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S05.E06: We're Having A Baby

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and Buddy, can you try to get through the 28 days before you go start training to be an addictions counselor. Good Grief...I would think 5 years sober might be the first step to being i a place to tell others what to do.

I feel like I hear something similar on Intervention pretty often. It makes sense - you hit this bottom, go to rehab and then all these people are there who have survived it and are helping you and helping others - it's natural that you would want to be like them. Not that they all go onto careers in addiction treatment but I think an interest/desire in doing so is pretty common among people early in recovery.

  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

You think the bite was Piggy making a romantic overture???

What a good sport Glen is to wear that t-shirt. 

Unneutered male animals can get very aggressive.  

Dad is super generous,  taking 5  friends to Hawaii? Can someone let me know what dad does for a living??  Nice guy, but treats daughter like a big baby.  She's like 30, right?

  • Love 9

I love pigs. I don't eat pork, I post pictures on my FB of little piggies getting their heads slammed against cement floors to encourage other people not to eat pork, I have a pinterest page of little cute piggies, and I would love to have a little pig. BUT, they get bigger.  You have to be committed to having a mature pig, not just the cute little piggie.  That's why thinking adults don't buy pets that they won't keep for the long haul, even after said pet gets past the cute stage and become a bit much to handle (that's why we have always had rabbits. Rabbits don't go bad on you.) 

These folks got a little pig and were lied to by the seller. Esther got big but her dads kept her because they made that commitment to her. Look for her videos on YT to see what it's like to have a 600 lb pig have the run of your house.

As usual, Whit, you're a thoughtless child - actually, you give children a bad name.

  • Love 6
Just now, Snarkastikate said:

Piggy isn't livestock Whitney,  he's a pig bred to be a pet.  And I thought it was pretty funny when Whitney said that Babs has trouble losing  pets...... she sure had no problem rejecting the ugly kitten that Whitney shoved in her face!!   And rightly so.....

Meaning that no one should gift a pet 

  • Love 11

So Twit was the "Birth and Labour Coach" (cough cough) and yet you clearly hear the voice a calm and trained woman actually coaching Ashley with intermittent bursts of Twit exclaiming "breathe" or "OMG" or whatever nonsense. And when she first came into the hospital room and was looking around at all the monitors and such. I was SO scared she was start touching things or pushing buttons in the "what does THIS one do?!?!" vein and cause a ruckus.  Poor baby. Welcome to the big, fat, fabulous world. Gag.

WHITNEY probably didn't want there to be cameras so she could claim how she HELPED Ashley give birth. Bitch please. Being in the room does not equal helping. 

  • Love 13

I not sure I’m remembering correctly but I thought they did get the pig neutered after he was humping Wit. 

I don't know about pigs, but dogs will still hump even post neutering. Female dogs also will hump, spayed or not. 

In any event, Piggy will be much better off on a farm, with other pigs, some mud, maybe some fields to do whatever it is that pigs do to entertain themselves...

  • Love 1

Ok noodles with hot sauce, really? Why not take her out for some great Indian or Mexican food or to a spa for goodness sake. Why are you wiping Kleenex on her face ?  Why rubbing the breasts? Stop, just stop.

Also, she has NO right to speak about Buddy's addiction, NONE. She didn't even speak to him how dare she communicate his "thoughts"

Edited by sainte-chapelle
  • Love 14
5 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I don't know about pigs, but dogs will still hump even post neutering. Female dogs also will hump, spayed or not. 

In any event, Piggy will be much better off on a farm, with other pigs, some mud, maybe some fields to do whatever it is that pigs do to entertain themselves...

You are correct about the post spay or neuter humping.  I was dog sitting for my son and the little female beagle would periodically get on the big black lab and hump.

  • Love 1

It was creepy how Whitney kept hovering over Ashley and the baby. Like, strangely close and awkward. Then I realized she was probably trying to smell the baby, baby's breath, breast milk, something. And right on cue, Whitney says, "I'm so tempted to smell the baby's breath...but I won't." There was a pause like she was waiting for an invitation. Luckily Ashley sniffed the baby's mouth so we didn't have to see Whitney shove her nose inside of it like she does with her cats.

Was that little aluminum-looking shower cap on the baby's head a new thing? I haven't seen that before.

This episode made me realize that ramen noodles with hot sauce is a "thing". My husband lived in North Carolina for a few years when he was younger, and as long as we've been married he has always eaten his Ramen with Louisiana hot sauce or Texas Pete. He even taught our kids to do it, and they won't eat ramen without it now. I always thought it was gross.

Edited by shoovenbooty
  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, shoovenbooty said:

This episode made me realize that ramen noodles with hot sauce is a "thing". My husband lived in North Carolina for a few years, and as long as we've been married he has always eaten his Ramen with Louisiana hot sauce or Texas Pete. He even taught our kids to do it, and they won't eat ramen without it now. I always thought it was gross.

I grew up in DC, kinda the South, but not really. I put hot sauce on almost everything, just because, well - hot sauce. One of my sisters told me she went to lunch with a friend who pulled out a little bottle of Louisiana Hot Sauce from her purse.  As  my sister commented, "You know you black when you carry your own hot sauce." 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, PityFree said:

 That pig could have knocked Babs off-balance and really hurt her if she’d ended up on the ground. She’s still recovering from a stroke and her balance might not be great and her reflexes might not have come back yet.  I have a friend who grew up on a farm and they had pigs and she hated pigs - she said they were aggressive and mean.

um...they are not...just very smart...thats like saying pit bulls are aggressive and mean...I hate when animals get tagged with a certain behavior...Im probably friends with more mini pigs on IG and FB than people...and they are AMAZING.

Shit Whitney, you ever watch My Cat from Hell?

Um yeah, cats bite....a LOT.

99.9 percent of the time, its not the animal's fault, but they pay the price?

Pigs are pack animals?? Jesus Christ, so are dogs...so lets all take our dogs to a dog farm somewhere...this is such bullshit...do your research before getting ANY animal period.

Edited by Christi
  • Love 10

I have to assume that Ashley and the baby's father (I know she mentioned his name a couple of times, but I don't remember it)  were the ones who refused to have the delivery filmed, and TLC put up that screen to make it seem as if they were graciously conceding Ashley her privacy. But really, I don't think TLC would have filmed it in any case, because it wouldn't suit the storyline to show Ashley surrounded by family, with her boyfriend doing the actual birth assistance, while Whitney was probably relegated to the hallway to wait it out. This way they could put whatever soundtrack over the "delivery" that they wanted; it mostly seemed to consist of Whitney squealing, braying and asking to hold Ashley's leg.

  • Love 6
24 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

I've watched every episode of this travesty, and I can say without reservation that tonight's episode is unsurpassed in depicting just how truly awful Whitney is as a human being.

Calling out Tal's being in recovery, when he clearly wasn't comfortable with it.

Decreeing herself the one who just must blab about Buddy's situation "to everyone", and trying to borrow Buddy's ordeal to bask in reflected sympathy.

Calling out Bab's on her "stroke brain", or whatever she called it when Babs had trouble with word-finding or articulation.

Calling Glenn (presumably at work) all hysterical and making it sound like Babs was bleeding out after being gored by the pig when she wasn't even bleeding anymore.

Not having the common sense to simply drive Babs to a doc-in-a-box (where Whitney's already a frequent flyer) to see if she needs stitches or whatever kind of shot you need when you get bit by a pig.

Making the birth all about herself . . . and fishing for the chance to smell the baby's breath?  The fuck?

I'm sure I'm missing some others.


You know, after a few arrests Keith Richards was interviewed and said "I don't have a drug problem.  I have a police problem".  In that same vein, I'd say Buddy didn't have a drug problem.  He had a Whitney problem.


  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

I've watched every episode of this travesty, and I can say without reservation that tonight's episode is unsurpassed in depicting just how truly awful Whitney is as a human being.

Calling out Tal's being in recovery, when he clearly wasn't comfortable with it.

Decreeing herself the one who just must blab about Buddy's situation "to everyone", and trying to borrow Buddy's ordeal to bask in reflected sympathy.

Calling out Bab's on her "stroke brain", or whatever she called it when Babs had trouble with word-finding or articulation.

Calling Glenn (presumably at work) all hysterical and making it sound like Babs was bleeding out after being gored by the pig when she wasn't even bleeding anymore.

Not having the common sense to simply drive Babs to a doc-in-a-box (where Whitney's already a frequent flyer) to see if she needs stitches or whatever kind of shot you need when you get bit by a pig.

Making the birth all about herself . . . and fishing for the chance to smell the baby's breath?  The fuck?

I'm sure I'm missing some others.


You know, after a few arrests Keith Richards was interviewed and said "I don't have a drug problem.  I have a police problem".  In that same vein, I'd say Buddy didn't have a drug problem.  He had a Whitney problem.

applause!! applause!!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I feel like I hear something similar on Intervention pretty often. It makes sense - you hit this bottom, go to rehab and then all these people are there who have survived it and are helping you and helping others - it's natural that you would want to be like them. Not that they all go onto careers in addiction treatment but I think an interest/desire in doing so is pretty common among people early in recovery.

Yes, it is common, and relapse is also common. I see this often (clients who are fresh out of rehab and wanting to be a counselor) and the re-direct is really slowing down, one day at a time and learning to care for yourself first. The program is set up for safety and structure and things get much harder after discharge around people places and things. So yes, I appreciate the sentiment, and people who have been through addiction and are on the other side for a good period of time (years) can make the absolute best counselors ever. I may be wrong but I think in AA/NA that it is recommended to choose  a sponsor that is at least 5 years sober? ( I do no work in addictions, but interact with a lot of clients who are in various stages of addiction and recovery) Just my two cents :)

  • Love 3

The script writers missed an awesome line tonight.  When Heather hears the news, she should have said “I can’t believe he was doing that right under my nose!” Get it? Coke...nose...   BWAHAHA! Yes...I know my way out...but come on, you know you laughed...

Okay, I’ll stop with the dumb jokes but seriously, Heather doesn’t react to Buddy being an addict because she knew.  She kept Buddy’s secret like all good enablers. The letter said “thanks for everything you did to get me here”.  He also invites her to see him.  That means there’s something going on there still. And no one wanted Whit to know because...Whitney.    I’m surprised Tal didn’t know but he may not see Buddy that much. 

No Whit, you don’t need to see him.  He didn’t ask to see you .

Heather is an enabler.  Her real worry is if he’s not an addict, there won’t be any more opportunity to enable where he is concerned. That said, I get her not trusting him.  We have addicts in my family. They are so...exhausting.  Their past actions have led to life altering realities for everyone close to them.  

Tal is right...Buddy needs to not live with Whitney.  Buddy wanting to be a drug counselor is like those people who find   religion in jail.  Short lived.  

How many laps you think she swam?  I hope I never utter the words “I weigh 3x what that pig weighs “.  Oh dear...

Edited by supahfly
  • Love 17

What is wrong with Heather? It seems like she'd take back Buddy right this minute! Drug problem and all! Is she crazy? She has kids. There's more to consider. You don't just let in a drug addict into your kids' lives. I realize she still loves the guy and the heart wants what the heart wants and all that, but the kids are the priority. Heather has zero self-esteem. 

Edited by zenme
  • Love 17
4 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:

So what we've basically got here is a woman who seems pretty unemployable and very immature,  and is struggling to stay interesting enough so that her show isn't canceled.

And failing in that effort.  This episode was a real snoozefest.


3 hours ago, PityFree said:

Also who puts frozen peas on an animal bite??

Frozen peas are often used for a cold compress.  Also, they're what you should feed ducks in a pond, rather than bread.  

3 hours ago, WaterSpirit said:

Whitney must have been the grade school snitch...she just blurts out everyone's business, tells on Buddy,

So Buddy invites Heather, and Whit's going too?  And if Tal has been through rehab, that's his business, not the world's.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Also, she has NO right to speak about Buddy's addiction, NONE. She didn't even speak to him how dare she communicate his "thoughts"

She's never seemed to have any boundaries.  And she got in another dig about the money he owes her.

I do hope they checked to see if pig bites can be dangerous.

  • Love 5

Twit, you have got to be kidding me. She's wearing flippers and still not generating a decent splash. Those flippers are doing all the work driving her instead of her legs. Also, her suit's about 5 sizes too small. She's absolutely tuning out Glenn when he's talking about the 5k until she gets her friends to come along.

Did I miss Buddy inviting Twit to visit him? I would swear I only heard him invite Heather. But it's got to always be about Twit.

She was trying hard to get a smell of the baby or the breast milk. Ashley, don't encourage that.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Whitney did then Tal spoke to the camera about it. He said he's been in recovery a long time and also works in that field.

Weren't we originally told he was a school counselor?


4 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

So Twit was the "Birth and Labour Coach" (cough cough) and yet you clearly hear the voice a calm and trained woman actually coaching Ashley with intermittent bursts of Twit exclaiming "breathe" or "OMG" or whatever nonsense. And when she first came into the hospital room and was looking around at all the monitors and such. I was SO scared she was start touching things or pushing buttons in the "what does THIS one do?!?!" vein and cause a ruckus.  Poor baby. Welcome to the big, fat, fabulous world. Gag.

WHITNEY probably didn't want there to be cameras so she could claim how she HELPED Ashley give birth. Bitch please. Being in the room does not equal helping. 

I'd bet $$ that she was never in that delivery room and her voice was superimposed on whatever intrusive video WAS taped in that room.  (And the OBGYN then gave the line about her "holding the leg" because he had agreed to be filmed)


2 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Whitney getting in the pool "I have shin splints." Everytime exercise comes up she fakes an injury right on cue.

Best line of the night was Glenn's response: "From what?"


2 hours ago, shoovenbooty said:

Was that little aluminum-looking shower cap on the baby's head a new thing? I haven't seen that before.

Smelling a baby's head is a thing - probably brought on special to keep Whit from eating it :D

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Snarkastikate said:

Unneutered male animals can get very aggressive.  

Dad is super generous,  taking 5  friends to Hawaii? Can someone let me know what dad does for a living??  Nice guy, but treats daughter like a big baby.  She's like 30, right?

Piggy was neutered when he was about half-grown becuze he began humping humans' legs, incl. Twit's who screamed for "Mommeeee" & made a BFD out of it.

Glenn is the VP of a printing company. He's obviously also a partner or he would not be there at age 72. He's one of those old men who can't give up work gracefully & let younger people have a shot at management positions. I'm sure half the employees at the print shop wish he would getta life & leave.

Twit will be 34 in April.

  • Love 12

I remember when Piggy was neutered.  A lot of people that keep pigs as pets love them when they're small and cute but give up after they get huge.  Babs getting rid of him was predictable from day one.

I don't fault Glenn for working at his age.  These days 72 is not considered that old and people that are part owners in anything (and professionals like doctors and lawyers) often continue to work past traditional retirement age.  Often they do it because they have to in order to enjoy the same quality of life.  Glenn is energetic and not ready to step down.  Lord knows, the corporate world "retires" people against their will all the time so it's not like there aren't a lot of other opportunities open for younger people.

  • Love 11

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