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The Alldredges

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What has always struck me about the Allredge's is that Jeff should quit while he is ahead. He's got two much younger wives who as far as one can tell (this is "reality" tv so who really knows) seem to genuinely love him, and have provided him with quite a little squadron of little ones.  Dude, quit while you are winning. But Jeff seems to want to go for yet another wife.  How much time, energy and money does he have, and a wife like Jennifer would have been truly destabilizing to his situation, and yet he seemed oblivious to it all.  

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1 hour ago, LucyEth said:

Ten people using one bathroom, are they kidding?  Wait till Jennifer sees she is sleeping in a tree house and sharing bathroom with 10 other people.

She won't see it.  She is lying somewhere in a hospital under the name "Jane Doe" with an IV drip feeding her breakfast because of her life threatening appendix explosion.    

Edited by Kyanight
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1 hour ago, LucyEth said:

Ten people using one bathroom, are they kidding?  Wait till Jennifer sees she is sleeping in a tree house and sharing bathroom with 10 other people.

I wondered for a moment if she got a heads up about the tree house from the film crew, but then I realized that seeing them take her out to her bedroom in the tree house would be must see tv.  Also for them a way to get noticed.  This is the type of thing I would expect to see in some of those magazines about tv shows.     I thought she was going to sleep on the sofa, and then they went out and made up a bed in the tree house.  I see giving her some privacy, but there is no way city girl is going to want to live in a crowded house with one bathroom and sleep in a tree.  Nope.   They need to add another 2 bathrooms to that house;  it will be awful when those kids are teenagers.

For the record,  Queen Elizabeth was staying in a tree house in Africa when she was notified of the death of her father.  I have nothing against tree houses for the kids, but not for a house guest unless it is like the Treetops.   https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2012/jan/08/queen-elizabeth-treetops-kenya

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10 minutes ago, Twopper said:

For the record,  Queen Elizabeth was staying in a tree house in Africa when she was notified of the death of her father.  I have nothing against tree houses for the kids, but not for a house guest unless it is like the Treetops. 

We had a large treehouse when we were kids and we used to sleep in it sometimes during the summer.  Can you say SPIDERS???  Spiders LOVE treehouses!   Jennifer doesn't seem like a spider type of gal.

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I know we have a few Mormons on this board and I’m hoping they can answer a question for me.  On this show, it has been loosely said by some that they believe in polygamy as a way to become gods/goddesses of their own planet in the afterlife and populate their planet.  Do polygamy and non-polygamous Mormons have the same view/understanding of the afterlife planet?  Thanks.

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2 hours ago, Booger666 said:

I know we have a few Mormons on this board and I’m hoping they can answer a question for me.  On this show, it has been loosely said by some that they believe in polygamy as a way to become gods/goddesses of their own planet in the afterlife and populate their planet.  Do polygamy and non-polygamous Mormons have the same view/understanding of the afterlife planet?  Thanks.

Yes they do.

"Mormons believe that these people will become gods and goddesses in the afterlife, and will have "all power, glory, dominion, and knowledge". Mormons teach thatexalted people will live with their earthly families and will also "have spirit children": their posterity will grow forever."

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6 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Wow- Jennifer hospitalized for the worst case of cold feet, I mean “appendicitis “ ! 

A Louis Vuitton carrying, smoking, bartender with a boob job- the Aldrich’s need to look elsewhere for their next rent a womb. 

Shady, shady, shady! I don't know what her deal is, but no, time to move on, next!

Vanessa and Sharis are so sweet. I like that they actually do seem to get along and have a good relationship. But of course as they said, it takes work. 

Despite the manspread, Jeff seems pretty chill. I think he's a nice-looking man and seems to genuinely care for his wives and children. The scenes when he is playing with the younger ones are cute. There was a quick scene in a recent episode where I'm guessing one of the behind the scenes folks asked him about children, and he said something like "Oh I love kids. I'd have a hundred if I could." He sounded really sincere.

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3 hours ago, steff13 said:

So, the chances that the text message was actually from her brother, and that she actually had an appendix issue are about 0.0%, right?  I think she's just changed her mind about joining the family. 

Totally agree.  That was such a lame excuse, too.   I don't know why people can't just be honest.  "Hey, I'm getting cold feet and I need to think about this - sorry!"  Preferable to a stupid lie.

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On 3/15/2019 at 1:56 PM, Juliegirlj said:

I checked out the Aldredge’s FB page and sure enough-Jennifer is posting on it. Checked out her page too, and she is a party girl ( that swears, drinks, smokes, gambles, has tattoos, etc)- obviously not wife material for Jeff. 

Is it the whole family page?  I just looked and didn't see any comments from her.  What is her last name?  You can pm me if you don't want to post it here.

Also, there was a TBT pic of Jeff that one of the wives posted.  Probably 20 years ago.  He was pretty hott!

Edited by SuzieQ
51 minutes ago, SL16 said:

So in the previews the Alldredges received a text that Jennifer had died. Does anyone know anything about this?

All I know for a fact is that Jennifer has been posting on the Alldredge's Facebook page defending herself when anyone writes something about her that she doesn't like.  lol   She was married at the time she was "courting" the Alldredges, but was about to get a divorce.

Her name is Jennifer Linnerth and she has FOUR FB pages.  Feel free to check her out.

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20 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

All I know for a fact is that Jennifer has been posting on the Alldredge's Facebook page defending herself when anyone writes something about her that she doesn't like.  lol   She was married at the time she was "courting" the Alldredges, but was about to get a divorce.

Her name is Jennifer Linnerth and she has FOUR FB pages.  Feel free to check her out.

Posting from beyond the grave on four separate Facebook pages? Amazing. 😋

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I hope this follows the rules...I was looking at Jennifer's Facebook page, but the posts on the page were set to public. 

Anyway...she seems like such a horrible person!!! There was one post of her in a bikini where she made fun of the "fat guy with the hairy back" behind her. What a horrible thing to say! The guy wasn't even fat either; maybe just slightly overweight. Yet, none of her friends called her out, and in fact, all the men just ignored the caption and complimented her on being sooooo hooootttt. Besides that, she is just so flippant about the show! It all seems like a huge joke to her. She had something about get well cards, like she was mocking the people who sent them, and said she was following the lead of a dragonfly who fakes its death because males won't stop harassing it for sex.

Really?! A kind guy like Jeff alldredge is "harassing her for sex," while half of her Facebook friends seem to be horny loons who think calling strangers fat and making fun of them is awesome?! Jennifer really seems like the lowest form of trash out there. She isn't just a garden variety jerk, but unusually cruel and, from what I can see, amoral. I'm glad the alldredge family, who seem like the sweetest people ever, are away from her!

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So, I was watching Escaping Polygamy the other night, and the girls said that the men like to "keep it in the family" to keep the blood line pure. They believe god has singled them out, and they don't want to have people who aren't "chosen" in the family.  Also, they believe they're exempt from birth defects from the incest; god won't let that happen.

Just wow.

But yeah, I wonder if that is the reason a lot of these families seem to be related in some way.

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Just to be clear in case it wasn’t, what I posted was public from Jennifer. I’m not part of any closed groups. She is horrible, and she makes awful comments on the Alldredge’s Facebook posts. She is nasty and rude and does indeed have multiple (creepy) profiles. She is clearly a very insecure person who has to insult other people to feel better about herself. She claims on Facebook that she “never wanted to be on tv”. BULL! I don’t want to be on TV so I’m not on TV. It’s called basic logic. I think it would be hell to live in that house with one bathroom, but it’s too good for her. There’s no polishing that turd. 😂

Edited by LellePCC
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On ‎3‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 7:31 PM, LellePCC said:

I think it would be hell to live in that house with one bathroom

Not to mention the lumpiest couches I have ever seen along with the high school shop made furniture that is their dining room furniture and living room end tables.

Seriously, what do they have stuffed in their couches?  There are those stretchy sofa covers on them but that just does not hide the fact that there are human size lumps under those covers.

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On 3/29/2019 at 7:14 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Not to mention the lumpiest couches I have ever seen along with the high school shop made furniture that is their dining room furniture and living room end tables.

Seriously, what do they have stuffed in their couches?  There are those stretchy sofa covers on them but that just does not hide the fact that there are human size lumps under those covers.

It’s good that Jennifer is alive because otherwise I might have speculated that they hid her body in that couch. They haven’t had any wives go missing, have they? 😂

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8 hours ago, Chalby said:

Am I the only one who considers being related a sexual turnoff? I only have to hear the word 'related' and I've tuned out.

It squicks me out too, even though first cousins can legally marry in several states, and second cousins can in every state.

Many years ago I worked with a very nice woman from Canada who seemed to have a great relationship with her husband, who was so handsome another co-worker and I used to go on about how good-looking he was. He was a nice guy too. Then one day she told me they were first cousins - I hid my distaste, but I never really looked at them the same way after that. Not that I treated her differently or thought she was a bad person, but I just wasn't as enamored of their relationship anymore!

Edited by Gothish520
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16 hours ago, BlackWidow said:


Fonicks are are frend cuz frends are hard to find and sometimes they just dont seem to care but when you no how to spell and stuff you can get a job that dosent involve stripping but thats the world we live in. Love you're self and dont pretend your dead cuz you're frends will not be their at you're funeral and they leave you high and dry and show they're true colors and stuff.

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16 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Fonicks are are frend cuz frends are hard to find and sometimes they just dont seem to care but when you no how to spell and stuff you can get a job that dosent involve stripping but thats the world we live in. Love you're self and dont pretend your dead cuz you're frends will not be their at you're funeral and they leave you high and dry and show they're true colors and stuff.

@Kyanight  Best post ever!!   So hard to read, it must have been hell to type out 🤣

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6 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Where was their common sense? You could see from a mile away that Jennifer was not going to fit into their family.

And neither was that silly Melina.  Don't they say they want a third wife to grow the family?  Didn't Melina say she was unable to have children?  Neither of these women are remotely fit for this lifestyle.  Jeff has courted and married three women in this lifestyle.  Why in the world is he looking for whackadoos outside their world?  Why are Vanessa and Sharis? I've always bought their naivete, but it's a stretch at this point.

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15 hours ago, onatrek said:

They sort of address this on their FB post from earlier today. (Long but kind of interesting read

It wasn't that long, but I skipped the suggestion of having a snack as I was recently told by my doc in his best imitation of Dr. Now to "lose 10 pounds in sick munt."  Actually, it is lunch time anyway.
This Jennifer person is one screwy and sketchy character who looked high in her skype appearance on the "tell."  I guess she just wanted to get some tv time, but I would think she would have tried to fake it a little better rather than string them along.  Or it was just a game for her, but one that left her looking like a real loser. 

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On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 8:44 PM, onatrek said:

They sort of address this on their FB post from earlier today. (Long but kind of interesting read)

Here it is - I thought worth posting here:


Over the last several weeks we have heard this and many other questions about our courtship with Jennifer. Well we’re going to attempt to answer some of these questions as well as give you a few more details from our point of view.
We apologize for how lengthy this post is, hopefully you make it to the end. Now would be a good time to grab a snack.

Sharis first noticed Jennifer on Facebook when she commented on a post that Sharis had been following. Later she noticed that Jennifer had sent us a message, but we were too busy to respond at that moment.
A few days later we (Vanessa and Sharis) got a call from Jeff, who was working out of town at the time. He told us that he had received a phone call from an acquaintance of ours. This acquaintance told him that a very nice girl named Jennifer was interested in our family and trying to get in touch with us. Jennifer had apparently realized through Facebook that we knew this person and had contacted them asking that her message and phone number be relayed to us.
This acquaintance told us that Jennifer had grown up FLDS, a religion that has a few similarities to ours, she told us that Jennifer used to be a model but that she was done with that life and eager to get back to her polygamist, religious roots.
When Jeff first talked to Jennifer she reiterated all that. She also told him that she had been married but that her husband had died a year before. She told us that she had struggled with smoked in her past and that she was working at a bar, a job that she hated and was planning on quitting as soon as she could.
When Jeff came home we checked out her Facebook page and honestly we were very put off by what we saw there. If we were going by appearance alone then it was obvious that Jennifer was not likely to be compatible . But we also had to consider the things she had told us.
According to her Facebook page it appeared that she wasn’t keeping any secrets from us. Every picture that we saw had an explanation that fit into her story. It didn’t appear that she was hiding anything, in fact we were impressed that she was being so honest about her past right up front. After much deliberation we decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and get to know her better.
Our religion teaches forgiveness, and who were we to decide that she was not worthy of the chance she was asking for.

Side note, at this point in time we were only aware of 2 Facebook pages. One of them had been inactive for some time. She claimed to have lost her password and that it was just easier to start a new account.

Over the next few months as we got to know Jennifer via, text and FaceTime she reiterated over and over again that she was done with her past and ready to settle down and join a quiet family.In the beginning she told us that she was not ready to be on the show yet and we respected that.
She was very fun and easy to talk to. She also told us that she owned a nail salon and that she wanted to do our nails when we finally met.
Jennifer made plans to come down and visit us a couple times, but something always came up preventing her from doing so.
As we continued to talk to her there were a few concerns that came up. But these were nothing major and they seemed to resolve themselves.
When Jennifer told us that she was comfortable enough in the relationship to be filmed, we contacted the network with the news, and arranged to meet Jennifer in Niagara Falls.
It was right before leaving for Niagara that we found out Jennifer still struggled with smoking. This concerned us as smoking would be a deal breaker if she couldn’t quit. But the trip was already planned and we knew that quitting addictive habits was difficult. So once again we decided to trust her claim to change, and left for Niagara. We wanted her to know that if she was serious about quitting that we were willing to support her in that decision.
The picnic by the Falls was great, and Jeff really enjoyed ice skating with her. When her family emergency came up we were skeptical, but without proof there was not much we could do.
We speculated that her family emergency might have really been her exit plan. Maybe she hadn’t had a good time? Maybe she realized that she wasn’t ready for the changes necessary and felt like she needed to be done with the relationship. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We weren’t sure what to think, so we decided to back off a little bit and give her some space. That last thing we wanted was for her to feel pressured into continuing a relationship that she didn’t want. Turns out that the space we were ready to give her was not necessary because she called us later that day and almost daily after that. She apologized about her family emergency and said that she really enjoyed her time with us. She continued to assure us that she was still interested in moving forward and was willing to make that changes necessary to live happily and peacefully in our family.
At this point we were very suspicious. There had been enough little things here and there, things that, by them selves, weren’t all that concerning. But when we added them together... things were starting to look shady. We began to question some of the information she had given us. But we didn’t have proof. And she was still claiming that she wanted a family like ours.
We decided that, if she was truly serious, it was time for Jennifer to make the effort to come and see us. We wanted her to see for herself this life that she claimed she wanted. And we also knew that if she was hiding any other concerning habits that it would be hard for her to do so here in our home. Smoking would not be permitted of course, and we needed to know if she was serious about quitting.
When she agreed to come and visit we told her that there were several hotels nearby, or she could stay in our tree house. We have had several guests stay in the treehouse and each of them loved the experience . If I remember correctly Jeff even gave Jennifer a tour of the treehouse via FaceTime. Jennifer said she would probably stay in the treehouse so that she would be closer and able to spend more time with us.
If she didn’t like it then the hotel was still an option. When we heard about her ruptured appendix we honestly weren’t surprised at all that, once again, she wasn’t going to be able to make it. Luckily the text message also contained some information about the hospital she was supposed to be at. A few quick calls later and we finally had the proof we needed.
Jennifer had lied to us.

Once we knew for sure, it was easy to walk away and be done. Looking back over the relationship we couldn’t help but wonder how much of it had been a lie. There is a quote that goes; A single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truth expressed.
We were done and never again tried to contact her. What was the point? How could we believe any excuse she might offer us.

It was a short time later that we found out about Jennifer’s death. We didn’t believe it for a second but we did wonder why she felt the need to fabricate yet another lie. We hadn’t made any attempts to contact her, nor her us. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We still don’t know? But we also don’t believe it was her sister that sent that text to us.

Fast forward to the Tell All. This was the first time that we had talked to Jennifer since her ruptured appendix. Very little of what she said made sense and it was hard to get a word in edgewise during the conversation. And we didn’t buy her story about the baby.
If there was a baby then we understand her not wanting to show the baby to the camera. But we were honestly trying to give her an opportunity to redeem herself a little, to prove that something she said was actually true. If she had been able to show us a diaper, blanket, or baby clothes, it would have been much more believable.

Over the last couple of weeks we have heard from a few people that claim to know, or have spoken to Jennifer personally.
They have been kind enough to fill in some of the blanks for us and have offered some new information about Jennifer.

According to these people Jennifer has always struggled with lying. She didn’t grow up in polygamy and she wasn’t a model. She did however, work as a stripper.
Her claims of pregnancy and a child are also false. And apparently Jennifer has been married for the last several years. She told us that her husband had died a year earlier.
And then just tonight someone reached out and told us that the girl that Jennifer claims sent us the text about her death, was not really her sister.

We honestly can’t prove very much of that information, but it sure makes a lot of things make sense.

Before we finish we want to address a few more questions that we have received.

Did we know that Jennifer was from Canada?
Yes, we did. And we knew that if the relationship progressed far enough that there would be a lot of red tape to get through. But that’s something that we were willing to do for the right person.

What if we hadn’t discovered the truth about Jennifer until after we had married her?
This is a good question but not one that we have an answer for because it would never have happened.
In order for us to feel comfortable entering an engagement let alone a marriage, we would have had to feel 💯 confident in Jennifer and who she claimed to be. Her charade would not have held up for long under close scrutiny. It’s a lot easier to hide your true self when your only interaction is over the phone. It’s a whole different ball game in person. If we would have interacted with her in our home at all, her true self would have become obvious very quickly.
And because of her proclaimed past and the way she presented herself on social media, we already had several reasons to question her personality and we were cautious from the start. To us, giving someone the benefit of the doubt means giving that person time to prove themselves one way or the other. It does not mean moving forward blindly and getting married to someone on the chance that she will be capable of making the changes necessary to be happy in our home. I know that in Niagara Jennifer stated that if Jeff proposed to her that she would say yes. Rest assured that we were no where near proposing.

Our intentions with this post are not to hurt Jennifer in any way. And we don't have any ill will towards her. We know that there is only so much information that the show can cover and we are just trying to fill in the blanks.
We sincerely hope that Jennifer can heal from whatever has happened in her life that has caused her to act like this. We don’t know what that was but we think it’s obvious she’s hurting. Everyone deserves happiness, hopefully Jennifer can heal and find hers.

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So, Jennifer's "sister" who was on the tell-all (and who supposedly texted the Aldridges about appendix-gate) passed away back on April 3 of a suspected drug overdose.  Jennifer is not listed as her sister in her obituary.  So maybe a situation of good friends calling each other sister or just Jennifer lying per usual. 

Regardless, very sad. 

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