job?  

I didn't want to see Ed and Oswald together again but the actors made it work.

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