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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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18 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

How about some sort of time travel crisis? Something that would throw all our heroes together in random and bizarre combinations (in other words, not the predictable ones) and scatter them throughout time?

That would be super cool! Maybe have the whole gang from all four shows come together in one place for...reasons, and some rouge faction of time travelers attack, and decide to scatter all of the heroes so they cant stop their evil plan, and everyone has to work together to get back to the right time, while fighting bad guys from across time and around the world. And its super random groups of people too, like Cisco/Amaya/J`ohn, or Oliver/Winn/Jax, and everyone comes together at the end. The budget might not allow for that, but it would be super cool!

Or its the Music Miester gets up to his old tricks again, and he`s decided that the heroes have been having a run of bad luck lately, or are off their games or something, so he sticks them all in some crazy alternate universe, and they have to figure out what ridiculous lessons they have to learn before they get killed. 

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

It’s pretty funny (not funny haha, more ironic funny) that they were talking about an Olicity wedding when we were watching Oliver kill Felicity’s boyfriend and be with the reporter that was digging dirt on him.

I was going to say because given how the reporter storyline ended so abruptly and weirdly I wonder if they had to adjust their Olicity plans. 


11 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I literally got that vibe during that clip of MG and the other showrunners talking about the breakdown of the crossover for some reason. A time travel crossover including future children/generation/new hero cameos (like maybe a future Team Arrow/Team Flash/Young Justice/whatever) along with chances for the characters to go back to different members of their shows (and other shows) or unseen moments in different characters' lives. With Arrow being on its possible last season next year, it could be a good idea.

That'd be a fun idea and give a glimpse of any kiddos without inflicting them full time on the shows. (Sorry. Not sorry. @Mellowyellow. ?) 

I also think an alternate world where the non-super powered people have powers could be fun for one episode. I want to see our Diggle's reaction to a meta-Diggle. 

  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Probably too soon, but what scenarios would you all like to see for next year's crossover?

I, for one, would like to see them move away from the crossovers centering around Central City/Star City.  I know that's probably the easiest, filming wise, but let's do something different next season.  

How about some sort of time travel crisis? Something that would throw all our heroes together in random and bizarre combinations (in other words, not the predictable ones) and scatter them throughout time?

Legion of Doom seems like the obvious choice. 

A Civil War type event could work.

Flashpoint should've been an obvious but they wasted that.

They could do a big invasion on Supergirl and have everyone come to her Earth to help out for a change.

They could do their version of JL: Legends

Or have some of them travel to the future.

5 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Here's the first look at Robin in the new Titans show. (I don't want to pay for another streaming service.)



It's definitely a refreshing costume after all the ones we get in the Arrowverse. Can't wait to see the full thing.

  • Love 1
32 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

They could do their version of JL: Legends

Unfortunately JL: Legends was a Kreisberg story, so they would probably stay away from that.

1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I was under the impression they killed off Stein because Victor was heading back to Broadway. I wonder which came first, him wanting to leave or Berlanti coming up with the idea. 

Probably him wanting to leave.  I don't think they'd have gotten rid of Stein otherwise.  

4 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Unfortunately JL: Legends was a Kreisberg story, so they would probably stay away from that.


Yeah I guess I can mark that off my list of ever being adapted and being able to see Alex Kingston suit up and kick ass.

1 hour ago, calliope1975 said:

Here's the first look at Robin in the new Titans show. (I don't want to pay for another streaming service.)



ugh,  they don't want to use Tim,  that's fine,  I don't like it but its fine.  But please don't give Dick Tim's weapons and personality.   I'm so sick of this. 

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Delphi said:

ugh,  they don't want to use Tim,  that's fine,  I don't like it but its fine.  But please don't give Dick Tim's weapons and personality.   I'm so sick of this. 

Thats the thing with all these 1st gen characters, they have to steal from the 2nd/3rd Gen because they are cooler in personality and costume. Dick better not be a major tech guy like Tim.

3 hours ago, ruby24 said:

I wonder if there's a pause in the writing going on right now, since Berlanti has to get back in there and get more involved, at least in Flash/Supergirl.

No, because they don't have time for a pause outside of the already scheduled holiday break. They have a contract to deliver X number of episodes to the CW by a certain date - and shooting venues absolutely have to be scheduled/permitted in advance, and those can only be picked after an episode has been blocked. 

Fortunately, the shows still have other showrunners/producers, so it should be manageable.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Posting this here because I know there are fans of the Bruce Timm Justice League here! Idea for a reunion movie has been born, and now the voices of Flash (that would be Wally and the AWESOME Michael Rosenbaum), Susan Eisenberg (Diana), KevinFucking!Conroy, Phil LaMarr (John Stewart/GL) have come out. Even Andrea Romano has said she'll come out of retirement if this happens!

And here's what Susan had to say:

Ain't nothing selfish about that! Because I want and NEED the same thing. Timm and company teased me us endlessly and let it fizzle, and I want to see them together again. 

I am geeking and squeeing as all get out! Because Susan had posted this on her instagram and I asked what the chances were for me to see Diana and Bats again? And, and, AND, she actually responded to me and said "Very Good" and inserted a winking smiling emoji! I'm a technoturd, so I don't know how to link that here. THEN, Rosenbaum tweeted this, and I couldn't control myself and had to respond, and Susan liked and retweeted it back to Rosenbaum.

My life will be complete if I can hear from KevinFucking!Conroy.

What? Whaat? Like none of you have geeked over your faves?

@BkWurm1, @Delphi, @Starfish35

Aww!  Lucky you! 

Let's hope the reunion happens. And soon!

3 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

Probably too soon, but what scenarios would you all like to see for next year's crossover?

I, for one, would like to see them move away from the crossovers centering around Central City/Star City.  I know that's probably the easiest, filming wise, but let's do something different next season.  

How about some sort of time travel crisis? Something that would throw all our heroes together in random and bizarre combinations (in other words, not the predictable ones) and scatter them throughout time?

I do think it should be Legends' turn to shine so the traveling through time (unwillingly) would be great.  Though logistically it probably would be hard to write a massive crossover and have to have historical figures.  So yeah, maybe bopping over to the Supergirl universe, for at least part of the time might be more likely.  The problem there becomes why?  Supergirl has soooo much back up at the highest level of strength already so why would they go there?  

Someone suggested doing the Batman storyline where all his emergency plans to contain the other heroes fall in the wrong hands.  I think that could be great. We already got a glimpse of that mindset with him having the Kryptonite Arrow ON HAND at the wedding.  

Another fun, simple maybe mini crossover would be to just swap leads on shows.  Let Barry fill in for Supergirl in National CIty.  Let Oliver watch over sunny Central City working with the Star Labs crew.  Barry in the dark Arrow cave.  OR have them randomly swap powers and abilities!!!!  Some kind of weird ray gun, lol.  I really want to see Felicity kicking butt ala Sara just for an episode. Let Sara play the bookish computer expert.  Just let them all swap jobs and maybe personalities but keep the relationships similar.  Oh body swapping!  Or sideline the leads and make the crossover stars everyone else.  There really are a lot of options.    

3 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I laughed, too. I'm enjoying this running gag of Oliver, any version of Oliver, just shooting all the guys Felicity has/had been linked to (I know, I know, Billy died. RIP, Detective Mayo).


I also love the little nod to Barry complaining about Oliver shooting him with Arrows that popped up in Felicity worrying for a second that Oliver shot their Kara with the GreenKArrow.  

1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

Thats the thing with all these 1st gen characters, they have to steal from the 2nd/3rd Gen because they are cooler in personality and costume. Dick better not be a major tech guy like Tim.

Dick being a big tech guy has already been showing up in other takes on the character so....yeah, prepare for the possibility.  

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I also love the little nod to Barry complaining about Oliver shooting him with Arrows popped up in Felicity worrying for a second that Oliver shot their Kara with the GreenKArrow. 

Yes! I forgot about that but yeah, I laughed at that, too. I have to watch that scene again just for Felicity worrying that Oliver shot another friend :P

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh. I read something about how Melissa was going on an extended vacation or something. It was discussed over in the Supergirl forum.

I thought she just came back from her vacation? Or is that a different one? 

Edited by tofutan

I finally saw Justice League - and I liked it. It was better than I expected and I was entertained for two hours. However, it was more spectacle than story. Also, when it ended, I had no desire to see it again.

One thing did surprise me, though. Maybe it was because I recently watched Crisis on Earth-X, but, when Ezra Miller's Barry Allen described himself as an "attractive Jewish guy", I thought, 'wait, movie Barry is Jewish but tv Barry is not Jewish?' I wonder why. If Grant Gustin's Barry Allen had been Jewish, then that would've added another layer to the Crisis crossover - especially if the WestAllen wedding was in a synagogue when the Earth-X Nazis attacked. But maybe the EPs thought that would be too uncomfortably close to real life.

Incidentally, I had previously seen Thor: Ragnorak - and I loved it!.  In fact, I plan to see it again. One of the things that I loved was the complicated sibling relationship between Thor and Loki. Maybe because I had seen it play out on screen in multiple movies, I found their bickering and love/hate relationship very believable.  You could sense their history. Even though it was very funny in parts, the movie wasn't as overall campy as I had expected and had some very serious moments. I thought Chris Hemsworth did a fantastic job. I liked that Thor was a lot smarter than in previous movies. He outwitted both Valkyrie and Loki (for a change), and he made the tough call at the end. Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie was just great. Heimdall had more to do than just stand there. I also loved the relationship between Thor and both Banner and Hulk.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 7
14 hours ago, leopardprint said:

I was going to say because given how the reporter storyline ended so abruptly and weirdly I wonder if they had to adjust their Olicity plans. 


That'd be a fun idea and give a glimpse of any kiddos without inflicting them full time on the shows. (Sorry. Not sorry. @Mellowyellow. ?) 

I also think an alternate world where the non-super powered people have powers could be fun for one episode. I want to see our Diggle's reaction to a meta-Diggle. 

And Felicitys reaction to Meta-Felicity, also Winns reaction along with Alex and Sara 


So yeah, maybe bopping over to the Supergirl universe, for at least part of the time might be more likely.  The problem there becomes why?  Supergirl has soooo much back up at the highest level of strength already so why would they go there?  

They brought in Kryptonians` weakness against magic from the comics into Supergirl. And Oliver studied some magic deflection to defeat Darkh, as well as Amaya`s and Zari`s amulet powers seem more mystical in nature than meta on Legends. So a magical opponent on Supergirl could give cause for her Earth 1 friends to help her out. Or it`s a solar eclipse and Kara is temporarily without powers. l I think any scenario on any show could be workeable. 

Though I would also enjoy a small crossover here and there with character combos they haven`t yet tried out. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

They brought in Kryptonians` weakness against magic from the comics into Supergirl. And Oliver studied some magic deflection to defeat Darkh, as well as Amaya`s and Zari`s amulet powers seem more mystical in nature than meta on Legends. So a magical opponent on Supergirl could give cause for her Earth 1 friends to help her out. Or it`s a solar eclipse and Kara is temporarily without powers. l I think any scenario on any show could be workeable. 

Though I would also enjoy a small crossover here and there with character combos they haven`t yet tried out. 

A  solar eclipse wouldn't affect Supergirl's powers for the simple reason that yellow solar radiation is powerful enough to penetrate even the earth's core, which is why she still has her powers even when it's night or when the sky is overcast.  Besides, even a total solar eclipse only lasts a few minutes -- not nearly long enough time to render Supergirl completely powerless.

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 3

A  solar eclipse wouldn't affect Supergirl's powers for the simple reason that yellow solar radiation is powerful enough to penetrate even the earth's core, which is why she still has her powers even when it's night or when the sky is overcast.  Besides, even a total solar eclipse only lasts a few minutes -- not nearly long enough time to render Supergirl completely powerless.

What was the solar event during Season 1 where Kara lost all her powers and was basically human for an episode? I thought it was an eclipse but maybe I misremembered. Solar flares? I can`t check back right now. Basically, I was thinking of that. 

14 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

What was the solar event during Season 1 where Kara lost all her powers and was basically human for an episode? I thought it was an eclipse but maybe I misremembered. Solar flares? I can`t check back right now. Basically, I was thinking of that. 

It wasn't a solar event that did that.  What happened was that Kara had temporarily burned herself out by maxing out on her heat vision during her battle with Red Tornado.  Jimmy said that the same thing had happened to Superman on occasion, and that the only cure was to wait for her body to re-set and re-charge itself.  It's just that in Kara's case, it took a little longer than was expected for her powers to return.

  • Love 2

Ah, I see, I got it confused because it was refered to as "solar flare power" somewhere. Well, they could do that again somehow. Or do the magic thing. My point was just that there would be ways to do a x-over mainly on Supergirl`s earth without it being awkward that she is superpowerful and wouldn`t normally need any help.

53 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

A  solar eclipse wouldn't affect Supergirl's powers for the simple reason that yellow solar radiation is powerful enough to penetrate even the earth's core, which is why she still has her powers even when it's night or when the sky is overcast.  Besides, even a total solar eclipse only lasts a few minutes -- not nearly long enough time to render Supergirl completely powerless.

I always thought Supergirl/Superman were just giant Solar panels, they powered up and stored the Yellow Sun. 

29 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I always thought Supergirl/Superman were just giant Solar panels, they powered up and stored the Yellow Sun. 

That's partly true, which would explain why they still have their powers outside of Earth's solar system and thus beyond the range of its yellow solar radiation.  But my explanation above is the original explanation that was given in the Silver-Age comics.  It also explained why Kara and the citizens of Argo City (which actually survived the destruction of Krypton in the original Silver Age story) didn't automatically gain super-strengh, super-speed, or the power of flight once they were free from Krypton's naturally heavier gravity.  Those powers (as well as all their non-muscular powers) are the result of both Earth's lower gravity and yellow solar radiation.

Of course, all of that has probably gone out the window several times over during the past 32 years following Crisis on Infinite Earths, so it's entirely possible that what I grew up accepting as canon simply doesn't hold true anymore.  I was not a big fan of the numerous changes in origins and explanations that followed that massive reboot (Wonder Woman being the lone exception -- I thought the changes to her origin and to that of the Amazons were actually an improvement over both Golden- and Silver-Age canon), and I lost track completely following Zero Hour around 1994.

Edited by legaleagle53

I decided to catch up on LoT on Netflix and just watched the s1 finale...

S1 EP16:

Martin: This is my life!
Clarissa: And your life will be waiting for you when you get back

S3 EP08:

Martin: Please, tell Clarissa and Lily that I love them...Thank you, Jefferson, for the adventure of a lifetime. I hope your life is long and full of love, just as mine has been...

/commenced gross sobbing.

Seriously, I was like "Oh my gods. He didn't back".

Punch me in the heart and fuck me up, why don't you, LoT.

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 15

Re-watching the crossover.

After Ray recovers from the arrow in the back and pulls the arrow out, he says something like "I thought that jerk was supposed to be dead"

Now he was the one who fought and shot at EvilOliver. So I assume he's ok with killing or at least with killing nazis?

Anyone remember what his stance on killing is from LoT? Seems to me that comment implied he was fine with killing nazis but he's so cute n fluffy I'm not sure if I interpreted that correctly.

Somehow this just makes Barry even more awful to me! Even Ray who brings home stray animals will kill nazis! 

  • Love 3
52 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Re-watching the crossover.

After Ray recovers from the arrow in the back and pulls the arrow out, he says something like "I thought that jerk was supposed to be dead"

Now he was the one who fought and shot at EvilOliver. So I assume he's ok with killing or at least with killing nazis?

Anyone remember what his stance on killing is from LoT? Seems to me that comment implied he was fine with killing nazis but he's so cute n fluffy I'm not sure if I interpreted that correctly.

Somehow this just makes Barry even more awful to me! Even Ray who brings home stray animals will kill nazis! 

I've never heard Ray being described as "cute and fluffy" before, but it definitely fits.  I mean, I can't be the only one who wants to "hug him and pet him and squeeze him and love him."  Only I would never call him "George."  :)

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 2
59 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Somehow this just makes Barry even more awful to me! Even Ray who brings home stray animals will kill nazis! 

This may be just semantics to some, but Eobard wasn’t a Nazi. And Barry is the worst of the worst because he won’t kill

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

This may be just semantics to some, but Eobard wasn’t a Nazi. And Barry is the worst of the worst because he won’t kill

Yes he won't kill when appropriate but a version of him WILL kill Iris. He'll also mess with time for selfish reasons but won't kill a villain who murders others.

IMO that's REALLY AWFUL but you're certainly entitled to yours!

  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

This may be just semantics to some, but Eobard wasn’t a Nazi. And Barry is the worst of the worst because he won’t kill

Why are you saying he wasn't a Nazi? Did we know either way?

Barry won't kill, he'll just make sure other peoples children don't exist because of his selfishness...

  • Love 12

Barry isn’t doing any of those things anymore and I’m not going to judge him or keep bringing up his past actions. Let’s just agree to disagree because I’m not trying to be argumentative, just stating that I don’t think Barry is awful because he let Eobard go.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I think Eobard was a Nazi, he may not have always been one but he expressed concern X Oliver would choose Kara over the Reich which seems to indicate a fairly high level of involvement. 

Indeed.  Besides, Eobard may have looked more like Matt Letscher than Tom Cavanagh when he first appeared on Earth-X, for all we know -- and a super-powered being with a face like Matt Letscher's would definitely be the male poster child for Aryan Supremacy, just as Kara-X was its female poster child.  Becoming a Nazi would be no big deal at all for him.

Edited by legaleagle53
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32 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

I've never heard Ray being described as "cute and fluffy" before, but it definitely fits.  I mean, I can't be the only one who wants to "hug him and pet him and squeeze him and love him."  Only I would never call him "George."  :)

And the best thing is he won't mind it either! 

Haha I've come to this lovely peaceful conclusion where Oliver definitely belongs with Felicity but Ray is MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!!

  • Love 2
23 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

This may be just semantics to some, but Eobard wasn’t a Nazi.

For me the correct term for a Nazi sympathizer is Nazi - particularly given his more than active participation in their plans.   Barry can not kill all he wants - there is a lot of territory between killing Eobard and just letting him walk away.  Which is why Barry retains the dumbass crown for letting him go. 

  • Love 24

How was Eoboard not a Nazi? Clearly he did enough things in E-X's regime to get him pretty high up in the ranks. People who aren't Nazis don't do that. 

Barry is pretty terrible for just letting him walk away unimpeded - even if there are in-show reasons on The Flash for why Eobard can't be captured or killed, having Barry just stand back and let him walk away without even trying to do something (even if he failed), makes absolutely zero sense. Eobard getting away despite Barry's best efforts looks a whole hell of a lot better than Barry not even making an attempt.

Not sure what the BTS reasoning was there, but it sucks. 

  • Love 23
On 11/30/2017 at 11:00 PM, Trini said:

EW Spoiler Room:


Please find out if Wentworth Miller has any role in the upcoming animated Freedom Fighters series. I think a lot of us would love to see [Leo and The Ray’s] love carry over! — Rusty

No official word yet on whether Wentworth Miller, or even Jeremy Jordan (a.k.a Freedom Fighter General Schott), will lend their voices to the animated series — at least not in the first six episodes, anyway. Rumor has it the show is still figuring out the continuity of The Ray’s timeline given Melissa Benoist is slated to voice Overgirl, even though the character died in the crossover.

Seriously? This thing is still figuring out the story? They already had footage at Comic Con, I thought they'd just be finishing up animation/editing by now.

Going back to this for a second; Maybe it's more like now they have to edit or re-do scenes to match up with what happened in the crossover. The series was probably mostly done but the crossover episodes didn't have scripts until a few months ago.

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On 12/1/2017 at 6:07 PM, Midnight Lullaby said:

It’s pretty funny (not funny haha, more ironic funny) that they were talking about an Olicity wedding when we were watching Oliver kill Felicity’s boyfriend and be with the reporter that was digging dirt on him.

So he killed Felicity's boyfriend then married her?  ?  Well, at least the Arrow team is very forgiving. Hi, Slade!

1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Barry isn’t doing any of those things anymore and I’m not going to judge him or keep bringing up his past actions. Let’s just agree to disagree because I’m not trying to be argumentative, just stating that I don’t think Barry is awful because he let Eobard go.

They really should have written something better for getting rid of Thawne (who shouldn't exist at all now!), but yeah, I'm not going to complain about Barry NOT having serial killer tendencies.

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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

How was Eoboard not a Nazi?

I wouldn't have said he was a Nazi based on anything he'd done previouslyHe didn't display the ideology associated with Nazi's even when he used the Spear of Destiny and reshaped the world to suit his every desire, so from that standpoint I can see an argument that he wasn't a Nazi but now after he was fully supportive and enthusiastic for all things EarthX in the crossover, it's hard not to call him what he was. 

Maybe it was a case of "while in Rome, do as the Romans do" since it was a means to whatever his ends were, but he did do all those things.  Likely he will go forward with his evil plans keeping the world domination or some variation plans but not really targeting any one group more negatively than the others, but I'm sure there were people in the Nazi party in Germany that had no personal beef with the groups they targeted but enthusiastically backed the plans that targeted hate at certain groups for the political and economic gains, so it really doesn't matter why they did it.  They did it.  So they would still be Nazi's.   So in the same vein, then Eobard also would be a Nazi even if ideologically he's more a welcome all comers evil guy.  

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

Barry is pretty terrible for just letting him walk away unimpeded - even if there are in-show reasons on The Flash for why Eobard can't be captured or killed, having Barry just stand back and let him walk away without even trying to do something (even if he failed), makes absolutely zero sense. Eobard getting away despite Barry's best efforts looks a whole hell of a lot better than Barry not even making an attempt.

This. In no way, shape or form does it make sense for Barry to let any variation of the man who murdered his mother, and a ton of other people, just walk away without even trying to capture him. Last time I checked they have power dampening cuffs. Oliver could have put an arrow in his face. Sara could break his legs and drag him onto the Waverider. Supergirl could wrap him up in a lamppost. Amaya could elephant stomp on him. Something. 

As for whether or not Thawne was a Nazi, he was working with them so yes, he was. Even if he wasn't born on Earth X. Speaking of, wouldn't it have made more sense for it to be the Earth X version of Thawne (let his having Wells' face go unexplained) instead of yet another version of the Thawne who knew Earth 1 Barry and shouldn't exist because he was wiped from existence, twice?

  • Love 11
Just now, Trini said:

So he killed Felicity's boyfriend then married her?  ?  Well, at least the Arrow team is very forgiving.

Lol Iris and Felicity both seem pretty chill with their husbands inadvertently committing depressing personal murders. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, KirkB said:

This. In no way, shape or form does it make sense for Barry to let any variation of the man who murdered his mother, and a ton of other people, just walk away without even trying to capture him. Last time I checked they have power dampening cuffs. Oliver could have put an arrow in his face. Sara could break his legs and drag him onto the Waverider. Supergirl could wrap him up in a lamppost. Amaya could elephant stomp on him. Something. 

The LEAST they could have done was have Barry lampshade it by saying, "I'm doing you a favor this time for....reasons...and you'll probably just come back again, but next time you won't be so lucky. This isn't over". 

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, bijoux said:

I guess it’s possible they didn’t want Barry to lose since Oliver and Kara had won their battles, but it’s extremely stupid.

Oliver and Kara won their battles because they killed their opponents (one way or another).  That was the only way Barry was really going to "beat" Thawne.  Thawne was willing to accept that idea because it would make Barry a "murderer" but Barry wasn't willing to accept it.  Trying to capture Thawne wasn't going to work - at least not easily.  There's a pretty good chance that in his struggle to escape, Thawne would kill lots of innocent people.  So, if Barry wasn't going to kill Thawne (and no one else really could kill him) the safest thing was to just let him walk away, stupid as it seems.

Edited by johntfs
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

This may be just semantics to some, but Eobard wasn’t a Nazi. And Barry is the worst of the worst because he won’t kill

I feel like if you help Nazis, support Nazis and associate with Nazis you're a nazi. It's like the saying goes if it quacks like a duck it's a duck. Barry's total non reaction or action to stop Eobard and basically telling him to walk away was pretty bad considering everything Eobard stood for and intended to do and the fact that Eobard as he was walking away basically told Barry he would kill more people. 

  • Love 13
17 minutes ago, johntfs said:

Oliver and Kara won their battle because they killed their opponents (one way or another).  That was the only way Barry was really going to "beat" Thawne.  Thawne was willing to accept that idea because it would make Barry a "murderer" but Barry wasn't willing to accept it.  Trying to capture Thawne wasn't going to work - at least not easily.  There's a pretty good chance that in his struggle to escape, Thawne would kill lots of innocent people.  So, if Barry wasn't going to kill Thawne (and no one else really could kill him) the safest thing was to just let him walk away, stupid as it seems.

1. Just because something isn't easy means you're not supposed to try? Especially if you're a hero?

2. Do you expect Thawne not to kill innocent people because Barry let him go?

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Oliver and Kara won their battle because they killed their opponents (one way or another).  That was the only way Barry was really going to "beat" Thawne.  Thawne was willing to accept that idea because it would make Barry a "murderer" but Barry wasn't willing to accept it.  Trying to capture Thawne wasn't going to work - at least not easily.  There's a pretty good chance that in his struggle to escape, Thawne would kill lots of innocent people.  So, if Barry wasn't going to kill Thawne (and no one else really could kill him) the safest thing was to just let him walk away, stupid as it seems.

Sara did a pretty good job with the Spear last season on LOT (still not sure how he managed to escape Black Flash) and she wasn't even a Speedster. Barry doesn't want to be a murderer fine, but he's got to live with the deaths of many more people on his conscious now. Last time Thawne escaped he set up shop on a Nazi world and became a Mengele. 

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