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S10.E24: Fear (of the Unknown)

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I seriously thought we were going to see a plane explode out of the window at Meredith and Derek's house. So glad they let Cristina live.


What in the ever loving hell with there being another Grey? No thanks. And the set up for spilling that bit of news was so awkward. Who busts out with something like that to a colleague they barely know? And to ask if he knew Ellis? Come on!

  • Love 3
What in the ever loving hell with there being another Grey? No thanks. And the set up for spilling that bit of news was so awkward. Who busts out with something like that to a colleague they barely know? And to ask if he knew Ellis? Come on!


I am so angry right now about this. Really? Serious ret-conning here. I expect it from daytime soaps, but this is making my blood boil.

  • Love 5

So the Alex and Bailey board seat... if Christina actually transferred her shares to Alex, I would guess that it's his, right? Other than the fact this will be lots of petty drama, I like that Christina wanted Alex to have her shares as her signal that he's a good surgeon and should stay at GS. Their scene was more emotional to me than Christina and Meredith's.

The episode wasn't bad. It was fairly engrossing, even though it was busy and overcrowded (like the series). But the whole 'disaster' bit is getting old, and more than ever before, I really felt like the writers were purposely recycling old stories -- the first half of the episode was all stuff I felt like I'd seen in 3x15-3x17.

I was pleased with the departures of Leah and Shane, and liked all the Meredith/Cristina stuff (despite it being more saccharine than I usually prefer). Meanwhile, the set-up of Bailey vs. Alex over a spot on the board seems potentially interesting, as long as Bailey doesn't devolve into the immature persona which which the writers have made us accustomed.

The Meredith/Derek drama is predictable, but solid. NOTE TO WRITERS: These are the kids of scenes they should have been playing for the past three seasons. They've been given crumbs of good story lines, while others (like the predictable and boring April/Jackson) have been given full course meals.

In general, the Cristina send-off was well-handled, though I thought the opening photo montage was very self-indulgent on the series' part, as was the usage of the old Season One song (even though I enjoyed that callback). I'll miss Cristina terribly; she was the show's only multi-dimensional character, and the actress is one of television's finest. My minor complaint tonight is that the episode should have ended on a scene with Meredith, our protagonist. (Though I know my opinion may be in the minority.) She is still the focus, and I hope she steps into this position even more next season.

As for the cliffhanger... it's such a soapy and ridiculous reveal to be considered either original or well-done. The Richard/Ellis love child was a beat that we'd been speculating on for about six years. (At first we thought it would be a half-brother, but that turned out to be Jackson Avery.) The actress didn't seem hardcore enough to be a cardio head, and similar to the episode's medical disaster, I feel like I've seen this before -- with Lexie Grey seven years ago. (Let's hope the writers handle this better than they did the Meredith/Lexie relationship, which never developed organically.) Not excited for this.

The episode was solid, though nothing exceptional. The season was adequate; some hits, some misses. I'll miss Cristina, but I'm anxious to see how the series handles the loss. I'm not anticipating anything of quality. The show lost its MVP.

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Jeezy creezy, how freaking old is this new head of cardio? I don't care if she "graduated early", she looks barely 30 years old. I would imagine a person needs to have a good ten years of experience at the MINIMUM to head up an entire cardio thoracic surgery unit at a major urban hospital. Did she graduate medical school when she was 18? Seriously.

And if they haaaad to bring back a Grey sister why couldn't it have been Molly? I liked Molly, she was sweet. For fucks sake.

  • Love 4

I had to jump into the shower to rinse off all that soap we were served.  

But...But, I do like Richard getting a storyline that doesn't involve an Avery.  I was OMGing my TV with that's his daughter!  It is extremely unbelievable that she doesn't know Meridith Grey isn't her half sister, she has to know she would just have to.


The protruding eye was kinda cool but not as cool as Jackson delivering that 12 pound preemie.


Oh and "He's very dreamy but he is not the sun, you are." is my new favorite Twister Sister moment.

Edited by whyjen8
  • Love 5

Also--as a DC person can I complain about the fact that Meredith's big attending job is allegedly at James Madison university? JMU is two hours from DC. There is, however, a top notch university hospital IN Foggy Bottom. Right outside the Foggy Bottom metro stop! George Washington University. How hard is it to get simple geography right? Especially since we all know they aren't moving? Gaaaaah.

  • Love 8

Also--as a DC person can I complain about the fact that Meredith's big attending job is allegedly at James Madison university? JMU is two hours from DC. There is, however, a top notch university hospital IN Foggy Bottom. Right outside the Foggy Bottom metro stop! George Washington University. How hard is it to get simple geography right? Especially since we all know they aren't moving? Gaaaaah.


As someone who once lived a block away from that metro stop/hospital, thank you! GWU is not the same thing as JMU, writers!!


Also, it would have made much more sense for the millionaire Shepherds to buy a townhouse in the ritzy Georgetown neighborhood as opposed to Foggy Bottom (which I vaguely remember as being more office buildings than residential homes).

  • Love 2

As someone who once lived a block away from that metro stop/hospital, thank you! GWU is not the same thing as JMU, writers!!


Also, it would have made much more sense for the millionaire Shepherds to buy a townhouse in the ritzy Georgetown neighborhood as opposed to Foggy Bottom (which I vaguely remember as being more office buildings than residential homes).


Derek  didn't say JMU (one of our daughters just graduated from there), but James Madison Hospital, which is as fictitious as Mercy West and Seattle Pres. :)

NH Ave and the Washington Circle vicinity have some lovely town homes, but the neighborhood itself is so clogged with drunken college students that a family with young kids would never want to live there. I figure they'd live in a mansion in Bethesda or Chevy Chase, especially if Derek is supposed to be working at NIH.

Another question on the love child--do we think she's supposed to be older or younger than Meredith? I can't decide which is less realistic.

  • Love 2

I had to laugh at the other sister. I mean, come on. How many secret sisters can Meredith have? This is not shocking, just funny now. I won't even try to make sense of this though. Time line fairy is on crack.


Of course Meredith is not moving. This is the second dream job Derek is turning down, which isn't fair either. But their fight was well written and well acted. 


I hate myself for this but I really enjoyed the Meredith/Cristina scenes. They were so natural and true to the show. 


I really don't care about the rest. 


Farewell Sandra. You will be missed.

  • Love 3

Cristina and Sandra Oh, how I will miss you both! I'm glad she told Meredith that she's the sun because she's her sun. 


As for the little doctor girl (shout out to Season 6 Cristina), there is no way she's old enough to be chief of anything. There's a kid who graduated college at like 11, got Ph.Ds at the University of Chicago, and got into med school while still a teenager, but they wouldn't let him actually go until he was 21 because 17 or 18 is too young for someone to be interacting with patients. He got those doctoral degrees essentially because he had to dick around until he could actually So, if this child prodigy, whose specialty is going to be pediatric neurosurgery, had to wait until he was 21 to practice, he would be 25 by the time he finished med school, he'll have to do at least six years of specialty training but probably eight. That means that this fellow would be 33 when he finished his surgical residency. He'd probably have to do a fellowship and then be an attending for years. I hope we aren't expected to believe that she's done all of this? Girl, bye! 


And, as for her presence, I can't even convey how dumb this is. I know we're to believe in the mythology of how amazing Ellis Grey is, but who knew that she could hide a pregnancy, deliver a baby, and no one knew about it! She great Greydini!


Why the hell would Cristina take Shane with her? He's the worst. Also, she used to fuck him. I guess she's bringing the Groan Memorial way to another hospital. Maybe Sandra Oh will agree to come back for an episode or two to kick his ass to the curb without us having to see him? Pretty please. 

  • Love 2

Hold up.  Just hold up a second.  What the what?!?!  Another long lost sister?  She's been walking around for two weeks with her half sister working with her and...you know what. I can't.  I just can't with this.  You cannot tell me that she doesn't know Meredith is her sister and is a board member of this hospital. And she's just been working there for two weeks like nothing? SHE COULDN'T WAIT TO TELL THE FIRST PERSON SHE SAW THAT SHE WAS ELLIS GREY'S DAUGHTER! "Her name is all over the hospital" and NO mention of "Oh yeah, I've got a sister that's on the board too." I've watched daytime soap operas with better logic and continuity than this damn show.  I'll tell you what long lost children of Grey's Anatomy.  Just stay where you were.  Trust me. So much better off wherever that was. You will rue the day you came to Seattle.  Big mistake. HUGE.

Edited by Dusty
  • Love 7


As for the cliffhanger... it's such a soapy and ridiculous reveal to be considered either original or well-done.

This is a soap and therefore you'd have to be an idiot to actually be hanging off a cliff!


More ramblings.....


I liked seeing everyone get involved with the emergency (Leah and Katherine). I assumed that a boiler had exploded and this was just another non-BIG story that the media (and paranoia) was turning into a terrorist plot. Glad that was the case. But this disaster stuff at the end of a season is so stupid. When will writers realize that five minutes after the show has ended, most people don't care about the season that just ended.


I liked this episode for two major reasons: hearing Christina call Meredith "my person" and the DANCE PARTY. I've been wishing for one last one and when Christina said that she wasn't done yet, I kept thinking, "You need another dance party!" I only wished they'd picked a good song to dance to.


The corny stuff about Meredith's sister merely made me roll my eyes and reminded me again that this show is a nighttime soap opera, nothing more.


I liked Meredith's standing up to Derek. I want Meredith and Derek to stay together.


Last week, Callie said something to Arizona about how fragile their relationship was. Can't remember the words, but she stated that they couldn't take any more major drama. And into this relationship, they should introduce a child? I like this couple, but really, they're pretty unstable.

  • Love 3
And if they haaaad to bring back a Grey sister why couldn't it have been Molly? I liked Molly, she was sweet. For fucks sake.


Molly should be grateful that she's not being dragged into this sordid mess.


I said to a friend tonight that I haven't watched Grey's with any regularity in years, but I had to see Cristina's departure, just to pay respects to the great Sandra Oh. Now that she's gone, I feel like I'm free to finally cut the cord. I'd add that to her many accomplishments.

  • Love 3

Dr. Pierce has to be younger than Mere, if she's Richard's (which surely she is), since Meredith was already born by the time Ellis and Richard had their affair. It is pretty ridiculous that she could be head of the cardio department so young, but whatever. This show has done crazier things.


I don't mind the "soapiness" of this twist (Grey's IS  a soap), but I do mind that it's lazy and been done already, with Lexie. Who I loved and still miss, actually.


I'll miss Cristina. She was my favorite. Although I love Mere, too. Good for her standing up to Derek.

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Ellis Grey was apparently such an absent mother that she managed to have a kid without Meredith or Thatcher noticing. Stealthy!


Also, Jackson's lisp appears to be contagious and NewGrey lady has it.


I'm guessing they'll say that Ellis went off for months to do research connected to one of her Harper-Avery's and had NuGrey during that time. 

Jackson's lisp doesn't annoy me but NuGrey's does. 


I am so angry right now about this. Really? Serious ret-conning here. I expect it from daytime soaps, but this is making my blood boil.

But Shonda swears up and down that this isn't a soap. Ummm ok. I think I just saw this same storyline play out on The Young and The Restless. 

  • Love 1

Last week, Callie said something to Arizona about how fragile their relationship was. Can't remember the words, but she stated that they couldn't take any more major drama. And into this relationship, they should introduce a child? I like this couple, but really, they're pretty unstable.


Up until yesterday I'd think this was way over the top. Until a couple I know announced they had been separated for a couple of months due to one party not being sure what they want from the marriage but that they had gone ahead with their plan for second child anyway.


Seriously. You can't make this stuff up.

  • Love 1

As soon as Richard sat down on that bench i was afraid it was coming. I hope that the writers handle this better than the last time.


As for Cristiana's sendoff, yes well done and good job picking up the previously established threads that make up the relationship between her and Meredith. As for the 956th iteration of the career argument between Meredith and Derek, the whole thing is stupid. All she has to do is maintain her practicing privileges in Seattle, and come out for future crises and special surgeries. In fact, i would imagine that the Almighty Avery Foundation would prefer both of them to keep a hand in ifthey are going to stay board members. Plus, she can skype consult with the younger doctors.


Only thing i didn't like was the photogallery of Cristina at the beginning. It looked like a memorial. It would have been great if it had been done at the end, though.

I'm going to miss Cristina and Sandra Oh so much. She really adds a lot to the show. Of course, GA has me so paranoid about season finales and people leaving the show via DEATH that I was afraid she would die before she made it to Switzerland. With the bar set that low, I was just happy to see Cristina escape Grey Sloan Memorial alive.


I loved her pep talk with Alex in the OR. Cristina Yang can be a badass surgeon while also directing Shane and berating Alex. But I liked that she truly had Alex's best interests at heart. She knows he will get bored doing the same thing instead of being challenged by the variety of surgeries he had access to at the hospital. And just when Alex thinks he's out, she pulls him back in with her share of the hospital!


Legally, I don't think Bailey will be able to make "But Weber told me I was getting Cristina's seat!" stick. If Alex owns Cristina's shares, he has her seat on the board. Of course, if they all really want Bailey on the board (which seems like a nightmare, to be honest), can't they just vote to expand the number of board members?

I loved everything about Cristina's goodbyes with Meredith. Cristina isn't big on talking about her feelings (as evidenced by her abrupt "Derek - good bye!"), so hearing her tell Meredith to take care of Owen and Alex and herself especially was really sweet. Dancing it out was the perfect goodbye for them. I loved that she hesitated in the doorway and then decided screw it, you need to hear this and told her not to let Derek eclipse her. One last truth bomb before she left town!


I have been really surprised by how much Meredith has acquiesced to Derek's NIH job this year. Yes, she made a few remarks but overall she hasn't put up much of a fight about it which was surprising after she was so adament last year that she be given time for her career. She was correct in her assessment: Derek will always think that his career is more important than hers. While Derek is correct that she could do the same work in DC, her home and her friends are in Seattle. That's a perfectly good reason to stay.


Debbie Allen is much better at the kind mothering than the bossy smothering, so if she's going to stick around then let's see more of the former rather than the latter.


As for the new half sister, ugh. I can't wait to see how Shonda tries to retcon this pregnanacy to fit within the existing timeline or explain how Meredith had no clue that her mother was pregnant. She will probably have Meredith talk about how the only time she saw her mother that whole year was when she came into her room after she was asleep and then woke her up so she could tuck her in. Fine, let's say that Meredith was completely unaware of her mother's pregnancy, but how could Thatcher, Richard, or any of her coworkers not notice? Is Shonda going to make up some fake residency exchange program where Ellis conveniently went to another hospital for 6 months? And maybe with a fake name so no one in the entire world knew that Ellis Grey was pregnant!

  • Love 2

So with all the attention paid to the surrogate mother, and the looks Callie & Arizona exchanged, anybody think next season is gonna be "The Great Uterus Hunt" for Calzona?  Using a surrogate would definitely solve their fertility problems, and provide great heaps o' drama. 


Loved the dance party, it had to be a part of the show. 


I'm thinking Leah is going to transfer into emergency medicine, or whatever they call it.  They made her very calm & focused during the crisis, so I imagine they'll slot her into a non-surgical slot pretty easily.


Whatever attorney drew up the hospital charter would have included how the board member shares could be transferred.  Even though Christina "gave" them to Alex, that may not be a legal transfer or it may not automatically allow him a seat on the board.  That opens up a lot of different scenarios, based on those legal documents. 

  • Love 1

@leighdear - I agree with what you said about the transfer of the shares, but this is Shondaland, where interns can attempt murder (Izzy), screw everything that doesn't move, chop a patient to bits (Shane), go completely crazy (Shane), fight (Derrick, Tony, Mark) and still be just dandy. I don't think real law can be even considered as a plot point! If it were, Webber wouldn't have been able to offer Bailey a place on the board. He isn't a majority shareholder, and that invitation would have to come from the foundation, not the board members.

I didn't think the episode was bad, and it was nice to see Leah as calm and competent. It seems like she is over Arizona, and if she is I would like to see her continue on the show. I don't mind her character, and would like to see where she goes with it.

I'm not concerned about the fuss between Meredith and Derrick- somehow they will work it out and continue to be a strong couple.

Who was surprised that Christina took Shane to Zurich? Duh...

I'm going to be really upset if Meredith and Derek reconcile quickly/easily. This fight was a long time coming, it wasn't just the NIH study drama from this season. They've been pretty great the last couple of seasons but honestly I have always had trouble with accepting their relationship because of how he treated Meredith season 2.


Do we know how long Ellis and Meredith were in Boston? That seems like the likely way Richard would've never noticed. This is a ridiculously soapy plot but I'm not going to deny sitting there going "Wow, they are really going there with this." I guess without Cristina around Meredith needs another long lost sister (and maybe sister-in-law? It definitely seems like Amy will be around next season.)


Definitely looking forward to the fallout of Cristina leaving her shares to Alex. Bailey will not take that well. But it seemed like a great ending to Alex and Cristina's friendship, which I've always loved. Died at her telling Mer he needs to be mocked once a day.

Christina was the heartbeat of GA for me and now that's gone.  I honestly don't sense that from anyone else.  I've never been a Meredith/Derek fan so am not invested in whether they move or stay, but clearly they'll be front and center both personally and professionally.  The newly-arrived sister?  So many directions that can go.  In spite of Christina's leaving, I'm looking forward to next season.  

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I went to bed disgusted by the ridiculously implausible reveal at the end, insulted that the writers would consider us so dense that we'd buy that load of bull.

Then I woke up this morning realizing my own bizarre family has an even more preposterous example of the very same thing: grandmother introduced the five children in attendance to their half-sister at her (grandmother's) 80th birthday party. Oldest daughter was 16; my mother was 11. I asked the obvious of that big ship of fools. Their response: they "never could tell when she was pregnant." Claimed they didn't know about my youngest uncle until they came home from school and found a baby on the bed.


Good one, Ellis?


Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 3

I loved this episode. I was not at all concerned about the timeline of a pregnant Ellis Grey or the age of Dr. Lovechild. Arizona was pretty young when she became head of Peds, why not have a young head of Cardio? Plus, this is not, nor ever has been a show I watch for realism. Since season One we have known that BS is thrown in for drama and thrills. It's fun for me, and after ten years, if it isn't fun for you, why the hell are you still watching?

I really, really wish we had had resolution for the heart family. We never found out why all three children's hearts failed at the same time. I wonder if a deeper story got dropped for time here, as it was just odd to have these patients stretched out for, what, 4 or 5 episodes without resolution?

The Calzona surrogacy was telegraphed so blindingly obviously that their lightbulb moment at the end made me do a face palm. Hopefully though, their drama next year can be related to a surrogate mother fighting to keep their child rather than them fighting again over their relationship.

I get that Cristina wanted to be nice to Alex, but that gift was worth $13M!!! That is a lot of gift!

And the goodbyes were fantastic. Loved all the shoutouts to previous episodes, lived the flashes of Bokie and Paramedic Nicole, and giving Leah a respectable goodbye was nice too.

I loved this episode. It was everything I wanted from the finale (heart patients story excepted).

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When they blared in the previews that something was coming we wouldn't expect, maybe they meant the new sister, but for me the unexpected turned out to be a total hoot: they didn't kill anybody off; the terrorist attack was just a natural gas explosion, the dread rash was only dry cleaning fluid, Christina went to Zurich and was happy. . .


One by one, the usual Grey's disaster scenarios dissolved into relief or happiness for Christina, Alex, Bailey, Webber (eventually, if not immediately), and even the patients were successfully treated. The hospital wasn't damaged, nobody got fired, planes didn't crash, murderers didn't roam the halls, boats didn't sink, volcanos didn't erupt, Martians didn't land. . .ok, even Shonda might not do that.  And if individual story lines didn't end happily, they at least evolved into character growth, e.g. Meredith.


We actually got some happy endings. It makes me think Shonda was laughing up her sleeve with the writers, as they all giggled, "Our viewers will never expect this!"


I enjoyed it, even the ridiculous new sister.

Edited by picklesprite
  • Love 1

...but I do mind that it's lazy and been done already, with Lexie. Who I loved and still miss, actually.


This. So much this. They killed off Lexie - why? And now they expect us to invest in another sister? I don't think so.


I have been really surprised by how much Meredith has acquiesced to Derek's NIH job this year.


Me, too, and what she said about being the "trailing spouse" and always being the "intern he fell in love with" really struck me. I don't mind Derek wanting to take the job, or asking Meredith to move, and if Meredith had agreed to go, I'd be fine with it. But the way he keeps saying, "they have a job for you, too," is just SOOOO condescending. If he said, "there are a lot of great research hospitals there, and any of them would be lucky to have you," I could totally get behind that. But he's heavily implying that a) they want him so bad they'll "find something for her to do"; b) she can't find a job on her own; and c) he assumes she'll just take whatever job has been preselected for her.  SMH

  • Love 4

I am very thankful that Cristina got her happy ending, as Shonda is known for killing off actors that want to leave the series. 

I don't believe a new Grey appeared almost out of thin air. Really? We are supposed the believe that no one noticed the pregnancy? 

I usually just accept that this show has problems with timelines and reality, but this was really going too far. 

I don't like Mer and Derek fighting, but I'm glad she stuck up for herself. Cris was right, she is the sun, and is every bit as bright as her husband.

Loved, loved, loved the last dance. 

I will tune in next year - I've invested all these years with these characters, I really have to see it out, but I already miss Cristina.

  • Love 1
As for the 956th iteration of the career argument between Meredith and Derek, the whole thing is stupid. All she has to do is maintain her practicing privileges in Seattle, and come out for future crises and special surgeries. In fact, i would imagine that the Almighty Avery Foundation would prefer both of them to keep a hand in ifthey are going to stay board members. Plus, she can skype consult with the younger doctors.


But dr pepper, these are highly intelligent people who cannot even figure out they should get a nanny.  The board member thing made little to no sense on the show, since Christina's leaving had her leaving the board but it wasn't discussed for Mer/Der.  In reality, of course, board members do not typically have to work for the hospital in other capacities.  While we're at it, I'll take millions of dollars of shares in a hospital.  Thanks!


Sandra Oh yet again proves that she is the best actor on this show.   

  • Love 6

Me, too, and what she said about being the "trailing spouse" and always being the "intern he fell in love with" really struck me. I don't mind Derek wanting to take the job, or asking Meredith to move, and if Meredith had agreed to go, I'd be fine with it. But the way he keeps saying, "they have a job for you, too," is just SOOOO condescending.


Exactly! Derek has always been a condescending son of a bitch (you're just a baby; you're just an intern; of course it's called the Shepherd Method even though you did half the work; blah blah blah) but his attitude towards his career vs. Meredith's is very telling. At least he admitted his own superiority.


Shonda's attitude towards double-income couples vexes me. (Well, Shonda's attitude towards MOST things vexes me.) Has there been a successful married couple on the show with two high-income working spouses? The show constantly seems to be saying that a marriage can only support one career. Thatcher and Ellis. Derek and Addison. Webber and Adele. Bailey and Tucker. Possibly Bailey and Ben. Burke and his new wife (he even specifically said there has to be a person at home; she gave up her career). And now the sainted Mer/Der.


It'd be nice if there were a sane and rational couple of two working parents/spouses. Maybe Calzona could be that. Oh wait, I said "sane and rational".

  • Love 5
Me, too, and what she said about being the "trailing spouse" and always being the "intern he fell in love with" really struck me.

But what I find so weird in that line, is that she wants to stay in the hospital were she is known as that. Had they moved to DC, Meredith would not have to give any explanations, wouldn't even have to say she's Derek's wife or how they met or anything. She is choosing to stay in the hospital where she was the intern that fell in love with an attending. I don't get the reasoning with that line and staying in Seattle (friends, family, etc. I get that but not this line specifically). Why not start over in a place where she is just a great surgeon with a great mind?

  • Love 4

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