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S04.E02: The Scavengender Hunt

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I am horrified that I instantly knew the answer to the wedding/urinal clue.

The conversation about Grace not telling Frankie she was miserable alone was great, and then it got even better when Frankie revealed she hates it in Santa Fe.  You can say she never should have moved, because it was clearly a bad idea, but I think ultimately it’s better she tried it and realized it wasn’t for her. 

“We don’t have to live together to love each other.”  I wish more people would realize that.

I love stoned Brianna’s “grilled cheese” consisting of a hunk of cheese and a slice of bread consumed at the same time.

But between her “I wanted you to know I wanted you to do the opposite of what I said you should do” and Mallory damaging her ex-husband’s car, there was a lot of stereotypical shit on display.

I look forward to Grace, Frankie, and Sheree teaming up to get Sheree’s house back.

“Our bodies may not be at their best, but our minds, Robert, our minds … are not that great, either.”  That was amusing, but they remain the least-interesting part of the show to me.  I like them with the women, and sometimes with the kids, but when it's just them I'm usually just waiting for the next scene to start.

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6 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

Oh, I knew it too!  It was pretty ridiculous because almost every gender reveal party I've been to or heard of culminates in cake, so it wasn't like they were being too wild and crazy there....

I've never been to such a party (and feel confident in saying I never will), so it wasn't that I knew the revelation was going to be in a cake, it was just that urinal cakes came to me instantly (and the wedding part of the clue confirmed it as the answer), which is disturbing.

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I loved this episode as I, like many, think gender reveal parties are stupid. I loved Allison saying there would be 5 parties related to the baby, and one was a placenta burying (I think I heard that right?) party. Lol. And yes, the dumb scavenger hunt ending up with a cake was silly as a cake seems to be one of two usual methods to reveal the sex (other seems to be balloons). I have never seen Jane the Virgin, so I thought the purple cake was hilarious.

Hubby and I each have a family member that just had a baby, as did one of my best friend's daughter in law. Another best friend's daughter is due in a few weeks. Two of the four couples chose not to know the sex of the baby beforehand, one couple found out but did not have a gender reveal party, so out of 4 only one did. Lucky for me she lives in another province so I was spared having to go to it. 

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Loved every moment of Ethan Embry in this episode. How he plays Coyote is both funny and heartbreaking. How he is so eager to please Bud still, how he is the only one who will get excited about stupid stuff because he loves his brother, makes even Bud seem more interesting. I wish they went more into the brother's relationship, and how Coyote's addiction problems affected Bud, but they never do seem to go into it.

I even loved how earnestly happy he seemed to be to get the eggs. And how he didn't react to Mallory driving off after bumping the Porsche. He plays him like a guy who has been through a lot of shit, all the world gets to see is the happy seemingly carefree guy though. He plays an ex-addict better than anyone else I've ever seen.

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Of the four children, Coyote is my favourite by far. The scene where he was happy to get the eggs as a prize, and then asked Mallory to keep all but two as that is all he had room for was both hilarious and touching. 

Brianna's comment about just having eaten parts of a grilled cheese was funny. I also liked that dog ate the food when she was not around. Pets can be very smart and know how to play their owners just like children play their parents. 

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On 1/19/2018 at 3:48 PM, OtterMommy said:

I don't think I've ever been less interested in Sol and Robert.

Totally. Given that it was their affair or relationship that spurred the whole "Grace and Frankie" to begin with, they are the least interesting aspect of the show. In fact, if they weren't in any episode I'd probably never even notice. 

Coyote is so earnest and charming, I am really rooting for him to be happy and successful and for him to feel settled and stable.



Lisa Kudrow aka "Old Phoebe" is annoying. She's actually a really good actress, so I don't know why she's playing this part. Maybe there's something interesting coming? 

"Cut another slice" - that was kinda hilarious!

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I loved and simultaneously hated the writing for Brianna in this episode. Her snark about the gender reveal party was great but her 'I'm meaning Yes when I'm saying No - why can't your read my mind ?!?' was both annoying and completely OOT.

*Pet peeve alert* You're only allowed to throw eggs at a car when you know how its brand is properly pronounced. I had completely forgotten about Mallory's marriage woes. All that I remember is that I've never seen a show waste Geoff Stults  and his talent for comedy so badly.

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6 hours ago, MissLucas said:

I loved and simultaneously hated the writing for Brianna in this episode. Her snark about the gender reveal party was great but her 'I'm meaning Yes when I'm saying No - why can't your read my mind ?!?' was both annoying and completely OOT.

I didn't like this either and for this episode especially it was so obvious she'd just had a child  and I wished they'd just written her pregnancy in especially when Barry had to help her off the couch.

13 hours ago, msani19 said:

Totally. Given that it was their affair or relationship that spurred the whole "Grace and Frankie" to begin with, they are the least interesting aspect of the show. In fact, if they weren't in any episode I'd probably never even notice. 

Coyote is so earnest and charming, I am really rooting for him to be happy and successful and for him to feel settled and stable.



Lisa Kudrow aka "Old Phoebe" is annoying. She's actually a really good actress, so I don't know why she's playing this part. Maybe there's something interesting coming? 

"Cut another slice" - that was kinda hilarious!

Her part could've easily been played by Dolly Parton. Lisa Kudrow likes playing these type of characters alongside the Web Therapy type ones

Edited by Lilacly
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Just now, Sesquipedalia said:

I thought the purple cake meant they had an intersex baby, or maybe boy and girl twins. Who was in charge of making the cake if the parents don't know the sex? I found the whole cake thing confusing more than funny, but the rest of the episode was really funny.

The purple cake meant that the colours blended together because they weren't properly separated while baking which is apparently a common mistake. Parents get the results from their doctor and then pass it over to the baker without ever looking until the cake is cut. Or they pass the results over to whoever is doing the smoke machine or filling the balloons.

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But why would you have both colors? Put in red food coloring if it's a girl and blue if it's a boy. Look at the batter to see what color it is and add more food coloring as needed! Anyway, it's not the most important thing. It only stuck out to me because I was expecting it to turn out to be significant, not just a random mistake by a baker we've never seen or heard of. It's interesting that parents really do this. Smoke machine?!

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Sesquipedalia said:

But why would you have both colors? Put in red food coloring if it's a girl and blue if it's a boy. Look at the batter to see what color it is and add more food coloring as needed! Anyway, it's not the most important thing. It only stuck out to me because I was expecting it to turn out to be significant, not just a random mistake by a baker we've never seen or heard of. It's interesting that parents really do this. Smoke machine?!


22 hours ago, Lilacly said:

I didn't like this either and for this episode especially it was so obvious she'd just had a child  and I wished they'd just written her pregnancy in especially when Barry had to help her off the couch.

Her part could've easily been played by Dolly Parton. Lisa Kudrow likes playing these type of characters alongside the Web Therapy type ones

I am waiting for Parton to show up on this. It seems inevitable and I am here for it.

  • Love 6

I didn't care for Sheree in the first episode but I warmed up to her once she explained about her stepchildren and what they did to her. I'm actually a huge fan of Lisa Kudrow, I loved The Comeback and obsessed over Web Therapy and she does in fact have a talent for creating unique characters that don't make me think of Phoebe. But sometimes it takes a minute to not see Phoebe because, let's face it, she's Lisa Kudrow. So it wasn't really until this episode I started to get Sheree. 

I'm blanking of what happened with Mallory and her husband because I remember the actress was pregnant in either Season 2 or 3 and was largely absent from the show.

I'm glad Frankie acknowledged that she hated Santa Fe and missed Grace and her family but I never thought she should have gone in the first place. It may be romantic to think of running off and starting over with a new love but the fact is that she had made a commitment to Grace and their new business. 

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I found Frankie's reaction to being in Santa Fe quite interesting: she wasn't unique anymore cause everyone was like her and therefore there was nothing interesting about the place. Then on top of that, she did miss her family and Grace, so what besides Jacob was going to have her stay out there? He was enjoying reconnecting so she wasn't finding much for herself. 

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55 minutes ago, iMonrey said:


I'm blanking of what happened with Mallory and her husband because I remember the actress was pregnant in either Season 2 or 3 and was largely absent from the show.


Not much happened. They realized they'd grown apart and frankly didn't like that much about the other or want to spend time together. They tried to go on vaation together but both were dreading it and when it got cancelled they were both happy to not be stuck together

I was thinking - maybe boy/girl twins for the purple.  I went to a surprise gender reveal.  I thought it was a housewarming but then it turned into - and I'm pregnant and lets find out what the baby is - with smoke that started purpley but then was definitely blue.   They are cool people whom I like but I do find the concept strange.

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On 1/19/2018 at 3:48 PM, OtterMommy said:

I don't think I've ever been less interested in Sol and Robert.

Me too. Every time they have a scene alone, I stop paying attention.

They haven't even given them an interesting storyline (yet, at least). Are we really to believe that anti-gay protesters are such a problem in San Diego in 2018 that Sol is dedicating all his free time to counter-protesting AND getting arrested for it? This isn't the 1960's... This storyline is dull and outdated.

I'm disappointed in Kudrow's character so far. I LOVED her in The Comeback so I squealed with glee when I found out she would be in Grace & Frankie. So far, I don't get what her purpose is. It's only Episode 2, so maybe she gets better.

Am I the only one bored with all the Brianna pot scenes? We've watched her toke up in every single non-work scene for 3 seasons now. Yawn, show me something new. It's 2018, pot isn't that controversial anymore. I feel like the writers think we're all giggling whenever she and Frankie get high together, like it's sooo taboo. Hehe, she has the munchies! Her character is so much more interesting when she's at work or at family functions making sarcastic comments.

I'm glad Frankie came back from Santa Fe and that we didn't need some forcefully drawn-out storyline about it. It might have been nice to see a few more scenes with her in Santa Fe and trying to maintain relationships over the phone and "Skype Face", but, it's not a big loss.

  • Love 5
On 1/19/2018 at 2:53 PM, Bastet said:

“Our bodies may not be at their best, but our minds, Robert, our minds … are not that great, either.”  That was amusing, but they remain the least-interesting part of the show to me.  I like them with the women, and sometimes with the kids, but when it's just them I'm usually just waiting for the next scene to start.

I agree - and Martin Sheen is normally one of my favorite actors. But in real life, I absolutely abhor musicals with a passion and every scene when they're doing a musical, I just want to  hit fast forward.

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The problem is that Robert and Sol have absolutely no chemistry together. Grace and Frankie have it, Sol and Frankie have it and even Grace and Robert have an obvious connection at times. But there is absolutely nothing whatsoever about Robert and Sol that works, they don't have any physical chemistry that shows me why they were so drawn to each other. They clearly have nothing in common now that they are retired from their shared business. They don't seem to work as friends, as lovers or as partners in life. I don't know why they'd choose to be together under any circumstances. And it's especially mind boggling when Sol left a marriage with a woman who is his best friend, his easy companion and who he clearly had some sexual satisfaction with.

  • Love 11

Did anyone else notice weird editing in this episode? At one point Barry and Coyote go out to the beach because “tears are salty”--Huh? I assume that’s another part of the riddle, but I don’t remember it being mentioned. And a few minutes later, Grace reenters buttoning her shirt. Why did she take her shirt off?!

I like how Frankie pauses in the middle of her emotional declaration about how she hates Santa Fe and wants to come home to her family to clarify that the "miracle of life growing inside Allison" has no legal rights.

Edited by Sesquipedalia
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Sesquipedalia said:

At one point Barry and Coyote go out to the beach because “tears are salty”--Huh? I assume that’s another part of the riddle, but I don’t remember it being mentioned.

The riddle was something like, "Why were the strawberries crying?" Their thought process was Crying -> Tears -> Salt water -> Ocean. 

(It was a really bad guess. They did not get enough Dixie Riddle Cups, or Bazooka gum wrappers, or Popsicle sticks as kids.)

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Chai said:

hated  Lisa Kudrow as Shree. I only saw Phoebe from friends. To me, it was ridiculous trying to make Lisa look anywhere near JF and LT's ages.


I love the rest of the show. I like the scenes where Sol is having fun with Frankie and Robert gives advice to her younger "associate" lol!

I didn't get the feeling she was supposed to be near their ages . . . she had been working as a nail tech, so she wasn't retirement age.  I thought it was funny that they put a couple of "Friends" references.  Like when Shree said, "I'll be your friend.  I'll always have your back."  I heard "I'll be there for you" in my head.

  • Love 3

Loved every moment of Ethan Embry in this episode. How he plays Coyote is both funny and heartbreaking. How he is so eager to please Bud still, how he is the only one who will get excited about stupid stuff because he loves his brother, makes even Bud seem more interesting. I wish they went more into the brother's relationship, and how Coyote's addiction problems affected Bud, but they never do seem to go into it.

I have loved Ethan Embry since his movie Pizza! I always squee when I see him. I'm loving him in this and his little tiny house.

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On 1/24/2018 at 9:05 PM, daisies said:

Me too. Every time they have a scene alone, I stop paying attention.

They haven't even given them an interesting storyline (yet, at least). Are we really to believe that anti-gay protesters are such a problem in San Diego in 2018 that Sol is dedicating all his free time to counter-protesting AND getting arrested for it? This isn't the 1960's... This storyline is dull and outdated.

I think he was protesting all sorts of things - not just the "keep the gays out of musicals" people.

  • Love 2

Did anyone else notice at the end of the previous episode and all throughout this episode during the party, suddenly everyone had some sort of neckware with blue gems? Allison had a big neckalce, Rob and Sol had bolar ties with blue gems, Bud was wearing this super strange  wrap-around necklace, literally every character had one.


14 minutes ago, jessiecarl said:

Did anyone else notice at the end of the previous episode and all throughout this episode during the party, suddenly everyone had some sort of neckware with blue gems? Allison had a big neckalce, Rob and Sol had bolar ties with blue gems, Bud was wearing this super strange  wrap-around necklace, literally every character had one.


Because Frankie gave everyone turquoise jewelry, as a nod to Santa Fe.

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 4

While I agree that gender reveal parties are stupid, I thought everyone was being a bunch of jerks about it. If you don't want to go to someone's party, then don't go to it. It's really mean to accept someone's invite to an event that they are super excited about just to shit all over it. Plus, it's not like Bud and Allison invited a ton of people in order to get gifts. They invited their immediate family; people who generally are excited to find out things about their family's newest member.

  • Love 7
51 minutes ago, Rockstar99435 said:

While I agree that gender reveal parties are stupid, I thought everyone was being a bunch of jerks about it. If you don't want to go to someone's party, then don't go to it. It's really mean to accept someone's invite to an event that they are super excited about just to shit all over it. Plus, it's not like Bud and Allison invited a ton of people in order to get gifts. They invited their immediate family; people who generally are excited to find out things about their family's newest member.

I agree. Though, given the families involved, pretty much all of them could be expected to shit all over it.

  • Love 1
On 1/22/2018 at 1:56 PM, Lilacly said:

Not much happened. They realized they'd grown apart and frankly didn't like that much about the other or want to spend time together. They tried to go on vaation together but both were dreading it and when it got cancelled they were both happy to not be stuck together

Unfortunately, sitcom writers don't seem to know what to do with happily married characters so they often write them into divorce.

  • Love 1
On 2/13/2018 at 2:25 PM, Rockstar99435 said:

While I agree that gender reveal parties are stupid, I thought everyone was being a bunch of jerks about it. If you don't want to go to someone's party, then don't go to it. It's really mean to accept someone's invite to an event that they are super excited about just to shit all over it. Plus, it's not like Bud and Allison invited a ton of people in order to get gifts. They invited their immediate family; people who generally are excited to find out things about their family's newest member.

For me, it's just how family works -- because they're your immediate family, you suck it up and attend something utterly stupid (that you'd never subject yourself to for anyone other than family), and because you're their immediate family, they suck it up and listen to your comments on how utterly stupid it is.

I liked how Grace and Brianna were over it from jump, Coyote and Barry were totally into it, and the rest made an attempt at first and then gave up. 

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