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The Bachelor Winter Games - General Discussion

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Not sure if this is a spoiler because it's a published article, but I'm posting it here since there's no media thread - TV guide has the contestant list and some pics.

Clare really needs to step away from the reality shows (and by the looks of it, the plastic surgery). As much as I like her, she's looking more and more desperate, and I don't think she'll "find love" with any of the shallow man-children that are going to be there.

I wonder who will become Ashley I's unrequited crush, since Jared is not there. My money is on Dean.

I love that they're including international people - I don't watch the international Bachelor/Bachelorette shows, so it'll be fresh faces for me.

  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Ew!!! That's a whole new level of trashy. 

Well I just reread Steve's spoilers and its not clear if the deed is done on the show or since filming has ended. 

Reunion show is taping next week and according to Steve's post, Ashley's deflowering will be the main focus but the guy from Canada, Kevin, has no intention of committing.   Just wants the "fame" of being the deflower-er.    Double ewwwww on that

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 9

I've been more than over Ashley I and her "weird mean girl meets crying psycho meets self aware friend to all men (but not women) meets scene chewing Khard-Zilla" schtick for quite awhile now.

I just hate her. I won't even listen to podcasts w/ her on them. 

And now she's going to eat up another season of a Bachelor related show? And it's going to be about her effing virginity again? ? 

I hope she either marries the guy or is so crushed over the whole thing that she quits the franchise. Anything to get her to go the away and cry into someone else's prime time.

Edited by nicgwatchingtv
  • Love 12

So I prepped myself with?to get through this. I conclude that I did kill quite a few gray cells and don't think I'm making it through the whole episode. 

I was embarrassed to see ?? on the jackets of some of these morons. Luke was a pleasure to see again, although I just saw him on celebrity family feud 2 days ago.

?? eliminates their contestants in style, just fly off and leave her stranded in the tarmac.

An anthem!!! ?

  • Love 8

I think the most I'll be able to handle of this show is a few minutes when commercials are on the station I'm really watching. Then again, those commercials might be better watched than this show. Seeing some of these people again make my head want to explode, and I know it will only get worse when "competition" starts. I cross country, downhill, snowboard and skate, so to see these rubes doing those things so horribly to get more of their 15 minutes ... I just don't think I can.

  • Love 2

This opening is everything. I particularly love EVERYONE expressly proclaiming that they will be the complete opposite of who they actually are—and then not making it through their recorded segments before reverting back to their true selves (eg, Josiah’s “oops, that sounds cocky” and Dean’s “spaghetti or ramen? Spaghetti or ramen?”)

Heeeeyyy, Harrison, rockin the stubble. Will you accept this rose? Also roses to Team Germany/Switzerland guy and Josiah. Oh, never mind, Josiah and the NZ “bodankadonk” girl “having a cheeky little snog” 5 minutes into the house.

Oh, Eric is there! “It’s all good. My race didn’t finish yet.” Another motivational book in the making.

Oh, dear, Ashley is crying ALREADY! “Sob-ha-sob-ha-sob!” “Are you laughing or crying?” “Both! Sob-ha— It’s what Sob-ha—I doooooSOBoooooo! Snort!”

Everyone is hooking up EXCEPT for the hottest guy there, Christian, who is afraid of being sent home because he has no one?!? And women worldwide are throwing roses at their TVs.

Ooh! A Wrong Reasons vote off!! But now all of the girls are voting off Josiah because he snogged with Badonkadonk too quickly and wasn’t interested in talking to the other girls?! What the heck?! Half these people are doing the same thing, so what makes their smooching Right Reasons over Josiah’s?

I’m taking back my rose from Christian after that odd confrontation with Clare. Now I’ve spoken to you, so I cannot kiss any other women; seemingly expecting a vow not to speak to Benoit again. Huh? And Harrison shaved, so that was some short-lived hotness. And Josiah is certain to go home, so, man, things change fast in Winter Games. All of those previews with the many Ashley tears and all of the love triangles seem to be in this ONE episode. After boring Grandpa Possum, this is almost too much action to track.

Yay, Josiah gets to stay—even though we saw approximately 13 cards with his name on it...and I don’t think there are even that many women there to vote! But vengeance that the woman who told Badonkadonk that they’re all going to vote out Josiah was voted out herself. Take that! No, YOU’RE Here for the Wrong Reasons! (And no disrespect to Badonkadonk. I just don’t know what her name is.)

Sad to see Eric go. He’s shy, but I think because he really IS Right Reasons, not just grabbing the first girl he can.

Ok, since I don’t know which guy to give my rose to, I’m giving my rose to the Japanese girl!

Edited by JenE4
  • Love 9

Too much time was wasted with the Harrison and that other woman's commentary, as well as the lengthy explanation of the biathlon. I'd rather all contestants had gotten screen time - Jamey and Lauren G, we hardly knew ye!

I call BS on the vote, TPTB knew exactly who they wanted to stay.

I don't know if Kevin just looks much better in person, but I'm not seeing the attraction at all. And if he gets involved with Ashley, he's not only unattractive but also stupid.

Favorite "couple" so far are Luke and Rebecca.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, crgirl412 said:

Ashley has probably been an everything-but-vaginal-intercourse gal for many years.  She has plenty of experience.  

Yeah probably which makes her virginity all the more pointless. 

I love Claire. 

Where did Kevin or Keith? come from. The one who chose Bibliana. 

Edited by Wings
  • Love 2

So was the first rose ceremony on the second night?  And they didn't tell them it was elimination "Survivor" style?  It looks like everyone was expecting it to play out like BIP so they rushed to make a connection and secure their rose rather than playing nice with everyone.  It looks like they are bringing in new players next episode--how long before the contestants figure out that they should vote out the connected couples to increase their odds of someone new coming in that they can "connect" with?

I have to admit, I kind of liked the spoof on the Olympics!  It was kind of fun to see them compete for the date cards, but it definitely looks like there is at least one ringer.  It will be less interesting if the same people keep winning all the competitions.

  • Love 6

The Japanese girl is amazing.  She just seems to be having so much fun (and ouch at that elimination on her show).  I'm sad that we lost some of the international contestants that we didn't get to know but it's not like China was going to hook up anyway.  I'm glad there will be less contestants though, there are too many to keep track of right now.

The commentary during the competition wasn't as entertaining as whoever the awesome copywriter is who comes up with the captions.  The one girl who has a cracked butt. . .

  • Love 7
34 minutes ago, crgirl412 said:

Ashley has probably been an everything-but-vaginal-intercourse gal for many years.  She has plenty of experience.  

"Her mouth is not a virgin," TM Carly.

29 minutes ago, Wings said:

Where did Kevin or Keith? come from. The one who chose Bibliana. 


Kevin's from Canada. According to his intro, he "won" the Canadian Bachelorette but they broke up two months later.

13 minutes ago, Wings said:

I feel your pain. Drink water and rest. 

I'd just poured myself a tall glass right before reading your comment. Great minds think alike.

4 minutes ago, betha said:

I’m pretty uncomfortable with the vote-off system. 2/3 of the African Americans and half of the Asians were just there for the wrong reasons, huh? 

It crossed my mind that Josiah was kept despite seemingly getting a lot of votes because TPTB realized how bad it would look if all three African Americans went home on the first night.

Edited by chocolatine
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

Ok, since I don’t know which guy to give my rose to, I’m giving my rose to the Japanese girl!

She's the best, really. An undiscovered gem. And she obviously knows a LOT more english than she lets on as she knew that the subject they were talking about was "heavy" for example. I love her though.

1 hour ago, Real4real said:

It looks like they are bringing in new players next episode

I wonder if that was people coming back to maybe host competitions or be 'commentators' on the challenges though. They have a pretty big cast for a limited run as is.

I loved Ashley's cry-laughter and it being "what I do".

I did feel like we were watching some creepy teen 'makeout' party though. I'll be interested to see if the 'right reasons' vote stays intact or if they'll now switch back to roses just to mess with their heads.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Heeeeyyy, Harrison, rockin the stubble. Will you accept this rose?

I DVRed this so just starting watching it now but Harrison can get it with the stubble...

3 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Kevin looks Neanderthally

He looked pretty good until he took that hat off and you could see his Cro Magnon skull

  • Love 8

Michael was there!? Did they show him at all before the rose ceremony? I still like Clare and think her two prospects are pretty yummy. I agree that it had an air of a high school no parents make-out party at times. I was waiting for someone to suggest spin the bottle. You know that wouldn’t be a bad way to shake up the set couples and force dates! Lol. 

You knew Ashley Cry wouldn’t be leaving on a first out and neither would Ben the one time bachelor. I don’t know who these people are completely yet, but the girl from Japan seems to just be there for fun and maybe to continue her TV journey. I found it interesting how some of the international ladies didn’t do a full instagram face and hair routine for the rose ceremony. Not to be too catty, okay to be catty, the girl who left that had on the black dress with the plunging neckline was oddly unbalanced at times when the camera cut to her. She needed to arrange her boobs better in that ugly dress. 

Edited by ramble
  • Love 7

I also loved Courtney's original dismissal: Courtney: "I may love you at the end of this, but no.  I dont love you now." Bachelorette: "I think you should leave now".  Me: crying/laughing Ashley I style.  

Loved the Biathlon.  All the pratfalls. The Eric moment.  

Kevin does look exactly like James Marsden in some camera angles.  But Ashley ai is wrong.   He isnt Tom Brady the other half the time, He is Encino Man. I cant quite wrap my head around the disconnect - he has glimpses of being such a hunk, followed by looking SOOOO busted.  Mind blown  

  • Love 16

Unpopular opinion coming up: hated it.  

Whoever wrote this show didn’t even try to hide the fake.

It it was so obviously painfully scripted and fake I was embarrassed for them second hand. It was like watching washed up Z-list actors. Begging you to love them again. It was just SAD.

So.  Paradise ain’t where old bachelors & bachelorettes go to die. 

This is. 

How awful. All those has beens, Painfully holding out hope for just 5 more minutes of fame. 

  • Love 12

I made it 1 hour and 10 minutes in before I pulled the plug, and I'm done.  I refuse to watch the Ashley I show, so that was a total waster of time.

I don't care about these losers and won't ever.  I always had a soft spot for Clare, but this latest and most desperate bid for attention ended that.  I'll read Reality Steve's spoilers as usual, but won't spend any more time on this.  

  • Love 2

I’m having trouble picturing how The Bachelor works in some of these countries. So, in China, they’re not allowed to kiss. Chinese people can also be very reserved, so do they just have polite chit chat? Where’s the drama and excitement?

Then in either Germany or Switzerland—or both—once Christian speaks to a woman, neither is allowed to speak to someone else ever again. So is it like first person out of the limo wins by default? I mean, maybe he was just a Wrong Reasons character, but they obviously liked him enough to put him on in two different countries’ shows—not to mention this one. Oh, who am I kidding? that absolutely means he’s Wrong Reasons. He’s probably the Swiss/German Chad.

On the other hand, I hope somewhere there is The Bachelor Japan with English subtitles. That looks like my kind of show! Not only is the Japanese girl cute, funny, and fun—and really holding her own keeping up with the English—but instead of a rose ceremony they line you up on a tarmac next to a private jet—and then leave the loser alone to die like on an American 2:1!! I mean, maybe that’s not every episode, but I would love to find out.

  • Love 12

Wow what a harsh rose ceremony to be right on the tarmac, and then everyone turns to board to go to the next exotic location, but not you because he dumped you.  I guess if they do not kiss the drama has to come from somewhere.

Classic case of the editors totally messing with us.  Not one conversation was heard about anyone voting off Eric, all the buzz was about Kenny, and then in the end Kenny stayed and Eric was gone.  So in THEORY more of the girls voted for Eric but no discussion leading up to this was captured on camera...?  Hoo-kay...

And was it me or were there some people who never talked, never got an intro, and never did a talking head?  There were a couple people I was thinking look SO familiar, but with no explanation who they were.

  • Love 4

Sad to confess that the time I spent watching this was more than I've spent watching the real Olympics. 

Ashley I: I think that horrible red lipstick slathered all over your mouth IS the reason MR. CANADA didn't kiss you. Tone it down and then maybe you won't have to collapse into tears every night.

I am DONE with Ben Higgins. DONE. People ragged on Nick Vial for his repeated appearances but Ben is gaining on him.  He and Ashley are past their sell-by dates for this show. But I loved seeing Lesley from Sean's season. Wow, she and Dean went right for each other. Good to see Luke again, for a change. Will he be singing? My favorite is Claire, I hope she can wander out into the woods and have a good heart-to-heart with a reindeer when her heart is inevitably broken, again, by either Mr. CANADA #2 who romantically touches raw ground meat with his hands then plants one on her, or Christian, the possessive but loner Swede. 

Eric, I'm sorry you had to go. But you probably didn't care. He probably asked the producers to cut him, as it didn't look like anyone even knew he was there. #Bogus vote.

  • Love 9

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