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S07.E10: Fertile Myrtle


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1 hour ago, TaxNerd said:

NewMatt didn't seem shy to me, he just seemed like he didn't give a damn.

I agree. I don't see him as shy either. I just see him as someone can't be arsed to make an effort with people. "Got concerns about our speedy courtship and pregnancy? Oh fucking well."


44 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I think Tyler blew up because she swatted at the milk carton and the milk spilled all over.  He didn't get mad that she wasn't making up her mind.  Although, like I said above - my kids do not get options for drinks in the car!  It is water or nothing.

Oh, I realize that. But I think the swatting came from being unable to express herself. Like someone else mentioned, it appeared she had just woken up. So she was probably still tired and cranky, on top of appearing to some trouble verbally. There was no time for adjustment or an attempt to calmly figure the situation out. It was just, "make a decision now!" 

I agree with the drink thing, though. My kids only get water 90% of their lives, and definitely in the car. 

  • Love 12
18 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Yeah right Cate. You'd be the last one invited to a party in Tyler's pants.

when she "confirmed" she was pg i literally said out loud " they have sex ?! "

17 hours ago, druzy said:

Amber's mom said treat my daughter good and New Matt said I hear what you are saying. He is very cold.

so true. unless it was heavily edited. he didnt talk much. i understand being nervous but when youre going to be in a family like this, you need to re assure them you are an ok dude. idk hes either full of it or just a douche

17 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

DebzOG omg how humiliating. Woman is deluded . David is,a jackass, but Farrah is feeding David hate to Sophia. Im sorry but a 7 year old goes to their grandmas wedding. 

Cate and Tyler. Gross

 Gary, as always, speaks truth. 

maybe she carries the cd's around with her 

  • Love 11
52 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Her other choice was soda. 

I noticed cans of Sparkling Ice in that kitchen scene. Cate had one in her hand, there were two others on the counters in the kitchen. http://www.sparklingice.com/

From what I have read, they are worse than diet soda.

Touching upon Amber's spite baby, when was it revealed Matt had married that chick in Vegas? I am trying to see if maybe Amber heard about the marriage and that was when she decided to just get pregnant.

This show should change its name to TTM (Maci will love this) - Totally Trashy Moms

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, druzy said:

#1 Matt #2 Amber covering up that Matt is the father #3 Cate learning about Tyler 

There are three blinds mixed in. 

#1 is Matt trying to keep the fame of reality star #2 Amber has the big event coming up and Andrew needs to look into paternity #3 Cate should investigate Tyler’s internet usage 

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 12
15 minutes ago, Purerockfury said:

Maybe someone can answer this for me. Are the “blinds” a fan theory, insider knowledge, something else? Curious to know where it comes from! Wouldn’t be surprised at all if they were all true.

Blinds are a very controversial topic.  Robert Downey Jr. is somehow attached (or was) to Enty Lawyer of CDAN.  https://jezebel.com/5892565/is-robert-downey-jr-spreading-insider-celeb-gossip-on-blogs

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

Anyone else notice the healthy serving of Hersey's chocolate syrup in Noooooova LEEEEEEEEE's milk cup? Does a nearly 3 year old really need chocolate milk? (my almost 4 year old has had it twice in his life)

I totally noticed this. Some of these mom's food choices for their kids baffle me....like Leah letting her daughter eat frosting from the container.

Did you also notice Cate driving her car across their lawn? Pure class.

  • Love 16
28 minutes ago, usernameG said:

I totally noticed this. Some of these mom's food choices for their kids baffle me....like Leah letting her daughter eat frosting from the container.

Did you also notice Cate driving her car across their lawn? Pure class.

Yes! I saw her driving on grass and was like, what the hell?! My guess was that they plan to move so they don't care about the lawn there.  

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

DebZ OG EMBA most definitely carries her tunes with her, along with autographed headshots that she passes out to car washes, pizza joints, and random people on the street.

Of course.

She was unable to have a nice evening with her daughter.  Debz OG, EMBA, had to make the evening about her.  She is such a fucking narcissist.

  • Love 14

Not that NuMatt is any kind of prize, but I bet his parents are like WTF is he doing knocking up this trashy crazy cow? Amber is completely crazy to be having a baby with a man she's not known even 6 months.

Mackenzie is just evil and will do anything for show. That's why she's wearing a fake ring. I bet she was pissed as hell that Ryan brought that up.

I cannot fucking believe Deb. She is out of her mind. Why would she invite Amber and Nathan and her so-called fans? No wonder Farrah doesn't want to go. It is an extremely insincere circus that I wouldn't take seriously, either. Why is she even having this huge, fancy second wedding anyhow? No class. And then trying to bribe Sophia? I know that the girl is mimicking her mother, but didn't she see David in action during that vacation? He was not nice to Farrah and that's probably when she first formed an opinion about him and then her mother reinforced it. Farrah is better than I am because she is at least trying to have a relationship with her mother.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, politichick said:


I cannot fucking believe Deb. She is out of her mind. Why would she invite Amber and Nathan and her so-called fans? No wonder Farrah doesn't want to go. It is an extremely insincere circus that I wouldn't take seriously, either. Why is she even having this huge, fancy second wedding anyhow? No class. And then trying to bribe Sophia? I know that the girl is mimicking her mother, but didn't she see David in action during that vacation? He was not nice to Farrah and that's probably when she first formed an opinion about him and then her mother reinforced it. Farrah is better than I am because she is at least trying to have a relationship with her mother.

Also, Dr. David tweeted Farrah before he tweeted Deb (like Matt Baier). David also got into a fight with Michael (hmmm, just like Matt Baier). 

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I see Ryan is now a card-carrying member of the The Brotherhood of the Couch. And speaking of of one of its senior members, was that a Christmas jumpsuit Amber had on? 

I also noticed that too! And in typical amber form, she seemed as one with the couch being that the jumpsuit blended in and her fat ass is fused to it as well. 


Side Note* i noticed the xmas shit thru this whole episode...whats with the editing? First bentley with the dabbin santa sweater (super cute btw) and than they showed maci's house has the xmas tree up! I thought bentleys bday was on halloween (which makes sense that amber was at the pumpkin patch and NotCarly kept saying "punnkins") did maci buy a xmas tree, decorate it, pull out bennys xmas sweater and decide to start early? Im confused lol 

  • Love 7

This episode of TM was brought to you by... Chocolate milk! First, they're dumping in half a bottle of Hershey's syrup, another scene she's getting nestle Quick from a giant barrel,  and then Amber is sitting next to a glass with 2 inches of undissolved chocolate in her already chocolatey milk. My kid's friend stayed over for dinner the other night. He asked if he could have soda to drink. My son said we only drink water and his friend said "us too, but I figured it was worth a try..."

Do y'all remember Cates 16&p? I remember being so impressed that she had a different hairstyle in every scene. She has just completely given up now and all I could think when she was hugging Tyler, is how extra stinky she must be to him now that he no longer smokes cigarettes. 

  • Love 8

Ryan REALLY likes that dog.  I've seen him show more affection to that King Charles than Bentley, Mac, his parents, pretty much anything else.  If petting him can keep him off heroin, great.  

And my biggest pet peeve (literally!)- Mac was driving with the dog on her lap in the previews.  My mom does it too and a cop recently pulled her over and wrote her a ticket.  It's just not safe! 

  • Love 9
59 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

Ryan REALLY likes that dog.  I've seen him show more affection to that King Charles than Bentley, Mac, his parents, pretty much anything else.  If petting him can keep him off heroin, great.  

And my biggest pet peeve (literally!)- Mac was driving with the dog on her lap in the previews.  My mom does it too and a cop recently pulled her over and wrote her a ticket.  It's just not safe! 

Zero snark aside, I have seen the same thing: Ryan really loves that dog. Really, really, really loves that dog. Maybe the dog would be eligible to serve as his emotional support animal when Ryan really does quit drugs (and stops drinking & chewing nicotine)? 

Is it too much to ask for to hope that Dr. Drew finally mentions during the reunion that quitting drugs is probably a lot easier when one also quits all other intoxicating substances as well? 

He was higher than a kite when he called Bentley on his birthday. Why didn't he FaceTime him instead, especially since he wasn't going to see him on his actual birthday? Was it because we'd see his dealer in the background or him passed out in a field of hay somewhere?

  • Love 4
On 1/29/2018 at 11:44 PM, Blissfool said:


If Leah is BoogerButt, will the new baby be Shithead?


If you think Amber's mom was shocked, you should have seen my DVR. It froze, shutdown, and rebooted as soon as Amber uttered the words "I'm pregnant." Seriously.


In a previous show's thread someone pointed out how NewMatt's beard grows full all the way to his lips. Tonight I noticed it and now it's all I can see. 


The lyrics of the song at the end:  ?...stuck in a maze, repeating all the same mistakes...?  Girls, this is shade. Teen Mom Inc. does not like you.

i must thank u for this 2am laugh! shithead tho!?! 


  • Love 5
4 hours ago, Bridget said:

Is it too much to ask for to hope that Dr. Drew finally mentions during the reunion that quitting drugs is probably a lot easier when one also quits all other intoxicating substances as well? 

Yep. I always scoff when people say weed is a gateway drug. In my experience ALCOHOL is the worst gateway drug there is, and Ryan is still using that. Even if he's not back on drugs now, if he continues drinking, he's going to eventually get drunk enough to "have a slip" with the harder stuff which will obviously lead to more & more slips...but as far as Dr. Drew is concerned, he'll probably pat Ryan on the back for his 10 minute rehab stint, then ream Maci for not trying harder to work things out with him romantically.

  • Love 20

I am living for all the shade thrown at Amber this episode. Not even 5 minutes in, and Gary says, "She can't sleep her way through this [parenthood]." Then on the hayride, when Amber asked her mom if she remembered meeting Andrew before, mom waved her hand in the air and said, "Oh, you know, there are so many people around..."

Shade, shade, shade. 

  • Love 17
19 hours ago, TaxNerd said:

NewMatt didn't seem shy to me, he just seemed like he didn't give a damn.  He was beyond rude to Amber and her family constantly and just seemed like an ass the whole hayride.  Someone who is shy wouldn't leap out of the car and quickly siddle up to Leah a few weeks ago when Amber said she didn't want Leah to meet him.  Once the new baby comes and the cameras leave, I don't see him sticking around.  He doesn't even act like he likes Amber, and this is the honeymoon period of their new relationship.

Except in that scene Amber told him she wanted to introduce him to Gary and Leah was there. So that's why he got out of the car.  It sure didn't seem like Amber was bringing Gary to the car, which would be equally as weird and kinda rude to not get out of a vehicle if you're getting introduced to someone. 

  • Love 3
23 hours ago, RoxieRambles said:

Ryan acts like Bentley's older brother or cousin if anything. I cant figure Mac out either, what is she getting out of all of this? A few teen mom dollars? Her adorable son deserves better.

I think Mac is getting a lot out of the situation:

  • Being married (For her, an end unto itself. After the embarrassment of her brief first marriage, (in her mind) she would be vindicated by a "successful" second marriage. In contrast, she will just look even more stupid and trashy if she has another brief marriage and ends up a two-time divorcee before she turns 24.)
  • Being financially supported by Ryan/his family
  • Being on TV
  • Having an insta(gram) "perfect family" (It's obvious that that image is completely fake, but she chooses to believe that people are buying it)

If she left Ryan, she'd have to get a job and figure out an identity and life plan for herself. She doesn't seem interested in any of that. She seems to want to be a SAHM/wife. Unless and until a better husband candidate comes along, she's all in with Ryan.

23 hours ago, pheebs said:

When NoReign was shrieking and the Dobe joined in for a good-ole-Dobey-howl, that did make me smile. Maybe he's teaching her to speak?

I thought the same thing. Nova is like Tarzan, except she's being raised by dogs instead of apes.

19 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

My guess is he was probably just a lonely awkward guy that wanted a girlfriend. He saw a pretty easy catch in amber and went for it. I don't think he wanted to get her pregnant. I wonder if Amber didn't tell him anything. She definitely got pregnant out of spite. How does this timing  line up with Matt getting married to the outback waitress?

That's probably the most accurate theory about NuMatt's motivation. We know he's been unlucky at love, so it's not so surprising that he jumped on the "opportunity" with Amber when it arose. He was probably surprised by the pregnancy, but he's in his early 30's and probably seeing a lot of his friends/peers getting married/having kids, so he might be hoping that the baby will help him get on track/be happy/have a successful relationship/whatever. Going with the flow is pretty easy for now. Amber pays for everything and all he has to do is drive her around on the rare occasions when she feels like leaving the house. I wonder what he'll do after the baby is born when things inevitably start going downhill pretty quickly. 

  • Love 7

Wow, apparently I'm the only one who actually felt Cate handled Nova's meltdown over the drink well.   My daughter throws fits like that too and when you're trying to get out the door to go somewhere, you're in survival mode.  Whatever gets them in the car.  She hugged Nova, talked to her and when they were in the car, Nova seemed perfectly happy.  She's three (well, she wasn't even three yet when this was filmed, actually).  That kind of stuff happens.  When your kid is that age, you can't die on every hill, you know?

I loathe loathe LOATHE Amber.  Leah was barely looking at her when they mentioned her being pregnant and the dingbat doesn't even care enough about her daughter (outside of what her daughter can provide for HER) to notice she didn't seem 100% thrilled with the idea.  Selfish ho.   Gary's "I hope she takes care of this child" was the most honest reaction of anyone on this show.

I can't handle Mackenzie.  She is just NASTY.  And lazy ass Ryan who couldn't even be bothered to get up from his laying position (lord knows he doesn't work, what is he so tired from?) to give Bentley a hug after he's allegedly been held hostage by Maci for 3 months.  Mmmm hmmm.   I also love how he claims Maci never returns his texts, yet Maci clearly said all she asked of him was to take a drug test and he never got back to her.  Yet he's saying he's taken a bunch of them and they've come back clean?  But Mac said Maci never asked for the results?  Wouldn't the onus be on RYAN to text Maci the results since she told hi that's all she wanted before she'd give him Bentley?  Why take a test and not give her the results?  That makes no logical sense. Someone is a lying liar who lies and my money is on Ryan in this situation.

  • Love 22

I wouldn’t trust a urine test that Ryan took in his attorney’s office. Mack would and could easily provide her urine instead of Ryan’s.  Chain of custody!  I’d demand an observed urinalysis from a lab. Whatever lab their county uses for probation urine tests, I’d want him to go there.  

Mack is so fucking gross — and this is a franchise with Amber and Janelle. She’s right up there. She’s the type to take a discarded condom out of the trash and try to inseminate herself, like the cow she is.  

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I can't handle Mackenzie.  She is just NASTY.  And lazy ass Ryan who couldn't even be bothered to get up from his laying position (lord knows he doesn't work, what is he so tired from?) to give Bentley a hug after he's allegedly been held hostage by Maci for 3 months.  Mmmm hmmm.   I also love how he claims Maci never returns his texts, yet Maci clearly said all she asked of him was to take a drug test and he never got back to her.  Yet he's saying he's taken a bunch of them and they've come back clean?  But Mac said Maci never asked for the results?  Wouldn't the onus be on RYAN to text Maci the results since she told hi that's all she wanted before she'd give him Bentley?  Why take a test and not give her the results?  That makes no logical sense. Someone is a lying liar who lies and my money is on Ryan in this situation.

Mackenzie is the kind of girl I could never stand, and not because I'm any fan of Maci. I wouldn't last ten seconds around her in real life. Just an insecure, passive aggressive piece of work.


With Ryan and Maci, isn't the discrepancy over the hair follicle test? Mac and Ryan are acting huffy about him passing pee tests for his lawyer that show he's currently clean, but it sounded from the earlier episodes like he's been refusing the hair follicle test that would actually show when he last used. Maci wants to know how long he's been clean, probably so she has a sense of how likely it is that he'll stay clean around Bentley, but it seems like they don't want to share that information - which is pretty revealing. 

  • Love 9

I'm also a member of the "my kids only get water in the car" club. lol  My oldest is 25, and it only took one tupperware sippy cup filled with milk to get lost under the seat during the summer for me to see the error of my ways!  I'm up to 5 kids now and the youngest is 3.  So far they have all survived with just water in the car.

I did hear Nova's choices and I disapproved of 2 out of 3 even if being drank in the house!  Chocolate milk, juice, or Dr Pepper were on the menu and they only one I would ok is the juice. It would be diluted with some water.  Kids do not need that much sugar!  And anything with caffeine for a 3 year old is a hard NO.

  • Love 7

1. If Matt 1.0 is the father of Amber's baby, this show will have officially blown my mind.

That's going to be one interesting situation. Will he do it* to try to find a way back onto the show? Or will it occur to him that this would also put him on the hook for even more child support that he won't/can't pay?

I've been so happy to see him exit stage left with such humiliation, but it looks now like we'll have some more months to count. That whole thing he sent Amber about "when you're done with your man your husband is ready to come home" was so creepy and stalker-ish. 


2. NuCate also gives me pause. They both need to be really careful around her. 


PS by "it" I mean demand a paternity test

Edited by hokeypokeyFOIA
  • Love 10
22 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Wasn't she on camera just two weeks ago cackling with her friends in Vegas about the invite addressing?

Yep.  That shit was 100% intentional.  I'm guessing someone made her send that apology text to Maci.  Must have been PAINFUL to have to come to Maci with her tail between her legs like that.  I'm glad Maci is being the bigger person and going anyway.  I probably would've blown it off.  

  • Love 9
21 hours ago, suzeecat said:

I'm not sure what you are most concerned about - the test wand being contaminated (after all, it has already been peed on, so . . . . ?) or the diaper changing table being contaminated by the pee stick.  If anyone is actually going to use the changing table to change their child's diaper, they should be aware that other dirty baby butts and diapers have gone before her and protect her child accordingly. 

Did anyone else notice a point where Maci was talking on the phone and the camera zoomed in and stayed on a shot of the cup/mug sitting next to Maci for several seconds?  I thought that was really odd.  Were they trying to send a message?

YES!!  WTF was that about?  My only guess is she had an alcoholic drink in there and the producers were trying to point out the irony of her being so freaked out about a clean drug test when she's constantly drinking?  They didn't do it well, if that was their goal since it could've very well been a latte in that cup.

  • Love 7
19 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

Anyone else notice the healthy serving of Hersey's chocolate syrup in Noooooova LEEEEEEEEE's milk cup? Does a nearly 3 year old really need chocolate milk? (my almost 4 year old has had it twice in his life)

I give my three year old chocolate ovaltine.  Sometimes it's the only thing I can get her to eat/drink in the morning and at least I know she's getting SOME nutrition between that and the fairlife kids milk with protein I mix it with.  *shrug*

  • Love 2

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