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Season 1 Live Feed Discussion

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7 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Really?  People like Shannon best?  All that overplaying and then playing the victim when it bit her in the ass?  Ugh.  

Yeah, I like her best. I imagine I'll react the same way if I ever play as  a long time BB.

It can't be easy separating emotions and the people who betrayed her, were her friends. She didn't play a victim, she was a victim.

  • Love 5

I know some people want Omarosa to win AFP, but I think the general audience's view of her is still very polarizing.

I think Ross has a high chance of making it if he doesn't make F2 (F2 are still ineligible for this prize....right???). James has a high chance because of his social media followers. And then I'd say Shannon has a chance of winning it. 

Otherwise, I'm not sure if anyone else would. It's hard to say. 

Reading up on what I've missed last night, it seems like Omarosa/Brandi/Ari had a little pow-wow before bed. Brandi is trying desperately to switch the target off of her. She's so desperate, she finally threw out the suggestion to get Mark to backdoor Ross. Girl, people have been saying that for days now. Just because your ass is the target, it doesn't mean that we buy into this. If Brandi wasn't in danger, she wouldn't be suggesting this in any way. Omarosa seems on board, but that's because she's the only one capable of targeting Ross/Marissa. Brandi/Ari wanted to go talk to Mark without James there to convince him to vote out Marissa or Ross. The reason they don't want James there is because apparently James controls Mark (LOL, if they only knew that both men are capable of thinking for themselves and it was solely Mark's idea to get out Brandi). But Brandi also has short term drunken loss where she forgets that she was bitching about Omarosa barely two days ago and wanting her, James, and Mark out so her and Ari could go with Ross/Marissa to F4. 

Frankly, as much fun as it would be to see Ross or Marissa leave this week, Brandi gets on my nerves, and I think James would be happy to beat Brandi, even if it's only by an hour (if he does get evicted in the DE), so it's a win-win for me. 

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

From the 'broadcast only' perspective, I doubt there are many.  The only time they show her talking she's pre-shilling her White House tell-all and it's obnoxious.  I think most BB viewers have zero interest in her opinion on goings-on in the Trump White House.  

Alternately, from a feeds point of view, I could see why people want Omarosa to win AFP. Her game play has been near excellent and somehow, despite being public enemy number one, she has managed to avoid being evicted (sure, that was because of Keshia's noble boob sacrifice but still). I think it's one of those things that if you can separate her outside life from her BB life and just focus on what she's done there in the house, it's impressive. It's not the best we've ever seen. It's certainly not the worst we've ever seen. And yes, she had no problem playing the race card at her first opportunity. But even that could be considered a game play move. 

But it's Omarosa and therefore, we must hate her and never ever praise her for anything even if she does something decent. And I popcorn her as much as anyone else, though in my defense, everything I learned about U.S. politics was from grade 9 Social Studies and The West Wing (and C.J. never had to pay for her sandwich on Air Force One). But I will say that she's playing a good game. The husband, who only watches the broadcast show, even pointed out to me the other night that if he looked at it objectively, he thought she was playing the better game in there. 

So maybe it's a good thing us Canadians can't purchase the feeds legally or vote in their damned polls, because I'd throw my twenty votes at her for AFP. 

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, missyb said:

Now that Mark is in a position where he can play openly, I think he is doing a great job as HOH. He knows his target, has a back up plan, had a plan for veto winner, etc.

Good job Mark. You surprised me. IN a good way.

Yea, this. Although him wanting Brandi out is solely personal, but hey at least he admitted it in the DR lol. Still, I think Mark would be better off game-wise getting Marissa out.

I see no way in which James or Ross doesn't win AFP. I imagine it will be James, but Ross is a close second. I don't think anyone else has a chance in hell. Unless Ross/James is F2, which seems unlikely.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I get that.  And I can see that she's playing well even without the feeds, but I just don't think it's enough for most.  I still don't like her, and I would need to.  And I had no preconceived notions of her, so no real starting animosity.  I mean, I knew she was the original reality TV villain but I'd never seen her in anything.  I wanted to like her because I liked Michael Clarke Duncan.  But her early scenes of confronting other HGs were a huge turn-off so she got off on the wrong foot quickly.  And the White House stuff is beyond annoying.  And the hospital trip I think turned many off, especially when even neutral Julie is willing to throw out some fake, weak coughs when talking about it.  

You're right, it's not enough. And the show didn't help with what they've shown of her or how they've portrayed her (as hilarious as Chenbot's Fake Cough protocol was). I think, if this was a normal season and Omarosa was a normal Big Brother HG, there would be a much different reaction to her. But it is what it is. Being a longtime Big Brother fan has taught me to deal with disappointment. I'm used to it. 

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Nashville said:

I was heading out of a downtown office building one day and I noticed a woman coming up behind me heading towards the same door - so as I walked through the door, I automatically stopped and held the door open for her.

At least you knew the way to PROPERLY hold a door for a woman when the door opens out.  If the door opens in you would have held the door for her.  I am a woman and do appreciate good manners and good manners go both ways.  A women/girl will hold the door for those of elderly status or for other women.  The first women to approach the door, in a group of women, should hold the door for all others.  Having been involved in a improper door holding by a man with a group of women where the eldest of the women was encouraged to "jump his feet" as he was blocking the way by holding a door that opens out from inside.  She fell on the concrete and the rest of us yelled at him and he still calls us feminazis.

I have watched the feeds, complete summers lost, and don't anymore.  I think people like to root for an unpopular player to get a rise out of others.  These days any controversial moments on the feeds end up all over websites and TV.

I am an anyone but Omarosa/Brandi vote.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Nashville said:

It’s difficult being a gentleman these days.  My wife says all her friends are jealous, and she hasn’t opened a car door in my presence for three decades and counting - but more and more, society at large seems to work on the “No good deed goes unpunished” premise.

Example: I was heading out of a downtown office building one day and I noticed a woman coming up behind me heading towards the same door - so as I walked through the door, I automatically stopped and held the door open for her.  For my effort at politeness I got a solid two minute tongue-lashing because I obviously thought she - and by extension the entire female gender - were frail flowers who needed the assistance of a man to get through life, that she was a strong, independent woman who didn’t need a man to open doors for her because she was perfectly capable of opening them for herself, that Neanderthal thinking like mine was one of the great obstacles women today had to strive to overcome, etc., etc. - you get the idea.

So I’m still standing there - primarily because I’m still holding the door and she still hasn’t gotten clear of it - until she finally steps clear of the door’s swing.  At which point I release the door and break into her diatribe by saying, “Excuse me, ma’am, I most sincerely beg your pardon for a total misunderstanding on my part.  I was raised to always hold open a door for a lady, so I’m certain you can understand my confusion.  Once again - a thousand apologies, and have a nice day.”

At which point I turned and walked away - but before I rounded the corner of the building, I snuck a look and saw she was still puzzling that’un out.  Wonder if she ever got it.  ;>

Behavior like that used to be the exception, but now it’s a lot closer to the rule - and that was in the South, where polite behavior is (at least marginally) more of a given.  I’m not even going to try describing what kind of flak I get in places like upstate New York.  Good on James, though, for making the effort.  


Oh, they’d have to buy a chunk of land and build to spec, no doubt - but imagine what kind of House that could be.

Wow...that is so sad that woman reacted that way.  I love your response! I am always thankful when people hold the door and as a woman, if I see someone coming in behind me, I hold it for them.  I just thought it was a kindness thing...not woman are week.  Geesh.  Some people...am I right?


I think it will be James or Ross for the favorite. 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Nashville said:

So I’m still standing there - primarily because I’m still holding the door and she still hasn’t gotten clear of it - until she finally steps clear of the door’s swing.  At which point I release the door and break into her diatribe by saying, “Excuse me, ma’am, I most sincerely beg your pardon for a total misunderstanding on my part.  I was raised to always hold open a door for a lady, so I’m certain you can understand my confusion.  Once again - a thousand apologies, and have a nice day.”

Good response.  I am not surprised to hear this happened given the, sometimes, strident female point of view.   

Equal pay for equal work has morphed into an extreme interpretation of what male and female interactions should be.   

30 minutes ago, missyb said:

Anyone see previews for WETV channel marriage bootcamp family ??? Brandi and her father. Reality pays the bills.

No words other than, I will watch this!  

  • Love 6

As someone who was raised to be a frighteningly independent "don't need no man" woman (thanks, Mom and Dad! You did a good job) who married an "old-fashioned" "gentleman", this whole door holding conversation is intriguing. I never thought the husband was demeaning me as a woman - despite my upbringing - by holding the door for me or opening the car door and offering me a hand as I get out but I do giggle when he has to take massive, almost running steps to get ahead of me (I have long legs and a fast walk) in order to hold the door open at Denny's for me.

Then again, I hold the second door for him and he doesn't complain about the threat to his masculinity so I dunno, maybe we're just different.

Poor James (uh... I forgot, this is where the gentleman conversation started from, right?). You keep holding doors for women and letting them walk in first. Eventually you'll find someone who appreciates and is quietly tickled by it. 

...Ugh. Have I just done a complete turn-around on James? I've been calling him Douchey McDoucherson to myself and then he has to go and do something like this and change my opinion of him. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I get that.  And I can see that she's playing well even without the feeds, but I just don't think it's enough for most.  I still don't like her, and I would need to.  And I had no preconceived notions of her, so no real starting animosity.  I mean, I knew she was the original reality TV villain but I'd never seen her in anything.  I wanted to like her because I liked Michael Clarke Duncan.  But her early scenes of confronting other HGs were a huge turn-off so she got off on the wrong foot quickly.  And the White House stuff is beyond annoying.  And the hospital trip I think turned many off, especially when even neutral Julie is willing to throw out some fake, weak coughs when talking about it.  

Same here, all around - but while I’m sure the Production edit hasn’t helped, I also think Omarosa has shot herself in the foot more than a little with her willingness (eagerness, even) to adopt the “Evil Villainess” role O is so certain she was cast to play.  

I can understand O’s convictions that the EV role stirs things up, makes the show more interesting, ups the !!!DRAMA!!! factor and the viewership, etc., etc., and she is probably right.  O’s performance comes across as mean-spirited and avaricious, though, and IMHO neither will stand her well in the AFP vote.


10 minutes ago, sharkerbaby said:

You can thank your friendly neighborhood feminist for the murder of chivalry and other gentlemanly behavior.  

I see this as a manners issue, not a feminist issue - and I don’t see how a desire for gender equality automatically translates to bad manners and a lack of social grace.

  • Love 7

When thinking of who my fan favorite would be, I am inclined to vote for Shannon. A few reasons. It would go towards her Animal Avengers and that is an excellent cause. But most importantly, Shannon got the game of Celebrity Big Brother rolling. Chuck was sweet but kind of boring. Her efforts to switch the house dialed up the game from the git go. Otherwise, it may have been everyone being polite and never getting real ( old Real World ). For a short season, its important to hit the floor running. Just for viewer interest. For that reason, she is my fan favorite. Thanks Shannon for getting everyone off their asses and playing Big Brother. I don't care if she was a cry baby. Kind of liked seeing that vulnerability.

Edited by missyb
  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, Nashville said:
29 minutes ago, sharkerbaby said:

You can thank your friendly neighborhood feminist for the murder of chivalry and other gentlemanly behavior.  

I see this as a manners issue, not a feminist issue - and I don’t see how a desire for gender equality automatically translates to bad manners and a lack of social grace.

It shouldn't but it does, with some as you saw.  The majority of women don't see good manners as condescending to the 'weaker sex' but they are out there.  It is ignorance paired with bitch mode.   

  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, Wings said:

It shouldn't but it does, with some as you saw.  The majority of women don't see good manners as condescending to the 'weaker sex' but they are out there.  It is ignorance paired with bitch mode.   

I dunno.  I reckon I’m just out of place in this world any more.  And I’m pretty much okay with that.  ;)

55 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Then again, I hold the second door for him and he doesn't complain about the threat to his masculinity so I dunno, maybe we're just different.

But that is good manners to hold the second door.  When the rules of manners were written there were no double doors.  Good manners includes that one does not hold up the flow of traffic.  If a man holds the door for me at the Secretary of State (DMV in other states) then I would allow him to enter the line before me.

I will agree that it is clear that Omarosa, Ross and Marissa are die hard fans of BB.  I suspect Ari is too as is Brandi.  I am loving the game play but am disappointed by Keisha and Meta basically ruining the flow of the game by defecting without losing their pay.

I was glad to read on this thread that Brandi was drunk and when I watched the episode I knew what went down.  I think she does have a drinking problem to the point it is hard to tell when she is.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Nashville said:

I dunno.  I reckon I’m just out of place in this world any more.  And I’m pretty much okay with that.  ;)

You are not out of place.  My sons, who are in their 40s have good manners and hold doors.  It is true that we all have to be okay with where we are but you are not alone.  I get doors held for me all the time.  

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Really?  People like Shannon best?  All that overplaying and then playing the victim when it bit her in the ass?  Ugh.  

Not this person!    I did not like her best.     Although...    A lot of her actions and reactions in the wake of being nominated were not shown on the CBS shows.    I can see how some viewers who didn't watch the feeds might not realize how much she was sulking and trying to make people feel guilty, not to mention acting like a 6-year-old, getting Production to let her keep the lights off in a bedroom very early at night so she could sleep, while others tiptoed around and tried to not bang into the beds -- all because she was sad. 

Cry me a river.    If she was a victim, then everyone who has ever been evicted from the house in any season of BB was a victim too.  It's a game, and people are going to be evicted -- some sooner than later;  some, perhaps, way too soon;  some, perhaps, not soon enough; some, perhaps, for the wrong reasons.    It happens every year.     Shannon did not deserve a special "can't be evicted early pass" just because she claims to be a superfan of the show. 

If there is another Celebrity BB in another couple of years, maybe she will be invited back and she can try again. 

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 3

It sounds like the Celebrity season has actually been going pretty well, ratings/scheduling/interest-wise for CBS, so I'm sure they will do it again, and probably even sooner than we expect, depending on the Celeb interest?  I wouldn't be mad with them switching between a Celebrity season and seeing BB:OTT back in some capacity (even if they ramped up the speed of the next BB:OTT to make it a shorter season, too?)

Both of those were better for me than the last few summer broadcast seasons have been!

Edited by Matteo
  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Screwed by her own strategy.  She was targeted for playing aggressively.  That's not a good way to play, out of the gate.   Even winning comps isn't always the best plan.  I think she was more concerned with trying to appear to be the best than actually playing the best.  Sometimes the best thing to do is hang in the background for a while and let the game beasts take each other out.  

I think if she was given a second chance, she'd likely tone it down. I think, once time passes, she'll see what mistakes she made and what to improve on so her second appearance shouldn't mirror her first. I would not be opposed to Shannon returning. I don't think it's going to happen, but if it does, I think she'll play differently. 

8 hours ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

Yeah, I like her best. I imagine I'll react the same way if I ever play as  a long time BB.

It can't be easy separating emotions and the people who betrayed her, were her friends. She didn't play a victim, she was a victim.

A victim who betrayed her first alliance member, Omorosa?  A victim who threw Ari and Brandi under the bus for a final two with James?  A victim because her game sucked?  I agree she made a lot of "victim noises" (tm Cody the Cruddy).  But an actual victim?  I think not.

  • Love 3

I would hope so but I kind of doubt it.  DWTS was 10 years ago and she came off a bit desperate, whiny and entitled then*, and doesn't seem to have learned from it.  

* MMV, but she didn't get too far on that show despite having Super Derek as her pro, who has won the thing SIX times.


I truly think there is a reason that she never made it very far in Hollywood. She not a good person to be around. Well that, and she cant act.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, Nashville said:

Same here, all around - but while I’m sure the Production edit hasn’t helped, I also think Omarosa has shot herself in the foot more than a little with her willingness (eagerness, even) to adopt the “Evil Villainess” role O is so certain she was cast to play.  

I can understand O’s convictions that the EV role stirs things up, makes the show more interesting, ups the !!!DRAMA!!! factor and the viewership, etc., etc., and she is probably right.  O’s performance comes across as mean-spirited and avaricious, though, and IMHO neither will stand her well in the AFP vote.


I see this as a manners issue, not a feminist issue - and I don’t see how a desire for gender equality automatically translates to bad manners and a lack of social grace.


I'm a female, a feminist and still appreciate chivalry.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Wings said:

You are not out of place.  My sons, who are in their 40s have good manners and hold doors.  It is true that we all have to be okay with where we are but you are not alone.  I get doors held for me all the time.  

Please tell me you have a single son!

Can I tell you how much I love "ignorance + bitch mode"? It's perfect!

(I'm also stealing that phrase for future conversations with my students because they will understand those descriptors loud and clear. Thank you!)

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Alternately, from a feeds point of view, I could see why people want Omarosa to win AFP. Her game play has been near excellent and somehow, despite being public enemy number one, she has managed to avoid being evicted (sure, that was because of Keshia's noble boob sacrifice but still). I think it's one of those things that if you can separate her outside life from her BB life and just focus on what she's done there in the house, it's impressive. It's not the best we've ever seen. It's certainly not the worst we've ever seen. And yes, she had no problem playing the race card at her first opportunity. But even that could be considered a game play move. 

But it's Omarosa and therefore, we must hate her and never ever praise her for anything even if she does something decent. And I popcorn her as much as anyone else, though in my defense, everything I learned about U.S. politics was from grade 9 Social Studies and The West Wing (and C.J. never had to pay for her sandwich on Air Force One). But I will say that she's playing a good game. The husband, who only watches the broadcast show, even pointed out to me the other night that if he looked at it objectively, he thought she was playing the better game in there. 

So maybe it's a good thing us Canadians can't purchase the feeds legally or vote in their damned polls, because I'd throw my twenty votes at her for AFP. 

I also learned that Martin Sheen was the first person to drop the mic.


"Think about those questions, would you? One last thing, while you may be mistaking this for your monthly meeting of the Ignorant Tightass Club, in this building, when the President stands, nobody sits."

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Alternately, from a feeds point of view, I could see why people want Omarosa to win AFP. Her game play has been near excellent and somehow, despite being public enemy number one, she has managed to avoid being evicted (sure, that was because of Keshia's noble boob sacrifice but still). I think it's one of those things that if you can separate her outside life from her BB life and just focus on what she's done there in the house, it's impressive. It's not the best we've ever seen. It's certainly not the worst we've ever seen. And yes, she had no problem playing the race card at her first opportunity. But even that could be considered a game play move. 

But it's Omarosa and therefore, we must hate her and never ever praise her for anything even if she does something decent. And I popcorn her as much as anyone else, though in my defense, everything I learned about U.S. politics was from grade 9 Social Studies and The West Wing (and C.J. never had to pay for her sandwich on Air Force One). But I will say that she's playing a good game. The husband, who only watches the broadcast show, even pointed out to me the other night that if he looked at it objectively, he thought she was playing the better game in there. 

So maybe it's a good thing us Canadians can't purchase the feeds legally or vote in their damned polls, because I'd throw my twenty votes at her for AFP. 

I feel the same way. If I could vote, I'd give it to her too.

I think it's going to be between Shannon and Metta though.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Matteo said:

It sounds like the Celebrity season has actually been going pretty well, ratings/scheduling/interest-wise for CBS, so I'm sure they will do it again, and probably even sooner than we expect, depending on the Celeb interest?  I wouldn't be mad with them switching between a Celebrity season and seeing BB:OTT back in some capacity (even if they ramped up the speed of the next BB:OTT to make it a shorter season, too?)

Both of those were better for me than the last few summer broadcast seasons have been!

They still have plenty of A-List reality stars to go after for the show that probably wouldn't say no. Tiffany Pollard, plenty of Housewives, Mob Wives to go after lol. Farrah Abraham, Jersey Shore, Aaron Carter. This just scratched the surface. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Bridget said:

Please tell me you have a single son!

Can I tell you how much I love "ignorance + bitch mode"? It's perfect!

(I'm also stealing that phrase for future conversations with my students because they will understand those descriptors loud and clear. Thank you!)

Ha ha!  The pilot is single and handsome.  :^)  And he likes BB.  

  • Love 3

I've only been able to pop in on the feeds and see what's happening in short increments today and last night.  But, from what I gathered, I think that the house guests are afraid of Brandi getting her hands on any wine tonight (understandably).  I think they've had enough of her behavior when she has been drinking.


Also, when I caught a minute of a Ross-Brandi chat last night/early this morning, it was basically Brandi saying things like "...but you promised we'd have a final 2... but you pinky swore... but you've known me longer than Marissa..." and Ross saying lots of "I'm sorry... I'm sorry."   Brandi denied trying to get Marissa to vote him out and denied telling Marissa that Ross was after her.


Then, just a while ago when I tuned in, there was more of Ross-Brandi and "...but you promised we'd have a final 2... but you pinky swore... but you've known me longer than Marissa..." and Ross saying lots of "I'm sorry... I'm sorry.... things have changed..."    So, the same thing they were talking about when I saw them talking last night, essentially.


And then Omarosa told Mark or James (maybe both) about Ross and Brandi having a final 2.  And Oma even mentioned that they pinky swore on it.


The Brandi told Marissa that she had a final 2 with Ross, and that they pinky swore.  Marissa already knew about it and didn't care.


Ross told Ari that he is not going to vote Marissa out.  Ari was trying to make him feel guilty for making a deal with Brandi and backing out on it.  Ross said that was 22 days ago, and a lot has changed.


So, the moral of the story is that if you pinky swear on anything, you will be expected to honor that commitment for the rest of your life!  lol


7:56 p.m. -- Marissa told Ross that Brandi is getting ready to "put on a show" for Pop TV at 9 p.m.  -- probably involving wine -- and suggested that they go to sleep at 9 p.m.  Ross said he "just won't engage" in whatever Brandi is doing.  They're afraid she is going to start something.

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Orillia said:

Isn't it just common courtesy to hold the door open? If I'm exiting and someone is approaching to enter I hold the door open for them whether they are male or female, young or old. And I'm happy to say nearly everyone gives a little nod or says thanks, just as I do if someone holds the door for me. 

Same here. Though, my biggest pet peeve involves door holding. I'm not like that one strong independent woman mentioned above, but when there's a lot of people going through a door it's common courtesy to hold it for the person behind you, and then they'll do the same for the person behind them. A steady flow of holding the door to help keep the line moving. But I hate it when you hold the door open for the person behind you and they just go through it, leaving you hanging onto the door for the person behind that person.

It shouldn't bother me, but it does. Especially if they don't say anything and just walk through.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Not sure if you live feeders can answer this, but is the DE for 2 separate nominations or both of Mark's nominees? Because I'd like him to put up Marissa and see both her and Brandi eliminated together. And this is coming from someone who hasn't had to endure the 2 of them on the feeds. Thanks in advance.

I'm not entirely sure how it's all going to play out tomorrow night, but it seems like it will be for 2 separate nominations.

Marissa is on the block now, next to Brandi, because Ari won POV and took herself off the block.  Mark did not want to put Oma up, just in case she got voted out instead of Brandi.  So the plan is that Brandi is to get evicted tomorrow.

After she goes, then I suppose there will be another quick HOH comp, then nominations, and some sort of super fast Veto situation, and then the second eviction.   

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Orillia said:

Isn't it just common courtesy to hold the door open? If I'm exiting and someone is approaching to enter I hold the door open for them whether they are male or female, young or old. And I'm happy to say nearly everyone gives a little nod or says thanks, just as I do if someone holds the door for me. 

*I’ve* always thought so.  :>


21 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Did Brandi get her wine yet ?

Just got it; Brandi just pulled the cork on a bottle of white.

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Thank goodness you're back !

Did Brandi get her wine yet ?

Yes!  I was just coming back here to mention that Brandi got her hands on a bottle of white wine -- she first said they only got one bottle.   But then she said that there is apparently red wine in the fridge.

Marissa and Ross did not go to sleep, as they said they would do at 9 p.m.  So, if Brandi starts acting crazy, they knew what they were getting into.

As the camera just focused on Brandi trying to open the bottle of white wine, she muttered something (not sure to which person?) about how they were being "a fucking bitch."

So, in other words, she is already fired up and will probably start mouthing off.


Why must Marissa and Ari keep shrieking?  Good Lord, my eardrums can't handle these sudden shrieks and squeals for no good reason.  lol

  • Love 3

So, even though I hate everyone and everything about this show (sorry), I still check into the feeds, because...Big Brother. I enjoyed watching some of the feeds during the veto ceremony because those kittens and pupppies (once they finally woke up) were getting after it, and it was a nice respite from my regular life right now.

ANYway, I happened to click over to see Brandi at the kitchen table with the veto necklace around her neck. Y’all, I about had a heart attack!! I mean, I don’t particularly care for Ariadna, I think she’s a bit of a hypocrite and judgy, but the thought of her ruining her excellent game for freaking Brandi? Total panic.

Luckily all is well, Brandi is probably gone, and we somehow get to watch five people leave in...three? Days? This schedule is the absolute worst.

As for the whole door issue, which is a thing, I don’t know what the hell to do. I always say ‘Thank You’ when a door is opened, because yes. But if there are double doors (which is quite common in my world), I always go to open the second door. Which, fine.  But you know what? There’s a long hallway leading to a door leading to my parking garage, and sometimes men hold it open for me when I’m really far away, and I feel a bit pissed about it, because I feel the need to rush. The door will still be there when I get there. I am actually quite capable of opening it. So yeah, I feel all sides, and sometimes do in a single day. Does that make me a feminist who is ruining everything? Oh well. 

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9:38 p.m. -- Brandi is telling Mark that "he's a dick."  I don't know if she is talking about James?  Or Ross?   She is not talking about Mark being a dick, but one of the other guys.   She seems to want to get into it, but Mark is trying to veer away from talking about it.  Luckily, other house guests distracted them.


Now, Brandi is trying to remind everyone about how she had a final 2 deal with Ross, and how Ross has one with everyone.

(No one really cares.  They're all tired of hearing about it.)


Oma said she had a 5-minute alliance with Shannon, and then 15 minutes later, Shannon abandoned it.


Brandi brought the conversation back to her friendship with Ross outside of the house, and how they had a final 2 deal.

(Let it go, Brandi!!!!!)


Oma changed the subject to have everyone give one word to describe their experience in the BB house.

Edited by TVFan17
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2 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

9:38 p.m. -- Brandi is telling Mark that "he's a dick."  I don't know if she is talking about James?  Or Ross?   She is not talking about Mark being a dick, but one of the other guys.   She seems to want to get into it, but Mark is trying to veer away from talking about it.  Luckily, other house guests distracted them.

Ross, I think - but if Brandi is trying to be dramatic, she’d probably be more successful if she wiped off whatever the hell is stuck on her face first; it’s distracting as hell.  Is that a faux beauty mark jewel, or a glob of mayo?

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Ross, I think - but if Brandi is trying to be dramatic, she’d probably be more successful if she wiped off whatever the hell is stuck on her face first; it’s distracting as hell.  Is that a faux beauty mark jewel, or a glob of mayo?

lol  I just went back to look.  It almost looks like she has something covering up a zit.  I don't know if that's what it is, but it does look like a glob of mayo!   lol

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