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S06.E08: Crisis on Earth-X (2)

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A few thoughts:

I loved all the Olicity scenes. They hurt my heart is the best way, if that makes sense? LOL. Oliver being so moved by Joe's speech about love that he's inspired to propose again was perfect. I love it when SA gets to shine in those moments. And Felicity's reluctance to get married and her fears made sense to me after everything that's happened between them. Ugh, I love them so much. 

I'm honestly shocked by how much the whole thing felt like it was laying the groundwork for Olicity. WA's wedding did feel a bit secondary tbh. 

I really enjoyed the scene with Oliver and Nazi Tommy. CD did that flip to evil so well. 

The gross Nazi Oliver/Kara seems so unnecessary, it adds nothing to the plot and once again SA had zero chemistry. It was like cardboard cutouts kissing. I suppose I'm grateful for that but it makes the decision to go there even more baffling tbh.

In fact, I found all of the scenes when they were Nazis to be painfully bad. MB was the worst, IMO. So wooden. And I'm still wondering why the villains had to be Nazis in the first place.

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It was a good decision to write this year's cross-over as a four part single movie instead of how they were doing it the past years (even leaving out how much I hated Arrow's 100th).   I want the next two parts the sooner the better, which is something I never thought I'd say.

I did hate the Nazi newsreels though.  It was unnecessary, we know who the Nazis were, and it pulled me out of the show.

I'm on board for a Mick/Caitlin/Iris show.  Especially for Caitlin and Iris' sakes.

I still don't understand why they didn't call the rest of the Waverider crew since there was a bunch of unnamed Nazis too.

Poor Oliver, thinking Felicity doesn't love him as much as he loves her. Also he's an idiot.


Felicity is so going to have to be the one to suggest they get married in part 4.

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Damn, Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards can shift from comedy to angst in the blink of an eye! That scene at the rehearsal dinner was gold, Felicity's babbling was funny and Oliver's increasing confusion was hilarious. The scene in the particle accelerator room was platinum. They made me cry. Not just tear up but actual ugly cry, they're so good! I was hurting for both of them.

50 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I know I'm alone in this but I fucking hate all the slow mo walks, poses that stupid scene where Kara turned around to pull open her shirt and I really hate when Kara does that Supergirl pose. Ugh I just hate it soooo much 

You're not alone. I hate them. They look effing stupid, especially Kara pulling open her shirt. It just looks dumb. I liked the suiting up part, and then they had to slow walk and I wanted throw the pillow at the TV.

Melissa as Evil Kara is just bad. Like cringe-y bad. Stephen as Evil Oliver reminds me of first season Oliver, wooden. They really shouldn't have made Evil Kara and Evil Oliver a couple, not because of any shipping thing but because they have no chem whatsoever. It might — and I can't believe I'm saying this — be even worse than Oliver/Laurel. 

Oh and yeah, being Nazis added nothing to this story other than make it gross. 

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I really was surprised by how much character building there was in this, especially with so many characters and so much action and plot to deal with. We had great scenes with Oliver/Felicity, Felicity/Iris, Stein/Jax (and right after the Tommy/Oliver scene! My heart!), Iris/Barry, and Kara/Alex, plus some stuff with with Alex/Sara, and Mick/Caitlin. 

Probably the only really poor notes were the newsreel pictures (yeah, we know who the Nazis are, show) and I kept wondering why no one called the Waverider crew during all of this. Maybe they couldn't call Kara's people because Cisco was out of commission, but they could have easily called them! They already fought Nazis once! And Amaya is an actual WWII vet! And Zari fought against fascists in a dystopian future! They have actual powers! They could be helpful!

Edited by tennisgurl
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Tommy!  Well.... Evil Nazi Tommy, really, but I'm glad they were able to get Colin Donnell to show up for a brief moment, even if it was brief and, when you think about it, it really was dumb of him not to keep up the act and see if he can learn more or even have Oliver willing let him out of the cell.  But it totally brought up S1 nostalgia back, besides the old, being an evil Nazi thing.  Stephen Amell was equally fantastic here and it reminded how great the chemistry between the two of them was.

On the flip side, I'm not sure if it was the chemistry or simply because they're both playing evil Nazis, but Earth X Oliver and Earth X Kara might have been one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen on television.  Eww.

I swear, Eobard is some kind of cockroach.  How does he keep not getting killed?  Neither Eddie sacrificing himself nor Sara fucking destroying that spear seems to be able to get the job done.  But Tom Cavanagh is clearly having the time of his life here.

Like with the past crossover, this is proving me that every show needs a Mick Rory!  He and Dominic Purcell are the gift that keep on giving.

I see the only thing James Bamford might like more then dark, shaky camera fight scenes, is putting the camera right above Caity Lotz's cleavage.

Man, Team Arrow really isn't impressing here when all of them get taken out by Nazi Oliver with ease.  Either that or they really, really needed Diggle!

It's almost hilarious that Oliver has faced off against so many terrors with a stern face, but Felicity turning down his proposal has pretty much shaken him to the core.  He really is head over heels for her.

So, it looks like Oliver, Barry, Sara, Kara, Alex, and Martin/Jax have all been put into an interment camp on Earth X, while Mick, Caitlin, and the rest of Team Arrow are being imprisoned in STAR Labs, leaving only Felicity and Iris as the ones who are captured in any way.  Can't wait till tomorrow!

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54 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:


I want Evil Kara and Evil Oliver to die die die. 

Well we know that Evil!Kara is dying-that’s why they nabbed Kara.

This is a much better crossover and I’ve saved both to rewatch all four together tomorrow.

This was me when Prometheus took off his hood: TOMMYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess I’ll be the dissenter again, but I thought Evil!Oliver and Evil!Kara have decent chemistry. But I did laugh when Kara said “Gross!” when Evil!Oliver revealed Evil!Kara was his wife and then Kara apologized to Oliver. 

So not only do we have Smallville’s Plastique as Barry and Iris’s daughter (She SO takes after Barry), but we have that fugly Lex Clone who was on Earth-X. This just makes me even more miffed that they won’t bring Rosenbaum or Welling in this universe.????

But my ??? for both Oliver and Felicity.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Is it called Earth X where X = the unknown?  Because otherwise it would just be Earth 10.

How is it that on Earth X they have both Kara and Oliver/Barry?  Does that mean that there is a Kara on our Earth too and they just haven't found her yet?

If the problem is EvilKara's blood cells, she doesn't need a heart transplant, she needs spleen and bone marrow.  They really are quite stupid on Earth X.

In spite of Bamford directing this, or maybe because of it, I didn't like the fight scenes in this part as much as in the first.  What was it with the slo mo as Oliver was knocked out? I also found it confusing as to which was the warehouse and which was Star Labs.

I still don't understand how NaziOliver could defeat Killer Frost.  Or how Metallo hit Oliver in the face and there was no bruise when they got to Earth X.

26 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Melissa as Evil Kara is just bad. Like cringe-y bad. Stephen as Evil Oliver reminds me of first season Oliver, wooden. They really shouldn't have made Evil Kara and Evil Oliver a couple, not because of any shipping thing but because they have no chem whatsoever. It might — and I can't believe I'm saying this — be even worse than Oliver/Laurel.

And that is why I really enjoyed it.  Let's emphasize how special SA/EBR are.

20 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I did almost turn off the TV after that first scene. First hero to die is a black guy? Ugh!

It reminded me of the LoT episode where Felicity was the Last Vigilante Standing and they killed her off before the credits.

13 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

I see the only thing James Bamford might like more then dark, shaky camera fight scenes, is putting the camera right above Caity Lotz's cleavage.

Does the new anti-harassment code cover this?

Edited by statsgirl
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7 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Rewatching and why was Oliver in the suit at the beginning in Starling City? I should suspend my disbelief I know, I know. 

Better question why were a bridesmaid and groomsmen last minute RSVPs? Like it's even a question at that point?

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Better question why were a bridesmaid and groomsmen last minute RSVPs? Like it's even a question at that point?

Yep and now I'm watching Barry and Oliver get fitted for tuxes the day before the wedding. Guess heroes are last minute experts. 

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

How is it that on Earth X they have both Kara and Oliver/Barry?  Does that mean that there is a Kara on our Earth too and they just haven't found her yet?

It could be that neither Kara's nor Clark's families realized that Krypton was dying and they never sent the kids away. Or they could have figured out what was wrong with Krypton and fixed it. Or they could have sent Kara and Clark somewhere else.

Edited by HunterHunted
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4 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

I will trade a kidney to see Mick move to Star City for the soul purpose of hanging out in the bunker and making fun of the newbies. 

He's ours!  You can't have him! 

10 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

So I don't watch LOT but this crossover kind of made me want to? I thought Mick was really funny tbh. He was great.

Mick is always awesome.  Purcell delivers every week.

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Just now, scarynikki12 said:

Mick is always awesome.  Purcell delivers every week.

I truly didn't know what to expect with him but I thought he was really good. 

Actually, I thought the Stein scenes were great too. 

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I love Felicity. She's probably my favourite character across all shows, and a large part of that is how Emily Bett Richards plays her.  But man, she gets more mumbly with each passing episode. I practically had to put on closed captioning to figure out what she was saying in her big talk with Oliver. 

Edited by Trisha
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10 minutes ago, ICantDoThatDave said:

It was like Supergirl knew she was on a TV show with all the posing she was doing.

Yeah, I was having a hard time trying to decide if Melissa's posturing or the horrific wig on Caity's stunt double took me out of the action scenes more.

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3 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I love Felicity. She's probably my favourite character across all shows, and a large part of that is how Emily Bett Richards plays her.  But man, she gets more mumbly with each passing episode. I practically had to put on closed captioning to figure out what she was saying in her big talk with Oliver. 

I recommend closed captioning as long as you don’t mind occasionally having a text box cover someone’s face. Being hearing impaired, I always have it on, and I’m sure I would have no idea what Felicity is ever saying without it. 

The misspellings are sometimes amusing, and occasionally it’s like whoever’s doing the transcribing just gives up mid sentence. I’m glad I’m not completely deaf, or I would spend a good portion of my TV time just completely confused. 

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There are some parts I don't like about the Nazi part like why even have them when this story could have been done without or comparing Nazi Oliver to hitler. I also hated seeing Guardian die by a Nazi's hand. Just no.

However, I did like seeing Iris wearing that dress and Barry meeting his and Iris's future daughter. I can't wait to see her twin. I also loved everything that was Olicity. I can't believe we are getting a build up to their wedding. Seriously, I am just happy to see they are actually making the impromptu Olicity wedding mean a lot more than we thought.  

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In fact, I found all of the scenes when they were Nazis to be painfully bad. MB was the worst, IMO. So wooden. And I'm still wondering why the villains had to be Nazis in the first place.

Melissa was great as red Kryptonite Supergirl in season one but for some reason she isn't as convincing as Overgirl. 

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1 minute ago, Oreo2234 said:

Melissa was great as red Kryptonite Supergirl in season one but for some reason she isn't as convincing as Overgirl. 

I think maybe she and SA are going for cold fish villain stuff? No empathy, no kindness, soulless?

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5 minutes ago, Oreo2234 said:

Melissa was great as red Kryptonite Supergirl in season one but for some reason she isn't as convincing as Overgirl. 

Yeah. I found myself cringing a lot. 

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Some people on Twitter and Tumblr are saying this is Oliver and Felicity arriving in Central City. There's a shot of Waverider flying off just before this shot and you can see Supergirl flying through a breach. I mean, Oliver did show up later on his motorcycle (why didn't he just ask Barry or Supergirl to carry him, LOL)


Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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4 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Some people on Twitter and Tumblr are saying this is Oliver and Felicity arriving in Central City. There's a shot of Waverider flying off just before this shot and you can see Supergirl flying through a breach. I mean, Oliver did show up later on his motorcycle (why didn't he just ask Barry or Supergirl to carry him, LOL)


I don’t think they would have the motorcycle in that scene if it wasn’t Oliver and Felicity. That’s the guest arriving for the wedding scene. Plus, you can sort of see Felicity’s hair. 

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I'm not sure what was up with Caity's stunt double. She was driving me nuts on both episodes. Most of what she did was needlessly her. I couldn't even enjoy the fights because if it. I pretty much just enjoyed Oliver & Felicity, Iris &Felicity and Mick. Stein and Jax but I think that was just on Supergirl. 

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Can we get a Heatwave spinoff starring Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory already? 



Who do I have to kill? 


ETA: Seriously, we've got a ton of shows about heroes now, how about Mick returns to his thuggish roots, steals the Waverider's time shuttle thingy, and flits around space and time committing all kinds of wacky heists. His "villains of the week" could be other villains, or other heroes. How much fun could that be? :)

Edited by Cthulhudrew
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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So not only do we have Smallville’s Plastique as Barry and Iris’s daughter (She SO takes after Barry), but we have that fugly Lex Clone who was on Earth-X. This just makes me even more miffed that they won’t bring Rosenbaum or Welling in this universe.????

But my ??? for both Oliver and Felicity.


Thank you!  I was trying to place the waitress.  

1 hour ago, calliope1975 said:

Rewatching and why was Oliver in the suit at the beginning in Starling City? I should suspend my disbelief I know, I know. 

He is taking over until Diggle is able to be the GA again.  So except for fighting random ninjas, it's all on the up and up. 

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Is it called Earth X where X = the unknown?  Because otherwise it would just be Earth 10.


Maybe it's because nobody wants to go there and they just put a big X through that earth as a warning?  Wells did say it was the 53rd earth so not 10

45 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I love Felicity. She's probably my favourite character across all shows, and a large part of that is how Emily Bett Richards plays her.  But man, she gets more mumbly with each passing episode. I practically had to put on closed captioning to figure out what she was saying in her big talk with Oliver. 

I had the CC on from the first scene on.  Everybody mumbles on these shows.  So much growling.   

16 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Some people on Twitter and Tumblr are saying this is Oliver and Felicity arriving in Central City. There's a shot of Waverider flying off just before this shot and you can see Supergirl flying through a breach. I mean, Oliver did show up later on his motorcycle (why didn't he just ask Barry or Supergirl to carry him, LOL)


I saw it when I was first watching, but then I couldn't figure out where they put the luggage. 

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1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Melissa as Evil Kara is just bad. Like cringe-y bad. Stephen as Evil Oliver reminds me of first season Oliver, wooden. They really shouldn't have made Evil Kara and Evil Oliver a couple, not because of any shipping thing but because they have no chem whatsoever. It might — and I can't believe I'm saying this — be even worse than Oliver/Laurel. 

It was weirdly like brother and sister kissing. Bleah. 

Evil Kara's not great, but both Karas reminded me that I'm glad I gave up Supergirl. I remember in the beginning of Supergirl, so much of her personality seemed like a watered down Felicity to me, and that comparison came back to me during this crossover. And while it was sweet that they had her sing at the wedding, I don't know what kind of show has MB over Victor Garber and Jesse L. Martin singing a duet. 

Also, I thought the direction on the first ep was way better than the second ep. I will never understand why Bamford is so bad at directing fight scenes (y'know, other than his absolute lack of experience in directing...).  When I can't tell who is fighting who or what they're doing, that's on the direction. I don't need the camera angle from someone crouched down on the ground. 

Finally, I'm glad they decided on a few key interactions to focus on throughout the crossover (so far) -- Oliver and Felicity, Jax and Stein, Sara and Alex -- but I'm surprised that they left out Ray from the wedding, since he and Barry and the Flash team actually met repeatedly. I am interested about how they'll incorporate everyone else... although there's already too much Curtis for my taste. 

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3 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Small nitpick: if they are showing all the heroes and what they do best, why didn't they have Black Canary hit Evil Arrow with a cry?

I’m glad they didn’t. I’ve had enough canary cries through the first 7 episodes of this season until after the mid season break. 

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6 minutes ago, popgoesculture said:

Also, I thought the direction on the first ep was way better than the second ep. I will never understand why Bamford is so bad at directing fight scenes (y'know, other than his absolute lack of experience in directing...).  When I can't tell who is fighting who or what they're doing, that's on the direction. I don't need the camera angle from someone crouched down on the ground. 

Yes, i agree, the direction style and drop in quality was really obvious between Supergirl and Arrow.  I mean, don't get me wrong, the endless montages on the first hour were overdone but  in general, the first episode had a cinematic feel and the fight at the church was really well done (apart from the horrific wig on Sara's stunt double). 

Actually, the only thing I liked about the fights in the Arrow hour was when Oliver was concussed and everything was muffled and dizzy.  I liked that shot even if it didn't show much of the fighting, but nothing else was special.  Oliver tieing up a building was absurd.  Let's not even talk about his plan working or not, how about where did he get all the wire? And how did arrows secure into iron beams?  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Ranking the ‘Bad’ preformances, I would say CD did the best in his brief cameo, than MB. Thwane was cartoonishly over the top and SA was doing his worst S1 acting. I was cringing so hard at their interactions. MB just seemed subdued/bored but she managed to have some decent moments. I think they should have changed their looks for the characters, given Kara a new hairstyle, add a scar to SA or something to help. I also wish they had really embraced being completely different characters and changed walks, mannerisms, vocals, etc.

Felicity should have counterpart, like a Resistance fighter counterpart. EBR could pull out a supersized version of HallucinationGothFelicity. IMO she nailed playing a dual persona.

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32 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Can we get a Heatwave spinoff starring Dominic Purcell as Mick Rory already? 



Who do I have to kill? 


ETA: Seriously, we've got a ton of shows about heroes now, how about Mick returns to his thuggish roots, steals the Waverider's time shuttle thingy, and flits around space and time committing all kinds of wacky heists. His "villains of the week" could be other villains, or other heroes. How much fun could that be? :)

I would watch that all day long. 

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So this was fun. More angsty and with fewer drunken hookups than the first part, though that said, I admit I'm kinda struggling to remember which scene happened in which episode. But still, fun. 

Good things:

1. The Star Wars trailers!!!!!!  Oh, man, I really have to wait three more weeks for this? 

2. Mick. I have decided that all four shows need more Mick.

3. Mick and Killer Frost. Everyone, we may finally have solved Caitlin's love life at last! 

4. Tommy's back! And....Tommy's not back!  Still, great scene between the two, even if this leaves me deeply saddened that we never really got to see Evil Tommy on Arrow.

5. The Jax/Stein scene was really great.

6. Felicity/Iris friendship scenes! More of this please!

7. "Just a quick reminder. Superspeed. I don't have it." I laughed. Even if this does seem a bit unkind to Oliver's motorcycle.

8. Kara being all squicked at Evil Oliver and Evil Kara's marriage was hilarious - as was her attempt to apologize to Oliver for it.

9. Although this did mean that Supergirl didn't really feel like Supergirl (Arrow felt a bit more like Arrow, thanks largely to the Olicity scene and the decision to, sigh, have the big fight scene in a warehouse), and even though both episodes still felt seriously overcrowded, I think that the focus on just a couple of characters from each show has really helped the overall flow of the crossovers this year: they feel a little less like individual episodes - and this episode, unlike last year's Arrow episode, felt a little less like an interruption 

10. Since neither one of them seemed to have time to go home and change, I admit that I love the implication that Caitlin and Iris have just started keeping spare clothing around at Star Labs, and were more than willing to let Felicity scrounge up another outfit.  (I can't see her managing the rehearsal dress, the bridesmaid dress AND her outfit in this episode on Oliver's motorcycle, especially since he brought his tux.)

11. "If I had a dime for every time I thought I'd die....I'd have $2.40."  Heh. Maybe consider putting a higher price on those thoughts, Felicity.

Questionable things:

1. The Subaru commercials.  I mean, the charity aspect is nice but I'm not sure I want to buy a Subaru.

2. Uh, how did Oliver get a Kryptonite arrow? For that matter, how did he get Kryptonite? Arrow and Flash have only mentioned Bruce Wayne/Batman, not Superman, so this Earth shouldn't have Kryptonite, right? And is this really something that he carries around with his normal arrows just in case an evil Supergirl shows up?

3. Why does anyone bother asking any Oliver on any Earth not to brood? This is his default status.

4. Knocking out Cisco and sending the Legends ship back to the Stone Age, conveniently preventing Our Heroes from Tracking and Doing Things, but somehow not preventing them from creating Kryptonite arrows. Oh, shows.

5. I liked the Oliver/Felicity scene here much more than the one in the Supergirl part - for one, it made sense for Oliver to bring this up just then, rather than at someone else's rehearsal dinner (where it smacked of "hey, we need to introduce this plot for the crossover episodes and at least our characters are together here plus this way Barry and Iris will know about it without us having to waste screentime on explaining that later").  And for another, I liked that they actually paused to talk about at least some of their issues. But it also reminded me of some of my least favorite plot lines from season four. Can't we bury those plot lines and forget about them forever, shows?

6. I know I just said that I really liked the Felicity/Iris friendship scenes, and I did, but seriously, shows, if you're going to put Iris into these crossover episodes, use her as more than just a sounding board for people. We've seen her directing Team Flash all season; why wasn't she helping direct Our Heroes as they went after Nazis?

7. I feel impelled to take back every nice thing I've ever said about Team New Arrows. Great to see them finally getting to punch Oliver - well, an Oliver - back. But dudes. Even ignoring for a moment that you are all under some sort of FBI investigation, meaning that this is probably not the best time to be running off to Central City, and even ignoring for another moment that you all ignored Felicity's express orders to stay in Star City and look for Nazis, wow, are you all kinda useless. Dinah, you have a Canary Cry. Why weren't you using that against Evil Oliver? Curtis, Wild Dog, you....you guys were both there.

On a related note, "We want lots of people on the Waverider tomorrow!" is not really a narrative reason to have Team New Arrows show up. 

8. The important question: what happened to Oliver's motorcycle? He drove it to the warehouse. I'm assuming the Nazis didn't bring it to Earth X. Please tell me someone back at Star Labs will have the common sense to make sure that the motorcycle gets properly locked up in his absence!  He's already having problems making bail on his own! He can't afford to replace expensive motorcycles! THIS IS IMPORTANT, SHOWS! FOCUS ON IT!

9. So, Mick erased everyone's memories of the wedding excitements, allowing everyone to keep their secret identities - but surely they'll remember that something went really badly at the wedding, right? And that the Greatest American Priest is now no longer with us?

10. I know Arrow likes to have everything happen at night, but what exactly were those construction workers doing in the dark? Especially since this was in Central City, not Star City!

11. Given how effective Kara's big clap thing was in the first part of the show, why didn't she use it again in the second part?  

12. We are going to get an explanation for why Evil Kara is all Filled With Evil Sunshine even though she's from a planet with a red sky, right?

Sorry. I forget which shows we're discussing here. Carry on!

Bad things:

1. The Black Lightning trailers. Good grief, CW. I realize that promotion is not your thing, but you cannot seriously put those next to or near the Star Wars trailers and expect us to tune into Black Lightning - and I want to see Black Lightning! I'm your target audience, watching your major crossover episodes! PROMO ME. 

1. Bamford, it's not that I don't appreciate cleavage, or Caity Lotz' cleavage, but maybe move the camera around to other places on occasion. Just a suggestion. While we're at it, try lifting the camera up from the floor unless you have a narrative purpose to put it there. 

2. You know, when the Supergirl part of the crossover episode opened up just outside a warehouse, I thought, well, that's a nice homage to the way these shows are obsessed with warehouses. When Barry and Iris chose to have their rehearsal dinner at Jitters because no one could free up the budget to film at a hotel, like, SERIOUSLY, SHOWS, I told myself, well, maybe they want to celebrate their rehearsal dinner in a place where they have warm memories of falling in love. That's nice. Sad that I have to headcanon around the fact that these shows could not be bothered to get a new set for this, but nice. When the superheroes chose to stay at the Star Labs sets I said, well, at least Bamford is using relatively normal camera movements here and this way we can be spared his attempts to make wide shots with the wrong lens (speaking too early here, but moving on).

When Our Heroes and the Nazis ended up in Arrow's favorite warehouse (with some of the props from previous episodes), and worse, started flying around inside the warehouse instead of flying through the warehouse, I could only go back to my standard response: RELEASE THE BUDGET, BERLANTI. 

3. I like Melissa Benoist, and I've enjoyed her performance as Supergirl, but....she's really not great at playing evil, is she?  Having her right next to Amell and Cavanagh who can play evil really did her no favors there. Just as well we presumably only have two more episodes of this to go, which will hopefully include more of her as Kara.

4. I know the actual answer to this is "For production reasons, and actor scheduling reasons," but since Eobard Thawne had no problems appearing with the face of Matt Letscher before this, why the sudden insistence on looking like Wells? "I really liked using that face in season one" is not going to cut it for me, show. And for that matter, given that Thawne has now been killed off on Flash and Legends of Tomorrow why is he even here?  Especially given that the crossovers had an uncomplicated way of handling the production/scheduling reasons: just say that Reverse-Flash killed Wells and took over his identity over on Earth-X as well! You're already telling us that two Kryptons exploded and sent little Karas to two Earths, so this is really not that much of a stretch.

And on a related note, why is Thawne working with Nazis? I know he's anti-Barry, but he never needed Nazis to fight Barry before this!

5. (This may have been in the Supergirl part) Sending Wally off again, after Earth X James got killed off in about five seconds? Twitch.

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4 minutes ago, quarks said:

Even ignoring for a moment that you are all under some sort of FBI investigation

Except Curtis, remember. He can do whatever he wants. But Rene and Dinah, who work in City Hall and at the SCPD, yeah, their absences will be obvious. Is Lance going around covering for them?

Speaking of Lance, I wonder if he even knows his daughter who’s alive is back in this time. 

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Night one was pretty, pretty cool! I think Tom Cavanaugh has the most fun evilling up (10% less brooding - lol) - I enjoy all his Wells configurations. Of the rest, I thought Tommy was the only one who was effective, at least until Stephen Amell turned it up at the end. He did a great job playing against himself.

For Oliver and Felicity, I agree the show hasn’t clearly set this up but it isn’t super out of character.  As others said, when Oliver commits to a course of action, he commits - you know he has their kids named. I’m not surprised that he wants to get married now now now. For Felicity this season, she is is so overtly happy with where they are at but there have been minor, minor signs of her concern, that if the wind blows the wrong way at the wrong time, it’s over. Like when she asked Oliver if beginning over was what he really wanted or when she asked if he minded that she came to see William while he was vacationing with Slade. If you don’t disturb the water, everything remains perfect.  I’m glad she was allowed to articulate her feelings rather than someone speaking for her for once. 

On to more pressing concerns, Kara’s ripping her shirt open to reveal the super family crest reminds me I would fail as a superhero. One, it took me 10 minutes to unzip my jacket tonight, I cannot lie.  And two, I’d forget my super strength and tear it to shreds. 

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