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Evelyn & David: Who Let Them in Here?

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On 11/14/2017 at 8:49 PM, Matias130 said:

For the 

I am Ashkenazi Jewish and all of the female in my family have had either breast or ovarian cancer. None of them ever ate or even heard of Hebrew National hot dogs, we grew up in Eastern Europe and didnt even have access to the many different kinds of processed junk one can find here. There is no increase in the amount of soy in "kosher" processed products vs non-kosher, it's all the same junk. 

FTR, Hebrew National is NOT kosher. It is only a misunderstanding that it is kosher; it has not been accepted as kosher by orthodox Rabbis.

It was not my intention to state that there was more soy in kosher  food than non kosher food.  It’s in most packaged foods, unfortunately, which I was bemoaning. Since Jewish people are unfortunately at higher risk for certain cancers, I was saying it’s especially unfortunate that there’s just as much junk ingredients in kosher foods.  I have ovarian cancer myself and no Jewish ancestry that I’m aware of, and I am trying to avoid soy. If I’m going to eat a hot dog, I’d have been likely to choose a Hebrew National one over most other commercial brands. I was pissed it had soy in it. It’s my belief, and yet not quite proven by medical establishment that soy feeds some cancers.  Of course, as you mentioned, many members of your family got breast or ovarian cancer without eating any foods containing soy,  I also get your point that some so called kosher food may not be kosher enough for orthodox sects.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Quof said:

A wedding reception is essentially a big dinner party.  You wouldn't invite people to your house for dinner and serve them a lesser quality meal than the one you are eating at the head of the table.  You also wouldn't invite one half of a couple, because you only know or like one of them.  You most certainly wouldn't expect your dinner guests to pay for their own alcohol.    A good host doesn't do those things. 


  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

It was not my intention to state that there was more soy in kosher  food than non kosher food.  It’s in most packaged foods, unfortunately, which I was bemoaning. Since Jewish people are unfortunately at higher risk for certain cancers, I was saying it’s especially unfortunate that there’s just as much junk ingredients in kosher foods.  I have ovarian cancer myself and no Jewish ancestry that I’m aware of, and I am trying to avoid soy. If I’m going to eat a hot dog, I’d have been likely to choose a Hebrew National one over most other commercial brands. I was pissed it had soy in it. It’s my belief, and yet not quite proven by medical establishment that soy feeds some cancers.  Of course, as you mentioned, many members of your family got breast or ovarian cancer without eating any foods containing soy,  I also get your point that some so called kosher food may not be kosher enough for orthodox sects.

Ha.  Previously TV forums....the place to debate over soy in kosher foods!  

No darespect.  It just struck me as funny. 

  • Love 4
Just now, Meowwww said:

Ha.  Previously TV forums....the place to debate over soy in kosher foods!  

No darespect.  It just struck me as funny. 

It was kind of off topic, but someone posted a picture of a packet of Hebrew National hot dogs. A poster not from the US or not familiar with the product asked what they were after a poster commented on how unadventurous eaters some Americans were after some people at a cookout refused to try them because they were too exotic. 

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I’ll cut David some slack for English not being his first language. Evelyn may be somewhat fluent in French, so learning Spanish may not be too hard for her. Most of the American fiancés probably do not speak a word of their foreign fiancé’s language and likely won’t learn.  

Can you picture David Poor trying to learn Thai (other than asking for a Singha beer) or Josh learning to speak Tagalog?  Same thing for Nicole even learning French or Molly learning Spanish.  They are all fortunate their fiancés speak English well enough.

  • Love 2

How could Evelyn NOT be a virgin under the circumstances she was raised in? Private Christian school, family band, chaperones on camp trips, etc.  She’s 18, and a lot of folks are still virgins at 18.  It’s a much bigger deal if she still would have been in her mid to upper 20s or 30s. Anyway, I hope they can make a happy marriage. They’re both smug/arrogant, which I don’t like and both as stubborn as hell. 

  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

How could Evelyn NOT be a virgin under the circumstances she was raised in? Private Christian school, family band, chaperones on camp trips, etc.  She’s 18, and a lot of folks are still virgins at 18.  It’s a much bigger deal if she still would have been in her mid to upper 20s or 30s. Anyway, I hope they can make a happy marriage. They’re both smug/arrogant, which I don’t like and both as stubborn as hell. 

True. I didn't lose my virginity until I was in my 20s. And I wasn't religious.

  • Love 3
32 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

True. I didn't lose my virginity until I was in my 20s. And I wasn't religious.

Sex is a grown up activity.  Ideally, nobody should be engaging in sex until they are ready and know how to protect themselves against the consequences.  My advice to young people is this.  Be sure you’re ready, use protection, and be sure you know what it means to you and your partner. But understand one thing, they have never made a condom or other birth control device to protect you from getting your feelings or heart hurt.  Not everyone is ready at 18, and some  maybe haven't even yet met anyone they want to have relations with.

  • Love 12

This show is obviously semi-scripted and heavily edited and everyone from Season 3 on has to know it. If they didn't do their research, that's on them. Some of the Season 2 cast mates were filming when Season 1 cast mates divulged being mislead, so I give them a pass. Regarding Evelyn specifically, she's the one who said obnoxious things like "Fun fact: there's no European dream." I know it wasn't scripted because this shows writers suck too bad.

Fun Fact: Others are allowed opinions. Mine is that she's obnoxious and she's on the show to advertise her music, and many of us think it's awful. 

  • Love 14

Oh, without a doubt. I think Evelyn even said as much in the first episode. She’s definitely doing this to promote the band.  I think with a vocal coach, sound engineer, and someone who knows how to shoot /produce videos would help the band a lot. Her warbling and caterwauling is not appealing at all, but there is some potential there. 

  • Love 2
On 11/16/2017 at 6:26 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

It was not my intention to state that there was more soy in kosher  food than non kosher food.  It’s in most packaged foods, unfortunately, which I was bemoaning. Since Jewish people are unfortunately at higher risk for certain cancers, I was saying it’s especially unfortunate that there’s just as much junk ingredients in kosher foods.  I have ovarian cancer myself and no Jewish ancestry that I’m aware of, and I am trying to avoid soy. If I’m going to eat a hot dog, I’d have been likely to choose a Hebrew National one over most other commercial brands. I was pissed it had soy in it. It’s my belief, and yet not quite proven by medical establishment that soy feeds some cancers.  Of course, as you mentioned, many members of your family got breast or ovarian cancer without eating any foods containing soy,  I also get your point that some so called kosher food may not be kosher enough for orthodox sects.

Yes, sorry about the misunderstanding ! I think I had read your previous comment the wrong way. 

FTR, I have been to quite a few weddings and have never seen a wedding cake, or any food,being  reserved solely for the "wedding party", which in Evelyn's views, closest buddies. If the other 130 guests aren't allowed to partake in the same meal/dessert as the wedding party, and I was in that crowd, I would take my gift back on the way out ! 

Most grocery stores can make a cake for cheaper than those cute little bakeries. Plus everyone's doing the cupcake thing now, whch is economical and everyone loves cupcakes, although not "traditional".  If you're on a budget like these 2 are, you gotta compromise. However that will take quite a while and these 2 just dont seem ready for the reality of the world yet... David is broke apparantly ?! Evelyn alluded that due to the unpredicatble nature of waiting for the K1 visa, he couldnt find a job in Spain after finishing college. Well, thats lovely. I really hope their parents will not mind footing the bill for a while, or at least that they will be frugal with the TLC paychecks. 

I hate that I'm agreeing with the twit, but I'm with her on the apt (looks more like a house or duplex). I LOVE old homes, antiques, vintage anything. Free heat is a big deal in northern climates. But if their budget is $900 max, and this place is $1200, the $3600 at year difference seems high even with free heat. Since they would pay electric, free heat would likely be natural gas, which wouldn't be $3600 a season. If it included ALL utilities, $1200 would be a great deal for a big apt like that. 

  • Love 3

These two are annoying enough that they didn't need a fake storyline of him wanting to be in Virginia. Obviously, she would have told him she didn't plan to leave Claremont way before now, because the entire back and forth has been contrived and forced. She comes across as childish and spoiled, and he comes across as stupid and an asshole. They're not actors; no one on this show it, and it makes it a chore for me to get through.

It was funny though, when they were driving to the recording studio and David asked her to sing what she was going to later, and she said for him to wait. Then, when she started caterwauling, he broke into a laugh before catching himself and turning it into a smile. It was probably the first time he heard her sing without the adjustments being made.

  • Love 5

Where does Family Evelyn's income derive from? 




All that I can find on the parent s is this prolife protest against Planned Parenthood. Wouldn't you think that the local paper would do a story about thew family?  


update - her Dad works in a machine shop. Hopefully HD makes enough to feed David for 90 days!

Edited by spankydoll
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, BeachyWave said:

Perhaps one parent has a small inheritance, a trust fund, or inherited some real estate. Just a little can keep people afloat. Even if family gave them the house, a bit of work would make up the difference.

I’m thinking one of the Parents inherited the property. Real estate in New England is notoriously expensive.  So, unless Father Evelyn has a union job so he makes a decent wage, I don’t see how they would have the funds to send Evelyn and her brother to a private Christian school and have their traveling minstrel show and all the expenses that entails.

1 minute ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I’m thinking one of the Parents inherited the property. Real estate in New England is notoriously expensive.  So, unless Father Evelyn has a union job so he makes a decent wage, I don’t see how they would have the funds to send Evelyn and her brother to a private Christian school and have their traveling minstrel show and all the expenses that entails.

I looked at the website for the Christian school they attended and the tuition seemed pretty reasonable. about $5K per year for grades 6-12.  

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I looked at the website for the Christian school they attended and the tuition seemed pretty reasonable. about $5K per year for grades 6-12.  

Did I miss something on that school's website? Generally, private schools list the faculty and each faculty member's educational/professional background. I couldn't find that. Maybe they use the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) program, which doesn't require any teachers because the program consists entirely of workbooks the students complete on their own in while sitting in a cubicle in the classroom. Schools that use ACE typically just have a "monitor" in each classroom. They don't do any teaching.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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13 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Did I miss something on that school's website? Generally, private schools list the faculty and each faculty member's educational/professional background. I couldn't find that. Maybe they use the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) program, which doesn't require any teachers because the program consists entirely of workbooks the students complete on their own in while sitting in a cubicle in the classroom. Schools that use ACE typically just have a "monitor" in each classroom. They don't do any teaching.

I don't think they're ACE.  They seem to be ACSI.  They are considered "unaccredited," so they probably don't have strict educational requirements for teachers.  That's why 18-year-old Evelyn is their "French teacher."

  • Love 3

I looked at the school’s website as well. I think the kids there have actual teachers.  Not sure what they encourage regarding girls to learn math and science, but many of their grads attend mainstream universities.  

Evelyn seems to aspire to being a homemaker along with her minstrel show. Nothing wrong with being a homemaker or a SAHM, but I’d rather see it as a conscious choice, not simply being  the only choice, as many conservative religious groups subscribe to.  Maybe Evelyn figures her music is her vocation and she’s set her course already.  Most artists and musicians have a day job to support their hobby.  

Our fresh faced young ingenue hasn’t yet realized the shit show that real life can throw a person, and being religious is no guarantee that you will not have trials in your life.  She’s in for a rude awakening on a lot of fronts, particularly when she realizes there’s no bottomless hunny pot, and money only goes so far after bills and insurance.  

  • Love 9
On 10/23/2017 at 11:13 PM, bethster2000 said:

Her Instagram is so curated, it could easily be mistaken for an issue of Real Simple.

I hate IG accounts like that.

Her almost-constant look on her face is, "Twee!  Aren't I just a special something?"  Manic pixie dream girl with a dash of fundie freak.

I just listened to her on one of her IG posts. It is patently awful. Just awful. Much worse than anything she has on YouTube.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I looked at the school’s website as well. I think the kids there have actual teachers.  Not sure what they encourage regarding girls to learn math and science, but many of their grads attend mainstream universities.  

Evelyn seems to aspire to being a homemaker along with her minstrel show. Nothing wrong with being a homemaker or a SAHM, but I’d rather see it as a conscious choice, not simply being  the only choice, as many conservative religious groups subscribe to.  Maybe Evelyn figures her music is her vocation and she’s set her course already.  Most artists and musicians have a day job to support their hobby.  

Our fresh faced young ingenue hasn’t yet realized the shit show that real life can throw a person, and being religious is no guarantee that you will not have trials in your life.  She’s in for a rude awakening on a lot of fronts, particularly when she realizes there’s no bottomless hunny pot, and money only goes so far after bills and insurance.  

It is wise to have a Plan B. Get some sort of marketable skill so if life does throw some curveballs - job loss, getting sick, being in an accident, someone steps out of the marriage, etc., things can get bleak very quickly. Not being qualified for any sort of job is plain stupid. Always rely on yourself so if something hits the fan, you have some options.

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I looked at the website for the Christian school they attended and the tuition seemed pretty reasonable. about $5K per year for grades 6-12.  

I am constantly reminded of how low the cost of living is where I am. The #1 private school in our area, which goes from pre-k to 12 and is actually part of the nearby state university, costs exactly $2,500 per year. My mom lives in the biggest and most expensive house (so far, anyway) in our county. It is 5,100 sq. ft., has 5 bedrooms and 4 baths, and 63 acres. She bought it 2 years ago for $210,000. Cheap to live here; the drawback is that there aren't any actual jobs...

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Omg she's so bad!  Just the look on David's face said it all!

All I could think of when she was singing  was 'make it stop'!

That crooning she was doing made her sound like a hound dog baying..two words, Evelyn: vocal coach.  Child, you’re going to stress out your vocal cords.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

That crooning she was doing made her sound like a hound dog baying..two words, Evelyn: vocal coach.  Child, you’re going to stress out your vocal cords.

I don't mind the falsetto so much or the breathlessness of her voice. When she gets really low, however, it's kind of jarring. It REALLY aggravates my cats. If they're anywhere near my computer, they make a run for it every time. 

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I looked at the school’s website as well. I think the kids there have actual teachers.  Not sure what they encourage regarding girls to learn math and science, but many of their grads attend mainstream universities.  

Evelyn seems to aspire to being a homemaker along with her minstrel show. Nothing wrong with being a homemaker or a SAHM, but I’d rather see it as a conscious choice, not simply being  the only choice, as many conservative religious groups subscribe to.  Maybe Evelyn figures her music is her vocation and she’s set her course already.  Most artists and musicians have a day job to support their hobby.  

Our fresh faced young ingenue hasn’t yet realized the shit show that real life can throw a person, and being religious is no guarantee that you will not have trials in your life.  She’s in for a rude awakening on a lot of fronts, particularly when she realizes there’s no bottomless hunny pot, and money only goes so far after bills and insurance.  

If you believe the Bible, being a Christian is a guarantee that you will have trials in your life:

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will[d] have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. " - James 1:2-4

Evelyn does has something of a day job teaching at the school.  She is only 18 and still living at home, so it is quite possible she plans to find a better paying day job, or a 2nd job once she moves out on her own, especially until David is able to work.  

If the school's graduates are attending mainstream universities, they are probably doing a better job educating their students than the average public school does.  Some public schools are great, some are OK, but many are absolute trash.  

I don't think Evelyn's church is all that "fundamentalist" in the sense that people think of that word.  I was listening to one of the sermons online and the pastor actually said that he didn't grow up in an Evangelical church (which is what Calvary Baptist labels itself), but in a fundamentalist church, and said those can be extreme.   Of course, I think he is using the popular definition of "fundamentalist", rather than the historical one (which pretty much includes all Evangelical churches and any church that believes strongly in certain fundamentals of the faith).   But, the point is, the pastor made a point of their church not being an extreme fundamentalist church.  

From the little I have looked at, it seems to be a theologically a solidly conservative Evangelical church, with Reformed (Calvinist) leanings but not extreme ones.  

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

If you believe the Bible, being a Christian is a guarantee that you will have trials in your life:

Thanks. I didn’t remember the actual verses.   And I’m definitely having trials right now,  with my health, medical bills, and being unable to work., Husband unemployed long term, but it’s been a huge blessing to have him care for me and take me to all my appointments and sit with me during chemo.  Life can really suck sometimes, and leaning on faith has really helped me stay positive and thankful for what’s going right.  My response has me now on maintenance therapy to knock out what’s left, so I hope to return to work in a few months. 

I totally agree that Evelyn belongs more to a conservative / middle of the road evangelical church.  I’ve been to Fundamentalist (IFB) church services, full fledged yelling and screaming, and outright condemnation of anything remotely resembling fun.  Handholding and kissing were for married people and ladies were not allowed to wear pants.  And, any music with a beat was evil, even Christian rock. Funny how CCM is pretty cool now,  it it used to be so lame, now they have Christian death metal bands.  I’m totally not kidding, but since the growling Cookie Monster singing style of any death metal makes my ears bleed, I won’t be taking one for the team on this one. (I may be in my 50s,  but rock and metal are my jams, but not that genre).

Evelyn wears jeans, is allowed to date, wears bikinis, kisses David, and plays secular music. No way is she a Fundamentalist, or she wouldn’t be allowed by her parents or her church to do even ONE of these things, let alone all of them.  She’d be dressed in what we on the Duggar PTV pages, christened Fundy Misery Fashion. These poor girls never got the memo that modest dress doesn’t mean fugly or frumpy. Her Dave Grohl clone of a dad would be clean shaven and have no flowing locks. Evelyn wears nice clothes.  She’s got a nice figure that is proportionate to her measurements, so she should show it off while she’s still got it, and she’s notably one of the prettier women on the show.  Kirlyam takes the prize for the prettiest, but both girls have natural, unenhanced beauty.  No fillers,  surgery, fake boobs, fake butts (looking at you, Pao and Anfisa).

Even though I’ve dished out snark for what I believe to be her smug and condescending behavior, I’ll never say she’s ugly or body shame her., and she’s got every right to believe as she chooses and do what’s right for her. Her singing isn’t  great, but it’s far from the worst I’ve heard and there’s lots of potential there if she got a vocal coach.  That breathy crooning last week sounded almost like she was baying at the moon, but it could sound lovely with proper training and coaching. 

  • Love 7
On ‎11‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 10:49 AM, AZChristian said:

I don't think they're ACE.  They seem to be ACSI.  They are considered "unaccredited," so they probably don't have strict educational requirements for teachers.  That's why 18-year-old Evelyn is their "French teacher."

I don't recall what the affiliation of the Christian school my brother in law went to last (one of several), but they were not accredited with anyone, and they allowed my late in-laws to teach elementary school kids. Neither of them had a high school diploma........

12 hours ago, PityFree said:

 It’s very sad that the 18 y.o who claims to be working as a singing coach really, really needs a singing coach. 

 Have we heard her speak French? I can only imagine how the 18 y.o. who claims to teach French actually speaks French. 

When I first heard that she was teaching French, the first thing that popped in to my head was "MAY..ALMO..PEGGY..HILL" (said very loudly).

  • Love 6

Not hating on Evelyn. She's adorable but could really be a knock out (not just physically) w/ a few small tweaks.

What I can't understand is her hideous sense of style. She has some cute pieces but wtf is she styling them that way. I get that she likes retro/vintage but she actually looks like a dumpster diver, and not in a good way. And she's channeling Karen Carpenter frfr...which is concerning.


Look at the shoes.



Why would she do her beautiful curly hair this way??



No words...



Shoes again. smh



She is swimming in this hideous little dress.



This is the late Karen Carpenter.

evelyn looks like karen c.jpg

Edited by balisticnikki
  • Love 7

I don't find her ugly.  She reminds me a lot of Meryl Davis, Olymic Ice Dancer.  Not homely, but not "conventionally" pretty.  She has a unique look.

But I do find the photo with the clothespins on the back of the dress photo a bit odd....and concerning.

Edited by funky-rat
Adjective Issues....
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