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S06.E08: Robert's Story LIVE CHAT

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Just now, DC Gal in VA said:

Okay folks, did I just hear the fiancee say that they had been together for 13 years!? I don't think that I could hang in there that long for any man.

I wouldn't spend so much as a week taking care of anyone who does that to themselves.

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Just now, Donut Bear said:

What does this mean - "total media blackout"?

I didn't hear from her, they both went off social media. Might have been show requirement so we knew nothing the whole time.

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1 minute ago, zoemom said:

Lymphedema that weighs 100 lbs???? That's going to be a ton of vessels to close up.  

OK, "only" 39 lbs of lymphedema.  Still worried about painkillers after surgery, but Dr. Now sounds like he's on top of it.  Still have 45 minutes to go though.

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5 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

She never snuck food in there. And she went on total media blackout for the entire length of shooting.

I hope for her sake she keeps the media blackout going for this. Although, I have to say as enablers go, she's been less horribly enabling since they got to Houston. Really, since getting off the road, she doesn't seem to be the type to keep catering to his whims like we see so often. But I am sure she's still going to see a lot of rude comments.

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5 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

So he just lays in the hospital bed  alk day after walking his 200 foot marathon? Cripes, I walk more than 200 ft to get to the bathroom at work . Definitely not the highlight of my day. 

I've got a long walk to the john at work as well. When I had plantar fasciitis, I had to consider which would be worse - walking to the bathroom or wetting my pants at my desk. Sometimes it was a difficult decision.

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Aliya, I had PF too years ago, horrible foot pain. 

Everyone, please snark away, don't hold back on my account. I almost didn't post but the house is empty, so you all need to keep talking :)

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6 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Okay folks, did I just hear the fiancee say that they had been together for 13 years!? I don't think that I could hang in there that long for any man.

I don't see why she had to - they looked not poor - why didn't he have hired help/aides??

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2 minutes ago, MegD said:

I hope for her sake she keeps the media blackout going for this. Although, I have to say as enablers go, she's been less horribly enabling since they got to Houston. Really, since getting off the road, she doesn't seem to be the type to keep catering to his whims like we see so often. But I am sure she's still going to see a lot of rude comments.

Guess Momma was the enabler. Getting her little boy away seems to have helped him.

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1 minute ago, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

I’m having a hard time living up to my usual levels of snarkiness...

It was easier before he actually dug in and did what he's supposed to. The bib, the whining, the babying made it easy to snark and he was deserving.

He may revert to Assanti level addiction whining.

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Honestly it would really be tragic if his body's been through all this, his family history, weighing 850 lbs, lost all this weight without weight loss surgery (yet), to fail or God forbid pass away.  I'm hoping this goes well.....

Edited by Snarkastikate
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He needs a PCA pump.  Keeps asking for pain meds, Month 5 and he's still in the hospital?  Tore his sutures open to get more pain meds?  Fiance is changing him?  Looks like he's heading downhill.....

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7 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

That's the longest most graphic surgery scene I think I've ever seen on this show.   


For some reason, I find the lymphedema removals to be way grosser than the bariatric surgeries.  


6 minutes ago, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

I’m having a hard time living up to my usual levels of snarkiness...

Yeah, I feel more sympathetic than usual.  

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3 minutes ago, aliya said:

Whoa! Tore open his sutures to get meds?  That's a primo addiction right there, I tell you what.

Did he?  Must have missed that!  He is s baby-man but,  truly, all these patients on this show are cases of arrested development because they've been in bed for 20 years - doing nothing with their lives.  We build maturity by testing ourselves in the larger world.

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3 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

I think he thinks he can manipulate the fiancé for the drugs once he gets back to rehab.  He certainly keeps trying her.


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1 minute ago, CouchTater said:

I think he thinks he can manipulate the fiancé for the drugs once he gets back to rehab.  He certainly keeps trying her.

He's a master at manipulation.  He won't be getting these in the rehab hospital.  Can see him not wanting to do anymore towards his progress.  Just hope he proves me wrong.

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1 minute ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

I thought the removed lymphedema would be a lot spongier, with fluid gushing out. Disappointed!

Yeah - I don't think that was lymphadema so much as fat. Even Dr. Now acknowledged this during surgery.

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So he’s going to hold his breath and gonna turn blue until they give him drugs.

Why doesn’t she just leave.

Edited by Kid
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Glad she's not taking his bullshit!  She should go back to Jersey.  Please go. 

3 minutes ago, Godfrey said:

No. She's a martyr. She needs to walk.


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What a piece of shit he lost 340 pounds but he won't get up? He lies in bed day after day> having everyone do everything for him? He had a HARD DAY??? Now he is going to go to another facility with more people taking care of him? Get out of bed you big baby! You shouldnt be in  facility at this point!!

Edited by calpurnia99
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