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S08.E05: Unfashionably Late

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As for community property, that doesn't kick in, in CA unless divorce without and airtight prenup. Death is all will and estate law so I'm sure Erika is fine.  The times we've seen them together, i must admit there seems to be an affection between the two. 

I am trying to understand your post. It is likely me as I tend to misread posts on these boards from time to time. Are you saying a couple who divorces in CA won't have an equal division of community property unless there is a prenup @hatchetgirl?  

From what I recall when I worked as a paralegal, property acquired during marriage and before separation is considered community property unless a valid prenup exists which negates a division of property or it is agreed upon with an MSA (marital settlement agreement). Without those, a judge will determine division if the couple can't agree upon matters during mediation. 

If Erika and her spouse have a pre-nup, who knows what she agreed to at that time they married. They may be one of those couples who may change the pre-nup as time passes. 

13 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The Arroyo Seco Parkway portion of the 110 is the oldest freeway in the Western US, but it's not that bad.  The shitty part is getting on and off it up there because it doesn't really have on ramps so you are joining freeway traffic from a dead stop.  If you are already on because you're coming from the Four Level (i.e. in this instance you started on the 101 in Hollywood) you don't have to worry about that.  It's a little curvy, but it isn't a big deal if you are used to it.  Worse to me is the 405 through the Sepulveda pass when it is super foggy.


I'm meeting someone at The Grove later tonight well after rush hour.  I live 2.5 miles away and will be taking surface streets (mainly a secondary thoroughfare).  I'm giving myself 30 minutes and I'll probably end up being a couple minutes late if parking is a clusterfuck.  Since it is January, I'm hoping it won't be.  Anyway, did Dorit say she was just leaving her house when she called?  It sounded like she was already on her way.

You are so right about the Arroyo Seco Parkway. I was just there two weeks ago. The 405 is definitely the worst no matter what. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

I get that Tom is significantly older than Erika but I doubt she walks around thinking about his mortality constantly. We all know our parents/grandparents are gonna die but it still catches us off guard when it happens. 

I keep forgetting Erika isn't allowed human feelings on failings here.

It's not that she has to think about it constantly, but I'm with the other posters who found it odd that she appeared to not have thought about these things before his accident.  My spouse and I are in our 50's, but we have thought about the "what ifs" since we got married in our early 20's.  We have had 3 young family members pass away unexpectedly over the years (2 of them leaving spouses behind), so that in itself makes us think of our own mortality.  We have tried to plan for the unexpected (life insurance, etc.), but it's not something we dwell on.  To not have thought through these things is odd to me though.  YMMV.   I do understand that it was jarring for Erika to see her husband go from being active and strong to being in pain and dependent on her.  Maybe that's all she meant by it.   Of course she's allowed her feelings!  It's just that what she expressed came across as a little odd to some of us.  


On ‎1‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:04 PM, KungFuBunny said:

I'm anti Kyle for trying to excuse Dorit's behavior. She did nothing to diffuse the situation by sticking up for Dorit. Hey how about you  understand and validate Camille's feelings on the subject matter

Kyle tends to ride the fence on certain issues so that she doesn't piss certain people off.  That has always bugged me.  Dorit made an ass of herself in front of Camille and the entire dinner party.  Being drunk is not an excuse, IMO.  Her drinking is a problem if she becomes vile and rude to other people.  She needs to get a handle on that immediately!

Edited by ChitChat
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43 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I'm meeting someone at The Grove later tonight well after rush hour.  I live 2.5 miles away and will be taking surface streets (mainly a secondary thoroughfare).  I'm giving myself 30 minutes and I'll probably end up being a couple minutes late if parking is a clusterfuck.  Since it is January, I'm hoping it won't be.  Anyway, did Dorit say she was just leaving her house when she called?  It sounded like she was already on her way.

Perhaps not but a) she’s lived in LA long enough to know traffic patterns and when to leave based on that, and b) I suppose I’m cynical but her “I’m on my way” felt a little like “We just pulled out of the driveway.”

  • Love 4

I didn't think this needed an explanation but the RH are being paid for filming.  Some get paid per diem such as Friends of Real Housewives, some get a flat rate for the season.  Others start a season with great promise and fizzle out either do to lack of magic, unwillingness to film or personal issues.  They still get paid.  So when they are scheduled to film -they are being compensated for their time.  Absent was any mention of who invited who for drinks.  Dorit said something about drinks from 4:30 to 5:30, which sounds like something she got from a production schedule.  Please note these women if they have a scheduled event are expected to arrive early so they can get their microphones on and shots can be established.  Obviously the crew was at Teddi's house prior to driving to the restaurant.  Perhaps they got there early or Teddi arrived ahead of schedule to the restaurant.  Most likely a newbie like Teddi won't be scheduled to film sitting at home drinking a glass of wine.  She didn't drink the glass of wine at the restaurant.  She ordered looked at it, asked for the check and cancelled with Dorit.  There is a lot of hurry up and wait time.  At the premiere party when asked who is most often late they all had the same answer and it wasn't Dorit.  Some of the women were scheduled to go to the dirt and watch Teddi compete on her borrowed horse.  They do it because they are contractually obligated to.  

I am not defending Dorit's tardiness all I am saying is I think there may have been some misunderstanding as to the start time and if one is already at the event and they have set aside the time why leave once you hear from the person?  Dorit was late for the 4:30 time.  These women in regular group settings have people arrive late and leave early all the time.  My theory with chronically tardy people is it is a control issue and many times it is an issue of them wanting to seem more important and get attention.  It doesn't excuse it.  All I want to know is what time did production have the car and river at Dorit's?  If it was there at 3:30, it would seem it might remind Dorit she had a 4:00 engagement.  If it was there at 4:00 she should have been getting off the phone.

Producers may be making lemonade from lemons they now will have an opportunity to play this thing out over several scenes.  Dorit has already been told by LVP she was incorrect and Kyle gave her opinion as to Dorit's tardiness.  When Dorit said, "I am so, so sorry, I couldn't get off the phone, " all Teddi said was, "I get it," and "shoot me a text."  So Teddi didn't acknowledge Dorit's apology and she doesn't have to.  Teddi did make comments about how she wasn't all the excited to have drinks with Dorit.   I was wondering what the topic of conversation would have been.

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34 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Perhaps not but a) she’s lived in LA long enough to know traffic patterns and when to leave based on that, and b) I suppose I’m cynical but her “I’m on my way” felt a little like “We just pulled out of the driveway.”

Dorit tends to get chauffeured, at least from what we have seen on the show. Just throwing that out there.

I am sure the woman has driven plenty of times on her own around Los Angeles. 

57 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

It's not that she has to think about it constantly, but I'm with the other posters who found it odd that she appeared to not have thought about these things before his accident.  My spouse and I are in our 50's, but we have thought about the "what ifs" since we got married in our early 20's.  We have had 3 young family members pass away unexpectedly over the years (2 of them leaving spouses behind), so that in itself makes us think of our own mortality.  We have tried to plan for the unexpected (life insurance, etc.), but it's not something we dwell on.  To not have thought through these things is odd to me though.  YMMV.   I do understand that it was jarring for Erika to see her husband go from being active and strong to being in pain and dependent on her.  Maybe that's all she meant by it.   Of course she's allowed her feelings!  It's just that what she expressed came across as a little odd to some of us.  


Kyle tends to ride the fence on certain issues so that she doesn't piss certain people off.  That has always bugged me.  Dorit made an ass of herself in front of Camille and the entire dinner party.  Being drunk is not an excuse, IMO.  Her drinking is a problem if she becomes vile and rude to other people.  She needs to get a handle on that immediately!

Agree to your entire post. 

Another thought is, perhaps Erika meant she has thought of those what-if moments, but she doesn't dwell on it. Maybe that is why they have things in writing so she doesn't have to have those discussions with her spouse as he gets older. She may feel  at ease knowing things are taken care of. Whatever happens will happen and she will deal with it then. Assuming her husband dies first, of course. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ChitChat said:


Kyle tends to ride the fence on certain issues so that she doesn't piss certain people off.  That has always bugged me.  Dorit made an ass of herself in front of Camille and the entire dinner party.  Being drunk is not an excuse, IMO.  Her drinking is a problem if she becomes vile and rude to other people.  She needs to get a handle on that immediately!

Here is what Kyle had to say about the Camille/Dorit situation.  I am not sure who she is talking about putting on airs.  She also breaks a glass while gesticulating.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/andy-cohen-and-kyle-richards-share-a-secret-real-housewives-reunion-ritual-video  It is towards the end.  Kyle also comments on the Kim/Rinna bunny situation.  Part 2 Kyle comments about Rinna and bringing up LVP's lawsuit and Dorit continuing to talk about Rinna. 

She is a little less fence riding but not by much.

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 8:36 PM, Avaleigh said:

Regarding Kathy and Kim being annoyed with Kyle over American Woman---for Kathy, I believe it's still left over bitterness from Mauricio leaving H&H. For Kim, I think it's jealousy on top of drug induced paranoia and the general misconception that she's somehow being used or taken advantage of because Kim never misses the opportunity to play the victim especially when it comes to Kyle. 

I don't like Kim and I don't know much about Kathy Hilton except that she's the mother that inflicted Paris Hilton on the world, but I think its a completely legitimate thing to be unhappy with a sibling who turns your mother and your shared childhood into a TV show over your objections.

And now, apparently, Kyle isn't selling original stories for new shows.  Its more stories from her life.  I wonder if she managed to find a sellable time period where the Hiltons and Kim weren't integral characters.

49 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I didn't think this needed an explanation but the RH are being paid for filming.  Some get paid per diem such as Friends of Real Housewives, some get a flat rate for the season.  Others start a season with great promise and fizzle out either do to lack of magic, unwillingness to film or personal issues.  They still get paid.  So when they are scheduled to film -they are being compensated for their time. 

I get what you are saying now. I thought when you said she was paid until 5:30 that she was paid by the hour. Basically, she was paid for the whole day, night, and all the other days and nights during filming. They are compensated for their time regardless of whether or not they are filming. They even get paid if they take 10 days off (Kyle for example) to go on vacation during filming. Unless of course they are being  paid to play. I have read (around here I think) that this happens some times, although that might not be true. Maybe this is the case with Teddi? So basically, Teddi was being paid no matter what. If she had stayed and waited around for Teddi, she would have made the same as if she would have just gotten in her car and driven home (which she did). Just the same as the HW's who come to a party late, or leave early. Or don't come at all because they have other stuff going on. Or go on vacation. Since they basically get paid the same no matter what, their incentive to do as much filming as possible is to get as much camera time as possible. Since you cannot make a connection, or get really noticed,  if you are never around. 

I have little doubt that no matter how she was being paid, Bravo loved the fact that she left and told Teddi to basically bugger off. If she had stayed and waited, they no doubt would have quickly patched things up and it wouldn't have become a silly thing that goes on and on for way too many episodes. It happened exactly the way Bravo would have wanted it to happen. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The Arroyo Seco Parkway portion of the 110 is the oldest freeway in the Western US, but it's not that bad.  The shitty part is getting on and off it up there because it doesn't really have on ramps so you are joining freeway traffic from a dead stop.  If you are already on because you're coming from the Four Level (i.e. in this instance you started on the 101 in Hollywood) you don't have to worry about that.  It's a little curvy, but it isn't a big deal if you are used to it.  Worse to me is the 405 through the Sepulveda pass when it is super foggy.


I'm meeting someone at The Grove later tonight well after rush hour.  I live 2.5 miles away and will be taking surface streets (mainly a secondary thoroughfare).  I'm giving myself 30 minutes and I'll probably end up being a couple minutes late if parking is a clusterfuck.  Since it is January, I'm hoping it won't be.  Anyway, did Dorit say she was just leaving her house when she called?  It sounded like she was already on her way.

Oh those dead stop onramp are deliciously EEEEEVIL! I live between the 2 and 110 off the 5, so I know them well.

The city layout is so PITA! I don't even look in the direction of The Grove if I can help it. 

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Some get paid per diem such as Friends of Real Housewives, some get a flat rate for the season.

Except both Dorit and Teddi are full time HWs. They're getting paid for everything they do. Heck, you could then say they were getting paid to show up at Kyle's party.


Dorit said something about drinks from 4:30 to 5:30, which sounds like something she got from a production schedule

Even if you buy the line that the producers set up that meeting - and I certainly don't - she would be showing up, at best, at 5:15...to spend only 15 minutes with Teddi?


Obviously the crew was at Teddi's house prior to driving to the restaurant

Or, she showed up on time at the restaurant and was punctual.


She didn't drink the glass of wine at the restaurant. 

Probably because she was waiting for the person she was supposed to meet. She was seen sipping the drink, a few times. Maybe some people enjoy sharing their drink with the person they are waiting for. Then again, some people are just faster drinkers than others. Who knows, had it been the other way around, Dorit would have probably finished the whole bottle in the same time.


She ordered, looked at it, asked for the check and cancelled with Dorit

She ordered it, had a few sips, sat there waiting almost 50 minutes, then decided enough was enough, asked for the check, and decided to leave.

Fixed it for you.


Some of the women were scheduled to go to the dirt and watch Teddi compete on her borrowed horse.  They do it because they are contractually obligated to.  

That implies that the show has a separate check list for the all the women, in terms of what events they are and are not supposed to attend, which, no, I don't believe the show works that way.


I am not defending Dorit's tardiness all I am saying is I think there may have been some misunderstanding as to the start time and if one is already at the event and they have set aside the time why leave once you hear from the person?  Dorit was late for the 4:30 time. 

Then you'd think would have brought that up at some point. "4:00? Teddi, my love, I thought we were supposed to meet at 4:030pm. That explains why you texted me at 4:06pm that you already waiting for me".


All I want to know is what time did production have the car and river at Dorit's?  If it was there at 3:30, it would seem it might remind Dorit she had a 4:00 engagement.  If it was there at 4:00 she should have been getting off the phone.

Who said production provided her transport? I'm sure production probably does if they need to go out to Malibu or something, but within LA and BH, I'd think these women would be able to do it themselves. Especially since we have seen them driving their own vehicles themselves many many many times, or in some cases having their own private non-Bravo chauffeur.


So Teddi didn't acknowledge Dorit's apology

She probably did, initially. She just got pissed off when she found out from Kyle that Dorit was trying to spin the situation that Dorit was only 5 or 6 minutes late and Teddi overreacted. Teddi was right to be pissed about that.


I have little doubt that no matter how she was being paid, Bravo loved the fact that she left and told Teddi to basically bugger off. If she had stayed and waited, they no doubt would have quickly patched things up and it wouldn't have become a silly thing that goes on and on for way too many episodes. It happened exactly the way Bravo would have wanted it to happen. 

Of course Bravo loves it. Whether it is intentionally engineered by production or not ;)

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Did anyone else find it strange how Erika referred to her husband Tom as “Mr Girardi” to Mikey?  I mean even if the assistant calls him that out of respect, why did Erika have to refer to him that way?   If I was speaking to my husband's employee who referred to him as "Mr. Pickles" I would still call my husband by his first name in conversation....

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4 hours ago, PickleDeeDee said:

Did anyone else find it strange how Erika referred to her husband Tom as “Mr Girardi” to Mikey?  I mean even if the assistant calls him that out of respect, why did Erika have to refer to him that way?   If I was speaking to my husband's employee who referred to him as "Mr. Pickles" I would still call my husband by his first name in conversation....

I noticed that as well. She called him that when she first mentioned what had happened, but later in the conversation she called him "tom" several times. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, PickleDeeDee said:

Did anyone else find it strange how Erika referred to her husband Tom as “Mr Girardi” to Mikey?  I mean even if the assistant calls him that out of respect, why did Erika have to refer to him that way?   If I was speaking to my husband's employee who referred to him as "Mr. Pickles" I would still call my husband by his first name in conversation....

I Think she does that on camera one because hes a lawyer and shes doing it out of respect and two she has been heard calling him tom ALOT ...Im not getting the attacks on Erika. I understated she might not be everyone's cup of tea but to constantly attack her for stuff like not having her husbands face on a pillow or being respectful and calling him Mr giradi in public or breathing in general is getting a lil ridiculous....so shes married to someone older so is LISA V and no one is attacking her about that but Erika is a gold digging hoe and her husband is OLD and Gross? Erika hasn't attacked anyone character or talked mad crap about anyone (and if she does she tells them to their face) shes liked by all the housewives so im not getting the hate just saying id get it if she was being horrible but shes not im just confused ..I'm not saying you are attacking her its just post after post of picking her apart when she really hasn't done anything is what im responding to

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I Think she does that on camera one because hes a lawyer and shes doing it out of respect and two she has been heard calling him tom ALOT ...Im not getting the attacks on Erika. I understated she might not be everyone's cup of tea but to constantly attack her for stuff like not having her husbands face on a pillow or being respectful and calling him Mr giradi in public or breathing in general is getting a lil ridiculous....so shes married to someone older so is LISA V and no one is attacking her about that but Erika is a gold digging hoe and her husband is OLD and Gross? Erika hasn't attacked anyone character or talked mad crap about anyone (and if she does she tells them to their face) shes liked by all the housewives so im not getting the hate just saying id get it if she was being horrible but shes not im just confused ..I'm not saying you are attacking her its just post after post of picking her apart when she really hasn't done anything is what im responding to

I think some of this comes from previous seasons where they have what I find to be a strange dynamic.  Things like him basically shutting her down, ordering her to go to her room and her being all upset like a kid getting in trouble with daddy over someone else's behavior in their home.  I've never seen Ken order Lisa around like that, although it would make for some great tv when she tells him ever so nicely to shove it!!  The Girardi relationship is an enigma (wrapped in cash)  --- UUGGHH -- that line was so STUPID and TRASHY!!

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I Think she does that on camera one because hes a lawyer and shes doing it out of respect and two she has been heard calling him tom ALOT ...Im not getting the attacks on Erika. I understated she might not be everyone's cup of tea but to constantly attack her for stuff like not having her husbands face on a pillow or being respectful and calling him Mr giradi in public or breathing in general is getting a lil ridiculous....so shes married to someone older so is LISA V and no one is attacking her about that but Erika is a gold digging hoe and her husband is OLD and Gross? Erika hasn't attacked anyone character or talked mad crap about anyone (and if she does she tells them to their face) shes liked by all the housewives so im not getting the hate just saying id get it if she was being horrible but shes not im just confused ..I'm not saying you are attacking her its just post after post of picking her apart when she really hasn't done anything is what im responding to

I agree with all this this,,, but---- those pillows were hideous. I would sit and fart on them.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I Think she does that on camera one because hes a lawyer and shes doing it out of respect and two she has been heard calling him tom ALOT ...Im not getting the attacks on Erika. I understated she might not be everyone's cup of tea but to constantly attack her for stuff like not having her husbands face on a pillow or being respectful and calling him Mr giradi in public or breathing in general is getting a lil ridiculous....so shes married to someone older so is LISA V and no one is attacking her about that but Erika is a gold digging hoe and her husband is OLD and Gross? Erika hasn't attacked anyone character or talked mad crap about anyone (and if she does she tells them to their face) shes liked by all the housewives so im not getting the hate just saying id get it if she was being horrible but shes not im just confused ..I'm not saying you are attacking her its just post after post of picking her apart when she really hasn't done anything is what im responding to

I understand what you are saying, and all I can offer is that I think we notice the criticisms of the HWs we like more. I like Lisa and Dorit and I feel they both are getting more criticism than Erika this season.  Dorit's husband is described as various incarnations of canned ham, both jellied and non, for crying out loud ;) That's worse than mere "old and gross", right? Erika hasn't attacked anyone's character this season (and personally, I am liking her fine so far this year), but she did attack Lisa's character (unprovoked!) in an earlier season (sniper from the side).  

I think you are right that the gold digger label has been unequally applied to Erika, and that is unfair. I guess people see Lisa and Ken as equal partners in their business, but I think the reality is that Ken had a hell of a lot more going on, business-wise than did Lisa when they met.  Lisa and Ken have been business partners for many years though, so eventually the gold digging aspect falls away? That's my guess anyway.

It's early on. All I can offer is, courage, mon ami.

Edited by Jel
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1 minute ago, Normades said:

I think some of this comes from previous seasons where they have what I find to be a strange dynamic.  Things like him basically shutting her down, ordering her to go to her room and her being all upset like a kid getting in trouble with daddy over someone else's behavior in their home.  I've never seen Ken order Lisa around like that, although it would make for some great tv when she tells him ever so nicely to shove it!!  The Girardi relationship is an enigma (wrapped in cash)  --- UUGGHH -- that line was so STUPID and TRASHY!!

I see what you are saying i guess Im just used to his controlling nature because I have some friends that are in relationships with people who act the same way( ie has to know where they are going at all times keeps tabs on spending, when dinner is served what is to be made etc etc) and has long has my friends are happy with that dynamic i say nothing .....so to me thats not strange or unusual but i can see how it would be to some people

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13 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

I agree with all this this,,, but---- those pillows were hideous. I would sit and fart on them.

yea the pillow was tacky but in a funny throwback 80s way (just watch the Goldberg's mom and you'll know what I'm taking about) and Erika being so  over the top with everything she does in erika jane mode you just kind of expect that from her at this point lol

14 minutes ago, Jel said:

I understand what you are saying, and all I can offer is that I think we notice the criticisms of the HWs we like more.

probably 100% correct :)

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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11 minutes ago, Jel said:

I think you are right that the gold digger label has been unequally applied to Erika, and that is unfair. I guess people see Lisa and Ken as equal partners in their business, but I think the reality is that Ken had a hell of a lot more going on, business-wise than did Lisa when they met.  Lisa and Ken have been business partners for many years though, so eventually the gold digging aspect falls away? That's my guess anyway.

I think that's a good observation.  If we had seen Lisa and Ken's relationship in the beginning, the same criticisms may have been made.  Years later we see that Lisa and Ken work as equal partners, so it doesn't seem to have that same feel.  I think Lisa is a smart, accomplished woman and she has worked hard to build their business with Ken.  I just see Erica being very self-involved and not all that driven on subjects that aren't about fawning all over her.  Maybe there is more to her, but we need to see it.  I also didn't care for the way she spoke about Tom's injury and its effect on her life.  Lisa acted very differently when Ken was going through hip surgery.  

I guess you can tell I like LVP and I dislike Erica.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, Normades said:

I think that's a good observation.  If we had seen Lisa and Ken's relationship in the beginning, the same criticisms may have been made.  Years later we see that Lisa and Ken work as equal partners, so it doesn't seem to have that same feel.  I think Lisa is a smart, accomplished woman and she has worked hard to build their business with Ken.  I just see Erica being very self-involved and not all that driven on subjects that aren't about fawning all over her.  Maybe there is more to her, but we need to see it.  I also didn't care for the way she spoke about Tom's injury and its effect on her life.  Lisa acted very differently when Ken was going through hip surgery.  

I guess you can tell I like LVP and I dislike Erica.

I think the difference is Lisa V and Ken both work in the same Business (starting restaurants and things like that) where Erika and Tom arnt hes a lawyer and shes a entertainer so they dont have much of an opportunity to work together so that may be some of the disconnect between the two ..... And i think with the tom being hurt thing again Erika doesn't show emotions at all really (her being called cold) so her being in shock and realizing he isnt superman and wont be around forever but not being over emotional on camera was expected (she must love him or she wouldn't still be with him im sure there are tons of other wealthy men around who would love to have her so the gold digger status just doesn't ring true to me with her)

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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8 hours ago, princelina said:

When she was leaving her house I believe Teddi said that Dorit had invited her.

Which would make it odd that Dorit would say drinks between 4:30 and 5:30.  If it were her invitation, I would think she would know the time.  Teddi seemed to state that she would understand if Dorit was too busy.  It just seemed very forced.  I get it production needs to make it happen.

11 hours ago, gundysgirl said:

I get what you are saying now. I thought when you said she was paid until 5:30 that she was paid by the hour. Basically, she was paid for the whole day, night, and all the other days and nights during filming. They are compensated for their time regardless of whether or not they are filming. They even get paid if they take 10 days off (Kyle for example) to go on vacation during filming. Unless of course they are being  paid to play. I have read (around here I think) that this happens some times, although that might not be true. Maybe this is the case with Teddi? So basically, Teddi was being paid no matter what. If she had stayed and waited around for Teddi, she would have made the same as if she would have just gotten in her car and driven home (which she did). Just the same as the HW's who come to a party late, or leave early. Or don't come at all because they have other stuff going on. Or go on vacation. Since they basically get paid the same no matter what, their incentive to do as much filming as possible is to get as much camera time as possible. Since you cannot make a connection, or get really noticed,  if you are never around. 

I have little doubt that no matter how she was being paid, Bravo loved the fact that she left and told Teddi to basically bugger off. If she had stayed and waited, they no doubt would have quickly patched things up and it wouldn't have become a silly thing that goes on and on for way too many episodes. It happened exactly the way Bravo would have wanted it to happen. 

RH shows are not 24/7 documentaries.  The ladies commit to appearing at the direction of the producers.  That is why Eileen could work as an actress, LVP can film Vanderpump Rules, Kyle can produce a TV show.  (Here is an Evolution Media contract https://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/contractwife.pdf)  I hope this helps.  Granted the RHOBH contracts are probably far more sophisticated.  The producers from the way I understand it cannot just decide to tail a RH and catch her coming and going to an AA meeting.  They have the right to discover any and everything about a RH and even use it on the show but there are boundaries.

So when Kyle or Rinna have scheduled events, such as vacations or Rinna's appearances on QVC, they have been negotiated.  Essentially what happens is production sits down with each of the RH (especially returning ones) and finds out what they have going on and their availability.  Which is why we see glitches such as Kyle's renovations on going during a pre-planned dinner.  The producers have to get a commitment from each party they are available for filming most likely weeks in advance.  Rinna was gone, and I for some reason Erika wasn't available.

I agree with your premise about wanting camera time.  Brandi always arrived early-schmoozing with the producers and chance for extra camera time.  Sometimes they show scenes that didn't make the show-LVP's breast exam comes to mind.  The contract outlines pretty much what RH can and cannot do and what producers can do including creating fictional accounts of events and conversations through editing.

After reading the contract it leads one to ask-who would sign up for such a thing?  

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think the difference is Lisa V and Ken both work in the same Business (starting restaurants and things like that) where Erika and Tom arnt hes a lawyer and shes a entertainer so they dont have much of an opportunity to work together so that may be some of the disconnect between the two

I'm guessing that Tom probably doesn't want to be filmed for this show, so it's difficult for us viewers to see their true dynamic.  I'd like to see less of Erika the entertainer, and more of Erika doing normal day-to-day stuff, sans the glamour squad. 

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think the difference is Lisa V and Ken both work in the same Business (starting restaurants and things like that) where Erika and Tom arnt hes a lawyer and shes a entertainer so they dont have much of an opportunity to work together so that may be some of the disconnect between the two  

For the first 10 years of their relationship Erika went with Tom to all business meetings.  She has no legal training but she was there for moral support.  Tom used his standing in the legal community to preview a performance of his wife.   LVP was 22 when she married Ken and Ken was 38.  Tom is 33 years Erika's senior.  Erika seems quite immune to gold digger comments.  At some point they have made their relationship work and I do think Erika was being very candid about how different her life would be without their current revenue stream.  Tom is the provider for Erika and he is also her number one fan.  Tom is the engine and fuel car on the Erika Jayne train.  I do believe they enjoy each others' company.  Erika does have this thing about her where she expects the others to pay extra deference to Tom, beyond that of just being a peer's husband.  Of course they blow it off for the most part.  TOm wisely stays out of much of the group interaction.  (In all fairness Season 1 Camille did the same  with Kelsey Grammer.) 

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I'm guessing that Tom probably doesn't want to be filmed for this show, so it's difficult for us viewers to see their true dynamic.  I'd like to see less of Erika the entertainer, and more of Erika doing normal day-to-day stuff, sans the glamour squad. 

yea i think tom being a lawyer sees how quickly this show could be bad for anyone's legitimate business just ask Siggy from jersey lol

Edited by Keywestclubkid
  • Love 5

Which would make it odd that Dorit would say drinks between 4:30 and 5:30. 

Her pants were probably on fire when she said that.


Erika seems quite immune to gold digger comments

Probably about as immune as when LVP met Ken...or Yolanda met Mohammed...or Camille met Kelsey...or so on and so on...


Here is an Evolution Media contract

I do question the authenticity of that...heck, on the first page, article 4, the HW isn't supposed to mention of "plug" any product/service/thing/etc on the series. Vicki and Jeanna were both mentioning their businesses in season 1...

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Which would make it odd that Dorit would say drinks between 4:30 and 5:30.  If it were her invitation, I would think she would know the time.  Teddi seemed to state that she would understand if Dorit was too busy.  It just seemed very forced.  I get it production needs to make it happen.

RH shows are not 24/7 documentaries.  The ladies commit to appearing at the direction of the producers.  That is why Eileen could work as an actress, LVP can film Vanderpump Rules, Kyle can produce a TV show.  (Here is an Evolution Media contract https://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/contractwife.pdf)  I hope this helps.  Granted the RHOBH contracts are probably far more sophisticated.  The producers from the way I understand it cannot just decide to tail a RH and catch her coming and going to an AA meeting.  They have the right to discover any and everything about a RH and even use it on the show but there are boundaries.

So when Kyle or Rinna have scheduled events, such as vacations or Rinna's appearances on QVC, they have been negotiated.  Essentially what happens is production sits down with each of the RH (especially returning ones) and finds out what they have going on and their availability.  Which is why we see glitches such as Kyle's renovations on going during a pre-planned dinner.  The producers have to get a commitment from each party they are available for filming most likely weeks in advance.  Rinna was gone, and I for some reason Erika wasn't available.

I agree with your premise about wanting camera time.  Brandi always arrived early-schmoozing with the producers and chance for extra camera time.  Sometimes they show scenes that didn't make the show-LVP's breast exam comes to mind.  The contract outlines pretty much what RH can and cannot do and what producers can do including creating fictional accounts of events and conversations through editing.

After reading the contract it leads one to ask-who would sign up for such a thing?  

I’m especially confused why Teddi signed up. She doesn’t appear to need the money. Is she even promoting anything? Does she have unfulfilled aspirations of fame?

  • Love 1
52 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Her pants were probably on fire when she said that.

Probably about as immune as when LVP met Ken...or Yolanda met Mohammed...or Camille met Kelsey...or so on and so on...

I do question the authenticity of that...heck, on the first page, article 4, the HW isn't supposed to mention of "plug" any product/service/thing/etc on the series. Vicki and Jeanna were both mentioning their businesses in season 1...

it was meant as a compliment to Erika-I don't think she lets it bother her.  She has pretty much said so on several occasions.  

Well the contract was an attachment to a Superior Court document.  So it authentic.    As to the terms for promotion there are appendages and separate agreements.  RH and producers make deals all the time to promote products and for product placement.  As to their businesses and careers I think it is a given.  Even something like a party planner, is getting a plug, or someone who does colonics.  I believe what they do not want the RH to do is say have a bottle of Mumm Champagne out and then discover the RH is receiving a fee for serving the champagne.  Production wants their cut or advantage.  We see the women's cars all the time under the contract they would not be able to receive a fee for say their rose coloured Bentley.  Contrast that with last year's Lamborghini sponsored party in Malibu, there is obviously an agreement between The Agency, Bravo and Lamborghini. 

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I like Kyle but she has been a bit of a pot stirrer.  Why mention to Teddi what Dorit said about being tardy?  Tsk, tsk Kyle creating stir where maybe one not need be created.

I totally get being frustrated by another's tardiness.  Here is the reality apparently they had PAID Teddi to meet Dorit for drinks through 5:30 pm.   She wasn't sitting alone, and she didn't touch her wine.  She had producers and a camera crew.  When Dorit called, and Dorit was at least 18 minutes late with the call, Teddi blew her off.     "I have to run spend time with my kids."  Sorry Teddi you were with them 90 minutes earlier.  To me Dorit is like the dog who runs away, and you keep calling for her to come home.  When she responds to the command-you don' tell her bad dog.  Teddi and her job no one has ever heard of accountability  coach needs to also realize when someone apologizes and the window of time is still open-you accept it. Cut Dorit off at 5:30 pm.  Nobody wants an involuntary accountability coach.  Dorit was wrong because her apology should have included inconveniencing Teddi.  No matter it is there job to meet up, Dorit failed to recognize Teddi is just as special a snowflake as Erika.  

Sadly, they both go ape shit and start calling each other liars.  Teddi was very snarky in her blog and should have let it go. Dorit seems to be oblivious as to time.   I feel as if Teddi is one and done.  Kyle and LVP although flattering, fail to raise any level of interest in her.  Being a good mom doesn't keep a diamond on this show.  At least Eileen was soap star.

That's not at all how a reality set works. Sure, Dorit COULD have been given a call time of 4:30, but talent is never given a set cut time. Teddi was doing her job by showing up at her assigned time. Dorit was not. The window of time was not still open-- Dorit had wasted everybody's time and there's no way she would have been there before 5:15PM with LA traffic. So even if they did have a set cut time of 5:30PM, as you say, that makes what Dorit did even worse. What kind of film could they get in fifteen minutes, assuming she even made it there by then? 

And if Dorit is then going to go and create a different version of events to Kyle, why shouldn't Teddi correct it? 

Edited by PerPlexied
  • Love 17
14 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I don't like Kim and I don't know much about Kathy Hilton except that she's the mother that inflicted Paris Hilton on the world, but I think its a completely legitimate thing to be unhappy with a sibling who turns your mother and your shared childhood into a TV show over your objections.

And now, apparently, Kyle isn't selling original stories for new shows.  Its more stories from her life.  I wonder if she managed to find a sellable time period where the Hiltons and Kim weren't integral characters.

There are a few reasons why Kyle's choice to do this show doesn't bother me. 

For starters, Kyle always puts a positive spin on Big Kathy. I've never doubted Kyle's love or respect for her mother. It's come through on every season of this show, so I feel like it's unreasonable for the sisters to suspect that this will be an unflattering expose that trashes her. 

Little Kathy doesn't even seem like she's going to be featured as a character so she has even less cause to be concerned. A version of Kim will be a character, but when has Kyle not made excuses for her sister's behaviour? She has defended Kim every season, she makes excuses for her, she sympathizes with her, she lies for her, all to the point where it's even done her a disservice. (Kim meanwhile is ungrateful and resentful regarding Kyle over just about any topic. Kyle can't win with Kim no matter what she does.) Furthermore, if Kim is worried that the show will delve into her issues with drugs and alcohol---these are some of the consequences of being an unapologetic addict. Too bad if Kim doesn't like people getting a dose of the truth.

As far as the narrative potentially getting twisted, Kyle is a pretty open person who is media friendly and is the type to do the rounds to promote whatever it is she's involved in. I don't doubt that she'd be happy and willing to clarify anything potentially controversial that might come up. 

Finally, I dislike the idea that Kyle isn't allowed to tell a story about her own life. It's her perspective about her life and childhood. Why shouldn't she be able to tell it?

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 17

I was just skimming through that contract and it is scary as all get out to me. That they have the right to enable listening devices to my phones or personal areas without telling me of said installation! Boy, it sure wouldn't pay to anger a producer with all that they could collect and use against you. 

I found that strange that it was signed by Sidney...Tamra's daughter. I thought she wanted nothing to do with filming or the show. 

  • Love 3
52 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I was just skimming through that contract and it is scary as all get out to me. That they have the right to enable listening devices to my phones or personal areas without telling me of said installation! Boy, it sure wouldn't pay to anger a producer with all that they could collect and use against you. 

I found that strange that it was signed by Sidney...Tamra's daughter. I thought she wanted nothing to do with filming or the show. 

I think this was part of the lawsuit where Tamra was trying to make Simon allow filming of the children after they separated.  Apparently the youngest wanted to film and Simon said no.  

What I find enlightening was the fact that producers are allowed to present both factual and fictional claims about the RH and there progeny apparently.  They set the stage and the RH has zero control of the editing or redress.  I also found it interesting if a RH quits they can be asked to reimburse for trips paid for by production.   

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I think the difference is Lisa V and Ken both work in the same Business (starting restaurants and things like that) where Erika and Tom arnt hes a lawyer and shes a entertainer so they dont have much of an opportunity to work together so that may be some of the disconnect between the two ..... And i think with the tom being hurt thing again Erika doesn't show emotions at all really (her being called cold) so her being in shock and realizing he isnt superman and wont be around forever but not being over emotional on camera was expected (she must love him or she wouldn't still be with him im sure there are tons of other wealthy men around who would love to have her so the gold digger status just doesn't ring true to me with her)

I think a lot of it is probably how Erika defers to Mr. Girardi.  She doesn't potray herself as an equal in the relationship.  Whereas if Lisa and Ken are not equals it skews towards her having him wrapped around her finger.  Also Erika's chief worry seemed to be about keeping her lifestyle after Tom croaks where as when Ken had his hip surgery Lisa was more concerned about being without him, not his wallet.


11 hours ago, BBHN said:

Obviously the crew was at Teddi's house prior to driving to the restaurant

Or, she showed up on time at the restaurant and was punctual.

I don't know how her leaving her kids with the nanny to meet Dorit was filmed if production wasn't at her house prior to going to Plan Check.  It didn't look like home video.  I suppose they could have done a pick up, but if so, they did a way better job with continuity then they normally do with pick ups.


1 hour ago, PerPlexied said:

That's not at all how a reality set works. Sure, Dorit COULD have been given a call time of 4:30, but talent is never given a set cut time. Teddi was doing her job by showing up at her assigned time. Dorit was not. The window of time was not still open-- Dorit had wasted everybody's time and there's no way she would have been there before 5:15PM with LA traffic. So even if they did have a set cut time of 5:30PM, as you say, that makes what Dorit did even worse. What kind of film could they get in fifteen minutes, assuming she even made it there by then? 

And if Dorit is then going to go and create a different version of events to Kyle, why shouldn't Teddi correct it? 

The phone call was just before 4:50 and the driver's estimate was "about 15 to 20 minutes in traffic."  Since he deals with with LA traffic on a daily basis as his profession, he probably is familiar with LA traffic and was fairly accurate and they would have been there prior to 5:15 (I'm making the assumption that production sent cars since it was a drinking event and she wasn't just taking an Uber).  Dorit still wasted everyone's time and was still inexcusably late.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Avaleigh said:

There are a few reasons why Kyle's choice to do this show doesn't bother me. 

For starters, Kyle always puts a positive spin on Big Kathy. I've never doubted Kyle's love or respect for her mother. It's come through on every season of this show, so I feel like it's unreasonable for the sisters to suspect that this will be an unflattering expose that trashes her. 

Little Kathy doesn't even seem like she's going to be featured as a character so she has even less cause to be concerned. A version of Kim will be a character, but when has Kyle not made excuses for her sister's behaviour? She has defended Kim every season, she makes excuses for her, she sympathizes with her, she lies for her, all to the point where it's even done her a disservice. (Kim meanwhile is ungrateful and resentful regarding Kyle over just about any topic. Kyle can't win with Kim no matter what she does.) Furthermore, if Kim is worried that the show will delve into her issues with drugs and alcohol---these are some of the consequences of being an unapologetic addict. Too bad if Kim doesn't like people getting a dose of the truth.

As far as the narrative potentially getting twisted, Kyle is a pretty open person who is media friendly and is the type to do the rounds to promote whatever it is she's involved in. I don't doubt that she'd be happy and willing to clarify anything potentially controversial that might come up. 

Finally, I dislike the idea that Kyle isn't allowed to tell a story about her own life. It's her perspective about her life and childhood. Why shouldn't she be able to tell it?

I am of the opinion that had Kathy or Kim thought of it first and had a way to make it happen they would have done it.  Kyle is entitled to tell her story.  Kathy has always struck me as too lazy to do the work and would rather spend someone else's money and Kim hasn't been able to stay sober long enough for follow through.  Also one can tell from her one attempt to market herself, the slut pig shirts, that she is best leaving the heavy lifting to someone else.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I Think she does that on camera one because hes a lawyer and shes doing it out of respect and two she has been heard calling him tom ALOT ...Im not getting the attacks on Erika. I understated she might not be everyone's cup of tea but to constantly attack her for stuff like not having her husbands face on a pillow or being respectful and calling him Mr giradi in public or breathing in general is getting a lil ridiculous....so shes married to someone older so is LISA V and no one is attacking her about that but Erika is a gold digging hoe and her husband is OLD and Gross? Erika hasn't attacked anyone character or talked mad crap about anyone (and if she does she tells them to their face) shes liked by all the housewives so im not getting the hate just saying id get it if she was being horrible but shes not im just confused ..I'm not saying you are attacking her its just post after post of picking her apart when she really hasn't done anything is what im responding to

I don't mind Erika. I often even like her. But I don't have to like everything she does. 

I don't think it's fair to compare LVP and Ken to Erika and Tom. LVP is roughly 15 years younger than Ken. I think Tom is a whole 32 years older than Erika. I don't judge people's relationships; if you're happy and it works for you, good. But I cannot understand what you would have in common with someone who was old enough to have a bunch of kids running around the day you were born. I don't see a lot of chemistry with them; It seems more like a boss-employee relationship, to me. And if they're both happy and understand what they signed on for, I really don't care. But I do think she often tries to portray the relationship as something different than it is. I could also be wrong. I'll admit that. But they put themselves out there, so I'll speculate on it. 

  • Love 10

I liked Dorit last season, but wow has she gone down the chute fast. Between her drunken potty mouth, and her stupid, stupid outfits, she's ridiculous. When she first arrived at LVP's house with those thigh high, purple boots, I thought she was Erika. Erika still looks ridiculous, but its ERIKA. Its her schtick, and she pulls it off. Dorit just looks like an attention whore. As for blaming Teddi? Team Teddi all the way. Dorit is voted off my island.

  • Love 10

Dorit has answered the burning questions:

Yes she was talking to someone in Europe at midnight ++ 

Yes...inquiring minds. But who said it was a conference call?

Dorit Kemsley added,

Joni LefkowitzVerified account @jonikat

@doritkemsley1 INQUIRING MINDS NEED TO KNOW: if your conference call with Europe was at 3 or 4 LA time, were the Europeans on a midnight work call?

5:54 PM - 17 Jan 2018

As to the time and what she meant: 

THANK YOU!!! And shame on @TeddiMellencamp because she does know better but hey...some people just gotta ride the train. Good luck with that.

Dorit Kemsley added,


I could be wrong but i think @doritkemsley1 said “i thought we had from 4:30 to 5:30 for drinks?” Meaning we have an hour to hangout NOT “lets meet anytime between 4:30 and 5:30” like Teddi is implying right now, cause yeah that is ridic. #RHOBH

6:08 PM - 17 Jan 2018

Dorit was still late for 4:30 but Teddi saying:

Hey, want to meet for a drink?” “Sure, what time?” “Between 4PM and Christmas?” “Perfect!” #RHOBH

Teddi is definitely being cute.  Not accurate but cute.

5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Tom is 33 years Erika's senior.  Erika seems quite immune to gold digger comments.  At some point they have made their relationship work and I do think Erika was being very candid about how different her life would be without their current revenue stream.

I do feel badly for Erika in that she's made the comment that the wives of Tom's co-workers don't like her very much.  That's sad if they never gave her a chance and just labeled her a "gold digger."  I guess she's used to it given the age difference.  Even so, if Tom and Erika are happy, then those people that they associate with (his co-workers) really should just put the assumptions about their marriage aside and be civil.   It's really not their concern as to the details of the marriage.  YMMV. 

  • Love 5

The was Dorit a little late/was she a lot late business is BORING to me. If it gets dragged out much longer, it'll make me long for the days of Panty Gate.


Here's my burning question: What in the HELL was Kyle wearing when she went to meet Dorit for lunch, and am I the only who initially thought it was the Maryland flag??? I swear, such a beautiful woman, with such awful taste in clothing.



  • Love 4
19 hours ago, PickleDeeDee said:

Did anyone else find it strange how Erika referred to her husband Tom as “Mr Girardi” to Mikey? 


I agree with all this this,,, but---- those pillows were hideous. I would sit and fart on them.

Does Erika really have to breath all the time? I mean in, out, in, out... give it a rest already. 

6 hours ago, candle96 said:

The was Dorit a little late/was she a lot late business is BORING to me. If it gets dragged out much longer, it'll make me long for the days of Panty Gate.


Here's my burning question: What in the HELL was Kyle wearing when she went to meet Dorit for lunch, and am I the only who initially thought it was the Maryland flag??? I swear, such a beautiful woman, with such awful taste in clothing.



OMG on the Maryland flag.  That was my first thought too but I didn't want to say anything. 

  • Love 4

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