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Figure Skating

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4 minutes ago, Enero said:

I usually enjoy Tara/Johnny/Terry, but honestly these last few skaters I've just had to mute them. I'm happy Nathan did well, but they just keep going on and on and on about it. I know it's their job being US commentators and Nathan being from the US, but enough already.

Yes.  They’re all, “this person, this person, NATHAN CHEN!  This, this, that, and this, NATHAN CHEN!”  It’s ridiculous.  It’s making me start to root against Nathan Chen.

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3 minutes ago, Paws said:

Does Patrick Chan go much faster than some of these guys? He seems very fast

Oh yeah! His speed across the ice is one of his greatest assets. It’s one of the reasons he can fit in so many little choreography bits and bobs flying down the rink and rack up points even when he splats multiple times.

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Why wouldn't they be on their phones?  I can't imagine how nerve wracking it must be to just sit and wait and watch while the other competitors go.  And unlike those who fall below the top 3, they're stuck in that room with cameras.  I think they used to be able to pace.

I'd be on my phone too.  And I'm not young.

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When Hanyu retires, Disney Stock is going to plummet because people won't be buying Winnie the Poohs by bulk anymore.

2 Reds?  Not all greens?  Yowza.  But he'll take the gold (unless Javi has the skate of his life).

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4 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

Why wouldn't they be on their phones?  I can't imagine how nerve wracking it must be to just sit and wait and watch while the other competitors go.  And unlike those who fall below the top 3, they're stuck in that room with cameras.  I think they used to be able to pace.

I'd be on my phone too.  And I'm not young.

I think it's disrespectful to your competitors, like they are not worth your time.

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