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S09.E02: Groomzilla

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Granted, once this stinking pile of crap is no longer on tv, and I mean the show, not FT, he probably wouldn't be able to find a second wife. Priorities people, priorities. There are damaged fame whores everywhere.

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That said, @LILWHARVEYGAL, I believe, took one for the team last episode and created an amazing recap for those of us (ME) who can't watch.  And while I do understand the sacrifice of both time and brain cells that it takes to describe this circus-freak trainwreck, I am going to need someone to crank up the snark machine and give me my 4000 tacos recap!

Blessed be those who have the constitution to watch this and report back. They all make me physically ill so I get my reports entirely from the forum.  Looking forward to  the recap if Lilwharveygal manages to write one without throwing up too much.

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9 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

I've noticed this before, but it was really noticeable in this episode...Christine is REALLY wrinkled for someone her age. She should avoid close-ups at all costs, IMO.

I wonder if that is with her losing weight plus too much time in the sun.  My mother in law lost a bunch of weight a few years ago and looks great but her face is much more wrinkled now.  I'm assuming the skin doesn't tighten up as nicely at her age (Christine would be mid 40s now?) so losing weight in the face would make it wrinkly?  I am not 100%, just going off personal experience with this.

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15 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

I'm sure FT could find a woman just as damaged as his first wife somewhere. I mean who thought Kody could have found a 4th?

Kody is no prize, but he is light years beyond Tony, IMO. Just superficially speaking, Kody wasn't bad looking at all in the early years. If he would just dress appropriately and stop the whole "werewolf in transition" hair look, he'd be alright. Tony is repulsive and he's only 20-something! 

Also, while Kody can be insufferable most of the time, I do think he has shown SOME self-awareness and ability to compromise with his wives. Tony is off to a much worse start. I think Tony would have a harder time finding more wives. But it's not impossible. Sadly, there are girls out there with even worse self esteem than Mykelti. 

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1 hour ago, Chicklet said:

What was unsaid was that no formalwear shop had a tux anywhere near the size FT needed. So therefore the need for the dirty jeans and jacket. Tre' edgy by necessity.

I know there are fat grooms out there that have worn TUX's and looked very nice on their wedding day. It may have taken some shopping, extra effort,  and a whole hella lot of alterations but it certainly can be done. Tony is just a lazy slob that wanted to do it his way, which meant looking like an inbecile on his wedding day because you know, it's his decision and he doesn't care how it impacts anybody else. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

I thought it was amusing (and alarming) how they were all afraid she was plotting an escape.  

I would think after the years of abuse Janelle and Christine suffered from Meri (along with her bringing Sobyn into the picture); they would be packing her bag and saying "see ya. don't let the door hit your behind."

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6 hours ago, Ravenna said:

Tony talks like he’s got a head full of phlegm. He needs to blow his nose and enunciate better. He’s nasty. In his mind, he thinks he’s edgy, unique, and hilarious. He is very similar  to narcissistic Kody because whatever inner cool guy they think they are...in reality they are loud obnoxious buffoons.

Nailed.  It.

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28 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Is no one watching Seeking Sister Wives (SSW)?  Episode one, and wives number one and two are drawing battle lines.  It was super snark worthy, and I will definitely stick with it.

I caught epi 2 last night.  Def snark worthy.  I'll be watching.   Another stageful of morons.

13 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

Kodouche was talking about the mocha cake not tiramisu cake.

That's what it was called, but as he described it....mocha, lady fingers, something sprinkled on top....that sounds like tiramisu.  

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33 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Is no one watching Seeking Sister Wives (SSW)?  Episode one, and wives number one and two are drawing battle lines.  It was super snark worthy, and I will definitely stick with it.

Sorry, I thought I missed the first episode and caught the second.  I saw only the first.  

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25 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I know there are fat grooms out there that have worn TUX's and looked very nice on their wedding day. It may have taken some shopping, extra effort,  and a whole hella lot of alterations but it certainly can be done. Tony is just a lazy slob that wanted to do it his way, which meant looking like an inbecile on his wedding day because you know, it's his decision and he doesn't care how it impacts anybody else. 

Yes, many years ago when I had my wedding, my father was quite large and we found a tux to fit him. The only difference between his tux and the groomsmen was that he had a black vest and not a cummerbund because it would have looked terrible on him. My Dad looked quite dapper, imo.

Tony thinks he has some unique "style" but he is just sloppy. Also, I am not a doctor, but Tony sounds as if he needs his tonsils and adenoids removed.

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28 minutes ago, Adiba said:

Yes, many years ago when I had my wedding, my father was quite large and we found a tux to fit him. The only difference between his tux and the groomsmen was that he had a black vest and not a cummerbund because it would have looked terrible on him. My Dad looked quite dapper, imo.

Tony thinks he has some unique "style" but he is just sloppy. Also, I am not a doctor, but Tony sounds as if he needs his tonsils and adenoids removed.

Tony is an ignorant slob who tries to pass off rude remarks as humor.  

Edited by Granny58
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Yes, Tony needs a visit to his primary health care provider,so that perhaps he could get a referral to a specialist of some sort--maybe an endocrinologist (?). Are his eyes supposed that bulged out? 

In any case, he needs 1 or 2 tacos, as opposed to 10, and a huge salad. Lots of water...more hiking...If not, we'll see them on  My 600 lb Life, instead of SW. 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

He was the first guy to pay attention to her, I imagine. We've seen that Kody didn't pay as much attention to his girls growing up; other than Mariah, he tended to favor the boys. And, we also know from Christine's gym mat discussion, that HER kids were especially overlooked (she only had one son). So I think with Mykelti it's probably a combination of missing out on a father much of the time and also just having that sort of insecure personality. She absolutely sought out the love of Kody via Tony; they're so much alike. And I think she was just jumping at the chance to lock someone down, AND get some attention from her family. 

It was said a few times on the show that Mykelti has had boyfriends, but they treated her badly. Tony is probably the first guy to treat her decently, at least in her eyes. I think even Aspyn said that Tony is good to her.

I see Tony as having some old-school, "macho" attitudes when it comes to men and women. Men like that are very gentlemanly, but also opinionated and can be overbearing. Some women enjoy that and feed into it. I also see Mykelti has someone who is learning to pick her battles. Marriage is definitely about compromise.

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The original premise for this shit show:

Kody Brown, with his four wives Meri, Janelle, Robyn and Christine and their combined 17 children, attempt to navigate life as a "normal" family in a society that shuns their lifestyle. From their unconventional family structure and living arrangements to financial challenges, each half hour episode exposes the inner workings of a polygamist household, revealing the unexpectedly tight-knit and loving relationships between Kody's wives. The series also captures the intense dynamics surrounding a man juggling three wives while attempting to keep it a secret from the outside world- but the general public is not the only challenge that the Brown family unit is facing.

—TLC Publicity

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There is nothing about Tony that is remotely gentlemanly. Mykelti compromised when she agreed to marry this slob. 

The Browns have proven that polygamy does not work. The wives can barely stand each other, and the individual families coexist instead of being one large family. Most families strive ( haha?) for their kids to grow up and continue the beliefs and foundation of the family. The fact that few of the Brown spawn have any intention of following a polygamist life speaks volumes. 

Kody is a failure as the “ patriarch” of that motley crew. 

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4 hours ago, mscav said:

I think I know why this was ok with Mykelti. Remember back in season 1 when Robyn brought the other wives wedding dress shopping with her then revealed her and Kody had already picked out the dress.  Kody made a point to emphasize HE picked out the dress.  Christine had a fit and stormed off stage. Kody then relegated Christine to worthless wife status for years. Meanwhile Robyn got a 10 day honeymoon to California and favorite wife status. This is Mykelti's model. FT acts just like Kody and Mykelti doesn't want to be treated like her mom so she has adapted the backbone of a jellyfish. I love how not a single wife  brought up that Kody picked out Robyn's dress too. These kids need therapy to deal with their screwed up family. Especially Christine's kids.

Wow, my husband and I started watching sometime during season one and we have not seen every episode from that first season - definitely missed that one! In this episode it seemed all the wives were confused and not thrilled that Tony was there, even Robyn, right? Weird.

Edited to add: One thing I feel is quite evident is that being on this show and being so public has made all of the women more independent, at least in some ways. It's probably given them a lot of insight into how the non-plig world works, how they are viewed, and helped them find their voices - sort of like a mini-feminist awakening. I definitely feel like today's Robyn, for example, is not the same woman she was when the show first started.

Edited by Gothish520
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1 hour ago, zenme said:

I cannot stand Tony!! I wish FT would quit ascribing his wishes and desires to his being Mexican. As a Mexican-American, I'm offended by FT. Between the Trump comments about Mexicans, and now Tony, we just don't need this...

I do believe Mykelti is right when she says she married her father. Tony is a total attention-seeking famewhore. He's selfish and entitled and he thinks he's the funniest, most clever guy in the room.  If my daughter ever brought some guy like that home, I'd join the Peace Corp. and move away, so that I'd conveniently have to be away at holidays, and not have to see my daughter with him. 

THANK YOU for calling Tony out as being a total dumbass who is NOT a typical Mexican-American (or Mexican period) male. I'm very biased but the vast majority of Hispanic males I am acquainted with are respectful to women and probably would want to punch FT in the face. 

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2 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Much as I dislike Robyn, I don't think lust is what predicates her flirting with Tony.  Robyn wants to be idolized by every member of the family as the great Goddess She-Ra.  She feels her tawdry flirting with Tony is a means to establish rapport with him.

There is no flirting; I think it's a thinly-veiled way of saying "I've got your number, buddy." She is giving it back to him, and good on her for doing so.

Men like that need to be challenged, otherwise they just run right over everyone else's feelings and begin to think they are "entitled" to act the way they act and to get whatever they want. It's a giant-leap comparison, but that's how certain men in the news were able to get away with their disgusting behavior for so long. Not saying that Tony is like these men at all - it's more the attitude, the "It's my way or the highway" mindset.

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1 hour ago, GleamingMist said:

I wonder if that is with her losing weight plus too much time in the sun.  My mother in law lost a bunch of weight a few years ago and looks great but her face is much more wrinkled now.  I'm assuming the skin doesn't tighten up as nicely at her age (Christine would be mid 40s now?) so losing weight in the face would make it wrinkly?  I am not 100%, just going off personal experience with this.

It happened to me, because I didn't manage to lose weight until my late 50's.  Saggy and wrinkled, but it's worth it to me.

I'm still watching the DVR.  I hate Tony, and if my daughter had brought him home?  Thankful she didn't, for sure.

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Kody Brown, with his four wives Meri, Janelle, Robyn and Christine and their combined 17 children, attempt to navigate life as a "normal" family in a society that shuns their lifestyle. From their unconventional family structure and living arrangements to financial challenges, each half hour episode exposes the inner workings of a polygamist household, revealing the unexpectedly tight-knit and loving relationships between Kody's wives. The series also captures the intense dynamics surrounding a man juggling three wives while attempting to keep it a secret from the outside world- but the general public is not the only challenge that the Brown family unit is facing.

Bwahahahaha.......oh, wait. This was serious? 

  • "Unexpectedly tight-knit and loving relationships between Kody's wives"?  They freaking hate each other.
  •  "The intense dynamics surrounding a man juggling three wives while attempting to keep it a secret from the outside world". Keep it a secret while on national TV? 
  • "Navigate life as a "normal" family in a society that shuns their lifestyle"?  Nobody gives a rat's ass about their lifestyle other than to mock their stupidity.
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14 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Thank you Janelle for being the voice of reason! Chips and dip, 3 full size tacos, and a bunch of desserts is PLENTY! Tony, of course, is only concerned with stuffing his fat face. Janelle was spot on. You’re still hungry after all that? Hit up McDonalds on the way home. 

As the episode went on, it seemed like Janelle was totally over Tony, as am I! LOL

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Why were Madison and Baseball cap ( his name alludes me) so surprised that she was pregnant? Did no one explain to them that unprotected sex results in pregnancy? ! I was waiting for Kody to clap Baseball cap on the back and make a perverted comment...

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13 hours ago, mscav said:

I think they all should be named the grandma room. Those rooms are hideous. Why would anyone pay to stay in one.  They look like they smell of mothballs and strong floral perfume. 

I'm sure the main reason the wives are cool with letting Meri have this is so they don't have to deal with her at the cult de sac.

Many many years ago we took my mother on a birthday trip / stay at the hotel where Murder She Wrote was filmed i(lobby and exterior) and bedrooms were similar but clean. It also had a wonderful restaurant.  And it was in the beautiful quaint town of Mendocino with lots to do within minutes.  how Mary is going to make any money on this project is questionable. 

I couldn't take the full expisode so missed the ecstasy of cake consumption.  Not sure I'll be up to despite tiramisu is my favorite.

Tony is so very unappealing I'd be embarrassed to introduce him. Grabby self centered under the illusion he's funny and edgy.   

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Tony sticking his nose into Mykelti picking out her wedding gown is part of their “ coupledom” according to Robyn... She got the dumb part right anyway. 

Robyn is looking porky. Christine looks much thinner until she puts her arms down and her midsection shows itself. 

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4 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Why were Madison and Baseball cap ( his name alludes me) so surprised that she was pregnant? Did no one explain to them that unprotected sex results in pregnancy? ! I was waiting for Kody to clap Baseball cap on the back and make a perverted comment...

She was probably waiting for a motherhood-related Instagram product endorsement deal before trying to conceive. 

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24 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

There is nothing about Tony that is remotely gentlemanly. Mykelti compromised when she agreed to marry this slob. 

The Browns have proven that polygamy does not work. The wives can barely stand each other, and the individual families coexist instead of being one large family. Most families strive ( haha?) for their kids to grow up and continue the beliefs and foundation of the family. The fact that few of the Brown spawn have any intention of following a polygamist life speaks volumes. 

Kody is a failure as the “ patriarch” of that motley crew. 

And Meri saying she's not going to parent "her" kids?  I thought they were "one big happy."  What utter bullshit.  I looked up selfish in the dictionary, and boom!  There was Meri's picture!!  Seriously, she deserves to be treated like Mariah treats her - like crap.  Reaping what she sowed.

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22 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Show summary:  FT is more insufferable this week than last. 

That's the concise version.  Here's the long version:


Meri and Mariah are going through a rough patch.

Wedding venues for 400 guests were visited.

Kody rained on Meri's B&B parade.

Credits:  Did they go back to using their older cardboard cutouts?  Because Robyn does not look like that anymore.

The show opens in Christine's house where the Entitlement Twins, Aspyn, and a random friend are seated in the kitchen.  Christine announces that they're going to look at wedding dresses.  There are fall decorations on the table, so again, for a December wedding they're cutting it close.  Christine voiceovers that the moms, Aspyn, and Mariah will also be there.  In the kitchen, Christine's younger girls say that Tony should not see the dress before the wedding.  Christine agrees, and admits that she's not at all happy that Tony is "comingk."  Tony voiceovers that the tradition of not seeing each others' clothes prior to the wedding is, "weird and dubious."  Get thee to a dictionary, Tony.  Christine goes on that this is the least romantic thing she's ever heard of in her life...which perhaps sheds light on why she was so upset when Kody went dress shopping with Robyn.  A billion people load into Christine's minivan, while Meri heads out in her SUV alone.  

At the bridal shop, Christine introduces herself as, "the mom," which totally goes against her "we're ALL the moms!" pronouncement in the last episode, but I get the sense that she's just done.  Janelle asks the shop employee if it's weird that Tony is there, and she replies that it doesn't happen very often.  On the couch, the wives are mostly down on the idea of his involvement.  Mykelti says that she thinks they're very traditional, and Tony adds that it's good to challenge accepted norms and thus it's very healthy to be around someone like him.  No comment.  The employee tells Mykelti that they need 4-6 months to get a dress, so for December it's, "right now."  So Christine had her fall corn cans out in June-August?  Okay, producers.  The Brown clan all get permission to pull dresses and descend on the dress racks like a swarm of locusts.

In the middle of this sartorial tsunami, Mariah mentions that she would maybe want to be married in a wedding romper.  This offhand comment becomes a segment of its own, which tells you just how desperate this show is for material.  On the couch, Meri explains what a romper is.  I will spare you.  Robyn opines that Mariah and her future wife might decide to wear dresses instead.  This branches into a discussion about how they all love to see their kids find significant others - Caleb, Tony, Michelle.  Meri continues that Mariah is, "a lot like me, super strong," (*snerk*) so she's going to need a wife like Robyn/Janelle/Christine.  Because they're doormats or something?  No, she says, because they're patient and forgiving and loving.  "And has a bit of a backbone," Janelle adds.  If you say so, Janelle.  Wow, who would have thought that a conversation about an irrelevant romper  would devolve into some light shade-throwing among the wives?

Back at the shop, the wives are amazed by how much Tony knows about Mykelti's dress preferences.  For example, one dress would, "make Mykelti's boobs shine."  On the couch, Janelle notes that Tony doesn't tone down his language at all.  Robyn notes that he, "brings out her naughty side." Don't wanna go there.  Continued nonsense in the shop between Tony and Robyn about push-up bras.  For the record Robyn is a fan, but we've seen the Victoria's Secret bills so we shouldn't be surprised.  On the couch, Mykelti asks Tony if he even knows what a push-up bra is, and he gives a description.  Frankly, I thought the romper was the bottom of the barrel interest-wise but we've found a new low.

Still at the shop, the employee interviews that in her 10 years she's only seen a groom come in maybe 10 times, and that with a lot of opinions a bride can get confused.  Mykelti voiceovers that it's good to have a lot of moms to plan a wedding because they have experience.  Tony doesn't agree.  At this point, Mykelti finally appears in dress #1.  It was Tony-selected, a sweetheart neckline, a-line dress with sparkly bodice.  IMO, it looked nice.  Tony's response was, "Duuuuude!"  Mykelti thinks it's too sparkly but everyone concurs that the shape is good.  Then Robyn voiceovers that in their faith they're supposed to be modest with tops to the wrist.  Janelle comments that the mainstream LDS do too, but that their girls have chosen to do their own thing.  Meri asks Tony if he's simply going to see all of Mykelti's dress options or if he's going to know the final choice, and he says he's going to know.  Meri follows up by asking then what will his surprise be when Mykelti walks down the aisle?  He responds that he'll still say, "Maaaaaan!"  Let's get man-dude a thesaurus to go with his dictionary.  He continues that what he'll see is his future bride, unless, you know, polygamy happens...

Dress #2 also has a sweetheart neckline, but a higher waistline and the skirt is straighter with more of a lace overlay, no sparkles.   Tony doesn't love it, which the wives analyze, but they don't love it either so who cares?  While Mykelti changes, Meri asks Tony if they've found a pinata creator yet.  Short answer is no.  In addition to beating each other in effigy, Tony fully intends to smash cake into Mykelti's face during the cake eating.  Robyn thinks it's, "tacky," and Tony asks what that means.  Dictionary, Tony!  Dress #3 is Mykelti's favorite so far.  It's similar to Dress #2 but with an illusion top, fuller skirt, a more pronounced lace pattern, and it looks like the fabric under the skirt might be slightly more of a beige color.  The wives like it too and think that it looks "Mexican vintage."  Tony says it seems, "Old England white woman."  Dress #4 appears and Tony says no before Mykelti can even look at herself in the mirror.  She insists that it's her favorite but the whole group seems dismayed.  This one is more of a mermaid style and is definitely less flattering.  

When we get back from commercial, Christine explains that the dress makes Mykelti look like a rectangle (it does) whereas the others showed her curves.  On the couch, the wives feel bad about bagging on Mykelti's favorite dress.  Mykelti then voiceovers that it was all a trick to teach everybody about waiting to speak until she'd had a chance to form her own opinion.  At this point the camera hilariously pans over to Tony who's staring ahead blankly.  Anyway, this never-ending saga continues with Dress #5.  This one is also mermaidy with all-over lace and lacy straps.  The wives are afraid to say anything now.  But that's ok, because Mykelti hates it.  She's glad she got her point across.  Tony says she looks like a fish, and then comments that he turned down her, "'50's hair."   The wives love Mykelti's updos and Robyn in particular seems mad that her hair will be worn down, and she says she'll go after Tony for this one.  Robyn, please, just stay away from him.  It's becoming creepy.  Robyn and Tony discuss hair and I zone out until Robyn voiceovers that she's had deep conversations with Tony and seen where his heart is.  Uhuh.

Dress #6 is another sweetheart, sparkly bodice with more of a tulle ballgown skirt.  Everyone likes it.  Mykelti says yes to the dress.  Tony likes it too and they hug.  Christine cries.  Mykelti voiceovers that she's now over the whole experience and wants to take the dress off because she's, "balls hot."  

On that classy note, we switch gears and Christine lets us know that she was asked to "singk" at the "weddingk" and so she's taking voice lessons.  Her voice is nice, but she admits it's average, and we get to hear some vocal warm-ups with the teacher, Dr. Michelle.  Christine's chosen song is Let Me Call You Sweetheart, and the key is a bit high.  Christine voiceovers that she was very unsure and unexcited about Tony and Mykelti in the beginning, but that she has no regrets because she loves Mykelti and wouldn't approve of something that might hurt her.  The song is a gesture that she now supports the two of them together.  Christine notes that she has 10 weeks of lessons to practice before the big event.  

After another commercial, Meri's back at the B&B.  Flashback to her awkward announcement with Kody and the wives.  Meri voiceovers that Kody's afraid that Meri's emotions will overshadow any logic in this situation.  He knows you so well, Meri.  Christine pulls up and proclaims that the B&B is super cute.  Meri has planned a girls' night at the house with the wives and her own mom and sisters.  Meri comments that she's going to have to take the topic slow with Kody.  Their relationship has been strained for years, and she's focusing on the ladies for now because she doesn't want him to be a logical party pooper.  Bonnie, Meri's mom, and sisters arrive, and Meri reminds the wives not to spill the beans because Meri's family doesn't know about her plan to buy the house.

Sorry folks, gotta go make sure that I still have a pulse!  To be continued...

Edited by LilWharveyGal
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When they were discussing planning a visit to Meri’s B & B Kody’s face said it all. Janelle loves the idea of it because she knows it means Adios Meri. Christine has taken on Robyn’s role of peacemaker and tries to smooth out the rough edges of the situation. Robyn acts like A jilted lover where Meri is concerned ~ don’t think she can forget or forgive her for emotionally checking out. 

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Oh, damn. Previews show Maddy and baseball cap moving back in to Janelle's house? I had such high hopes for baseball cap, I really thought he was going to be a decent and independent guy. So they can't afford to live on their own because Maddie is/was pregnant? Uggghh. Don't either one of them work or did they just go to school with no outside income? That's what they need, another 3 mouths to feed over at Janelle's. Oh, well, I guess we will learn more about this mess next week. 

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14 hours ago, mscav said:

I think they all should be named the grandma room. Those rooms are hideous. Why would anyone pay to stay in one.  They look like they smell of mothballs and strong floral perfume. 

I think the rooms look adorable. There are five reviews online for Victoria's Bed and Breakfast, four five-stars and one four-star. All said that the rooms were lovely and very clean. The most recent review was in September of 2017. The previous owner obviously loved the house and took pride in it.

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Maddie and Baseball cap can’t afford to live on their own because Baseball cap decided to not work ( as did Maddie). They might not follow in the parent’s polygamy footsteps, but certainly subscribe to their grifter lifestyle. 

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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Oh, damn. Previews show Maddy and baseball cap moving back in to Janelle's house? I had such high hopes for baseball cap, I really thought he was going to be a decent and independent guy. So they can't afford to live on their own because Maddie is/was pregnant? Uggghh. Don't either one of them work or did they just go to school with no outside income? That's what they need, another 3 mouths to feed over at Janelle's. Oh, well, I guess we will learn more about this mess next week. 

Yeah that was quite interesting - I wonder if it's just for the show? 

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3 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

I would never marry anyone who would smash cake into my face at our reception.

My parents joked that they would not pay for my wedding reception if we smashed our cake on each other. I knew they were kidding, but their point was well taken. 

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11 minutes ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Sorry folks, gotta go make sure that I still have a pulse!  To be continued...

Perhaps a cup of hot, sweet tea with a tot of brandy.  That's what always revives our English cousins. 

Soldier on, wonderful as always!

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Just now, Juliegirlj said:

My parents joked that they would not pay for my wedding reception if we smashed our cake on each other. I knew they were kidding, but their point was well taken. 

My husband and I did not do the "cut the cake" thing. No garter or bouquet-throwing either. 

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5 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

I would never marry anyone who would smash cake into my face at our reception.

Me either. Where did this behavior come from anyways? You pay hundreds of dollars for wedding cake, why waste it? Also it messes up the bride's makeup and hair. If that happened to me I'd turn around, walk out of the reception, find the nearest salon and have it all re-done. 

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Understatement of the century when  Tony pretended to not know what tacky means~ Janelle mused that surely someone used the word ‘tacky’ around Fat Tony. 

Tony talking about Mykelti’s boobs was gross. 

Fat Tony’s insistence on having a say in what Mykelti wears and how she does her hair is actually a red flag for an over controlling spouse. 

It ain’t over until the fat lady sings~ Christine!!

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1 hour ago, Rabbittron said:

Kodouche was talking about the mocha cake not tiramisu cake.

It must have had some similarities to tiramisu as he kept blabbing about lady fingers.  So maybe it was a tiramisu cake.  My Costco makes ones that is more like some of the features of tiramisu (mocha, cream, cocoa) but in a layered cake form not the traditional tiramisu form.  It is excellent, if this cake was like that Costco cake I can see why Kody was having an Orgasm. 

I still don’t get why Kody’s least favourite is Christine (or second least favourite). The rest of his wives are so insufferable, at least she is bubbly and smiles. 

Not much more to be said about FT that hasn’t been said.  I will give him credit for one thing - the dress he picked looked the best on Mykelti.  It made her look way way thinner and gave her shape.  The “old English lady” ones were okay but Mykelti doesn’t have the figure to pull off some of the vintage like styles, you need to be well proportioned to pull off a more unusual dress well.

FT is fat but there are many people with his body type and a lot more even fatter so I am sure he could have found a nicer wedding outfit.

The wives should have picked a sparkly dress instead of a jumpsuit.  It would be more forgiving. I hope they all go out and buy some spanx as looking at the lumps and bumps is unsightly.

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33 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

I would never marry anyone who would smash cake into my face at our reception.

What about beating the bride and groom pinata's?   That was disturbing to me, not funny at all.

As the brides parent(s) I would of said NO.  Not going to happen, ever.

In real life I would of told FT that he was not going to marry my daughter on my dime with his grandiose tasteless demands, not to mention having a stern talk with Mykelti about making a huge mistake.

Let her make this mistake at a court house.

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